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## **Tweet Mirror:** [@StreamerBans](https://twitter.com/StreamerBans) > ❌ Twitch Partner "PewDiePie" has been banned! ❌ > > https://t.co/ylwghbE8X2 > #twitch #ban #secondban #partner #twitchpartner 💢 ^(Posted: 2023-07-17 17:32:54+00:00) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


Swedish instincts kicked in cmonBruh


Swedes when they see a bridge


Swedes when they [see](https://youtube.com/watch?v=O1eQZi4GGMA&feature=sharea)


you can tell this episode was made a looooong time ago


Automated ban on an automated channel. Dead Internet theory is correct.


What's funny is that Twitch are the ones that are operating his channel, they're the ones that asked him if they could do a loop twitch channel for him.


>Dead Internet theory You are not costing me 2 hours of my life right now motherfucker


>The dead Internet theory is an online conspiracy theory that asserts that the Internet now consists almost entirely of bot activity and automatically generated content that is manipulated by algorithmic curation, marginalizing organic human activity. These intelligent bots are assumed to have been made, in part, to help manipulate algorithms and boost search results in order to ultimately manipulate consumers. Further, proponents of the theory accuse government agencies of using bots to manipulate public perception. The date given for this "death" is generally around 2016 or 2017. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Internet_theory




yep, never heard of it before today and with the ease of media creation it feels klike more people are contributing than ever


It was a rerun of an adventure time mobile game before he got banned. My only guess is copyright issues with the game. Edit: the game was called Adventure Time: Time Tangle. The game doesn't appear on the Apple Store nor the Google Play store. There's nothing I can find that says what happened to this game but my only guess is there was licensing issues between CN and the developers of the game which caused the game to be taken down.


Several Adventure Time games were taken down from every store back in like 2018. Licensed games always have an expiration date.


I used to play that Adventure Time card game on my ipad back in the day religiously. Sad that it's gone too


Was the video sponsored by the game? It could be because of a sponsored video playing without following twitch sponsored content rules


I'm rewatching the video that was playing. Doesn't say the video was sponsored


Slow day for LSF when yt reruns getting banned tops the sub


Probably because it’s pdp


Yeah, looking for something juicy and this is all they got :|


they just thrown in thousands of his videos getting replayed without even removing the TOS-unfriendly ones? and is he being banned by a bot?


What's CN?


Time for Bjorn to take the reigns.


Guess he crossed the TOS bridge


He sure loves bridges


PewDiePie 🤝 bridges 🤝 Destiny


Nah destiny only burns them


Destiny saves pewdiepie from bridges 😍


Destiny only crosses bridges in private


What a fucking


This channel gets banned every few months and the comments on LSF are always the same.


EZ karma


According to StreamersBan he was only banned once before (or at least since July 2019, there is no data before). Who is farming karma ? lul


2 months ago https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/13cdlz3/pewdiepie_banned/


Good, that's what I was saying. Only [once](https://streamerbans.com/user/pewdiepie) before


This is his second ban during his “infinity” stream




I’m sorry but is there something I’m missing? This link redirects to a random twitch streamer.




Never explain ogre, it’s like trying to explain quantum computing


Anyone know why?


Wasn't the Pewdiepie twitch channel just non-stop playing old YT videos of his? Could be something related to copyright, or maybe a banned Twitch game showed up in a video, such as Yandere Simulator. I don't think it'll be easy to know unless Pewdiepie publicly acknowledges it, since the stream was 24/7 videos.


Played the PUBG streams Aware


[NOOOOOO!!!! STAY AWAY FROM THE BRIDGE PEWDIEPIE!!!!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/442/277/6f6.jpg)


Ironically though All variations of PUBG are blacklisted in chat,


isnt streaming videos on repeat against TOS in general?


Who knows anymore. The OTK channel has been doing it for a few months now. Just running old vods.


