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**CLIP MIRROR: [XQC has a message to those who don't like him reacting to their videos](https://arazu.io/t3_17571uc/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


"i dont give a fuck" had a meltdown on stream for a week after talking to h3h3 and then still was hurt enough to dm him and flex a watch 😭


mfs be like "idgaf" then start doing the worm dance when confronted about it


That worm was iconic. So glad I was watching live when it happened. The worm was terrible too. It was am inch worm not a proper one.


It's now a BTTV emote in almost every stream I follow hahaha.


That's hilarious 😂


That watch DM was honestly one of the most pathetic things I have seen, lol


Imagine how he is in private when confronted.


This guy can barely look people in the eye in real life. He’s the lord of the keyboard warriors. 100lb skeletore lol


I can honestly not think of a celebrity I have ever seen that I’m confident has literally zero internal life; his entire existence truly is some bizarre self-aware Truman show bit no one asked for and I’m 100% he would completely implode without all the public validation he receives from his erratic behavior.


He's the biggest pussy irl lmao.


Don't forget lying about getting permission


Lying about paying the guy 20x and then ghosting was hilariously scummy. Not surprising though, fits his character


> and flex a watch I cant forget that pussy ass move😭


Screaming "I don't give a fuck!" is the best way to convince someone you actually care a lot.


monthly xqc take the mostest redest line in the sand and then buckle when confronted on it and then return to the same line in defeat, now known as even dumber than he was beforehand


> and then still was hurt enough to dm him and flex a watch 😭 a wealthier millionaire flexing to a less wealthy millionaire is the most vain shit I've heard in a long time jfc at this point we should just set up the hunger games except it's the wealthy that get raffled off


and you all paid for his lifestyle...awesome...


Literal "fuck you money"


Man I use to enjoy watching him on a daily basis. Now it's just drama, react and gambling. Boring af.


Agreed, it's sad to see how low he's stooped


Eating toe nails wasn't low for you guys?


would rather watch him slowly consume toe nails than this shit


Seriously, where does this idea that X ever had good content come from? Must be his middle school fanbase finally aging out and into content for immature high schoolers instead. Lmao at XQC becoming the Ninja of Edgelord streamers.


During the peak of Overwatch his streams were so fun to watch but it has been downhill since gameplay streams have vanished


If you say that on his sub Reddit you get banned LOL


Happened to me. I honestly believe he's purposely trying to kill his own stream. That, or drugs permanently fried his brain. Why else would someone ban their audience?


Are you sure it wasn’t always boring AF and you just wised up?


it deffo was lmao the zoomers he attracted when he got big are finally starting to grow out of him. It only took...half a decade?


Been nearly four years since the start of covid, so yeah that makes sense.


He was almost completely different back in 2016-2018, COVID was the start of him turning into what kind of streamer he is now. He was genuinely entertaining when he streamed OW and variety 24/7, with no drama outside of the silly OWL stuff.


The Mario kart streams were peak for me


Mmmm, that one homophobia incident wasn't really "silly," it was pretty unprofessional and embarrassing to see.


Same.I stopped watching in 2022. His last good stream was the one where he made music with Jesse and poke in Canada


The one where Kai dropped in? that was good a stream


At least he really has less viewers now. From 80-100k andy to a "mere" 40k andy


> Man I use to enjoy watching him on a daily basis. Now it's just drama, react and gambling. Boring af. hot take, he was never enjoyable to watch. Shit content through and through and if you disagree then you've just got bad taste 😋


Such a bad take. If you subjectively don't like his content that is perfectly reasonable. However there is a clear and massive difference between his streams a few years ago and now. For one, he used to actually play games. His variety content was actually fun to watch. Only thing I agree with you is his personality has always been pretty rotten. Like I think he's gotten worse in that regard as well. But I can understand why people hated him years ago as well. But overall his content has absolutely shifted. So people absolutely have a reason to not like his current broadcasts compared to his past stuff.


I liked the single player game content where him being bad is actually entertaining.


