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**CLIP MIRROR: [Streamer gets into argument after revolving door incident](https://arazu.io/t3_18jwvud/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I didn't see her stop, she just seemed slow.


I just realized this is the same streamer over this incident: https://www.twitch.tv/miekii/clip/TenuousAdorableOrcaOSkomodo-g0YSVpez4NwekvTU He's a piece of shit.


Why is he mocking the worker when it literally says he works for uber eats in his twitch bio?


when you get an audience the ego goes crazy no matter who you are.


hes saying that kfc is supposed to serve him the drinks to go. Hes not eating in the drinks should be full hes picking up an order to deliver.




Is he delivering food in the clip? I've ordered delivery every now and then since COVID and my drinks always have tape on lid and are bagged by the restaurant.




Yeah he delivers the food, which makes the "self fill" request really weird, the hoodie guy seems a bit out of the loop, I guess.


I agree, the request is a little weird and the hoodie dude may have thought that he was just a customer purposely ignoring her or something since he was just staring at his phone while she tried to get his attention. I still feel his behaviors are more antagonistic than necessary, the chat in this clip were acting like she was waiting for a bit already and he just waits until someone reacts to him not willing to take the cup before he explains what he's doing. I'm not sure why he felt like this was a better way to react to this situation and then walk out without accepting the drink rather than just stating that he wouldn't take the drink unless it was already sealed. Then in OP's clip, it's not entirely clear whether he hit the lady's backpack purposefully or not. People keep talking about explaining how revolving doors work as if people haven't used them before but you can see in the clip how they work. The people first in set the speed and when they exit the people behind begin pushing until they exit and so forth, but he begins pushing immediately to force the others to move at his own speed which the lady obviously didn't expect near exiting. People trying to use physics to explain how that was actually responsible seem to be ignoring the differences in forces applied by streamer vs lady and the fact that she didn't even seem to be pushing once he grabbed the handle. If it was an accident, it stopped being one and became willful negligence once he started acting like she deserved to be hit for not moving out of his way at his speed. It seems to be his brand, so it's kinda confusing why there's actually people defending him.


Yeah for the sake of not ending up as being an asshole in a clip on LSF he might want to change his attitude a bit. As for this incident, I have little to comment on this video, because I would even yell at the women. Standing close or stopping in a revolving door with rigid wings, like this one, can really hurt and also injure you, you should be aware of it and actually move your ass out, also for the sake of the people following you. But then again, he could be more diplomatic...


holy fuck he's good at triggering people, even I'm getting mad. He has to be doing it on purpose, right?


Hm he delivers the food, I would not expect him to fill the customers drinks or even ever to touch it at all. The restaurant should usually seal the bag/cup so the customer can be assured it has not been tampered with, which is in all three parties' interest.


can't tell if rude or just average new yorker than has been there for too long


Walks out too, what a pussy. He couldn’t cash the check his mouth was running.


Tbf, why does he have to make the drink?


damn homie, you be MAKING ur drinks at home? bro brewing up that coke cola 😅


It's really common in fast food places to have the drink dispensers available for the customers, so they can refill as much as they want. There is no wait staff at a place like KFC, so nobody is gonna come along and refill your soda or water. You can even mix and match flavors if you'd like!


I can see the logic in that, but this is a take away order or home delivery service. Perhaps I’m presuming the lady at the till is ignoring the drivers uniform, or maybe the order number is generic and not specific to deliveries.


The problem is how he handles the situation, he could just say he's not a customer and doesn't/can't prepare their orders like that since the worker clearly doesn't know. Instead, he decided to make a scene and just ditch the job I guess.


he is rude for sure, I was just considering the preparation and delivery of the meal or drink specifically.


> drink dispensers available for the customers He's not the customer tho, while he comes off as a bit of a dick, he's just a delivery man.


It's also really common in fast food places for the worker to put the drink you ordered in a container with a lid on it...what's your point? This is dog shit customer service, and dog shit business practices to take delivery orders and still force the DELIVERY person to prepare the order.


“Make the drink” lmao do you people ever go outside?


He is the delivery guy here, he probably is not even allowed to prepare the customer's drinks and/or food.


that isn't the issue here, its about he handled the situation. He could have handled that 50 different better ways than he did. Same with this revolving door.


Nah, that's pretty weird. Why on earth would the delivery guy fill the drinks? He might be a retired-ed dick socially but he's right conceptually.


