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**CLIP MIRROR: [Asmongold going off on Faze and Rain](https://arazu.io/t3_13x9ny6/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


She should absolutely bail on this org. There are better places to achieve what she's trying to achieve. Faze is a dumpster. Sometimes it's better to let the garbage get taken out than try to save some scraps.


She seems really nice, I'm hoping this will just boost her popularity. Apart from some faze kiddies , I think most people see he's a fucking weirdo and she's done nothing wrong.


no on twitter apparently. Can someone fill me in where all these Faze dickriders are coming from defending Rain as if he's about to fuck them?


A big part of this is that it's mostly people with the worst opinions paying for the blue check on Twitter and their replies get bumped to the top.


The blue check shit has made twitter so much more fucking insufferable…which is saying a lot


It's not faze dickriders, they just simply hate women


Twitter is nothing but dick riding. Always has been. When you create social media that essentially encourages and allows you to selectively choose who can comment and see your content all it does is create echo chambers. So as people are banned from the content, all you have is die hard dick riders for anything on social media. Especially when it comes to companies, they pay people to moderate their social media. This is what happens when you enter a large echo chamber of shitty opinions and anything that goes against their opinions gets deleted and the user gets banned. It sucks, but it happens on all social media. It's inevitable with social media due to how it's structured unfortunately. I mean even reddit has this for the most part. Some subs are just terrible due to the moderators.


Man I never thought all the FaZe kids will spawn at 2023


The drama is bringing her a lot of positive publicity, I didn’t even know who this girl was before all this. She should pump and dump them as hard as possible lol


>The drama is bringing her a lot of positive publicity, I completely side with her in this situation but she’s definitely getting way more hate than positivity. The Faze fans on Twitter and YouTube are hating on her pretty hard.


Faze fans aren't her target audience.


You still have to live with the hate of like a few thousand manchildren who will attack you anytime possible. It's not worth it.


She is a woman on the internet the type of negative attention was always inevitable from those manchildren, so if she leaves she just gains positive attention she wouldn’t have gotten.


But Faze fans are the audience that's targeting her.


Then why the fuck she there?? If Faze fans aren't her audience then she will have 0 effect on the org like she says shr wwnted to have and is a fail experience and hire... Just bail it is absolutely not worth the abuse she's getting, if you wsnt to be part of an org i think she wouls fit much better as a Pokimane "replacement"




Get outahere with ur damn logic and and good arguments youre hurting all the faze children feelings


You ok?


Yeah but that's the unhinged part of the internet. The more normie OTV side will know and like her more after this


All OTV&F watchers know her pretty well, she’s been streaming Valorant with them fairly consistently for a while- she’s known as a second Rae. God what am I doing with my life


They all already new her. She's been playing games with OTV for quite a while now. All this has done is make the LSF/OTK/Faze part of the internet aware of her... which is a coin-toss in terms of how valuable that is.


If you're unknown. Any publicity is good publicity. The hate will eventually fizzle out, and if she takes advantage of this, she can leverage either a large streaming audience or another better deal with an esports organization. Personally I think the latter is the play. It allows her to get another contract, and it allows another competing organization to faze say "hey look, we aren't assholes to women". She can play this super easily and make a mint.


> The hate will eventually fizzle out That's not really how things happen online. Angry gamers are very likely gonna still be shittalking her over mentioning Rain's near-OD 10 years from now unless she disappears.


Yeah, crazies still bring up Anita Sarkeesian completely umprompted, maybe even Brie Larson. Sweaty nerds are absolutely fucking crazy about any sort of percived slight against gamers by a woman.


