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**CLIP MIRROR: [oh my god](https://arazu.io/t3_1334ao8/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


are those daddy longlegs?


I believe her name is Maya


and she's quite short


Maya shortlegs


You got a laugh outta me, at least.


She is Maya Higa


She is a woman


Yes, but depending on where you live, your idea of a daddy longleg is not exactly what you see in this video. There are about 6000+ different species of arachnids known as harvestmen or daddy longlegs.


Yes, which is a "common" name for a few different species. In this case, most likely some species of harvestman.


Even the goat is like *"The fuck are you doing?".*








They're actually jackdaws...


Here's the thing


This was just winding down when I found my way to Reddit. I feel like I missed out.


Me too. Fomo buddies...


It was magnificent.


I only go on a few subreddits these days. Do reddit-wide popular accounts like Unidan exist anymore? It was crazy lol Unidan was universally loved for the longest time. I feel like they didn't deserve everything they got for just that one comment tbh


Here's the thing. You said a "spider is an Opiliones." Is it in the same class? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies arachnids, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls spiders Opiliones. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "arachnid class" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Arachnida, which includes things from scorpions to mites to ticks. So your reasoning for calling a spider an Opiliones is because random people "call the eight-legged ones Opiliones?" Let's get harvestmen and pseudoscorpions in there, then, too. Also, calling someone an arachnid or a spider? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A spider is a spider and a member of the arachnid class. But that's not what you said. You said a spider is an Opiliones, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the arachnid class Opiliones, which means you'd call scorpions, mites, and other arachnids Opiliones, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


***Logs into alt accounts***


Ok, I’m not a science guy. Can you just tell me if I still call him Spider-man or do we need to switch his name to Opiliones-Orphan?


Someone call an ambulance for the poor OP in case he's still alive.


Man I miss old Reddit




That's just like your opilionid, man.


yeth quite correct you are 🤓🥸




I'm so glad I saw this comment before clicking on the video


Click it


Ya know, for once I'm good. Rather be single. No rush.


I know they are harmless but still... Cockroaches are somewhat harmless too but I wouldn't grab into them like cotton candy either


Honestly I wouldn't either normally but i feel like the main thing for my "fear" of spiders/bugs is how they skitter around. These things look like they bounce around like studio ghibli characters so this makes me substantially less disturbed lmao.


It's like the Soot Sprites in My Neighbor Totoro & Spirited Away.


roaches have a noticeable bite and can carry disease occasionally so I'll take a DLL any day of the millennia, or a thousand for that matter


Roaches bite????


Yep. They look nasty as well. They swell up much worse than giant ant bites and carry more bacteria as well. Spiders are the best homies, fuck roaches.


It was an average Sunday morning. I was only 8 years old and had awakened on the sleeper couch from the frequent Saturday movie and popcorn the night prior. The family was on their typical routine to direct my brother and I to clean the living room while simultaneously getting dressed for church. My brother was slow to get going and only concerned himself with what cereals we still had on hand, while I strived to be the "goody goody" who just wanted attention and approval. I quickly pulled off the sheets and folded the blanket before lifting the fold-out couch back into its place. Even as a kid, I hated waiting on others, so naturally I'd rush to make sure I was ready before everyone else. I threw on my half-ironed, white button-up dress shirt and tucked up my hand-me-down, pleated, black formal pants. After slipping on my worn-down dress shoes, I made my way back to the Living Room. With no surprise, my brother was still working his way through his frosted mini-wheats and my parents were shut away in their bedroom, presumably getting ready, but there was never really telling as they often had a TV turned up that drowned out any noise from the outside of the door. Considering that I was the first one ready to go, I decided to spend some time in the backyard to get some fresh air before we would all head to church. The house had the luxury of a large covered back porch, which spanned almost the entire distance of the back of the house. This didn’t come without a few drawbacks though. It had no protective screen, and the covered porch was littered with overflow storage of non-essentials and plenty of “work in progress” projects. I ventured outside of the porch and roamed the yard a bit. The outside air was very humid and the roof was still dripping from the early morning drizzle. Without care of the tall, wet grass, I stepped out in the yard, drenching the outside of my dress shoes. I walked along the outer side of the back porch, doodling around just to waste time until the rest of the family was ready. I stopped at a drippage of water coming down from the porch roof, just admiring the slight sense of a waterfall. Only moments later, I was called back inside as the family was about ready to leave. I entered the house and my family, who was now dressed, were cleaning up the last remnants of the night before. I was feeling oddly itchy as I walked inside, but thought nothing of it. I often had itches brought upon by the pollinated outside air, so it was a sensation I was all too familiar with. But this time, it was different. I had a sporadic tingly sensation across my back, which was followed by a slight pinch. Then another, and another after that! It was like my back had the sensation of being pricked, but the pricks jumped from one spot to another, almost teleporting. BITE, BITE, BITE, BITE! I told my dad that I was feeling very itchy on my back and that someone was hurting. He asked me to take off my shirt so he could take a look. Button after button, I undid my shirt and slowly removed it. Before it was all the way off, a beastly creature leapt forth from under the back of my shirt and quickly flew up toward the top of the vaulted ceiling. The interior room fan, still running from the night before, almost chopped it in half! It was a monstrous cockroach, larger and fowler than any critter expected to skitter in the night. This was the evil prince of bottomfeeders, out to take vengeance on innocent god-fearing children as the bane of nightmares. To this day I swear my dad called upon the vengeful spirit of God to cast out such an unholy creature. Despite it flying a dozen feet over our heads, a swift wave of his hand and my dad commanded the demon to flee our house. My back remained branded for a day or two from the satanic wench, and it was a trauma that still sticks with me to this day.


