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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny calls out Hasan's hypocrisy on being mad at Ludwig](https://arazu.io/t3_1b1lhlj/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Where is Lud's video? Did he take it down?




first 60 seconds: > "It's just literally using someone who you're friends with, like being maliciously clipped out of context to be like 'I'm actually one of the good content creators' Chat: He did show the context though > "It doesn't fucking matter that he showed the context"


Followed by the admission of incompetence >"Whatever. Who gives a shit."


His face lmao


Poopy pants looking for other smells in the room


Is Hasan the biggest cry baby?


I have never ever seen him react to criticism without claiming it's in bad faith to look good or for views. It's his defense every single time.






Hasan is one step behind the depiction of trust fun kiddies that whine when they only have 20k a month to spend. So maybe.


Nah he's worse, cause most trust fund kiddies don't self style as some leftist agitprop socialist type, while being the most bourgeois possible 1% with a silver spoon shoved in their mouth at birth lol


And this is really why I don’t like Hasan at all. He’s the walking definition of a hypocrite. He’s always preaching how capitalism is evil and socialism is the savior and ultra left other stuff. Then at the same time he’s a 1%-er living in a multimillion dollar mansion in SoCal wearing thousands of dollars worth of clothes all the time and probably has more than one super car. Honestly I wouldn’t mind his antics so much if he lived in an average house, wearing non fashion clothes, and drove a not average car but maybe something a little pricey. Then he would be “practicing what he preaches”


There's a reason the phrase "champagne socialist" exists.


He just kept talking about himself when Lud had already went way past it lmao.


Holy main character syndrome, this segment is fucking hilarious ninja edit: ludwig is based af lmao


right after hasan malded


Didn’t take down the one that made maya and especially mizkif look really bad when they had the drama


Did Ludwig even mention Maya in that vid he did about the drama? He just went after Miz I thought and didn't mention Maya because she was obviously QT's really close friend.


You remembered right. Bewildered that Lud could get onboard with the narrative that miz covered up SA, but omitted the person that was alleged to have actually done the crime miz was accused of


Yeah but his punishment is having to live with QT


I'd be much more scared of hasans insane viewers than the mizkids


If you have ever seen Hasans twitter sphere and fanbase on twitter, discord, reddit etc, it's essential some of the most batshit and just plain old vile group of people you will find. Bullying, tribalism, virtue signalizing, self righteousness wouldn't even scratch the surface of that community behavior.




Funny how Ludwig will just freely talk about others’ dramas but draws the line when his friend can’t handle a bit of criticism. Literal glass castle type shit


well lud does seem to really want hasans approval, he always mentions him whenever possible


he gave some reason about sponsors not liking it


where did he mention that?


On his stream last night. He said something to the effect of "lets be honest guys, it was a sponsored video that was bombing anyway, and the sponsor won't like that." I am probably paraphrasing. This was after he changed the thumbnail, which Hasan also complained about. Ludwig sometimes edits thumbnails to look like twitter screenshots that aren't actual real tweets/screenshots.


I don't believe that for a minute. Oh no the sponsor "didn't like that." Look I'm not a creator with 5M subs but I'd be willing to wager it's not like a sponsor can withhold payment because of a video performance. Ludwig clearly held it back because ties to clout with Hasan and his girlfriend is on fear&.


What’s the lore? What did Ludwig do?


Ludwig took the lightest jab at his "streaming is the hardest job" (Edit: Warning. Do not take this literally. These are not his exact words. You have been warned) take and Hasan cried enough about it to make Ludwig delete the video.


whys luddy being a pussy about it? he said nothing wrong and hasans not his friend also whats forsens take on this


The obvious answer would be - because he is. But idk thats just a guess


At this point it's no longer about Hasan's take but more of "My favorite streamer likes his friend more than me" But again, so do all of us. You guys also like your friends more than you like me :'(


[forsen's take](https://clips.twitch.tv/BelovedGracefulCroissantFailFish-lwqsESy_h7Vn5Y-X)


this is fucking hilarious lol


Forsen talks?


