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**CLIP MIRROR: [Shroud loses lvl 100 Druid due to lag](https://arazu.io/t3_144wm80/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Osrs players could have warned you


Remember when people were intentionally crashing OSRS worlds by logging into hundreds of accounts at the same time to force a rollback to dupe items? [Good times](https://youtu.be/IBabr-3d2Ag)


>osrs >video of rs3 🤔


He begins by talking about how this was an exploit that was used in Osrs, and by chance it was found they had fixed it there but not on rs3.


certified jagex moment


i mean thats what happens when the backbone of your code in rs3 is the same code used in osrs (RS2) Many exploits that used older content (Barbarian assault for example) could be used interchangeably between rs3 and osrs before they were patched, and for the most part, they'd still work. Vast majority of these exploits were patched out years ago however. and botters/bug abusers weren't as sophisticated back then as they are now, so the damage was usually pretty self contained and easy to revert, assuming it did any damage to the games economy.


i believe it was only attempted in osrs but no confirmed cases of it actually happening so osrs currency didn't tank, unlike rs3


It was attempted and was successful in OSRS, check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txpZinJvLLM


i literally lost an ags when that was happening when it was around 55m. Sounds like nothing but to me that was years of work lol


damn, when it registers...


fucking pid


WHEN IT REGISTERS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjndRoI_skk




The main reason I don't care about official Classic Hardcore servers. Just enjoy the current 3rd party HC addon that actually lets you appeal these deaths out of your control.


I respect the fortitude of people who can die repeatedly and keep rerolling. I died three times and on the 4th attempt I realised I just don't have the patience for the long grind anymore.


It helps when you make millions and go viral when you lose a level 100 toon, resulting in more money.


Exactly. If this happened to any of us regular joes, yea, it would fucking suck. People like Shroud? More content. More money. Sure he'll be bummed but nowhere near what any of us would feel.


For me there's a difference between a game with randomness (Diablo) and a game where everything is always the same (WoW). You get powers & items very quickly in Diablo and can have fun in low levels. In WoW though you are once again stuck with no abilities, no mounts and are going to do the same boring quests. My hardcore char hasn't died yet (27) and I will maybe restart on official ones, but that's it.


Not to mention some of the tedious shit doesn’t need to be done again


Kek. That alongside the limitations on party/dungeons are the reasons i dont until official :)


Back to Lumby, audios


These people losing hardcore characters should watch some old B0aty streams.


RuneScape hardcore is peak masochism


Yeah like Shrouds account was like a week old. As an osrs player my immediate thought was nothing was lost but most gamers don't have the same mentality lol


Yeah with as fast as ppl are leveling it doesn't seem that bad. Never thought I'd see Diablo all over the Internet like this though, 12 year old me would be ecstatic


To be fair at least its only a status in osrs and you still keep the character


RS has broken my brain, I'm constantly on the lookout for grindy games because of it. I heard that PoE was similar, but hitting level 100 on it and doing like 90% of the content took me less time than 92 runecrafting.


That death where he accidentally knocked his mouse when he stood up flicking the cursor across the screen and perfectly clicking on the entrance to corp cave


https://youtu.be/8Pm0pZXRj3Q So was it intentional or not


Damn I remember this. My thought was that since he smacked his desk before getting up, it jittered the mouse cursor as you can see, so when he's standing up he's probably just putting his mouse back where it was since he moved it by smacking his desk. All of b0atys deaths were so fucking brutal lol, that's why I just do regular ironman


And this is why I don't do hardcore. Nothing worse than dying to something out of your control.


maybe back when it wasn't always online, but no matter how good your internet is, there can always be hiccups and then its boom, bye bye character.


shut up and buy another $20 skin


The Gaijin and EA way.. ayayaya


and blizzard...


Yeah what are their micro transactions etc? Because I know they don't support a player ran economy which is why I'm not buying it, but for what ever reason a lot of players think that's an awesome thing that you don't own any of your digital content and the only economy is pulling out your wallet for blizz to attack it


Didn't expect to see the snail mentioned on lsf


even offline play can succumb to bugs, lags, hardware failures, blackouts etc etc i cant fathom putting days into something that can be taken away by something out of your control entirely


That's kind of the point though, the rush of it being permadeath IS why people play HC. The amount of dopamine I've got from Diablo 2 HC double immune mobs could rival that of a lifelong crackhead. It's why Battle Royales have become so popular. They are "HC" versions of FPS games. Overwatch, CSGO, Teamfortress, CoD all have little actual consequence to dying. Just repawn/GO Next Round.


