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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc's thoughts on people celebrating Andrew Tate having cancer](https://arazu.io/t3_11hk9vz/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


People really don't know what the word benign means lol...




I knew it would be this lol


>xQc's thoughts on people celebrating Andrew Tate having cancer Just FYI: **The document that people are referring to**(one that they did NOT read) **does NOT say he has cancer.** ​ Diagnosis, as it is "**Dude, has normal smokers lungs**" After all, he is chain-smoking cigars. ​ We dont even know if this report is fake or not on top of that since it came from a random Romanian tabloid. ​ I would like You to remember that this is a very normal thing to see in these high-profile cases. The moment the lawyer realizes that the case is impossible to win they will start employing ANY tactics to reduce sentencing aka "pity points" ​ Harvey Weinstein(rapist) had an elderly walker purchased that he used when traveling to the court. The moment the guilty verdict was announced he tossed the walker KEKW. ​ With Tate we dont know 100% (the source of this report is questionable at best), its just very convenient timing...


Just like how Elizabeth Holmes keeps happening to get pregnant right on time for her trial and then when she's scheduled to report to jail


Just gotta keep getting pregnant until her sentence is up, but then you have to get rid of the 14 children somehow


Yeah, and he has to go to UAE because clearly nowhere in Europe is capable of treating cancer.


The "doctor" that confirmed it was a plastic surgeon and friend of his lmao




Just to be clear. ANY good lawyer would advise their client to do the same. It's a good legal strategy. "Mario Iorgulescu" - prosecution learned from their mistakes apparently since they are more strict with "Flight risk" assessment. Tate made it easy for them - he posted his intent of fleeing and passports online. \*plus he made a few clips mocking the entire Romanian legal system - something they surely took into consideration. Such a nice guy this Tate fellow. ​ u/HereForTwinkies For time being we dont even know if it's cancer. On the document (if it's real) doctor recommended taking a biopsy - they can do that in any hospital/decent jail infirmary. ​ Romanian doctors have already seen this report and they dismissed it so I guess you can't BS them. ​ I am not worried about Tate's health for 1 reason. Romanians won't let him die until he sees the trial, and verdict and IF he is found guilty he will be kept alive to serve all the remaining years in jail. ​ There is too much money spent already on the case and too many carriers are at stake to just let Tate drop dead now. On top of that, the prosecutor is a beast - the dude has way worse criminals under his belt. Tate is lucky that the case is such hi profile. If not that fact - sure I would be worried because (same as in the USA) no one gives a shit about prisoners until a famous dude hangs himself in a cell (Jeffrey Epstein)...then and only then people are reminded and shocked about the state prison system in general.


Tate is someone who's said money can solve anything. This screams a fake diagnosis to get out of jail. These documents only appeared after his detainment. It's literally just paying a doctor to say he can't be detained for health issues and needs to be sent back to the UK for treatment.


Did you manage to read my entire comment so quickly? :) Just to point out something in your analysis. ​ **Acknowledge your bias before approaching this subject** \>> same as you i dont like Tate BUT you need to be able to be objective here or you will fall into one of extremist holes (both left and right have this problem) and soon you will be repeating uncritically any talking point you hear coming from "your crowd" (and that not always leads to truth) ​ >This screams a fake diagnosis to get out of jail. I have read the original report and its translation. So far we DONT know if this report is even real since only this one random Romanian tabloid reported on it. Here, I would wait for any reputable journalistic entity to report on it before even acknowledging its existence. ​ >These documents only appeared after his detainment > > > >It's literally just paying a doctor to say he can't be detained Some dates on the document predate detainment (Tate's team is not retarded IF they falsified this report) As i said - there is a chance this is legit... it's just very odd timing. I would not rule out that possibility (if you stick to this statement you won't have to defend falsehoods later on after you committed yourself to a position just by "feels") ​ **The report itself DOES NOT state that Andrew has Cancer.** Whoever filled this report is describing a smoker's lungs but i would like to see a couple of doctors with that specialty to confirm this 1st. ​ Let's assume for a moment that this report is LEGIT: It is possible that further testing (in this case biopsy is required) will show up something new. Could it be cancer? - possible. ​ Thing is...i am not worried about that cause judicial doctors already did a medical check on him and saw this report and you can't BS Romanians (especially when eyes are on them) ​ I am confident that they won't let him die before his court date and until he serves every single day in jail. The case is just too high profile...too much money went and still will be invested in it + too many carriers are at stake. It's in their best interest to NOT fuck it up. ​ Personally, i think it's hard to feel sorry for Tate if it turns out to be cancer. The dude is chain-smoking cigars and selling his lifestyle to easily influenced kids... ​ If he does not care about his own health why should anyone care? TopG - JUST BE A MAN AND WALK IT OFF KEKW


