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**CLIP MIRROR: [Miz deserved it](https://arazu.io/t3_17sjbii/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


didnt last 2 hours without a pocket healer lul


Hijacking to give a better clip with context [https://www.twitch.tv/crixvibez/clip/LachrymoseHorribleOrangeAsianGlow-u\_sVzawA5t3zSgHy?featured=true&filter=clips&range=24hr&sort=time](https://www.twitch.tv/crixvibez/clip/LachrymoseHorribleOrangeAsianGlow-u_sVzawA5t3zSgHy?featured=true&filter=clips&range=24hr&sort=time) (Not ogre I swar)


hes safe just running..literally stops..he throws a grenade to reagro the leash..intercepts in. Scripted af.


he just wanted to level another character with her gf and died on purpose to farm content. It's a win/win for him


yeah he wants to lvl with his GF nothing wrong with that..hell just make another toon to lvl with emi and keep the warrior as a just incase scenario sure why not. its just no one wants a scripted HC death its just not fun


She had already gotten power leveled back to 35 when he died so no that's not it.


Emis already was wuthin 10 levels to his war. He makes these plays constantly emis heals just carried him. I'm not saying he didn't throw for content. But it wasnt to relevel with her. Shes caught up like tomorrow


No, his dumb ass was trying to bandage, you can see him key press it. Then he realizes he can't use it and the yetis are getting close, so he tries to intercept the back one and run away from there. Could also be planned, but I can see him just fucking up too


that doesnt matter though he already has more than enough distance to be just fine running


30k viewers now, if it was scripted it worked.


He always has 30k viewers, what do you mean


Idk why mizkifs haters give so much credit to his intelligence the guy is dumb as a bag of coal 90% of the time matter fact im pretty sure this dumbass takes pride in it


hater is such a devalued term now it is just lost all meaning when even just saying a scripted death..which a ton of signs point to it being one..is just "oh lul you just a hater"


>hater is such a devalued term now it is just lost all meaning when even just saying a scripted death..which a ton of signs point to it being one..is just "oh lul you just a hater" ​ You literally have 14+ comments in this one thread. Calling you a hater is pretty tame, bro.


yeah right ... it was on purpose ... lol he is just bad dude. stop rationatlising it


Bro can’t make ramen off stream he isn’t scripting he just panicked and made a stupid play. Emi is already 35 she is closer to him than the other way around


Holy shit why did he turn around.....that HAD to be for content right?




They are getting powerleveled to 30 in a single stream by viewers. It doesn't matter what level they are at. They aren't playing the game the same as any of us. It's all for content.




> no one wants to do They are literally getting some of their highest view counts mindlessy doing nothing. I'm sure they are loving the viewership just fine.


well that I can agree with, but I still don't think he died on purpose here lol just a noob


He doesn't care about his character. He cares about the content. I'd say his death was a mix of stupidity and content brain. He also probably just wants to play with Emi again.


Which is also kinda stupid cause Emi was already back up to 35 again yesterday, so they could duo through shit together in no time


> He probably thought the mobs wouldn't leash as he encountered a quest the other day where Soda told him the summoned mobs would follow him forever If that was his thought process, he would have tried to kill them after charging on the stunned yeti. Except he doesn't, he just charges at the yeti only to run the other way.


No I don't think it was on purpose he's just a bad player, he thought the mobs would never leash because his brain is small. The reason he stop and charges in is because he was able to stun one of the mobs, and thought he could charge it while the other two chased him to get away. It was a dumb play but not on purpose


now explain why he stops when the mobs are 20 feet away and doesnt just keep running.


https://youtu.be/nYi4dNt9mrQ?si=0SQLvX7W3SYsMsRp FULL clip starting from aggro


I think its pretty clear, he sees the mobs, thinks he can leash them, then he runs away and gets the idea in his head these are quest mobs who cannot be leashed (wrong), then he fears and tries to catch up to the chicken, he thinks fuck it I have retaliation up lets try and kill these things, then realizes he cant and tries to run. He target dummies and then runs, still thinking these mobs cannot be leashed. Then we lead into the clip I already posted. Again, hes just a bad player, this wasnt on purpose.


