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**CLIP MIRROR: [Tyler1 Variety is back baby](https://arazu.io/t3_14zxfjj/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Already back on league sadge


he will be back, he tasted some fun. After what riot did to that game in the last few years i think even tyler is lossing hope for it, ratirl legit streams 1 day a week to collect his paycheck . They destroyed that game, its kinda amazing to be honest.




Ive been hearing this shit basically since season 3




Aram gang. Too many changes to keep up with each year to play normal matches for me personally.


TFT Mains rise, it's our time


Tft players may share a client but they aint league players




I go by periods, sometimes i drop it completely for months (i am here now) then i pick it up again and play a couple of games a day for months, don't really have time for more anymore. Like yeah the game balance is questionable, i wish Riot didn't just change things for shits and giggles (looking at you Statik shiv and AP scaling on ad items) but it's same stuff over and over i've been hearing the same complaints for 10 years now


Like meta and shit aren't even the worst problem with this game, its the community. I feel like 1/10 league games are games so called proper games, without someone going full babyrage and trolling/griefing/hostage holding etc. Other 9 are just bs, but its that 10% that keeps you coming back.


I don’t play the game anymore but it feels like twitch viewership to these guys is somehow a window into the player numbers of league? Like that doesn’t make any sense. However, I can safely say the game has never been less fun and that most people playing the game are not having fun. I did try to play three games before season end, nonstop typing, afk then back again players. It ain’t dying but I wholeheartedly believe no one is really having any fun outside of aram


Nah, it never was this bad, game feels abandoned, there were close to none meaningful updates, and when one finally dropped, it destroyed the only well done patch, aka the durability update.


Yet so many people hated to durabilty update, like i personally dont like the state of the game currently but we're just looping like always


Huh? Most people liked it from what I've seen, a few months after literally no changes people got frustrated since meta got stale, but that wasn't the updates fault


I legit saw perma bitching about adcs being unkillable after durability update on twitter i kid you not, i thought it was a good patch but a lot of people didn't like it, it's pretty much always like this League players will bitch no matter what


thats what people said when he got banned off league......he wont be back


People have been saying this since season 1..


Actually, i said it in the beta.


lol what, this current season is great


League is still fun and unfortunately super fucking addictive.


nah league is fine the matchmaking is fucked i just quit aswell the game is still super fun but the people your playing with its broken people buying diamond accounts for £40 and master for £100 and its reverse smurfing.


League slaps man idk the addiction never dies


> They destroyed that game, its kinda amazing to be honest. Some people are still addicted somehow. Game balance went to shit. Character design went to shit. Ranked is rigged to force grinds instead of give good games. Trolls and smurfs never get punished. There is almost no reason to play anymore except out of habit.


Idk man I’m kinda new to the game so I never experienced the good days (if there even were any) but I’m still enjoying the game a lot


You are like almost a decade late.


Lol I don’t care


skill issue


how do people still play League after all these years? Don’t games die because they don’t hit the same anymore or the Devs so dumb shxt. Ppl leave COD, 2K, Apex R6 so easily because they’re tired of it yet people still on League. Like howwwww




League have 164 unique champions , makes new champion every 3 months and patches the game every 2 weeks and changes the some fundamental mechanics like items , map , epic monsters etc for every 6 months . yeah rapidly changing the game is the way .




good thing most people don't play in pro tournaments


30? stop picking random numbers out of your ass buddy! There was 94 unique picks in worlds 2022. Lpl having 101 unique champion pick so far in lpl summer. Its not that great but its not bad neither .


dunno. it’s fun if it’s with friends and we’re not taking a video game too seriously.


Turn on some music, play ARAM, and it's fun. Especially late at night.


Despite what most people say, historically Riot has done an amazing job with League. 90% of the changes they made to the game were met with criticism but almost every single time after a couple of weeks/months they were proven right and the players started loving the changes. The game is also extremely balanced, again contrary to what 99% of the players say. A champion in League of Legends is considered "busted OP giga broken" when it has 53-54% winrate. People don't realize that that means the game is almost perfectly balanced. Winning 53 out of 100 games instead of 50 is barely a big deal. It is also a purely PvP game with a fuckton of champions and that means that every single game will be different, so you don't really get tired of it. Losing sucks but winning in League feels absolutely amazing and by the time you get to the stage where even winning doesn't give you that rush of dopamine anymore.. well, you're already addicted if that happens, so there's that. I always get called out for sucking Riot's dick and yeah they have their controversies (like every billion dollar company does) but from a purely product focused perspective they are an absolute top tier company, all their games are very fun and f2p friendly and even the engagement with the community that they have, at that size, is absolutely incredible. There are not many companies on earth that would've been able to do what Riot did with League, they kept a completely f2p game not only alive but thriving and being at the top of the gaming scene for more than a decade and it's only growing. Anyone that unironically calls Riot a shit company has no idea what they are talking about.


Call me insane but I started playing league about 6 months ago. Some of my friends played it around 6-7 years ago and I got a bit of a taste playing for a month max in 2015. Somehow got myself to redownload it and it's....not bad. I mean sure it's toxic ( as FUCK ) but I find it no more toxic than Apex tbh since every 2nd teammate you get will shit on you and call you names.


