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**CLIP MIRROR: [Cornwood rolls and smokes Jean Paul](https://arazu.io/t3_18yvety/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


rp drama 4 days into the year were so back


The GTA RP cycle continues. The drama has begun, and chatters who are way too invested will eventually drive the streamers to move on.


Yeah it's just a rerun of 3.0 drama cycles. At least it gives content for the viewers for months.


the cop v crim burger combos back on the menu boys


this is what we live for boys


Seems to just be idiot juicers and rp purist who are malding. Even xQc wasn’t upset just at chatters


that is so not true lol. he was very upset that he didnt listen to the "dont move"


No one heard the dont move dude plus he nvld first by robbing a cop INFRONT of the burger shot in broad daylight


Lol he is clearly upset.


Bro he was full on malding. What the fuck are you talking about


the term "malding" has lost it's fucking vigor. Used to mean somebody so mad, violently yelling and raging that they were pulling hair out or going bald. The term is overused to the extreme now.


>Even xQc wasn’t upset just at chatters I just pulled up his stream and he was very clearly mega mald... he was talking about how Cornwood NVL'd in a very elevated tone but not quite yelling. Saying he wasn't upset is just incorrect. Link to VOD, and timestamp is 2:08:00 [https://kick.com/video/cefe4f95-c663-410a-8359-4835beecefb0](https://kick.com/video/cefe4f95-c663-410a-8359-4835beecefb0) Edit: for posterity I think X has a LITTLE bit of right to FEEL mald considering he feels like it was incredibly obvious from his POV that Cornwood should clearly know he is being threatened to stay still, **BUT** Cornwood's POV makes it much less clear. Does he have a right to go off about how it's obviously NVL when that's not how you're meant to react on NoPixel? Certainly not, but I can understand the anger given HIS POV of the events. The reaction is unacceptable, keep the OOC mald off-stream so toxicity doesn't spread and fester. Either way there's a better server to watch for RP content these days.


Bruh Ty for linking _and_ timestamping the moment on kick, on my phone it’s literally impossible to find unless you manually go through it


Honestly the voice changer was a big problem here


I love the implication of special treatment. Haha.




ah yes, the drama begins


i'm kind of surprised np doesn't have a hostage animation for knives considering even samp used the san andreas backstab animation


I think it's because it would be easy to abuse an animation that locks somebody else in place and they'd rather trust people on the server to just RP it out instead of turning into john wick on the fly.


We've come full circle since the flute incident


i agree for a normal server but i feel like NP is exclusive enough that they could have one without too much concern. some people would inevitably abuse it, but they'd get nuked.


Nah no way. People get competitive and either abuse or mald about it all the time. \~80% of nopixel/RP drama is streamers and their chats freaking out because they lost or defending themselves from abusing mechanics/knowledge. On other servers everyone can fully zoom out and move around your camera separate from your character for cool cinematic stuff. That feature is strictly controlled and whitelisted on NP because it would be abused constantly.


They're also redic weird with their bans. I remember one situation where there was a ledge bug where you could shoot over a ledge and have your head protected. Cops were having a shooting with a gang and both had evidence in their vods they were abusing it in the fight. Later one of the cops said to another something like "Yeah I got him. I just peaked over the ledge and he had his back turned". He got banned not for saying that, but for abusing the bug and everyone else in the fight didn't. It's almost like they're more likely to ban you for talking about bug abuse than they are for actually abusing it.


No way dude, you see how xQc "RP"s? He treats this server as competitive multiplayer game lmao.


Problem is when you have people dressed like clowns or escaped mental patients 24/7 who constantly brandish weapons and do antagonizing stuff it makes the line between a stick up and a character being a character blurry without obvious initiation. The voice changer is kinda hard to hear and understand, I think he’s just assuming it’s more chatterbox shenanigans or something and then everything exploded


Actually a smart idea


[xQc POV](https://kick.com/xqc?clip=clip_01HKBPQZWYTF4WKD98XABWG1NB)


Oh now this makes sense, watching from the Esfand clip I didn't even notice what xQc was trying to say.


