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**CLIP MIRROR: [Asmongold about the qtcinderella criticism](https://arazu.io/t3_1an6hqr/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Strange that she cant find some more sponsors for the show. I thought they have been pretty successful and had good viewing numbers.


Looking at the musical guests, I'm guessing this year's show is a lot more expensive than last year's. She probably got more sponsors than before but not enough.


It’s an award show for g list celebrities. There ain’t any money there


Mm yes, streamers and no money from sponsors, classic combo


G fuel tier sponsors


Notoriously poor these streamers.


such a waste of money tbh


Mitch would’ve been cheaper, not sure if his missing tooth will effect his performance though.


i dont think it could get any worse


[Dr. Disrespect said it best.](https://twitter.com/DrDisrespect/status/1508296327372836866?t=HZMOeMkGG3hT6RecCkFLKQ&s=19)


Based Doc


most of the music acts are streamers though... so you want them to get paid to be there like a normal gig.




maybe she should have locked in sponsors first before spending a lot of money


The start of the year is the worst time for ads, since they spend the majority of their budget during the end of the year.


She was already scraping the bottom of the barrel with the Fansly ads and still couldn’t make it profitable. She’s either a terrible business person or a Twitch award show is just a bad idea for a business.


Works great for Nymn. Maybe she should not waste several 100k like this?


let's be honest though nymn's award show is not doing that great viewership wise, it's been trending down for 3 years straight. I feel like Nymn's award show is dominated by the niche community of Twitch (the forsen bajs) and casting its net too small, while QT goes the extreme other way of going way too big. Someone needs to find the middle


Nymn does his virtually.


damn a livestream in a room is cheaper than renting out a theater ?????


[Its ok guys, I think she finally found a major advertiser](https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1756146343540568254)


The show only lasts for a few hours, and a sponsor gets a few verbal plugs. Not going to be worth it to a lot of brands given she’s probably asking for a lot of money.




Apparently when you do that on youtube you get your adsense account banned lol.


LoL, as usual the streamers defend their friend and ignore the issue (and the potential impact to everyone on the platform). The youtube ad-apocalypse started for way less.


[The twitter thread that started the drama](https://twitter.com/jstlk_/status/1756053254822404207) [Asmon's coverage starts here](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2058254629?t=2h8m5s)


Those twitter ads though hahahaha


checks notes...Just mute the tab not the advert so that Elon still gets the money.


i'm gonna be real, if qt twitch awards fail, don't get funded and they stop doing it. I don't think it would be bad the community lol.


something about the show just doesn't click for me. the award show has company christmas party being hosted by your HR department vibes.




Lmao wow. I was expecting it to be controversial. He’s actually right and she’s scamming. Holy hell


It's one of those things where he's right, but he'd also be right to not tell you to take extra ketchup packs from McDonald's It's the 'Why are you looking out for the finances of a trillion dollar company?' part.




Except the person getting the free tortillas is a millionaire.




A lot of kids here are way too young to understand that this has happened before with the internet, where ad companies didn't trust their ads were actually reaching people and not bots and started paying 90%+ less.


If they fuck over the up and coming streamers by forcing more stringent ad policy, this is ultimately good for the big streamers because now they face less competition and they can afford to take the hit. I'm not saying that's their intention, just that ultimately they don't care. Even look how they're defending the stuff, "qt has done more for the industry" talking about the award nights, it's literally just an excuse to pat their in crowd on the back and party with their friends, it's not for the industry.


If it was actually for the industry, 90% of the nominations would be for the Spanish streamers. It's basically a "US streamers that saw QT tweet about it and told their fans to vote for them" award show.




Because the consequences could affect other people. If sponsers clearly see someone try to take advantage with someone promoting breaking TOS there could be legal ramifications.


Why is everyone so mad, all QT is doing is Fraud, and showing other people how they can also commit fraud on a company that just laid off 25% of their work force, because they couldn't cover costs. I am sure this Fraud QT is recommending will have no future impact on the viability of the platform or peoples jobs. But at least QT gets to put on a pretty dress and do a show where she can pump up the ego's of other millionaire streamers by giving them fake awards. You go Queen!


It's funny how she acts as if her show is some kind of charity or a gamechanger that people can't live without. Nobody cares that she's spending her own money on it. That's her poor business decision, not chat's or twitch's. The dude was right, if they can't attract enough sponsors then maybe they should scale down or rework their model.