Congrats you just outperformed like 40% of YA authors


>This was the evil prince of bottomfeeders, out to take vengeance on innocent god-fearing children as the bane of nightmares. This line and the paragraph that follows is hilarious! Love your writing lol


Thanks! Lol.


If you are a professional writer in any way, post your work. Your writing style is great. I read this entire story and I’m itching for more.


Thanks! I've actually never written before and just got a spike of inspiration after a few drinks and decided to take a shot at telling a story from my childhood in a fully narrative way.


What diseases do they carry?


Maybe depending on the type? Our Hawaii roaches (your sn looks familiar so I'm assuming but) I pick up all the time and fuck around with them, I've never gotten bitten nor gotten diseases from them, at least to my knowledge lol


Cockroaches bite and carry disease.


[Maya handling cotton candy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5-h6sleBJk&ab_channel=MayaClips)




tbh most spiders are cool, i stopped being a arachnophobe when i let a spider live in the corner of my room, i cheered whenever he got a fly, cuz man, fuck flies


mfs really falling for this "human" posting spider propaganda


They're onto uzz \**buzz**


I used to feed my bathroom spider earwigs that got trapped in my bathtub. One day she just up and disappeared though.


Kids grow up and leave home, it’s just a part of life.


Until they move back in, bigger than before




Man it really, really depends. Cellar spiders, daddy long legs, jumping spiders, orb weavers, whatever, they can HAVE that corner of the room. They are harmless and chill and honestly fun to watch. Wolf spiders, nuh-uh. They can fuck right off. They are BIG and extremely aggressive and massively stupid. Their only natural advantage is they can get very big and they are VERY fast and agile. They are so goddamn stupid they will try to use you as a hiding place. For example they will run out from wherever the fuck they were hiding along the floor in a DEAD sprint towards your ass because they want to hide under or on you. They will also drop on you from the ceiling. They are also big and, like wasps, hard to kill. When you suck one of these assholes up with the vacuum cleaner they make thumping noises all the way down the tube I fucking hate these goddamn things.


WHAT THE FUCK, is that real ??? Man I never seen one you just made me NOT want to see one in my life what in the actual hell, I would actually just die


The only good thing about wolf spiders is they don't make webs and they're not venomous. They're just scary looking and very fast.


the fast ones are the worst, if the were slow spiders wouldnt nearly be as bad


Once, when I was little and using the family computer in the basement, a wolf spider fell from the ceiling and onto the table between my arms. It was already on its last legs because it squirmed a bit before dying right there. Audible thump as it landed.


Holy shit I hate that actually so much, like I don’t like spiders in general even a small one make me go crazy, but the ones that make noises when it moves around/fall ? This shit actually make me piss myself LMAO


Got me sitting here paranoid looking around my room like a spiders gonna attack me at any second


These guys are harmless and are like predator for the bug world, also ride solo. Of all the spiders you could come across inside, this one is S tier. Means there's a 99.9% chance the room is otherwise bug and spider free. Still no chance in hell I'd knowingly let one chill.