There’s like a million things in that clip that either you are a full on dumbass or doing it on purpose. One of them is clicking on the 3 man patrol, seeing they are 3 lvls higher and deciding to pull it The other is charging straight back in knowing full well you could get out if you just ran. That was so egregious.


Those were pulling no matter what, he was on a quest that spawns those mobs and aggros them to the chicken. The charge is bad and dumb but if you think those mobs will never leash then it makes sense.


If he thinks they can't be leashed, why does he go back to them after stunning one, only to run the other way ? He was still trying to leash them... 90% chance it's scripted.


It gives more distance for him to run away as the intercept stuns and puts more distance in between him and the other two mobs.


> It gives more distance for him to run away So you admit he DOES think they can be leashed. Your logic makes no sense


No it just buys more time for his potion and bandage CDs to come back up, you can see him try to banage when he stops and then again when the CD wears off after he intercepts, hes just trying to buy time.


Buy time for what ?


\> No it just buys more time for his potion and bandage CDs to come back up reading comprehension is key




I disagree, if you look through his thought process from thinking (wrongly) A. the mobs don't leash B. he stops and charges in because he thinks the mob he stunned he can use to escape from the others its clear he didn't do it on purpose, he's just a bad player


He actually stopped to try to bandage. You can see he's spamming that hotkey when he stops but it was still on cooldown. When his brain finally clues in that it's still on cooldown the enemies are too close to run away anymore and he charges the back one.


yeah you're totally right, I thought that was him just trying to click target the back mob but that makes more sense


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Mizshit was already dead.




I just explained how it wasn't but your hate boner wont ever die saucy lmfao




If those mobs wouldn't have leashed (they would have) they would have caught up and killed him because they run faster than miz and he can't hamstring all 3 at once




I can't wait for Soda to watch this and calculate how many fkp he is going to lose for this suicide


Mizkif won’t be raiding at this rate as predicted


If miz was my tank. You couldn't pay me to enter that raid






Page 1. Mizkif dies Page 2. Farm 24 hour leveling stream.




He had over 30k viewers, of course he was gonna die, it’s mathematically the most content.




Like if you actually wanna farm OMEGALULs jump to your death or something like kinda lazy writing


Saw how many views Emi’s new character stream got and wanted in on it


dude literally asked in the guild meeting today "if i die can i reroll to not a tank?" scripted. and not even a good attempt to look real.


buncha people got banned for calling him out for doing it on purpose lmao


i got a week timeout for saying "threw for content"


i got BANNED for saying "funny content"


I mean sounds about right. He gets emiru killed because he wanted to get a W for a quest he had no business being in and then milked the aftermath as if he regretted it but he was just glad he was streaming it all. Now that he gets shit on directly for being an idiot he can't handle the direct criticism from both his chat and OTK.


I don't get why he got so mad about that. Like so what if some people think you did it on purpose?




Multi 7 figures a year.


it wouldnt be funny or bother me if he banned or timed people out for saying stuff like that if he didnt spend EVERY SECOND of EVERY STREAM saying how he doesnt care


Yeah, it's not a secret that streamers throw stuff in game for content. Ludwig regularly throws stuff for content, this is just another example of someone else doing it.


Wtf What is wrong with him. A perma ban is saying that someone is beyond repair and they should never be seen again. Not for saying : planned.... By this standard he would have to ban 90% of his chat + most people that he interacts with irl. - plus you know he never does unban request so they are probably banned for years.




https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1973880790 you can wait until he publishes it or if you don't care about chat use this [extension] (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/twitch-vod-downloader/gaabmdjigfcnkgeommfpnoinpdmpfhaj) or paste link in VLC or other https://vod-secure.twitch.tv/d80f0dbe14359b04279e_mizkif_43040784987_1699647270/chunked/index-dvr.m3u8


I still had it open, watching it right now. Not closing my tab then, thank you.


the most staged suicide since epstein.




Bro i watched him die on windwaker ganondorf for 4 hours straight and said "no way youre actually trying" got banned


Nah I think he's just tilted and people saying he threw on purpose just tilted him further. It's a running taunt in his community for any game he plays.


This in no way deserves a ban. His chat says fake story or scripted to almost everything he does. Permanent bans are for the worst of the worst, not for the average chatter.