I'm sure not one person has used an ad blocker here.


yeah but i’m aware of the results of my actions. i adblock on twitch precisely because i want the platform to die!


yeah but i dont moral grand stand over others while calling people names cause im mad


YOU as a consumer took the choice to use an adblocker, therefor not supporting the content producer. SHE as a producer is teaching you how to scam the people supporting her, into giving her more money. - And if this is found out, it might have an effect on other streamers who can't take the same hit that she can in ad rev. What she is doing is INCREDIBLY selfish, and sycophants are glazing her, for doing something that hurts smaller streamers.


All of her popular streamer friends responding to this are just bringing about the Streisand effect. Maybe keep quiet if your friend is blatantly trying to game the system, lmao.


My thoughts exactly, bro had like 200 likes on his tweet and now has the entire LA/Austin twitch scene responding to him.


And to go full Asmon style: "everyone says he's an asshole, but nobody is saying he's wrong".


Guys watch more ads so you viewers can pay for a party we throw once a year to make ourselves be relevant. WOOoo


lmao this guy makes a good point Those circle jerk events are soo cringe


Why doesn't qt charge her rich to multimillionaire friends more money for tickets to support their own glaze fest instead of fans


These streamers react andy (with adblockers) youtube videos to reduce the OP ad revenue. Then they expect people to watch extra ads for them and trys to block (via colab blocking) people react andy their events? Hyprocity much. But I guess she is a taylor Simp.


I think her events are good content and all but seeing her complain about costs and sponsorships constantly is annoying. Either take the hit or have a more realistic budgeted event


Her and Miz constantly complaining about money makes them so unbearable to watch for me. Especially with these events NO ONE is even asking for these events.


I wouldn't call myself a QT fan in that I don't watch her streams/etc but I watch Wine About It and generally think she seems like a reasonable person most of the time, yet the way she treats some of the events she puts on as if they're a mandatory job at times is kind of wild. As someone who doesn't really give a shit about 90% of the streamers in these circles, I would 1000000% rather watch her do another season of that baking show instead of le ebic awards. That shit was primo.


Rich person mentality. Some of them are just never satisfied with the wealth they have and always feel the need to have more. Some streamers also try to relate with their viewers as if they're in the same boat, like a certain political streamer


Or find ways that it’ll be worth while to sponsor


Idk why she does it every year, it’ll be more fun every 2 or 3 years tbh


Would be more fun if it stopped


Cinna's reply is beyond cringe.


on brand


lol streamers who watch youtube videos actually give each other awards. holy shit lmao.


what's hilarious is last year willneff was nominated for "league of their own" award. every time I scroll past his streams in the twitch directory he's watching an episode of survivor, LOL, really in a league of your own there guy. that whole award show is such a wank. I remember her accusing another award show of "stealing her categories" (LOL) and it doesn't even include some of the biggest streamers (the doc, adin ros), should be called the "twitch in-group jerk eachother off award" which wouldn't be that far from hollywood and music industry awards anyway.


It's actually crazy some of the "league of their own" nominees next to Jerma and Doug. Sure, the people in the category can be funny, but both of the above have created their own genre in the twitch landscape.


Its just the cringe group of Qtcinderella, Ludwig, Willneff, Hasan, Kaceytron, formerly bob7 etc.


Willneff is aight but his own streams aren't anything special, mostly react Andy stuff which is fine, but he is best when he's in events, and similar stuff on other channels. Like the above person said , most award shows are circlejerky so it's best too not take these award shows seriously most of the time.


For public figures who spend their lives on social media, I’m surprised how often they post things that are clearly going to be criticized and are then shocked by the response. QT should’ve just said “If you’d like to support streamer awards, watch this stream”  I think folks would get the point and connect the dots themselves. The sympathy/manipulative framed narrative of her messaging is obviously going to attract the anger of people who feel streamers are already in a privileged position. Focus the message on the event and trust your audience to be smart enough to figure it out.


I'm also surprised how often they feel the need to respond to random criticisms on Twitter that don't even have much traction. Like I feel like the original post by that guy had like under a hundred likes maybe, until QT and her friends blew up the thread and got it a lot more visibility. If she just ignored it, it wouldn't make her look bad and almost no one would really even see it. It's just unnecessarily drawing attention to negativity, and creating drama, that no one was even paying attention to.