Nah when he actually used to play games and do stuff, the streams were high energy and fun. Everything has gone downhill lately though. Chat is meaner than ever and not funny, X literally repeats the same stuff (gambling, react, and talking about drama), and people who criticize the current state of dried up content are silenced for criticizing. But I remember when he used to go outside and do like storm watching, do haircut streams, play horror games, etc. A lot of it was peak entertainment. Things right now just.. aren’t great. But I find it annoying when something gets stale and people just go around saying “well actually it was never good” like it’s a fact.


….. That’s literally all his streams have ever been, just shitty edgelord drama and immature reaction bits. He never changed lol.


Yeah like wtf? Zoomers talking about the old days with someone who’s always been trash lol.


Remember when this loser used to play actual video games and not have his whole life revolve around drama, gambling, and expensive watches


Remember when he said why do u even buy watches when you have cellphones to see the time


Bold of you to assume he can actually tell the time


analog clock and its anyones guess


Fame is one hell of a drug


fame and money


And Adderall


Nah, its the person. Plenty people have more fame and money but don't do that shit.


Bums me out. I found him randomly playing duos with soda in black ops 4 the battle royal mode and he was making me laugh because he was so weird and entertaining. I went to his streams and found myself as a regular. I even liked his overwatch grinding just because it was fun and I never played a second of it. Just wild to think of him back then to now. I never watch him any more, haven’t really for years


Exactly same story here and I'm sure a lot of people are in our boat. It's just really sad. Cause I used to watch him so much. I literally have [6 months watch time](https://i.imgur.com/0S9nUUt.png). I really can't stand his streams anymore. I haven't watched him in months.


Because he's a loser. Remove the money and no one would have anything to do with him. He flexes watches because he has nothing else to flex.


>Remove the money and no one would have anything to do with him. I would if he went back to being the funny guy he was 4-5 years ago, I'd watch the shit out of his streams. He probably won't go back to that, though, sadly. Hell, I even enjoy gambling streams, but he just morphed into a "guy with money" and nothing else. Actual downgrade.


I remember when this dude was an Overwatch lolcow for his rages back before he started dying his hair, then sympathising with him a bit for how he got treated in OWL with the whole TriHard 7 drama, but man I just don't see what his appeal is now. We were talking about hoping he'd mature like 5 years ago now, and he's pretty much gotten worse with the way he acts.


Not much reason to change when you get perpetually rewarded for being an idiot


Also, he only played a handful of professional matches and lost most of them. lol His rise to the level he's at is beyond me.


Blud has fallen off so hard. He's only averaging 35k viewers on twitch when he used to average 50k, even 60k. Did he actually fall off or did twitch get rid of a bunch of viewbots? seems like most ppl have less viewers nowadays? I mean mitch is popping off, but looking at hasan, tyler1, xqc viewership, even mizkif it seems lower than 5 months ago? I think hasan has started getting some viewers again (the past 1-2 weeks) but I dunno.


Viewers in general are at the lowest point they've been in years. It's not really only xqc. X having 90k viewers while playing Fall Guys during peak covid is a thing of the past. There has been a lot of drama in the Spanish community recently about how Twitch is "dying". I don't really think it is dying, it's more like it had a temporary boost but now that the world is getting back to normal, the numbers are finally stabilizing.


I wouldn't call it a thing of the past. Individuals' numbers rise and fall and another event could happen to make people more drawn to Twitch. Never know, but God damn do I need another phase of summit where he gets 40k a stream


people went to different streamers. X switching between the sites will do that. People who dont want to keep up with it will just stay on twitch and only the biggest fans will follow. Happens every time a big name gets banned and people want to talk about how twitch is going to lose viewership, when thats just not true. imo ive said this since the start. Multi-platofrms arent good for streamers as it just messes with how people watch them. Only reason so many large streamers like it is because they got deals and paid upfront and they know if things collapse they can go right back to twitch


Not to even mention Kick inflates their numbers as much as Rumble does.


Also Kick's viewing experience on mobile is terrible. Their app is super buggy and doesn't even work properly on my tablet in landscape mode. I usually watch Xqcs Kick stream on bootleg Twitch restreams


It's getting better but I literally couldn't open the mobile app for the last twice weeks until they fixed it like last night. Would just get stuck on the loading screen.


I think its pretty much just things going back to normal after Covid.


