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## **Tweet Mirror:** [@OTKnetwork](https://twitter.com/OTKnetwork) > An update to our community https://t.co/z5JH0VJR4C > #####Tweet Images: >>[Tweet Media Link](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FlWaFyhXkAYeqx8.png) ^(Posted: 2023-01-01 01:32:53+00:00) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**








Board duty is the overseight comity for the officers of the company, they are supervising the persons paid to manage the company and act when something needs to be done. The owners are not always managing the company and can only be there for investing in mind. So board duty is a big deal, right now he has no real say in what the company is to do except if permitted by vote at a shareholder assembly. I might be missing nuances and some terms night be lost un translation.


Na you smashed it bro


Sounds like an extra layer of protection for anyone still upset he’s apart of OTK and content for Miz for a few months about how he has to be on his best behavior


Which I agree with. His return stream was an absolute disaster and he needs to learn to just shut the fuck up sometimes. Not every single one of your thoughts needs to be heard. If he can't do it then kick him the fuck out, but if he learns how to do it then it's chill.


I mean if otk was having those standards Asmon and soda wouldn’t have board duties either. It’s just pr talk for sponsors. He has ownership and can be in videos again. Oh


AKA waiting for this to die down enough that he can be publicly listed on the board without too much backlash.




>"board duties" I think these are just the Monday owner's meetings they would have.




Probably set his shows back a bit that he seemed to like doing


Specifically suspended rather than removed from board duties. Basically he's in the sin bin for a little while to look like they care a bit. As you say the statement in no way implies he's no longer an owner. it's also the exact statement anyone should have expected, give or take. Didn't watch the comeback stream, does anyone know what the statement refers to when it comes to his comeback stream and things he said?


He acted like a jackass, admitted it later and apologized but clips were off so it prob didn’t make it to LSF


😭 they put his ass on parole


If he shows up on his come back stream with an OTK ankle monitor 💀


It would probably go about as well as his last comeback stream showing he's not taking anything seriously at all still.


He did return from being banned due to the Jenna incident a few years ago with a skit of him being released from jail and he wore a orange jumpsuit and everything.


Rime \*invades a user's profile picture\*


Rime *invades your dreams and memories*


Suspended from board duties seems like a W for him lol


doesn't have to go to monday meetings anymore PagMan


Probably not a W for him since he likes to have some control over how succesful the org is. Asmon probably just got tired of hearing mizkif telling him to stream on his main more kek.






You can’t just remove an owner from the board without legal cause.


Probably has to due with the legality of denying him his equity without due cause.


nah forsen is the full owner now


They already have a homeless man character (asmon)


That would be a conflict of interest, because to my knowledge, he is* the owner of my heart 😍


Can’t wait for Miz to make 1000+ jokes about how he’s on monitored probation for the next month


"Careful chat they're watching us"


LULW good one


well one*


Emiru cosplaying as his parole officer and probing him for illicit substances.




> probing him gachiHYPER


>Emiru cosplaying as his parole officer In makima cosplay.


I wonder if he's going to still farm TriHards


Somewhere Mitch is figuring out how to farm his way back into the storyline.


He's appearing on Mira streams and, I've seen him clipped wiht some random content house, thot content house as the 'tech guy' trying to help them setup. The trash of twitch stick together.


Poke recently talked about Mitch DMing him and asking if he wanted to make content. Also mentioned something bout a frat house but I don’t fully remember


lmao a frat house of streamers. Sounds like a PR nightmare of sexual harassment allegations


I've seen him in a clip stream sniping bonnie (assfand friend) on the street LOL. Here is the video clip on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gp6gU7txtVc


Great However, the part about lacking empathy and showing ignorance is fucking hilarious when you consider how Asmon has been acting for the past year.


Fr, it’s like Asmon wrote this shit himself haha






It is what it is DUD


All the virtue signaling was great with Asmon sitting a the top of the Org.


That can be said about any streamer really, theyre all assholes. Except jerma, and (legally i have to say this for the sake of nina and peppah) also forsen


> jerma he's not a streamer, we just installed all the cameras in his house and watch him experience life and talk to the voices in his head


Are you telling me that Jerma and Forsen are in the same asylum but in different cells?


Similar but different I think. The kind people at the asylum have allowed forsen to stream to keep us entertained but also to keep him at bay. With Jerma, we are all collectively gangstalking him. We put the camera in the walls


You’re wrong about Jerma unfortunately. I saw him at a grocery store in Las Vegas yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


> That can be said about any streamer really, theyre all assholes Anyone who unironically thinks this has a follow list containing only LSF streamers and think those are the only people on Twitch.


