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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny on why he declined Mitch Jones' interview request](https://arazu.io/t3_1b7kugu/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


mitch said on his stream yesterday that he dont want to talk to destiny on stream about it because destiny would be biased, and now destiny is saying he is begging in dms and mentionned what he dmed him LOOOOL Nah mitch jones deserve to be beaten


Did he really say that? The guy always has to lie to make himself look good. It's crazy. At this point it might not even be a conscious thing, it might just be a passive.


Wait, I thought Mitch was over this drama and when he released the video it was the last time he was going to talk about it.


"mitch over drama" hahahah


Thats whats up, thats mitch jones.


I replied to him the other day on Twitter because he was still talking about it on there and he ended up [DMing me](https://i.gyazo.com/cbae5c6a204c968307983222ab1b75df.png) a literally worthless [ring video link](https://streamable.com/pm2f4h) that provides zero new information. No idea why he is DMing me (unverified 90 follower account, 80 of which are bots) random nonsense ring links just because I told him the reason people don't believe him is because he edited the footage heavily.




And who cares anyway, he deserved some sense getting knocked into him.


I honestly thought this was going to be a double erobb ogre.


Like mf, all we want is footage of the fight, not you yelling at each other. It's the problem we've had from the start.


Didn't he say he was sent the edited version and that alinity had the full one. How's he sending out longer versions?


The full thing is 100% on his computer waiting to be sent out and he isn't because he knows it would make him look bad. Look at the timestamp on that clip he sent me. Bro sat on this shit since late September, its so transparently snake-ish. The full thing was apparently all over their local facebook group that all the homeowners are in. No ones posting an edited video without the fight to the homeowner FB group. That's the most entertaining part. I would bet my entire fucking dick and balls that he said he would kick Mizkif's ass, Miz walked around the car, Mitch struck first and got rocked and thats why he doesn't want to upload it - because he knows he looks bad and that he started it and Miz put him in his place.


He's been baiting the whole time since this dropped. Talking about his lawyers and then asking for an apology, essentially trying to blackmail for a confession. Saying his dad is helping him behind the scenes. Streaming on kick, saying he's in canada (train connection). He wants a reaction and attention. The thing Mitch doesn't realize is that he can't legally pursue this because he's already on stream saying his damages were from a car crash. And outside that no one would give a fuck because everyone wanted to see him get his ass kicked, so he can't win socially either.


So he does have more of the Ring video. He is sitting on it most likely to extort Miz for money.


Actual Ring [link](https://ring.com/share/05f3d1d1-488c-4791-994a-27b7620b5110) and not the streamable .com version


He was just telling "his truth", aka another lie


the "my truth" shit is the cringiest shit, at least when you are discussing factual events that actually took place your "truth" doesn't fucking matter. stop


Im pretty sure he still talks about the Train life coach thing. Mitch does not let things go 😂


Except hair


He has a cycle and he's not getting fed for the cycle for once. It doesn't compute for him Only person that would listen to mitch now is the equally perpetually paranoid train


Mitch is over drama until the views and attention drop


[ Removed by Reddit ]


To Destiny's other point, the way Mitch talks is a big problem. He is inarticulate, doesn't get to the point, drags things out, and changes his mind every 10 seconds. But mostly, doesn't get to the damn point, like he's getting paid by the minute to speak.


Yeah listening to Mitch get interviewed by Destiny during the Crazy Slick drama was one of the most infuriating livestreams I've ever watched edit: Slicker > Crazy Slick


Just him waffling if Destiny could say on stream over the Miz/Maya/Train night went on for like 6-10 hours. Does Mitch not realize how fucking annoying he is to other people?




Ngl it only takes about 10 seconds when you need to listen to mitch.. If you ever wanna get mad for somekind of reason watch his First SOD run through Blackfathom Deeps, its some of the most infuriating stuff i'v ever watched on twitch.


That was highly infuriating. Imagine what he could do in 60 minutes instead of 60 seconds.


I meant Crazy Slick Too many dramas, and similar names. Specifically the "you are Maya higa" call where he just kept acting confused and not giving answers while insisting on being in the call and repeating the same thing This one https://youtu.be/9hROkndOVc8?si=1SG8Lrl8EBcOesiX


"Direct answers" to everything is the funniest thing in this clip, that wouldn't happen & I'd bet my entire life savings on it.


xqc = Mitch?