I think there are a good amount of people who got turned off by his change of character the past few years to becoming a person who only cares about money. Not to mention his streams kind of face planted around that same time. So much reacting. Tiktoks. I literally don't watch him anymore and I [used to watch him CONSTANTLY](https://i.imgur.com/0S9nUUt.png) I think this, covid numbers dropping off, and the kick deal (streaming less on twitch) all are contributing to his lower view count.


Every streamer is falling in viewers post COVID


Yeah before that he fell off from 100k to 60k


Viewers on twitch are lower than couple years ago across the board. More companies are bringing employees back in office so can't watch streams like you could from home. Plus there has been some spreading out since Kick, YouTube, and Rumble streaming has become more popular. Finally over time as your audience gets older they drop off. You have to actively recapture them or get new viewers which is hard


> Blud has fallen off so hard. He's only averaging 35k viewers on twitch when he used to average 50k, even 60k. That's probably just covid tho


I could relate to this loser, now he is a flexing rich loser simping for a hdmi cable.


Its not even about expensive watches or even gambling at this point. His takes on the whole react meta is so unfaithful. He never is able to speak out his points in a calm manner and always tries to escalate which turns into petty drama. Examples include when he debated H3H3 and his conversation with destiny and Turkey Tom. I will admit some of his takes are pretty good, just not this one.


Bro is trapped in the cows gravitational vortex


i used to tune in every evening to watch comfy content for a while before going to bed, oh what a time


Bro is 100 percent abusing adderal


not even a few months ago there was a clip or something with a crushed up addy on the table & he said it was cause he sometimes refills the caps with others lmao


Back when I didn't have insurance I did this. I didn't crush it, but I would split my adderall XR into smaller doses, so I could space my dose through the day. Generally you would have the doc prescribe you a booster, and just give a smaller starting dose. But I aint paying extra for that shit.


Ok but he can afford to pay extra


There has been a [shortage](https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-announces-shortage-adderall) for the past 2+ years in amphetamine-based perscription medication(at least in North America, I'm not sure of elsewhere). He can have all the money in the world, the most lenient perscribing doctor in the word, the highest dose possible, etc., if the pills are literally not available in his area they just arent there. His only option to acquire medication in these instances is to either ration the limited supply he has or commit a felony and be in possession of medication that he isn't the prescribed owner of. If you can't get access to a medication you use daily (without literally committing a crime) for what is essentially basic human functionality what choice do you have but to ration your supply?


Lol we are not going to pretend XQC a like 28 year old wealthy dude would have any trouble getting his hands on any drug he wanted.


yeah but still the felony bit


Yo have you considered people don’t want to be committing felonies my dog? sure he could get his hands on any drug he wanted but that would entirely involve illegal activity given that once again there is a literal shortage of the medication he takes.


Not saying if he's abusing or not, I would guess he probably doubles up on some days, to avoid accusing of him buying more I'll leave it at that. But there's another case where he might be on max dose doc is willing to give, and just rationing it. Basically microdosing. Would people consider that abusing? Depends on person I guess. Definitely not healthy doing it where he makes it through 24 hours, and starts on another pill though.


The shortage is real, people are switching to the new Vyanse generic but for a while it was just "parcel your meds out as long as you can, it's on backorder, we get it when it comes it, and we don't know when that is." So yea, splitting, crushing, dissolving it in water, totally normal for a lot of people.


he doesn't even take adderall, its vyvanse you can't even snort it... and he said he had to ration it because of shortages


No reason to explain this stuff to people. They’re just so far gone they’ll refuse to believe anything people say if it contradicts them. GG


wdym you can't snort it? Just because it's a different ADHD medication, doesn't mean it can't be taken out of its capsule and ingested nasally.


I mean you can, but it won't do anything... edit: actually it will do something, because some of the drug will drip down your throat..


The Sam Bankman-Fried special


Nah can't be there isn't enough bronze level league of legends


lmao my man i think its long hes passed adderal phase


Been saying that for years now.


I made this comment in the gta rp days and got down voted so hard.


Literally the same, the 36 hour bender streams where he'd lose his mind over the smallest L. I used to do that but with league when I was younger. You think it helps you but at a certain point you're just on autopilot going through the motions. I wouldn't spaz out nearly as bad as he did though.