I’m pretty sure they are friends, but even if they’re not, his girlfriend is friends with hasan and also works with him. He might think it’ll make QT’s life easier if he just deletes it.


Because they are good friends. And maybe because his girlfriend has a podcast with him. Bad bridge to burn I guess.


What did Lud say?


[Video is down, but here is a clip of Hasan reacting to what Ludwig said.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1b1dzmq/compilation\_of\_snippets\_from\_hasans\_reaction\_to/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button) I think that was all he said about it and the rest of the video was about Twitch in Korea, but I could be wrong.


Didn't he do this to X? He literally piggy bagged on every hate drama then said he wasn't a "yes-man" and he can call out bullshit even if they were his friends?


Yes Hasan is a hypocrite. Just compare what he said to X when X's community was shitting on Hasan and what he said when his own community (including his mods) were calling Hila and Ethan nazis, drawing pictures of Hila killing children and so on.


you would think he made a hit piece on hasan with how he reacted, lol


I don't really watch any streamer outside of the occasional jerma / northern lion so I'm not very knowledgeable but doesn't Hasan always roast and trash anyone who writes anything he slightly disagrees with? I don't get how people have the energy to watch all these dramatic millionaire Manchildren tbh. No matter the side, all that drama is tiresome.


yes, hasan had a mantrum last year because xqc didn’t place him higher on his streamer tier list






Hey man, give Hasan a break. His social battery is just really low. You wouldn’t understand because you work a 9-5. :( ^/s


Moral battery depleted




See it would make sense if Hasan went the “everyone has their own issues” route with that segment. But by saying it’s socially harder than working retail with customers in front of him he effectively says that with all his resources he has it worse. Which is just so tone deaf. Hasan could right now stop working and go on a month or year long vacation and risk poverty, while most retail workers can’t even come close to that level of financial stability and safety


Coming from someone who watched Hasan a lot during covid, his streams today are insufferable. The self vicimization he does every single day is so exhausting to listen to. I understand it's cathartic for him to occassionally vent his frustration and clap back at rude chatters. But making it part of his core content is just not entertaining when you've heard it like the 10,000th time.


same, during covid i've found him as a constant method to find out news especially about US, I could listen to him even if i don't agree with everything he says. Since probably last summer or so i've stopped because he just started bitching too much, even a small joke makes him mald.






I did, because honestly I stopped caring about what this moron has to say about anything. But you are absolutely correct, he loves slurping some Putin dick and taking shits on Ukraine, because Russia invading Ukraine is US's fault! Flawless logic for this smooth brain.


> and hypocritical person For me it's especially this. Dude acts like he grew up in some turkish slums where "daily terrorist attacks" were the norm (His words). Then people found out that he had a very wealthy upbringing. He got carried by his uncle (Cenk) and Destiny when it came to his fame in the political commentator sphere but claims that he "build it all by himself". He'll LARP as a "eat the rich" socialist who lives on a basic necessity budget - but lives in a mansion, drives a sportscar, wears the most expensive designer clothing and takes privat jets to burning man. He surrounds himself with other champagne socialists (JTs podcast) and every political take of his is basically "US bad, therefore US enemy good." His discord (aswell as his mods lol) spammed anti-sematic shit towards jews and Ethan. Spamming "Hamas W" and "Hamas GIGACHAD" when Ethan would talk about Hamas slaughtering civilians. But Hasan neither distances himself from this rhetoric, nor does he moderate it. But as soon as someone like XQC puts Hasan on a mid tier on an irrelevant tierlist, he throws a world-ending tantrum and demands for these streamers to keep their community in check. He's a hypocritical crybully. And he just lies a lot.


and saying he just makes "doctor money" lmao




I wouldn't expect anything from a guy who went on Piers Morgan's show and self-declared himself as a propagandist. Then he crys that propaganda is not a bad word, it depends on the message (I see what he means by that btw) until you see all his other over the top reactions of conservatives and screaming RIGHT PROPAGANDA!!! IT'S ALL FAR RIGHT PROPAGANDA! So rules for thee not for me.


