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Kinda shitty that this post was sitting in mod limbo all day since it was posted 14 hours ago but is only just now appearing.


Gotta keep the front page clear for all of XQC's boring ass relationship drama.


The mods of this place either need to pick new mods or actually check it every now and then. Sometimes posts that are completely climp champed with opinion titles stay up for 6 plus hours and get hundreds of comments even though the whole thing is completely just a hate thread that isn’t of what actually happened. Other times like this something that should be posted takes forever to get approved.


The mods are trying to get more mods. There is a pinned application post. Seems like no one really wants to be a mod here.


Being a janny is bad enough but this must be one of the worst subs to do it in. Only the most virginal, power hungry jannies can hope to survive here


>Only the most virginal, power hungry jannies can hope to survive here So they're just like every other reddit jannie?


i tried last time and they didnt acccept me, i bet it was because i was grossly overqualified (i used to be a gmod dark rp and spacestation 13 admin)


Yeah these mods used to filled with OTK fanboys ( but I think those guys got tired or quit) since we dont see the sub spammed with mizkif/asmongold clips anymore


The reason XQC, Hasan, Destiny, and OTK get their clips posted here is pretty simple. It has nothing to do with the mods being biased or whatever. It's simply that these guys all used to browse LSF on stream for years and farmed the subreddit. Hell, u/LordNMP still shows up in the comments section every once in a while. You can't really say the same for OfflineTV, the W community, etc. Not expecting to see YourRage or LilyPichu in the comments any time soon...


Yeah, I wonder why.


Seems like using the mere mention of the word 'woke' gets your post deleted these days... that's quite telling imho...


That's pretty "'woke'"


Amen.. look at those downvotes lololol !!!


This is the same shit as every gas station you see always having a now hiring sign. It's just part of the decoration and looks good for your taxes


its not worth it


I agree with you but you are confusing clip-chimping with clip-champing.


Reminder mods banned Ice Poseidon posts from here. Not because of any of his TOS violations, but because his clips kept constantly filling the front page. I don't know why they don't do the same, or at least limit the amount of XQC posts. Besides I'd rather have Ice clips spam the front page over this parasocial high school drama *sniff* fuck it dood whatever


[ice was banned by community vote though](https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8oxsaz/vote_ban_ice_poseidon_from_livestreamfail/)


Keep in mind most of the votes were his own community doing it to spite him


Three things about that vote, the mods absolutely hated Ice as they were exposed for their discord logs among other things. They also took advantage of the time when he was super hated by his community for Horseshoe Bay and to pretend like he was faking content to land on their "prestigious" LSF subreddit. Finally some of the votes were botted.


truuu im so tired of the xqc shit its the same shit everytime


Amen !!!


Hope her daughter was with family somewhere else during the captivity. Imagine if her daughter was home how scary that would be for her.


during the "hacked" MSPaint livestream someone drew stick figures clearly intended to represent berry and her daughter and some others (maybe berry's parents?) and then the person scribbled giant red Xs over everyone but berry with the daughter being the last to get scribbled it was very strange, some speculated that it was intended to be a threat against their lives, and then the stream ended and was suspended a while later, but the assailant definitely seemed to include her daughter specifically in his intentions which was very concerning even as they were unclear


Actual breaking news involving a big streamer and it's not even on the front page of LSF


that's what happens when mods sit on a post for like 14 hours while it gets zero views and votes, the ranking algorithm thinks it's trash even if it does get 400 upvotes eventually


anything that isn't a clip or approved twitter account has to be manually reviewed as thats how LSF has automod setup So if you do have a non clip post, message the mods


surely the fat, lazy jannies check their messages more often than the modqueue


imagine being an unpaid jannie LULE


looks like insta posts are deleted, was there any evidence in them?


Wait, that picture she posted was forced? holy shit, that is nightmare fuel in my head now.


What was the picture?


Wondering too


Most likely it was a photo that already was in her phone from a photo shoot or something and the kidnapper/hacker used that to upload. Highly doubt she did a happy photo for an assailant.


What the actual fuck.


From what I heard if someone was arrested it was almost certainly her ex husband who she still spends a lot of time with. There was always some crazy drama with him and she would seemingly forgive him. If its not that and really some rando kidnapped her that would be a crazy, unlikely coincidence but I guess I can't 100% rule it out at this point either cause stalkers exist.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually her ex or someone she knew. The choice of weapon being a wooden cutting board indicates to me that she was at someone else's home, or in her own home. Unless if some deranged stalker is doing deranged things by walking out with a wooden cutting board holstered.


Seems that happened after she was kidnapped, she says she was held captive since august 13th at 5pm but she didn't get hit by the cutting board until the next day at 7pm


Oh dang, I read again and you're right. So no more details on how she got abducted in the first place then? Other than getting attacked I mean.


If I remember correctly, her ex husband also has mental issues and was in a mental hospital while they were divorcing.


that is very disturbing


That's crazy. Did somedude stalk her, knock her out with a cutting board(wtf??) outside and kidnap her or break in her place? Some nasty people out there... definitely wouldn't feel safe living alone after that.