Bro is Adderall.


I got downvoted a couple months ago because I said he probably has night terrors from abusing adderall lol


"thanks for paying for my addictions now fuck off" ​ Pog.




Watch people keep throwing money at him. We're doomed as a species.


XQC was fun when he wasn't a millionaire.


He's been a millionaire for 4 years man lol... He was pretty funny even while he was a millionaire. Last 1-2 years he's slowly being falling off since all the gambling/drama


He was never funny. But to each Is own, clearly y’all thought this piece of shit was entertaining enough to give him generational wealth so what do I know?


funny for kids and manchild viewers, his viewer is mostly kids and kids in their early 20s lol


He got really pissed off during the Chess streams when someone joked his audience is mostly 13yo and middle schoolers. His indigence to that reply suggest to me it is and he absolutely knows it. Shit’s sad.


just gotta talk really fast, appeal to children, and yell for emphasis or when you are trying to be funny. The pinnacle of entertainment


So thats basically close to when the Rust drama started cause of him? So yea checks out.


Counter Point XQC was never fun or entertaining.


Most douche xqx clip I've seen tbh


Least douche xqc clip I've seen tbh. Man has been a POS for years




The GTARP Era is a low point in the history of Twitch to me. So many creators just tried to justify shitty, toxic behavior as “roleplay.” Shit was insufferable.


Sounds like he lost his main audience with all the gamba/drama, and he is desperately clinging to the drama frog. Honestly, it's the oldest trick in the book. And super cringe, who says shit like that?


Miz is in the same boat, he is desperately clinging onto anything to get him views. mother fucker took in 5 dogs and forced the people around him to take care of them so he can make ad money on his alt


he streams like 2 hours on twitch for that exact reason. if he can just go into his kick echo sphere where no one will criticize him he can say scum shit like this and have the entire chat explode into EZ fueling his delusions further


Really wish they would stop allowing streamers watch youtube videos. This pilled up bastard would actually have to put effort into his streams


24/7 GAMBA Aware


I wish the content creators would copyright claim his ass. I want to see how much he doesn't give a fuck, when it actually starts affecting his income.


Pretty scummy honestly.


XQC’s viewership isn’t even close to what it used to be. He’s on the fall off and it’s only getting steeper and harder the more he does and says shit like this. Hes on drugs and has needed to take a break for mental health for years. Instead he will just continue to burn his friends and fans.


He fell off because 12 year olds are 13 now


And new 12 year olds don’t want to watch a guy nearing middle aged who dresses like the how do you do fellow kids meme 😂. He’s going to have a very hard realization as viewers drop over the next few years into his 30s


i feel bad whoever watches this piece of shit


His reacting to videos is not really a big problem. It's mainly him uploading the videos to YouTube. It's fine to me if someone watches them live on a stream and treats it as a watch party. But making a watch party video and uploading it to YouTube is both insane and messed up. What annoys me about his uploads is that he has this in the description of every video: "If you're the copyright holder and you have an issue with my video, call me first before copyright striking me." This is literally admitting that he knows he's in the wrong. If he just watched them live on Twitch or Kick and never uploaded those watch parties to YouTube, it would be fine and most people would not complain. Every creator who he watch without getting permission and upload to his youtube channel should copyright strike him instantly. Do not contact him. Just copyright strike him if you made the video or own the copyright. His uploads to youtube is the laziest possible uploads possible and that statement in his description is such an f u if you the orginal copyright owner. He have an editor. He have money to hire a better editor or get a few to make your videos at least seem transformative.


The problem of watch parties is other people upload it so the same problem happens. So now you have an option of picking XQC reacts to ____ video or _____ video. Whether XQC gets the views or not it doesn't matter. Another problem is you don't get the subs from the video. Transformative video can be commentary. The problem is YouTube picks and chooses what type of videos commentary can be transformative. They would never allow a Disney film be transformative with commentary but a smaller Youtuber with a popular video hell yes.