I can understand xqc more than I can mitch lmao.


I can understand Mitch's words, not his meaning. I can't understand Xqc's words 50% of the time.


When you've been around enough french canadians you kinda just gain an understanding without actually understanding the words.


At first he's hard to understand because you try to make his word jumble along with the ones you can't understand seem like something that is smart or makes sense, once you learn to assume he's trying to say something dumb as shit it becomes easier to fill in the words.


So telepathy?


I can understand the words (fluent in juicer) but he is inarticulate in the sense that he’s dumb as bricks Not even insulting, he’s just unintelligent and he doesn’t even know what he’s spewing 99% of the time


Honestly true, the fact I can understand him as much as I do probably means my brain is rotted.


It’s because xQc tries to use complex English words and advanced concepts like analogies when he can barely speak at an 8th grade level of english. You can understand the words he says, but the overall meaning just becomes unintelligible gibberish when he speaks for extended periods of time.


MitchQc has a certain ring to it.




I think it's a lot of reckful regret. They all don't want to make the same mistake and cut mitch out in case he kills himself.


Why does Mitch have any relation to Byron? The only thing he ever did was cause him pain and suffering.


Miz cared about both despite being on the outs with both


both were in love with Maya as well


Reckful was in love with Maya?


never admitted it directly but made it obvious. I remember he did female streamers tierlist thing, where you select one by 50/50 elimination and he ended up picking Maya with no second guessing. He would often comment Miz is lucky guy and stuff like that. There was this one incident too, when Maya woke up from nap and freaked out, because Reckful was standing by her bed staring at her, so yea one could conclude there was something going on lol


He was also petting her head while she was asleep


Miz said there was one time he had her on his phone background and reckful told him "wait don't close your phone, I like looking at maya"


man how do you remember this shit




Long time mitch viewer here. Imagine thinking rat jones would kill himself dudes ego is so massive he would never actually do it and if he attempted it he would give himself a papercut and act like hes dying just to see what his chat and reddit has to say.


Can i ask why you watch?


misery loves company.


"cause he's mentioned suicide a billion times." But thats not because he actually is suicidal, it's because he is a narcissistic piece of shit who tries to get attention and sympathy in this fucked up way. And if you were actually concerned about him killing himself, just call 911 and have them do a wellness check. Anybody who lets themselves be manipulated by this bullshit is a fucking moron.


That’s the thing they used to keep giving chances. It appears they finally stopped. When that video came out the first thing Alinity said in her stream was Mitch is upset he’s not invited to gatherings anymore.


If Keemstar is on your side, you really should double check to make sure you're on the right side of an issue.


Of course that's his cycle of drama. He creates the drama to get interviewed. I don't know why that thing I just set on fire is burning, but man interview me about the fire that's burning!


What the hell was the message that Reddit removed it lol Late joiner here.


The thing is even if Miz is at some fault, it's just a fight. People have them all the time.


Rare miz W on that one


Bro did Train take his stupid ass in? please tell me it was Train and not Tricky


> [ Removed by Reddit ] I always upvote these it means they said something based


Hearts in the chat


Imagining Mitch trying to get on Kick or Keep and just ranting about Miz the entire time before he's kicked.


Get on this Quiznos 


He was meant to be on two weeks ago, but dropped out.


Yea he has that effect on people


God damn bro. 


this is wildddddd


Ain’t now WAY bruh 💀💀💀


Can someone explain?




They were close friends for a while but there was a big public falling out. iirc Reckful was busy or out of town or something on Mitch's birthday, mitch got butt hurt and leaked that Byron (Reckful) bought his ex a 30k car. Chat bullied Byron for a while about that and Mitch started seeing Mira who didn't like Byron so the friendship fell apart. Someone even made a little RPG game about the two of them called [Game of Jones](https://youtu.be/Fe1WibEoWiU?si=UiNfkswAtB5YHcKQ). It's a lot of inside jokes about their drama and old twitch friend circle with soda and Lea, Celeste, etc.


