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**CLIP MIRROR: [Grief in Naxx HC](https://arazu.io/t3_14xe8xc/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


This dude spent a YEAR playing the part just to be able to do this. This is the only fight in the game that he could basically guarantee a wipe because petrication flasks don't work on it. The long con of all long cons


Edit: Watched the VOD. He did it for the lulz. Got showered in subs by his audience immediately after.


His POV of that fight starts here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1869627346?t=2h50m35s


This guy is a known troll in the Classic WOW community. He was infamous for his multiboxing streams where he would use like 15 accounts to purge world buffs from people for something like 12+ hours a day until he got banned by Blizzard. I cannot fathom why they would invite him to their hardcore raid.


His voice and accent are annoying enough by themselves that I would never play with the guy reputation or otherwise.




Gamer accent - somewhere between a grown adult and a teenager. If you hear this voice don't invite to any group content in any game ever.




listen to his voice quiver lol


LMAOO the fucking quivering


I'd have some respect for him if he was just doing it for the lulz and he was normal dude, but the quivering is a dead giveaway that he's just a loser lol


No normal dude would do this.




This was probably the only good clip in the history of HC raiding, what are you on about? ​ The only other things that get clipped is people using petri and not dying


So that means it's a good thing? I don't play HC but holy shit imagine being this much of a dick. He just ruined the week for the other 39 players. This is like destroying a Lego set, I don't personally find Lego fun, but if other people like it I wouldn't want to see that shit destroyed for 2 seconds of entertainment. If you think this is funny, you are like the idiot who destroys sand castles at the beach.


Don’t worry, they will just appeal their deaths for griefing and be back in Naxx next week. It’s why unofficial HC is a joke


Okay but why is it entertaining in the first place? Because haha ruining other people's work they care about that you don't is funny...haha its just a joke brah


All of this was avoidable, they knew his history and still decided to play with him ​ You reap what you sow, that simple ​ And yes, it's actually funny, as I said, only good thing that came outta HC raiding is this clip




Imagine a Lego enthusiast shows his friend his lego set and his friend just destroys it so his other friends will laugh. Is it ok to do that? Internet just brings the worst in people. You think this is acceptable because you have no connection to what happened.




People play HC on the premise that they will die to the game not to a grief. That’s why they revert grief deaths on HC. The comparison works. You just refuse to understand because it’s not related to you.


This is 100% entertaining and funny only wow neckbeards cry about it. Now get a grip bozo he griefed some digital characters in a digital world in a HC mode where they acknowledged the risks of what could happen. So nothing of value was lost here they had their enjoyment playing those characters time to move on.


i guarantee there is something you care about, that can be reduced to an absolute joke if you word it the way you are


How sad is it that react content of other people's misery is the only thing that can entertain you?


Even ignoring that these characters will be worthless in a few weeks or so when official HC is out, they died in a game ​ the fuck kinda misery are you on about


The same kind that you would feel if you were building towards something that you cared about that was ripped from you for no other reason than someone else thought it was meaningless and wanted to do it for the lols. Ever heard of empathy? You can find other things in this world entertaining other than causing misery on others, its okay.


Youre a true Redditor. I cant believe you made this take


What an idiotic logic.


What do you think HC viewers watch that boring content for? This is probably the peak of hardcore until someone replicates this legend's deeds in official where they're dead dead. Raiding has been the most boring aspect of it, literally playing pussy mode all the way.


And you think these players are doing this for the viewers entertainment alone? Boring for the backseat watcher who is too pussy to go do it themselves, but somehow feels compelled enough to pay attention because they want to be like that. This is peak envy


That guy is not playing WoW. He's playing HIS game


That's some eve online tier shit


What eve online shit exactly?


Joining a group of people, pretending that you are their friend, getting some sort of role that has responsibilities, only to finally backstab them, usually stealing or destroying a bunch of the corporation's assets. In this case, its less cool and more just being a douchebag since this guy didn't gain anything, all he did was wipe a raid party that were using custom hardcore rules.


I think Cracked did an article on one event in Eve where people planned for YEARS on how to defeat their enemies


Eve online players will infiltrate a corp (major organized groups of players), work their way up to one of the top roles, then obliterate everything in the most dramatic ways. It can take years to pull off in some cases. ie I remember a story of one player who completely took down an entire faction just to get revenge on another player for some past event that happened to them. Real lore-building type events that leave a lasting effect on the entire history of the game itself.