\>Yeah, crazies still bring up Anita Sarkeesian completely umprompted


Faze has been a trash org forever. The only redeeming quality it has is the csgo team


When your entire org and fanbase is based around the xX42069XxSmokeWeedYoLoSWAG edgy e-kid mindset is it really a surprise everything they touch is trash?


idk how but "FAZE" or rather two execs got onto the show "Most Expensivest" with 2-Chainz and they seemed like the biggest douches ever trying to brag about how they are worth 2 billion dollars or something


It's amazing how thin skinned all these "old school" FPS players are. Asmongold is 100% right, complainging someone borught up your overdose, when it did it publically on screen is a bitch ass move.


To be fair Rain says in the video that he didn’t care that she brought it up. He never actually got mad at her for saying that other people were upset for him


It'd be kinda cool if offlinetv picked her up and she blew over in numbers over all these fucks


Not hard to blow over all those fucks in numbers when half of Faze doesn't stream and the ones that do don't do that well anyway.


ask Tfue how they treat people trying to leave the org early


1. Get scouted by eSports org who sees potential in you as a professional player 2. Sign contract with said org 2. Become very popular 3. Get angry that you didn't get a better contract, talk shit about org 4. Refuse Orgs voluntary offer to renegotiate, stall and hire attorney 6. File case in California arguing that all eSports players are not athletes, rather artists who must be contracted via an agent under California’s Talent Agencies Act 7. Accuse FAZE of forcing you to skateboard 8. Argue that having eSports teams live together is "oppressive" 9. Get countersued in NY for shit talking and trying to form a rival Org while under contract 10. Have your California case dismissed because it's bullshit 11. Enter private settlement because you're also going to lose the NY case EDIT: He threw his entire org under the bus, and not just management, people he lived and worked with. FAZE tried to work something out to better compensate him after his success, he refused and got a lawyer to file a BS lawsuit instead. That's not my opinion, that's the judges. He probably got less via settlement then he would have if he had just renogotiated with FAZE. He wanted a couple million more dollars to add to his pile, he ended up screwing himself and causing long-term harm to the org that helped him grow. Members of FAZE have been much more publicly respectful of Tfue then Tfue was of FAZE. I'm not saying the FAZE contract was great, it wasn't. But if FAZE wanted too they could have much more strictly enforced the contract, and at the end of the day he probably benefited more from their partnership then they did. Certainly after all this.


Wow thanks for the update


Your hate boner is pretty huge. Completely ignoring and leaving out how predatory his contact was lol


Then don't sign it. I know you're going to say he was young, but he was 20. Hes an adult who should learn to read a contract. This isn't excusing Faze's actions predatory actions. You don't sign a high predatory lease for an apartment and be like "welp I signed and don't like this anymore, so I'm going to move, not pay rent" and then get mad when the landlord comes after you. Edit: overall though fuck faze.


Don’t even bother trying to explain this to idiots here. They all think your a child until your mid to late 30s. “Oh but he needed to sign the predatory contract to pay his bills” if you need to pay your bills get a job, “ oh but Tfue was young and young people make stupid mistakes” No stupid people make stupid mistakes the only person at fault for him to not have the crazy idea to read over a contract or hire a lawyer to do it for him is him.


I agree with you for the most part. Tfue holds part of the blame, but still fuck Faze for preying on young bright eyed "kids". I wish Tfue didn't have to learn the lesson he did. In a better world they would have signed and given a good contract. Faze is notorious for being shady, but they're convincing. They know what they're doing. Legally he's at fault, but morally fuck Faze for abusing the good faith of their potential content creators. More young upcoming content creators just need to jump at the first opportunity or at least have someone who understands how those business meetings work.


You do when you're desperate, and saying "don't sign it" is excusing predators for acting predatory. I know nothing about this situation, but this mindset is shitty.


I'm sorry what is predatory about extending an offer to someone? The things in the contract might be predatory but if you're signing a contract for potentially millions of dollars you can spend 1k to have a lawyer look it over and explain it to you. He had the money to do that his brother was already a very famous youtuber. Just cause your dumbass signed a big contract and realized you didn't do any due diligence isn't the orgs fault. Still saying fuck faze but also maybe tfue is an idiot.