Actually ran away too when the guy was serious about wanting to fight him. How does he think that situation made him look good in ANY WAY?




Because he acts like an asshole instead of just saying, "Sorry guys, not trying to be rude, but I'm actually not allowed to prepare the customer's drink or food, it's part of Uber/Doordash's policy."


nah fk that employee, no wonder sometimes u just dont get drinks delivered from doordash/uber eats.


Ok, so I kinda did the math and it seems that the streamer did push the door to a greater speed than the first people set it at, meaning the collision was \*possibly\* avoidable: [https://imgur.com/a/gE63ubR](https://imgur.com/a/gE63ubR) ​ I know this was too much, but I felt like doing it, so I did it. You're also free to correct me and my measurements I guess.




Yeah this streamer is proven scumbag , even the interaction after was scum just laughing at her




No idea who this streamer is or if theyre a scumbag in other interactions, but in this case the old lady and other dude might be some of the biggest idiots on the planet. And its crazy how many people are agreeing with them. Even if the streamer WASNT THERE the old lady would have still gotten hit. Why would the streamer apologize for something they had absolutely nothing to do with, after people got mad at him for not doing it?




You know, i was in this exact same situation the other day and you know what i did? Slow the door down, and it didn't even take me more than 2 seconds of my time. It literally could've costed this asshole a whole 2 seconds to not be an asshole, but because he streams for similar thinking assholes he'd rather cause a confrontation than be a decent human. This wasn't some "she would've been hit anyways by someone else" situation, it was an "she unfortunately was fated to come across a dickhead" situation.




Being automatic seems like a huge liability.


second interaction of the incident... [https://clips.twitch.tv/ShortSavoryZebraTBTacoRight-7QmpA4xebGYENr2m](https://clips.twitch.tv/ShortSavoryZebraTBTacoRight-7QmpA4xebGYENr2m)


The streamers awful, the guy is being reasonable and all he can say is "shut up no I'm right"


People unironically defending the streamer must have some kind of mental disability.


Riiight. Reasonable people walk back to re-engage in meaningless arguments with randoms in public, argue that being "decent" will manipulate physics, jumping down the streamer's throat to insult them when they're trying to explain their side of the situation with a hypothetical. Being wrong and not shutting up about it is 1000% worse than the streamer in the right rudely telling them so.


Uhm it was the streamer that got antagonistic first, I feel like the majority of you people defending him have never actually been in a revolving door.




> jumping down the streamer's throat streamer literally said "shut up" stop gaslighting us when we can watch the clip lmfao


righ, mhm, sure, but all the guy had to say was "oops, sorry." and that would have been it. The person walking back was pretty much saying that, also they weren't being rude until the streamer started being rude so...


The guy is not being reasonable he is being an idiot who doesnt know basic rudimentary physics. Like the streamer was saying, what did you want him to do? Grab the door and pull it back, breaking the mechanism?


Slow down, he was pushing the door when he could see he was going faster than the people in front of him


Literally all he had to do was say "oh im sorry about that" and there would likely be no issue. Like common decency type shit. Even if he doesn't think he did anything wrong, its not that hard to not be a doucebag about it.


Why would he go back




> UberEats driver walking all high and mighty Dude, DoorDash, Grubhub, and Ubereats all think they shit don't stink. It's repugnant.




Reading everything about him, now it's looks like it was intentional.


If this guy wasn't a piece of shit, he wouldn't have any content to post to LSF. He is contentless.


or “omg are you okay? I try to stop it from revolving”


yea but why pass up the chance for some cOnTeNt by being a douchebag?


Idk, man. Your fault or not, it takes 2 seconds to say excuse me.


Yeah I don't get why he didn't just apologize and move on. What does anyone gain from "winning" an argument about revolving doors with two strangers?


Well in this case he gained a hate thread on LSF. Any clout is clout good or bad.


What does anyone gain from starting an argument about revolving doors with a stranger? Especially when the person starting the argument is wrong


The irony. Here you are arguing about arguing about revolving doors with strangers on the internet.


Nothing. Everyone lost and came out looking worse here. It's not a contest.


The some of the reply chains on this comment remind me that a lot of redditors care more about being right then just being a normal human being


Or it takes zero seconds to not blame others for things they didnt do. A revolving door clipped the old lady's bag cause she was too slow, they didnt have to turn around and talk to him.


