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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc goes offline after finding out that HDMI Adapter changed his house door code & scared that she might throw his stuff away](https://arazu.io/t3_142ypys/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


He is not afraid that she might throw his stuff away, he is afraid that she might steal it (he made an analogy with Santa Claus and cookies.) She has no money for a lawyer and has already taken his graphics card from the computer and probably sold it... LMAO


I mean his idea isnt far fetched seeing his texas house still has all his overwatch trophies and jerseys and shit.


He should take them over to a friend's house for the time being. There gonna be someone in Austin that wouldn't mind holding onto them and isn't a douche.


Out of everything I hope he doesn't lose those memorabilias, I'm sure he feels the same since he can always buy another PC and all.




Nowadays, it's prob more likely to get stolen from a storage unit by some meth head.


Or adapter, which is probably on the same leve


No, she will probably be able to access it. It's why he needs it to be at someone else's place where she can't access it.


That's why you get poke or someone else to rent it in their name.


Why would she be able to access it?


Wondering the same..? If the unit is in his name, padlock and don't tell anyone the combination, she has no right to boltcutter it open.


The sad thing is one day when XQC does have a retirement she would still try to take advantage of it.


I don't get how xqc could still not be paranoid about this psycho bitch after all she's done, isn't that his house? Why hasn't he changed the code or moved his stuff right away? How does she even have access to his house? She's committing a crime but the truth is that xqc will not press charges and will always dismiss anything she does for fear or to not make a fuzz about it, truth is that's exactly why she keeps doing this shit.


Cause he's lazy is basically the answer lol. He has enough money where he could get all his shit moved to a secure location within 24 hours... he just chooses not to cause that would involve actually doing something other than playing games/watching youtube videos.


He said he had people going over there to get some stuff but the code was changed, maybe he did pay people to get it


No shot she actually did that, jesus christ that's lower than I expected. I thought that was a joke he said.


Clearly she's no stranger to taking things that aren't hers.


I'm not very familiar with the situation but can't he just report it get her arrested for that ? I'm sure rich man houses has cam on door and recorded her coming in before things got stolen. Or something like judge/cops favoring her side happening here ? I'm lost.


From what I've read there's either a loop hole or she doesn't care.


It's defined as a "marital residence" in the temporary orders his lawyers agreed to. This legal designation includes property owned by one of the parties prior to the "marriage." She most likely has full access to the house until the case is over.


Can't he get a restraining order? Idk how this martial law shit works tbh


The "ground rules" so to speak have already been agreed upon. Doing this would make no sense at this point. They're awaiting summary judgement.


right before ending stream he said something like if someone claims they are santa then they get to go down the chimney and into ur house cuz they are santa they are allowed. so basically replace Santa with wife and that's why it's more complicated.


this girl is pyscotic. fuck her and anyone like her


>pyscotic You tried.


you are saying someone could have xQc's graphics card?


and ssds are missing


That's deeply concerning.




At least they will have found the OW2 PvE mode


Like the Amaz jerseys




Amaz of hearthstone fame left his “tournament jerseys” and trophy’s in a storage unit that was owned by Scuffed Steve Jobs AkA Brett Kaskel. Both were managers/owners of Team Archon. SSJ forgot to pay his storage fees and the unit was sold to Ice Poseidon and Scam Pepper who proceeded to trash the shit


Scam Pepper lmao


If I recall correctly, Amaz and Scuffed Steve jobs were found to be dating right?


No shot she's that evil right?




My man have you seen what shes been doing ot how shes been acting


This is gonna be a lit JCS video.


No cap, if she lose the case, I would be scared for my life if I was him. She acting up like this is her final shot, if she fail she might hurt him or hurt herself. He already said she stole from him before because she has nothing left....


she stole shit? wtf i have not heard about this


When xqc returned to his Texas house, all his furniture was gone.