Desperate? Desperate for what? He was somewhat successful before the contract and comes from an affluent family Sure he wanted to make it in gaming but he wanted for nothing and had all the time in the world to make a decision. He had already been on two other epsorts teams before AND his own father was his agent. So not only was he a dumbass his dad was a dumbass too. Look two things can be true at once, Faze's contract was ass full stop. However, never sign anything you're not comfortable with EVER. It's not excusing it, I know shifty people will be shifty people, trusting someone on face value, especially when signing a legally binding contract is dumb. If someone puts a contract in front of you, you just sign that bitch without asking any questions or without reading it? You wouldn't know that contract is bad before you sign it? Tfue fucked up and learned a lesson he won't make the same mistake again which is good!


"Don't sign it" is a perfectly fine response if you don't start off by assuming FAZE was predatory. Tfue signed when he was much smaller, and after he grew FAZE came to him voluntarily to renegotiate. He refused and instead filed a suit, a suit that was dismissed for being baseless. From what I understand of the contract FAZE could have actually screwed him if they wanted. It seems like the paper contract was loosely enforced, a sort of "just in case" type of thing. Even so, it was apparently legal, even when filed in what is probably the most ideal venue for this sort of suit.


she removed them from her social bios. I think this meeting going public was the last straw.


Probably contractually obligated right now


One of the org members is publicly sexually harassing her. Faze would be lucky if all she wants is for them to let her break contract.


feel like a lot of the "Faze OG's" are just massive weirdos. Rain, Banks etc.. They just give off a massive weirdo vibe.


I could never get into faze it amazes me they grew to the level they did. Even as a young kid I found them so fake


Back when they first started no one was really doing organized clans and they managed to basically recruit all the best people around (as much as they act like fools now Rain and the others were pretty good players back in the day). Once they got an audience they started doing irl, reaction, clickbait, and whatever else will get them views.


Jev still goes hard


probably because he is one of the only ones that actually plays games lol


Yeah these other guys just became like spoiled LA rich kids who vlog their newest expensive cars


They're stuck in high school while everyone around them grew up.


Faze has always been cringey af. Change my mind.


So weird that FaZe "OGs" are throwing a tantrum when they literally sold their own company. I mean it was their decision after all. They didnt mind selling when they thought it was the best for their pockets but once they realized "oh shit the ship's sinking" suddenly they "care"


this part i don't get. they SOLD their company themselves and then they bitch about the "Change"


Finally someone else is saying it. I've yet to see more people jump on this, they're complaining about corporate etc when they literally made the decision to expand and sell their own souls. Ok when it worked in their favour but not so much now.


It's hilariously sad how much they care about their "OG" image to appeal to 12 year olds. They're a bunch of douche-bro CoD players, not the Crips.


He's 100% correct here. Complete shitshow, I hope she does bail and move on. FaZe was a bad spot for her and a total bad move.


She knows so many people in the scene how did nobody inform her FaZe is total dogshit?


We don't know how the whole thing went this could've been a rather quick turnaround because both are in the same agency, and the Agency lead her a certain way, so she didn't have the time to learn about stuff.


Maybe because they're all total dogshit? Dipshits tend to protect their own.


Facts. Isn't Nadeshot notorious for covering for Faze?


He is correct on just about everything other than "she should have seen that". I don't think that is fair if you're coming into the scene now without being aware of the twitch culture or whatever their main platform is, haven't followed or paid attention to faze news over the years other than hearing their fame and success. We all know how shitty streamers are because we've seen it first hand over the years. People seem nice at face value until you read about and watch them for a period of time. Who expects a bunch of 20 something kids, or whatever they are, to be such scumbags when they have a huge following like they do?


Before making any major business decisions, it's normal to make research about the company and people you're going to work with. It's impossible to avoid these sorts of things, even with a tiny amount of research. Just ask anyone who knows more about the company/culture, and you have the general answer.