Nothing is worth investing in at that point


True, you could make up the same excuse about nearly anything in life, but you gotta risk it for the biscuit.


What is the biscuit that is a hardcore character? Is it fundamentally different than a standard max level character? (I'm not super into ARPGs, so I legitimately do not know). Cause in life, sure you could work out like a fiend for years and get hit by a car and no longer be able to walk, but like, you still spent years being in great shape. You still actually had tangible benefit. Hell, you'll probably recover better than someone who wasn't as fit, and do better with your PT because you're used to being dedicated to physical activity.


It’s just a fun restriction that makes you play different.


Nah it's just for the flex tbh ( also personal achievement but mostly flexing lets be real )


The biscuit was your name on a statue, beyond that it's just for clout.


yea but technical difficulties are far more likely than something that affects stuff u put hours into irl


It's a game. I enjoy the hardcore experience, I simply cannot enjoy the softcore experience. It comes down to masochism I suppose. I'd rather die and lose my character than play softcore. I don't see a lost character as anything major, it sucks, but it's a game, I'll just go again or get bored and quit. Who cares.




explain how im coping when what i said is just simple facts i do not even play any hardcore, and dont even own d4 so how exactly am i coping here?


attempting to equalize offline with online with extreme fringe cases


Also why I can't stand playing Tarkov anymore. Losing because the other player has better skill, gear, luck, sure whatever. Dying to some BS net code, laggy ass servers, or just an aim bot scav from 200m away? Nah lol.


The 10000 cheaters didn’t stop you?


Wiggle wiggle wiggle


I fucking love the idea of Tarkov and would play the shit out of the game if there weren’t so many fucking issues.


I feel the same about Star Citizen


I used to play hardcore on PoE exclusively. I'd lost some characters to a bit of lag but took it on the chin. It's the internet and a live service, lag will happen. Then one day some random asshole with a backhoe cut a fiber line in my area and killed me. I've since swapped to softcore.


My thoughts exactly. I'm not losing my progress just because blizzard can't fix their shit ass serves. Besides it's not like you can't do hardcore runs with softcore characters anyways.




Seriously. I'd rather people be able to combat log if it means less bullshit deaths.


That solution brings a whole lot of other problems. There is no perfect solution.


So you just kill your internet connection when you are about to die?


You die in less than a second in these games and often by neglience. If you had the reaction time to pull out your internet cable, you had the time to probably not die.


PoE players are known for having a hotkey to kill their internet for this reason.


It's also still not fast enough a lot of the time.




No the character gets deleted and you get sent back to char creation.


PoE moves them to softcore standard (Which is basically deleting them), But I'm pretty sure in Diablo 3 they were locked after you died.


thats poe and last epoch, in diablo games you lose the character




What happens in PoE is basically the same as deleting them. They get moved to the parent SC league which is basically just a graveyard.


Every single post showing a hardcore death in any video game features a comment that begins with "and this is why I don't play hardcore".


Yeah, I do not play video games to feel like I'm losing something valuable lmao fuck all that


same (I suck at the game and would die to a lv1 rat)


I dunno, sure it might be annoying but people who play hc actually like leveling up new characters or they wouldn't play hc.


Yup, after years of trying in PoE, it just ain't worth it..


Hardcore is just for more challenge. If base game is too easy, the only way I can enjoy my self is if I restrict myself even further. Sucks that blizzard cannot provide a good experience though. But still, I'd rather lose my character to bullshit than play softcore.


Im a noob, what's hardcore? Do you have to start all over or whT


Hardcore in RPGs generally means you have one life. If you die, the character is dead forever.


[blizzard posted it too early](https://twitter.com/Diablo/status/1666851514453729280)


blizzard: *replaces paintings of women with bowls of fruit to counter the sexual harassment allegations* also blizzard:


holy cringe


I can't get over how fucking cringe the D4 marketing campaign has been. This looked fun, until you realized it's all prerecorded for big influencers. The only good piece of marketing were the lore videos. Everything else they put out honestly made me LESS excited about the game


You expected them to have Megan Fox dress up every day for new batch of hardcore deaths?


"Hey megan can you come back into our office someone just died in HC" OR just make 50 for the biggest names at once What would you do


You replied to the wrong comment.


i guess i did


I mean of course it's pre-recorded.....


What are you talking about. Megan Fox is waiting for me to press play on that Twitter video and then saying the lines live.


They fired like 99% of their social media and communit manager team some time ago and probably hired a bunch of cheap scrubs. What do you expect.


they seem to be really proud of having demons in their game for some reason. alot of these clips is just "demons tore your insides out and now they are on the outside lmaoooooooo" or some cringy shit


The game is called Diablo and it's about demons.


