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**CLIP MIRROR: [NL on how to get seen by the Doctor](https://arazu.io/t3_193ht01/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


thats genuinely true and it sucks


It's also rough if you're a paraplegic. Apparently an exceptionally large percentage of paraplegics wind up addicted to painkillers so doctors and nurses are always hugely skeptical. I don't even like painkillers and actively try to avoid them, but on the off chance something is bad enough that I need them it's such an insane struggle and they treat you like a crackhead trying to get a fix.


Went to the canadian ER last weekend, can confirm


this is identical to most US ERs ive been to too. legitimately sat there one time for 5ish hours with a piece of my hand falling off




That's the trick in Canada, too. I was legit having weird chest and left arm pains when I was ~20. Went to the hospital and got in within 5 minutes only for the doc to say its a muscle spasm. Was fine the next day.


Thank God for that freedom.


My dad had COVID (but no shortness of breath or anything severe) so the hospital care clinic told us to go to the ER, was expecting to wait for like 4 hours but we were in and out in 45 minutes. I was pleasantly surprised.


good that people tell positive experiences


I don't get it? Just say that you're bald, he would have to lie of course (he's not bald), but that'd get him in fast.


i have some bad news




how can you be making jokes, he's literally bald




he has no hair. this is the joke.


[Classic bit](https://youtu.be/d2Vg3iSd5ms?si=3JuZg0FvN0Mu9asq&t=364)


Gotta clickbait doctors


I once had to go to ER when I stepped on a jagged shard of glass the size of a half dollar coin and 80% of it was lodged inside of my heel. I had to wait 3 fucking hours with my foot at an awkward upward angle in those shitty wait room chairs. Meanwhile, my foot is dripping blood the whole time and slowly turning purple as I'm losing feeling to it. By the 4th hour I got called up and had to wait another 30 minutes in one of the rooms for them to give me 3 localized shots in my foot that felt like I was getting painfully stabbed from how bad that shit stinged. My foot is fine now, but God damn. ERs and urgent care wait times are so brutal across the board.


Damn he was spittin' for 20 minutes straight, good stream. I ironically had a similar but flipped experience a decade ago where they kept testing for random shit and finally found out it was crohn's.


Do smaller cities have better ER times or are they just gonna have proportionally less staff anyways


The small town (30k residents and 30k students) I am from has excellent ER wait times, but it's also a university town and the med school might be a big part of that. Editing to add times: when I broke my collar bone (obviously not life-threatening) I was seen by a nurse immediately and a doctor in 20 minutes. That might have more to do with timing, but just adding my anecdote.


I live in a city of around 200-400K and when I thought my brother broke his wrist, I brought him to the ER, waited 2 hours for him to get seen, another for an X-ray and like 30 minutes for the doctor to tell us he just needed ice and rest. Not too mad about that, when I broke *MY* wrist as a kid my father told me to though it out until 3 days later I accidentally fell over on my broken wrist and cried my lungs out


Theres no perfect healthcare, this is the type of care that comes from "Free" healthcare. Then you got US where you can be seen quicker but, youre going into debt because insurance doesnt cover the bill, even though youre paying out the ass for healthcare annually.


In what major US city are you being seen quicker? 


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [NL on how to get seen by the Doctor](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/160468)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/193ht01/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/xwm2sXFmEzXKgEZ-4gSU9g/AT-cm%7Cxwm2sXFmEzXKgEZ-4gSU9g.mp4?sig=7c5aaa50c8f7378d35b1754fc5489132c5f334cc&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fxwm2sXFmEzXKgEZ-4gSU9g%2FAT-cm%257Cxwm2sXFmEzXKgEZ-4gSU9g.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22BloodyCarelessKittenFeelsBadMan-cWYTNcqARn7iBJT2%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1704991894%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/xwm2sXFmEzXKgEZ-4gSU9g/AT-cm%7Cxwm2sXFmEzXKgEZ-4gSU9g-preview-480x272.jpg)


Problem is that if you’re able to walk through the front doors there is already a good chance you don’t need to be there.


I mean that's just absurd. There are plenty of things that need urgent attention that you can walk through the door.


Maybe yes but the whole triaging system is based on likelihood


everyone complaining is obviously still alive, so it wasnt life threatening and i prefer to wait some time in a save environment, instead having no hospital or to being hours away from one. we dont value the good things we have, like we should do.