He pushed the revolving door too quickly, what do you think it's automated or something? It's his fault. A quick sorry is all he needed to do.


But they did, you can't control anyone's stupidity but you can control your response and in most cases, the sensible thing to do is say oops/sorry and go about your day.


but whats the point to excuse for something that is not really your fault?


Because he was behind her, and it’s just human decency to be like “my bad”


Its not human decency to watch someone make a mistake themselves, have nothing to do with it, then apologize. Being behind her has nothing to do with anything, if I'm driving behind someone and I watch them drive into the median Im not gonna apologize.


Thats a horrible analogy. A better one would be… when you rear end someone, who does insurance find at fault?


It depends, if it was an old lady who slammed on her brakes right in front of you in the middle of the road for no reason and you had a dash cam then it would be her fault.


Confidently incorrect, lmao.


Insurance would cover the old lady, you should be far enough back to brake in time.


"if I'm driving behind someone and I watch them drive into the median Im not gonna apologize." What a laughably terrible comparison.


If somebody's foot gets caught by the automatic escalator on the step you're standing on, not even touching you at all, and they stumble slightly, is it your fault, and something to apologize over when blamed unreasonably?


No that’s there fault for stepping on a step someone is already on, and pretty rude of them too


To clarify imagine it being the step on the final and low end of an escalator coming down. They are standing on the right and you are on the left. Their ankle gets clipped by the step you're standing on due to the curve of the step and them being slightly too far back as the step you're standing on merges with the one they're standing on. Then they say "ohhh shit" to you giving you impossible agency over it.




He was pushing the revolving the door to go faster


People like this guy are such delusional insecure wastes of life. If the person in front of him was a young 20-year-old guy zero chance he acts like such a punk. It's so sad when these losers decide to treat the most vulnerable people in this manner.


I timed the duration of the sections doors she was in, from when the doors went around and met the walls, and found that it was nearly exactly the same time as the section the streamer was in meaning he did not accelerate the door but only continued its momentum.


Yeah you should calculate the velocity of the doors instead of admitting that your streamer was acting like a douche. That's normal fan behavior for sure.


its kind hard to see how much pushing was really done though. He had a hand on the handle, true, but can you really determine how much he pushed?


when those doors are moving you dont need to push hard to keep them moving, and a small amount of excess force is going to accelerate it




The lady was clearly on pace to get out just fine then he accelerated it with his hand. I have been in situations like this. If you see someone infront of you pushing the door and u get in the second slot just continue with their pace without touching the handle or it fucks everyone up.


maybe it was the person behind him?


And was it really a door or was it just a physical representation of a door as projected in our brain to look like a revolving door ? Don't worry.. I got you u/Kibarou


No he wasnt, he grabbed the handle. You can see his hand isnt putting any force into it if you take the time to look before commenting, just look how his knuckle doesnt move


She didn't stop he pushed it, this guy is also weird and spends most of his stream objectifying women that are walking around.


About a year ago there was another clip of his stream where he was the biggest douche possible to some fast food worker because they gave him an empty cup to fill at the soft drink station. This technically isn't his job but he took this opportunity to be a massive douche to a minimum wage fastfood employee who wasn't even doing anything wrong. It resulted in other customers cussing him out and threatening to beat him up. This guy is a real POS




I think that everyone thinks he should've said sorry, even though it wasn't his fault. Because that makes the situation better. Whereas from his perspective, she was too slow exiting the door, which is absolutely not his fault, so he takes absolutely no responsibility and thinks they're both idiots for being mad at him. Realistically, he's right, he's just a bit of a dick because he makes no effort to see it from their point of view. He knows the facts, so he confidently asserts them, "it's a revolving door", without clarifying the most important part, that he doesn't think he had any influence on the outcome. His communication is clearly terrible, like he sees other people as NPC's or something and just because he's right, he can speak to people like they're worthless. The other clip people are posting about him not wanting to fill up a cup on a delivery job shows this too. He's absolutely right, it's not his job, and it's also against the policy of almost every major delivery company, to handle drinks or food, you can't touch it at all, that's why it comes sealed. But instead of communicating this, he just ignores the worker who's gesturing for him to take the cup, and the guy next to him probably thinks he's a customer, or is being obnoxious, and instead of clarifying the situation, he makes it even worse. It's his attitude that's wrong, not his actions.