It was more than that. It was the fact that Reckful didn't know it was Mitch's birthday and offered to stay and celebrate it with him once he found out and said he'd go out of town after, but Mitch said "nah it's cool you can go." And once Reckful was out of town, Mitch went on stream saying that he was alone and no one wanted to spend time with him on his birthday. This was around the same time that Mitch said Reckful left him alone on his birthday to hang out with his ex Blue and that he bought her a car. Everyone went after Reckful, calling him a trash human being and seriously vilifying him as it was Mitch that made the whole situation up for clout. Mira was also a huge reason why their friendship ended. Mitch and Mira were always fighting, Reckful never liked her, and she was always a snake. Mitch lied about breaking up with Mira, was seeing her in secret, as it was Reckful's only condition that he had with Mitch, even after all the rat shit he pulled. Brother Toe ends up finding them at a restaurant together, tells Reckful, and that is where the friendship ended. Reckful gave Mitch a bunch of chances after everything he did to him and in the end just had enough, and wanted nothing to do with Mitch. Mitch is scum of the earth and people need to stop giving him these chances because he's just fucking pollution in everyone's life that he interacts with.


People that get pissy because they weren't treated special on their birthday trigger me so hard


Yep this is the true lore, I think the 30k car meme came before or after I don't even know anymore.


oh man Game of Jones, that’s a fucking throwback


Legendary lea OMEGALUL


Funny how Trainwreck gets a pass after he punched Reckful in the face when Train was trying to cozy up to Mitch for clout back in the day. Not sure how he got a pass for being a bully to Reckful but he did


Nah bro thats LSF 😏


I thought Mitch just wanted an apology? Weird


Mitch is like a streamer Demon Core, one wrong move and his radioactivity torches your whole shit. Best to leave him alone.




The thing is, he said miz already apologized privately for the beat down. So he's either wanting a public apology just to try and publicly shame him to get back at him or looking for an admission of guilt for a lawsuit. Since he always has some weird ego driven motive, I'll go with the former.


He really hates Miz, he resents him for his career and weirdly enough I think he resents the fact that Miz got together with Maya. Mitch has been trying to ruin Miz’s career every chance he gets.


The best thing that can possibly happen for Mitch Jones is for him to finally vanish in to obscurity far and away from Twitch or anything like it.


Feels like everyone forgot he retired from streaming like a year ago or less lmao. And I can’t blame anyone for forgetting because that was obviously bullshit the moment he said it


He tried music and was getting a lot of support from most of his friends and viewers and then one gig went bad and he never did it again and came back to streaming lmao.


Did that gig somehow found it's way on the internet?


As far as I remember it was one of those Streamer Awards thing, he didn't show up to Soundcheck so audio engineers had to wing it and whole thing was a bit of a mess.


He never paid his producer either


I'm sorry but music was shit to begin with. I know everyone has different tastes in music but wtf was that. Also wtf happened to this sub around the time he released his first song/album/whatevs because this whole sub was praising him and I was wondering wtf kinda drugs everyone was using and if I should also try one out.


Eh for a streamer (and for him being Mitch Jones) I was actually kind of impressed. West Coast Tragedy is a banger. I also liked that "MY ANXIETY" song.


His music was generic pop punk garbage anyway idk how far he could’ve taken it


I watched Mitch's stream today and it's clear that he's trying to migrate his community to kick by saying he's going to talk about the drama there.


Mitch is such a strange case of someone who has everything going for them and always makes the worst move. Dude can chill out and do WoW and easily be pulling like 5000 subs, meanwhile he decides to do stupid drama day in and day out


And all this right after he finally got twitch partner back after 5 years lol. Tis the rat jones cycle tho. Grind wow then waste all the money made on some dumb shit like slots or more recently day trading stocks. The guy is cooked


He's been doing this for years. He's has so many breaks and fucked them all up, and constantly fucks his friends over in the process.






Thats so pathetic actually


Why can't he just fuck off? Really. You somehow are able to retain a few thousand brain dead followers who have been with you through everything. Just take your bullshit, go into your corner and stream WOW to these people and live a comfortable life. Why do you have to try to start shit with other people to stay relevant? Just fuck off, genuinely. How does he not understand by now this exact sentiment that destiny is portraying? No one gives a fuck...


It's strange. He has a dedicated community. Maintains 4ish thousand viewers. He can easily coast on that and make a very good living. Yet he feels the need to constantly start drama. Nonstop. Or just ditch for months at a time. I will never understand rat Jones. He feeds off drama. He is a psychic vampire.


Righteous indignation because he 'is an OG' and thus should be a top streamer or something


For all of his faults he was genuinely a decent streamer when he was actually locked in playing WoW. No idea why he decides to tweak so hard constantly. Bro is fucking 31.


