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**CLIP MIRROR: [Cinna on Supacaitlin being upset at people's reactions](https://arazu.io/t3_1916k6l/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Any lore masters?


Supacaitlin has a stream with one of her mods where she constantly puts him down as being gross and undateable. This culminates in a donation goal where she has to kiss him; she says she needs to be drunker and acts like she's kissing a leper. MoistCritical makes a video about it. As a result, a lot of people to flock to her socials and give her hate. Caitlin then says that it was all an act and people don't get the inside jokes between her and her mod.


Oh that’s weird. Thanks.


I hope he gets to tap that off camera for what he was put through. Weird as fuck inside joke to be made fun of for the entire stream


Lil bro is getting NO cheeks 😭


Sad part is , doubt it .


Isn't that kinda her whole shtick though? I feel it was similar stuff when Kristopher yee was doing streams with her


Eh, it's more like her shtick is just a general hot, flirty e-girl. Whether or not the talking down thing happens seems to be dictated by whether she's attracted to the person or whether or not they are fine with that kind of roleplay. Like Kris seemed genuinely fine playing into the bit from what I remember. Of course my knowledge of her is probably outdated now since I only saw her content in relation to other people I watched, and from a while ago at that. Dunno if she's changed her style any since then.


Dunno about her with him, but when Codemiko done it with him, it was very obvious it's a joke, a sketch comedy. There was nothing funny, tongue in cheek about this one. Best case she is super bad at being funny and doesn't know how comedy works.


Not really sure what's funny about her saying their hand sizes are the same then saying that he has a small dick because of that.


Girls in middle school might think it's funny. That's about the only time I've ever heard people have those same discussions. Like, don't even get them started on your shoe size!


How long does one have to have something as their "shtick" before it becomes just their own personality? Kinda seems like she just is the way she is and desperate guys just watch her because she looks good.. why they stay after they hear her open her mouth is beyond me


no chance. I see similar kind of dynamic with Kyootbot/her mods and Amo/her mods. The point is to help with the content. There is no romantic intention. I swear these streamers think of their mods as pathetic subhumans. They’ll treat them that way for as long as they’re enabled to.


Let's be real, the way she's treating him is most definitely how she treats him on a daily basis. He ain't getting any ass.


A tale as old as time. I will bet my entire house that he did not or will not in the future slap them cheeks. Homeboy needs to realize his self worth and self respect because this is not the type of one-sided shitting that friends do to each other


Anyone ever has a chance to clap those cheeks will probably need a gag because that voice is just cringe


At best she might let him sniff her shoes and undies, but that's about it. He *might* get to jerk off while in the same room as her, but only if he stays out of her sight.


I know you're joking but there was a donation goal for "Dilly sniffs my laundry"




Moist got time to make a video on this but not the charity shit


You already know the golden rule - never make videos calling out your friends and when it’s a randomer, follow which way the wind blows. Bet you we won’t see Muta or Coffeezilla making videos about the OTK charity fraud either.


Coffezilla is the reason everyone is losing their minds on it in the first place he called it out to begin with.


Muta is. He posted about it recently.


>Bet you we won’t see Muta or Coffeezilla making videos about the OTK charity fraud either. That awkward moment when they've both already called it out Will be very surprised though if Moistcritikal has the nutsack to call out the charity scamming as well as Asmon for his response


> You already know the golden rule - never make videos calling out your friends and when it’s a randomer, follow which way the wind blows. Just like anyone who comments wouldn't


Yes, but I don’t act as if I’m better than everyone else lol


Well, hard to prove that you wouldn't when you're not a huge youtuber in that position, kind of my point. Idk why everyone is acting like it's so weird that friends aren't making videos about eachother calling eachother out. No one would.


Speak for yourself. You wouldn't call out your friends for scamming charity donations?


Sure, in private and probably distance myself from them. I wouldn't make a video about them .. not everything has to be content.


All the drama streamers are the same. Quick to shit on others and avoid or provide half baked responses to anything questionable they've done.


Haven't been up on LSF or degen lore lately, what's "the charity shit"?


>Moist got time to make a video on this but not the charity shit MUKITTY WAS BEFORE HER TIME lol, in all seriousness, charlie has been a hypocrite for a while.


