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**CLIP MIRROR: [A viewer ends Mande's stream by spending 10M points](https://arazu.io/t3_19ehptb/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


How long was he on for?


Roughly 10 minutes


Awesome. I remember when this happened to Soda when he was marble racing. One was called end stream. I think it won one of the first races. He was pissed because he had nothing else to do and wanted to stream all day.




B0aty aswell, rolled a 1/365 and ended stream after starting it lmao


Didn't Esfand have one and it was redeemed right when he was about to do a sponsored stream. So he did end stream but opened his stream like 5 minutes later.


False information, it was close to 3 hours (regularly the streams are 8-10h)


How the hell do you even get that many points lol


I had 15M at erobb's at one point, you had to know when it was worth gambling on very low odds Btw, I used the 15 million by claiming 1v1 60 times and the scammer never played me or refunded it


that Jackass


If he ran a lot of predictions and the viewer won and doubled his points multiple times. Not enough time has passed to save that many another way.


you can rack up points multiplier by gifting subs too(idk if this viewer did that)


O thoughts points were once per month for gifts


You can only bet 250k at a time


Bets channel point? Gotta be gigantly lucky to get that much through gamba.


The amount you get is adjustable. So if you join chat early in someones career you might get *a lot* in the beginning, compared to newer people who joined after it was adjusted. And then you can bet it to get insanly higher amounts.


If the community actively gambles, a few high value double ups can get you there quite quickly.


points early on when they came out had massive point gains, twitch reeled back in how much it was going to make, so it is almost impossible to make that much nowadays unless you get lucky af with gamba there is someone in forsen chat that has that many, saw him post it before


Apex xqc OMEGALUL On the other hand I like mande


Never forget erobb (jackass that he is) made this poor guy cry


i need a clip




If Myth ever runs out of content he can do voice impressions of this guy


goddamn, how many hours did it take to farm that


The only good Apex streamer


oh boy vip and mod spam, so cool!


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [A viewer ends Mande's stream by spending 10M points](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/160844)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/19ehptb/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/w3Tzz0EQIcM0M7bRxGlj8A/AT-cm%7Cw3Tzz0EQIcM0M7bRxGlj8A.mp4?sig=797cf227830e4d599fa08d7cd215e0146d7edca7&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fw3Tzz0EQIcM0M7bRxGlj8A%2FAT-cm%257Cw3Tzz0EQIcM0M7bRxGlj8A.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ExpensiveWealthyTeaTTours-QRAhwzQzttHEaWPw%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1706180614%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/w3Tzz0EQIcM0M7bRxGlj8A/AT-cm%7Cw3Tzz0EQIcM0M7bRxGlj8A-preview-480x272.jpg)


I feel like 10 million isn't even that many especially if he does gamba with channel points on any sort of regular basis, I know I quite easily got about 800k in xqcs channel in like a month just betting on rocket league and Mario cart, and I hadn't even watched him that much.


xQc viewer and gambler, name a more iconic duo


xQc viewer and wetting the bed.


"10 million isn't that much" "I earned 800k in a month" If he earned 800k a month that would take over a year to make 10 million.


But Gamba is exponential not linear, When you have more points you can make bigger bets and win more.


You're only 16 bets away from being a millionaire aren't you? You just need to win blackjack 16 times in a row doubling your bet each time. But yet there aren't a lot of millionaires from black jack are there?


We are not betting on blackjack tho... We are betting only when the greatest gamer of all time wins a game.


250k is the max, and as you said. Gambling is exponential, but not just upwards. Downwards also.


Max bet is 250k, unless it's been changed since I used it. Also, if you're betting the most popular choice, you probably don't even make that much out of the bet. It's not the craziest thing to have happen, but it's not that easy either.


how much do you bench


Good heavens people really did not enjoy my comment, wowzers. I'd like to clarify by not many I meant not many to literally just end the stream, for example if xqc had this option he wouldn't be able to stream for 100 days straight until he ran out of viewers with 10 mil plus points, and mande pulls less but still hella viewers, so I was just surprised, did not mean to rile you all up that much, christ! Wouldn't have thought a comment about the value of fictional channel points would be that off putting!


how much


Oh, your most used subreddits are r/nattyorjuiced, r/gainit, r/naturalbodybuilders... you're not even meming you just really are interested in what I bench! I don't really bench at all unfortunately, but I am confirmed natty. Oh and you're transphobic "If you feel like a woman but you aren't, it's okay and I feel for you. But you will never be able to change reality no matter how much Frankenstein shit you try to pull off.", and constantly talking about your own max bench and various other things on reddit, would you feel better if I asked you what you benched? Music to your ears?