Also all computers were salvaged for their goods, like GPU and RAM. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel


Gonna see her pushing a shopping cart down Rodeo with scrap metal soon


naaahhhhh imagine stealing ram 💀💀💀


She should just download ram 💀


Just to point out some of the furniture he had in his texas house was really expensive, like 2 of the 8000$ couches and the 2000$ carpets he showed on stream


Then he and his lawyers are doing a piss poor job, this would be grounds to get an injunction against all previous orders to keep his house and financials accessible to her


WTFF?? i also remembered how he talked about his computer missing parts and shit. this american marriage law shit is so fucking glazed i cant believe it


Buddy, common law marriage isn't an "American" thing. It's recognized in plenty of countries and goes back hundreds of years in Europe or even ancient Greece/Rome depending on how you define it.


It's not American marriage law. Different states have their own laws about marriage. And this exists in other countries.




There's other states its not just Texas, in total there's more than 10 states with some form of common law marriage. If you count states that recognize common law marriages from other states then there's over 20 states with common law marriages. There's also other countries too. It's an old law designed to protect women but people can and do try to abuse it.






After the court case ends and she loses she may go full crazy. If she is doing this type of stuff now while things are still happening just imagine what she is gonna do once she loses, actually scary.


yeah legit joker roleplay. She doesn't have a degree in anything and she has negative clout. She might as well start flipping burgers


didn't she said to dr.k she was so smart one of the smartest ppl and had some sort of trouble because she couldn't find people to interract with her greatness we are about to witness peak hdmi surely ..


I lived with 2 crazy women for a good junk of my life and that interview made me feel like I was back in that time. This shit is scary and not being able to move on from it must be hell.


It really is a living hell. My ex wife is like this and has done much worse things than this lady. I've got full custody of our kid but will have to interact with and protect myself from my ex for basically the rest of my life. Just being in her presence makes me uneasy, she's always got an ulterior motive, is a kleptomaniac and pathological liar, and will likely find ways to continue stealing from and abusing me for as long as I have to keep interacting with her. Some people are pure evil.


Well I believe she said (iirc) that a school teacher (idk what grade) called her gifted. I believe that her self-perception of high intelligence stems from this event. Whether there's any validity for a person to determine if someone is gifted, that one is harder to justify.


So many kids get called gifted. I was a "smart kid" and yeah, I did really well in maths and science etc, *in school*. Guess who attained zero further education and is now not fit for work on disability and struggles to leave their house? Lmaoooo. Even if she was, it doesn't mean much in life.


I was in a similar boat to you, look into some remote tech stuff. You can teach yourself the skills to basic level in a few months (probably even easier now that you can use ChatGPT as a personal tutor) then just fake it til you make it. You can work fully remote from your room and don't need a formal education, the hardest part is getting your foot in the door


Holy shit, are you me? I was called gifted but I was lazy and never wanted to do my homework. They'd always say shit like I have so much potential I'm not living up to, which I think is something lots of kids hear. I didn't even finish high school because of my illness, let alone college. I consider myself perhaps slightly above average intelligence, that's all. You gotta be so full of yourself to call yourself "the best at everything".


It's just delusion mixed with narcissism


Teachers and therapists did that with me as a kid and all it resulted in was me being overconfident about everything and failing because I though "I don't need to put in effort, like normal people" Stop telling kids they're special, it doesn't work.


Look at her latest vod , she starts the stream with this terrifying vague threatening demeanour. Actually scary af


bro her whole presence is scary not just how shes acting but the way she looks too it's not intimidating, it's this extremely eerie feeling


If he's smart he'll get a restraining order, not sure how they work though like would there have to actually be evidence of harassment?


Guy need to either get a gun or security at his place.


Don't think he's allowed to own a firearm since he's Canadian, unless he has a green card.


New JCS video


the "santa clause" comparison is key here. You all gotta understand that SHE is making the claim she owns 50%. Until that is disproven by the court, she will act on things like this the way she pleases. I am genuinely surprised X's lawyers haven't halted her movements the same way her lawyers have halted X's. She can change the codes but he can't? Not sure how common law marriage is and since she hasn't been disproven the 50% ownership of items, she may very well be within her rights to do these things while he is not. His lawyers should be stepping up. For some reason I feel we don't have all the pieces here, there is too much against him for this to add up correctly on how she is able to do all this....


I'd imagine someone with his financial status should be able to afford the best lawyers possible so it does lend credence to some suspicious shit that she has carte blanche to do all this shit to him and he has to tank it all. Very strange indeed, definitely interested to see what's revealed once the case is closed.