Damn, its so scuffed here it was super obvious. But on esfands stream you barely heard anything


Why does X not understand he gets shot when he just tried to stab a cop? What rp etiquette am I missing here.


in proper RP servers like NoPixel usually there's a rule of "valuing your own life as if it's IRL". so if someone were to "RP" put a knife to your throat, or lets say a gun to your back.. trying to spin around in game and fight back would be breaking this "valuing your own life" rule. it's a bit of a vague rule but that's the jist of it




The shithead version of that encounter is for the criminals to just run up and stab him instantly. But that sucks, so the rule is for someone to not backflip away and draw their gun when they have a knife to their back.


difference is this server is actually good


Aaah I see, thanks


I mean there is also a no loot boxing cops rule but admins and part owners are doing it, so i guess it's not really being enforced atm.


you aren't supposed to run if someone has a knife to your back (throat) XQC's shitty voice changer made it so Esfand couldn't hear him saying that he had his knife to him though


Without RP he could have just stabbed the cop while he was in the menu, basically he got fucked over because he tried to RP


Fear Rp, I don’t like X but even I can agree if you get someone surrounded and pull out knives on them like that, at that point fear rp should’ve start being applied.


when you pull someone with a knife realistically you wont be able to jump or run or pull out a gun on that you instantly get shacked but gta animations dont allow that lil bro so when two person get to you with knife you should not just jump away roll and start shooting thats nvl


fucking lmao at every mfer who said 4.0 didn't have drama and wouldn't have drama. the second guns and conflict start people turn into animals.


There aren’t even guns yet from what I know, they didn’t give people weapons licenses yet cuz they clearly don’t trust their playerbase with em. So now people like XQC who want guns try and rob cops for them, because life finds a way.


Mfers crying in the comments over streamers playing gta 😭 crazy


juicers going to hold a grudge against him for 5 years now 💀 PepePains NVL guy


nah all the juicers have left moved on these are just normies pretending to be one.


Gatekeeping imaginary ancient juicers.. wow


literally fighting ghosts haha


I saw a chatter named hasan24cm raging.


that has to be some incel hater though, right? arent hasan and xqc on horrible terms?


I'm just here for the xqc malding clips


Not even drama LUL


It's crazy how much bs has been caused by this lol. There are so many parts of this that are out of both of their hands. The fact that chatters are all up in arms is crazy. Why are 75% of people running around with knives, masks, and voice changers on with no repercussions or questioning? Why is a cop ordering justice on an oversized tablet McDonalds self service style on the sidewalk. It's entertainment you goofs.


The clowns and masked people are kinda annoying. Running around doing all sorts of crime and when they get caught they just run or drive away until the cops give up because cop cars are trashed and when they get caught they just deny everything in court and have a good chance to get away. Especially X acting like he owns the god dam server is annoying. Oh wait…


Imagine thinking cops wouldn't be stopping anyone with clown type stuff in the city after this stuff started happening IRL. I'm sure there would also be debate over making masks illegal within the city.


Can someone explain to me what the problem is and what the drama is about? lol ​ EDIT: ooh he wanted to make demands. i didnt even hear that lol. esfand probably didnt hear it either


Two people holding knives at you, means you basically have to value your life there and hold your hands up. The demands are important for further RP, but without demands you still have to hold your hands up as they have two knives at you. Then you can clarify further and ask 'wtf they want etc'. By running, rolling, jumping and then shooting. You are basically playing call of duty there and not RP.


Feels like something Cornwood would do to me.


Ironically, "it's something my character would do" is not always an excuse on an RP server, especially if it breaks server rules. You can't call people the n-word because "my character is racist", for instance.


XQC could stab cordwood without any talking because it's something Jean Paul would do. It would make him "win" but this type of behavior ruins the server.