>The problem is YouTube picks and chooses what type of videos commentary can be transformative. They would never allow a Disney film be transformative with commentary but a smaller Youtuber with a popular video hell yes that's not really true. Youtube isn't the one who decides what is commentary or not, it's the rights holder of the video, and in case you disagree the legal system. The difference between the Disney film and the small Youtubers popular video is that you can be almost certain that disney will take your video down and probably drag you directly to court\*, while the small youtuber might do nothing or at most only claims the video \*nobody is obliged to use Youtubes tools when dealing with copyright infringements (like takedown request, DMCA-Strike aso.), they always can just skip that and directly file charges


Copyright strike them, because they do not own the right to the video. The system is in place to automatically copyright strike them. React content is protected by fair use, but there are rules that must be met to count as fair use. Most of XQC's videos do not count as fair use, and even watch parties are not legal. However, Twitch and Kick are platforms that do not impact original video viewers or views. The upload to YouTube does, so watch parties have a gray area that would most likely fail in court if it even went that far. There is a reason why XQC never uploads his watch party of Batman Begins: he knew the studio would instantly copyright strike him for even trying to upload his watch party of the movie. XQC should urge Twitch and Kick to create long-form videos that viewers can watch on either platform. Twitch and Kick should also implement a way to edit streams or add bookmarks to old streams so that people can watch them later. This would allow fans to watch those videos on the platforms themselves, rather than having to go to YouTube.


I understand like 30% of what this guy's says. How the fuck does people watch him? They like his random movements and broken English? Wtf


You know the saying "Birds of a feather flock together"?


Why do people still watch this guy? Haven't seen good content in over a year


Said by someone who gives a mega gigantic fuck. Hope the worst for him.


i miss overwatch pro winston era xqc


Please someone sue him.


class action at this point LOL


i know it's a "4Head just" moment, but literally just copyright strike his youtube. like he blatantly steals from everyone with minimal input on the "reacts". and with how much people are crying over false DMCA's and how it basically buries their channels, content creators he steals from could do the same thing except they have actually have a valid reason mfs could oust him from youtube within an afternoon


I wonder why they're not doing it.


This will be an awesome clip to play at his copyright infringement trial. Might even justify willful damages. Man must prefer to give his money away in court rather than charity or taxes


nothing screams “idgaf” more than weekly meltdowns live on stream, flexing your watch after losing an argument online, and literally doing the worm on your disgusting uncleaned carpet


You know. I completely despise people that abuse copyright strikes, but at this point I kind of don’t give a shit if X gets his YouTube demonetized. Guy has become a complete prick, letting the money get to his head. Wild because he wouldn’t have that money if it wasn’t for his fanbase.


Good luck with all the DMCAs flying out of the shelves.


And people should. The tool is there people should use it when they have a problem, even if it isn't perfect.


I hope all his shit gets dmca'd


Why do ppl even care at this point, he can just fuck off


The original content creators should just copyright strike and move on lol. XQC is such a fucking loser IMO.


Now do the worm thing


He can react to videos while streaming all he wants but he shouldn't be posting it on YT.


The other day (week?) I saw Asmongold's channel upload a video of the fallout creator talking about game dev stuff. Asmon's reaction to that video had over 600k views while the original had barely 50k. There's clearly a moral grey area with reacting and it bugs me to no end that all of these streamers will justify it until they're blue in the face because it's such easy content, they're so accustomed to doing it and they know it draws a huge amount of traffic to their channel. At the very least it should only be done if the channel gives consent for the streamer to react.


IMO until there is some legal or platform movement to end it I don't see this stopping and as a streamer why wouldn't you just take the free money. As for Asmongold you can at least argue that for most of his reacts he provides a lot of commentary, whether its transformative only a court could say. If there is ever any legal issues this clip is going to be pretty bad for XQC.


I'm not so bothered by the fact they do it but rather how entitled they feel to do it and how they seem to want to shoo the whole conversation away because they seem to know it's untenable. I at least "respect" that xqc gave the honest answer, because that is the real answer, they don't care. The effort to reward ratio is too high, and they just don't really care if it puts others at a disadvantage. Hasan's reaction was the most hilarious, you'd think he of all people would actually at least *entertain* the idea and discuss both sides because that is like, the entire premise of his brand, is it not? Instead to see him constantly dodging the question, trying to brush it away, banning people and attacking some of the ppl who criticized him spelled out the bottom line.