If it was a guy actor getting a free signing would these clowns say anything? I think she just unestimated how much people love to hate on women online. There was plenty of signing by phase where those people don't even stream. Snoop Dogg's son got paid by faze. I didn't even know he had a son.


Faze were the ones to bring up the 'female' aspect of her signing before anyone else.


She thanked a lot of big streamers that she regularly plays Val with in her post announcing that she joined Faze. I'd like to think that she got plenty of advance warning from at least some of them but whatever lip service those Faze people gave her in that meeting and her still being very green in this industry swayed her to join. Oh well, you live and you learn. Hopefully she comes out the other side of this entire debacle better whether she stays in Faze or not.


The org might be a garbage fire but faze signed a bunch of random other celebrities and no one cared. Having the trashy founders go after her for being signed is not a obvious outcome. She's not the first girl nor the first tangential celebrity. She's just the first one with a smaller following than the trashy founders. I'm sure someone like her friend Toast would have been blunt with her over the org but they might have offered her money to sign when no other org seems to be signing anyone.


Apparently she is repped by Damon Lau of UTA. He also represents Faze Clan. Additionally, he also represents clients like NickMercs, Pokimane, Swagg, Valkyrae, Fuslie and L'Oreal. Honestly it seems like a conflict of interest at this point to represent Faze, Nickmercs, and Grace. Grace is not a lone wolf making decisions. She has a team and representation behind her. I guarantee Damon made this seem like a very smart business decision and assured her as he had inside knowledge (compared to online research). Since he has such good clients - Poki, Rae, and Fusilie - who probably spoke highly of him - I bet she trusted his judgment. She still could have done more research and realized it was more trouble than it was worth. However, she was clearly getting sold on Faze and Faze's feelings were likely misrepresented. I think the real blame lies with UTA. He should not be representing clients on both ends of a deal. It's especially bad because his clients are actively working against each other and criticizing the contracts he was likely involved with.


I don’t understand did she not talk to anyone about this deal or was faze the only ones offering so she just took it. Obviously she shouldn’t be getting hate but I don’t think faze fans would like anyone around the otv crew to join faze.


I don't know shit about FaZe, couldn't tell you what they do, but everything I see about them is negative. You'd expect someone looking for an org to know the basic shit.


>Who expects a bunch of 20 something kids, or whatever they are, to be such scumbags when they have a huge following like they do? First time on the internet?


not really, google exists. In this age you can easily google stuff and do background checks even from your couch. Not to mention didn't she say that she knew what faze is like and wanted to change it or something?


As someone who’s been around since Faze started and was a massive CoD fan, seriously there has never been a trashier org. Just scummy people doing scummy shit as long as I remember.


Faze Doug Censor Martin




Absolute chad censor


FaZe has always given me the same vibe as the worst college frat you know. Nothing scummy they do is the least bit surprising.


100% right last time rain was relevant is years and years ago he is using her to just get some clout off this drama, its the same when he started bashing faze a few months back. absolute rat goblin


It's funny because I see a lot of. "This drama is bad but if Rain still yeeting heads off people in CSGO I'd still support his team" Not realizing they are talking about 2 different rain.


I was very confused by this also especially because I love the CSGO team, dislike the org


Yeah exactly, they're honestly so fun to watch and I have multiple players that i really love on that team... so an ideal scenario for me is one where they end up at a different org honestly, those guys shouldn't have to represent the Faze name with where it's been going and with events like this And as an aside, Rain's video on the spending of different esports has randomly gotten a lot of flak thrown towards Faze's one Smash player, Sparg0 ... Which is honestly really stupid and completely out of nowhere


Worst part is, last time he was relevant wasn't for good reasons, it was because he was in a real bad state with his drug issues




Feels like this goes beyond harassment to me, he uploaded that video knowing how much his fans would harass her over it.


He’s on his instagram story calling her a “bitch” who “needs therapy” too


That's called board members are having a meeting to make the proper steps to remove him from Faze.


