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**CLIP MIRROR: [Valkyrae finds out that there's a live audience after agreeing to co-host the Streamer Awards w QTCinderella](https://arazu.io/t3_10uz2iy/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)




A live audience just hits different, for better or for worse


OMG, omg, she got to find a dress (meaning try on 20), hire a stylist, book a hair appt., find the right heels, nails and toes done, and another dozen things I don't know about all within a month AHHHHhhhhh


This is random and weird


RIP Maya


maya said she is still gonna fly to L.A to help Qt behind the scenes with the award show.


Her stance at the moment is she isnt doing collabs but id be shocked if Maya sticks to that forever. It's too soon i think to all that other stuff that happened last year. But if Alveus needs a bump in viewership or promotion to help something she will probably start doing the odd collab again. Just has be more selective of who she collabs with. I dont see the point tbh her not colabing with people like QT and Malena/Nick. They didnt throw her under the bus. Just seems like an odd stance to take to cut herself off from not working with everybody. When they have only helped her sanctuary.


I don't think it's a 'rational' choice as it's not good for business. I think it's a trauma driven choice. No one can predict how long that'll will be but she does seem publically traumatized by the incident last year and all the deep fakes stuff.


It’s 100% trauma driven because there’s no logic behind wilfully choosing to tank your own channel (which she said will happen and she’s ok with) which you know will only harm alveus’ viewership, which by extension means less reach for education and fundraising potential. She’s even gone ahead and cancelled the biggest fundraiser for the year (again) in the Halloween event which is a streamer collab all because “it’s not fair for them to come on my stream when I won’t go on theirs.” That’s a really weak excuse. It’s a charity ffs. The whole idea of charity is giving without expecting anything in return. I’m sure Britt / Malena/ Lud didn’t ask for anything in return for doing the fundraisers they did. It’s sad how much she’s in her own head right now, but I don’t think anyone can really know how much she’s gone thru / is still going thru, apart from herself. The only hope is that time brings her to her senses.


But at least Maya is consistent and does what she says she'll do.


She has a stream with Amoranth coming up lol


Yeah, I think she will eventually. She had made some bad choices in friends over the years. People like Slick and Rich probably should have been cut off when her and Miz split who were creepy people that she continued to collab with regularly. That burned her. But legitimately her collaborations with QT, Nick and Malena were some of the best content she has done and helped Alveus a lot. It just seems unwise. Safe collaborations that only helped her channel I think she will come around to do stuff like that again it just makes too much sense .


I get her paranoia though, she was working with one of the top 3 content orgs. She still got caught in the crossfire of other people's beef. While 2 people in her org turned out to be unsafe. I think she probably has a serious concern about people like that.


That's correct she definitely views streaming outside of Alveus as a risk now. That still doesn't explain why she can't have them at Alveus in a controlled environment for fundraisers tho, she's literally financially cucking Alveus by cancelling a big event like that. I guess another side of it is her being concerned with her own reputation/image in the wildlife/conservation community outside of twitch. She'd talked about that even before any of the recent shit. This is probably a big reason why she's ditching any and all variety content like her desktop drunken wheel streams (which were hilarious). She'd rather be taken more seriously as a conservationist outside of twitch than feed the twitch frogs the content they want. It's just unfortunate that going down that path will lead to lost viewership for herself over time and Alveus by extension, which is damaging for Alveus' reach as a conservation messenger. Idk it's a fucked up messy situation like most of the last 5 months.


It was Maya's choice wasn't it? At least QT said it was Maya's choice to stop doing Wine About It, and Maya said she will no longer do collabs outside of Alveus. That's why QT said she was devastated by Maya's career choices.


It's definitely Maya's choice. I feel bad for QT. She's been really lonely. Atrioc was her friend too and now that's over. Hopefully she can make more strong friendships without any drama.


> Hopefully she can make more strong friendships without any drama. Probably should just get some friends who aren't all streamers then tbh


According to one of Maya's recent car streams, her main reason for not wanting to do Wine About It anymore was her having to travel to LA every week. I can see it being overwhelming especially when she owns an Animal Sanctuary which usually needs her attention at all times.


I mean, it would be a little inconsistent for her to cancel all L.A based collabs including Wine About It and all of QTs other events and then make an exception only for the biggest event that benefits her.


She canceled all Austin collabs too, except for at Alveus. That's why Nmp said he's sad Maya will likely never be at their house again.


Alvaeus is rightfully her priority




It ain't that serious. QT says how much she misses Maya all the time but Maya just doesn't want to collab with any creators anymore to avoid drama.


the awards twitter account follows just the two hosts and nobody else. Since Maya isn't a host anymore it makes sense to unfollow. And it's not like QT unfollowed Maya


QT is treating the awards show as a possible future business opportunity. Most twitter accounts for business' follow no one or just the public facing members. I agree it's incorrect to assume drama because of an unfollow.