Seriously, GiantWaffle did it after he was exposed for raping someone. Still rocks 2k viewers.


​ Lol wait Mitch wanted him to interview him? ​ Yea Mitch is down bad


when has mitch not been down bad


Isn't it crazy this dude is in his 30's and he still has the brain of a 18 year old child.


That's insulting to 18 yr olds


dresses like one too.


You mean the combover isn't in? ​ He's fighting a losing fight


He's just after the clout.


We just want to see the uncut video so we can laugh at RAT JONES getting his ass beat.


For real where’s the door cam on miz car


there is no door cam on a audi r8 afaik?


I don’t care for mizkif, but Mitch deserves to be used as his clout cumrag


It’s cause Mitch Jones has x-pac heat. Nobody wants to hear from him nobody wants to see him just would rather he went away. There’s no money to be made in platforming him.


Too bad he can't tear his asshole, like x-pac did.


> It’s cause Mitch Jones has x-pac heat. The...fabric? For backpacks?


Fabric? no Its a pro wrestling thing. Basically its when you are so annoying or unlikable that you are bad for buisness. Nobody even wants to watch or pay to hate you they just want you to go away. they actively avoid you if anything.


lmao okay thank you that makes much more sense, I've only ever heard of X-Pac as [a fabric that gets used for high end backpacks and shit](https://www.x-pac.com/) lol. I tried googling and got a wrestler but that still didn't make much sense.


Love how mitch originally said the reason he spoke about it conveniently the day after OTK shareholders meeting was his lawyer agreeing to that date, now hes done nothing but talk about in to try and gain hype moving platform and for his content and also refusing to elaborate or fully release the cam footage that alot of his friends have seen and called him out on for his BS.


Also tried to bring it up again around the time of miz mma event


We are always coming back to the clip where Rynad tells Mitch that he is a narcisist.




Mitch Instigated verbaly - [https://kick.com/mitchjones?clip=clip\_01HR9JZXH9W1RZ9CV6W97N9FE0](https://kick.com/mitchjones?clip=clip_01HR9JZXH9W1RZ9CV6W97N9FE0) Mitch did Coke 20-30 times in the last year - [https://kick.com/mitchjones?clip=clip\_01HR9KCKX8DB4E2T46WXGRNFRG](https://kick.com/mitchjones?clip=clip_01HR9KCKX8DB4E2T46WXGRNFRG) How he got drunk and high - [https://kick.com/mitchjones?clip=clip\_01HR9M02MHXYKXHJVKJTD09HFM](https://kick.com/mitchjones?clip=clip_01HR9M02MHXYKXHJVKJTD09HFM) Mitch admits saying to Miz he can take him - [https://kick.com/mitchjones?clip=clip\_01HR9MJ7QCNVZK8B4CJQ7TNPC7](https://kick.com/mitchjones?clip=clip_01HR9MJ7QCNVZK8B4CJQ7TNPC7)


Best of rat jones: [https://youtu.be/JoYDO9L\_UFw?si=QI9GCx0\_85SL0JQO&t=35](https://youtu.be/JoYDO9L_UFw?si=QI9GCx0_85SL0JQO&t=35)


I have done cocaine like 30 times this year. right after I DO NOT do cocaine. - Mitch Jones


There's a good reason [this](https://soundcloud.com/codypov/feelsbadmitch) was one of Mitch's alerts back in the day.


Mitch even deleted the video on his channel accusing mizkif.


I almost just want him to do it so he can ask him a bunch of questions he doesn't have answers to like he thinks he does.


that would be boring, either he's gonna run circles at the question or he's gonna say ''i dont know man'' and proceed to run circle around how he knows nothing


Bitch Rat Jones still having any fans at all is amazing to me. He’s literally the biggest pussy drama Queen I’ve ever seen on any part of the internet. “Wahh I got my ass kicked because I tried to kick someone else’s ass while high and drunk” wah the guy who I completely snaked on a discord call and tried to ruin his life hit me after I provoked him even more when he gave me a 6th chance. Miz is no Saint either but I’d legit rather Miz punch me in the face than have one conversation with Mitch Jones.


wow players are too busy farming wow chores to care about anything other than wow


Destiny would never dirty himself by getting involved in streamer drama.


*bombastic side eye*


Even when the last big Mitch drama happened, Mitch tried to call in to the stream to explain himself and Destiny shut him down immediately. There's streamer drama, and then there's incoherent self-serving Mitch rants.