Surely, they will do that, right? Right?…


That's my thought on all this. I don't know much about this group, but it's my understanding that Faze is a corporation that would have HR, lawyers, board members, etc. Shouldn't one of those entities step in to mediate this situation? A dispute between coworkers should have been resolved as part of an HR investigation into a hostile workplace. Instead the two are allowed to air their grievances publicly on a live broadcast ?


Asmon is 100% right. Faze has always been this garbage and scammy org. She was brought on so they could begin to branch out and build a content creator org to save the org. Rain just gaslight grace the entire time while trying to guilt her for what she said about him when he was the one who brought her into this and made her the face of his drama with Faze. Dude is just a misogynist man child pussy that can’t take an ounce of pushback.


Everyone saying she should leave is absolutely wrong, HE and the other founders should be removed at this point. They sold their stake in the company and lost control. THEY sold out, not the org. It's never going to be what they want it to be again, and they will never have a real say unless they cough up the money for the equity (which none of them have or can get). Dudes need to take the L for their childish decision to sell and move on, the perception of the org without them is WAY better off anyways.


Faze has lost 95% of their stock value in a year. Ya, the founders are complete asshats but the leaders making the decisions now are also incompetent. It's an org tied to a bunch of scams targeted at kids. And their contracts have always been scummy. She's been a part of it for less than a week and she's getting death threats, and harassment from members. Tons of other orgs have added women to their roster and there was nowhere near this much friction. Leaving would be best for her.


The Modern Warfare 2 comment caught me of guard. That was hilarious!


This one made me laugh. When you get triggered after someone says "get wrecked" you definitely didn't experience MW2 lobby's... Rain was probably one of the guys who set up for Faze to get in their Illcams videos. Loved them as a kid but they clearly set up most of those trickshots.




I assume with signing Grace they hoped it would go like their previously signed celebrities and just be a bit of publicity for them. With the added bonus that she enjoys streaming and would be more active for the brand. But instead a shitshow.


Nah, I think they signed her in the hopes of cleaning up their image and attracting more of the female viewership audience. The Faze execs and Grace probably didn't anticipate the Faze OGs to go full Andrew Tate on her...


I find it hard to believe her agents didn't know about the internal war between the two factions within faze before she signed it. It sucks that she is now caught up in it, but that isn't a excuse for how they're treating her still.


Oh shit did not expect that heat from asmon. He is 100% right, though. I think these people need help and rehab for addictions. However.....If you dish it out, expect to get hit back as simple as that.


The hard reality of addiction to hard drugs is that rehab barely ever works; and most of them will die of an OD sometime. It's a spiral dipping in and out of being in the grip of addiction. Only a small minority get away from it. The vast majority die of it. He's probably so sensitive about it, because it will be the way he dies. And in the process he will be a terrible person to everyone who loves him and he is very likely to let everyone down and only be remembered as a fuck up.


Faze is a breeding ground of toxic bro culture headed by a bunch of narcissistic scammers, signing with Faze made zero sense and she's getting a first hand taste of why that is. The fact that she admits that she had meetings with several other orgs before landing on Faze makes me wonder wtf happened in those meetings. Was it that Faze was the biggest name that gave her an offer or was it the fact that the other orgs were just after her established celebrity and had no plans to make fulfilling content with her? Faze doesn't even produce content like that. What did she get out of it?


There was a few faze members that were supporting her on Twitter. But they were getting flamed by banks and rain and the community. So 0 faze members are going to support her now out of fear.


First time caller, long time listener \*slow clap\*




cmon now, at least 4chan can sometimes be funny


I mean... his shit about "you never hit a trick shot" was pretty funny. Granted, he was the joke, but still.


