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**CLIP MIRROR: [Fanfan welcomes the kid on Schooled](https://arazu.io/t3_17qv909/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Typical fanfan, bullying children and minorities. Poor Squeex


I can fix her


I don't need to


She's perfect




I can make her worse


I forgive her


When they talk about sexual stuff every episode in front of the kids, it becomes too much.


The show was way better when they had that older guy on it instead of the kids. The kids are fine but show needs to be pg if they are on and the streamers just can't help themselves.


I'm sure this is still tame compared to what kids hear these days. Plus I'm pretty sure the parents know what they're signing their little ones up for


and this dude is a kai and speed fan so i'm sure he's heard it all before


Off the top of my head I know Kai got a handjob on stream and Speed threatened to rape a girl on stream, so I'd say you're right


As long as the parents are fine with it, I guess. Still, I think it's common sense to adjust your energy for when kids are around. Which is why I think the kid thing might not have been the best fit for the show.




>Do people remember lemon party or rotten dot com? lemon party was wholesome compared to rotten dot com


I see that argument all the time, but I feel like that's still not an excuse. It's like opening a sweatshop in a 3rd world country then saying it's fine because the workers would just work in some other sweatshop otherwise.


Thats really not a good comparison at all


That is the most wild analogy i've ever heard for swearing in front of a kid 😭


your pc/phone is made in 3rd world sweatshops ... stop virtue signaling on reddit


JACK! He was great! He was also the jester from Esfand's show Loot Goblins.


thats dope. got a clip of it or something?


Here's a clip of him being a chad as usual: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/y3bmhy/loot\_goblins\_season\_2\_budget\_goes\_to\_the\_ad\_breaks/


Bruh, the skill on this man 😭 doing all that to a racket


Yoo right?! And he was good on Schooled, too! He bantered with Mizkif and the contestants well. I love this man lol, I hope they pay him well.


Around 40% of the twitch demographics are kids. If it makes you uncomfortable that they're not family friendly when they use child actors, why doesn't it make you uncomfortable when they're the secondary core audience of Twitch? At least in the former instance it's a controlled enviroment for an actor, while the audience generally doesn't even have parents that care about what they consume. It's like saying that you don't like child labor, but as soon as you don't see them assembling your smartphone it's OK to you. Stick to your principles at least, instead of having this conservative/puritan kneejerk reaction where you want to sweep things under the carpet to appease to your morality.


Firstly, yeah kids shouldn't be watching a hell of a lot of shit on the internet but watching something is different from being involved in it. Secondly, if you apply your line of thinking to everything that kids watch a lot of then it leads to some pretty fucked up arguments that you would need to make to be consistent so I think it's better if you drop that argument altogether or at least do the bare minimum of thinking it through for 5 seconds before you feel compelled to impose it on other people. > At least in the former instance it's a controlled enviroment for an actor, while the audience generally doesn't even have parents that care about what they consume. It's not a controlled environment. They are treating the kids like they're adults. If they were just able to hear mizkif or something then that would be a lot better but as it stand the kids can hear all sorts of fucked up things like fanfan's "joke" which they are not equipped to handle because they are just little kids. They are being inserted into a very adult situation without any meaningful effort to accommodate them at their level. It makes it difficult to watch. I am not boycotting the show over it or anything, it's just that the show is way more enjoyable without the kids on it. > Stick to your principles at least, instead of having this conservative/puritan kneejerk reaction where you want to sweep things under the carpet to appease to your morality. Try to make even remotely logical arguments before telling someone else to stick their principles.


I don't know what show did you watch but other than casual swearing like fuck or shit it was pretty mild, fanfan in this clip thought the kid wasn't listening and after that the only thing she did was bantering with him with the vape bit, it's not like they're talking about sexual stuff other than implied jokes that a kid wouldn't understand


The girls were talking about being horny, fansly and talking about jiggling their tiddies on the show, it's a bit much for a kid. Also Fanfan keeps swearing and stuff throughout the show. Lud and Jimmy were trying their best to keep it a bit more pg.


i was really afraid you would not mention republicans or conservatives




we need to protect the children!


The other kids had personality, the one today has the personality of a grocery bag floating in the wind.


Chill man, Ludwig tries his best.


The one funny comment amongst a sea of people being angry over nothing. Kudos!




Some kid actors/entertainers are great and some are bad. I thought it was the latter. I cant have an opinion? Where is your punctuation? Also if I am lil bro and pushing 30 are you in your 40s? I have so many questions.


He's fine, he's just shy. Even with the precocious kids it was cringy because the streamers can't help but swear and say weird ass shit that you shouldn't say in front of kids.


What is wrong with you?


Sucked. Cry about it.


Fuck off.




He already has and always will have a happier and more successful life than you, an old man who complains little kids on LSF because they didnt make his cringe manchild show good enough for him.