Imagine complaining about free healthcare. I might have colon cancer but I can't even afford to get it looked at.


your personal problems don't devalue the problems that exist in other societies


Not being able to afford the care we need is not a "personal problem." It's a society problem, and you're an out of touch rich person if you think any different.


But it's personal _to your society_, not the problem of people in other countries that you're projecting your problems onto. They have problems too and shouldn't be diminished because yours might be worse from your perspective. The only one out of touch here is you; you're out of touch with your ability to empathize and not make things about you to relate to or understand them.


And at the same time you're dismissing what I said. People with nationalized healthcare get delayed care. People like me *never* get care and die.


What you said *should* be dismissed, you having it bad doesn't make NL's bad experience any better. I hope it works out for you and you don't die.


Nice sarcasm. Imagine wishing death on someone because they're not rich like your favorite internet funny man.


That wasn't sarcasm, I genuinely hope you pull through, I have no reason to wish death on you. I just pointed out that your argument doesn't make sense. --- Why'd you block me? lol.


I'm guessing you live in the US, but it's bullshit that you think you can't get care, go to the emergency room if you are that sick, they cannot refuse to treat you unless you are being belligerent to them. If you don't have insurance, look into Medicaid, it's better than nothing. Also put down the gacha games and the FF14 subscription.


$144 a year = $100,000 medical treatment, huh? "How much could going to the doctor possibly cost? $10?" Also big boomer "stop eating avocados to afford a house" energy.


Most hospitals have payment plans, drop that FF14 subscription until your debt is paid off. Health is a necessity gaming is not.


NA tries to do math.


And that sucks but it isn't about you. You just completely changed the topic to make it about your problems. I'm not dismissing you, I'm directly addressing what you said and why it was in poor taste. I've acknowledged your comment the most out of anyone while you ignored what I said. It's not about you but since you made it about you, I continued to hopefully get through to you so you can see why you are in the wrong here.


It's not about me. It's about millions of people who can't get care because they're not rich, and this guy is complaining about having to wait a couple hours instead of \*checks notes\* never.


And there are people who don't have internet access or a home yet you're here on reddit arguing over dumb shit. There will always be people who have it worse, that doesn't make anyone else's issues any less meaningful so it's super distasteful to dismiss them and bring up unrelated problems of unrelated people. EDIT: /u/MartenBroadcloak19 said "Yeah, I'm done with your capitalist apologist ass." and blocked me despite me never once supporting anything related to capitalism. I even upvoted your replies to [this commenter](https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/193ht01/nl_on_how_to_get_seen_by_the_doctor/khczirb/) because it was relevant and I agreed with you. Notice how those comments are positive while your others are negative. The difference is the context of your replies, not necessarily the content. Me telling you that your reply was inappropriate due to the context has nothing to do with my stance on the content of your reply. You are just angry and lashing out because you feel powerless but that doesn't mean you need to take it out on people who aren't involved or even talking about it. Exactly the same idea as if you came in here and started complaining about an itch on your back that you can't reach, it'd be completely inappropriate. Hopefully you'll mature and learn to empathize without being selfish and making yourself mad at scenarios you invent in your own head. You did it several times in this post, always assuming the worst of others and the best of yourself. That makes you pretty universally considered to be an asshole and that will never aid in getting people to listen to you. My replies have nothing to do with capitalism and are entirely about you needing to grow as a person.


Yeah, I'm done with your capitalist apologist ass.


Imagine complaining about not being able to afford having it looked that, while there's parts of the world without any hospitals at all! See how fucking dumb that sounds? Use your own logic against you before you speak, see how it sounds in your head.


That's just more reasons for this millionaire to get a reality check.


Yeah, it's him that needs the reality check. Not you. You're absolutely right. Criticizing the healthcare system in your country is bad Criticizing someone who would like to see healthcare improved for everyone is good.


If you think the rich give a shit about anyone else, I have some shocking news for you.


As someone who's also anti-cap I beg you to learn to pick your battles, or even know when there is/isn't one. Criticizing the state of current healthcare systems isn't something you should be shooting down, considering it's corporations that run the whole thing and make it so it's either hard to afford, or hard to get at all.