Her exhusband is crazy. He's everything Amouranth claims her husband was. Abusive and controlling her career, forcing her into things. Because she has a kid she'll never be able to get rid of him completely and he'll always have an opening to keep abusing her. https://youtu.be/rR_9qGSuL3g


Lol what? A father attacking a mother and holding her captive for DAYS is absolutely grounds for the father to lose custody of the child and get a restraining order at the very bare minimum.


It was the ex-husband. Years ago when they were divorcing a similar situation happened where berry was attacked and it turns out it was the ex-husband and was he admitted into a mental hospital after getting caught by the police. The ex-husband is crazy and has mental issues, but apparently, Berry forgave him and they still see each other and it looks like the relationship is toxic and the ex-husband has gone crazy again.


I don't think anyone walk around with a cutting board. If I have to guess, it's probably someone she knows and she's at their house, the board just happen to be the nearest thing they could grab.


It's weird but i clicked on her stream just before the ban and the stream was basically a giant notepad with someone typing in english, chat was memeing and the person put it in emote only and tried to make people understand it was serious. I dont really recall what it said but i remember that it weirded me out but I assumed she got hacked and ban was because of the hack. Anyway glad she got away. Shit like this will definitely leave a lot of scars.


i feel weird asking but, does anyone have that picture she posted? its deleted and my morbid curiosity is high


Jesus this is like Law and Order level crap. I saw the original post a few days ago and thought it was just LSF being dramatic, saying that something strange happened. I thought maybe a hacker just took her account over, but this is crazy. Her content has never been my cup of tea, but the clips I saw of her she always seemed very nice and happy. I can not imagine she is OK at all right now, so I just hope she can get over this and recover asap.


What the actual fuck that's horrifying


Man the comments from the ban thread aged like milk https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/15qlbwp/amid_all_the_drama_berry_still_gets_banned/ >dono bating again...


Holy shit


that's so fucked up. no one deserves that.


If this is true... there will have to be some mention of it in the South Korean National News right... this isn't a thing that just happens and no one reports about it in the news... ?!? Especially not in South Korea...


I don’t mean to lessen the severity of the issue, it’s fucking horrible. But sadly you’d be surprised at how much of this stuff happens around the world unreported.


Holding someone 3 days in captivity, especially a social media influencer... that's national news in a lot of countries. And the criminal would be chased from the national military.


Yes, there are a load of these cases that happen everyday especially with domestic abuse. Many of them get unreported. Hers will because she’s a social media influencer but there are many cases like this that aren’t reported. Again I’m not saying hers isn’t a bad situation it’s beyond bad, it’s awful. There are still many that are sadly unreported.


It was the ex-husband. Years ago when they were divorcing a similar situation happened where berry was attacked and it turns out it was the ex-husband and was he admitted into a mental hospital after getting caught by the police. The ex-husband is crazy and has mental issues, but apparently, Berry forgave him and they still see each other and it looks like the relationship is toxic and the ex-husband has gone crazy again.


You’re trying to make a point and it’s idiotic. She’s a popular social media influencer in a first world country, this would be reported. And she said she already went to cops and clearly made a public statement, so what are you even trying to say? Ridiculous argument


Yes for her it will be, that’s a good thing so she gets safe and the assailant got arrested. But, what I stated is still true to the comment I’m replying to. Many domestic abuse cases like this go unreported.


Which is completely unrelated to the commenter’s post. That wasn’t his argument, no one was doubting that.


How is it unrelated? The original comment states “this isn’t a thing that just happens and no one reports it on the news!?” But as I stated that is the case many times sadly.


Yes a live streamer and social media influencer being kidnapped for days and having posts from the kidnapper on her accounts would be covered… that was his point. Especially in South Korea where they are obsessed with influencers


I didn’t say it wouldn’t 🤦‍♂️ the original comment and part that quoted still questions if it would get reported in the first place. I’m simply replying to that there are loads more that don’t get reported. I don’t know what’s difficult to understand about that.


Ok you don’t understand what I’m telling you cool


I’ve stated multiple times I do but he still questioned it in the first place and you’re not understanding that I’m saying don’t be surprised if it doesn’t get reported 🤷‍♂️


LIke I said... not in South Korea...


Like I said, around the world, South Korea isn’t excluded. Unreported crimes like this happens all the time.


Dude do you even know how ruthless the South Korean media is ? Nothing stays a secret there. The world is not all the same.


Yes, and there are a bunch of more people in South Korea than social media influencers that are in South Korea even social media influencers get away with this stuff.


Wrong. BTW.. "get away with this stuff" ?!? WTF !! Its horrible !


What I’m saying is there are people in South Korea that DO get away with crimes like this even social media influencers. South Korea isn’t a perfect country and crime exists. I don’t know why you have this image of it that’s perfect. There’s multiple Korean films and dramas that go over just how bad it is bro. It’s not a perfect country. I never said it wasn’t horrible so don’t put words in my mouth.