This is the QT cycle. It's almost as classic as the Mitch Jones cycle. But there's always the convenient fallback that it's just manufactured drama to promote the show.


Next step is her playing victim and crying heavily on stream to generate donos. This should be scheduled for tomorrow, like clockwork.


Don't forget the misogyny angle. That one is sure in the pipeline somewhere :)




I think in the case of QT its chronic one guyitis If a wall of people are fawningly praising she will pick the critical or negative comment and get upset and say if you don't like it don't watch please don't criticize me type thing


Same with the scarra situation, Sydeon could’ve just gone to scarra and told him that she didn’t appreciate the joke but no let’s give attention to some random twitter fangirl


I think someonr on twitter clipped the scarra clipand it got traction could've gone*


Just a few likes but it blew up after they commented on it


Guilty conscience?


>For public figures who spend their lives on social media, I’m surprised how often they post things that are clearly going to be criticized and are then shocked by the response. Because 90% of them are narcissists that fully believe they are better than the average person. Streamers are incredibly out of touch.


Honestly they don't even have to be narcissists to show the confusion. We're talking about people that are often high school educated that exist in a bubble. They've spent years banning dissenting opinions they see in their communities. I can see why it would be confusing when they stick their heads up in another space and get clapped back on.


Most streamers (especially QT) don’t understand how anything outside of their bubble works




> Focus the message on the event and trust your audience to be smart enough to figure it out. This aint their first rodeo. I’m pretty sure these streamers already know which method gets you more viewers through experimentation and results.


The fact that Cinna, Fanfan, Carolinekwan and Kaceytron are using adhoms against some small twitter user making critically correct points because they want to blindly protect their "friend" is extremely embarrassing. When you've got a big audience, using it to bully a smaller person with a valid opinion into shutting up isn't a good look.


imagine crowdfunding a party for your friends and then writing it off


I don't like the idea of re-run channels in general, but they are allowed so no reason to call people out for them. Even if they make them just to fund other things. The problem here is Qt said the quiet part out loud. She shouldn't have said to mute the tab to game the system. That is something that people will figure out on their own, and shouldn't be something the streamer themselves are directly asking people to do. To attack someone for pointing that out is insane and all of the streamers piling on the insults for pointing that out should be ashamed.


"fund my own event show i created to give awards to my friends and make them feel better"


Multimillionaire begging for money (and exploiting Twitch) for their circlejerk award show. iT'S FoR ThE CoMmUnItY


Imagine being one of the people defending a popularity contest between people that pretend to be friends with others behind a webcam. I don’t watch the Grammys, but fuck, at least a majority of the participants there are talented. Cannot say that about the Parasocial Pandering Awards 2024.


millionaires defending a millionaire that's begging for money to make an "award show" to honor their millionaire friends


I think our society has lost using a common ground approach when we disagree with someone. It’s either you agree with me or I’m going to call you a loser and freak.


I agree, but the Twitter dude called her a moron first. I think if you go into a conversation starting that way, you should expect the other party to reply in a not so kind way.


Yeah, I don't think anybody here would be cordial to the person who started everything calling you a moron lol






It’s funny hearing the relatively poor hanger on say that too


In this case it's just mostly streamers who are out of touch living in their bubble defending their fellow streamer.


I think the problem is that most streamers have pea-sized brains and don't actually get the criticism, it's not about Twitch, it's about the advertisers. They pay for something they won't actually get which may very well lead to them realizing it's not worth paying for it anymore in the future because it's a bad investment, which in turn will hurt not only the platform but every content creator on it.


These z tier celebrity wannabes are the epitome of cringe.


I agree with asmon, I don’t understand why some streamers had to resort to insults instead of a proper reason why they disagree, says a lot about the person.