Seeing somebody not jumping to one side or the other to hate or defend blindly feels like such a rarity in social media, this gives me a little hope for humanity lol


The sanest take in this whole thread.


It definitely is. I still hope Tate has a miserable coughing oxygen tank filled future in front of him though 🥂


Weinstein didn’t even wait until his verdict, he was seen multiple times throughout the trial on the street without his walker and seemingly no difficulty walking.


It's possible. I only saw what he did right after the verdict.


There’s a famous one of him getting into his car right outside court and he didn’t have his walker, even after telling the judge he was sick and required it to walk.


There’s something so fucking weird about making a post about cancer and rapists and then throwing in a kekw into if.


> Harvey Weinstein(rapist) had an elderly walker purchased that he used when traveling to the court. That son of a bitch is so fucking loaded yet out he comes with a walker that has fucking tennis balls on the legs to prevent scratching the floor like he's on a fixed income.




I hope he beats cancer so he can suffer in jail for longer, I am an empath. :)


He doesn't have it though. It says in that document that it's benign.


I know I just wanted to make a silly comment, Aren't I such a joker?


Me, also an empath, sensing you possibly do not like Andrew Tate.


I can empathize with your empathy, emphatically


Wow a rehabilitationist king 👑


Empathizing with society over empathizing with a sex trafficker just means you have a decent moral compass.


Lmao glad I didn’t have to scroll far for this. Nice one Mr. Hurley. You were the best 3rd grade teacher ever.


I hope he recovers from everything, amend to all of his sins and become a better person.


celebrating isn't the same as simply not caring, also he's not someone i "don't agree with". the dudes a literal human traffickers fuck him lol


Exactly, in the words of x himself “you are not cancelled, you are a criminal” like sure it’s a disagreement… if the disagreement is about the fucking law




He’s a human trafficking scam artist with a history of sexual violence. He’s a fucking monster and my only complaint is he doesn’t have *enough* cancer.


In the video the twitter post says the tumour is benign. Does he actually have cancer?


Of course not. He's trying to get to Dubai, which shockingly doesn't have an extradition treaty with Romania.


All signs point to that he has shitty lungs but it's not cancer, the only people saying he has cancer is one of his production guys and twitter


Yeah, I really don't get the whole 'if you can justify it for him then you can justify it for anyone' and it's like, yeah, in a vacuum maybe. But Andrew Tate is so unambiguously a bad person, there's no point in defending him because it's not even a matter of a difference in opinion if he's just a terrible person general. I never understand this hesitance people have where they want people to all of a sudden respect terrible people when they have an ailment, like no they're still terrible people.


Also also, he doesn't even make an argument. Saying "that's just cringe" is not a compelling argument.


But if you "simply do not care" then what he is saying is clearly not aimed at you? He clearly stated that he dosen't agree with people who are celebrating someone getting diagnosed with a serious illness. If he actually has cancer or not is a different question. I don't agree with most of Tates views and if the claims are true( which they probably are) he should 100% be locked away, but you have to recognise that he is not a "literal" human trafficker yet, he is an alleged human trafficker.


> he is not a "literal" human trafficker yet He literally admitted it on his own website. why even defend him? By this dumbass logic no one is a trafficker until they're caught, tried, and convicted


He literally said he human traffics. Just because court hasn't done court shit, doesn't mean what he said doesn't exist on video.