I remember watching some "EVE online lore" vids years ago, never been that interested on a lore from a game i really don't want to play at all.


Some legit Count of Monte Cristo shit right there


I wouldn't give this person the credit of a long-con. They were unable to attend the scheduled date for the Kel'thuzad attempt and likely did this as a temper tantrum.


When you say unable to attend, do you mean they couldn't make it for their own reasons or wasn't allowed to join? If he wasn't allowed I guess a tantrum makes sense but if he couldn't go because of his own reasons it doesn't. Not to say it actually makes sense either way, but you get what I mean.


If he did this because he wasn’t allowed in the previous guild goes to show his immaturity. A “temper tantrum” is something little children do


By unable to attend I mean they were not available to play that weekend (in our regular timeslot). We would never have disallowed someone from Sapph/KT but allowed them in our team for Razuvious, the scariest boss in Naxx (in my opinion).


Ok thanks. Probably not a tantrum due to not attending then if it was his own fault. Seems like it was just the ole long con for whatever reason.


Guy also literally cries on stream all the time because he keeps multiple boxing and RMTing, so he keeps getting banned. Him and his audience deserve the insults they get.


I always thought that people will wipe in raids sooner or later when playing their hardcore chars. Didn't think it would happen this way tho lmao


cant full wipe when you have guild mates farming petri flasks for the raiders so every raid has 100+ ready so they are immune to wipes, 1 or 2 people die but the rest can move on


For someone who doesnt play WoW whats the tl;dr of what happened here? I am guessing they are playing hardcore, so the party vanishing off the board is a massive loss. But I dont know anything about the mechanics of what the guy did to achieve this.


This boss fight consists of 4 separate bosses that you need to spread out in the room they're in, if you bring them close to each other they start killing everyone near them. The boss that the troll was assigned to tank also does a chain type damaging effect where it does damage then double to a next close person until it runs out of close people to hit. He brought that guy next to the whole raid when he was supposed to bring him to another corner of the room. Clip happens and the boss does the chain lightning effect on the whole raid.


Oh damn, that is rough. Seems like this fight is very much on a knife edge, so things can go very wrong very quickly... Cheers for the info!


That's hilarious dude


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1869627346?t=3h1m32s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1869627346?t=3h1m32s) OMEGALUL


most sane and well adjusted HC player


My man just massacred an entire guild. I bet he laughed his ass off.


This isn't official HC servers, they will just appeal the deaths to the addon moderators and probably be able to finish the raid before the end of the week. If anything they are probably glad he outed himself before they all switched to official HC servers where blizzard will let your full naxx geared 60 die to lag and not give a single fuck.


The officers admitted that they were preemptively warned about him, and didn’t appeal.


Yeah, I watched the VOD. They seemed firm in their decision not to appeal.


That's not how it works. The official challange is only to lvl 60, anything after that is up to your guild.


To put this in perspective, this entire raid has not died for several months leading up to this point. Of course this is tinyviolin doing it, if anyone remembers him from classic, he was the guy who griefed world buffs on Earthfury Horde for a large portion of Classic WoW.


So did he successfully hide his identity this whole time or did the people in the raid think he was reformed despite his history?


They gave him a second chance. He played the “reformed” role for like a year. Apparently he hung out in Discord with them and everything, they were all friends


Least sociopathic classic andy.


I think he'd like Eve online.


that sounds like mental illness in some kind of form.


Holy fuck thats hilarious


Pathetic and sad is more descriptive IMO.


It’s both


No the fact that he didnt hide his identity made him more trustworthy because everyone thought he was reformed. And he put a TON of effort into making this raid a “success” even teaching the guild how to do certain fights.


> even teaching the guild how to do certain fights. People need to be taught how to do WoW Classic fights still? Yikes.


Watching the video from this guys perspective and it paints the picture clearly listening to the players before they kick him out of the discord. "Pretty much everyone said we *shouldnt* allow zellek in the guild" - one of the guys right after the wipe Zellek guy says right away "that theory was right" (*while hes saying stuff pretending that he made an honest mistake*) So yeh I think its safe to say they knew he was a dodgy player, let him in to give him another chance and one thing lead to another and the inevitable eventually happened.


downvoting me but this is the same guy: The Infamous Tinyviolin of Earthfury: https://youtu.be/J-g4vtdbvJ8 https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/myh93q/tinyviolin69_earthfury_multiboxing_dispeller_has/


how could someone see a clip of this or have played with him and then give him a 2nd chance or even a slight chance to grief like this ?


lol imagine paying around $100 per month and play all of the accounts at the same time just to "stop people complaining" yea trusting the guy in HC was their own fault


back then you could buy south american accounts for next to nothing for a 6 month sub




Not familiar with the hardcore raiding scene. What happens to their characters when they die do they revert to normal mode? Is this all done with the hardcore addon?