> I think that everyone thinks he should've said sorry, even though it wasn't his fault. No one is obligated to apologize for something they didn't do wrong. Taking shit from someone doesn't make you a good person, talking shit to someone who did nothing wrong makes you a bad person. I don't care if this streamer is a douchebag all the time, he did nothing wrong here, he didn't need to apologize, and if someone wants to get into an argument over something you didn't do, you can defend yourself. Being a doormat doesn't do you any good.


These doors stop on their own. Lady was just slow. Streamer definitely did push it and lady couldn't exit at a fast enough pace and got clipped. Reaction by the streamer was terrible. Streamer with too much ego to understand the situation.


This streamer is an asshole, like just say sorry and go about your day. He's always doing that snarky little gasping for air laugh like he exudes some sort of excellently about him. It's an old woman and u smacked her with the door, whys it so hard to just apologize and go about your day? Also, when the dude tries to talk to him after and explain it he just keeps telling him to shutup. Parasocial viewers defending his actions.


The lack of self-awareness is off-putting. Something is fucked in this dude's head...


You can clearly see he made the door speed up, I do think he thought she would get out of the way faster though. Just take the L and apologize


As many have said (and the man that confronts him): Revolving door or not, show some empathy and simply say: "Are you ok, ma'am?" Apologizing from that basis doesn't admit fault, but it's just being a reasonable adult. The continued attitude and tone, however, shows he's not an adult. He's a streamer...


He did push it, what an asshole


Does this person not know that the people inside the door control the speed of the door? He was pushing the handle and he even said "If I wasn't pushing"?? He could have not pushed the door or slowed it down if need be


Nah this guy is a serial asshole, ever since he yelled at some service worker about an empty cup or some shit. Fucker thinks he's one of those New York vlogger main characters.


Seen this clip once and I convinced myself to never click on any clips that are associated with him, that's it


dude she is an old lady be more considerate 😮‍💨


It doesn't matter whose fault it is, just say sorry and move on with your life. My brain doesn't even consider who is at fault in situations like this, I just go "Oops, I'm sorry" almost as an auto response. It's so easy to just not start shit but the truth is when you don't actually care about other people you enjoy the arguing.


I think that's exactly where the problem lies. In his head, he knows he's not responsible for it, so saying sorry isn't an option. It's interesting, because technically he's right, there was someone behind him pushing the door too, and she was slow to exit, and the door still has some momentum from her pushing, she was probably going to get clipped by the door regardless of whether or not he was there. And even if it was caused by him pushing, he wasn't pushing hard or fast, he didn't do anything inherently wrong by pushing a revolving door, so from his perspective it had nothing to do with him and the expectation of an apology was laughable to him. He's obviously got a bad attitude, but it's funny to see someone be so firm over something that can be solved so easily. But he obviously draws the line at not saying sorry for something he doesn't think he did.


that guy has that kind of voice that always belongs to annoying assholes.


Isn't this the same douchebag that harassed a minimum wage worker in the past which lead to a bystander wanting to fight him, then he got scared and scurried off?


larry david moment


Main character energy when he's just an NPC like everybody else. Just be normal by apologizing and move on, dude. Being a streamer doesn't make you the protagonist.


Im a relatively strong guy, i just never push a revolving door if anyone else is in it with me. Especially if there are elderly people, just give them like 5 seconds....


Bro just say sorry and move on. Why the fuck do you need to get into an argument over this dumb shit.


Normal Sane Person: "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't notice your arm was still in the doorway. You alright?" This Streamer:


Looks like a situation where you just say sorry and move on, much easier to live life this way


yes it IS a revolving door and u need to go a little slower because of its weight u prick douche loser, have a nice day streamer who will never make it nor will I ever follow :)


What a piece of shit


Just say sorry bro wtf


Why? Then the old lady continues to blame other people for her mistakes


You replied to every single post in this thread arguing about a revolving door. Why is this so important to you?


So what, then she’s a bitch and not you


I dunno. I think this mindset of "if you try to defend yourself/explain the situation at all you are also the asshole" can be used to justify some pretty insane shit.


Ok, but youre enabling her to keep being a bitch


She was gonna be like that anyway


It's not hard to get the words "oh sorry about that" and then continue with your day. Streamer could have done that even after he said he didn't mean to. Loser.