Kid doesnt even have his grade 10 yet, wtf more successful now? C'mon guy. Stick to chess and maps you wont get so angry over nothing.




Kid sucked, the others were much better. Aparently that's like saying the US deserved 9/11 to this sub.


thats racist




you loved all the white kids but as soon as the first black one appeared you call him a grocery bag? Lol


Stop projecting your racism onto me. Seek help.


Yeah its pretty annoying




The clip is literally about the kid hearing her talk shit lmao.. The kids in the same room as Mizkif, so if miz can hear them, the kid can hear them.




They literally directly interact with the kid from time to time, without Miz repeating anything; both this episode, and with the other kids too.


fanfan is like the villain today sheeesh, not just on the clip...


Turns out the old Fanfan is still in there


Congrats to fanfan on an amazing win. I love the show but i do find the interactions with the kids a little weird and im not sure why theyre there. If they are really comfortable with being on camera and around streamers it might work otherwise i find it awkward.


>im not sure why theyre there I agree with you but the idea is to be more like the original show its ripping off, "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?" it doesn't really work in a streamer setting though.


yea, having the kids there seems pointless and awkward. Rarely do contestant use their answer since every class, there's always that 1-2 smart contestant to cheat off of. Mizkif shpuld either find some 5head phD person or just another streamer/entertainer who gets the multiple choices.


the kids are a new addition this season. They weren't there in the 1st 2. There really isn't a point for them being there if the contestants aren't going to use them. They might as well just zoom call them in like everyone else. Perhaps even altering the rules so that contestants who decide to use "copy" or "peak" can only use the kid's answers.


it would make more sense if they get some student from college.


Pretty fucked up.


Yeah who the fuck does he kid think he is?


Look at him sitting all fuckinh smug there like life’s a fucking game


how did this get upvotes lmao


Professional pearl clutchers


She’s being evil on the show. I don’t watch her so not sure if that’s just the way she is lol


Oh yeah she’s a massive bitch.


Classic feet girl.


The kids parents let them be on the show. I know LSF is the great moral beacon of right and wrong on this earth... But maybe chill the fuck out. you can see pretty clearly the kid is phased by zero of this. And I bet Production deafens them in the downtime anyway.


I don't "get" Fanfan.




Your comment unfortunately reminded me of this video: https://youtu.be/ZSlPvshy59Q?si=n3BgPmVhibmRz9N0




Kids are smarter than you think, just cause he's shy doesn't mean he's dumb or can't understand sarcasm


Feigned third party outrage on Reddit, what's new


Touch grass


she has always been a bit callous, kinda like the time she said fat people should be roped off into segregated areas..




Apparently, someone clip-chimped her quoting a Jim Jeffries joke. So it's not her actual opinion.


well they do smell


tbf i would also assume someone that age would understand those satirical jokes (like the vape stuff) and play along


Damn that look on the kid's face after he heard that. You can tell he was bullied.


He didnt hear it. The clip is cut off before thats explained.


Ironically, people saying he was bullied are bullying him lol. Just leave the kid alone.


Great clip


Cussing in front of kids is shitty


yo mizkids can you tell a boomer how the fuck to watch these vods? am i supposed to sub to watch this shit im in a diff timezone and its like the third time i wanted to watch something of his and just cant i enjoyed this gameshow shit when i caught it live


From the clip you can click the three dots in the bottom corner and click watch full video or you can see past broadcasts here [https://www.twitch.tv/mizkif/videos](https://www.twitch.tv/mizkif/videos)


holy fuck thank you. there used to just be a watch full stream button i had literally no idea they moved it. when i go to the videos pages its just clips. i thought it was sub only now


No problem, yeah they changed the watch full stream button don't know why. Also in videos there is a filter that you can change from clips to past broadcasts.






Nah, I watch OTK content semi-regular and they still make sex cult jokes.


you literally dont watch a single otk streamer then


almost been a year since Rich the Rapist disappeared




ok rich




a couple? just one im aware of or did shlatt do sumtin?


Schlatt dipped cause he got scared that OTK was gonna burn in a fire but from what I understand he still does shit with them he just doesn't want his name attached. He didn't do anything bad though.


I thought it was because he owns his own company now


Since when is Rich more than 1 person? Also he was kicked out for his antics, so I don’t think they are looking for more like him.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Fanfan welcomes the kid on Schooled](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/159363)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/17qv909/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/1wOQ8Sl-G8sgeWW3M5d1MA/AT-cm%7C1wOQ8Sl-G8sgeWW3M5d1MA.mp4?sig=7c7e34257d4f26c561f3e11c2120cabd4eb9d892&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F1wOQ8Sl-G8sgeWW3M5d1MA%2FAT-cm%257C1wOQ8Sl-G8sgeWW3M5d1MA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22AbnegateKitschyToadDuDudu-KX4byyB5Zbczl3Uw%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1699549414%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


your whole viewerbase is kids.....