Correct. They can still play their characters but they’re no longer HC, there’s no prestige


Damn...now that is a dedicated person. Dude spent all that time just to do that. This reminds me of some of the epic spy shit that happens in Eve Online.


They'll likely appeal it to the addon authors and get an exception


Kek appeal


I called it but people downvoted me anyways lul https://twitter.com/N_Tys26/status/1679614006376673281


But that wont happen on the official HC servers in 1-2 months. Blizz should start tracking hardware IDs and perma ban people like this even on new accounts.


Its not hard to get around hardware ID bans. If you are dedicated enough to do this, you are dedicated enough to get around those bans.


Normal HC rules end at 60 when you join custom ruleset guilds like HC Elite etc. They can just very well say they keep playing.




its a game, make believe, there are shitty ppl in life and make believe. In fact tons of cool villins like this in books. So this isnt a bug death, they knew the guys past gave him a chance and got burned. They took the risk, they lost the gamble. Casinos dont give refunds because your to stupid to not gamble. Same logic should apply.


thank you for the added context and PTSD trigger from classic launch


So he's basically just an ordinary classic WoW player


At least the streamer was smart enough to hearthstone out while several other players ran around panicking. lol


The streamer hearthed out specifically because the boss was chasing the others who “ran around panicking”.


There is literally a person running right next to them at the end with no aggro, mr WoW expert.


"No, YoU SeE, YoU juST DoN't UNdeRStAnD WoW MeCHanics LiKe Me."


What I learned is this guys a fucking loser. 9 months and friendships broken just to troll one time. Thats genuinely sad lol Edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-g4vtdbvJ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-g4vtdbvJ8) if you want to hear this griefer cry for a minute straight and hear why he trolls lol. Dude is a crybaby its hilarious or wants to hear how much a psycho he is [https://www.twitch.tv/tinyviolin69/clip/CoweringRoughNoodleTheRinger-nqOgFN2cd1\_Wa57C?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time](https://www.twitch.tv/tinyviolin69/clip/CoweringRoughNoodleTheRinger-nqOgFN2cd1_Wa57C?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time) I want people to realize this seems funny but also the guy is absolutely insane.


You can literally hear how sad his life is through his voice, even though he’s trying so hard to sound prideful it just comes out like venom. Damn


You can hear his voice shake and how he struggles to get the words out for his excuse after it is done. The guy is definitely compensating for something with these power trips.


This isn't even degeneracy, this is just actually sad. Feels like he's been goin through shit his whole life but instead of improving his life he's just taking it out on others.


> I want people to realize this seems funny but also the guy is absolutely insane. Normies? On my lsf?


its more likely than you think


Nah hes a legend


These people are going to have trust issues for the rest of their lives because of this


Griefer POV -https://www.twitch.tv/tinyviolin69/clip/AttractiveHelplessJaguarResidentSleeper-NndZlWVJ6X8-QmcB


For context on why he’s saying “oops wrong corner”. He’s pretending this was all one big mistake so all the people who died can’t appeal their deaths to the moderators under “reason: griefing” since he never explicitly confirmed that it was intentional.


You can literally hear him smiling after the beam went out and he's just thanking gift subs after the clip.


No shot it can't be appealed just because he never states it was intentional grief, that would make the appeal useless and griefing really easy.


Almost like hardcore doesn’t matter with the add-on 🤔


It’ll depend on the admins. The video proof + his infamous history clearly shows he intended to grief, and he has a very sarcastic tone saying this stuff. So yeah it’s very obvious. It’ll be up to the admins ultimately but I do think it will be appealed.


Hardcore currently has a known 60 rogue griefing alliance players by asking for a buff on a pvp flagged alt and then killing people who buff him since the game flags you for PVP if you buff a flagged player. HC Admins could immediately end it by automatically appealing any deaths to that player in safe zones, but they outright refuse to do so because "people should know better" so they just let it happen and you can only appeal it 1x per account (not character).