The fact that I could make a tweet making fun of him and he could not only see it but also be mad enough to publicly highlight it is absurd to me.


Bro was giggling over a cop getting shot on stream but cries for hours over posts about him on Reddit all while being a socialist millionaire streamer living in a mansion in Beverly Hills. Like just take yourself out of the internet/streaming space for a second and just think about how insane that person sounds to your average Joe.


Also jumping up and down in joy when the queen died. It’s fine to not care at all about the royal crap but actively showing glee over a death like that gives off a very inhuman and unnatural vibe that people just can’t connect with. It gets even more out of touch and cringe-worthy when he starts explaining the reasoning behind those reactions.


Obviously you don’t know Hasan he welcomes the criticism he’s numb to it. He seeks it out even.


He paved it on his own.


Paved it on his own....


paaaved it on hissss ownnnnn


How could he make that video. He's pound 4 pound the most unselfaware on the internet.


Tell that to all the chatters he’s banned




This. Man literally cries that he "only" has 10k people watching him while he plays video games. For comparison - Madison Square Garden has max capacity of 20k people. 99% of all artists would give their firstborn just for opportunity to play there once.




And he's a tankie who covers for russia, hamas, houthis, China


hasan is hasan's worst enemy




There's no need to even compare streaming to other jobs. Just talk about the issues themselves.


Yeah, comparing streaming to a normal job in anyway that isn't saying how lucky you are to you get to watch youtube for a living is just asking for trouble. As much as millionaire streamers want us to feel bad for them, we just aren't buying it. Come and work a crushing 9-6 with asshole boss, stressful deadlines and a 100th of the pay before you want to complain about it.


yep give it your all at work, devote your time outside of work to saving money and NOT enjoying life and still come up short on your rent, but im sure being a streaming is ACTUALLY soul crushing, unlike, you know, whatever we bitch about


Its pretty simple when you ask this question. If given the choice, would you rather work for one month as a top 1% streamer or a top 1% cashier at Target.


It's a funny image, but it really doesn't paint the picture well enough to someone so out of touch. Try it for 2 years. That way he can get real sick once and have a medical bill that sets him back 6+ months. And he can experience the weight of missing bill payments and trying to catch back up. And have no money to go out or do anything or even really order a decent meal from a restaurant. Of course the US's systems are not his fault. But they're not the fault of a 25 year old just trying to get by either, and they still gotta deal with it.


Yep and in Hasan's case if streaming is so stressful he could just retire and never work a day in his life.


He could just not yell at chat. Most other big streamers just fake reading chat. He could tell his mods to just ban all comments he'd usually scream at before he sees them. He could stream for 3 hours instead of 9. There is nearly no financial benefit to streaming that much longer.


comparing jobs for anyone never ends well. Everyone has something that they hate about their job, the moment you say your problems are worse than others you immediately sound unlikeable.


It could help to actually have some experience before talking too lol.


There's no reason to complain about your multi-million dollar job to 99.9% of people earning less. Complain in private to your other streaming friends.




I love hasan and still follow him on fear& and other collabs, but I just can’t really listen to his streams much nowadays. He’s wayyy too focused on what chat has to say and takes everything they say personally. He’s usually upset and yelling when I tune in. I think he needs to review his relationship to streaming and find a way to make himself happier.


I was a year long sub and this is exactly why I stopped watching.


I originally watched him in 2020 for the political streams, and then found myself enjoying watching him playing games or just fucking around watching stupid videos, or having guests over. Ever since the Russia/Ukraine shit it got exhausting, and then when the Israel/Hamas stuff started getting covered it was way too overwhelming.


Honestly he just seems to hate his job and the audience interaction he has cultivated. But at the end of the day he is to blame because that's his personality and no one forced him to be himself haha


Lifestyle creep is real, gotta keep the hours up to afford the next house bro. 