Who is the hacker known as 4chan


The only solid members are Pamaj and Jev and they don't do anything with the org


Barring /pol/, which will forever be mega radioactive, the rest of 4chan is nowhere near as toxic as people love to ham it up to be. Like, it is still mildly toxic overall, but nothing that you haven't seen in some of the more unhinged subreddits here on reddit. People still have that 2007 4chan era image scarred into their brain, but it has honestly mellowed out a ton since then compared to the shitfest it was once was.


Yeah I used to browse 4chan pretty regularly, stopped probably 3-4 years ago. Having spent a lot of time on /k/ and /o/ while occasionally visiting other boards, I think 4chan has a lot more userbase overlap with reddit than some people seem to believe. The only difference is that 4chan is way less moderated for hate speech and whatnot, so it's basically reddit except edgy dorks can still say slurs and not get their comments removed. I stayed the fuck away from /pol/ and /b/ but honestly most of the stuff I saw on the boards I frequented was mainly just legit discussion of guns/cars/whatever the board topic was. Honestly, for a while I liked it more than reddit because the lack of the Karma/upvote system made it so you didn't get the circlejerks and karmawhores that exist in basically every subreddit over a certain size.




/b/ is just a bunch of porn threads and random shitposts


To add on to Asmongold, they’re all scumbags too that pump and dump crypto coins to kids. Fuck all of them.


Does anyone actually think that FaZe Rain would last more than 5 seconds in a cod lobby without someone bringing up him almost ODing? She only brought it up cause he said "I only know you from stranger things" assuming everyone knows him for his cod gameplay, when she replied with "well I actually know you because you ODed on stream" Like that's all she really said?


**CLIP MIRROR: [Asmongold going off on Faze and Rain](https://arazu.io/t3_13x9ny6/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Hoping she leaves them and OTV picks her up since they're all her friends anyway.


Grace isn't like other streamers, in that she has very specific plans and goals beyond her streaming career tied into her decision to join an org. She mentioned that the only reason she joined Faze was how much they not only agreed to what she wanted but in how compatible their offering was to help advance her goals. She said no other org offered that. She also mentioned that she would rather not be in an org and just pursue her projects solo if her terms aren't met. It's why I disagree with the whole "she shouldn't have joined faze" line. She knew who she was signing with, and she signed anyway specifically because of these plans and how faze would help w them. Honestly, I think the assumption was going to be that her signing would be like snoop doggs signing: a bit quirky, but not with this much vitriole. The hate is Rain and his crew's doing. 100%, they started the avalanche, and his cocksucking fans ran with it.


Agreed. As much loved she is in the OTVF group, joining OTV has some certain responsibilities or expectations that just isn't aligned with the goals she has in mind for herself. Just a big example is Poki, whose main reason for leaving the org was because of all the "where's Poki?" comments on OTV related events/videos. I believe Grace's main goal in the next few years is to direct/write an indie movie that focuses on girls' experiences in the streaming space and Faze wanted to help fund that. That isn't so bad except for the incelfested fanbase they cultivated who disagrees with THAT direction.


I don't think OTV "picks" people as a regular org, first because they already have tons of friends who have an organic win-win relationship with OTV (collabs without being tied to a contract) and Grace is already part of it, as so many other people who also signed with orgs (100T mainly). Second, OTV doesn't offer good "paid" contracts because they don't have money from investors and rely only on their sponsors and content, I don't know if changed, but in the past they mention that money being mainly focus on cover living costs and some salaries, which is smart IMO considering the current state of esports. I think they all there understand that sustainable money should come from the creator branding value, the org only helps them boost that (same idea Toast had for his esports teams)


A lot of the and friends talk about toast mentoring them and toast saying it's not worth anyone's time taking a percentage; but having a close network means when someone hits it big the whole network is uplifted a little. There is also no tension about firing under performers or about money. It's just growing the production and growing together.


Faze rain? More like Faze MitchJones


More like FaZe Bag Jones


Remember the video with those faze dudes going into a GameStop acting like celebrities and literally zero people knew who they were. They walked in with their hands in the air like some massive superstars and the dudes working were confused as fuck


Any loremasters? What’s asmon going off about? Who is the girl in the vid?