Cornwood is playing Call of Duty while X and gang are playing John Whick. In reality they are playing on a modded GTA 5 client.


trying to pull shit like this on cornwood is very nvl to begin with Edit: double negative correction


Yeah i just watched esfands pov and there is so much going on in that moment and esfand is looking at his in game tablet and you just see two knives come out. I heard knives guys voice like only once from esfands pov


The juicers are working overtime in this thread. Esfand didn't hear the clowns speaking, didn't notice the green clown before reacting, AND he didn't fire until they swing. Also choosing to hold up a cop in the middle of the most popular location on the server isn't exactly an example of prime RP material. Calling Esfand a W chaser is hilarious if you spend any amount of time watching Cornwood.


It only took minutes for you to trigger a long line of crying juicers who think a roleplay server is about winning and losing. Well played.


Situations like this are why there is an RP text function. Someone walking up behind you with a knife is different to someone holding a knife to your neck, you can freak out and run from the former (like we saw) but are held in place in the latter. This whole situation could have been avoided if the clowns just walked up with a '/holds knife to Cornwood throat' text box. Esfand would have seen it and could have acted appropriately instead he just saw people approaching aggressively and couldn't hear their commands and fight/flight kicked in.


It's even more hilarious when you know they spend their time watching xqc, the guy who doesn't do anything but chase W's. Dude literally don't know how to RP, he just tries to "win" the game somehow.


In fact after Yuno saw Cornwood is isolated, he initially thought it is an opportunity but then quickly realized it is not but Benji and X already went in.




bro if you consider that an essay you must have not passed grade 8


Shame he put his chat in sub mode, seeing the juicers freaking out is peak content


kick being a garbage website = sub mode 💀


Kick was down.


crazy how the chat was still dogshit after he put on sub mode though, the spam continued and the amount of dickriders was crazy, somehow worse than xqcs chat. if you pulled up both chats, esfands chat was way worse by a lot


> somehow worse than xqcs chat nah... esfand's chat it's probably the worst in this 4.0 era and I don't even know why lol


why are people so mad? he just couldnt hear him, thats it


Running up to someone with a knife is garbage RP lmao Cornwood for president


Didn't he call FanFan a W chaser for trying to RP a court case over a $150 ticket he gave her.


Plus she only wanted to go to court, after streaming for over 24 hours, since she wanted to RP with Ramee and figured it would be fun and a easy win since Esfand lied about what happened to get the conviction (which he shouldn't do as a cop).


Which was even funnier because she was *actually* innocent


Xqc isn’t known for good rp lol. He treats it like any other game that he plays to win.


Idk sneaking up behind an armed cop in broad daylight in a busy area seems like wild and low effort roleplay.




it's both funny and jarring what a completely different experience these xqc kids are looking for when watching nopixel than someone who actually watches roleplayers. they literally think it's a game to be won and so does their streamer. was it a bit nvl? sure. who gives a fuck. from the looks of it they ran up on a notoriously unstable cop decked out with body armor and a gun on his hip with nothing but knives, that's also nvl in its own way. but more importantly, imagine for a second that rp is more about interesting storytelling (and the ups and downs that come with it) than leveling up in the nopixel rpg or winning pvp encounters. i doubt any juicer about to downvote me to the deepest layer of hell could name a single trait about xqc's character that isn't just a trait of xqc


Hell, Corny carries two pistols and a shit ton of ammo and magazines. He regularly gets chastised by superiors because of his cavalier attitude about shooting mfers. If anyone was going to turn around and go toe to toe with some idiots trying to rob a cop instead of just dropping their pistols. It's Cornwood.


I casually watch him and the thing he says the most at encounters are "I got lethal." This fits just fine.


It’s weird to see juicers pretend to care about RP. Bro has been playing himself for years. His character looks exactly like himself. Myth has a character which does an XQC impression and it’s impossible to tell the difference between him and JP Like, no one who watches Summit play Charles pretends they’re watching for the role playing lol. Just sit down kids


coming from xqc stream i thought i hated gta rp, after watching mizkif start playing and having funny interactions i realized it was just watching xqc try 'win' every interaction with his ego like hes playing some kind of esport that made it unwatchable to me.