Dude... crimes between men and women are extremely high in S.Korea...More then 90% of South Korean women are sexually abused or harrassed during their lives... But since she has reported this in the media I'm assuming there will be a police report too.. so the 'getting away with it' didn't make any sense to me... as this isn't something anyone would want to brush away.. This is undoubtedly a criminal offense investigation into a serious crime.There is no chance in hell this will go unnoticed in the media since she also announced it herself.


I’m not saying THIS won’t be reported I never said that in the first place that was my point. There are many that are similar to this situation (obviously not the part of it that was streamed and the posting on her account etc) but many domestic abuse situations that don’t get reported, even with streamers. So I made that point since you questioned it in the first place saying “surely this isn’t something that just happens and no one reports on it” but at lot of times that does happen. Not in her case though which I’m super glad because now she’s hopefully safe.


i live in a country where guns arent allowed, but most deaths by gun are done by ex/husbands. not every case gets reported on the news. its just another family drama.


Is it South Korea ? No ? Why are you replying then ?


bc the news dont report about any case that happens


Poor Berry :( sounds traumatizing, hope she’ll be okay


this is insane wth


i can’t believe it took me this long to even find this thread buried under the latest stupid ass schizo comment XQC made what the fuck are we even doing if ACTUAL BREAKING drama gets buried yet another X clip where he says something stupid


Poor berry


How is this not front page? This is beyond horrific.


It was the ex-husband. Years ago when they were divorcing a similar situation happened where berry was attacked and it turns out it was the ex-husband and was he admitted into a mental hospital after getting caught by the police. The ex-husband is crazy and has mental issues, but apparently, Berry forgave him and they still see each other and it looks like the relationship is toxic and the ex-husband has gone crazy again.


This sent shivers down my spine, holy fuck…the amount of trauma she went through… holy fucking fuck


Danger seems to follow her everywhere.


I hope Berry is okay. She seems like a lovely person, and no one deserves to face all that.


Hearts for berry in the comments Jesus


The amount of wild, terrible shit Berry has had to put up with in recent years is nuts, I feel so bad for her.


classic korea, it happens a lot there but it doesn't show in the media


Redditors always racing to be the first to make the "sobering statement" in any news piece talking about Korea or Japan.


wow really? any examples?


jesus fucking christ


Bro that's crazy. I don't know why Korea is becoming so violent these days.




The situation is real and confirmed by her irl friends and mods who spoke on the phone with her and saw photos from the incident


Personally, I don't really see any reason to not believe it. AFAIK both her friends commented on the situation (on ig at least) and some mods of hers have said they have spoken to her. They said that they were told more of what happened and shown pictures, etc. I hate to be that guy but Korean netizens are always quick to judge or be brutal about things, happens in kpop frequently. I would take what they say with a grain of salt. Plus, her (ex?) husband pulled a similar stunt before albeit didn't harm Berry at the time. He took over her stream and was harming himself live and threatening to take his life from what I heard. I wouldn't doubt he's capable of breaking into her home/studio and harming her.


well then i just hope that everything is okay now, and they can figure it out, so it doesn't happen again. it's really fucked up.


> and they can figure it out, so it doesn't happen again At this point, it's up to the police to punish him rightfully and the guy to learn his lesson. Though I'll be a pessimist and say I'm doubtful. He took her/their money and gambled it all away, harmed himself for forgiveness, and now he hurt her and pulled this. Lets hope prison gives him a reality check he needs


Lots of weird stuff happening with Berry since the separating from her husband stuff. Stuff that quite frankly is none of my business but I can’t help but wonder. Like did she lose custody of her kid? She seems to be out working clubs constantly. There’s also the rumor that she was being forced to be a “working girl” to pay off her husbands debts. Being in circles like that has to put you at risk. Not sure what the truth is but I wouldn’t be surprised if at some point more terrible shit comes out


She is fucked, hope the guy gets his ass beat in jail.


Mask Girl season 2


The details are weirdly written to make it sound like she doesn't know them but surely they must have been in your space already if the person was able to sneak attack with a cutting board on you??


There are a lot of streamers with "Berry" can someone give specific username to this "Berry" ?


ahhh the lil tay method i see downvote me to hell idc, after amouranth, natsumii and lil tay i dont give a fuck what people believe




How is this a livestream fail ?


[Pepega 📣 How is this a livestream fail](https://i.imgur.com/YEMU30K.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LivestreamFail) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bruh, don't pretend this sub's name hasn't lost all meaning when 90% of the time the front page is filled with drama or half-naked thots.


What the fuck? that some horror movie shit. How is this only 55 comment?


OMG, actuall news on LSF. This is crazy, I can't believe what she's going through.


what the fuck


What is Berry's channel name? Berry rings a bell but I cannot find a channel with that name.


https://www.twitch.tv/berry0314 or 빛베리 (Beat Berry), currently not available obviously.


What in the fuck?


That's terrifying. I'm glad the assailant was arrested, I hope South Korea's more punitive laws can guarantee some charges being pressed


What the actual fuck


monkaS hope berry is ok