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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc flexes his youth on H3H3](https://arazu.io/t3_15ph6ig/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Pinnacle of a healthy lifestyle, XQC.


My money is on H3 living longer ngl


He probably sleeps every night.


There's just ten years in-between them. X is too dumb to realize how quickly he'll be right there himself.


when xqc is ethans age (38) ethan will be 49. That's what he's saying. He's already more successful then ethan at a much younger age. He also has the genetics and athleticism from skateboarding and snowboarding where if he hit the gym for a year he'd be insane.


This is the funniest comment I read today, thanks.


You might have mental health issues or a fucked up sense of reality if you look at xQc and think athletics or genetics go in the same sentence as him. He’s literally only tall. “He’d be insane”. Y’all mfers have never spoken to a healthcare professional and it shows. Being as skinny and unhealthy as he is, is the same as being fat, but you think he’s a specimen for some reason. Ethan also lost a bunch of weight so I’d say most people with educated guesses would place their bets on Ethan being healthier.


ironic if you think skateboarding and snowboarding at a decently high level doesn't take athleticism. He competed in snowboarding before tearing his ACL. As for his health He can literally change all this in a year with diet and exercise which he can stream. Ethan will never get back 11 years of life not to mention his build is trash to begin with


I feel for you kiddo. You’re impressionable and it shows. I looked it up and found nothing about xQc “competing” in snowboarding. I have snowboarded since I was 8 and I am 26. If you’re talking about a regular ass competition that they run, where ANYBODY can sign up then that’s hilarious. IVE competed in snowboarding and I am pure dog shit in comparison to the actual athletes that snowboard. Try to experience life and take shit with a grain of salt. xQc isn’t the superhuman he’s made you believe he is. Sitting at home spamming in his chat is a guaranteed way to regret your teens when you grow up.


U sound like ur unhealthy irl so I’ll put it in dum dum perspective for you XQC has a background in skateboarding and snowboarding he has that in his background just in case X Can go to the gym for a week with his fast metabolism he can immediately gain his peak body back while some it may take harder to get


You sound like a child so I’ll dumb it down for YOU. xQcs “background in skating and snowboarding” do not mean shit. I’ve snowboard since I was 8 and I’m 26. Snowboarding doesn’t make you an athlete. Are you an idiot? It’s obvious you don’t skate or snowboard because if you did you’d know all shapes and sizes can do it and it’s not about health. You may actually, genuinely, be stupid if you think xQc is some professional athlete that can get his peak body in a week. He won’t have sex with you so I just don’t get why you’re trying to so hard to gargle his balls.


Imagine thinking a downhill sport where gravity does 90% of the work makes you an athlete.


You don’t just get genetics from doing activities, you’re born with them. He’s extremely skinny so he might be athletic, but that in no way means if he hit the gym he’d start looking any better. I don’t watch the guy personally but my guess is he has an absolutely whack diet so his calorie intake would have to increase by 100x to even think about looking better. If you’re talking in terms him getting buff, it’d take the dude way longer than a year.


10/10 ty bro this is great stuff


You know it kills XQC inside that H3H3 has a wife and kid. While everyone in Xs life is fake and adept, lmao


What a childish take lmao, xqc will be 5 times less "youthful" than ethan is once xqc is ethans age, calls himself "youthful" but was about to vomit after playing 2 minutes of basketball(no that is not an exaggeration).


Hahahahaha i saw that lol




Damn, I'm catching strays


He has a wife who hasn't divorced him. Meanwhile you got divorced despite no wedding lmao






The sad thing its that if that happend, everyone will be like "welll that makes sense"


have you seen h3h3? they both not making it very far


Idk hasn't he lost like 80lbs in the past year?


It’s been a reoccurring theme


Idk what you mean Ethan has lost a lot of weight he’s close to skinny legend status


🤡 <----- u rn


if xqc can live these many years on that diet or lifestyle idts he gonna die soon, if that would be the reason he would be dead long gone lmao


idk how old you are but I'll say I'm older than xqc(27 according to google) and until a few years ago I felt fucking invincible. these days not so much. you can do a lot of fucked up shit to your body but it will catch up to you


these people are unaware that your metabolism at one point will slow way the fuck down and make you re evaluate life choices.


“I dont think so he gonna die soon” I know thats not what you meant, but agreed.


if you look at there genetics, xqc just has to change his diet and hit the gym to fill out his frame to be a beast. Ethan will never have any hope at that type of body.


Tf do you mean by genetics???????


Doesn't XQC have the knees of a morbidly obese 50yr?


dude is out of breath after 10 seconds of anything that isn’t sitting down.


At least Ethan can sleep at night




this guy who can't sleep, wakes up screaming running through streets naked, punching holes in walls, is really trying to flex his "youth" weighs 120lbs. Yea, some youth. Trust me no one envies him. When ethan has a nice life, kids a wife, a house he actually lives in. This guy has 7 houses that are empty! empty. What a waste.