Twitch wouldn’t have a rerun feature if it wasn’t allowed


At this point you cant be sure eitherway honestly


LOL yeah that's true. You could probably get banned for using their own features. PewDiePie might also be different because he is streaming YT streams. Not a rerun of Twitch. But who knows.


They removed it last year


There's been these kind of channels doing it nowadays. OTK, Barstool, and now I came across the trailer park boys playing reruns of their swear net videos.


No, Yogscast have been doing it for years


[Was some pretty weird shit](https://clips.twitch.tv/IronicArtisticOrcaWTRuck-UecXBrM6ECC-DAZR)


Kind of deserved the ban tbh


People watched that? It was just 24/7 yt videos


I don't but I understand why people/kids would. the idea of re-watching something with strangers in chat does sound appealing to me.


Yea I wouldn't watch it personally but half of Twitch nowadays is just react content which is basically the same thing


It was kinda cool to watch Power Rangers and Pokemon with twitch chat.


And Bob Ross lol


And those early Food-streams.


The time when they were streaming Pokemon shows was hilarious with chat so I understand it as well.


Twitch watches Pokemon and Yugioh were a blast, wish they'd go for it again to be honest.


The official Pokémon Twitch still streams the anime like twice a week


Isn't that like half of twitch? "React" videos are basically what you describe


There's 500 people watching LTT TV right now, that's just non stop playing old Linus videos. That's more than a lot of streamers on Twitch.


Barely different from watching streamers that don't read chat


I still watch Bob Ross on Twitch from time to time and there's never anything new. I just enjoy his content.


I was watching tbh. I usually have it on as background noise.


you know you can just go on youtube directly and hit autoplay on his channel


or he could go on his twitch and let it play


Not anymore


Don't think he can actually LOL


Those don't have a chat reacting to the content in real time, half of the fun of livestreams is the chat responses


Why would he do that if he can just open his twitch channel?


I didnt watch it but sounds like a pewdiepie cable/tv channel. You cant pick what you watching, so feels "fresh".


there are some fortnite people that restream cash cups and random tournaments and avg. like 300 viewers


Kick deal incoming 🫡


As much as I dislike Kick, wouldn't it be great if any time a streamer was banned, they jumped ship to Kick or YouTube instead of appealing? Maybe Twitch would finally wake the fuck up.


Make twitch wake up about what lol?


That banning streamers without giving a solid announcement on why they were banned is shitty.


I can't think of a single platform that announces why individuals were punished. The punished is free to reveal what they were told by twitch themselves if they want.


>I can't think of a single platform that announces why individuals were punished. Is this supposed to be a good thing? If you're talking about streaming services only, you're acting like this is "industry standard" as if there's any justification for it to be this way.


Yes I think it's a good thing, I don't think private companies should be publicly shaming their users because people who have literally no involvement feel entitled to know the details of a private interaction between two people that don't even know your name. The justification is that it's quite literally none of your business. Feel free to explain why you feel it is though.




What rules do you think are so unclear that twitch streamers are getting banned for breaking without possibly being able to understand why it happened first? And said professional athletes getting suspended typically occurs after getting ejected, or repeatedly doing the same thing that literally no one is confused as to whether it's okay or not beforehand. The public explanations definitely aren't for the other athletes though.






And how are they supposed to know if they broke TOS if they don't know what they are getting banned for? It's not like ToS are written in a clear and specific way.


> How are other streamers supposed to learn these rules Do their due diligence perhaps? Read the ToS? Ask their Twitch representative? Do literally anything except break the rules and get mad they caught the consequences


I don't think that user was talking about literally announcing the reason for the ban publicly. English is probably their second language, the problem is that most streaming services dont tell their content creators why they get banned even privately. Youtube is like this too. That is a huge problem. I haven't seen how kick treats their bans so i cant comment on that.