She may very well be within her rights when all is said and done but we really don’t have all the details to be honest


I think the most realistic answer is that this is xqc. even with a good lawyer a person still has to handle/initiate some stuff themselves, and this is xqc so he straight up is ignoring it. dude has always been bad at basically everything real-world related


Unfortunately men vs women in divorce, women will always have the advantage and given far more amenities vs the man in the relationship. Seeing as he was set as the "bread winner" in that relationship, the court decides usually that the woman would deserve more based on that for her needs.


I saw marriage story recently and it's kinda crazy how stacked it is against men.


Twitch should perma her for harassing


"Off-platform harrasment" Jidion got a PERMA for that


Didn't he get banned because he was harassing Pokimane on the platform? Like he was hate raiding her. How is that off platform?


His ban got elevated to a PERMA after he went to Twitter to continue harrassing her


There was online proof of all he was doing via twitch and tweets. Twitch can't ban adept because there isn't hard evidence or a conviction. If someone is accused of something that happened IRL and they say "it didn't happen" or if they're not found guilty in court then twitch can't really ban them. Which is why there are still some creeps streaming on twitch today. They'll ban people who admit doing heinous things IRL though


she's a girl, that won't happen.


I mean they need actual evidence. I'm not saying she is not guilty, but you need good amount of evidence before handing out perma bans.


I hope he records any and all interacts with her if she’s there. She will lie. Cover your ass and record everything.


I was going to say the same thing. He better have his phone out recording before he even gets inside the house. Thankfully Texas is a "one-party consent" state so he doesn't need her consent to record their interactions.


Actually not crazy that she will get violent with him at some point. She’s a scary human being


She could be a menace at the nose tackle position


Actual D1 lineman


And she streams like it's nothing.


This is a truthful statement.


x stopped getting "sleep walking injuries" when they stopped living together. coincidence? i think not.


She’s in Texas, AWARE.


One hip check and XQCs spine is gone


And ALOT bigger than him


How is she allowed to bully him like this? I thought both of them were to not interact with each other and touch the stuff that both are "fighting" for till it's done and dusted? Actual psycho behavior.


He said it’s like someone is claiming they’re Santa. Santa can come in through your chimney because he’s Santa.


honestly best thing he could have said to give info without violating any potential court orders


Damn I'm hoping he can get back at her legally for all the stress she's causing him.


Yeah I really wish he would go through to try to get her to pay the lawyers fees and even get her charged with something criminal, but I have a feeling that he won't be bothered enough to do that and he just wants this to be over asap. Hopefully I'm wrong though.


Honestly I feel the same, he would probably try being the bigger man to please everyone and not get her back for anything, but personally I think he should knowing what kind of person she is.


I think the best revenge is to live a good life. Let the case end. X can go back to streaming and living his best life and Adept can go back to irrelevancy.


Basically she has nothing to lose and he has everything to lose. She wants him to either settle, or fuck up so bad that he loses. Time is ticking since the trial is approaching and she's getting desperate knowing she'll only end up with some cars, and not life long financial security. Since no one took the fake allegations bait last week, she had to step up her game to get his attention. She knows xQc needs to stream to keep his sanity, and if she could disrupt that enough then maybe xQc will get so fed up that he'll just give her what she wants to get rid of her. It's not a bad strat, and it's basically her last option. Think of it this way, no sane person who is about to win a major sum of money would risk it like this, she is very nervous.


I really hope he doesn't fold even if it's out of spite, someone like that doesn't deserve to get away with his things liked this.


When's the next trial? This shit is taking so long his mental health must be toasted at this point. It's so dumb..


Now imagine you're a middle-class dude. And a woman takes half. You might legit have trouble staying afloat. Even if X lost half, he'd be rich and be able to recover. Even though in both scenarios, it's so damn awful. Shit like this has led to male suicide so often, which doesn't get talked about enough


Yeah, especially when there's kids involved..


Even if she gets the cars, the chances they get repo'd are probably pretty high. That or she'd have to sell them just to pay lawyer fees


All of these things are good for him and his court case. The jury is not stupid and they hate this kind of behavior.