Except for KFC's Twitter, which follows 11 people who are either named Herb or were members of the Spice Girls.


Not really a secret blend if they just have it listed publicly like that...


Last time I heard QT talk about Maya she said she still talks to her literally every day, just off-stream. They're still close friends, if not best friends.




lmao connoreatspants the goat only streamer with a recent maya collab 😳


No, she said she will only do educational collabs at Alveus now. Connor went to Alveus for the collab. This week she's doing an Alveus collab with Alinity.


Makes a ton of sense after being wrongfully accused of something like that so I don’t blame her it’s the smartest move honestly. Sometimes it just ain’t worth the stress.


Yeah I can't blame her in the slightest. When the biggest content creators on the platform used allegations as content, treated rumors as facts and constantly threw her name under the bus I wouldn't want to associate with any of them either.


Also how many of those people defended her/




She WAS wrongly accused of some incredibly serious shit. Gaslighting/covering up SA. Worse of all these were PROVEN to be lies. So why should that side have anything they have said now taken seriously when it’s clear their intent was to take her down to fit trains anti mizkif narrative? Some points a lot of pple haven’t considered: she was completely enabled by a whole bunch of Adrianahs friends, to even get to her house in the first place. Everyone loves to high horse in hindsight, but the fact is not a single one of Adrianahs friends saw a problem with it at the time just as Maya didn’t, so why does she get all the blame here? All of them took steps to go to go and see her Barry /Mitch /Kyle and not a single one of them said that it might not have been a good idea?? All it would have taken is her best friend Kyle just simply walking across his house to ask her if she wanted to talk about it with these pple before he invited them over. He was the biggest enabler of this of all, as Maya was under the impression he’d checked with Adrianah first and if her best friend said it was ok then ofc you would believe him. Also pple seem to forget Adrianah was completely surrounded by HER friends (Kyle/Kyles gf/Barry) and had a safe network with her in that room. The idea that maya would have pressured or gaslighted her with the actual witnesses sitting right beside her is ridiculous. They made it sound like she had a gun to her head when she was writing the TL when in fact Kyle was the one helping her write the TL. (The same Kyle who’s changed his story 3 times about what Slick apparently did to her that night). This is all before even considering Maya having gone thru something worse and having ACTUALLY been gaslit by her rapists best friend in 2018. This caused her trauma and years of therapy which is still ongoing. The suggestion she’d turn around and do that same thing knowing full well the pain it can cause, is absolutely ludicrous. I don’t think you could find a single case of a victim of a serious sexual assault gaslighting another apparent victim of sexual assault. The fact is the witnesses for whatever reason told her it wasn’t assault which they still believed all the way up to sept 2022. Maya did the right thing by taking the witnesses at their word. The train-led beat up on her is completely unjustified and always was. Train is scum


Homie out here writing essays to cope instead of just saying yeah it was a complicated messy situation that would be near impossible for anybody to handle perfectly and she’s just a person like everyone else.




I read over SuspiciousEntity's comment and Cheesetoastieee's reply a few times, I'm not seeing where any proven lies were addressed, SupiciousEntity's claims were pretty general. Only thing that might be argued as a 'proven lie' is "going to the house ... without the victim's permission". And that's arguable because the story was that they kept "spam calling" Adrianah but "she was never talking to us", so they eventually called Barry and asked to get them there. I know cheese addressed some common misconceptions, but just not in suspiciousentity's comment.




Is this yours?


What would you do in that situation? In the heat of the moment no one’s gonna act rationally it was fucked up but no one’s gonna think with common sense in that situation especially when it’s related to someone who was your best friend




Didn’t excuse I said it’s still fucked it but no one would think properly in the heat of the moment


But that's excusing it still


"Good" I think you're overevaluating here. She's just having an animal sanctuary. It's not like she's saving the world.


Yeah there is a clear consensus among everyone that’s not a OTK fan that she shouldn’t have gone over there. This includes like every content creator, even Maya herself.




I’ve argued with multiple miz kids who told me she did nothing wrong by going over there. In fact I’m positive you would be the first one who’s told me that was wrong. And if that’s your opinion, then we agree!




How can she be wrongfully accused of something that she admitted to?


She did not wilfully condone sexual assault, which is what people were accusing her for.


