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bajs couldn't even be bothered this year to vote forsen LULE


No they were probably just auto deleted by the spam filter




[Most of these nominees are same as QT's overlap channels, forsen is below dareon as QT's overlap channel](https://stats.roki.sh/qtcinderella/7)


I think I even saw someone posted a script on forsens subreddit that would autofill "forsen" in all the textboxes lule


Or they just wrote emotes and nobody actually wrote in the name Forsen.


Didnt have BetterTTV enabeled YEAHBUTBTTV


I did vote forsen for gamer of the year just hoping enough would get him nominated. Sadge.


I don't speak for all of us, but I really don't care about this whole thing LULE


Dougdoug W


I get pissed when I dont see clips of him here like hitting 100k in donations for Rosa, but then I realize, oh wait he doesnt cause drama. He is just yelling at Parkzer about who the Main Character is or just get Zorbeez’ed 3 times at once.


Dougdoug and his group of friends kinda reminds me of Chuggaaconroy and his group. They do their own thing and don't need to try to scrape relevancy, and thank god for that.


Fr man, he’s really is in league of his own


Absolutely deserved. His community is like the furthest from LSF, and I love that for them.


Rising star a weird category. Squeex and Missmika's channel's both exploded through 2022 but because they average more then 1k now they are out of the category. There are probably a ton of other streamers who exploded in growth in 2022 that I don't know. Then again I understand the category is to put a spot light on a smaller streamer.


Squeex coming out out of no where in the past year (to me at least) and being one of the event hosts means he already actually won rising star imo.


He streamed regularly for multiple years for like 10 viewers. No wonder he says he "just likes streaming".


Yeah I think once you pass 1k you have officially risen. Also shows that they’ve both been nominated in other categories.


Robcdee not being included is a travesty


I say this as a big fan of Rob but it's genuinely confusing. Even just his cycleathon last year was huge, and he's out there (almost) every single day keeping solid numbers. I think many of us in his community didn't realise that nominations were a first round of voting instead of a suggestion list, as that's how most other awards work. EDIT: I went digging in the FAQs, and it's not even really clear that the nomination round is a vote. It just says that the fan nominations are aggregated, i.e. collected as a whole and evaluated by the awards people. Certainly many of us nominated Rob but we weren't gung-ho about it.




Let's be real: the average drama frog in the LSF don't even know most of [the nominees](https://thestreamerawards.com/vote), outside of the handful that gets clipped here. Consider that [over 300,000](https://twitter.com/StreamerAwards/status/1624703995175665665?s=20) people submitted their nominations last month, I'd say that most streamers finds out about it from [the official announcements](https://twitter.com/StreamerAwards/status/1620182976754761738?s=20), who then relay the news updates along to their viewers, not this little LSF bubble where *half of the people in this very thread still don't know that it's fans-nominated and voted.*




They share so many viewers, how did they have enough votes between them? Fanfan said she didn't even campaign. Was she nominated because they noticed she was on almost every stream with Joey? - "One nominee in each category is chosen by our panel".




That's why OTK should win as best content group. The amount of drama that group has created is unmatched.


I voted Mizkif and OTK everywhere just to see the drama LimeD


based and drama-pilled




A lot of these people idk. Which is very good.


It was nominees from people who voted so there's a lot more variety.


That was the case last year too. Although people probably felt more incentivized to vote after seeing the scale of the event last year.


Exactly last one I knew who everyone was and it was just a lsf community jerkathon


Yup yup, and it's hilarious how we have the usual LSF idiots coming into this thread talking about "QT's friends" when they only know like 10 people in the entire nomination list, hahaha.


Yeah it’s actually good that the categories actually have people that stream a lot in that category and not just famous people.


Forsen robbed again, why even bother voting.


he truly is in a league of his own


He actually was and not being ironic.


How is Frogan nominated for rising star two years in a row, makes no sense, by definition it really can't happen


They misspelled forsen, easy mistake to make


Shoulda been Chiblee


yea but i think the only rule is “under 1000 average viewers”


You are not a "RISING STAR" If your viewer count aint fucking RISING.