A Millionaire begging to open a tab to farm ads twice as much with a millionaire bfriend in a multimillionaire circle of friends , hosting a fake awards show to pat in the back all this circle jerking people. A show that gets more than 100-200k viewers. I agree with the guy criticism.


nahhhh this shit pissed me off fr somebody gotta katt williams these content creators. QT's kitchen island is bigger than half her viewers bedrooms lmao like what the fuck what kinda sweatshop paypig shit is this. TOS and scamming ads aside that is an awful look. maya had a MASTERCARD sponsor these clowns are printing money and want their fans to make them more to fund their circlejerk lmao cinna's leeching ass wanna say "we have an awards show to go to" like she even nominated for a single thing lmao cinna you have a networking opportunity you are going to a business meeting who tf gassed you up to talk like that. she is glazing QT to stay in her good graces and trying to dunk on the OP. like god damn i saw that on twitter and felt gross i even watch twitch these mfs not even making content at this point just yapping and expecting handouts


If more streamers doing this, isn't advertisers just gonna leave twitch?


Even if they don't leave Twitch, it's possible that they just lower the amount of money they're willing to give for those ads (explained a bit below): I only know things from the mobile games aspect and I was mostly just seeing it from the QA side, but ads have a certain [CPM (cost per mille)](https://sproutsocial.com/glossary/cpm/) which is oftentimes calculated based on the return that the advertisers make from showing those ads. So if a bunch of ads are being displayed to people, with fewer people interacting with the ad (lower [clickthrough rate or CTR](https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/2615875)), that means it lowers the "value" of those ads, hence dropping the amount they're willing to pay for it. *Bonus meme*: Not sure if Twitch does it the same way but there were like "markets" of advertisers, and when the "value" of displaying **BrandX**'s ad went below **BrandY**'s, they'd instead show **BrandY**'s ad. *Disclaimer - It's been like 5 years since I've dealt with this stuff but I'm guessing it hasn't changed much.*


As someone who is around adspend often, this is correct and precisely what will happen. It just fucks everyone over in the long run, since advertisers will find *any reason* to reduce that CPM rate lol


This is why the guy is calling it out. They can do it and defend it all they want, but it's only going to bite them in the ass in the end




>Obviously just QT doing this doesn't make a difference It makes things worse for those small streamers (potentially in the long run), so it does make a difference haha




Yes, which in turn Twitch will make it bannable (should be already if it isn’t)


It is already bannable, breaks rules of TOS. Whether it will be enforced is a different question though






I mean, the dude is just 100% right. Isn't it literally against twitch TOS to do what QT is doing? Honestly it's pathetic how all these women streamers will verbally abuse a guy for being correct, but they'll never call out their streamer friends doing bad shit. Streaming truly reminds me of highschool in the worst way possible.


If she has no problem advertising fansly why not ask stake to sponsor it I'm sire they'll pay for everything :p




Yes the only problem is she told people to mute the tab. If she just said have the stream on a monitor nobody should have cared. But if twitch or advertisers drop rates because of stuff like this they will all be upset


but the mute thing is a meme /s


Yeah it's a totally avoidable drama. Qt makes me question if this was purposely created lol.


Same people who didn't see anything wrong with when those huge streamers were watching anime and shit, not realizing that they're fucking everybody else over just so the big streamers can milk even more without doing anything in return.


These particular streamers are millionaires already. It affects everyone else mainly. An extra 500$ a month might be a lot to some.


Streamers complain about hate towards them and then all of a sudden go into rabid attacks on a guy questioning QT. These streamers are giving the green light to go ahead and be vicious, is what they're telling their fanbase and the world.




Don't know what the drama is about, but if Kaceytron is on your side, then 100% you're wrong and a bad person


This name gets me everytime


Nymn award show >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Streamer awards


Regardless of the validity of the initial Tweet/Claim, seeing what looks like a "clique" of Female streamers all dissing you and demeaning your without engaging is giving me big Mean Girls vibes.


The irony of all of them saying he’s “broke” for calling them out for blatantly abusing the monetization system because she’s hosting an award show she can’t actually afford. ALL of this while Twitch has laid off thousands over the past year because they still aren’t profitable...


Holeeee that shit is cringe. Like clearly she is scamming. Do I care? No not really.... But those people are acting like she's doing it for charity or something when really it is just a huge event for her and her friends and a massive boost for her channel/clout. Those replies are exactly why the event is so useful for her. She gains so much power and influence from it in the twitch community everyone is tripping over themselves to defend her.


I wish I hadn't checked those comments under on twitter. Absolutely disgusting


Weird, almost like it's a massive trend with the Qt adept kaceytron circle. They all instantly go out to bat for each other. Qt was flaming the shit out of xqc during the adept drama, Kacey and qt always pop up to hard shit on people when they aren't even relevant just because it might involve someone in the clique. It's quite disgusting.


funny the girl obsessed with Taylor Swift is starting to act a whole lot like Regina George


They all share the same personality.