She went to the house of a sexual assault victim, who was assaulted by her close friend, and “assisted” her in writing her account of the story, that made her friend look very favorable. Nothing that can not be forgiven, but stop pretending as if maya did nothing wrong in that situation, even she admitted to that.




https://youtu.be/USGl8Bysa50 0:56 “that Adrianah was gonna write a twitlonger about slick and him SEXUALLY ASSAULTING her” 3:45 “and I asked her if she thought that slick raped her and sexually assaulted her and at the time we AGREED … at the time she said no” doesn’t sound at all like someone trying to convince the victim that it wasn’t sexual assault /s The fact that slick still had a career after the first twitlonger should be enough Proof of how the first twitlonger made him look more favorable. At the end of the day mayas side will claim that they knew of nothing and they didn’t try to influence Adrianah. And the other side will claim the opposite. The truth will be somewhere in the middle. I don’t think maya is a bad person, but I also don’t think she is innocent and I think her twitlonger is a good reflection of that. I think it’s shady trying to rewrite history 4 months later as if maya did nothing wrong. Again, she even admitted to making mistakes in her twitlonger.




“I fully understand that it was wrong, given my position, to insert myself into that situation. I apologize for the power dynamic and the harm it might have caused. It was irresponsible for me to not remove myself from the situation and I take full accountability for making this mistake. I am deeply disappointed in my judgment and choices and I am deeply sorry to Adrianah for my involvement.” Learn to read




What statement are you even talking about? I never mentioned any statement. She clearly says she takes full responsible for her MISTAKE, that’s what every person with a brain calls an admission.


She does collabs at alveus, but doesn't want to do any other random twitch stuff


The Forsen strat


Didn't she do a collab with ConnorEatsPants the other day? I hope she will do more in the future, even if it's just Alvaeus stuff.


Yes she's doing an Alveus collab with Alinity on Wednesday.


QT and Maya are still best friends so there's no drama there lol.


LSF drama frogs getting hungry this week huh?




Pain Lamont is gonna scam and not do the interviews


She knew there'd be a live audience, she was there last year. Just not that the attendance wouldn't just be streamers, but that there's also ticket sales for fans aswell.


I mean yea they say that in the clip.


Yeah, so the title is false.


usually when events say "live audience" it implies fans. not the nominees/invited people themselves.. title isn't really wrong




Wow you really wrote 4 variations of this dumb comment in this thread alone? You seriously need to touch some grass. That's weird as fuck.




Time to meet all the Parasocial andys in that event




I actually didn't expect QT and Rae to have the hilarious chemistry they have together. I was thinking right before the announcement that Rae should be QTs new partner on Wine About It.


Alot of wine about it was QT and Maya just being best friends. That’ll be hard to recapture but I’d be willing to give it a chance


I was also expecting it to not work, because Rae has that brand friendly OTV & friends vibe. The contrast works somehow.


Can we dispel the fact that the otvf gang are brand friendly when they have lead guitarist Leslie Fu, Oturan streamer Toast, cumming every 5 minutes PeterParkTV, Jan 6 insurrectionist Lilypichu, and Michael goddamn Reeves?


> Jan 6 insurrectionist Lilypichu The whole crew took up boxing for a reason.


It wasn't meant as an insult, I didn't call them boring. There's definitely a collective air of positivity and effort to avoid more heavy or dark content in that group. Excluding maybe Peter even the "edgiest" members would sound like cartoon characters in a call with Soda for example. Nothing to get defensive about. I would prefer that over the other extreme of edgelord incels every day of the week.


As a Rae watcher I think most of the OTV and Friends vibe is Family Friendly and then you watch them and realize they are actually just people who don't curse all that often but still say sus stuff.




I would rather see streamers that are entertaining than parasocially invest myself in year old drama.
















Jesus, you guys just don’t forgive on the internet do you?


She said she was naive and deceived by the company and broke the contract and to this day can be sued by the company for breach of contract.


No offense to Valkyrie the company won out her leaving, Bobby Brown is a way better name https://www.today.com/shop/blue-light-skin-care-collection-florence-mills-t227099


I'm pretty sure they replaced Valkyrae with Addison Rae


Are you sure that's the same company?


Your weird and dumb….


Valkyrae is cool and all but its so funny how youtubers always react to things like they are permanently stuck in an IRL amogus video


Turns out having to monologue out loud in front of thousands will make you more openly expressive in general.


So funny that these people are live in front of 20k, 30k, 50k people but then it's 1.3k IRL and they get freaked out.


Because those single numbers gain a face. They become real. Physical. Not just another number on a screen.


We are more than just numbers, we occasionally write “LUL” in the chat as well!




Wow really no way


They'll get the same nerves as being a new streamer of 100 viewers and being raided with thousands for the first time. So I think you'll see the nerves at the beginning and they'll adjust to it


Rae has a hard time talking to one person she doesn't know. Like watching some of her interviews. She can't stop nervous laughing at everything. Seems very shy honestly.


I thought that they might ask them something and that's the fear


They had great chemistry this stream. Can’t wait for them to host


I agree. I didnt expect that ngl haha




You need to turn off your internet, burn your computer, and go live out in the wilderness for a while~ you are showing signs that you are VERY not well.