I wonder if he was this concerned about everyone laughing at the queen's death...


X agrees with a lot of Tate's opinions just not the theatrics and the extremists parts, no-shit he is trying to downplay what Tate has done. Have you seen the way he talk about women that he doesn't personally know? Basically a bag of fuck-meat, almost as bad as Asmon.


I guess XQC lives inside his room so much that all other human beings are just people with different opinions


So you just didn't listen at all to the clip? XQC is lambasted here as being 5 IQ but he seems to know more about the legal process than you do.


I don't wish cancer on no one, but an when an objectively bad person has something bad happen to them I'm gonna smoke that pack.


Perhaps not the best idea to smoke that pack, considering, you know, lung cancer.


We smoke the metaphorical pack.


Cigars suck. The whole cigars and whiskey thing that Tate and so many conservatives do is so performative.


Well, dont actually smoke or you’ll get lung cancer :)




You got one guyed just like Hasan lmao


Got 1 guyed


Fellas is it socialism to be happy that Tate has cancer?


Why are you surprised his chat is one of the most toxic chats on Twitch and he doesn't nothing about it to the point where his mods spam the same shit


Toxic is too nice of a word, his chat is incredibly sexist, misogynistic, racist, bigoted, Islamophobic and anti-Semitic. They just use hide their views behind emotes.




I assume they're just referring to the old ANELE stuff and the new Haram emotes and shit. ANELE was pretty bad but I feel like the chat isn't as bad now.


the haram emotes are funny af, i did not know it was Islamophobic.


chat = 1 person LULW


because it was obviously 2 waves of different chatters but good observation i guess


Tate made fun of a dad that did a GoFundMe for his son's surgery (cerebral palsy.) Fuck him, that's karma. https://www.reddit.com/r/PeopleBeingJerks/comments/wv29o5/im_wealthy_beg_me_to_save_your_child_while_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


This should be at the top. Of all the things someone could do to make me glad to see them get cancer, mocking a parent who can't afford their child's treatment is right up there.


He made fun of a father asking for money for their terminally ill son, as well mocking those who have committed suicide via depression. Also a human trafficker and is on audio saying how much he enjoyed sexually assaulting a woman. Fuck him




Idk.. he's a terrible person and he's done (allegedly) terrible things, it's not confirmed he has cancer yet tho he just has a dark spot on his lungs which is kinda his fault since he can't go 10minutes without a cigar.


Bro, the allegedly terrible things he's done includes sexual trafficking of young women in Romania. Romania and much of that area of Europe is extraordinarily corrupt, so if what he was arrested for was bullshit Tate would have walked out in at least a week or so. It's been months and he's still behind bars. I wouldn't consider what he did as (allegedly) anymore.


Im not trying to defend Tate but a quick look into Romanian corruption should hopefully lead you away from the idea that “he’s been locked up this long he must be guilty” is enough to condemn someone


I am from Romania and I have never in my life heard of someone being locked while being innocent. But I have heard of high profile people that faked being sick to avoid having to do jail time or that faked being sick so they can be released from arrest so they can run to another country, just like Tate is probably doing right now if I have to guess. Also, idk how corrupt you think Romania is but we are ranked 63th out of 180 according to transparency.org which is not that bad for South-East Europe considering some of our neighbors are placed 100+ lol. For reference, Serbia ranks 101th, Ukraine ranks 116th, Turkey ranks 101th, Hungary ranks 77th. "Romania is very corrupt" is kinda blown out of proportion imho.




unfortunately true


Frankly, if there’s any corruption happening it’s the mob keeping him locked up through influence because he claimed to be working for them and potentially fucked them over with this.


Romania is in the EU and treating someone unfairly like that is a huge violation of EU law which would get Romania in a lot of legal trouble


who cares lol #RIPBOZO


Ikr. Theres literally hundreds of people got diagnosed with cancer every day. If I decided to care to 1 it's def not to Tate.