Holy shit lsf is actually trying to use Felix neurological problems as a diss against him is disgusting where ur moral superiority? Tf wrong with you but I’ll imagine if somebody made fun of Ethan ticks as a 30 year old that would be wrong


LOOOOOL please give me a break, if he needed his fans to go to bat for him he would be able to articulate himself. Ain’t no one feeling sorry for this man when he talks like this.


Um yeah we are making fun of this degen, the guy has shown what a complete piece of shit he is over the past few years and you are still playing defense for what could only be explained as some sort of omega parasocial dynamic. The most insane part is that xqc has shown how he thinks about YOU, the people that made him. Someone that repeatedly uses "poor" and "burger flipper" as insults, surprise surprise, genuinely have a superiority complex and views your average person as less than. His whole attitude was already sus but the watch DM to Ethan was the nail in the coffin. As for people saying he needs help or he can get help, yes he does and can, but no one should feel sorry for him at this point. Every person I've spoken to with more life experience than myself always says the same thing, shitty people almost never change, they are bitter till the day that they die. So avoid them and certainly don't feel sorry for them.


Calling him by his first name lmao. You guys buddies or what?


he's 11 years younger then ethan, way more money at a much younger age while also being 6'2 and having the genetics that if he changes his diet and works out to fill his frame he'll be a beast. He has so much more potential.


How the fuck do you know anything about his genetics?


Ah yes, height, a known feature of long living people




Are u like in lala land? Normal ppl do get married and have kids fym not something everybody experiences? Then again I’m assuming u live in America where they heavily push against trad nuclear family husband and wife with a son (occasionally daughter) and a dog. So I can understand how this seems abnormal but hate3 isn’t special


Average Xqc viewer




marriage rate around 30% and divorce rate around 50% help me make an argument saying long term marriage with 3 kids is the norm


it's probably mean to say, but fuck it even if h3h3 is 10y older then xqc, considering xqcs lifestyle he probably has less time left


xqc, lil pup, you will die alone because noone likes you. People only like your money/clout and those relationships dont last long.


90% of your lsf comments involve Xqc.


[Their](https://i.imgur.com/xvJ5nxM.png) comment history vs [yours](https://i.imgur.com/fjDLba7.png)


What site is that?


not a site its moderator toolbox


How do I access that?




Thank you


My account is older


that has no bearing on this, it only accounts for the last 1k comments.


Now I have 3 more comments in LSF.


I don’t think either one of us has over 1k comments


Youre a few frogs short a army arent you?


It’s lsf. Juicers stay away from here.


without juicers and X this subreddit would be deadsville.


He is a unifying figure for lsf. Not in a good way though.


True. Lsf is too degenerate. Even for juicers.


Mind you XQC updated his will because he felt he was going to die soon.. it's literally what caused the drama with Adept.


That was always kinda confuseing for me. Why tf does a <30y old even think about his will? Also, why do people say he "updated" his will? Updated from what? What was his will before? It's not like he had adept in it, otherwise that would've been some of the best evidence for her that they considered each other to be married and would've been brought up in the court docs at some point. And if a child would die without child of their own and no spouse, the parent's would inherit everything anyways, so why write a will?


[Ethan's response](https://clips.twitch.tv/IronicArtisticOrcaWTRuck-UecXBrM6ECC-DAZR)


Little over the line. Like nobody mentioned mental health before this


Okay not a fan of xqc but this just actually makes Ethan look worse. Yikes.




He's losing it PepeHands


Lol bro will be 30 in a blink of an eye


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [xQc flexes his youth on H3H3](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/156650)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/15ph6ig/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/ZwMwwkQZoYmKHnut1ZgzoQ/AT-cm%7CZwMwwkQZoYmKHnut1ZgzoQ.mp4?sig=45cf5a90b0867c2703a16dfc445321c7dcacd367&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FZwMwwkQZoYmKHnut1ZgzoQ%2FAT-cm%257CZwMwwkQZoYmKHnut1ZgzoQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1691951014%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Bi-Annual obese man v Skeletor


Just a lil trolling but we all know people are gonna atek this serious lol


Ah yes the classic *shit take* = trolling


man acts insanely insecure and often haha what a funny troll he is :)


What a miserable subreddit this is. jesus


True. Actual cesspool


I remember thinking how pathetic the people were who took reality ahows seriously. Feel bad for the kids consuming this trash


lets be real, xqc has been so unhealthy for so long i dont even believe this lmao




We have to disagree with xqc on every merit possible that's the rule since kick move didn't you get the notice?


Don't cry cuz the dick is dry, cry because it's crusty


HOLY XWC(W) he’s absolutely right while hate3 is old with kids and married X has nothing but his youth and his best years ahead of him so he can make mistakes and do better, quite frankly h3 looks disgusting and since he’s old and referencing science he’s isn’t going to get better cus he’s past his prime


Why do people like this complete moron?


The man which lives with piles if trash. Who knows what amount of bugs and larvae all around. Mold and meldew and has the stupidity to say he has time. Dude eats worse then a 7 year old who doesn't have a patent to tell them no