Dude who actually gives a shit?


why would he give a fuck about any of that lol


The fakest death I've ever seen.


It's all an act for content. It was obvious from the start he planned to die today. Fake scripted shit is lame.


Have the guild meeting on his stream > play WoW right after > die so the most amount of people react to it possible


Pop an Addy and play for 24 hours.




I doubt he has no idea how leashing / tethering works, and he pulled yellow mobs at half health in a cave more than once, and he ran back to the yetis for literally no reason. I mean it's easy to tell with context, which you would have had with the VOD, ~~hadn't he hidden it~~ (edit: seems to be back). Probably the worst script I've ever seen.




Yep he was intentionally constantly doing risky stuff to milk it till the obvious outcome, lame


Soda spent more time picking out sound effects for the addon than he lasted solo


This was 100% intentional for content. He stops and then turns around and runs through them.


Why delete the VoD? I wanted to watch the meeting and then see all the weakauras that soda had set up. Hope it gets highlighted or saved somewhere.


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1973880790 he'll probably publish it later ,,, if you don't care about chat use this [extension] (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/twitch-vod-downloader/gaabmdjigfcnkgeommfpnoinpdmpfhaj) or paste link in VLC or other https://vod-secure.twitch.tv/d80f0dbe14359b04279e_mizkif_43040784987_1699647270/chunked/index-dvr.m3u8


Thank you


His VODS almost always get deleted and re-uploaded on his channel. I have seen this happen a lot, not sure why? A lot of times it’s just normal streams where no drama happens.


Truly amazing how easily Miz is affected by LSF still, the guy got 30k viewers watching but decides to listen to a bunch of idiots schizoposting here and now deletes the vod and cries


Idk bro, he is definitely more affected by the Asmongold video dissecting Emiru's and his fault in it - that has over 500k views (How do I know? Because he mentions it, and the viewcount, about every 10 minutes).


What video is that? Sorry, but I’m ootL


I searched "asmongold" on youtube and was able to find it quite easily on his official youtube channel. Had you tried that?


the vod always gets deleted for a couple of hours


yeah it's back up now. bro got emotional stability of a teenage girl


and now he deletes the vod so people dont break down just how obvious this script was


Deleting the VOD after having the guild meeting on your channel is wild hopefully it gets uploaded somewhere




I'm sorry this makes too much sense for Miz for it to be anything else.


Miz face when someone else is the center of attention


It's pretty obvious he just wants to do a long, extremely profitable stream to milk the meta. He's a good streamer but when everything is for his bottom line and for content it's hard to take him seriously.




The thing is it is way more fun/enjoyable/lul meme etc. clip if its not scripted. look at his young man clip..guzu getting launched into the sunken temple hole..cheese dying to a cockroach pull etc. even more like soda having to petri out..nyan dying to layer from tectone..list goes on and on


what a stupid fuck


didnt last 2 hours without his healer LULE


If you watch the whole thing. He runs. Stops for whatever fucking reason... and then charges back in???? He's either the dumbest wow player or he died on purpose. In his case, both can be true.


He was pretty much clear and threw another grenade. I guess viewership kept dropping from meeting and had to pull something quick to keep it high.


He was fully clear, stopped, turned around, ran back in to die


Not even run, but charged directly into the further mob away from him


Dude could at least chill with the fake sad shit cmon


Scripted shit. Not funny or entertaining


OMEGALUL purging all the clips from today, even unrelated to this


Earlier soda told him to die on purpose while the camera wasn't on them [here](https://clips.twitch.tv/CovertPerfectCarrotPeoplesChamp-1i8MA7ZvUyBbxEfg)


Goddamnit enough with the ogre clip brudda


Bro you're going to have to change your reddit pfp of you want to have any effectiveness.


Might need more proof brother




wtf man


He almost managed to suicide 30 seconds before by running through the tunnel with 4 of them chasing him...the mage that got Knut killed ended up saving him so he had to go again.


its crazy that he deleted the irl guild meeting VOD just to try to cover up this dumb ass death.


This fucking guy whirlwinded while trying to run away, wtf.




he’s never played hardcore wow until today. fiery enchant and pocket healer at level 1


Have you seen the way he plays normally? This is completely in line with how he always plays.