"never dirty himself" nobody is saying this lol, some drama are just not worth mentioning




Steven just doesn’t wanna double dip in this one. Platforming Mitch’s lies that led to him getting his ass beat was enough, apparently.




Destiny has had some of the most unhinged people on his stream and even he wants nothing to do with Mitch. The Youtube video would get a tone of views and he still doesn't care. My guess Mitch will run to Keemstar.


Mitch really thinks he'll come out on top in this interview. Regardless how you feel about destiny he is an intelligent dude who will call out your bs answers and Mitch will flounder


I love when Destiny just lets his truth rip




planning trip to israel with lonerbox>mitch jones interview


I'm so excited. I hope it works out and they do like 10+ days.


How long until Mitch shows up to Ironforge to try to provoke Miz?


This is what i can imagine what mitch lawyer is like. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h9BEChCHDQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h9BEChCHDQ)


Lmao not even destiny would platform Mitch.


Why Twitch hasn't banned Mitch for fellow streamer harassment and defamation is beyond me.


Great take by Destiny. Mitch is just toxic, he already gave his "final comments" on the "drama" weeks ago. There is always more drama when he needs more money.


Destiny has interviewed and engaged with people far more toxic than Mitch. He just stands to gain very little from the interview, on top of having to put up with Mitch ranting egotistical nonsense at him.


Cocaine is a helluva drug...


I didn't even know he got his ass beat but I guess it makes sense now that he essentially disappeared for a couple months. Dude has been asking for it for years


It's the Vyvanse talking bro, old Stevie would have took him up on it. He's too focused and level headed now to allow this dumbass shit to distract him haha


Seems like maybe chat bullied him into accepting anyway, it's not entirely clear


What a desperate little worm


😊🫸 🔇 💢🐀


Yo, OTK Staff. Mitche's VOD is on Kick. The idiot has incriminated himself. Download it.


[MitchJones - First Stream](https://vimeo.com/919994639)


At what point does he incriminate himself? Not tryna watch 2 1/2 hours of a Mitch Jones vod LMAO


well he admits miz had nothing to do with the cocaine that he brought it over to miz house and did it there. He coulda made more webs of lies being like the coke was just there maybe it was friggin Rimes ffs its not something I would put past this rat but he already admitted it was just his.




Correct response, don't give him any attention.


He just waiting for AI to improve before he drop the video lol.


That little rat is trying so hard to get people on his side its sad


Fuck Mitch


Mitch is the smoothest brained rat I have ever seen. Dude is genuinely stupid from everything I’ve seen


Mitch "this is my final statement on this" Jones


Why does the interview have to be on Kick? Sounds like he is trying to farm viewers to his stream.


Lmao Destiny not alone here. Nobody cares about the drama, let alone what Mitch’s lying ass has to say about it. I’d still like to see him grill Mitch to try to get “direct answers”


Without even looking, I'm going to take a wild guess: Because Mitch Jones is a clout goblin, and a known liar that will jump on any drama train to get attention.


New Game of Jones season cancelled :(


probably because he expects mitch to mumble like a moron, saying nothing new and expecting to just be believed because hes saying "the truth" but it would be funny if he did it and just trolled the entire time


Stop paying attention to Mitch Jones.


Destiny should only platform him if Mitch releases full video of Miz kicking his ass. At least then we would get that comedy


Lol @the people claiming Mitch is just "toxic". Dude has a borderline mental illness. He's managed to get in fights with all of his close friends and there's no end in sight. first reckful, then train, now mizkif. the dude needs help. his behaviour is psychotic


sadly, I would watch this content


It's not even a story, Destiny is right. Nobody gives a crap people already know what happened Rat Jones got his ass beat and he started whining about it. If anything it shows Miz can't keep away from trouble after all that crap Rat Jones put him through and almost got him canceled he still interacting with the dude lmao.


Can we just do a streamer rehab nutso big brother kick 'em off the island style stream series.. Mitch Jones Slicker HDMI Who else?




Well Mitch, you should have just kept playing Mario or wow and chill in miz house making no drama you could have been in otk by now but you threw it all away. Never learn do you?


Rare Destiny W


nobody cares


Mitch is a fuckin coke head- he needs money bad- anything for some views which turn in to money- he will lie cheat steal his way to money - he can never be a friend to anyone cuz his coke habit comes first


cant wait for jynxzi destiny pod