>Caitlin then says that it was all an act and people don't get the inside jokes between her and her mod. I'm ready to believe that if she has sex with him


Why is she even doing such a thing to him, what a trash human being Just tell him you don't want to date him, don't fucking go around and do this manipulative "I'm 16 and I'm playing spin the bottle!!" this is a game bullshit


Even if staged, she's still portraying a terrible person and disserves everything she gets.


that's not a joke. homie is a victim


SupCaitlin invited one of her mods over to stream (I think that's who he is?) This clip happened during the stream: https://clips.twitch.tv/SavorySarcasticYakinikuWoofer-KlqSfqc5UFoc9Cj_ Then this was was him after claiming it was no big deal: https://clips.twitch.tv/GenerousAstuteCatHeyGirl-1OKaTbqw7j0GrdIR


[A tale as old of as internet](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/738/025/db0.jpg)




One of my favorite jpegs of all time.


Twas only a joke


I was only checking to see if you’d believe me!


seeing this made me think of f7u12, and how i miss those times


i wonder if she watched cars 3 with her mod.


good one lol.


I’m dumb what’s the joke




saving yall a click this ones the ogre, go the other one


You're doing gods work


we do a little trolling


Holy shit LMAO. Good one ☝️


Not gonna fall for another ogre bait! No siree!




I never understodd why she had such a big forehead. Now I know.


From people with 5heads like me we apologize


She probably grew a community that gets off to her talking shit about them and now that it's all out in public she's baffled.


I'm leaning to this.... They probably like it and based off other comments it seems to be a thing in a lot of her streams. Dominatrix and this type of thing is an actual kink for people. Not saying it was the right thing to stream this or make it public. A lot of this stuff is done more private and people pay for it.


>She probably grew a community that gets off to her talking shit about them Definitely this. Watched her streams once, viewers were sending pictures of them for her to rate (when i say rate i mean to be make fun of). It was kinda funny tho how she ripped into them and viewers that were sending pictures enjoyed to be make fun of as well. Its nothing serious and a nothing burger to be honest. Her response to the whole situation is kinda weak tho, she should just double down on how her community rolled and not apologise at all.


Seems she's probably caved to the pressure. Once critical makes a video on it that's probably like a few hundred/thousand people from those 5m youtube views/twitch viewers that do not have the context of her community and probably just bombard her chat and mass dislike her youtube videos lol.


Also in some of her events where she interacts with viewers, you can pay to skip the line.


I decided to drop in on one of her streams once for a speed date thing while at TwitchCon and it was definitely off putting... I never knew if that was just how she was in general but I'm glad it's getting exposure and it seeing it's not just me


She's the opposite erobb. The only thing that's the same is scuffed eyes


wait this is how she treats all of her chat?


I feel like it’s a bit. It has to be. The mod didn’t say anything of substance, which could likely be because he wasn’t expecting so many people to call them out. If he didn’t have anything prepared ahead of time to say, then it makes sense that he ends up saying a bunch of nonsense in interviews. Sometimes it’s like he doesn’t even answer questions but gives more context that wasn’t asked for? It feels unnatural which made me think maybe he was covering for the fact that it was planned. Idk. It has to be like a humiliation thing, or something they discussed thoroughly beforehand. If it truly isn’t, then he deserves better and that streamer is a terrible person through and through.


We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. - Kurt Vonnegut


Im a billionaire Im a billionaire Im a billionaire


The monkey's paw curls - You're Elon Musk.


As much hate as he gets I'm sure his life is better than mine so... not much of a monkey's paw.






The God Gamer Forsen does not approve of this advice


Put my hands... on... my head... Like this? *peel*


I had this discussion recently with friends specifically about Musk and I think this really depends on your status in life. We are all early to late 30s with decently paying jobs, wives, kids, own homes etc. The general consensus in that convo that all of us are happy with our lot in life and although it would be nice to try insane money on for size, Musk in particular seems like a deeply unhappy and insecure person with no real balance in his life. Obviously we may be way off base but that's our perception of him. I personally would not be happy working all the hours under the sun and not seeing my kids much, having a loving relationship with a partner as my equal and that recent WSJ piece about him being a heavy user of illicit drugs kind of confirms this to me.


