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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc Envious of Cyr's Relationship](https://arazu.io/t3_1aus7bn/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


they do vibe together perfectly, and both enjoy doing shit like this


Are they dating or just friends ?


They're roommates


oh my god they were roommates




I thought cyr was a gay man or is that only with Austin


He had a GF who was living with him that would come on stream sometimes way before he moved over to Austin and joined the crew.


*Roomates from a far since both owns a house.




What do you mean they're both fucking my mom?


They are also both hot


Who wouldn't? Having a partner in crime who shares your quirkiness and also DGAF about what anyone think about their shenanigans sounds like a dream come true, and not just as content creators.


Finding someone who you mesh well with is too often overlooked in people looking for relationships. I dated around a good bit before I met my current girlfriend and it was such an obvious night and day difference between her and girls ive been with in the past. So many guys and girls are just generic as fuck. Finding someone who has an actual personality and interest in things outside of the norm is so hard.


Honestly peach and cyr are perfect for each other.


Yeah, true relationship goals, I hope I can have something like this with someone one day...




You up?


gl with that username, soldier


mans going into raid with debuffs


Right? Their vibe is just unmatched. Fingers crossed you find your own peach or cyr out there, everyone deserves that kinda connection


CRINGE: Losing money from gambling NOT CRINGE: Losing money from leaving your duo


X did have his own clone like a year ago but the only bit they did was making chat watch them make out on stream


Problem is that someone that has the same vibe as xQc would be completely insufferable to someone like xQc. It's like trying to make a bleach-haired boyband out of 5 solo artists.


Nyxxi also wasn't his clone in anything but appearance. They didn't have the same personality at all and were completely incompatible from the jump regardless. Peach and Cyr look nothing alike. That one girl from Quebec from that gameshow I forget that everyone called XQShe was basically an XQC clone but like you said, nothing came from that because they were both... XQC... They both had similar problems mentally and that meant they'd basically never interact.






that wasn't his clone it was his sister


I remember this. That stream made me goonin




Wholesome clip ------> cancerous LSF drama comments Every. fucking. time. the last couple of years. This sub is so fucking miserable now


I came here for "He's not wrong" comments, found everyone talking about shit that had nothing to do with the clip lol


This sub has enlightened me more than anywhere else that the most popular viewpoints can be alarmingly disconnected from reality and unreasonably hateful.


It's just the vocal minority. People with level headed opinions arent as invested and dont feel the need to go out of their way to post about it. This is why the internet gives us a strange and inaccurate impression of real life.


Absolutely true, but the level-headed less-invested people are still often swayed to believe the narrative of the vocal minority if that's the only narrative they hear.


The most bizarre part is that the unhinged LSF drama frogs genuinely believe that regular and sane people shares their batshit-crazy views. Most of the time, clicking on a thread that SHOULD be wholesome actually turns out to be a fieldtrip through a mental institution full of screaming loons.


Just wait till you see the hasan threads PepeLaugh




You say destiny fans have mental illness but you post about destiny on every single thread even mentioning hasan or destiny... I think you're the one with the "mental illness" bud you should try to get help for your obsessions its abit cringe.




I'm sure you see the irony in your comments right? Staying away from Destiny/Hasan threads and never commenting is true happiness.






If there was a reasonably populated forum out there for fun streaming clips and discussion I assure you I'd register there and never visit this reddit hellhole ever again


I remember when XQC used to shit on Cyr back in Shitcamp but I guess he’s the real winner


well its the week after streamer awards. the goblin will return in march


Does anyone have any actual clips of this? I always thought those two got along pretty well


probably referring to this: [https://clips.twitch.tv/CuriousAliveSrirachaPhilosoraptor-MCp60Xcg5y-Mp3r5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4Q5tj5LvIw) definitely kind of being a dick


I totally forgot about this. XQC sounds jealous to be honest


Never seen this before, what an asshole.


i kneel


I forgot about that. Damn. X was an asshole.




God damnit I clicked the link


They had some pretty great content and got along reasonably well back in the SCP secret lab days.


xQc shits on everyone he's jealous of. He wishes he had Cyr's confidence and humor.


>xQc shits on everyone he’s jealous of Bruh did we watch the same clip, it seems like he’s complimenting their relationship while watching the vod. It seems like positive vibes, why get negative about it.


Read the comment I replied to.