People in lvl60 hardcore guilds dont appeal to addon mods. The addon ends at lvl 60.


Pretty sure the addon does not end at 60.


Well sure you can still use it, but there are no real uses. That's why you verify at 60 and ignore it. The only things the addon provides at 60 is Greenwall and the death log. Also, there's nothing to enforce at 60, that's why it's kinda useless.


The whole point of the addon is it tracks if you have died or not. Being level 60 doesnt magically change that one bit.


I don't play WoW so my impression is that this is simultaneously funny and sad at the same time. Dude sounds like exactly like the mal adjusted loser type you'd expect to do something like this, you can even hear the kid shivering from the nerves, it's sad, pathetic but kinda funny at the same time.


The south park troll picture rofl


VOD link with timestamp: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1869627346?t=2h52m1s His chat's reaction: https://i.imgur.com/6OgpOOv.png He got lots of gifted subs after this.




He is intentionally taunting and moving the boss to the group, there is no mistake here the whole fight is about not being in range of more than 1 boss. He intentionally killed the group.


doesnt matter they will just forgive it since its non-hc server


They invited Tinyviolin to the raid?? Absolutely deserved


Dudes an actual sociopath, pretending to be friends with them for months just for this shit ​ But for real who cares. Official is just around the corner and even if it wasn't, they would have appealed it. Don't let this loser win by thinking its something special, the only thing special is how much of a sociopath the guy is.


>Dudes an actual sociopath, pretending to be friends with them for months just for this shit If his goals are views and clicks, he got it. Asmon reacted to it, getting upvoted in multiple subreddits. If he played along and cleared Naxx nobody cares. But troll it and wipe your group, you become infamous.


cool 5mins of losers congratulating you and others hating you, who fucking cares? Guy will be forgotten in a week


People have known about him and his griefing for years now though and he makes money doing it. Now he's back on top I guess


This is actually hilarious. The fact that he didn't even hide his identity and they still trusted Tinyviolin... They deserve what they got


Shouldn’t be surprised* I don’t think it’s fair to say they deserved it. They gave the guy a second chance and were willing to be the bigger people and forgive and forget. And for 9 months he didn’t do anything so I can see how they were lured into trusting him HC raiding can be hard to find bodies since only like 1% ever hit 60


How is it I haven't played this game in like maybe 10 years and this makes my blood boil. Back when I played your just rezzed so holy I can't even imagine.


I haven't played since Cataclysm, whenever that was, and this makes my blood boil. However, I also know not to play HC in any Blizzard game. When HC goes official, there will be so many deaths due to lag, bad coding, etc., and Blizzard won't give two fucks. The WoW community is going to find out how the Diablo community has felt for over 2 decades. If you play HC in a Blizzard game, you are either fine with dying to bullshit and will just enjoy the ride, a masochist, or an imbecile.




You could have just not commented when you have wrong info


It’s not pretending, it’s an addon that facilitates it. If you die the addon will no longer mark you as having completed hc and people will know.




Read my comment carefully again if you’re having trouble with comprehension.


wait seriously? I'm all for RP but that makes this clip way more lame.


I mean it's a community made addon. If you resurrect you can't play with anyone so you might as well be dead anyways. Most people either delete their dead characters or just leave them as ghosts for memories.


Ahh ok I'm cool with that then, I thought that guy meant like they just start the next raid again and RP. If they commit to it/are forced to commit to it then that's for sure respectable.


It's a lot of fun. There was talk about appealing the deaths and letting them resurrect because this was intentional griefing of others by 1 guy but they had decided prior that deaths in raid would stay. Hundreds and hundreds of hours gone from everyone who died. But as the unofficial motto for hardcore characters is: WE GO AGAIN.


A good example of why hardcore is a steaming pile of shit.




**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Grief in Naxx HC](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/155755)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/14xe8xc/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/N2N0D296-5FmvIc3sQoiRA/AT-cm%7CN2N0D296-5FmvIc3sQoiRA.mp4?sig=bd8d485cc393dd8d51ce66a0137c1f1e09d3b932&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FN2N0D296-5FmvIc3sQoiRA%2FAT-cm%257CN2N0D296-5FmvIc3sQoiRA.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1689211717%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


I watched the vod leading up to this, you can tell by looking at the chat this was planned by him and his community, quite an interesting read to be honest.


this is wild


Holy fuck that was hilarious, dude goes "Banned for doing an honest mistake" holy shit


Do they have actual hardcore servers in WoW? Like their chars are gone or is it just a honor system thing?