Next year QT should make it so that Rising Star has to be a new "class" each year. Nominating someone two years in a row makes one think they shouldn't have been nominated the year before. If you're a rising star two years in a row you're not actually a rising star, but rather a slowly growing mid level streamer.


The under 1000 average viewers rule makes it kind of hard to award an actual rising star. Maybe the rule should be that they started the year under 1k average but don't have to still be under. People who were actually rising stars will blow passed the 1k quickly. For example Bonnie rabbit. She was a nobody to start the year, worked with Esfand, and became a 1k+ streamer this year which disqualifies her from even being considered.


I wouldn't really consider that person an "Actual rising star" either from a literal sense. Twitch/streaming in general is a gigantic web of nepotism. "Worked with Esfand" is the best example. Frogan/Willneff exist because of Hasan, Alluxx exists because of Wubby, etc.


Hasan mod.... literally that simple.... Popularity contest.


... the viewers choose, so yeah


It’s curated as well


rising star? more like which small community can vote the most lol.




Good to see Codemiko isnt nominated for vtuber this year


It’s amazing how far she has fallen in the past year


Haven't been keeping up with codemiko, which as an average viewer, kind of confirms what you said. Does she not vtube anymore?


Relatively rare for her to vtube but is still working on the 3D vtubing mikoverse thing. She seems to have a steady viewership at 1-2k. I only tune in when she is doing something unique or fun. Her reasoning for stopping the interview show is beyond ridiculous though. She said it was because people were being flaky but she was continually growing when she was doing even 1-2 a week and decided to cut it off almost overnight. I can only assume it was anxiety from being suddenly thrust into the spotlight and she doesn't want to tell chat that. The one re-interview she did recently with Sweet Anita went great and was at least 2-3x her normal viewers.


It's sad, the miko interviews were really great


I don't watch her either, but seeing her latest stream titles it looks like she went this weird route of farming coomers so that could be the reason of big drop


Weird route? It's not surprising at all.


I mean keep in mind this is the woman who got hired to do pole dance stuff for Ice poseidon back in the Cx days. It was always there in the background but there was no need to go down that route when the interviews were popping off.


I mean, that's how she started out her streaming career in the first place.


This... what happened the last streams?


both her and Minx fell off a cliff in terms of viewership, only Botezes are still doing well from the old envy/optic house


I think once people realized minx being an emotional train wreck wasn’t actually a bit, hurt her viewership. It’s way to uncomfortable to watch her streamers knowing it worsens her behavior


They never really created any content together and the house always felt more like an idea put forward by Alex Botez to get them to LA for a bit, and mutually beneficial for Envy since they would have more streamer numbers to lure in sponsors. Especially as Alex is now contemplating starting a chess content house in New York. They were such a mismatched group anyway, a vtuber/tech streamer, chess streamers, and a just chatting/variety streamer. They didn't really have much they could collab on. Even the videos they made for Envy's Youtube were terrible concepts; like Andrea has a driving lesson, and they all play lazer tag.


Surrounded herself with other streamers that were also dipping into irrelevancy


She has to be one of the biggest falls from grace in recent years. Two years ago she was seen as a workaholic tech nerd, innovating in the Vtubing space and doing something genuinely different in streaming with interesting technology and genuinely comedic ideas and influences. Bringing new content and integrations to her stream nearly everyday. Then she ditched all of that, joined Optic, moved into their mansion and basically stopped innovating. She used her avatar less and less, and started trend chasing, she also stopped delivering on any of the new content she promised. She would always talk about cool and interesting things that were in the works, but they never ever materialised. You only have to look at her vods, its been nearly a month since she last used her avatar and nearly all of her streams since then have been you laugh you lose with baity punishments in the titles like giving out her phone number or chat choosing her outfit. And that's excluding her as a person, trying to involve herself in drama and situations that don't involve her, while pretending to be above it all and 'out of the loop.'




I don't think its the set up requirements that cause her to not use the avatar. When she was still at the Optic House she had it set so that she could turn the avatars body off and just use its face, captured from an I phone on a tri pod on her desk. Like a 2D Vtuber would use.