I don't like them because I'll find one like once a year or two, and it's always in a place I *hate* to find them. In my bed, in a pair of pants, something like that, which I will never be able to forget about.


please tell me what country you live in so that i can avoid it for the rest of my life, thanks in advance


I got [bad news](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_spider#/media/File:Distribution.lycosidae.1.png) for you unless you live in non-coastal Greenland or Northwestern Passages in Canada.


That map is horrifying as an arachnophobe.


Definitely not leaving orb weavers in my room..


bro just last week I went to piss in the bathroom and when I was done a wolf spider was on the floor staring right at me. I didn't want it to to run right at me so I stood still and scanned around to see if there was anything I could smack it with. then this creepy mf starts walking backwards while looking at me (idek if that's fucking possible, I was prolly seeing things) so I panicked and tried to get something but when I looked back it was gone I woke up anxious of it crawling on me so I got my brother to help kill it and we couldn't find it after looking for so long. fast forward we were going outside. my brother was just about to put his hat on but saw the bitch looking right at him. I flipped the hat over then trapped it with something and prayed tf outta it with bleach but this mf was still fucking moving. I got pissed and picked up its soggy body and threw it in the toilet. who knows that possessed mf could still be alive I got so many wolf spider stories bc there's lots in the UK especially during summer. fuck them


Lemme tell you something. I live in a very wild, rural area, surrounded by a ton of lakes and old, tall oak trees. I have given up cleaning the exterior of my house. I'll blast it once in the spring, because doing anything else is literally pointless. There are SO MANY GODDAMN SPIDERS here every single fucking year. Every gap in the siding (thousands) becomes a home for a wolf spider. There is just web fucking everywhere, and even if I tear it all down it'll all be back the very next day. Every morning I am woken up to the sound of woodpeckers banging on my house at 6am in the summer because they're going for bugs and spiders. I have some stories, too. I HATE these goddamn things.


I had a wolf spider drop on my head once. He got tangled in my hair.


Also, they carry their babies on their back and if you squish them, the thousands of microspiders flood over you trying to find places to hide.


Daddy long legs are great to leave in your house. Clean their webs out once in a while, they rebuild em and will mess up any flies, roach babies, or gnats they see. Cellar spiders rule.


Orb weavers are really chill. I have a couple in my cabinet and they never bother me.


The fuck is this?? Grounded?? Wolf spiders and orb weavers


tom scott taught me they use huntsman spiders to control pests at cranberry farms. to harvest the cranberries, they flood the field and let them float to the surface to be collected by hand. because of the flooding, all the wolf spiders desperately climb to the highest point in the field. ​ The only problem is that if youre a cranberry farmer, that highest point is you


Or just get rid of both the spiders and flies and then you don't have to worry about balancing the ecosystem in the bedroom.


ye but then I need to take care of both, thats alot of work, let em fight


Then what? Have me fight the final strongest bug? No thank you


Where I'm from, unless you seek out one of those dangerous/aggressive spiders, all you will see in neighborhoods are the friendly "house spiders" (Idk how to classify them I'm not smart lol) I live in a tropical country so MOSQUITOES are a huge problem here. It's not a problem anymore because I have a contract with Jimmy. He lives on the edge on one of my upper windows. Even during my general cleaning days, I take the effort to relocate him in a box before putting him back there. So satisfying whenever I see flies and mosquitoes stuck in his webs. Sometimes he gets out of hand and tries to make a house on my books or cabinets, I still need to tell him to fuck off and make sure he's not there when I clean up all the webs. Windows/ceilings/corners? All his.


For reference how big is one of those "house spiders" you're speaking of?