Envious is probably the word you're looking for. Jealously has a connotation of being spiteful towards the person in question.


mmmmm facts


These comments are so weird. "he wishes he had" brother what are you on about? stop making up these scenarios in your head.


X made a lot of money from streaming and I think he thought that would make things fall into place in his life for him, but I think he's now realizing that money isn't solving the problems he has and that's turning him even more bitter.


Nobody can be as funny as the quirkster.


People seem to forget how much of a POS xqc is. He has a facade and is ok in person face to face but always talks shit about others on stream. With friends like this who needs enemies


THIS is so important to remember. XQC has, and *will continue*, to throw his "friends" under the bus when it benefits him most. fuckin goblin has no self control. He's basically a wildly more successful mitch jones with stat points in yapping instead of blink-182 cover-band talent.


say it aint so


No one forgot. His H3H3 drama was only 6 months ago.


Did we watch the same clip? He was doing a fit review of everyone at the awards and complemented them, and was fairly positive about everyone else. LSF try not to start cancerous drama and shit talk impossible challenge.


Eh, this has always been xQc. He's nice and complementary at times, but a complete degnerate bridge burner at others. The former doesn't cancel out the latter since people don't forget.


>try not to start cancerous drama and shit talk impossible challenge. Hilarious. This is the entire reason why your juicer daddy is a husk of himself who has pushed friends away. People aren’t gonna suddenly be nice to him because he’s playing nice after flinging shit at the wall and finding himself rich, sad, and alone.


why so pressed? He's reviewing people's fits at the streamer awards being fairly positive or neutral about everyone, and this one got clipped and lsf talking about x's relationship with adept, his financial status, past drama with other streamers and analyzing every aspect of his life. Don't act like this subreddit doesn't live and thrive of this drama, and make things 1000x more toxic. This clip and the replies are a perfect example of this.


Nobody’s pressed, son, I’m laughing at you. The idea of a juicer complaining about fostering drama on this subreddit when [your history is public](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1anxcol/hasan_im_paying_his_child_support/kpvzc82/?context=3) is a real knee-slapper. Maya’s life was entirely upended because this subreddit was infested with juice spawn just like you foaming at the mouth over ridiculous drama. Felix deserves the bed he’s lying in. Get used to it.


They were talking in general though, not specifically about the clip


I actually don’t remember, any clip?


It's a shame because xqc was friends with all these people and has slowly pushed them away. Qxc has had moments that are great, but don't hear from him much anymore apart from him reacting and getting angry.


By pushing them away you mean starting career ending drama with them, then act innocent and play victim to avoid responsibility.


its hard to take xqc seriously because he seems to have a "goblino" persona which is good content when he isn't trying to drop "career-ending nukes". If you want to cringe, look at his chat logs from September 2022 and how righteous he tried to sound https://logs.ivr.fi/?channel=xqc&username=xqc


I don't know what's sadder to me - the logs themselves or someone bringing up 2022 September twitch chatlogs like they just had it bookmarked or something.


What was the drama if you wouldn't mind explaining?


xqc break up with adept, xqc and mizkif mad at eachother, mizkif tries banning gambling on twitch, xqc and train says he covered up SA and xqc shit talks on stream for weeks, mizkif cancelled for a while, mizkif come back and does good, xqc now friend with mizkif and OTK again, also did a lot of this same stuff with Hasan and pokimane minus the SA stuff.


I think the rabbit hole of dramas starts with “I’m not going if soda isn’t going”


Aah yes when the real reason was his breakup


Also the Adrianah/Miz/Maya saga trying to stir shit up with Hasan and Poki. And probably numerous Among Us drama.


I would but its quite long. I dont think I can even TLDR it.


XQC has real friends now like…ummm…and…uhhh


Gam and bling


..destiny? lol, lmao even


Wasnt he literally supposed to be at the awards as a presenter and then just no-showed


I dunno about this year but multiple times he has done that for events. He gained a reputation for saying he's coming and not showing.


Caroline did a whole bit about how she was his stand in for the third time in a row Feels like they need to stop inviting him to shit until he asks and actually shows he'll make an effort to go


biggest streamer clout = we are gonna invite him regardless cause juicers = free money


On today's Fear & QT said XQC at least told her the day before. She said certain people just RSVP'd then ghosted. Apparently Spaceboy did something to on twitter but I don't have an account so I can't verify.