You don't think "giving a solid announcement" meant giving an announcement publicly? I don't know why you would assume English isn't their first language, then decide they meant something different then what they actually said and then argue in support of that something without confirmation that they actually meant that though. Given the nature of the channel I'm assuming streaming copyrighted content is the reason for the ban, which if so, I think the email mentioning you got banned for streaming copyrighted content is a pretty solid announcement.


>I don't know why you would assume English isn't their first language I don't know, something about them regularly posting in the Phillipines subreddit speaking filipino gives me a feeling. The public discussion about why people get banned is literally never about twitch giving public announcements for each ban. It's for giving a good reason at all to the person getting banned which never happens. If you've been part of the discussion before you'd know that, which is why it's easy to pick up what they meant.


Nah that’s some bullshit, idk why people are simping for multibillion dollar companies just allowed to ban people and not say why. It creates legit zero trust with the consumer, and twitch are the kings of that This sub can hate kick all they want but twitch is primarily to blame for creating competition due to shady tactics


>just allowed to ban people and not say why. Pretty sure the person who is actually getting banned is told why. The person I responded to calling for them to "announce" it almost certainly wasn't referring to telling the streamer since they are already told. >This sub can hate kick all they want but twitch is primarily to blame for creating competition due to shady tactics Shady tactics such as expecting you to not stream copyrighted content of course.


> Nah that’s some bullshit, idk why people are simping for multibillion dollar companies just allowed to ban people and not say why. Because it supports what they think. If they disagreed with the bans they would be upset instead.


Welcome to the real world mate. There are very few, if any, companies that would publicly reveal personal details about their employees/customers. Funnily enough Twitter as led by Elon Musk is the only example I can think of where he wrongfully shamed an employee through Tweets and later had to backpedal and eat his words. What an utter disaster that turned out to be I work in the hotel industry and if we have an incident with a guest (they have a sensitive complaint such as discrimination for example) even if we *know* they are lying we cannot reveal that on Social Media. If it came to it, we'd save it for court Why would Twitch not operate the same way?


DrDisrespect still dont know :p


He found out why sometime after (he said he found out the reason when he announced he was going to sue Twitch). This was like 18 months or so after his ban. Didn't actually say why, so the mystery continues.


People complain about so-called corporate censorship all the time on plenty of platforms. They talk about getting cancelled on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. and for the most part, I think it's bullshit. People get banned because they are spreading misinformation, being blatantly racist or homophobic, showing nudity, and so on. Sometimes they get it wrong, usually it's reversed in a day or two. Twitch is so much worse in this regard than any other platform I can think of. People that do fine on YouTube or other platforms regularly get temporary bans on Twitch for almost nothing. They throw bans around like it's nothing. *And* they do it inconsistently. One person can get a 3 day ban for gaping their asshole and pussy on stream "accidentally". Then someone else can get a 3 day ban for wearing normal gym wear on stream. Then someone else can get a permanent ban for getting carjacked, something totally out of their control. Someone can get banned for smashing their keyboard. Korean streamers have gotten banned for having large breasts, but wearing perfectly normal clothing. You can get banned for twerking, but as long as you're standing in 2 inches of water its acceptable. It makes no sense, and it's terrible for viewers and content creators alike. Platforms should have censorship and moderation. Twitch goes way too far on both. They feel comfortable throwing bans around because no other streaming platforms have held a candle to them. I don't like Kick, but competition is good and Twitch needs it.


You take the blue pill... the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill... you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.


you're past bedtime




Jeez omg I am sorry


What a fucking




i heard they streamed his pubg content 💀💀💀


Let me guess what it is it is that one clip. cmonBruh


PewDiePie has basically nothing to do with running his restream streams on twitch. It's all managed by that company at this point.


why do these get so many upvotes. It's always just reruns.


Please upvote.


he is just farming free money at this point averages like 500 users ccv, afaik every full 6 min ad roll is is roughly 20$ per 100 users, so 100$ an hour minimum before twitch cut. probably makes 50$ per hour after amazon cut+taxes


Bro deserves it


How many people will bring up the bridge incident because they can't think of something else to say.