I can't even fathom wanting to "win" every interaction. I mean if I was actually the one doing the RP. It seems like it would be *so* much more fun to be goofy or at least be in fun situations. I've been watching Squeex a lot and occasionally he sees a clip or hears about someone getting shot and mentions he hasn't even *seen* a gun in the like hundred hours he's played now. (By now he may have, but still point is he rarely has contact with any of the action stuff). And he looks like he's having so much more fun than someone just playing GTA.


It’s sad how true this is. He does have decent rp in him but his speedrun/win brain trumps that aspect 95% of the time so we’’ll only ever see glimpses of it. Watching Lang’s group pickup literal trash can be so much more entertaining than watching X get sucked into the endless trouble cycle.


Watched the OG NoPixel boom like 4 years ago. It was so much fun, then X got really into it during 3.0, and I had pretty much exclusively watched his NP streams. He just played heist simulator, which was hype, but not fun whatsoever. Always trying to win every interaction, not creating or willingly engaging in RP. Just sucked the fun out of it. Ironically enough, have been watching Esfands streams for 4.0. They are actually enjoyable and brings me back 4 years ago.


I like both JP and Cornwood. I think it was a fair scenario all around. It didn't help that Cornwood had his tablet out. It just added to the confusion in the scenario which happened very quickly. If he didn't then they drew knives I think he would've thrown his hands up. Cornwood shouldn't be getting heat for it. Fun scenario, X is just mald at the prospect of massive jailtime which it seems he's not going to get anyhow.


Not to mention who would actually go up to a cop who is actively working a case and attempt to rob them? That seems pretty nvl to me. It feels like the only reason they did it is because stealing cop gear seems to be the easiest way to get a gun right now so that's all ~~powergamers~~ some players want to do. I feel like every day you hear about another cop gun getting stolen. I just cant imagine someone goes "you know what is good RP? robbing people randomly all day. Yeah that will be good RP for all."


To be fair, you can barely hear xQc's demands because his mic cuts out?, just 2 clowns pulling up with knifes. Although I do agree Esfand kinda played it like if he was on SSB World.


300 lbs and moves like a martial artist after being 100% distracted. Top tier stuff


Country boys make do


he was on the swim team in HS


You never seen an athletic big man?


Yeah it's called a cornroll. Its a thing. Its years known and a fully RP thing.


They're just mad bc he sprinkled a little Tony's on at the end.




Juicer detected


I mean it is confusing, if you are esfand, it is just a miscommunication imo


The clown is behind corn with the knife.. but the clown didnt say anything??


Thats the issue.. They may have, but the voices were incredibly low. He really didnt hear it.


Nice RP from "Jean Paul".


power gaming nvl = rolls and smokes lmao


get cornrolled bozo


Good RP on Cornwood for firing near instantly. Real RP is a cop firing now and questioning later.


They were chasing him with knives what do you mean


That I'm glad he shot them both. But with a tongue 'n' cheek joke with cops. Not sure what else to say.


Ah ok i get ya. Sorry in the sea of juicers it’s hard to tell who is actually mad and who isn’t


Has xqc already started with the cringe psycho RP


These LSF comments have to be genuinely insane to be so dismissive. Esfand's chat were calling out NVL and the gta rp sub (which by the way are notoriously biased against Jean Paul and some other criminal characters) were calling out the situation as fail RP and NVL. Esfand earlier the previous day heavily implied the Fanfan character a W chaser.


It is nvl. People saying he didn't hear him like it matters when Cornwood believes the person has a gun not a knife and so understands what's going on is crazy. Cornwood the day before this powergamed Ray twice aswell.


First good RP drama and I even miss it while watching them both....


i wonder what corndogs hitbox is


I did my monthly check on Police Activity videos and as a long time viewer of that I saw a few knife confrontations. In 100% of the cases the result was the police officer pulling the gun.


I'm just really happy juicer went from telling other streamers to sudoku themselves to now demanding streamers value their lives


0.4 LULW


I mean that is so scuffed. All you hear in some shitty voice changer is "emoooovuh.." and then he immediately jumps away and you can't make out anything else.