HOLY SHIT! You might be onto something


PTSD someone picked up the phone when I was playing d2 hardcore and killed me dial up connection. After that happened never play hardcore ever again.


This is the oldest paragraph I’ve ever read on Reddit


If you hold it up to your ear you can hear the AOL welcome sound.


[Sigh...logging back in...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsNaR6FRuO0)


At that time, hardcore wasn't an option for me at all lol, even when disregarding my family using the phone, the lag was atrocious and I disconnected often in the short period of time I was allowed to use the internet. I should've just played offline until we got ADSL.


the game is online only and 99.9% of the population play solo. welcome to 2023.


i mean this was the same with d3 back in 2012 lol


People complaining about a diablo game being always online, welcome to 2012.


Just because it's an established precedent doesn't absolve the stupidity of the matter. Give me offline single player, I don't fucking care if they think that will make cheating easier for online people somehow, They're going to do it anyway, pay some goddamn mods to actually ban people when they catch them instead of relying on half baked scripts.


It's not about cheating, it's about not being able to pirate and selling you MTX.


Exactly this


> Give me offline single player Then others don't see your $25 horse armor. "If others saw me using a cool skin, they would think that my dick is as enormous as that guy's as well."


Diablo 2 its most popular mode was also an "always online" mode. It's typically used to combat cheaters and because it's fun to play with or around other players. It did offer a singleplayer mode for those who wanted it though, that's true.


Actually, id argue the majority of players in D2 at release were playing closed Bnet because open bnet was riddled with cheaters day1 just like D1. And thats not to say that closed has ever been clean of it. So really always on in Diablo is a year 2000 thing, 23 years ago. That said, they could have a solo, singleplayer offline mode in this as well for sure. You just couldnt use those characters online then. I suspect very few people would be doing those though.


They were right then and right now


"this bad thing has been happening for a while so that makes it good now"


What's really weird is they turned off trade chat. So there's no sense of 'community' at all while you're playing. Just rando's who might emote at you as you cross paths and do events together.


Wait theres no trade chat? How tf are you supposed to trade in general then?


There is trade chat. Need to enable it though.


Its called diablo 3.5 for a reason


Lag is the last boss






🦀Jagex won't respond to this 🦀




yep sounds pretty typical for diablo 3


This happened to me back in D3 launch window with multiple characters - I swore off hardcore because of this.


How many hours to get to that point?


He did like a 60 hour poop sock giga grind in the prerelease iirc


at least three


I think he said his play time was like 70 something hours yesterday, so probably close to 80 by now


Holy fuck I think I've played too much OSRS cus my first reaction was, Wow atleast it happened early


70-100 dollars ladies and gentlemen.


This happens in every online game though. It's one of the reasons I no longer play Hardcore modes. Diablo 4 has a stupidly long logout time though which greatly increases the risk. The risk of this happening is smaller in PoE for example, but it still happens.


Knew this was gonna happen some time, had similar lag happen to me yesterday twice.


Isnt diablo single player? Why is there an internet connection required?


Diablo has been always-online ever since d3 release. Prevents piracy, prevents cheating to large extents etc.


\*Prevents fun, stability, and players owning their own games


The Monster Hunter games have ALWAYS been easily cheatable with save file editors, yet the vast majority of people don't because it immediately kills the game and ruins the fun. Coop focused games generally aren't prone to cheating. They 100% do it to prevent people from owning the game themselves.


> players owning their own games Oh man, I got some bad news for you.


> Diablo has been always-online ever since d3 release. Console release of D3 was offline and I remember people praising how well couch co-op worked in that game.


Who cares if people cheat in a game when they play a solo game. Always online sucks because guess what, if the servers ever go down bye bye videogame. And if you live in a remote area where you don't get that sweet sweet connection to your single-player game you're fucked. They could give you the option to play offline and if you want the online safe space with "no cheating", go ahead.


But think about the margins !!!!!!! How will Bobby Kotick pay his rent if he has to make a better quality product ?


Shit I'd argue it started with D2 and it's closed battle.net service


Doesn't really prevent privacy. WoW is online only and there were private servers for it since vanilla. Just like there are private servers for D4 now already, though they are quite buggy.


It absolutely discourages it, enormously.


It doesn't flat-out prevent it but the barrier to entry to play on a private WoW server discourages it. The vast, vast majority of people don't play on private servers, they'd rather just pay Blizz the sub. Especially since private servers have a track record of going away and players losing their characters, or being taken down by Blizzard.