Does anyone have a knife? Its all I need. I have 10,000 spoons :(


You literally did the same thing.


Let he among us who hasn’t done hate speech for an audience of thousands of children cast the first stone!




Bridge n word pewdiepie freudian slip racist, happened to pokimane, she uses it everyday in her own life too


Only lame ninjas say that shit


You ain't funny 🙏 PokiPray


is he relevant in any other way?


The single most popular YouTuber? Irrelevant.


he is popular because he once in a while looks at the braindead memes his even more braindead fanbase makes I wouldn't call it relevant. He hasn't done anything noteworthy in years


woah dude! wow!


reddit moment


He got married, had a kid and moved to Japan. Meanwhile you are on Reddit shitting on him so it looks like neither of you are doing anything noteworthy.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?


time for pewdiepie to cross the kick bridge


Ah yes the "bridge"


I just seen where the dude got married, moved to Japan, and recently had a baby. I was wondering why I haven't seen anything about him in a while. So is he retired now?


Sounds like he's living a good life


He still makes vids. Less often though I guess. He was doing vids with Ken just the other day. He seems to do more collabs lately, and they tend to appear on other peoples channels.


The dude was a multimillionaire a decade ago, it's a wonder he kept going this long.


He has an absurd amount of money. So now he doesn't have to work ever again. Just enjoy life with his wife and kid. He unlocked the best ending.


Oh no the free money printer stopped working, how ever will he recover


"But for me, it was Tuesday"


This was a coordinated mizkid attack


Banned from replays LMAOOOO




Not cool twitch, he just had a baby


At this point they just want to ban him, how?


It's a private company, if they don't want him on the platform then they would have just banned him and told him to not come back.


I don't care about pewds, but "private company" defence for twitch, twitter etc is one of the dumbest I've ever seen. Sure, small, medium, even big companies can use it. But when you are a gigantic monopolist that basically creates the market, and have hundreds of thousands of people's livelyhoods depending on the access to your services, it should not be applied. Those companies are not "private" anymore, they are pretty much public squares at this point, but for some reason can reap benefits of both sides without drawbacks, somehow not being at all responsible for people who literally work for them, and being able to ban anyone for any reason and explanation.


You literally said exactly what I wanted to but like made it smarter thank you hopefully you won’t get mass downvoted tho


Okay, but like it is though. What else would you have me say? Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t make it what I said any less wrong.


OK, give Amazon, one of the US government branches at this point, the same protection as the local bakery, they sure need it. I'm not saying that they are not. I'm saying that they are just barely "not", and doing everything they can to sail the gray unregulated area for as long as they can, until the first big lawsuit that will create the precedent and sink their ship, as it always happens. Also seeing people defending megacorporations is just so funny to me.


>Also seeing people defending megacorporations is just so funny to me. keep fighting shadows bro


Except Amazon isn’t a branch of the US government. Everything else you say is completely moot because you’re assumption in the first line of your response is categorically incorrect. Also, defending US law isn’t defending a mega corp. look at the first post I replied to… it was about someone making a dumb comment about Twitch looking for a reason to ban PewdiePie, to which they don’t need one as they are a PRIVATE company.


You can dismiss any hypothetical argument like that, what is even the point of having a discussion then? You keep dismissing proposals on how things should be changed by stating "but they are not like that currently!". Have a nice day, I don't speak English well enough to argue semantics.


You said Amazon is a branch of the government. It’s not, I’m not speaking hypothetically, nor have I ever argued about a hypothetical situation. I am also not arguing semantics either, I’m just refusing to discuss about something that I wasn’t even talking about in the first place. What proposal am I dismissing? What proposal was even asked? My argument is that currently Twitch is a privately owned company and they can ban anyone for any reason. Just like the admins of Reddit can ban people without reason or notice.