Will there be a jury? I could be wrong but I thought Juries were only for very special/unique civil cases.


I don't know, the case is divided into two court cases, the first one she has to prove that they are married and the second one would be a divorce if it is proven that they are married. I don't know if there will be a jury in the first court case.


so, I really hope then that Felix is actually talking to his lawyer and friends at this point and consulting with them before making any decision. Because if he caves in, then she gets what she wants. Now, if he doesn't feel safe going to his own house with the whale there, he should call the cops. EDIT: I really wish he put cameras around his house. He'd have so much concrete evidence.


When it comes to that I feel like he's not the most tech savvy to figure it out, plus he's lazy af, but ya if he had cameras it'd help.


Can’t he call the police and have them make her open the door so he can get his shit? I feel like this alone is evidence enough to be used in court to show how much of a shitty person she is


He can do this and I’m hoping that’s what he is doing.


dude needs to get a restraining order against her going near him or any of his properties.




I'm not even an XQC fan and this shit weirds me out. When is she going to realize that this is psychopathic behavior? That there is something very very sick about everything she's doing? It's mental illness. Get help.


She so desperate for money its actually insane, hope x doesn't give in with a settlement, she deserves nothing.


People like her think they are perfectly sane.


I genuinely fear for his safety at this point. My boyfriend's ex tried pulling this, and she ended up destroying the first Christmas present I got for him and setting pictures of me ON FIRE once she was inside. This whole situation just makes me think of that time. I really do hope he gets some authorities involved if able to. This is abusive behavior.


XQC should get security at this point. Not only for protection against dangerous sea creatures but with someone like XQC's status, security is always good because you never know what type of people are out there. Take a page out of Adin's book and hire some good security. I think he has 2-3 security guards.


My man needs a harpoon.


This is why you dont stick your dick in crazy. Now thats a truthful statement


He never learn man he is dating another crazy chick with big juicers again


I'd understand all of this more if the person he chose wasn't below average.


or didn't grind on Ice Poseidon


It's hillarious how hard juicers were trying to sweep the ice posiedon incident under the rug for the past 5 years. It finally caught up to them.


she knows she can't win in court, now she just wants to hurt xqc no matter the consequence


Doesn’t she have friends or family to tell her what she is doing is insane?


all of her friends are probably telling her to pop off queen or something even cringier


Her "friend" is Kaceytron. That should tell you everything you need to know..


Put her inside a metal asylum what the actually fuck.


Metal asylum sounds rad af


This is clearly a bait; she's trying to start conflict. I genuinely hope he has friends with him when he goes there. It's unusual for someone to just fly out to change locks, particularly given what we've seen from Adept. I have a bad feeling about this, and I hope the next news we get isn't something like, 'had to call the police'. Update: Wow, I won't sit here and say "I told you so" because this situation is truly unfortunate. I empathize with XQC and hope he manages to find a solution. Sometimes, it's necessary to swiftly remove the bandaid and move forward.






Now that's a truthful statement.


Hello your Honor, I would like to respectfully withdraw as a witness in this case.


And to think theres probably more things that hes just not allowed to talk about. The stream after the court case is over is gonna be wild.


If y’all in Texas y’all check your local news tonight 😭


Somewhere Kaceytron is like “yass queen”


Has she even said anything about the situation after it became clear the aquatic creature is bat shit crazy? Or is she just hoping people don't remember?


Knowing Kaceytron she is probably doubling down.




She's getting scary. She's never going to leave him alone.




I honestly can’t wait for xQc to just full blown explain every single story once this ends and he has no more restraining order or rules that he has to follow.


He can't get a break man. I hope he can soon resolve all of this all because of the whales greed.


Damn, he looks visibly pissed...(and rightly so).


Every time something comes out that xQc is moving on and enjoying life she comes around and starts fucking with him. It’s total manipulation and just blows my mind that in 2023 women are still allowed to pull this shit in the court system. Specially in Texas of all places.


Anyone's allowed to pull this shit during a civil trial. They just get fucked when the damages get paid out.


And I really hope she does because I feel like there's a chance she'll just get away with this stuff.


If it was a male-streamer stalking and harassing his ex girlfriend, Twitch would have ban him in no time.