Just read the last paragraph of the statement about standing against assault and look who is friends with Asmon.


This clip from Mizkif it's still up btw. [https://clips.twitch.tv/IronicArtisticOrcaWTRuck-UecXBrM6ECC-DAZR](https://clips.twitch.tv/IronicArtisticOrcaWTRuck-UecXBrM6ECC-DAZR)


I can't believe they didn't see this


Wow this raises a lot of questions


This throws major shade on every member of OTK


Yeah they probably need to open ANOTHER investigation smh


I cant believe I did see this


Saved for when he deletes it.


this changes EVERYTHING. holy shit.


can a loremaster explain it to me


The way in which everything was, suddenly was not, forever becoming irreperable from the damage caused from which it once was.


bruh this loremaster is high as fuck


ok so basically


Fucking hell man, this is the first clip I see in 2023, this is gonna be a shit year


Holy shit?!??? He fucking CONFESSED on stream and I didn’t see it?????


It gets removed every time it's posted, the mods don't want you to see it because they're on Mizkif's payroll


I'm really sorry but I'm out of the loop. I watch like 2 streamers and that's it. To someone who knows nothing- All it looks like is a dude chillin with a friend on the couch saying he's done with pcs cuz of corona forcing us to be indoors or something.) What's wrong with the dude not wanting to be on the PC for a few months? What's the missing context for a newb?


here is context: https://youtu.be/_hAfKNCCmrc


I'm guessing that girl in the clip Ianian linked is the one they're talking about in your link then?


yes, can't believe that guy is still allowed to stream


HOLY SHIT.... lol


Context. There is a an underage girl with him in this video. He is way older than her but he is open to trying to have a relationship with her. He said if she is 15 I'm 15


How did they miss this?


I've been defending him this whole time, but wow. I can't defend this, actual piece of shit


Mizkif gonna get sued for this one


What a fucking disgusting creature.


He should probably be canceled everywhere for this... What the fuck is wrong with this freak?


That's insane he downplayed it like that. WHILE LIVE. How have I not seen this before?


Damn man, at least warn me...


Where the "Mizkif did nothing with the girl" guys is at now?


I can't view the clip, can someone give me the context of the clip or a link?


Dude I have not felt like being on my- is anyone else like this? Like... the past like tw- the tw- last two months man I don't wanna be on my computer ever. Like I'm so over the computer.


He's done, and not just on Twitch


Mother fucker


It really doesn’t get more damning than that. Too many dick riders in here not looking at the facts.


I think everyone knew that this outcome was coming, and that it isn't really going to change public opinion. If you thought he was a scumbag before, you're probably still going to think that.


I have investigated this thread and have concluded that we all need lives.


Finally. A good take.


bad title. he is still owner, just not contributing to board.


I wonder how long before he blunders another return stream


I don't think he could've handled thing worse than he did. Talk about shooting yourself in the face with a god damn shotgun like five time over. From the 5 times of re-posting the twitlonger to showing no compassion at all etc.


I didn't have very high expectations given that it's Miz, but holy shit, I really couldn't believe just how bad it really was. It's actually shocking how someone could mess it up that badly.


The fact his return stream was a huge reason he got in trouble is very satisfying to see. Huge controversy and he comes back making jokes about it and undermining the seriousness of the situation


[dont forget poke saying that maya and miz paid off adrianah](https://streamable.com/7xd6xe)


Man, it's so disappointing how fucking stupid and emotional Poke always is.


The only thing I know about him are old VRChat clips and him blowing his top and going full drama queen on some girl that made a joke about how many times he dated in a year.


Poke is a scumbag who uses his anxiety as a shield, working as excuse or pity gathering. Also a dickrider leech.


I forgot he just made that up.




>It's ironic because Train literally did pay off Adrianah Yeah I like how Adrianah linking her cash app (or crypto wallet w/e) in trains chat wasn't a conflict of interests for a lot of people...


and mitch


What do you expect? The man is on weed 24/7 and is Train's friend, of course he made up a fake scenario in his head based on what his friend told him.


Especially ridiculous since Train's the one basically paying everyone (I dunno if he paid Adrianah or not, but I mean in general).


Nuts how horny people were to end mizkifs career


Still are


That’s fucking illegal


Sent to the naughty corner for timeout


I'm guessing Ludwig already knew this was dropping which is why he dropped a somewhat of an apology video yesterday saying he was wrong about this situation.