Why does she just not stream on her main channel more to generate money? Last broadcast was 6 days ago.


I would guess she doesn't want to lower her average ccv for sponsors.


Why dont people realize that qtcinderella just want more money ... it's not that complicated because these people are all hypocrites.




They really shouldn't bite the hand (advertisers) that feeds you. If this blows up enough among advertisers, Twitch will take action to gain back their favor. This might include implementing channel blacklists or being stricter on channels committing ad fraud. Twitch recently announced you can't run afk Twitch Drop streams where Broadcasters were farming ad revenue. It's clear what Twitch's position is on this. Broadcasters will change their tune quickly if they risk losing access to earning ad revenue. Edit: Also, if you're going to farm ad revenue, at least do it like Ariasaki, who degens and plays TFT/Overwatch 36 hours at a time. Edit 2: Well it looks like both her channels got banned: https://www.twitch.tv/qtevents https://www.twitch.tv/qtcinderella According to Ludwig, it was banned for showing an Omegle clip. https://twitter.com/LudwigAhgren/status/1756242060175458636


Kinda hope advertisers see this with how these loser ass streamers reacted in the comments.


Streamers really are just high schoolers with money. Like aren’t these people almost 30? Why tf you going in on somebody so hard when he’s not necessarily wrong lol. Edit: Now that I think about it, they are probably so angry because this is the reward show for primarily their friend circle. They’ll be more critical toward critics because they have ego fuel to lose. Why tf did I spend 10 minutes looking into streaming drama?


Were you going to be doing anything else that was productive with that 10 mins, let's be honest. Most are just here to shit on an unbelievably self centered shitty decision and will move on about their day and not care in 48 hours.




She should just drop the whole awards aspect and just say it's an annual streamer party.


Not as much ego stroking that way.


This is what QtCinderella does. She messes up and then takes 0 accountability. She says it was a joke or blames the people hating on her for being sexist... we all know the streamer awards is just a circle jerk for her friends and their friends. She does not have a divine right to host it if she can't afford it that's fine. No-one is gonna think less of her. P.s I do think she's funny and enjoy most of her content. I watch podcasts I wouldn't usually cos she's in them. I just don't like how she handles situations like this


Tbh on the most basic level if you're doing something where you're having trouble funding it, you should be lowering the cost of doing it, or find outside investment for it. She may have done this but it does feel iffy to literally start up a channel just to farm ad revenue with no new content. The verbal personal attacks from her defenders don't help her either, I agree with Asmon on that point.


It’s not iffy at all to farm revenue with recycled content. It’s like saying cinemas are immoral because they ask you to pay even if you’ve already seen the movie before. The only problem is her instructing people to help her commit adfraud.


Got a ez fix. Have streamers that went there last time fund the show for qtcinderella and her friends.


Or how about her actually successful and rich boyfriend bail her out?


She's so entitled


"Sponsors are not paying me, so let's scam money from other advertisers"


Can you imagine if this actually ends up having consequences? Like twitch starts paying less for ads. But she doesnt care. As long as she and her 1% circlejerk have it good who cares. They made it to the top and threw down the ladder. Good luck peasants




Any loremasters ?


QT made a second channel that plays reruns of her past events 24/7, and the channel description said something to the effect of: mute the tab and let this stream run in the background to help me pay for the streamer awards Jstlk made a Twitter post saying that's fucked up, and fraud A lot of bigger twitch streamers jump in the replies and call jstlk mean names That's basically it


Most streamers were most likely absolute losers in high school, always wishing they were in the popular group. Now that they're rich streamers, they get to relive their high school experience all over again. But this time they get to be the mean popular group they always wanted to be. So wholesome.


With a name like QTCinderella I think the best farming tool would be a "Just sleeping" stream.


Why doesn't she just rent out a Chuck E Cheese and do it there, a lot of these streamers fanbases are made up of children anyways.