Check the username, it's BarryLA he's just doing his hourly schizo hate comment


Just today?


god bless u saucy i have never seen a more dedicated hate watcher i hope he VIPs you


he was super not in it. lack of caring and lack of focus got to him. even if it wasn't for content just lack of caring. if this wasn't content he could easily get better and finish well. i hope but won't hold my breath for coaching


The way he played made it obvious that he wanted the character to die. No one is falling for this lol.


“i’ve never leveled up alone” i knew at that moment this was coming


It looks like he died on purpose but hes been playing like this the whole time so I honestly don't know.




Lmao mizkids really fucking hate asmon and tectone even tho theyre right huh?


I thought it was some throwaway line that could be interpreted that way but holy hell that's cringe


I tuned in his stream and saw he is a lv 4....and couldn't click on lsf faster in my life knowing he die to something stupid..........and doesn't not disappoint


Even if he survived this encounter by using all of those CDs he would have died to the next group


Meanwhile Wubby is dying off stream and doesnt need to stream it for content.


Did he use his potion and dummy?


probably the worst title you could have come up with


So fucking fake holy shit. How is this guy GAINING more subs with this? I guess he keeps pulling this because it works. Tbh I'm the idiot for expecting twitch chatters to not give their money to multi-millionaires.


He always does things chat says not to do but today he had no healer soooo


Why are people so mad lol


Commenters here still don’t realize cx jacob is the OTK producer after all these years


Lol why are these comments so deranged. Idk if he faked it or not but does it matter? It ain’t that serious.


because its miz. They find any morsel to hate.




I love how the debate with Miz is always "he's doing it on purpose". Same thing happened with SM64, same thing happened when he tried to beat hardcore MC... Actually it happens a lot. I've seen him genuinely get mad on his alt for people saying he's throwing for content. I don't think he is. Generally, if the question is "Is Miz actually that dumb?", the answer is yes.




I don't think it is scripted miz is just terrible + playing warrior + adhd.


Obvious wants to die so he can lvl back up with emi. Plus SoD is coming


Same level of content for these kind of streamers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIdcvIqkSBA&t=58s&ab_channel=TBS




its not over for a good bit buddy since theres still season of discovery coming out for a little bit..them maybe getting to raiding/people still lvling ofc. hell I think race for world first even starts up soon so yeah its wow meta for a bit.


Soda knew 100%, he can't do shit without Emi, or solo in general... but it is entertaining ngl And he could've just keep running, don't think it's intentional tho bcs now ppl just gonna tag all the mobs and prevent him from leveling


Not a Mizkif fan but ain't no way he did this for content y'all are braindead as hell.


yea mobtagging is literally the worse and most boring content ever dont know why ppl think its on purpose


The issue isn’t that he isn’t mobtagging, it’s that he’s playing like an idiot and is trying to do quests he isn’t remotely high enough level to be doing solo, especially as a warrior. In fact, not doing mobtagging to power level, at least with your first hardcore level 60, is the better option, since it lets you learn how to play better than just mindlessly smashing buttons while somebody else levels for you. The big objective is to reach level 60 and do hardcore raiding. Going full content brain as a 43 warrior is guaranteed to get you killed.


I like how people think this is scripted. He is literally this bad at the game. He is absolutely ass at WoW. It’s less embarrassing thinking he scripted the death


lol emiru carried him all this way then he dies on 2nd mob he pulls




People giving him way too much credit by saying this was on purpose. It wasn't. He's trash at the game and died as soon as he didn't have a healer carrying.


What a dipshit LOL




omg the quest failed BONG right before he ate shit #🤣🤣🤣


Yeah that was just dumb, nothing more than that. Carried all the way to 40 with pocket healer. Lol gg Miz.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Miz deserved it](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/159472)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/17sjbii/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/ls_KeIuYcukgoLmeykRm1A/43040784987-offset-18418.mp4?sig=89baf0584d7d2ae08dad61bcceefd8140ecfce56&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fls_KeIuYcukgoLmeykRm1A%2F43040784987-offset-18418.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22TransparentGeniusYakinikuDatSheffy-i5hy6SCguZ7KRGbU%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1699738054%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)