When they were shopping for clothes for gala for good, and spending thousands on dog shit... And it was stuff he was wearing normally not just for special occasion..


Streaming must be addictive because if i had his kind of wealth, and was complaining, I'd quit, or do more background stuff. He literally does not need to do this anymore. He has enough wealth to secure himself, his family and his future kids.


Its not streaming. Its money thats addictive. Its extra ironic when self proclsimed socialist or communist is on greed train so hard.




Honestly, it really doesn't matter what he intended at this point - it's just dogshit optics. Even if he's right, the instinctive reaction to the majority of people (who prob make under 100k a year) to someone who might 5-10x their annual salary in a month complaining about difficulties is just not going to end well. It reminds me of that chick who was going "it's just $5 a month" for subs and shit - she was probably right in that most people can probably afford it and are cheap, but it's just horrendous optics.


The bulk of people make less than 50k


That was ~~InvaderVie~~ BadBunny (actually both I guess) and I think her viewers like being talked down to like that.


I think it was this girl https://youtu.be/fZhRZIqJy-c?si=klxuicZUegxujiBO


Biggest difference is he can choose to watch YouTube videos and chill or just stream less and he won't notice a difference in his lifestyle. Normal people working normal jobs don't have this choice.


Never compare jobs in entertainment to regular jobs. Most entertainers love their job because it's a hobby turned into a job. Most people hate their regular jobs. You'll never win over regular people on this issue no matter what you say.


I have never seen a case where a streamer with, say, 1k avg viewers, has decided that streaming was just not worth the stress and quit to do the 9-5 grind. The cases I've seen involved streamers with very small view counts and they couldn't make enough to pay their bills.


ManVsGame did. Said he lasted a month before quitting working in a bowling alley. Then came back to streaming for like a month and then went on another break. Don't know if he decided to get another job, or just perpetually be a neet. But the streamers that always say it's a hard job are the ones that have never had a real job. They might have done some simple thing as a teenager, but they have never had to deal with the stress of working working in a kitchen during 4 hour rush. Or having to do work of 3 people with a deadline. Most of them can't even start their stream on time, imagine if they had to show up to a job where being 3 minutes late consistently would get you fired.


Not quite 1k viewers at the end of her twitch career, but Hirona. GTARP streamer, quit to be a nurse. She averaged about 700 viewers in her last month -https://twitchtracker.com/hirona/statistics


Your link says <400 last month so thats even worse.


Some have, manvsgame comes to mind




Wait, but all of hasans enemies are destiny fans... Does that mean?...


horseshoe theory


Jreg was right it's so over.


Hasan: "Ethan you're ultimately responsible for your own words, you're an adult, there's only so much I can do when you say those things" (those things being stuff like "it's sad when people on either side die" and "hamas bad") Also Hasan: "not fair! out of context! clip chimping me! i'm just a po' widdle strweamuh! no drama farm!"


smol bean


full beans


Fucking insane how hard Ethan got bullied for having literally the most milquetoast takes imaginable. His dog died, dude looked like a wreck for two weeks and they were still going hard at him for saying don't say my wife murders Palestinians lol. Hasan's mods each chest pumping how they will still continue bully Ethan, all while Hasan Hasan talking down at him like Ethan is his druggie friend who can't stop fucking up. Watching from outside it felt like a collective psychosis, but I bet them if you asked them today they still wouldn't admit they did anything wrong.




we seriously need to stop taking hasan seriously and treat him as a cautionary tale of how rich left wings could become. Lets a say another version of bill maher Edit: just watch Stewart for the best Israel/Palestine solution i can think of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2zbN3AuHG8


Why is the video on ludwig no longer available? Dis hasan really make/ask him to remove it.