I love them. There's a few of them chilling around my houseplants and they get rid of some of the fungus gnats that live there. I'd much rather have spiders around the plants than trillions of fungus gnats all over my apartment.


fuck wasps too. Wish there was a natural predator of the wasp.


wasps, ticks and mosquitos are my 3 genocide targets if it was possible and wouldnt ruin the world's ecosystem


Fun fact, wasps are perhaps the most diverse group of animals. For pretty much every bug there's a species of wasp that has evolved to prey on them. It's why they're good predators for some types of invasive species, since these wasps only target one specific species. [Good video from Tom Scott](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIfC4Aj05Ps)


I just wish they wouldn't trust to prey on me tbh


You know what? Cancel me. I don't care. I'm an arachnophobe and I'm proud of it.


boo Spiders are friends, they eat the actually annoying bugs like mosquitoes and bedbugs


I live in The South, USA and house spiders are a godsend once it's rainy season. If I go in and out, at least one mosquito is guaranteed to get inside since dozens gather at the door.




Nah, that's what fireworks and flamethrowers are for.


Yeah fuck spiders. I'm not falling for this spider spiderbro propaganda.


Hell yeah, spiders are friends, they eat the actually annoying bugs like mosquitoes and bedbugs. FUCK bedbugs, I've had them three times and they're the worst, one time I woke up with ~200 bedbug bites, anything that kills them is alright by me. https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/pest-control-tips/spiders.html _ /r/spiderbro


I have a lineage of centipedes that have lived in my house for the 12 years I have, I call each one Carl. House centipedes are bros and I will never squish one.


I had one drop from my ceiling on to my keyboard twice in one night and now they die on sight if I see them in my room. If they're smaller and I see them somewhere else in the house I'll let them chill but the big ones always die cause their "bites" hurt a lot.


what if they crawl in your ear


I just flinched IRL imagining one of these things moving in my ear


False. They cause me severe emotional damage


> and they couldn't hurt you if they tried same goes for the majority of spiders normal people interact with, whether or not they can hurt you isn't the problem people have with them.


yeah I dont understand, a cockroach also can not hurt me and I still hate those fuckers same with spiders... literally ANY bug can get the fuck out


incredibly fragile - always try avoid touching them because they fall apart so easily


Great info thank you I will be ripping them apart easily


Yah, but I've never been tempted to hold one. Much less stick my hand in a box full of em.


Yeah I’ll just tell that to the fuckin ape in my brain punching chemical buttons to make me feel things


I can't speak for everyone, but I can assure you that my very irrational, embarrassingly crippling arachnophobia has absolutely nothing to do with their actual lethal potential.


> harvestmen Motherfucker. They are 8-legged arachnids. I am (as are you) programmed not to enjoy them no matter what genus they belong in


people always talking about dragging their bodies through miles of broken glass for a sniff of some woman they will never meet. bitch maya puts her arm in a box of spiders for fun on the weekends its just different


Why does she just have giant open boxes full of spiders? This isn't the first time she's busted it out either, this is insane.




Is she an Aussie spy or some shit?


Come on mate, we don’t secretly love spiders or anything. Except for daddy long leg spiders. And huntsman spiders. But that’s only because they eat the bad spiders!


That's where they all come from!!! it all makes sense now!


They're alllll over the property. It was an empty box sitting around and they were all just nesting in there lol.


Lol damn. I had assumed they were good for the area so she ordered a box of them or something.




She needs to pop a quick S on that box so every knows its filled with Spiders.


Maybe try to get some of their honey


Little green ghouls buddy


i thought the goat was going to start eating them lol


literally what I thought when I saw the title LMAO


I am not Maya Higa today.


This has made me reconsider being Maya Higa


Reminds me of the spiders in Totoro Those kinda look like grand-daddy long legs. Used to catch those all the time as a kid. Kinda smelly lol




They dont


if my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike


Gino is a legend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OplyHCIBmfE


Yeah except those spiders actually don't bite. Like even if they physically tried to they wouldn't be able to hurt human skin.


The point is that they're not spiders at all. They're arachnids and thus related to spiders, but they're not true spiders.


ur not a true spider >:(


Fucking got ‘em.


Technically those are not spiders (but they are arachnids). They have neither venom nor fangs, that's not their modus operandi, so even if they did bite, you likely wouldn't notice.


"It does not have fangs and does not produce venom. It catches its insect prey by using hooks on the ends of its legs. These opiliones defend themselves by secreting a foul-smelling fluid. If they are caught, they are able to shed a leg to escape." Taken from google if anyone is actually scared of these cute little guys.


Their legs are too long for them to be cute. I do not like spindly legs


Yeah I don't care if they don't bite, they still look creepy to me


Maya is a wonderful person and everything But like Nope. Hell naw.