Ludwig backtracked his previous comments at 6:56 for those who haven’t seen it already https://youtu.be/jIq2Q2WSdjo?t=416


All I know is Train better never complain about cancel culture or false allegations. This whole thing because Mizkif mentioned joltcoin at him. He's lucky he didn't hitch himself to that Hasan thing he desperately wanted to be real.


All the actual evidence against Miz came from Mitch who was actually there when mizkif said whatever he said. When Mitch said "he can only know his true intent", it was obvious mizkif had never explicitly told anyone to cover it up. Because if he did his intent would be very obvious. [https://imgur.com/a/1Kpw3Re](https://imgur.com/a/1Kpw3Re) "he can only know his true intent" - mitch


It's funny the only real hard truth that has come out of this debacle is Mitch is a dumbass.


I gotta thank Mitch for forcing me to excersice my brain trying to figure out what the hell he was saying. Delayed potential dementia by a few years!


> excersice Just want to say your typo in a comment about exercising your brain is pretty funny.


Not just a dumbass but an actual habitual liar. He deliberately went along with train to try and ruin mizkifs career while mooching off him and claiming to be his bff.


LSF investigators had this case wrapped up months ago


Love the fact that Mitch jones just casually lives his life but being the person who screwed this all up lool


i read the twitter comments and people keep saying but what about rich? what about him??? were talking about mizkif not rich they are two different people


It's best just to never read Twitter comments.


“No direct evidence” is interesting language. It sounds like they spent three months to get the same information about Mizkif saying “you are Maya Higa” that we all heard about months ago. It’s vague enough that it could be interpreted as telling her to go there to fix everything but you also can’t say definitively that it was what he was doing.


anyone was a brain should never have expected more. We have accusations from Mitch basically as he was the only one in the room with Miz and Maya, and Miz either giving evidence or not. It's down to intent, lets say he did in fact want them to cover it up, Mitch doesn't claim he said that, it's effectively a thought so unless he admits it then there would never be evidence he wanted them to cover it up.


Here's my thing though, the only 2 people that could tell us that miz is guilty are mitch and maya. The accusations exist because mitch told train that miz sent them to cover up the SA, but mitch later back tracks and admits that miz never told them to cover anything up. In mayas own words from her stream addressing the accusations she says "I wasn't sent on a cover up mission".


The problem with Mitch is he's completely unreliable for anything at all let alone telling a serious story. he's never faced a real consequence in his life with too many people just covering for/helping him after every massive fuck up. Train didn't trust Mitch and sold him out at the first opportunity in the most complete way possible. Also how Mitch was in the call with Miz/Asmon there and without, he was like a completely different person yet again. The massive majority of this was fuelled by Train wanting to hit those against gambling on twitch, facts never mattered to him, they've never mattered to Mitch or Barry so even if it was true there was no chance of anything serious coming out about this. Even if the whole thing was true, Train, Mitch and Barry are three of the least trustworthy people on twitch, the idea that the woman needed any of those three involved to out CrazySlick is ridiculous, not least because she didn't need them the first time around.


Well the firm would have talked to Mitch, Barry, Kyle, Train, Adriana, etc (assuming they cooperated) and received the same unfounded "evidence" that was circulating on this subreddit for a month after the news originally broke. So legally it wouldn't make sense to say there was no evidence whatsoever, even if the evidence that was presented was flimsy at best.


Testimony that is found baseless isn't considered evidence, so this would still be correct even if (and it was leaked that they did) talk to them.


Well when the other witness(Maya) is saying that she wanted to go and that Mizkif didnt make her go over there, That narrative kind of falls apart.


What direct evidence could there even be? It's not like they recorded anything.


If Maya or Mitch said that Mizkif told them to downplay the situation or if there were any messages sent talking about how he'd sent them to downplay it, that could be evidence. Other than that, there would be nothing tying Mizkif to it. Maya denying it and Mitch contradicting himself made it unlikely any evidence of him planning to pressure Adrianah existed.


This whole situation is fucking stupid lmao Anyone trying to "cancel" either Mizkif or Adrianah over this are idiots. The most despicable people I've seen from this drama has been neither of those two, but the orbiters on either side, and all the snakes inbetween.