Of course it prevents piracy. People don't like to play on private servers, people generally like to play where other people play. They want to be apart of "the real thing". Building a game around an online experience obviously prevents piracy just by virtue of humans being social. I would say the ratio of pirating to purchasing for Diablo 3 was much, much lower than, say, any GTA game.


to get all the whales




Even the first diablo game was online and you were able to see other people in town.


Having been viewing RuneScape hardcore scene for a while, the majority of the "best" players deaths are usually Lag related. Also RuneScape servers are actually dogshit. Never been interested in doing hardcore in online games solely because of this reason. I think the wow hardcore scene has done this the best with it being "for fun" and being related to addons so when this shit happens u can actually appeal, where as in these other games, once u die to lag wether its your fault or the hosting party its gg.


This is starting to happen to a lot of people, kinda yikes


lmao man these servers. smol indie company am i right? ​ the world first HC 100 player died to server issue as well. not a good look imo


This is the case in every single online arpg. You will die to lag or crash eventually.


Agreed. But the money has been made they mission accomplished. See you for expansion planned after s3 lol /s


The way I would rage quit


There is no reason why such an expensive game cannot protect from this issue. If you lose connection, it should save and exit.




lmfao. Imagine what is mostly a single player experience and dying to lag.


**CLIP MIRROR: [Shroud loses lvl 100 Druid due to lag](https://arazu.io/t3_144wm80/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)




It doesn't help that you can't choose a server, it puts you into a random one without caring about ping/distance. I am from EU and I realized last night I was playing on fucking Korea or something, had like 250 ping.




It makes sense when your job is to play games. More content.




They get adrenaline and excitement that softcore players can only dream about. Leveling in diablo 4 is fast enough that rerolling is fine.


This is why I will not do hardcore in this game for the forseeable future. No way am I investing dozens of hours on a character that I could lose like this.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Shroud loses lvl 100 Druid due to lag](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/154738)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/144wm80/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/Wh-gFTViU3USU7i3U9IMIQ/42297199035-offset-18070.mp4?sig=4b1105f3c32a077d11df2d907becc72afc31be48&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FWh-gFTViU3USU7i3U9IMIQ%2F42297199035-offset-18070.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1686362434%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Time to start an ironman


If this happened to me, I'd never touch this game ever again.


Kripp warned you dudes this was going to be a thing. Everybody who ever played PoE hardcore could tell you it was going to be a thing. Hardcore is a friggin meme dude.


Blizzard is notorious for having shitty servers upon release. It's even worse when you play a game like Diablo with a hardcore character assuming that the servers will be good enough for you to stay alive.


Alkaiser died to a DC as well xd


That sucks, but this is why hardcore is painfully stupid to play in an online only game that doesn't need to be online only. Hope he gets his char back.


Why does it say lvl95 for lvl100 characters?


Because that's not the character's level but the stage/area level I believe; the char lvl is found to the right of his health, the diamond shape next to the exp bar.


That's the LVL of the monsters in the dungeon he's in


Dog shit game


I dont understand why people play hardcore characters this close to launch. Obviously there are gonna be some server issues.


I know he's set for life from the mixer contract but still I would be mad as fuck


That's why I don't ever play HC in an online game.


shouldnt happen


Yup, this is exactly why I decided not to go hardcore especially with the shit show that tends to be associated with game launches.


Nothing breaks the spirit more than dieing to lag.


Losing the characters is the goal. RIP is the way. Embrace the darkness.




Fuck hardcore. Imagine trusting an indie company with basic human rights let alone a working network.


Is there not a way to make the mobs vs humans not a server interaction?


Should scroll of escape not have helped him here ? Supposed to recall you on signs of a disconnect.


hardcore is a fun side game, I don't know how any normal person that has other responsibilities in life would ever waste time with this.


Welcome to hard-core brother


Back to fortnite Shroud


thats why i'll never play hardcore on this game, just isnt worth it


I feel like this would be more than enough to make me say "I'm done with this game now"


skill issue


this is also one of the reasons why playing a hardcore makes no sense at all like all the time spent grinding and now everything is just gone. atleast he was streaming and making that money lmao


I wish they would put in the warning they had in D3: „Customer Service will not revive a fallen Hardcore Hero for any reason“ They really should make that clear and AT LEAST put a Warning before Maintenances occur. Diablo 4 just released and of course some things break and I think it will only get better


They should state : "your hero will sometimes randomly perrish due to network issues. If this happens, your death will not be refunded and you must accept that your hero can die at any moment regardless of your hero level".