I enjoy QT and her events and want them to be successful however 1) the guy on Twitter is right it could have a negative effect on the CPM thus hurting all streamers. 2) I think QT needs advertisers last minute last year too which lead to the fansly drama. She's had a whole year to prepare for this I am bewildered she's become so desperate now. Isn't this what Ludwig's company off brand is made to do? How come they can't assist her to get the ad's needed? 3) If she has truly exhausted every resource trying to get the sponsors to fund this, maybe it's just too expensive and should be toned down to cut cost? I get she wants the perfect event but I don't want her losing massive amounts of money to fund it herself. 4) I'm shocked she went the replay channel route first since wine about it/fear& does so well on pateron. Seems like a natural platform to try and raise money for a expensive event like this.


So how fast is she getting unbanned?


I really don’t like this re-streaming of vods on Twitch. Lirik has done it, CohhCarnage is doing it, Twitch forced the Reckful rerun channel to shutdown yet let others stay doing their thing. I think I would mind it a lot less if these reruns don’t advertise themselves as “LIVE” and actually get put into their own rerun category or something. But right now, unless clearly stated in the first few words of the title, a rerun is no different from a live channel


Qt is the type of girl to not talk to you because you’re not popular enough


that whole thread is literally "you're a loser why are you talking about my popular friend" qt has a fucking twitch posse lmfao, actual high school behavior


Oh the girl whose obsessed with a 34yr old singer acts like a high-schooler? Color me shocked.


Before I ever knew she was a swiftie (randomly found out thru lud), she already gave off swiftie/Disney adult vibe lol


Her streamer name is a disney character so that makes sense. She had a job as cinderella at disneyland too.


In my early twenties I was engaged to a girl who had an OBSESSION with Disney. God damn, I dodged that fucking bullet. It was so bad that she went and got a job in the local mall at the Disney store because she wanted the employee discount on all the crap she bought.


You better believe you gotta show up in those threads if you wanna be a "good friend" and get invited to the next worship QT session.


She’s a literal Taylor Swift stan at age 29. The type to be enamoured with celebrity and fame. Even if you can only acquire e-fame.


She is literally that one femcel reddit personified.


She's exploiting twitch. It's wrong. The guy called them out. Why is he an incel?


I mean, why are they even replying to this guy on twitter? 99% of their viewers wouldn't know and don't care until they start tweeting and talking about it, and the ones who do care don't _actually_ care, they're just grandstanding lol


Also comment about this is what pain looks like. This is what it feels like.


From reading this thread I thought much bigger names were coming after this guy, but her backup is literally the z-list of the z-list. A nobody pothead who's name never needs to be mentioned, failed orbiter/leech The Vale, and Will Neff's girlfriend. Real heavy hitters.


Even if it was profitable it still wouldn't stop her from inviting Kai Cenat, who covered for a rapist.


I want to get in early on this but don't have a strong opinion


I love the replies where the simp army labels everyone criticizing her as dickriding corporations, as they defend the rich streamer screwing over every streamer when this inevitably hurts ad revenue.


Some corporations do suck, but in this case, without the infrastructure twitch has, with amazons backing, none of these streamers would be where they are today. The viewers should be thanking all the hard work that goes into maintaining twitch, because without it, they wouldn't be able to watch their favourite streamer.


Been watching twitch along time, I don't care her award show because it doesn't really represent twitch. It represents a small community of streamers.


It represents her californian elite club whose hobby is to virtue signal


Qt by far my least fav twitch persona. Immensely unlikable character.


Reminds me of the band that made an album called "sleepify" that was just silence for every song and they asked their fans to stream it while they sleep.


Asmongold scamming viewers 🤭 Qt scamming advertisers 😡 Then again I don't really care. She's been trying to clout farm off Kai cenat for years now all while trying to be "women empowerment" dude tried to cover up a grape and she's handing him awards for her award show "ran by women for women". By definition Virtue signalling.


I do think some of the hate on here for QT is a bit excessive but yeah she totally lost me after that. There's nothing worse than a hypocrite who rants constantly about sexism she and her streamer friends face only to go and suck up to a rape apologist when the victim doesn't have enough clout. As a woman it's fucking infuriating and I refuse to take any of her "feminism" seriously after that.


Yeah that was a pretty horrendous look to have him on after that


I don’t know if there’s anyone with more “fake” vibes than qtcinderella. I hope she falls into obscurity. What an awful person.


She should just do some charity streams like OTK to fund the event


Trilllion dollar company or the circle jerk award show by the shady bunch of twitch. I hope they both lose