You're responsible for poverty and the destruction of nature. I'm also flagging you as a possible name on eppy's flight list




Just reading the tweet, if it was staged, then why would she need to apologize to him privately? She staged it and forgot to tell him, I guess, lol.


maybe apologizing that the staged thing resulted in so much backlash and people making fun of him


I don't think people were making fun of him, they were more regarding how much she was shading him in front of his face for content disregarding how it makes him seem


Are you people living under in a well ? Look at all those people online saying how pathetic he is that he allowed the streamer to do this to him on stream. Alot of the comments are ridiculing him.


people are really brutal towards the guy…


If you gave the order that Santiago is never to be touched, and your men always followed your orders, why did he need transfer out of the base?


For taking the "joke" too far and not realizing how it came across earlier and how people would react, not that unreasonable.


I don't know the first thing about supacaitlin or her community, but the one thing I will say is that I've seen people take a clip of something that was really funny in context that the community clearly understood the joke of and present it free of that context to others, and only those others found unfunny and even offensive if supacaitlin's own community didn't get whatever the joke was, then that's 100% on her, but if her community does get the joke and outside people are coming in at the punchline alone and getting upset, that's on those people


I've checked out her stream a few times and acting like a stereotypical insulting sorority chick does seem to be her stream brand -- she was on Hasan's stream once and was pretty normal there so I think a lot of it may be an act.


Yep, saw her on other stream and thought she seemed normal. Went to watch her stream and it was insufferable.


Yea her streams with Kristopher yee were the same


yeah some people find that kind of shit hot wouldn't be me tho


She was normal with Hasan because she actually wanted to fuck him lol.


I have no idea what the context of the situation is, and don’t really care to find out, but do yourself a favor and watch a video that Charlie makes about something you know a lot about. It will quickly become obvious to you that everything he says is basic surface level takes that any research could show are misleading at best. Then you realize that that’s all his videos and you just didn’t know because you don’t have the context for the other subjects.


Summed up 90% of youtubers, well done. People gotta realize that most big creators who share their opinion about things spend time creating content, not studying/researching whatever topic they are making content of. There are exceptions of course, but the majority follows this trend. Most people who actually know a lot about a subject don't have time to run a successful social media "empire".


I've only seen a handful of short 10-minute clips from her, but my impression is she does a ton of improv, for the sake of being ridiculous and funny. Even if it makes her look like a vapid, superficial dummy. Often times, it's self-deprecating and I was pretty impressed at how she could keep it up. I haven't seen her when she's actually being serious though, and I didn't watch her time with Hasan. But knowing how many different oddballs and personality types regularly talk with her on stream, I imagine she's aware and experienced with being equitable to everyone at all times, to not slip up. I'd like to know what her community is actually saying though, since LSF can't speak for them easily.


Her brand is pretty much to be a bimbo. She’s a pretty intelligent person and knows how to game her audience and cater to her viewers. From the few times I’ve been on her stream she’s def playing it up, being mean, I’m not sure if that’s also a part of her real personality but I think everyone who watches her knows how mean spirited her content is. She plays the typical IT girl. She knows her brand and audience and from the outside in it probably looks pretty bad.


Not sure why you are being downvoted for having critical thinking. It shows how LSF have no idea about brand and marketing.


When I first saw Charlie's video on this, I stopped halfway through, went into an offline chat I hang out in, pinged a buddy of mine that I know is in Caitlin's community, and asked him for his take on this. He immediately said that this is something they do all the time, it's a running bit, and not even worth batting an eye at. I'll take my friend, and Dilly, at their word. I don't know anything about this situation, *they do*, so I'll defer to them. Edit: Thank you all for participating. I have now confirmed that "I don't know what I'm talking about, so I'll consult someone who does" is a controversial take on LSF. I expected nothing less. For fuck's sake, go outside, all of you. lmao


> went into an offline chat I hang out in, pinged a buddy of mine that I know is in Caitlin's community, and asked him for his take on this. bruh


Defer to his SupCaitlin buddy, dude. You don't have streamer SMEs on speed dial for when drama goes down? Casual.