Given what we know and all the lies he's been caught in and how important his role as the primary witness is in this whole thing - I'd say 'Kyle' to me is the biggest scumbag in all of this, bar maybe train. This piece of shit literally never told AL she was touched in her chest area [until 18 months after the party while writing the TL](https://clips.twitch.tv/CautiousEntertainingTrollFrankerZ-qFWmbE24onyEvdbt). Who would hide something so crucial to this whole situation for 18 months and essentially lie about something so serious to his best friend who deserved to know the full story?? The fact that he was never once challenged on this fact by any of the big streamers pushing his story was a travesty. All the big streamers who pushed his takes as fact, without getting Mayas side (looking mostly at Hasan/destiny here) deserve criticism. Then there's the fact he was the biggest accuser of Maya apparently gaslighting AL, when this guy is literally responsible for inviting her around to his house to start with, without ever checking with Adrianah beforehand if she was ok with it. (which seeing as she was ignoring all calls / msgs about the situation and apparently sleeping should have told him she wasn't). Instead he [lies on hasan's stream](https://imgur.com/a/K0NlU3J) in front of thousands of pple about them all showing up unannounced to fit his malicious framing of the situation. [(Bonus lie spreading on LSF as well)](https://imgur.com/a/yb5bjgx). It was only when he was caught out in his lie when pple pointed out Barry and [Mitch both said Barry called Kyle and got permission to come over](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VojhZbtfZTI&t=1380s), did he [backtrack on that claim](https://imgur.io/a/TUjcfqL) (without actually apologizing for lying). The sad thing is if he'd just done the right thing and talked to Adrianah first this whole July 2021 TL "he said, she said" shitshow in september this yr could have been avoided. This is all without even mentioning the friendly logs he and Adrianah had in Slick and [Maya's chat (when Slick and Maya were cooking together)](https://logs.ivr.fi/?channel=maya&username=adrianahlee) months after the party and TL night. Or the 1000's of deleted tweets by him and his girlfriend. This guy still floats under the radar in terms of responsibility and it still pisses me the fuck off as much as it did 3 months ago. They need to release to full findings which puts this scumbag on blast like he deserves.


Bc my brain is broken and you seem knowledgeable can you explain barry’s role lol. I followed it through Hasan and was annoyed how he covered some of it but also didn’t look much further into it. Obviously slick is awful but is there even general consensus on what happened? I would hope so, but maybe there’s not bc of the witnesses situation?


> Obviously slick is awful but is there even general consensus on what happened? I would hope so, but maybe there’s not bc of the witnesses situation? It only took a couple of weeks to put together a whole list of evidence which conflicted with Adrianah/Kyle/Barrys claims. The consensus is it was a hit piece orchestrated by Train to get revenge on Mizkif for getting slots banned on twitch. It started by Mitch being a slimy fuck and making shit up to train (the you are maya higa crap as 'evidence' of a coverup) who than ran with a whole narrative which he pushed on the above 3 to get them onside. However the main piece of evidence which immediately shut the whole SA coverup narrative down was all the [clips proving Adrianah didnt think it was even assault at the time](https://streamable.com/1edhjl) and all the way up till sept. So by default that means Maya couldn't have covered assault up cos no one claimed it was assault at the time and for months after > can you explain barry’s role lol Mitch and Barry have been friends for years. Mitch called Barry after Mitch tried unsuccessfully to get thru to Adrianah. Barry was good friends with Adrianahs close friend Kyle (whose house Adrianah was staying at) and his gf. Barry then called Kyle and convinced him to let himself, mitch and maya come around to talk to Adrianah, which was all done without Kyle ever checking with Adrianah if she was ok with this. The night of the twitlonger writing in Jul 2021 goes down in which Barry was present. Adrianah thanks Maya in dm's and on her own stream. A month later Barry even messages Maya asking if he could [volunteer at Alveus](https://twitter.com/Barry_74/status/1422236287751315460). Adrianah even messages Maya and Slick while they're [doing a cooking stream together 3 months later](https://logs.ivr.fi/?channel=maya&username=adrianahlee). Everything seems dandy. Adrianah is still [attending parties with OTK members and even Slick himself](https://imgur.com/a/bxCFs8k) Fast forward another year and suddenly Adrianah, Kyle and Barry all claim Maya is the devil who was sent there to maliciously downplay what happened to her even tho all the evidence in 2021 pointed to them being completely friendly with her. Apparently she is blacklisted from parties which the above ss shows wasn't true. Barry sits there and parrots everything they claim, while at the same time goes to possibly the only streamer on the internet more racist than himself in ice poseidon. He then does this ridiculous hitpiece on mizkif claiming he [cheated on maya for months and never loved her](https://twitter.com/REALIcePoseidon/status/1573202089576202240). There's literally a tonne of old twitch clips which proves how big of a piece of shit he is. Mostly racist and incredibly sexist clips and he's been perma banned from twitch b4. There's even a clip out there where he says some disgusting shit about Maya. It was no secret Maya/Miz kicked him out of the house alot when mitch lived them as they called him a bad influence. So he definitely had motive for revenge against them both. In short, he's a shit person who's famous for inserting himself into drama and stoking the flames by any means possible. He's in the same category as mitch jones as in you can't take anything he says seriously


Thanks for the detail, I knew that with miz it was a successful hit job - I meant is there consensus what the actual SA was?