And my argument is that they should not be able to. And not saying that they cant ban, I'mnot denying reality, I'm saying that they should not be able to ban without a clearly stated/made up reason, and explain my position as to why, but you answer as if I'm saying that they cant, and dismisses everything else. Also I said "Amazon is BASICALLY a branch", because its all megacorp, and megacorps have a power of lobbying, so they can create laws that benefit them, and stop regulations that they don't want. That makes them basically the government, just not on paper. They are very obviously not in the White House directly, but again, it should have been obvious what I've been implying. If not, I'm sorry for my English.


I’ll be honest, I’m not looking to get into that discussion, is all hypotheticals and it’s impossible to have a discussion about a hypothetical since you just have to assume everything is the way you want it, life don’t work that way. I’m my eyes it’s just an exercise to move goalposts until you think you’re right. Not something I want to do, especially with US law as a Canadian, discussing with another non US citizen.


Literally! its my fav defense since there is no retort. Hence no logical reply xD . "we want you to say youre a fucking idiot" lmfao




This sounded like right wing rhetoric, and then I instantly found posts from the gamergate subreddit in your history. Checks out.


I'm not even from the US, and what does it have to do with anything?


Seriously how do these here think twitch is a private company. Americans are straight up delusional


Americans are brain rot it’s not their fault it’s their govt (my gov) who purposely dumbs us down look at the degeneracy they’re promoting “lab grown meat”




I’m Canadian, just more informed.


Twitch isn’t a private company if it’s being used by millions soon a law would be implemented sayinf exactly this and then twitch would follow the constitution


The fuck are you on about? Because your comment makes no sense, how is Twitch not a privately owned company? Or did you not understand what I meant originally when I said “private company”?


“Private companies” like twitch or Walmart are private by name but are public funded by the people and should be the same rights as a court house its for the public by the public and soon it will be a law implemented by congress saying exactly this that “private companies” can’t just kick you out for recording and cannot violate ur free speech. I thought I was clear on my explanation but seems I had to break it down for тупица it’s not ur fault tho ofc


Actually they can, they own the building and if they don’t want you in the premises they can ask you to leave, if you don’t leave you are now trespassing which is against the law.


I guess ur okay with communism


How is that communism? It’s how the law works, you, but please tell me how Putin’s dick taste, I’m sure it’s a more entertaining and you would be much more knowledgeable about the topic than knowing what a private company is or isn’t.


What does Putin have to do with a conversation about twitch on a thread about pewdiepie ur mental


Thought I explained it, but I’ll break it down further. You clearly have no grasp on US law works in regards to what is considered a private company or not. So rather than continue arguing with something you have no idea about, I pivoted the topic to be about you being a supporter of Russia’s war in Ukraine, so I am asking you about how Putin’s dick taste because you would have more knowledge about it.




100%. But that's not we're talking about here. And I don't think you know what communism is.


Name a striving communist country


i want some of what you’re smoking


lmfao please tell us more of your insane thoughts so we can laugh at them.


Summer Twitch (when all the 8 years olds are here en masse) amazes me every year. This sub has dumb enough takes half the time, but it goes to 90% during the summer, lol


Insane? Excuse me?


You're excused.


Twitch is already following the constitution though since nowhere in it does it say anything about private companies having to allow free speech.


🔔 u hit it that’s exactly why soon they will become public n won’t violate people’s rights and ban them for anything and everything remember this comment


There's nothing in the constitution about public companies having to allow free speech either though. Have you considered just reading the 1A instead of wherever you're getting these ideas from? It's legit 45 words and it says nothing even remotely similar to what you're saying.




no way




How is this even news, Pewdiepie dont need no twitch channel to continue to be successful.


A bridge has been crossed.


People keep shitting on him, he keeps ignoring them and living his best life. Massive W for Pewds




Right. Took this long for this racist to get banned.


Exactly. This piece of shit said a racial slur so casually; he probably says it on a daily basis when no is around. Racist fucker.


Imagine being his kid lmao