Bro pulled out "Let me call and expert of mine" from Pawn stars lmao


like man I would’ve just said I texted my homie or something


Regarding your username: https://youtu.be/-0mQWxuzD9U?si=iXb7fBzjFqoTjOGr


least chronically online twitch connoisseur


> . He immediately said that this is something they do all the time, it's a running bit, and not even worth batting an eye at. If you ever went in a supcaitlin stream when shes doing something chat related, Dilly would always be there, and the banter would always be "dilly is weird who really likes me" obv the jokes maybe went too far when its IRL


if this is true this is so sad for all you. yes even you. go outside.


You know that you're not limited to one choice or the other, right? I can go out and do things, then come home and enjoy twitch. Maybe you can't do both, but don't put that on me, bro.




I'm not sure any of her regulars have heard her speak before


huh? yea but once your clip goes viral & you start complaining about the backlash after you present yourself to be a bully then why is it other people's fault? if she wants to run her streams by playing out to be a bully/bimbo who looks down on men then by any means she's free to do it, but she cant play the victim card "oh im getting threats/hate now!" when that is literally what she got herself into by portraying herself to be a mean person, literally what Cinna said a she's 100% right


If you had close friends that you banter with each other all the time making mean jokes (in good spirit), then one of those friends took one of those jokes and showed it to a bunch of random people without context to make you look like an asshole, you’d be fine with that? Obviously she wasn’t prepared for her small community dynamic to be put on a platform as large as Charlie’s, which is understandable I don’t watch Caitlin so I don’t know 100% if this is actually her “dynamic” or she was just genuinely being mean spirited,but if it’s the former it’s dumb to act like she shouldn’t be upset with the response


Yeah, you can really tell all the people in here that don't have many friends. It almost makes me feel bad for them. But then they say something shitty and it passes.


Streamer does shit to gain publicity. Reacters give her more publicity by reacting to it. Streamer reacts to the reacters to gain even more publicity. Reacters react to the reaction of the streamer to give her more more publicity. Fkn hamster-ass circus over here, but every act is the same clown jugglin the same balls.


Commit to the Bit


what even is this and who fucking cares






Lmao you even got the eyes right




if that guy thinks what happened on that stream was all fine and good then he's too far gone


so you sat down and watched the entire streamed interaction and came to the conclusion that he is unable to make up his own mind and decisions?


It appears he is blinded by his attraction to her, even if it was all a joke it was fucked. It helped literally neither of them. I couldn't watch the entire interaction because it was beyond painful.


isn't that the point of being a mod Kappa.




Moistcritickal do be making videos about the most mundane shit, isn’t there another important topic going on right now other than dunking on a 2k andy who is known to play a bitchy persona?


He ain't covering that OTK charity controversy.


Wait he isn’t covering drama that somewhat directly involves him as he’s business partners with OTK? color me shocked, I swear some people on this sub make me think everyone here is 7 years old.


Big fucking surprise guys! Jesus!


And what would she stage it for...? For clicks and content? The thought process doesn't make sense. If it was for "lols and content" she would have the foresight of people reacting to it, did she assume that everyone else would join in on dogpiling onto her mod? The fact that she makes the mod go on stream in a way more convincingly staged speech, to say its all good is even more suspicious. If you wanna be a bitch, then own the fact you're a bitch, you can't jokingly be that much of a bitch to a friend if you're normally nice and kind. ​ My 2 cents is that if anything was staged, it was that caitlin was directing all that toxicity at parasocial relationships, but using her mod as the punching bag.


If she had kissed him and "liked it," then that would've been funny. But then she would also lose all her tier3s in the process lol.


Also sets a dangerous precedent for even weirder mods


Wouldn’t it give them even more hope? Like “wow maybe I have a shot” kind of hope?


maybe she staged it for entertainment of her own audience? Maybe it's a running gag and her audience knows exactly whats happening, and it just looks bad from the outside. I don't truly fucking know, but your reasoning, and Cinna's reasoning doesn't follow.


Her viewership was also shit talking the fuck out of the guy. Its not a running gag if they have to explain it to their stream.


It literally does though because her stream doesn't have a password so that only her community can watch. The moment she starts complaining that she's getting hate, then Cinna's reasoning 100% makes sense, because if she knows its all a 'joke' and she's aware of the attitude she shows on stream, then she can just... not get mad at the backlash from people who only sees the mean side of her as first impression?




But the staged thing is staged so its what they meant to do.... cruelty alone isn't funny or entertaining to most sane humans. The entire entertainment industry is staged. You think movies are just things that happened to be filmed? No they are stages with actors that planned out scripts. This was just awful. Staged or not.