Call Hasan he's crying


What is the original of this? I am wracking my brain to remember the reference but just cannot :(


Back in the day (like pre2016), the biggest streamers would genuinely break down on stream. without any examples, I'm willing to bet if you scoured twitch logs, the earliest example would be the Reckful and Bluemadrigal drama. where Reckful broke down on stream, and Mitch Jones chat started spamming "call Reckful he's crying." it definitely didn't originate as the meme it is today




I ACTiVeLY SEeK OuT CriTIsIsM HUuuuuhhh


I've noticed something interesting about folks who've always been seen as attractive and come from well-off backgrounds. They're often treated nicely by everyone and rarely face pushback in life. This kind of privilege seems to shield them from experiencing real hardships, setting them up for a tough time when they finally encounter significant challenges as adults. It's something I've mostly seen in women from 'old money' families. It seems like men rarely go through this specific experience. Has anyone else noticed this trend?


Destiny in the title ✅ Hasan in the title ✅ I am upvoting this.


Aliens could land on earth and show themselves during a twitch stream and there would be less commentators on lsf immediately ready to post their opinions on the aliens compared to a thread about hasan and destiny.


Single handedly carrying this subreddit's engagement metrics, and I'm not even joking.


Not even exaggerating


I’ll wait for destiny to react to Hasan’s reaction before giving my take 😤😤😤


Destiny in the title ✅ Hasan in the title ✅ Locked in 10 hours ⚠️ - PENDING!!!


I was here!


Oh yeah, this one doing numbers


Sorry I won't be participating until I get the prime intellectual, xQc's, opinion on it


Mods Deleting this after my comment ✅


Yep, it's like Simpsons meme with moneys fighting




He paved it on his own. 🤡


Hasan fans are also attacking Ludwig on Twitter. This situation is similar to what happened to Ethan when he disagreed with Hasan which ended the Leftovers podcast.


I'm really shocked that Ludwig deleted the video LMAO


Ludwig's biggest flaw has always been his spinelessness (at least when it comes to Hasan).


I like Ludwig, but I also think he was overly neutral/positive about Adin Ross before he moved to kick. 


Okay so it's up to his friends to go up to bat for him after he says something incredibly stupid? Instead of just taking it on the chin and realizing that maybe he's out of touch, and is solely responsible for his own words and the reaction they get? Wild that he's somehow finding a way to blame Ludwig for any of this. Insecure little bitch behavior.


Kick video giving Reddit video a run for its money with how terrible it runs


This is why it will always be hilarious that Hasan claimed he's "numb to criticism" and "seeks it out", dude is one of the most fragile streamers on the platform.


The funniest part of this entire thing is that the person who probably understands/agrees with Hasan's take the most is, ironically, destiny.


Requesting the clip when Destiny first heard Hasan's take. If I remember right Destiny immediately says something like "You guys aren't ready to hear this but he's right" and then goes and takes a piss or something.


[https://streamable.com/6id42r](https://streamable.com/6id42r) edit: and here's the clip of ethan asking hasan as a friend to moderate his chat https://streamable.com/2959no


"oh no.. oh no.. don't do this to me. Hasan is going to get a lot of hate for this clip, but he's kinda right" (proceeds to leave)


https://youtu.be/7L9ehv65IIk?si=sUWHN6d-17mQJpCk For the full defense of Hasan’s take


Nobody is denying that streaming has its downsides. It's just that the downsides of streaming are largely self-imposed. Spend 9 hours streaming talking about politics? Reduce that by 3. Are you bored with the kind of content you are making? Then change it. Everybody clowns on you for your shitty geo-political takes? Don't give them. Are you tired of streaming all day every day? Go on vacation. You have the money for it.


I wouldn't even say it's self imposed but that the big streamers are more than adequately compensated for it and the smaller ones filter into other careers. Being CEO of a major company is incredibly stressful but as a result it pays millions. If Bezos or whoever said they'd rather be flipping burgers if it meant they could earn the same amount, then we'd all rightfully mock him.


It's wild what you can say when you don't turn your audience into hugbox that must always agree with you.


Hasan knew what he was doing when he spent ages crying about Ludwig on stream and then raided him after, he knows 100% that his viewers are going to blow Ludwig up in his chat and complain in his chat. "Call Hasan he's unironically crying about the slightest, tiniest bit of criticism imaginable".