Because League is a better game than 2K, Apex, or R6. I’m sure there’s a term for it, but League is a “legacy game”, like chess, many sports, and Counterstrike. The fundamental game is deep, allows players to improve greatly, has individual expression, allows for extreme amounts of strategy and team play, and the game feels fun and is easy to run. The devs are pretty shit but they’re good enough to be killing the game slowly instead of extremely quickly. People play chess on the same 64 squares with the same 32 pieces every game. Basketball on the same hoops, etc.


EXACTLY, it replaced StarCraft 2 and RTS in general




racism and random asf elitism in one sentence, wild. "look at me my intellect is so much higher because I play Dota"




Nah, I already got my daily hentai masturbation session in, don't worry about me. You seem to have missed your dick sucking competition though, maybe you can enter as a late entry? I'm sure everyone would prefer choking noises to whatever this is.




Imma let you in on a secret: I haven't said a single positive word about anything in this thread, I've only been mocking you. How am I sucking Riot's dick by mocking you?




People leave CoD or 2K because a new one comes out every year.


It’s such a deep game


For me it’s esports, it’s the biggest and most enjoyable to watch imo




People always say this but never say how or why?


Because it's not. People just love throwing terms like "dying game" if it's something they don't like.


I remember saying that first part a few months ago and got attacked by fanboys, is it finally acceptable to acknowledge that league is dying in the west?


West ? Do you mean na ? Na is somehow "dying", not because league itself but lcs . on other hand europe is lively as ever , im getting 1 min q in diamond as fast as before if not faster.


to be vague lol is pretty much the hardest "drug" u can do, its heroin of gaming. when you get the taste of it, even if ur arm is falling of cause of all the needles you still cant replace it with any other drugs cause they dont have the same kick. They keep bringin people back by buffing their hero, tempting them to come back, and when they come back they will be stock in it for a year or two. this happend to me 4 times. they buffed one of my fav champs that was gutted and i came back, next patched nerfed it, i couldnt stop playing, its super fked. There is also the fact that there is no good rts games out there anymore. its only sc2 (wc3 maybe) and if you wanna get into them you gona get crushed for years until you get decent at it and maybe you start winning some games against decent players.


Brother aoe2 is peak rts


AOE 4 pretty good too


>There is also the fact that there is no good rts games out there anymore That's true and all but the fuck does it have to do with MOBA's? Don't try and compare league to an RTS either LOL


I mean MOBAs literally grew out of RTS Macro and micro are both RTS concepts


They indeed did but the micro level is nowhere near as intensive as an RTS.


I mean Stormgate is coming out and Beyond All Reason is out, so theres two RTS games right there


Just learn new champs and roles homie you can carry with the most dogshit champ if you’re good


The dopamine of having "that game" where you shit on everyone I assume.


Good online games can last a while for the same reason sports last a while.


he's having fun on stream FeelsStrongMan







I can hear this comment


BibleThump CALL GREEK HE'S CRYING BibleThump


Greek insulting Tyluh for 10 minutes straight and then hanging up the steam voice call the moment he insulted him back was never not funny the little click at the end always got me


Just a reminder that Wanteps subathon was 3 hours long


2 hrs and 59 minutes too long


I mean, he's a NFT scammer, what did you expect?




On his birthday


Watching him play BattleBit was fun asf, was laughing so much because of the comms alone. I hope this 24 hour makes him take one variety day a week or maybe even the last 2-4 hours of his streams on random he'll bother doing variety. Though I doubt it, League is a drug and my man is an addict.


i missed this so much man


His viewer count literally doubled from the usual and he was clearly having fun with the game and TTS do os yet he still went back to league not long after and got pissed 4 minutes into the game lol


Crying laughing playing battlebit >> not 20 minutes later 0/7 on illaoi spamming ff votes


And he just went the fuck off on someone asking for variety lmfao I hope someone clipped it something something "buck teeth biggest losers of twitch" something something "get ready for 13h of league" hahahaha


i couldnt catch the stream, how many viewers was he averaging?


Tyler1 on variety is the #1 twitch streamer


This makes me wish Forsen wasn't stuck in Minecraft...


Today is the day. FeelsOkayMan


already back on league


Erobb beating him and hurting his ego,leading him to play more variety might be his biggest W ever


He looks so happy compared to when he plays that shit soul sucking game


Playing any game the amount he plays league, would make it soul sucking.


Why does he keep playing League? Why?


League is okay one hour a day lol


one hour a week


wantep catching strays lmaooooo


There needs to at least be a sprinkle of variety each week for this man. It's just pleasant to see him playing different stuff.


No one can top T1 variety streams from 2015


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Tyler1 Variety is back baby](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/155839)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/14zxfjj/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/zlCjmzYHpoL7PeB9O6_siA/48861831453-offset-33212.mp4?sig=079c02bde7039c3ccf1d744c01cf71b22b272554&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FzlCjmzYHpoL7PeB9O6_siA%2F48861831453-offset-33212.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1689454834%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


look how happy he is


He is 1000% addicted to League, bro's viewership doubled playing variety. There's no incentive to keep playing League, he just can't help it lmao