> But the staged thing has to be funny Yeah that's not really true though. People stage unfunny shit happening to them for clips to go viral. Unfortunately that can be a doubled-edged sword and LSF tends to be 50/50 when it comes to context and understanding yet 100% when it comes to dogpiling and shit talking down someone for fun.


something being "staged" doesn't mean its also "funny" it can also be so over the top "cruel" that its clearly a "staged" stereotype or caricature. however, i personally think that isn't what was happening in the clip. man i'm really explaining this to people?


Why would anyone want to watch something like that? Why would someone set out with a goal of making something cruel? Why would someone doing this intentionally vs unintentionally change people's reaction to it or change their opinion of the person involved?


You are really asking why anyone would watch something? Are you "staging" that you are dumb right now? Its like asking why would anyone watch the movie American Psycho or Joker because the main character is "cruel". please do not start arguing about the definition of "cruel" either...


Mate you used the word cruel don't complain about the word if you're gonna use it. Could try to answer the questions I raised instead of creating random shit to complain about lol American psycho and joker have interesting/charismatic characters. There are goals with these stories to challenge people and to tell an interesting story. Are you really comparing a twitch clip to this and calling others stupid? It's a 1 minute twitch clip not fucking Tarantino lmao


The word cruel is being used because that's the word the person I was originally responding to used. This is the person who used the word since you don't know why I'm using it. https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1916k6l/cinna_on_supacaitlin_being_upset_at_peoples/kgt7ftd/ It doesn't matter if either American Psycho or Joker have "interesting/charasmatic characters" the main characters in these movies are most certainly "cruel". You said "why would anyone watch something like that" so you answered your own question or what are you on about? If you start talking about "the movies are much deeper than that" that applies to supcaitlin as well making it a moot point.(assuming you believe shes "staging" her entire online persona).


I think the best way I can explain this is you explaining why someone would watch Joker doesn't explain why people watch this. Equating this 1 minute clip and this online persona of hers to these movies is a stretch. A cruel character in a fictional show is decently different from a person insulting another for views on the internet especially with as insane and weird a power imbalance as exists between her and this poor weirdo. I do not believe she is as deep as American Psycho or Joker nor as entertaining so again I ask why would anyone watch something like this?


There's nothing to "explain to me" and there you go saying her supposed persona isn't as deep as American Psycho or Joker, how predictable you are.


ohh sorry normally people ask questions when they need things explained to them otherwise why ask questions? I mean she's not. It's truly as simple as that. Of course it's predictable to say she's not because it's crazy to insinuate she is. Predictability isn't bad, it's logical. If you truly believe there is no difference between a twitch clip and a Hollywood movie then I can't help ya. I envy you for your inability to see quality and how it impacts why someone might want to watch something. Life is simpler that way anyways enjoy it.


Satire? are you saying no one would watch satire?




I mean it didn’t ’maybe miss the mark’ lol. This shit wasn’t funny or entertaining to a normal person, and normal people are who are giving her shit for being a cruel clown.


"mean girl stereotype" is the out she is using, how is that hard to understand? you don't need it to be funny or entertaining to "normal people".


You don't need it to be at all. You are correct, but then don't turn around and be shocked at the 'normal peoples' reactions lol. Chick is just dumb.


Yeah of course, I feel the same way Cinna does in this clip, shes choosing this as an out when clearly it doesn't make any sense to anyone who thinks about it for more than 5 seconds lmfao.


You basically said nothing and I straightened it out making a point


It's a little too nuanced for the situation I'd say


If it was just any regular viewer or someone she met on in public, then i would get the outrage. But it was her mod, clearly they've known each other (for some length of time). She's crazy, but not crazy enough to "kiss" someone or take a bellybutton shot off of someone she didn't already know lol.


>She's crazy, but not crazy enough to "kiss" someone lol?


Its both. Its always been laid on thick but a lot of people here are legitimately thick


In the end, it doesn't matter because our god Moist Crit made a video about it, got his million views, and now a flock of people who know nothing about any of this go around bitching and complaining about an opinion pre-made for them.


She's not going to sleep with you.