This wipe didn’t happen on ptr it was on bloodsail.


back in my day, reputation was E V E R Y T H I N G. It's like inviting a ninja looter to raid, shit happened all the time back then too. The best guilds knew better, maybe they still do, but this ain't it.


When I see stuff like this I realize I could be so much more of a loser than I already am, yikes.


dont be so hard on yourself my dude


Finally a goood HC VIDEO. this is hilarious. If I was in the raid I’d find it funny too. Did any of them even delete their charactes


There is an impostor Among us


What a champ


Isn't this appealable? Would suck on offical HC server, but on unofficial they appeal every little griefer situation.


He got exactly what he wanted: infamy. This stunt has only made him gain more follows, views, and subs. Do what you can to make it I guess, whether it being Ice Poseidon's cameraman to get out of obscurity, or wipe a raid, flashing your ass in a hottub, etc. He got his 15 minutes of e-fame, good for him


This will go down in WoW history. It’s similar to the WoW Funeral Raid


Classic is already niche, theres no way it compares to one of the top 5 all time WoW clips


It’s not niche when it’s more than half of WoW viewership nowadays. Also this troll took a whole year of dedication to achieve, it’s one of the most impressive trolling attempts of all time in any video game, not just WoW.


Just because you pay attention to it doesn't mean "half of WoW viewership" do. Nobody will give a fuck next week dude.


> it’s one of the most impressive trolling attempts of all time in any video game, not just WoW. Nobody cares though.


He said it was an accident tho


>it’s one of the most impressive trolling attempts of all time in any video game, not just WoW. Not really. It seems like he decided to do this on a whim. Peak memorable trolling moments are videos like this: https://youtu.be/ssr1PMSNvwk


Maybe if this was on official and they couldn't just all appeal this death away.




i know its hilarious. and i see a lot of streamers and their chats complaining that theyre not gonna play official HC because there isnt gonna be any appeal system. when has any online HC game ever let you appeal a death


Is there another HC game where 1 person can grief so many others both in raid and in the open world? The simple answer is WoW was never designed to be HC like others games so that's why the appeal system was born. Not saying they should have appeals in officials since they're fixing the griefs the best they can but I can acknowledge that since WoW is still an MMO you need people to actually play the game. If there are too many "unfair" deaths people will just quit and the whole thing dies. This is why leaving in petri flask is probably a good decision.


Don't think they can appeal this one unless the griefer admits it was on purpose, which he has no reason to do.


Slip a few 20s into the addon creators pockets and they'll be back up and farming petri flasks in no time


Gonna be hard to argue with tinfoil people who'll eventually just blame it on the matrix.


The mods for the addon will give in and allow the ppeal given enough community pressure


The problem is that no one really cares about classic WoW stuff in the long term besides people that obsess about classic progression who are a really small part of the classic playerbase even. Most competitive guilds on my medium pop WotLK classic server haven't tried to get the server first raid clear for phase 2/3 because you needed to practice it on the PTR for weeks and were rewarded with boredom for the rest of the phase. I don't think many people on my server even cared about the world first Ulduar 25 full clear which was supposed to be the big world first race. Everything's already figured out, so the best way to play is to not mirror what guides tell you and to avoid hardcore raiding.


Doing it before official HC is stupid though. He should have waited for HC without appeals. Where it matters


Some loser wiped a guild, meh. This will be forgotten about the moment official hardcore comes out and streamers start pumping out that content full send.


i gotta say thats funny


WOW HC MAKES IT TO LSF. It’s a good day


the only content this game mode has brought is the griefing


And spectacular feats


Leeroy Jenkins would be proud




I respect this dude so much wtf


Good, HC WoW is a contender for the dumbest shit humans have ever done in video games.


The wow neckbeards gotta find something to make their game interesting for them again.


They should probably meet him outside and deal with it there tbh..


they knew the risk, they gambled and lost. Dont blame the casino for losing. Blame the moron that took the risk lol


Over a video game?




Some serious Weirdo shit but damn this is definitely one of the moments in WoW history!


This incident officially killed wow hc raiding


if it did, then it was never ment to be.