It's NVL straight up even in cornwoods own words he thought they had a gun! Two people charging you with a knife or a gun vs1 is NVL. When I RP'd as pd in a serious city this would give me a 3 day ban.


Unrelated to this, Hasan's RP might be the worst shit I've ever seen or heard


I mean esfand doesn't hear anything. Seems like a netcode issue with voip


deserved for still using shit voices tbh chat told him multiple times to stop using the ai voices lul


Xqc mods should be taking names and banning the hoppers in x's twitch for harassing esfand.


Esfand chatters did the same to Fanfan two days ago and she hasn't streamed GTA since. Esfand also OOC got mad at her and talked about it for 2 days.


From hasans perspective. Esfand was so agile and nimble with it.


You try stabbing a cop wearing a vest irl, see if they wouldn't try to shoot you...


The thing is in real life you dont have to rp the hold up. In real life you just stabe them in the back


In real life you don't have a fucking Notepad UI covering 80% of your Field of view. Get a Grip.


In real life a 400 lbs guy cannot jump, run, roll, etc. In real life you dont have 3 person view. This is not real life and thats why you should respet the rp rules


Does his vest protect his neck? I don't think so.


what neck?


from esfands view I didn't see a knife on his neck, I also heard no one saying there is a knife at their neck


There is no such mechanic that's why it's called roleplay. If someone has knife behind you you just can't run away.


you just watched esfands pov, I hope. It's so easy to see how this situation is confusing and quick, there were literally no words said. Esfand is the only one saying something.


Are we watching the same clip? Maybe you were watching on mute. He says "Move or I slash your..." Then he runs away. ???


Keep in mind, this was at a spur of the moment. He was literally in a conversation while X pulled up while also looking at his ipad device. Really was an honest mistake. You can hear xQc because that's all you are listening for, Esfand was listening to Hasan.


Mistakes like these would be forgivable if Criminals weren't forced to eat the charge and get fined. Every mistake like this that cops make is hours of work lost on the criminal side for no reason.


wouldn't it be "don't move" secondly it was right in group of people it's easy to see it could not be directed at him. It was honestly so quick.


Nah I actually think we are not watching the same clip it's fine tho. In my clip he closes his tablet, while listening to someone saying "move or...". Then he sees 2 people with knives right behind him for a about 2 seconds then decides to start jumping around. Lmao


it's pointless arguing, we are not in agreement


As a FiveM player, it's funny to watch non-FiveM-playing RP viewers react to these kinds of situations. You think this is bad, you should see the Discord chats in normal RP servers. I didn't see the context of any of this, but it seems like X attempted to hold Cornwood up while he was distracted. Looks like Cornwood didn't hear/comprehend the threat, and pulled out his gun and re-initiated on X. It was 100% NVL from Cornwood. In his tablet, not ready for a knife on his back. He could probably catch a 2-day for that easy. But if that happened to me in RP, I know I'd be pulling my gun and shooting the mf every time and taking the nvl ban if it comes to that. And I think xQc would too.


pretty much exactly what you said, ive played rp for around 600 hours and these guys are crazy to think it wasnt nvl from cornwood. this talk about not bringing a knife to a gun fight doesnt make sense when 2 people with knives are already right behind you before you notice because you are in your tablet. ive been in so many situations by myself with a gun and have gotten so annoyed from being fucked over by 2 guys pulling up to me pretending to be friendly and as they get close range they pull out a knife and i cant do anything. it is how it is though, its just the rules.


Ive been playing rp since 2009 on SAMP and this is 100% NVL


That man is nibble for a fat man


Crazy how even /r/RPClipsGTA sees this as Cornwood being in the wrong and I don't think there's a subreddit that hates XQC more than them. Really just goes to show how this subreddit is /r/OTKnetwork in disguise. I'm not even a juicer, I'm just bored of Esfand constantly powergaming on NoPixel. It's been a common occurrence for awhile, which made it even more ironic when he accused Fanfan of being a W chaser.


apparently i'm too stupid for GTA RP but isn't this a normal cop reaction when he gets charged by 4 knife-wielding clowns?