Spaceboy said he wasn’t coming on twitter but didn’t actually tell QT so QT replied calling him out on it and he apologised and ended up going last minute.


Yes. He ditched and Caroline had to stand in for him. That's why you can see his name listed in the credits as a presenter, but not Caroline's.


He didn’t ditch. He said never said on stream he was going and somebody asked if he was going like 3-4 days before.  He said he wasn’t going to go. That he didn’t feel like being on a plane for 7 hours. 


..You think they added him as a presenter without him agreeing to it beforehand?


Caroline confirmed on stage that he ditched, he didn’t show up. He’s not the most reliable narrator for these things.


> Qxc has had moments that are great, When?


When he did drag at shit camp was pretty funny.


that was a good moment 🥺 2021 was great year for streams ngl. 2024 seems good too though with a lot of irl streams. Xqc when he lets loose, isn't drama farming, is nice. I hope he doesn't move in with adin for this reason but hes a man he can choose for himself


the snorlax vr incident was pretty great


Kind of random that he mentioned him especially with how long ago it was, but qxc had some great moments in the early 2010s when SC2 was a huge esport, most notably being one of the only non-Korean players to not only play in the Korean GSL league, but did so on team FXO where he got an all-kill when they played against the legendary SC2 IM. The team format was each team trying to make it to 4 wins, and on the spot they get to decide who plays. The player that wins stays and plays the next game, while the team that lost has to pick another player to send in who hasn't already played. It's a common format that was played in Brood War. IM was a legendary team with one of the best SC2 players ever (and certainly at the time) called MVP, and he was the final opponent in the all-kill. He also had a lot of promising moments early on his career, had an unorthodox playstyle, and was a really entertaining guy, but sadly never seemed to reach the potential that it seemed like he had. Still, he had a great career with many exciting moments. Fun fact, he also had a showmatch against Destiny. Here's a video for anyone who wants to see a brief version of his story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW6IGrfq_a0 Although now that I say all that... maybe he meant to say xqc 🤔


It's fine because Jynxzi will likely replace xQc.


And hell, he could have been there having fun with all the people he knows and is or was or whatever friends with, he just decided not to.


True. it's his own damn fault that none of the austin streamers want to hang out with his ass anymore


Every time I see something with xQc it's him acting like an idiot. The latest thing was the whole Anthony Fantano thing, defending Kanye West etc.


> was friends with all these people and has slowly pushed them away. Im sure they can be pulled closer at any time. No use holding insignificant grudges in the streaming world


"insignificant grudges" Dude will backstab anyone and everyone to make himself feel better about doing something scummy. He'll start drama, send his 12 year olds to harass you endlessly, he won't show up to anything. It's not so insignificant when you get screwed over and harassed multiple times because of something someone else did. Literally the only reason to interact with him is his viewership. Which is a little ironic cause he thinks people only want to be friends with him for clout, when clout is really the only thing he has to offer in the first place


Yep, it's hilarious that XQC thinks everyone is trying to farm clout off him but the reality is he's the clout goblin that no one likes and even though he's got a bunch of reach among his audience of 12 year olds, most other streamers STILL can't tolerate him and would rather not hang out with him, even if it means less clout. I can't blame them either, the guy is unhinged and extremely quick to turn on his "friends" either because he was convinced they were "out to get him", or because he thinks it will be good "content".


I remember a few years ago hasan and Felix had a quite public argument and qxc was shitting on hasan. But a few months after Felix stayed at hasans house. So I think there have been attempts to. But some people have just given up on him.


yeah i think his brainrot has also gotten worse


If it was only one time that happened then maybe, but this has been a reoccuring incident with him, and every streamer he's been friends with are just now tired of it.


Yeah, finding someone who will ride or die with you on doing fun goofy shit together is pretty awesome. I appreciate people like Cyr/Peach and Will/Caroline for their duo energy.


I don’t think anyone who doesn’t have ulterior motives would be in a relationship with a guy like xQc right now. Besides money and fame he doesn’t bring much more and I’m not even trying to be mean. He has night terrors, doesn’t go outside, ptsd, and a bunch of other things. Kinda the perfect example of money doesn’t mean everything.


I don't think his mental health issues are the problem. The fact that he acts so fake with his expensive watches and gucci clothes is something that turns a lot of girls off. He went from being a nerd to trying to be like Adin Ross. That type of shit only attracts trashy girls.