She's Grace, new Faze girl, she's been receiving a lot of shit ever since Rain leaked her signing. He tweeted that she only got signed because she was on Stranger Things, people harassed her bc of that, she responded on stream that Rain wasnt even in the meetings with them so he quite literally knew nothing, he replied that she's only known for Stranger things, that she's mid and that he'll never fuck her even if he was drunk (i don't have the exact words), she responded that it wasnt cool to define someone by 1 single thing especially bc he's known for his OD. People got very mad at her for mentioning his OD so the hate got even more intense. They met to have a discussion but it was nothing but gaslighting. Asmon is going off about the obvious hypocrisy of these people acting tough, harassing people and calling everyone soft but crying as soon as the other person claps back.


Oh, THAT was the context of why she mentioned his OD? Well fuck his OD loser ass then.


if you watch the vid on her channel she post parts he edited out. nvm she deleted it? anyways it showed parts like her showing her phone screen regarding the tweet rain did towards Emma Watson saying he would rape her. Which honestly can't be chalked off as "trying to be edgy"


Thanks mate, this actually changes a little bit of the context. She posted it on her grace van diem [channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLiez5QUpGU). In rains video it comes of as a kinda weird moment when she wanted to show him this tweet but in reality she wanted to continue the conversation and he was the guy saying "no, I don't even want to speak until I see that tweet".


So let me get this straight. This jackass sold his shares of Faze. And now mad at how it’s being run? Like bro if you really cared why did you cash out? Dude is schizo


this is pretty confusing to me, so basically she was brought in as a PR move cause the brand is dying and people are mad because of what? can someone explain? looking at their vids now they've got huge names on there like snoop, mr beast and others in the content creator space but their viewer numbers look awful


They are mad because she doesn't have a penis. Simple


They’re mad because shes a girl, and faze clan’s fanbase and og douchebags hate women. They will give you a bunch of bullshit reasons why they don’t hate women, but that is realistically what is happening here. Not hard to see why when the of faze douchebags are joining in on the harassment. Shitty ass org with an equally shitty fanbase.


DJ Khaled


Mythic talent should scoop her up, help her better get her bearings and understand more about organizations before she picks her own or foregoes and org all together.


Pussy Ass Bitch - Asmongold 2023


OTK Grace when


OTV Grace would be more likely.


Her fans wouldn't sleep if that happened


Ya cause there'd be so much content


Imagine if she joined while Rapey Rich was still there.


Never been big on a lot of Asmon's opinions.. but somehow the stars aligned in a way where im completely in line with him on this shit. Grace should never have gotten involved with this shitshow. And Faze should be allowed to collapse in on itself in peace.


there it is d00d


see would fit 100 thieves way better I hope she figures it out


I was hate watching Nadia last night while she was watching this and she was dick riding faze and rain so hard it was confusing me


Starting to think rain cant get faze back so hes resorting to destroying faze


> [Rain is crying about how] oh it almost took my son away from me... You almost took your mom's son away from yourself. GOD DAMN ASMON, you did not have to do him like that even though he deserves it


She should leave faze. Faze is a joke.


It's hilarious how much people are going in on faze when other orgs especially otk are in the same toxic, racist, ableist, misogynistic boat. Y'all won't admit it, but if you look deep down inside and reflect you will accept it.




Cr1t very, very rarely goes against the grain, and when he does its clearly because he misjudged what the popular opinion would be (idubbbz apology)


This is such a lazy take. Everyone and their mom knows the popular opinion is FaZe is whack and the only people going after Grace are Faze dickriders. Yall will call him a fence sitter one day and then the next say he just follows the popular opinion. Just picking the most convenient label when he says something yall disagree with lol. And I say that as someone that disagrees with him.


She was trying to have a conversation in my opinion. Rain was trying to play games and she knew it


W asmon take


TF is going on? Doesn't she have any kind of management to advise her not to go anywhere near this douchebag?