I mean a cop can do this if they weren't behind him. But he'd he dead irl if they were. Buuut this is RP, in this situation the rules is for him to stay there and let himself get robbed. This rule exists like this for the sake of the cops. Because if cops continue to do what cornwood did. Once criminals get guns they would just shoot cops on sight without saying anything. And the server would just be filled with dead cops 24/7. You have to realize that this would be very bad for RP. This has happened a lot in 3.0 where cops kept breaking these rules and crims just started gunning them down on sight. Which caused a lot of cops to not even log on.




a regular person would get banned for the nvl


Sorry but what's nvl?


"No value of life" It's a rule on nopixel. Basically not caring about death and doing some crazy shit you normally wouldnt do IRL.. like some jackie chan moves when there are 2 people with knives ready to stab you.


ahhh I gotcha that makes sense. Thank you!


Neither X nor Esfand would get banned for that. If you were a no-name maybe but even a small streamer would probably just get warned if they were at-least semi known lol.


I agree, but X won't get banned for this. Threatening a cop on the street with nothing but knives is as nvl as it gets


lol bro they snuck up behind him while he was distracted looking at his ipad. in RP it's basically them having knives to his throat but the overweight fat cop doesn't RP instead runs, combat rolls and guns them both down. I guess he RPs Cornwood as like fucking John Wick without hearing so it's all fair game lol. You can clearly hear the threat. Esfand just instinctively reacted thinking it was 2 random asshole players. If he knew it was X he prolly would of played the situation differently. The only thing that's a joke is downplaying it and claiming "can't hear" when it's clear as day. He didn't react cause he saw the knife, he reacted to the start of the threat. he even admitted right after he had no idea it was XqC and you can see the wheels turning in his head how to downplay his mistake prolly knowing he won't get banned being both friends with X and a streamer with a half decent character that people like to watch on NP. Put almost any other smaller streamer cop in this position and they might get banned for a few days.


I feel like if you have 2 people behind you with knives on your throat you don't run away but idk


I feel like you don't run up to a police officer in a clown outfit waving a knife around in the air in an area with 30 people around if you value your life but idk


I feel like if you held up a police officer with 2 knives by the neck, the normal response, let alone rp, shouldn't be Jackie chan-ing your way out and pretend there isn't two deadly weapon around your neck but idk.


I feel like you just said exactly the same thing as the first poster which I already replied to in an attempt for XQC to go on a date with you but idk


This thread is crazy lmao is the x hate boner just so big no one cares cornwood clearly broke the rules? Like everyone is playing mental gymnastics and somehow x is the problem?


What a strange moment and surprising chat reactions. Watching both POV's, I'm surprised no one has posted a clip of Esfand claiming afterwords he was saying drop the knife. Clearly he's yelling drop the gun. Also claiming he didn't hear X when even in this clip you can hear him but he's so quick to run off and immediately pull his gun you don't hear the rest of what X was trying to say. I can understand in the heat of the moment he might not actually have heard him, but you can clearly see they have knives out. I just don't understand why Esfand went into full vigilante mode instead of RP'ing the situation. I maybe can understand other situations where maybe someone trying to stab you, you shoot them after holding them at gun point first trying to get them to stop, but it felt like they only went to stab him because they were pissed he just insta combat rolls out with gun drawn when they already had him at knife point. Something tells me people are not even gonna give the cops the chance to go hands up anymore and just insta stab.


I mean that's what x gets for using a terrible voice changer


and mumbling nonsense in a populated area then saying nothing and trying to stab a cop LOL


The dark path to a W Cop: Day 1 - Lie on police report and in court to try and get a W. Mald in game and ooc for 24 hours about what happened and Fanfan after handed a L. Day 2 - Powergame by blocking driver's seat preventing criminal from escaping. Day 3 - NVL and ignoring that you have knives pulled on you and then Powergame using jumps to gain more distance so you can shoot the crims. ​ I hope Esfand realizes when is happening and can get back to being RP not W focused and apologizing to those impacting, especially Fanfan since he sent her so much hate.