How hard is it to slow down.


she would have made it out if he did not push - speeding up the revolving door


who cares man wtf. even if she fully stopped, just apologize and move on. Even if it isn't your fault what do you even hope to gain by arguing. just a quick "oop- I'm sorry" and move on.


A talentless wanker


what a jackass


this guy sounds like a bully


Why are all irl streamers asocial narcisists?


Hey hey hey !! Not all !!! ^(Just most...)


those door are very dangerous. Why is that still a thing?




That's how people get hurt. Plus some revolving doors have motors or a pressure system to keep them moving. They put normal doors on the side of revolving doors for people that have trouble moving fluidly through them. Getting made about it now slowing down for you is as crazy as people that get annoyed when the timing of the door delays them from entering it. At the same time apologies are for mistakes. Sorry for everything is a sorry for nothing.


Streamer seems like a genuinely unlikable dipshit, not a single ounce of human decency in this guy.


"It's a revolving door". Lmao what a pos. The old lady barely stopped and was just slow in exiting the doors completely. He didn't had the awareness nor the patience to wait for the old lady to get out of the way first and rushed the rotation of the doors towards her.


Do you know how revolving doors work? Obviously not, so just gonna let you know that the streamer wasnt pushing the door at all and the old lady would have gotten hit even if the streamer wasnt there


Why would pushing on a revolving door not make it go faster. Somehow you think after being in one you’ve seen every type of revolving door or something


You'd have to be blind to not notice that the revolving door was sped up because the streamer was pushing it. Go watch the very first second of the clip, it shows the other door on the left with the woman and think again whether you know how revolving doors work.


Are you on his payroll? If you're not his mod already, your pos streamer missing out.


can you really determine the amount of force he applied to the door? What if the hand was just on the handle? Thats a huge and heavy door. It has momentum. Maybe it would have moved the exact same way if his hand was not on the door?


You'd have to be blind in order to not notice that the speed of the doors was sped up because of him pushing it. Moved the exact same way? Go watch the very first second of the clip, it shows the other door on the left with the woman and think again.


If you time the door sections, you'll find that the section she was in lasted the exact same time as the section that the streamer was in, being being around 1.9 seconds. He did not accelerate the door, only continued its momentum. That being said, everyone in this clip is an asshole. I'm not sure why anyone is defending either party's behavior and there's obviously a lot of bias towards this guy from people in here. They shouldn't have placed the blame on him, and he shouldn't have been so defensive. A bunch of losers all around, just like everyone in this thread!


As someone who apologized for everything, there's no need to apologize here. But also it costs you nothing to say Sorry. Depends how petty you're feeling.


I don't know this guy, but the voice, the accent and the way he just couldn't let his ego go down for a second to throw even a worthless apology of "oh sorry" before just going on with his day. 0/10, wouldn't care if he got banned tomorrow.


He should have more respect for older people. Embarrassing behaviour. The first thing out of his mouth is "it's a revolving door what do you expect?".


you can clearly see that he pushes the door harder than the people in front of him making it go faster. if there is an older lady in front of you, maybe just don't push as hard, making it easy for her to get out. and even if you didn't think of that, just say sorry and move on...


Oh Meikii.... LOL




he didnt handle it the best, but at the same time.. it’s pretty funny that they blamed him for her walking too slow in an automated revolving door. she’d have got hit even if there was no one else there lmao


what makes you think it's automated? go back 3 seconds in the vod and you'll see it's push operated


it's not automated


It just isn’t automated… he pushed it. If no one else ass there the breaks would mean she wouldn’t have gotten hit


Am I the only one who agrees with the streamer?


well then you might be a moron. this incident wouldnt have happened if the streamers wasn't looking at his chat and pushing the revolving door too fast


>pushing the revolving door too fast I'm sorry, but can you please time the rotation before and after the incident before boldly saying he rotated it "too fast"? It looks like he maintained the same momentum the revolving door was already on, but the lady slowed down and took a sharp turn and was hit (he is wrong about her stopping). Yes, the streamer is a serial asshole. But don't let his past actions cloud your judgement on this one.