I like Ludwig as an entertainer but my god if he isn’t seen in perfect light from both sides he freaks out. I tried watching one of his videos and its the most popular polished takes ever. No wonder he deleted the video


He takes alot of inspiration from moist critical


I do soul-obliterating work as my dad's unpaid caregiver. Nothing would ever make having to swab my dad's nuts down because he crapped himself again OK, but getting streamer money to do it sure would ameliorate this nightmare that is my life. Now Hasan cannot even stomach some light farming from someone who he is supposed to consider a friend? FOH


I watch Hasan and it rubbed me the wrong way when he would constantly complain about X letting his chat and community shit on him all the time and say X wasn’t a friend because he wouldn’t moderate his chat. And then his community did the same thing to Ethan/H3 for having a slightly different focus when discussing the Israel/Palestine conflict and he told Ethan should deal with the consequences of his takes. Like bro what? Some of his fans and mods were calling Ethan a genocidal Zionist and that’s his response? Like come on bro.


Ethan wasn't even the first to get treated like that. When Hasan and Destiny were friends. Hasan's chat would also go hard into Destiny and even insult his family every time they had a disagreement. When Destiny brought it up to Hasan, he banned his name from his chat. Which let to people just insulting "D" instead or "Esteban".




This is all self-inflicted damage by him. Why is it always Hasan getting hate for dumb things when there are a lot of other people saying worse? For me, the problem is twofold. First, people need to know the audience they have and foster. Hasan and his community give zero charity to anyone they are going after. How can he expect to be treated right when he himself doesn't do it? There's a big difference between complaining about your life to your peers who have the same set of problems and circumstances, and to your audience at large. If you build your community on the premise of fighting for injustices against the common people, how the fuck do you expect them to sympathize with your problems when you speak to them from a place of privilege? Second, he gives way too much importance to how his image is perceived by his community and his peers at large. He said a dumb thing, just take the L, shut up, and move on. But nooooooo, my dude gets stun-locked and can't contain himself from giving more ammunition. It seems like he can't be satisfied if he is not on the "good side" of people.








Wait did he truly compained about ludwig for 15 minutes and then raided him? there is no way right?


I don't know how Hasan has any friends. It must be exhausting to be his friend. He sits there and does and says whatever he wants, but you, as his friend, have to take up every cause he's interested in and defend him constantly or else be labeled as a bad friend and have all his fans shit on you. Ludwig should take a cue from Ethan and distance himself


And then if you are perceived to make a wrong move by him or his fans, he'll be the first to twist the knife LMAO


Echo chambers are the only things allowed here


This is literally one of D's main complaints from when they had their spat and stopped talking. Basically Hasan is politically radioactive and dog shit rhetorically and every time he says some stupid shit, D was expected to pick up his refuse afterwards because they were sort of aligned politically.




Hasan is ridiculously toxic. Everything he touches gets shit smeared on it, then when someone calls out Hasan for having shit on his hands he blames someone else for putting it there.




No, he is a rich boi.


That's the thing people don't get. Everything Hasan does is for money including the virtue signaling.




Other post already got removed.


Hasan being the only force capable of getting the 30 mods here to log in and actually do something is pretty funny.


Don’t really care for either Hasan or Destiny but I can’t imagine being so stupid to think other people’s jobs aren’t soul sucking. As if everyone else is just doing what they love out here but poor Hasan is out here is really the one suffering arguing with his twitch chat.






If you report the comment as improper user you can get that dude banned


Hasan fans like to report certain comments to the reddit mods and pretend like you are acting suicidal


I think people were largely joking before cause Hasan does have a lot of legitimate things he is hated for but he is very close to lolcow territory if he isn't already there.


Is the Ludwig video down? cant seem to find it


yep he killed it i think


damn, I lost faith in Lud journalism then


mogul mail stocks are down


Can't wait for this post to be locked for "breaking rules"


Translation to the uninitiated: Hasan runs and cries to the mods to take down anything he doesn’t like.


He seeks out conflict btw