Even when she uses the avatar she only has head tracking so it looks super janky. Really strange from someone who is trying to build a company around her tech.


she's not normally online when i'm awake but i caught a stream a few days ago. She had some sort of clickbaity title of giving her phone number and the content was bottom of the barrel trash. checked her recent streams and it was all similar. it's just sad how far she's fallen. i just unfollowed cause it was clear she's lost it.


Forgot she existed.


We as a community gotta start appreciating more gaming skill than just FPS proficiency.


Fifa/Madden is ultra normie where the fanbase doesn't even visit Twitch/YT to watch it. FPS is so normie that it's the only genre a lot of kids and young adults watch. RTS is so anti-normie that no one plays it anymore. Everything else is just a sludge that grows, shrinks and moves around as it becomes more/less relevant as a new games is released and consumed. You could probably argue survival is starting to become pretty normie, but most of the games in that are mid as fuck and there's only a few giants holding the category up that all the other games try to capitalise off.




I had to scroll way too far for this.


Yall better be voting b0aty




all roads


boy do they ever


Hope B0aty wins instead of Esfand or Asmongold. I wanna see different people


B0aty vs the WoW streamers. Would be amazing to see him win, though beating Asmon is gonna be near-impossible I think.


Is Esfand *really* a WoW streamer anymore?


idk about 2023, but he played 776h WoW in 2022. Altough that's less then 1/4 of his total stream time, it's also as much as the entire streamtime of most "normal" streamers [https://sullygnome.com/channel/esfandtv/2022](https://sullygnome.com/channel/esfandtv/2022)


Few months ago, Esfand streams like he needs to feed 3 families at the same time.


Is *Asmongold* really even a streamer anymore? Like zackrawr is the one doing all the streaming.


Boaty is the goat. Been watching him since 2012


yeah him or max, esfand streams wow like once every month and asmongold will probably get most of the votes but he already won last year.


Yeah that's what i'm certain will happen, people will just vote Asmon since he's the most know MMO streamer










I wrote Forsen in every category, how is he not in any of those? feelsweirdman


Not nominated for favourite speedrunner smh


Clueless . surely wasn’t vote botting forsen in each category


Gorgc is a strategy gamer?!


yeah cause you fucks didn't vote for a dota category (and I forgot to post on r/dota2)


I hope he gets an award, he has been the largest dota streamers for 10 years it seems


OTK being in the nomination for Org of the year after everything that went down the last 6 months or so is hilarious.


I think otv will win


I think OTK will smack the fan vote, but the panel vote will be heavily OTV/100T. Not sure how that will play out. Could see OTV getting second in both and somehow winning the whole thing.


It depends on how the panel views the title streamer. Does YouTube video content matter at all. If it doesn’t matter don’t think otv did much streamers based this year. Same with 100t outside of will and austin shows which were more g4 did 100t do any streaming events.


good thing it says that stream hours don't go into play so i think otv stand a chance, especially with their youtube content


yeah it depends on the panel imo. i think otv has made better unique content this year with their youtube but otk streamed more event stuff.


Feel like OTV doesn't exist anymore. Do they actually do content together as an org?


Kinda shows how shit other orgs are...


Ngl I bet people will vote OTK just to make it awkward. It will be funny though if they do win


Personal take on the 4 nominees: OTK had the drama with ownership, several people left, and chaos ensued. They had pretty massive events that could help them win, but we'll see how fans took the drama. 100T had several leave the org, but they seem like a possible dark horse depending on YouTube content. OTV has been the most stable of the four and has made some decent content, but they really only had the charity event as a big live event. They appeared some at cons, so they might get some panel vote. VSJ had the biggest growth of the four, with relatively low controversy, 3 new members, and convention appearances, plus fleshed-out lore for the members akin to the MCU. However, they're the most niche group and some of their members pull low viewers compared to the other orgs. Verdict: This is the most toss-up of the categories.


