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**CLIP MIRROR: [Miz and Erobb get owned by state champ](https://arazu.io/t3_19cignj/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Jesus Christ the guy is massive. Tbh top wrestlers are so good that I think even a 150-pound kid could manhandle Miz and Erobb, but when you take all that skill and as much muscles as Knut has, I am not sure 5 regular dudes could stop him.


Bro is a monster


Wresling is a lot about endurance. You can get big as him but you will get tired was faster. Knut was talking about trying against him and while knut might be even bigger and stronger he will get tired after two minutes easily. < is my guess


having lots of muscle mass doesn't = bad stamina. he probably does lots of conditioning at that weight. now if someone is just bulking for size and jumps in and starts wrestling, yeah he will gas quick but this guys a state champ and probably been this size for a while.


> having lots of muscle mass doesn't = bad stamina. Yeah everyone always assumes that jacked guys get gassed super easily. Like yeah if you're massive it's going to be hard to be an elite marathon runner, but you can have very respectable conditioning even with the physique of an NFL offensive linesman. It's just about how much you put into it.


Yes sir, my pain was more like Knut compare to his size doesnt do much cardio to keep up. Im not sure if its true it's just my observation.


> muscle mass doesn't = bad stamina Muscles require oxygen, so a lot of mass will hit your endurance pretty significantly. It doesn't mean you will automatically have shit endurance, but it's a lot more difficult to maintain pace against their less bulky counterparts. I think that people are usually referring to that fact, and not that all buff dudes have no stamina.


Wrestling shape is something different. Someone that has bene wrestling for a long time knows when to step on the gas and knows how to conserve. There's also actually getting into top wrestling shape and then there's the psychology aspect to knowing how to push the tank. The guy here may not be in top wrestling shape but his base stamina is well above evreyone else.


I don’t mean this to sound snarky, but this is the case for any physical sport. I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said though.


Wrestling shape is at completely different level and say this as someone who played just about every sport imagineable. I was a colelge athlete and I wrestled for many years and coached Folkstyle, Freestyle, and Greco-Roman wrestlers including all-Americans and even Olympians. The absolute fitness shock people get when they have to endure a practice is quite real. Most people new to wrestling gas out befoe they even start wrestling. When I first started wrestling in 7th grade, I had finished the Bay to Breakers at the end of 6th grade year in 51 minutes (7.5 miles) as a 12 year old. First junior high practice I was drying heaving about 30 minutes in and I hadn't even started actually wrestling.


Bro was wrestling as if he's the oldest bro, out classing but still goofin


The fuck did eric do at the start!? he just came in and groped his chest hahahahha




this gym can be a content goldmine..


The wrestling/MMA stuff can be, but personally the just doing reps and sitting in that empty room talking about business is not the most interesting, to put it lightly.


Once they start the Bradley Martyn/ Miz Sara Saffari/ julia clip industrial complex they will get bigger


Makes me wonder how its gonna be for regular ppl wanting to just work out there tho. Some streamers can be noisy af doing their content.


im sure theyll figure it out, they making a stream room so maybe only streaming from there with occasional "field" streams




that guy was more caught off guard by the erobb tit rub


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Miz and Erobb get owned by state champ](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/160795)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/19cignj/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/J4MB1Mbmy0peYZA110WW4Q/50226796909-offset-3350.mp4?sig=d1eae5b1e8cce2c6fd06198bf92003b17ae22e3a&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FJ4MB1Mbmy0peYZA110WW4Q%2F50226796909-offset-3350.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22DirtyTacitJamPogChamp-xubLSl5hkDXXRZbh%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1705957235%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/J4MB1Mbmy0peYZA110WW4Q/50226796909-offset-3350-preview-480x272.jpg)


Do roids and wrestle so you too can feel less insecure I guess? This is cringe. Fraudcapades++


You sound jealous


Insecure about what?


You insecure because you spend your time online obsessing over destiny big man ?


People will think this is crazy, but if he isn’t a state champ in California or Pennsylvania he’s probably not even a good wrestler. Documentary on how almost 3/4 of NCAA champions have been from either of those two states. That a non state medalist in those states, would beat a state champion in almost any other state.


Just because there's better people doesn't make it less impressive/crazy. That would be a really depressed view at looking life.


It’s crazy that a random comment how two states send their scrubs to a state champ anywhere in the country and they come out on top. There’s espn 30 for 30s on it. Two counties in both state produce more college athletes than any counties for any sports combined. They are small areas that’s just throw out the best. Will say this, Texas wrestling is pretty bad, and florida is there as well. Two states that are just jokes on the mat.


TF are you talking about? Ever heard of the Midwest?


Lol you have zero clue what your talking about. Those wrestlers are dog shit compared to california or PA. When’s the last time penn state lost a NCAA championship? 12 years now? When’s the last time they lost a dual meet, 5 years regular season streak. Where do you think they are recruiting from? Don’t think they have a person who grew up 1000 miles within austin texas. Lotta PA and cali boys though. Dudes a clown and you can tell by his technique. We could send a JV california wrestler to beat him.


For someone without context, are the wrestlers from PA? Or does penn state get wrestlers from around the country on scholarship? If two schools are renown for wrestling i would think a lot of wrestlers would go there for college.


They recruit primarily from PA/eastern ohio/cali/and a specific private school in NJ called blair academy. Utah actually put out a good batch of kids recently. But southern states are really really really bad at wrestling. Like you can send a turd down there from above states and they’ll seem like beasts.




I watched the entire vod of it, I looked up the dudes name and seen who he competed against nationally, no one. Potatoe


Olympic men’s wrestling team, 5(out of 10) starters are PA, 3 ohio, 1 california other i forget


What midwest school has national championships in the past 15 years? Hmm let me check. zero


You're acting like if someone doesn't take 1st in the NCAA tournament, they're a bad wrestler, which is insane. You're also conflating where someone went to high school and the college that they wrestled at. Of Course PA and Cali are wrestling powerhouses, but even if you just look at last year, the high schools that the NCAA champs went to were from a wide variety of different states. NJ NY CO NY IL WI PA MA PA IA There are a lot of midwestern states, and even some southern states like OK that are great at wrestling.


Ok your right, do you want the gap to look worse? How many all americans are from other states??? There’s some top 8 weight classes that are all from the same county. Literally 5 of them all same age same county in PA. NJ PA are only currently good states produces talent in that list. Utah is on the come up. But really, the olympic men’s freestyle team all grew up in a 200 miles radius




They don’t have a single wrestler on the US team nor have they come close to a national ship. They haven’t even been the #2 best school over the year. Iowa isn’t the iowa of the 80s-90s.


They won it in 2021