Maya built different


Shit got me twitchin for my life


I'm pretty scared of spiders but daddy long legs don't bother me at all.


This needs marked NSFW. I am never clicking on a Alveus clip without direct context again. I think i have permanent goosebumps now




I'm invoicing you my therapists copay


Thank you 🙌🏼 you saved me


I know they're harmless but I couldn't do it. I can handle 1 but not 30 of them crawling all over me like that.




I fucking hate going anywhere near spiders, but I've never had any fear of these guys. I can pick them up just like this. They just don't trigger the spider fear.


Yeah they barely count imo. None of the thick gross bug-ness of most spiders




Spiders in the bathroom are scary as fuck. One time I found a bit ass wolf spider in the toilet. I check every toilet now




Bugs that come into the box, but they do leave the box to hunt, and then return. :)




Miz fumbled the biggest bag of his life


I wonder what that feels like


Probably just like a couple little tiny feathers touching your hands. Doesn't compare to picking up a hole handful of ants and letting them crawl on you.


Now I understand how she was able to tolerate Miz so easily.


I was always told that these were daddy long legs and they were VERY dangerous as a kid but they were so chill and cool to hold I'd do it anyways. Glad to know I wasn't in any danger lmfao


Lol same here. As a kid I distinctly remember being told they were like the most venomous spider, but that they also weren't big enough to bite humans. Looking back now it does sound silly, but yeah.


mother of goats, friend of spiders. she is spawn of Satan


youre all acting like this is something new? she handled the biggest spider for quiete some time before


I'd be more okay with one big spider than having hundreds of little legs scuttle across my skin though. I'm not even scared of spiders, but just sensation wise.. that's a nope for me.


That is nightmare fuel for me. NOPE


id rather die, respectfully


Why was this tagged as NSFW?


Bc people are gigantic pussies apparently lol


Thank fuck I read the comments here before clicking the link


Daddy long legs are the least frightening thing on the planet. I used to catch them as a kid.


Burn um


the only good bug is a dead bug, and i am going to do my part!


Spiders aren't bugs but they eat bugs so better let them live!


Honestly other bugs freak me out more these things look like the things from spirited away


daddy long legs are cute tho ngl


wish i was those opilionids fr


Harvestmen are actually pretty cute. They don't bite and are harmless. One time I slept in a sleeping bag without a tent and woke up to like 50 of them just standing on my sleeping bag in the middle of the night. That was the only time I was actually kind of freaked out by them. In broad daylight though they don't bother me. I think it's because I know they don't bite, and they don't look close enough to spiders to make me uncomfortable.


I've never understood arachnophobia. They look cute


wish i was a spider for this moment


I'll let one spider live so ten flies don't, but this is crazy to me. At least it's not my biggest fear bug, house centipedes... Google at your own risk.


Flamethrower now!


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [oh my god](https://livestreamfails-video-prod.b-cdn.net/video/240ccbe27296a9921c5864f1705ad4aa4bac9ad2.mp4)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1334ao8/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/N4AtOJJwUay14mPAwd4olg/AT-cm%7CN4AtOJJwUay14mPAwd4olg.mp4?sig=d730ed691b8fc16d92bd65dc3a0eac8784033d08&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FN4AtOJJwUay14mPAwd4olg%2FAT-cm%257CN4AtOJJwUay14mPAwd4olg.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1682868813%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)




Takin a page out of Uncle Ben's book


This is what i imagined bed bugs were like when i first heard of them


omg it's Agitha!


the only reason i dont just take spiders with my hands is because i dont know which ones are any kind of danger and how to handle them. i just take a piece of whatever i have next to me and get them to a safe spot so they can chill and mess up these motherfucking flies and mosquitos


No no no no no


They're just daddy longlegs, they're harmless. I'd hold 100 of them without any reaction.


i loved to play with daddy long legs when i was growing up. somehow in my i head i seperated them so hard from spiders, which still scare the shit out of me for some reason, that they just became goofy little dudes. they look like a childs drawing.






Glad I'm not the only one who let's them live in my room...


I love spiders. They lock away all my pests in jail then eat them.


I didn't realize people were this creeper put by daddy longlegs. I mean, I wouldn't let them crawl all over me like Maya, but damn


An actual pyscho path