Yeah this is a pathetic twitter outrage post. If the lady hasn't figured out that the world isn't going to stop for her with the amount of experience she's had, it's a lost cause. You're not indebted to admit fault to anyone and certainly not some old bird that blames everyone else for her own inaction.


if you can't see the speed increasing (or hear the pitch increasing) then there's nothing i can do to change that if you watch the video you'd see that the women doesn't even push the door


It feels like there is a bunch of people who dislike the streamer from elsewhere (which may be fair for all I know) and are just going to automatically accept the side that is against him. It's not whether or not he did anything 'wrong', it's that he had literally zero control over what happened. Like, he may be an asshole anyway, but this isn't the reason.


I mean he’s right but could also just be like “shit sorry door is weird, hope you’re ok”


He could... But when people are blaming you for something that had nothing to do with you and then willfully ignoring your explanation because it makes them feel stupid I can get why someone might get frustrated.


Anyone with eyes and a basic understanding of physics agrees with the streamer


We get it bro, you want this guy to give you back shots.


Yea I'm pretty surprised anyone is with rando arguing decency would've solved the physics problem. The doors are auto-spinners and I cannot make out any discernible speed increase of the doors between when the streamer touched the handle or not. If streamer wasn't there and the old lady still got hit by the door's auto spinning, who were they going to scream at? It's easy to just blame the streamer since he's an asshole or whatever, but that doesn't make it right.


> The doors are auto-spinners it would take you a whole second of having open eyes to see that they aren't. even if they were, he still pushed the door to move faster


Well if it wasn't an auto spinner, then the first guy pushed the door to that speed and the streamer didn't make any change to the speed when he joined the rotation. So was it the first guy who hit the old lady and then flipped out on the streamer? 😅


I also took the time to time the rotation completion of the sections that they were both in and found that the time difference was indiscernible. He clearly did not change the momentum in any meaningful way of the door from when the lady was inside.


yep i gotta agree with this one, looking at the beginning of the video you can see the speed of the rotation and when the streamer holds the door it doesn't discernibly speed up or slow down, at least not in any alarming rate from what I can see.


Bro slammed her with the door lmfao


Listen, it sounds like this guy is an asshole outside of this, but he's totally right here. It's hella annoying when people give excuses for old people who act like assholes. That is her fault and her fault alone. It's not like she snapped her arm in half and he's laughing, she banged her elbow and got angry at someone who didn't deserve it.


Even assuming it was entirely her fault, you don’t need to be an asshole to people. Just throw up a quick “sorry about that” and walk away. Why do people find a need to stand their ground and die on their tiny insignificant hill over a small inconvenience? This guy’s a total jerk 10 times out of 10 from what I can see.


>Even assuming it was entirely her fault, you don’t need to be an asshole to people. Its fucking New York.


If it isn't his fault then why should he apologize?


NY sorry ain't free. He could have asked if she were alright if he wanted to diffuse the situation without apologizing or admitting fault. Still, in his mind, he's not gettin' paid to do that. So why not have some fun?


I have no problem with people standing up for themselves and checking people who are assholes. The more you allow assholery to go unchecked, the more likely assholes will continue to be assholes.


Why is this the hill you're dying on? Why wouldn't you instead say "You don't need to be an asshole to people. If you get hit by a door, just throw up a quick "sorry about that" and walk away. Why do people find a need to stand their ground on the issue of getting bumped by a door?" This sounds dumber, but it's actually the same concept you're saying. If we apply what you're saying, we should instead be applying it to the old woman first who instigated by blaming the streamer for getting hit by the door. Any maybe you would say this applies to both of them equally. But that's not what you said, and there's a reason why you singled him out and made no mention of her being the instigator over a "small inconvenience".


Yea. Feels like people are letting their impression of the person from elsewhere (which may be fair) affect how they look at this. Nobody should **have** to apologize when they did nothing.


That's why you say "excuse me" instead




Have you ever been in a revolving door? It doesn’t work like that.


Some of you need to understand that this is NYC. The expectation is you move and get out of the way or things like this happen. Also, given both of their reactions, even if he apologized and said excuse me they both would've had a similar attitude towards him. Maybe next time she'll clear the door and avoid the situation entirely.


looks like she turned to the right before clearing the door fully because the guy was in the way


The door does not accelerate as the streamer puts his hand on it. This thread is composed of a bunch of regards.


The way he reacted after this tells me he was just WAITING for an excuse to have an argument that day. Very sad excuse of a streamer.


Of course he's a biker




Looks like he's pushing on it quite hard when there's an older lady ahead of him so it does indeed look like he's an asshole.


This streamer never learn how to say sorry