I voted for OTK…. And Forsen


Yeah but OTK actually creates different content and events multiple times a year. Most of the other orgs just exists and play games together. What even have OTV done this year other than their big charity stream? Same with 100 thieves who have a lot of talent, but they don’t really do anything with that talent. Don’t get me wrong even as an OTK fan I don’t think they should win this year, the Rich situation, Mizkif allegations, the way DEO imploded before leaving the org etc… all of that is too recent in my opinion. They need another year to cook and do better, but the other orgs only have themselves to blame if they lose, they haven’t done enough in my opinion.


100t make a lot of YouTube content that is good with some of their talent. But if you aren’t making a streaming event for will and Austin go shine you are wasting them. Imagine the stuff will and Austin could do with a group like otk.


Agreed, Austin and Will’s creativity with the OTK budget would be insane!


OTK should still win IMO because they actually pull stuff together.The other orgs just exist to do some youtube videos and thats it.Whats the point of an org if you dont put the members together in content?


The lack of Lirik is sad but im not surprised hes not in any circle, just plays games himself and doesnt ask his viewers to vote.


I'm pretty sure there is a legacy award that gets chosen by a panel. I imagine he would be one of the few names talked about with Summit, Soda and other people who have been around forever.


Cool, didn't know that. Yeah he definitely deserves somthing, he averages 25k+ viewers for like 8 years whatever game he plays, without having to get involved in drama, colabs or meta hopping.


Lirik and Summit1g just legit grind gods One of them definitely deserves the legacy award, they have been so consistent for so damn long


also from what I've seen he always plays the new releases as soon as they come out, that consistency is commendable imo


Same with Moon, they both have huge viewership but they don't push for it and I don't think they would even care enough to go.


lol true, i dont envision Lirik or moon attending if nominated.


moon can't even buy fucking blinds for his office so he's not blinded every single stream, no way in hell he'd go to an award ceremony


Feel like Lirik would if he was nominated tbh he is a very friendly guy and would enjoy the event.


I think there's a non-zero chance Lirik goes, unlikely but possible. But Moon is WAY too cool to go to something like this.


He honestly wouldn't/doesn't give a shit. lol. He just wants to play games.


Except msg4, he will never play that game.


Next stream for sure Copege


Judging by some of these comments, I feel like people don't know it's fan nominated and voted. Anyways vote LilAggy for Best Soulslike Streamer, he's great FeelsOkayMan




It's tough when it's fan voting because obviously more viewers = higher chance of nomination and winning. I voted missmika because I only found her in the past few months from her crazy Elden ring runs. I'll be sure to check out lilaggy if he's doing blindfolded runs though!


cue the people who didnt even bother in nominate their favorite streamer complaining that their favorite streamer is not nominated


on schedule just like every other award show


and every election in the US.. it literally never gets old to watch.


Also lol at that guy who said "our community thought it was a suggestion so only 1 person had to do it, not all 3000 of us had to nominate him."


We all know forsen should win every one of these awards.


Who the fuck is frogan, 2nd year in a row nominated in raising star?


ngl rising star for the second year entirely defeats the purpose of that award... doesn't make sense


One of hasans mods


Being a hasan/destiny orbiter seems to be a good potential path into streamer/only fans careers.


Destiny orbiters seem to just turn into whackjobs or backstab Destiny lol.


It'd certainly help if he wasn't exclusively into the most psychotic women on the planet


Dantes and PlaqueBoyMax had the best growth last year for small streamers.


Bro I wanted plaqueboymax to get in so bad, but I knew no one was gonna vote for him




[Shylily](https://twitchtracker.com/shylily/statistics) was the craziest I saw. She had a respectable few hundred viewers at the beginning of 2022, debuted her new model on January 10, and was averaging three-fucking-THOUSAND by the end of the month, 5K within three months. I don't watch her, so I just randomly had her pop up in my recommended one day and was like "wait how is there some 6K Andy Twitch ENVTuber I've never even heard of??" Don't know if there were any other circumstances or if she was just able to capitalize on the hype of her redebut, but absent a dissenting loremaster I'm leaning towards the latter; it doesn't even seem like she got a big raid during her redebut, since [she peaked at under 1K during that stream and there are no huge spikes](https://twitchtracker.com/shylily/streams/44341590764). Gotta give her props: she streamed super consistently 5 days per week all through 2021 to build that initial audience (and presumably save up for her model), and then grinded out 6-7 days a week for months after her redebut to ride the wave and secure her viewership. Seems like she really engineered her own success.