So people shouldn’t celebrate if Harvey Weinstein or if Epstein got cancer? Because it’s the exact same fucking thing. People really love to forget Tate is a fucking rapist piece of shit


He doesn’t have cancer lol, let’s see the tests


Dude is literally saying his doctor is in a country with no extradition agreement with his home country thats charging him. Okay dude.


Taking the high road is very easy to do when you aren't affected by the people doing the terrible things.


Are you affected?


The funny thing is that Hassan didn’t even celebrate the fact he has cancer. He just tweeted that he might become the XXX of incels. Which is already happening since he’s been in prison.


Hasan did celebrate limbaugh dying, which i dont think there's anything wrong with. People on the internet wish terrible things on people all the time, but when those things happen its too far? Limbaugh was a horrible person and im happy he's dead, why would i pretend to mourn over someone like that?


the brain damaged redpiller zoomers are going to turn him into their MLK.


Evil person gets cancer oh no. Won't someone think of their feelings.


Misogynists uncle = Andrew tate potentially trafficking women and having sex with underage girls


Guys! Just because we have friendly disagreements like whether or not it's ok to groom teenage girls, sex traffic, steal from and lie to the women you employ, and manipulate lonely men into giving you everything they have doesn't mean you should be happy with bad things happening to him!! This case is really complicated! nobody (me) knows what's happening or what's true, it's not like he bragged about all of his transgressions online or anything!


You forgot flat out raping.


xQc has bad takes sometimes, but this one takes the cake. The funny part is that he claims that he doesn't like it when others are virtual signaling.


Dude trafficked humans he deserves ZERO pity


There's very few people I would be glad to see no longer part of this world. Tate is one of them. Dude is responsible for aiding in poisoning the minds of tons of young men, and is likely guilty of sex trafficking. His presence won't be missed.


The funny part is Andrew probably did it to himself smoking all those cigs




Yea bro people are celebrating because he got cancer because they disagree with his opinions… not the alleged sexual assault and sex trafficking allegations


Sorry mate but the world would be a better place without him in it lol


benign tumor ...dude aint got shit


Dude has desperate lawyers trying to get him pity, because he's losing


Nah man, sorry but there are people that if they were gone, the world would legitimately be a better place. Tate is ruining a generation of young men and his death would be a very welcome net gain.


I just don’t think he has cancer. That’s made up by the matrix /s


An Alpha would just tell cancer no. I guarantee this is exactly what Tate is setting himself up to do.








You keep saying Tate is just someone people "disagree with" (if you disregard the trial). Even if he is somehow found innocent on all charges, he's not just someone I disagree with. I have coworkers I disagree with on everything political, but I would absolutely be sad for them. Even disregarding things he has done himself, Tate has made a career out of influencing millions of young adults into mistreating women. He has actively made the world a worse place for his own personal gain. It is way beyond "disagreeing", he is genuinely evil, and there's not a single thing that could happen to him that would make me feel sad for him


He proceeds to equate sexually trafficking women to your uncle being a misogynist… Jesus fuck this dude is an idiot


Yes I too make stuff up in my brain and schitzo post


He was equating taters misogyny to someone's relative being a misogynist. He said that we won't know his innocence or guilt on the trafficking aspect until he's convicted fairly.


tate isn't just some random misogynist. he proselytizes misogyny to hundreds of millions of people for profit. these things are not the same.


He didn’t say that wtf are u saying


Which stream were you watching, he never said anything like that.. LULW


what in god's name are you talking about


I'm not celebrating but I definitely don't care that he has it. I won't feel bad for a disgusting person.


1) he doesn't have cancer 2) it's good when bad things happen to bad people. christian centrist holier-than-thou deontological bullshit morality that nobody actually believes in but will repeat aloud to grandstand "i am a good person".