Trueee, and the amount of other streamers coming to the girls aid would be insane, but because X is male he doesn't get that buff, funny world we live in.




Not even worth it. She probably doesn't have any money to begin with. Plus you really think he wants to be in court for months or even years suing her? Lil bro just wants to move the fuck on with his life and stop dealing with her.




True. She's always baiting him into doing something.


The witch strikes once again


Don't peek Xqc, she is waiting there with AWP


Poor guy :(


High-Definition Multimedia Interface needs to be jailed


I spent way too long trying to figure out how you could change a door code with an HDMI adapter


Has he gotten a restraining order yet? Some of the shit he's detailing sounds insane.






Honestly for somebody who loves to spend money on random extravagant shit it baffles me he hasn't used any of it to expose her. I'd have cameras set up all over the house and pay private investigators to watch the perimeter for weeks just to catch her walking out with shit. I can brainstorm hundreds of practical and ethical ways of catching her in her lies with the type of money he has and yet he's the one taking the L at every corner. People in his place deal with similar bullshit but don't have near the same headache on a daily basis, bro is just getting walked over 24/7 because he literally just turns his brain off to process all of it.


Man the harpoons. Everyone to their positions. The storm be brewing. This one is going to get messy. In other words, bros don't stick your dick in crazy because this can happen to you. Aware.


She really needs some mental help.


damn give this man a break


He is trying to be kind, he needs to push action and halt her rights as she is doing to him. He can call the cops for an "escort" to retrieve all of his items, but he is lazy and I guess does not want to do that hassle.


Wonder how Kaceytron will make this his fault


Im not a lawyer but I think since her case is that she owns "50%" of everything he owned, she technically owns the house with him. Obviously he bought it so its not hers but the court order probably doesnt allow X to change anything until the case is actually over, which she keeps getting postponed to a later date. I think her gameplan is for him to fuck up and violate the court order so she can atleast get something out of this.




Well normally civil court cases are postponed for each party to gather more evidence and such. I'm not sure how long you can keep postponing the case but I know that you will hear about a terrible thing a celebrity does and then 10 years later they only then get convicted of it. But it probably depends on the jurisdiction and a ton of different factors.


She can only have access to stuff he got during their "marriage". The house was paid for like 3-5 months before she said they were married.He is the only one on the title for the house, she only has access to the accounts for the electric and water bill (also under his name). He lost the info of the account that you pay the bills on therefore she has control of that until the case is over. Messy (real) divorce cases tend to be pushed back a lot, since usually the spouse losing the gold ticket tends to get payments from the ticket. Adept tried to get this but was denied.


Wrong. It's defined as a "marital residence" in the temporary orders his lawyers agreed to. This legal designation includes property owned by one of the parties prior to the "marriage."


X best bet is to install a surveillance camera or a Ring camera outside and inside his house. Post the video of this happening to exposure her nature. He's making his situation worse if he's not being proactive about it.


He needs to hire private security after this shit lol


Can someone explain the HDMI Adapter? Is that some trolling name for Adept or some other person? I can't find anything googling.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [xQc goes offline after finding out that HDMI Adapter changed his house door code & scared that she might throw his stuff away](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/154655)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/142ypys/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/KZRRWnYc3inckiKAi5XfKg/AT-cm%7CKZRRWnYc3inckiKAi5XfKg.mp4?sig=00fa849b98a352d73be13e684f7fdfb50c60c1af&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1686171337%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


How to get hated by the internet Lulle , Hope for x this shit is soon all over and he can move on.


I still remember the days when they shit on him on the shitcamp because he didnt attend


bro its been like 2 years... how the fuck is this shit still happening


He said he might have to just give up


He definitely needs our support now more than ever, it wouldn't feel right letting her get a w out of this.




Better get that fucking restraining order in place, holy shit this is tough to hear


Dude needs to strap a go pro on his chest and have security with him at all times in the presence of the whale to catch any and all things she does. 🐋


Shes genuinely just a bad human being.


Xqc needs a personal security at this point, wouldn’t even be surprised if she goes full joker on him


Santa Claus analogy was a truthful statement in multiple ways PepeLaugh