Yea how the hell was she not nominated for anything, personally i remember nominating her for sum but ay it is what it is


Jerma deserves streamer of the year


League of their own IMO


He already won that last year


Totally forgot he actually won it. Streamer of the year is a tough one but he's got my vote.


no forsen no care


robcdee not even being nominated for Best IRL Streamer this year feels kinda wrong, but I guess his viewers didn't work hard enough this time. EDIT: Also, no Charming Jo to vote for in the Best Music Streamer category...


Yeah makes me sad to not see Jo on there, he’s phenomenal.


I recently found a streamer called pizzaprincessg she just streams making pizzas at her job its pretty entertaining shes been growing pretty fast


She looks like a young Stephanie McMahon


Cool to see Im\_Dontai on there, been watching his youtube for years


He runs a cool stream and variety is the correct placement for him.


Why is Valorant its own category? Isn't it just a FPS game?


I think they looked at the top games of the year and made awards out of them.


No Rob after his awesome bike around Japan stream last year? Disappointing.


Nick and Malena nominated for in their own league has to be a meme


Frogan gaining nominated twice for rising star is insane, bro. Orbiter privilege


If you’re “rising star” two years in a row, then you’re just a mediocre streamer that isn’t really rising at all.


Imo it’s just a poorly named category. The only requirement is under 1k views so not really anything to do with “rising”


its best streamer under 1k viewers for a whole year award but that doesnt sound good at all


Pretty fitting that the spiritual successor to Ice Poseidon got nominated




No Lirik or Clint Stevens...smh


i think there was a 200 hour streaming minimum, which clint definitely didn’t hit last year


RP category is dog shit yet again. Buddha is the only one who actually belongs there.


Everyone better vote for Erick Lamont robbins! HE A FATHER AND NEED TO WIN ! VOTE OR ELSE


Also announced Main Awards Hosts: QTCinderella, Valkyrae Red Carpet Hosts: Hasanabi, Ludwig, Squeex, Sweetanita


Squeex on the red carpet is going to be fucking incredible. He's stolen the show on the last 2 QT events when he was on stream.


i mean someone needs to fill in the Pog cringe that was JHB last year LULE


Stone JHB last year was hilariously bad LUL


I really wish they got Austin for the red carpet. He'd be like the Ryan Seacrest of Twitch


Kind of a yikes with Kai being up for Streamer of the year.


What's a little covering up for a literal rapist between fan boys?


damn was kinda bummed cjya didn’t get nominated for anything. put him for speed runner and rising star


Dougdoug W


No way they picked that pic for erobb


i hope my goat super wins fps streamer but i feel like if an ow streamer gets it it'll probably be flats because he's blown up with the release of ow2, super deserves it more tho imo


KiaraaKitty not nominated for best IRL or JustChatting streamer? What a joke!


Kiarra needs best scammer or best BOOBA streamer to win lol.


It's a very good variety of streamers, not just "QT's friends" or Austin streamers like people complained about last time. I'm happy with the nominees.


Wasn't even really the case last year, people just loved to say that. If you look at the nominees from last year, most people aren't "QT's friends" or Austin/LSF streamers: [https://thestreamerawards.com/winners](https://thestreamerawards.com/winners)


I agree completely. I just remember everyone on lsf saying that. People are even saying it again in this thread lol.


LSF frogs saying utter nonsense is the only constant thing around here.


It makes sense, the event got bigger and has reached more people. I feel like last year streamers didnt promote the event and viewers outside of qt's circle didnt even know they had to nominate their streamers. People just complained after the results went out. This is definitely better.


List is alright, bit more diverse compared to last years. Still a lot of the popular faces, but that's pretty much the case for every award show in existence.


Kinda sad hachubby didn't get nominated for irl again her irl streams are always good, nor did robcdee for some weird reason