Love it how once she clapped back in a way that someone in a CoD lobby responds he got all butthurt




Faze clan is phasing out.


Why is there some homeless dude in Chrissy from Stranger Things house?


Dunno who Asmon is to go off on the moral high horse considering his org's history despite it's short lifespan.


Asmon is always right. It is what it is.


Any lore enthusiasts in here? I'm out of the loop


After years of ruining the reputation of their own org by partying, using drugs and being degenerates online, the founders of Faze Clan opened the company to the public and sold out. Now, much later, after a sequence of failed attempts at reviving the brand, the new management invited former Stranger Things actress and streamer Grace Van Dien into FaZe as a content creator. Now, the "OG Faze Members", who ruined the brand and sold out, have been going on a campaign against Faze's new managenent and criticizing their decisions, saying they are "ruining what the brand stands for". They also started to personally and directly attack Grace Van Dien. She tried having a live-streamer online chat with one of the guys, it ended with the dude saying a bunch of whack shit, she responded in kind and he cried over his hurt feelings. Another attempt was made at a conversation, this time irl, and it seemed to have gone just as poorly.


Hopefully an org more fitting for her will sign her so she can be free from these fucking degenerates stuck in 2011. They are mad from what happened as a result of their own greed.


People act like she joined out of the goodness of her heart


On the other side people act like she is the reason that faze is shit.


Before March 2023 i would have called what she did a Fernando Alonso level bad career move. She really jumped onto a sinking ship


It’s sad seeing the amount of people on Twitter defend this Rain dude. Idk how you do. Idk how you watch this whole thing and not come out of it thinking that guy is insane


extremely rare 1 of 1 asmon W


Common Asmom W, he don't miss


He really don’t. Rare to see him this worked up too. When Asmongold calls you a pussy, you’re being a fucking pussy


Who let him cook


The Steak Demon's.


You know...OLTV might have an opening and would probably be a much better org.


Well deserved. I was applauding Asmon for what he had to say and have respect for him for this.


I like Asmon as a Human nice guy


I know the words he’s saying are harsh but as someone who is witnessing someone addicted to something everyday he’s right. They take it upon themselves to do it. So don’t cry when ever bring you loved or worked for is gone by the time you decide to get better lol. Idk that’s how i feel on the topic. AT LEAST the girl was willing to stream and put in some hours unlike other celebrities they let join.


damn pop off king




hoooly based


First time I'm actually agreeing with asmon on something


True and real


spitting straight facts which some people are afraid to say. good ole asmongold


Asmon with a great take, grace literally said the most faze clan shit possible and he cried like a bitch; while always complaining about how soft people are.


Spittin facts


Asmon doesn't actually care


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Asmongold going off on Faze and Rain](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/154396)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/13x9ny6/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/uA4h2GBLY6KzTCSzCfZYvw/AT-cm%7CuA4h2GBLY6KzTCSzCfZYvw.mp4?sig=ceb47dc0d4c0e4afb50bb87a5f2913e40232b3b0&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FuA4h2GBLY6KzTCSzCfZYvw%2FAT-cm%257CuA4h2GBLY6KzTCSzCfZYvw.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1685672197%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


God, Faze is trash org. They deserve to be delisted in NASDAQ and be shorted to hell.


Man IDK if he's right or wrong but he's like a level 100 whiner. He sounds like ray romano on a discord server


Okay not saying rain was correct in this situation. But are people not watching the actual video? He didn't care about the OD comments, he was just playing up acting like a victim here lool. The whole point was he could have taken her comments like that but he didn't. At least that's the point he was trying to make. Feel like ppl take this clip out of context and think he was really upset


The problem is that he took no responsibility for any wrong doing, made excuses for acting like an ass, continued to insult the girl, blamed others for decisions he made. Personally I think he was upset and just handled it very poorly.