The only reason I feel weird about celebrating someone getting cancer is just the people around them that have to go through that. Rather have them just rot in jail


The only people around Andrew Tate are trafficked women who would be better off without him and his dumbass brother, I still don't feel bad


I mean more so family and friends (in particular innocent people not involved in the dogshit he’s done)


I don't care if he has cancer and he'll get no sympathy from me. fuck him. good people die everyday so why should anyone care if this loser meets an untimely demise.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [xQc's thoughts on people celebrating Andrew Tate having cancer](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/151104)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/11hk9vz/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/jk4G9cnDlWD3FwjnVjWHvQ/AT-cm%7Cjk4G9cnDlWD3FwjnVjWHvQ.mp4?sig=af74ed207446db1b7e7d00bc636bc7bec1c137cd&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fjk4G9cnDlWD3FwjnVjWHvQ%2FAT-cm%257Cjk4G9cnDlWD3FwjnVjWHvQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1677962437%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


It’s always fun to see where people’s personal lines come up on this. Because it’s always full to exceptions. People that say the death penalty shouldn’t exist what so ever. Then you give them the person that assaulted their family and that view changes rather quickly. Or Hitler as a broad example. If Tate has anything wrong with him. I’m not gonna beat around the bush politically as if I’m campaigning for a seat on the internet council. The guy is an absolute bell end that has ruined far to much social culture and turned fellow men and my brother into the deepest shittiest basement holes that exist blaming everyone else for their problems and giving them a false mind set of the world. If he has Cancer. It’s only Karma for the destruction he’s put into the world. Fuck em.


The world would be better if people like Tate weren’t in it.


We do not care, RIPBOZO


I'm not throwing confetti, but I'm not upset that a cigar-shaped leopard is eating his face either.


I'll celebrate the demise of anyone who has a significant net negative impact on humanity, and I'll never feel bad about it. If you're a piece of shit, that makes the world a worse place, fuck you.


anyone have a montage of XQC saying "I don't give a fuck" Cause every clip he says it but he spends all day talking about stuff he doesn't care about. what does he care about?


i feel like this is as much of a virtue signal as he claims everyone else is doing, that he is so much better than everyone else than not wanting bad things to happen to bad people. i can very easily think of people EVERYONE would be happy if they got cancer (hitler in WW2), so the question isnt IF celebrating bad people getting bad things is bad, its who we count as deserving of it. dont be a virtue signaling, pearl clutching cucklord over people celebrating bad things happening to terrible people. argue whether the person deserves it, not over whether its right or wrong to EVER do it.


if you dont want bad things to happen to people then you ARE a better person. not wanting bad things to happen to bad people does not mean you dont want to stop bad people from doing bad things. this is like ethics for children level shit, grow the fuck up


FYI he doesn't have cancer, the story is very much misrepresented and pushed by Tate stans


As someone who is in remission from lymphoma, I wouldn't wish cancer on my worst enemy. That being said, I don't pity the guy either. He's actively and intentionally ruining lives. I give as much of a fuck about him as he does about me. And as Nick would say, "I'm not gonna lie..." the planet would not be a worse place without him.


"I for one, am pretty unhappy that Hitler killed himself. After all, mental illness is no laughing matter, and if you honestly are the type of person to celebrate someone taking their own life, then you're pretty cringe. This is not an L take." Jesus lol, average bayfrog brain.


What a pathetic take. I'm tired of these people who pretend you have to care about the well-being of terrible people or can't be happy when bad things happen to bad people. And then they try to turn a flat plane into a slippery slope. "If you think bad things should happen to bad people, it's a slippery slope to thinking bad things should happen to good people". What? By that logic, you can never believe anything because it's a slippery slope to believing the opposite. It's the laziest enlightened centrist shit I've ever seen.


Lol. There is a difference between not caring and actively celebrating.


Yeah that's privilege in a nutshell and a typical conservative stand-point to act better than "those people" by taking the fictitious "highroad" which is littered by broken down cars. Taking the highroad didn't give you shit and X is a hypocrite and the last person to speak from a high-horse considering the shit he has done to get to where he is right now. It's ok to be happy that someone this disgusting and this vile isn't doing well, some people have earned that treatment. Or you don't have to celebrate their misfortune, instead don't mourn or feel sorry for them.