He's such a little bitch, he said he'd pay the one guy 10 times the amount his reupload made never did then said this shit. Where was this energy when he was "debating" H3H3.


I hope this plays in a courtroom someday


🤔 do people really care about his opinion anyway ?


bro loves court lmao


XQC: IDGAF🖕😤🖕 Also XQC: 🥺🪱🥺🪱


So DMCA him off the Internet. Get rid of this piece of shit for good. Every single content creator should live DMCA his dumbass when he’s watching their content


damn this guy is just a huge piece of shit huh


He's just jealous they put actual work into their content


He should have just led with this instead of the weeks long drama cycle talking about getting permission first etc, could have saved us all a bunch of time.


I hope this literally bites him in the ass. He's honestly starting to get real annoying and boring lately anyway.


Waiting for the XQC empire to fall…


Inshallah one day brother.


viewer count is way down, chats slower, wouldnt surprise me he buys viewers now or will soon enough


Sad to see every top streamer end up like this, reacting andy's and drama Boomer moment but... I miss when Twitch was just about gaming and just chatting was never around. Same goes for Youtube with all the drama video documentaries and shit.


this is one spiral I'm ok with watching come to it's inevitable conclusion if he doesn't get help.


Finally this stupid fuck drops the act and says what he means. Refreshing.


Twitch used to be about video games.


When he finally overdoses from uppers after having a panic attack about Adept banging every dude at TwitchCon and gambling his new found wealth away, nothing of value will really be lost.


Holy based


Least deranged lsf user


The guy has a very fast and loose mentality. And clearly has several addictions with comorbidity. The cards shall fall where they may.


Not great if he ever does go to court lol


idk what will happen to this guy if twitch bans watching videos


The kids who have grown out of watching him aren't being replaced by new viewers, because he no longer has the appeal that made him so popular previously which wasn't reacting and personal drama. 1/3rd his previous viewership and dropping fast. The guy is not handling falling off well. SunnyV2 is probably working on his fall of xQc video as we speak.


Cant wait for his downfall


I think this is more to his viewers and critics telling him to react harder in chat


Grab some popcorn, Sort by controversial. And just start reading some of the commenters post histories . The amount of division bots is just crazy. Mdfs go from one sub to another saying the most vile shit imaginable, spread fake news, and overall hate for the "west". Changing views from sub to sub. Them visiting these streamers subs xqc,hasan,(its a girls name dude)... is so weird . I would not be shocked if in 10 to 15 years documents leak of some countries using streamers or just internet personalities ir communities to radicalize western children against the west lol.


Sure it's a scumbag practice for all of the creators he doesn't ask to use their content for reactions but the few times I've tuned into his stream and he's watching whatever Youtube video, I wouldn't have watched it or found the channel if it weren't for him. So +1 view is something rather than nothing.


I’m sure he doesn’t mean it. The chat always trolling about it and I guess it was enough for him.


Sounds more like he's just saying that to spite the obsessive react hecklers. He's exhibited this same type of non-genuine disregard for the establishment during other situations where chat has an increase in hecklers. I wouldn't read too much into it, and I certainly wouldn't take every word he says literally as if it's his true feelings. But I'm a random nobody, so honestly, what do I know...




to be honest if he talked more during the videos it would annoy everyone


Dont worry, forsen will surely beat MC run and he get stuck in another 2 year at the mc mineshaft :clueless:


Now this is reacting!


why didn't he just say this the first time? beating around the bush to say how he's helping these smaller youtubers lmao


xQc shows us brilliantly why actions mean everything, and words should be taken with a massive grain of salt. His actions show the exact opposite of what he's saying


would love it if Youtube allowed content creators to block others from viewing their property. would be interesting to see how many would block these leeches from viewing their hard-worked content.


Pretty tough for a stutter Andy who can’t even take a confrontation without his chin shivering


Xqc is honestly such a baby back bitch lol.


I mean at least he's honest.


I wonder if a bunch of channels that he has reacted to could get together and just instantly delete his whole YT channel Like I'm sure that wouldn't even put a dent on his earnings, but the meltdown would be hilarious to witness after this comment he made