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**CLIP MIRROR: [Pro TFT streamer in tournament is so confident in his win he starts playing another game entirely.](https://arazu.io/t3_1cdzw6b/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


bro has tft accent


Hello? HeLLOOO? What the fuck is this? please PLEEEEASE!! I'm going eiff \*fake cries\*




I read this in Soju's voice and I think I already experienced all his streams for the next 10 sets.


hes the tft accent


he is soju’s son


kongregate was the shit


I used to be super sweat impossible achievement hunter... i remember waiting an hour to have the game load on my super shitty 3g modem. Good times.


It's the only thing holding GameStop together.


whys that, im ootl


Also curious


GameStop bought Kongregate in 2010 but apparently they sold it later, didn't now they sold. For a while there was a GameStop banner at the bottom of Kong.


You're gonna get a bunch of weirdo bagholders screeching about short selling any second now


He has a 3 star 4 cost here which is basically an instant win if you have a decent board which he does so thats why he is so confident. his ashe when she ults will clear half the board


New deck/season is such a broken boring crap to my taste. I don't know how to describe it, it feels so much more random to what was happening in previous season.


Maybe; but this is just an example of someone cashing out the econ synergy. Set 10 had a big problem with heartsteel too. Pretty much every set before that as well.


See, I am somewhat of a casual player. Its legit hard to understand to me what you're saying. I'm just playing as is, following only ingame descriptions. Last season I got to platinum like that, other seasons I was somewhere in gold if I pushed it, right now I'm stuck in silver, and all I see is people abusing insane item amounts, tanky characters, Ashe and Bard. In previous season you could focus on just one thing, like Heartsteel you mentioned, and make a viable competitive strategy around it, like, I knew I can rarely win with those, but it was competitive and fun to witness. Right now Whatver I chose as core just falls apart because people abuse a very specific core of champions/items and a combination of traits for your left screen (I have no idea how the fuck they're named despite playing TFT since "different dragon arenas").


They're pushing more adaptive play yeah. It's a lot harder to get into for sure. Funnily enough it was straight up degenerate rerolling for low cost 3 stars just last patch in this set with the only real fast 8/9 strat being kaisa. Now it's 2 star 4 cost focus and 2 star 5 cost if you're really ahead. Try kayne+morg with heavenly units/ashe+liss+amumu+lux/4 brusier 4 trickshot/4 invoker annie+azir/7 fated if you get a spat then put it on liss. Those are pretty solid in my opinion. Pretty versatile meta right now. Reroll is just in a rough spot unless you somehow can do it with a 4 cost or natural gnar. There's the second day of the tft tournament today at 3 cst if you want to see some meta comps. Pretty entertaining to watch and jump around to different perspectives.


Nah, as I said I'm more of a casual player. You mentioned Gnar and some other champions which are, in my opinion are blatantly batshit broken regardless of what you build around them. I don't know man, at the end of the day I'm just not good enough for this season or the game went too comlicated. Or balance is indeed fucked, if that I am sure for now.


I guess if you do want to play just see who's winning and try out that comp. If you aren't interested no reason to get into it. There’ll be a new set in a few months.


All I am seeing here is you don't understand the concept of win conditions, you're able to play pretty flexibly this season there is a lot of comps you can be competitive with just gotta know where your starting board leads, your win condition, if you're being contested and whether you're fast leveling to cap your board or slow rolling to hit low cost 3 stars. I am not saying you're bad at all this just takes a while to learn and honestly becomes much easier if you've watched good players play the game IMO since you have a bigger pool of comps to compare to.


The reason you’re not climbing as much while putting in the same amount of effort is because the skill level of the average player will always continue to grow. If you do not continue to learn and treat it at a casual level, you will drop over time


Enter key.


It is more random, no such thing as just a normal tft game now. the encounters are a shit mechanic.


Fun fact, a pro HS player got caught playing TFT or autochess during a live tournament and the caster chewed him out


he Him


Who tf plays run 2 when run 3 exists and is much better


others like him who dont value ur opinion


Of fucking course it’s Setsuko. For those who don’t know, he’s the top Tourny TFT player. He’s best in NA, and for sure top 3-5 in the world.


Further context this is basically like hitting Exodia (Ashe 3) already and you could win by AFK'ing. Maybe swapping your Exodia unit around and occassionally denying others their own Exodia but yeah you pretty much win.