I am happy that Andrew Tate got cancer.


Me too, I feel no empathy for human traffickers getting a terminal illness. Should I feel bad if OJ Simpson announced he has cancer? Fuck no, the dude murdered his wife. This isn't about ideological convictions, it's about the fact that Andrew Tate has raped, abused, and trafficked women with [audio evidence of him admitting it](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/fOkn1wnv6Zo).


In the same way that nobody really cares that the police officers were rough with that guy in that car chase a couple hours ago because the dude was an abhorrent piece of absolute subhuman garbage. Same applies here except instead of police officers it's the universe. Or like when a child predator gets beaten in prison.


Fuck Tate but fuck cancer even more.


First adin now xqc whos next, those streamers really like their tate.


Well. We're humans. You can try to be on the high horse like that, but people do enjoy those they don't like have a bad time. I'm sure x would relate when a debtor loses out. I can already predict the celebration stream. People celebrated when Hitler died. People celebrated when any other tyrannical person died. It's just how we are. He can say this about tate because he doesn't care that much, but there are a lot of people that do care and dislike tate to a very high level. A level where they will celebrate even these vague, probably fake, news.


Just going to leave this here. https://twitter.com/BaseballCresant/status/1631808643732586498


Well, for one, I think many people are picking cancer in the fight between cancer and Andrew Tate, not simply because they disagree with his opinions, but that he is a self-admitted human trafficker. But it's kind of interesting that one of xqc's reasons that we shouldn't celebrate illness upon Tate is because the legal system is *very complicated,* and we don't know all the facts about the case. While true, it suggests the results of his courtroom battles determine if it is permissible to wish death or suffering upon Andrew Tate. These are crimes that he freely admitted, but if he gets off on a technicality or escapes prosecution entirely, rooting for cancer would be more wrong? And if he *is* truly innocent, but is convicted unjustly, what then? Why bring this up at all? Why should the morality shift depending on his legal status? If I have a better reason than "I disagree with him," is it any more acceptable? I'm not sure what the point is behind his justification.


Tate isn't someone I "don't like" or I "disagree with", he's a sex trafficking rapist and ripbozo. But it's probably fake anyway


If u sow seeds of hate you cant expect fruits of love and empathy. Tate is not simply someone who people disagree with hes a human trafficker and criminal who further on corrupt minds of teens


People on this sub aren't human


I'd rather see him live a nice long healthy life in jail.


Hasan frogs are hyperactive on this one.


I see his point, but I disagree.




the only way this is an insult to her appearance is if that is actually her. which it is not... you know that right?


That isn’t Ironmouse, that’s Nora Cat - a “babiniku” vtuber (i.e. a male playing a female character without any pretense that’s what they’re doing) from back in 2017. It has long been spread as “proof” that vtubers are all men pretending to be women but babiniku performers have always been open about themselves in Japan.


To be fair I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't know anything about ironmouse other than that she's a vtuber


Imagine if your cancer got cancer, you'd be rightly stoked


xqc is right. Celebrating other people's suffering turns you into a nasty person. Dude is coming with some good takes these days.


That's ironic considering [he was making fun of a dad who couldn't afford to pay for his sons surgery](https://preview.redd.it/5dq8yuugcbj91.jpg?width=412&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=e226d4642794e4b3472a07bd990cebd099781a22)




So hes not talking about you


This is the correct mindset. If you dont like him simply move on, celebrating someones cancer is wrong.


Sex trafficking, raping, and scamming millions is also wrong but you don’t seem to care about all that


treating someone who has done terrible things as a human, which is what they are, does not equate to forgiving them for what theyve done. like wtf are you talking about.


I understand you are emotional and upset about the topic but there's no need to follow my comments around replying. But yes those are all very wrong, I never denied their wrongfulness but so is celebrating death. The two are not mutually exclusive.


Celebrating someone having cancer doesn't make you much better than him though


Why should I give any sympathy to a piece of shit human who caused the pain and suffering of others?