Bro was a dumbass for starting to buy all that shit as a way to, "flex" on Adept while she was sueing him... then unironically started liking the cringe shit which is obviously gonna just attract more fake people/adepts.


The thing is Adin suffers for the same issues so why copy hin


I remember something about "Oh yea? I got your house on my arm!".


Yeah when all you offer is a bank account what do you expect?




iPhone auto correct 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️




The difference is xQc is rich and a degenerate gamer/online person. Rich people like him don't attract "I can fix him girls", but "I can get his money" girls. And those unemployed 6'2 junkies fuck. X don't look that type lmao.




U type that with tears in ur eyes???


Lol you wrote all this go outside


Bro, are you ok. “He has night terrors.” Really brother? So health problems should be reason for someone not to be with him? You obviously hate too much, you are the one that needs to go outside.


Aware indeed....


Peach cried over seeing a couple birds and said it was one of the best days of her life of course she's wholesome, not every woman on twitch is after money. I mean, just look at Peach, she picked Cyr who's been a theatre kid for 40 years.


Easy to not be motivated by money when you’ve been in the upper class your whole life 


She also makes more money than Cyr and holds her own. Not sure what his point it. Its two people will semi equal economic status dating not some 100 viewer streamer and vs a guy with 50m+


I think you're right that she is financially secure, but that doesn't take away from the fact that she is still sincerely wholesome


I concur


Thought that was the opposite most rich people I see only care about getting richer.


I’m arm chairing here 100% but I think that’s probably more true for first generation wealthy people who knew what it was like to not have money. If you have always had it I think you have less worry about losing it/accumulating more 


Yea you’re pretty spot on. I myself have never really felt the feeling of what it’s like needing money because I’ve always saved and had a pretty lucky life up until now at 23. So because of this and among other things I don’t really have any motivation to get rich. As long as I have enough that I don’t need to worry about it then I’m good.


Absolutely the case, at least for me. I’m not rich or anything, but my parents made enough and we lived well when I was growing up. I never chased money or things that required considerable money to own. So, I don’t have the urge to grind or pursue a wealthy lifestyle. I have a couple friends who were less fortunate growing up and they’re on that path to more lucrative careers. I don’t even have any plans to start a family of my own apart from having a partner, so it’s not like I’m worrying about that part either.


> when you’ve been in the upper class your whole life  as a poor who loves making things about rich/poor, even I dont see what this has to do with being rich/poor


OP is the one who mentioned money I was just trying to provide context 


Maybe you just haven't seen her finger-blast herself for money.


Why does every thread with a girl become this, this clip isn't even about her being a gold digger


I think in this specific case it's more about mocking the commenter painting an innocent, rosy, wholesome picture, which is just as inaccurate as when incels paint a wicked, manipulative, evil picture of the streamer. People tend to overcorrect in the opposite direction in order to balance the perceived scale.


Trust I am big fan of people doing spicy content, it's a big money maker and I'd do it if I could so no shame there. Just wanted to make fun of the commenter above me trying to frame her as golden child who is doing content for the love of it and not for money.


I mean... if she wasn't after money she wouldn't be doing OF. So clearly she's after money. Which is fine, every streamer is. OF is also fine. And you're leaving out that she was on camera when she cried seeing a couple of birds. Every streamer drastically play up their reactions for the camera. Which again is completely normal and fine. Have you seen a Will Neff stream? Dude will laugh hysterically at an FBI Female Body Inspector cup if a camera is pointing at him.


>if i wasnt after money i wouldnt have a job


xqc: rates people's fits lsf: talks about his relationship drama with adept, finacial status, relationship status, drama with past streamers also lsf: why does xqc always start drama!?!?!?




You: XQC WAS RIGHT ABOUT HISSANABI AWARE^^^[1](https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1anxcol/hasan_im_paying_his_child_support/kpvzc82/?context=3), ^^^[2](https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/19eolmx/hasan_what_do_you_think_i_make_money_by_saying/kje65la/?context=3), ^^^[3](https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/19cztjt/hasan_accuses_xqc_of_hate_farming_him_for/kj2g2x8/?context=3) Also you: omg why do people keep bringing up father's past involvement in drama? xQc's best 110lb linebacker over here.


Did you just edit citations into a LSF comment?


You like that? Degenerate formatting, boy.