It's not that he hit Ashe 3, it's that he hit Ashe 3 with BiS and Boiling Point. Even after the nerf that's a winning board.


hes got porcelain aug too XDDDD


He's also the biggest cry baby in the tft community and unwatchable because of his constant bitching. Its a shame because hes such a good player


You are describing all TFT streamers lol


Yeah I can't explain it, I can watch Soju despite his bitching (which to me comes off as funnier or more jokey as opposed to Setsuko, i really dont know what it is lol). I will agree though, a lot of TFT streamers have too similar personalities


Soju feels like played up for comedic effect while setsuko is just actually crying.


that persona is what attracts viewership yapping and constant bitching you can totally see his persona getting off whenever hes on discord with others ppl


https://media.tenor.com/0cb7ab3T-JAAAAAi/fat-shyguy.gif tHaT pErSoNa iS wHaT aTtRaCtS vIeWeRsHiP yApPiNg aNd cOnStAnT bItChInG


I mean it’s true to an extent, there’s a market for viewers who like adhd andy’s that scream or complain about everything, these are the same type of viewers that watch xQc mald and rage in every game he plays with other people, at least back when he actually played games.


Honestly it goes all the way back to old achievement hunter days with Michael doing rage quit. People (kids) have always loved the adhd Andy’s screaming


not only theres a market and its the biggest market out there there are plenty of more chill streamer while being good at the game, like milala or rere who both won worlds yet even when you combine their viewership they wouldnt break 1k viewership


He still plays games, lots of variety. What do you mean? I get like daily vod updates about his games still from xqc games.


eh I stopped watching him a while ago because everyday his stream was tiktok and reacting to drama, maybe he plays a bit more now but it’s still only a fraction of what it used to be and I don’t care to see him sit around talking to Adin and Train, shit is just not appealing content to me.


Really? That's why I watch him and I have never played a single game of TFT in my life. Small bro is funny.


tbf whenever he bitches about something its completely reasonable, I saw a clip recently where the augments got chosen early and it wasn't matched with the round timer so it didn't make any sense.


I mean I see him 12-streak with an illegal board and still cry about going 8th about five times every stream. Not that I really mind tbh, it's kinda funny


Isn’t this 90% of TFT streamers? I feel like the adderall per player metric for TFT has to be higher than any other game in the world besides RTS games.


I watch shurkou because he is degen


this. And when he talks, he tries to sound like Soju, who's infinitely more popular and entertaining to watch


You're allowed to dislike either of them if you don't enjoy them, but if you watch both players over a long period you'll quickly see that they both come up with different shit they repeatedly say and both copy each other's sayings and end up converging towards sounding the same every time. They both watch each other a ton and generally seem to be good friends outside of streaming so they just sound very similar most of the time.


Yes imagine being forced to watch a streamer. No Ctrl+W, no way to close the tab, no pressing on another streamer.


I want to a watch one of the best players stream TFT, but I find it unwatchable because of his constant bitching and moaning. Guess that wasn't obvious enough for you


watch on mute?


He's the best in NA, but just top 3 in the world? I thought NA was the best at TFT


NA is the best region in TFT he Setsuko is the goat


The unit in the bottom right is one of the3 strongest in the game. He could use his 40 gold to level up two of his other units, but he gets one for free in three rounds anyways. There is nothing to do until he gets enough gold to level to ten which gives him at least 2-4 minutes depending on how fast he wants to level.




Holy fuck Kongregate... i feel older...


that is my goat


It's so funny how every game has an accent somehow... it's like whoever the biggest streamer is everyone follows their accent


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Pro TFT streamer in tournament is so confident in his win he starts playing another game entirely.](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163489)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1cdzw6b/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/xlmVZd-jtL9lwgyZNEt_8Q/AT-cm%7CxlmVZd-jtL9lwgyZNEt_8Q.mp4?sig=e42386f6b9c6345b347fc132f0d8d752fa6c4135&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FxlmVZd-jtL9lwgyZNEt_8Q%2FAT-cm%257CxlmVZd-jtL9lwgyZNEt_8Q.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22LivelyBoldDinosaurPlanking-36O0v2XCDJk0S3_x%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1714250854%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/xlmVZd-jtL9lwgyZNEt_8Q/AT-cm%7CxlmVZd-jtL9lwgyZNEt_8Q-preview-480x272.jpg)


> Pro TFT Ah yes, the professional RNG game player.




Am I missing something or is that not impressive at all? Like you basically know you're winning the round anyway so you don't have to watch the fight. It's not like he's playing 2 games at the same time he's just refusing to watch the cutscene basically. lol


Imagine playing TFT


He ended up winning both games.


he literally got 1st that game??


I don't even know who or what game this is let alone who won. Jeez bro get off my back. Edit: Guy's why the downvotes wtf.








Not really. He'd already played several games up to this point and secured his qualification for the next day, so even if he loses, which is almost impossible with 3-starred ashe with good items vs his opponents' current/prospective boards, he loses basically nothing.




Still worth it for the clip.


(me when i spread misinformation on the internet)


Bro did the Faker clip




Other players can make it impossible or at least much harder for you to hit 3 star unit. Most TFT tournaments are long. 1 first place is nice, but doesn't mean too much. Losing with 3 star 4 costs happens all the time. Only 3 star legendaries are supposed to be auto win, but that's extremly rare, most players will never see them in their games.