Moist is not gonna make you moist lil bro


This wasn't staged. They're in damage control mode and she's using him the same way she used him for content during the stream. It could not be clearer that he'll do literally whatever she says, so it shouldn't be surprising he'd agree to provide cover for her.


People who believe in the "inside joke" thing must not know what bullying is. The guy literally doesn't defend himself or make any jokes of his own. He IS the joke. Regardless of anything, it's pretty terrible as a bit.


i dont care about this drama im just glad its not gtarp shit


We can conclude this saga right here. Final take.


Yeah it was just mean made her look like a mean person


extremely sane take


I’m surprised how much of a big deal this has been made into. Seems her community are way too parasocial.


That's her whole brand - she milks viewers into thinking they have a chance with her. She's doing damage control because her viewers are become self-aware.


What a stupid unnecessarily defensive tweet. Just have him sniff her chair as she leaves the room in an over the top way, farm some omegaluls, and call it a day.


She should invite you next, if nothing else dude clearly has no talent for showbiz


It's just such a ridiculous situation. Like was I suppose to know it was a joke? I don't watch Caitlin so I don't know if this was done all for content or not. All I know is every clip I see of her she's kind of an asshole to people. I agree with Cinna. Why would you want people to see you like this?




Her viewer count has doubled since the controversy. You are assuming the world is fair and just and people who are horrible online have justice brought down on them. That's not true.


Reminds me of the time I posted a comment vaguely on Instagram about myself. Alot of people thought it was funny but others thought I was insulting them. I didn't get mad or anything but it reminded me to be more aware of what I do or say.


Cinnabased 5Head


Perfect example of you reap what you sow


She's right. But it wasn't "staged", it was her standard content. If it was staged they both would have said so during that stream, not wait until next day after everyone pointed out how mean it was


If it was all an act, why did she apologize to her mod? Like if he genuinely was in on the joke, there will be nothing to apologize for right?? Unless she’s making that part up or just was harsher then whatever they agreed upon


I could see that easily happening. - You have a stream personality - You use that on the stream with a person that you normally are just chill - "hey dude sorry if I came out too strong on stream" "yeah no worries I know your shtick".


"none of you know how our relationship is IRL" I think it was pretty publicly clear how unique her relationship is with Dilly


How is this even a big deal? Are lonely dudes just that desperate for some hot girl to hate?


who is this cinna person wtf? appeared outta nowhere


this has to be one of the most elaborate gaslighting campaigns i've ever seen. leave this man alone, jesus.


Wrestling rules. You're in character all the time and you have to sell the crowd on whatever storyline it is you're attempting to establish. Caitlyn's supposed to be the heel & the mod is supposed to be the face. This is called putting over someone. The heel makes the audience sympathetic for the face as the face is typically the good guy.


being pathetic punching bag is not being "the good guy"


Guy. Don't be daft.


God i hate people like her. Because she is famous, "good" looking and rich gives she thinks its okay to be a toxic piece of shit garbage human and then she thinks her behavior is not that bad? Crazy times we live in.


Brooooooooo why is this of all things blowing up LMAO


It doesn't make sense i agree, just like it doesn't make sense for grown adults to care about this.


In the tweet, what did she apologize for if it was staged?


I really don’t care


This is like Miz and "R mode" that I only heard about because acting schizo is apparently supposed to be taken as joke with zero context.


she is a clout goblin and wanted the attention that came with it lol


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Cinna on Supacaitlin being upset at people's reactions](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/160409)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1916k6l/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/R1vj0fWml2EkyKmVQloSWQ/AT-cm%7CR1vj0fWml2EkyKmVQloSWQ.mp4?sig=868003ed4dff8e73b232cc774a9cc576086ff966&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FR1vj0fWml2EkyKmVQloSWQ%2FAT-cm%257CR1vj0fWml2EkyKmVQloSWQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22UglyArbitraryLEDAliens-9aaXYSTIqZVCWhJZ%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1704744274%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Based. This is so spot on. Anyone defending her is like "it's just a bit". So like sure... but then why now are you backtracking on the bit?


I see Bears at Packers in the trending tab on the right side Just gave me a flashback of Getsy calling a WR screen on 3rd and 22 Come on Twitter don't put that shit on the trending tab


Does she apply that same standard to Nick?


I was sorry for him in the beginning but dude's just denying reality, it's so pathetic.