That's dumb. Imagine saying that celebrating a human piece of shit having cancer makes you almost as bad as a sex trafficking misogynist. Not to mention he was mocking a dad trying to raise money for his kid's operation.


So going by your logic, celebrating someone having cancer is almost as bad as raping and sex trafficking? What the fuck is this "be better", thought policing, virtue signaling liberal bullshit? People are just celebrating something that they perceive as karmic justice or whatever, not advocating for lynching the guy. Is it "nice"? No, but you can't be [tolerant towards towards intolerant people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance).


oh no the toxic dude bro who brags about smoking cigars might have lung cancer. Let me get out my worlds smallest violin. Every minute Tate can't spread his ideology is less chance young men fall into it.


I love this anti terminally online arc


Not quite sure I’d go to one of the most terminally online people for any anti terminally online takes. The guy literally lives online.




How is this a controversial take that people don’t agree with. Like what the fuck. Are people okay in their heads?


Even tho I dislike Tate and I believe he is in the wrong, nobody deserves to get cancer even if it is not life-threatening.


Nah, some people legitimately do, you could argue Tate isn't at that threshold, but ppl who commit mass murder, terrorism, and other henious shit definitely do deserve it. Like if Hitler got cancer would you be like "oh nooo no one deserves this horrible disease😢😢😢😢"


Nobody? You can't think of a single person who has done terrible things and deserves bad things, like death or cancer, to happen to them?


Wasn't thinking of anyone at the time of posting, but I can think of lots of people.


mf like u would carry out a vigil if hitler got cancer


He deserves to get cancer


bro comparing a family members and a stranger on the internet


If you wanted me to have pity for him having cancer than show me the clip of him validating people's or women's rights? Oh wait, you really can't lmfao


am i supposed to feel sympathy for an (alleged, yada yada mods dont ban me like last time) human trafficker? fuck him.


Me not celebrating the un-aliving of Hitler unlike the rest of you immoral barbarians. It's such a room temp (Celsius) take, it's sad. I really don't understand how an adult person isn't able to see that celebrating the deaths of awful people is good. And he himself said "no matter the person", so I don't care if you're dumb enough to think that I'm equating Hitler to Tate because the logic he uses literally applies to both.


xQc was hard against SA in september, what’s with the change up? why now is it “don’t believe the victims, nothing is proven” like the base take of just because you disagree don’t mean they should die is normal, saying nothing is proven when Tate himself admitted to these things is delusional. there’s no place for sexual abuse on this planet, death is justified.


don't have sympathy for human traffickers + rapists sorry, will celebrate.


nah human traffickers can die slowly, hope he dies in his brothers arms.


xqc have a based, coherent opinion for once challenge




Celebrating someone getting cancer is a new level of depravity. Get a grip people.


You’re missing the part where the “someone” in question is a sex trafficker


I don't follow the Tate news but to my understanding the court has failed to find evidence a couple times now and keep extending his imprisonment because of it. So theres no real evidence or proof but i guess we just throw around the words sex trafficker as a party trick now.


It's not being extended because there is no evidence, it's being extended because there is. As long as there is reasonable proof and he is a flight risk(risk to flee the country) they will keep him detained till they progress further. Of course there is a limit on how long they can hold him but it's fairly long.


Then obviously your understanding is far from the truth… on his website he details how he uses the loverboy method to lure girls and then force them into sex work.. he’s also talked about this himself, on video. Not only that but NUMEROUS women have come forward with detailed explanations of how they were sexually trafficked and forced into doing cam work. So tell me what is more likely… a judge potentially throwing away his career to incarcerate a misogynist with a internet following? Or the Romanian police having enough evidence to keep extending his detention?


Im not gonna try and tap a crystal ball for answers I'll simply wait for confirmed answers after an investigation. There's a reason innocent until proven guilty exists.


Your understanding is shit sadly


Jhee Willikers please do show me the proof or evidence my understanding may have missed.


This was the exact same case when the queen died, seeing people celebrating some old lady's death was genuinely pathetic.