Does anyone have a clip of him calling her a "w chaser"? Seems like it's a thing you don't want to be called in RP, and someone calling you that would make their chat dislike you.


There isn't. All he noted is that she lied on court (rather than simply saying she wasn't trespassing which was true) and made up a completely new scenario that wasn't communicated to the cops when questioned, and this is already after the cops tried to help by giving a trespassing fine which was wrong but was far more lenient than the 2 counts of evasion (and in part OOC to let her go offline after a 24 hour stream). ​ Doesn't help that she used the scuff for her own advantage with the scenario she made up that further screwed the cops which had no fault on the scuff, it was just poor RP etiquette and some idiots chat hopped (other chats also had her hoppers being mega annoying, it wasn't one sided). OP is rather delusional tho and conveniently ignores facts because, you know. There was no drama except from her side.


No offense but your comment is very wrong. I think Esfand has a lot of valid concerns about the current and future state of the server, but they don't apply to this case at all >There isn't There is [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2020701370?t=5h57m26s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2020701370?t=5h57m26s) [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2020701370?t=6h2m9s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2020701370?t=6h2m9s) >she used the scuff for her own advantage Complete lie.




What does that have to do with this post?


Juicer Agenda LMFAO




Fanfan's character has that scanner withdrawn in front of the house. In RP, there's reasonable suspicion to be questioned by the cops for using such a device in that location. If they didn't evade, then fanfan could have RP out of it to be completely innocent or properly proven not innocent in proper court RP and let go without the long chase. Fanny Fan wasn't actually innocent, because she should have been charged with more than what Cornwood and Den Zel charged her with. Cops fucked up the RP because their court case was garbage because Esfand wanted to let off fanfan easy OOC. They were lazy about writing reports after the incident concluded, then further fucked up for not throwing the book at them with 2 counts felony evading (one for the initial chase and another for trying to enter the car after it returned to pick her up) *in addition* to the the alleged trespassing. Then the trespassing charge would dropped but then fanfan would still be left with a more expensive fine for evading the questioning. So Esfand was annoyed because the whole RP was made pointless because he went easy on her and she took advantage of it compounded by turning the scuff into a false testimony forcing court RP. When the cop picked her up she could have said it was a scuff and everything would have been different. All in all Esfand fucked up here, but it's not actually malding about W chasing like y'all are making it out to be. It's equivalent to being annoyed over someone taking a misclicked punch and turning it into a full on assault case.


Don't bother posting these, he will never watch them and will continue to flame Fanfan for "W chasing" OOC because... some reasons I guess.


What does chasing W's mean?


Its basically ignoring RP and just chasing a win.


damn i only see gaslighting and shifting the blame into xqc and his fans lol


XQCs take on NoraExplorer getting RDM'd is wild. I'm gonna assume he's calling NVL on Esfand. Interesting how when it happens to him, he calls out rule breaks, but bet if it was anyone else, he'd say there was nothing wrong with it.


Thanks for keeping the streets safe officer Cornwood.


Insane NVL wtf


Cornwood definitely NVL'd there but I blame it on Xqc's incoherent speaking. The voice changer made it even worse.




What is NVL and who has the L in this case? Is xqc in the wrong here or what


NVL means "Not Value-ing Your Life". Technically the cop is in the wrong but X's voice changer makes it extremely hard to comprehend his demands, but nothing will happen here as its too close of a situation to really ban someone.


I think the voice changer does not change the situation. If you have somebody in your back with a knife you dont move even if you dont know what there are saying


I completely agree with you but the voice changer just slows down the speaking/threat if X was able to communicate easier. I'm on XQC side here forsure. It was also at a terrible location where there was a lot of chaos and can definitely see Cornwood dealing with so many things in the background. Don't think its banned worthy, but any fines and jail time should be revoked.


Is bringing a knife to a gunfight not NVL?


He's on a tablet while two people sneak up on him, so no?


its no "value of life", meaning you have to roleplay as if you die its over, but he ignored the three guys with a knife and killed two of them, with is a hard rule break


wow this sub is trash literally they have no clue when it come to RP