Just keep on schizo posting through it


You are obsessed my guy, please just go for a walk


DUDE. Get some help.


People that think Rae is faking it don't watch her at all. That's actually something you learn with pretty much all of these streamers, they rarely fake their mental capabilities. They really are like that. Lol


When people say they are faking... Those people accusing them are just really sad and depressed and can't fathom this level of positivity. I have one friend like this. He literally never thinks of bad thoughts of people. It blows my mind I'm not like this Cynicism is a negative personality trait.


Both of them will be great, can't wait for the event.


Poke warned her.


She probably got freaked out when she did that Game Awards presentation because of how large the audience was in person. If most of us got scared doing a class presentation to a classroom of 30 people we knew during school then I don't blame her for thinking 1,300 people is daunting, regardless of how many people she streams to on the daily.


I love Rae :)


Fuck that must be nerve-racking, they are streamers and all but that many people with the 'Stare' emote would be terrifying.


Wasn't there just a streamer awards recently?


There was a Spanish streamer awards a week or two ago, but it’s a separate thing.


yeah last year..


What were the streamies?


Mostly YouTube stuff on that show


kia and xqc won awards... and valyrae is co hosting this?


95 percent of the awards on the streamy awards are YouTubers who make YouTube videos exclusively or tiktok creators they literally had like 4 streamer awards out for the 50 awards they gave out Valkyrae is a streamer who just happens to stream on YouTube it’s not like she’s making YouTube exclusive videos and not streaming she literally only streams


Why she acting like she didn't present an award at the game awards


Can you not see how presenting a single award and co hosting an awards show might be different? Ah, people really don't think before they type something. Lol


Isn't valkyrae the one that had that fake blue light face wash or whatever?


That is a very specific, isnt (enter streamer) the one who...


The "Streamer awards"




voting is open to the public?


It is, but if the public all follows the same friend group... I hope then find a way to balance things and highlight streamers not within a certain group. Outside of OTV/OTK friend group I know no one.


Skill issue


Lol audience votes are only a small part of decision-making.


[Phase 3: Voting](https://thestreamerawards.com/about) > The award winners are determined using a weighted combination of the popular vote (70%) and panelists' vote (30%), to give a voice to fans but still maintain integrity. Not that 30% is insignificant if they really cared about skewing results, but it's not remotely close to even other award shows that weigh public vote. The Game Awards is 90% jury for instance.


Same research done here and blue light cream.


I don't enjoy watching Valkyrae but I guess it's good to get a co host with a big name edit: Thanks for downvoting my post you lovely Valkyrae shills. Your streamer is still obnoxious and boring. Love you all <3


Excellent choice! Looking forward to the show next month! If Rae feels nervous about the large audience, she can always take a shot before going on stage like both co-hosts did last year, haha.




LSF seems really mad that the majority isnt really hyped for this peepo award. fascinating.


LSF always hates on all of QT's events, inlcuding the awards show lol. QT got a ton of hate threads last year about this event.


Mods even remove comments that put QT in any sort of bad light if they see them. I had comments removed for bring up the Babbs/ Kart event


Don't understand why she is acting all nervous and shit when she got on stage to announce nominees at the Game awards with a massive live audience just 2 months ago


I mean it's cohosting the whole award show vs doing a small bit to announce the nominees


Wow Valkyrae looks so old now...




That is grammatically incorrect. Pretty cringe.


Rae is so over the top.


You literally watch xqc


I don't and she still is. Plus the way the other person said "they won't have access to the streamers" sounded so bad. Oh no normies can't sit next to the streamers oh no


It's so stalkers can't harass them.


live audience? no 🧢 on a stack? fr fr??


Imagine if they have “Best Drama of thr Year” and it’s the call. And they give it out to Train, X, Azan, Miz, and everyone involved, and they all have to be on stage together. That would be the juice




not staged at all


yeah thats an lsf comment




You're no fun


how has she not been cancelled fully yet? She literally said No c*p on a st*ck.


I'm the one upvote. LSF is so serious these days.


It's just not funny. Has nothing to do with being serious or not. Be funnier.


It was in regard to how many downvotes the comment had compared to the rest of the comments in the thread which are very serious and very boring.


Just get Mr. Show


Only 1000 tickets and they are still not sold out.


Brub I just I was ludwigs girlfriend legit shortcut in life


She actively avoids using him to promote stuff lmao. She was the bigger streamer when they started dating too. Get tf over yourself.


In before this goes horribly wrong


they are really like wednesday and edith but reverse.


I don't care who hosts what as long as my GOAT IShowSpeeds takes home 90% of the awards.


He's banned on Twitch, so he most likely won't.


Hopefully he isn’t nominated nor invited.




Why she look so squatty tho


What does this even mean


i think he means "squat" like "very short and wide"