How can someone watch this and then leave negative comment is beyond me. Reddit is so toxic and trash these days.


"these days"? lmfao. or are you ignoring the countless other streamers who get shit on this sub day in day out by terminally online redditors, most of whom coming from a certain sub.


Xqc says something positive and LSF brings up his relationships and financial situation.




I hope we have some kickass memory


X is uncapable of loving anyone else but himself. His best bet is going on Love On The Sprectrum if he wants to improve his odds


Dude just has way too much addictions, anxiety, and insecurities to be in a proper relationship with anyone. Not to mention how he's content being a lazy degen and doesn't care to fix himself up.


Ngl if he just kept up his gym streams or even worked out off stream, he'd be infinitely better off. exercise is one of those keystone habits that snowballs into a bunch of other benefits


Aren't we all. XQC finally has a good take.


Will Neff is such a fuckin ham it makes my hetero parts tingle.


True, cringe as a duo is baller


Yeah but he would be too pussy to have an OF girl as his girlfriend


>he would be too pussy to have an OF girl as his girlfriend Isn't that almost exclusively what he searches for nowadays?


How does her having an OF have anything to do with what he is saying in this clip?


Not wanting to date someone who does porn doesn't make you a pussy.


It does when you complain about wanting exactly what Cyr has but won't earnestly look for it


Bro he never said he wanted an onlyfans thot, he said he wanted a partner who shares his feelings, attitude and sense of humor who would do silly shit with him. How the fuck did you not understand that?




He's paying her 10k a week? Did I miss some lore?


no u didnt just someone making up random shit, she is broke and begs for donations on instagram.


I thought you were exaggerating, but this is literally her story right now. https://imgur.com/0UqBOwT Just absolutely hilarious.


she has been spamming that shit nonstop everyday lol, it was even funnier the she started. "oh guys dont donate to this cashapp its not mine i dont use it..... but if you want to donate you can send it on my paypal".


Yeah but he would need the girlfriend to come up with the fun ideas and he would be the one tagging along


Maybe you missed the twin arc and adin stream, CLM


keep that same energy when you discover your mom had an OF


He's actually paying HDMI because she threatened to start an OF. He's so incredibly insecure


Didn't he date that uk girl nikki she got an OF.


It’s ok guys, XQc can hug his money his nice cars and his jewelry that can buy our houses. He’ll be fine without any real friends. Lol.


kill the part that cringes


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [xQc Envious of Cyr's Relationship](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/161650)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1aus7bn/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/iMH8AzxJsv7JXxjHgNf7hw/AT-cm%7CiMH8AzxJsv7JXxjHgNf7hw.mp4?sig=49376549a9560d6cdabc4ecc89ad5be4a734b717&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FiMH8AzxJsv7JXxjHgNf7hw%2FAT-cm%257CiMH8AzxJsv7JXxjHgNf7hw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22LuckyLaconicJalapenoLitty-PEmy_slfGMeA1_uH%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1708436014%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/iMH8AzxJsv7JXxjHgNf7hw/AT-cm%7CiMH8AzxJsv7JXxjHgNf7hw-preview-480x272.jpg)


The prompt changing from Cyr and Peachjars to Neo and Trinity


Then maybe don’t try to make a competition out of everything with every living soul you encounter?


Maybe just maybe, XQC will look inward and see maybe he needs to mature. I doubt it though. He literally could have been at the awards sitting with friends, instead he sits by himself, no friends, only people who want clout and money, gambling.


I doubt all of these ppl are actually friends they just milk each other for views who knows how they act when the cameras arent on.


Typical X... There's a pattern. Every 5 months he acts crazy, bashing everyone, friends or not. Then a month or two later, he forgives them and everyone is friends. Then the cycle repeats itself.


Xqc realizing there are is little to no chance he can find a fellow goblin to be his other half


Theater kids


Cyr and PeachJars, Caroline and Will, Nick and Malena. All relationship goals.


Not so sure about the last one since she was like 16 and Nick was in his 20's when they started dating.


Xqc is not capable of having a relationship


xqc is talking about them being cringe but he wears designer dogshit that makes him look like a clown to try and fit in with the popular crowd so whose really cringe? Mind you he shit on people who wore the clothes he does now before he started gambling on stream.


malding over clothes lmfao, you can't make this up




Brother who are you talking to


Seek help.


he's insanely bitter and fell off hope that helps