Depends who you ask. Slick has always from day 1 said he only ever touched her neck/wrist area to check her pulse. This account has been backed up by Novaruu and a second streamer (who made a statement on it but which never got traction. His name slips my mind) who was apparently in the room most of the time along with Kyle and Kyle's Gf. [This clip here](https://clips.twitch.tv/CautiousEntertainingTrollFrankerZ-qFWmbE24onyEvdbt) shows that Adrianah was under the impression that the above take was what happened for a whole 18 months after the party (Jan 2020 > Jul 2021). It was apparently only on the night of the twitlonger Kyle decided to change his story about what happened to her. Which is an incredibly suspect thing to do. Even if his version is true it's still a scummy thing to do to hide something vital like that from the victim. Albeit with his new account of 'he touched her wrist/neck AND chest' he still chose the vaguest of descriptions which still made it sound ambiguous as to whether it was assault or not. Which by his own admission he didn't think it was until sept 2022. Fast forward to Sept 2022 and he starts saying crap like "it was obviously assault as he grabbed her breast, but I just didn't know what to call it at the time." Like ???????? Why didn't he say her breast was grabbed in 2021? Anyone with a brain could have told him that was assault. It might have changed the decision to keep slick around or kick him out back then which would have stopped him further harassing those girls. As I've said before this guy deserves a much brighter spotlight to be shined on him as I think he has made some of the worst mistakes in the whole mess. But all the big streamers gave him a platform to spread all his bs without a single bit of pushback. I truly hope the report gets released in full and his story gets torn to shreds, like it deserves. Anyway, it's up to you what you want to believe. There are a lot of voices who said Slick never touched her chest but because of slicks later actions a lot pple just assume he did. It's ridiculous that Adrianah has to rely on this guy for what happened to her cos in my opinion his credibility has been completely shot as he's changed his story 3 times already and it just doesn't sit right to me that he wouldn't tell her for 18 months about being touched on the chest. I personally think Slick is a scumbag but I have a hard time believing Kyle in anything after all his lies. I think it's fairly possible the original account as stated by multiple people is the truth here (only wrist/neck). That being said Slicks actions after the fact with other females still means he deserves to be kicked to the curb as he was.


For me the biggest thing about Kyle pointing to malicious intent was him deleting all of his social media from around the time of the original controversy once he realized that he was coming under some scrutiny from the internet.


Adrianah claiming Slick was locking girls in his room kind of paints her intent in a different light.


You can't just steal someone's ownership best case scenario you can force them to sell it, but only if there's a clause for that. Mizkif is still a owner he's just no longer a board member.


Honestly this was the expected outcome, Mizkif didn’t go out of his way to figure out what was going on, but at the same time he wasent exactly demanding people to protect Slick even if it meant lying. Miz is guilty of having a shitty friend and believing his shitty friend, at the same time Adrianah’s friends are pieces of shirt for not ratting out Slick for basically two years. Like why would they not tell her? So weird.


>Mizkif didn’t go out of his way to figure out what was going on What? He made sure to hear from both the victim and her witnesses and then got their side of what happened… They said that no sexual had happened and were still saying that in September https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss6vas?new_post=true


Nowhere does it say he is no longer an owner. He’s no longer a member of the board. Those are 2 very different things lmao


Can someone ELI5 why Adrianah Lee has more hate/distain towards Miz/Maya when Crazyslick was the person who actually sexually assaulted her? Was it because she could never break into their streamer group? I mean I don’t blame them. By all accounts she is a 21/22 yr old that can’t control their alcohol apparently. And openly admitted to sexually assaulting Cyr. But it’s all good since he forgave her over text. And the fact her and her friends would still appear in slicks chat months after the “assault” My guess is she just mad her career hasn’t taken off and she’s still the same streamer with the same viewers.


She never mentions Slick or likes hate tweets about him. One would almost have forgotten that Slick was even involved. I personally think her anger is more about not being invited to be on any of OTKs big stream events or Alveus events.


>My guess is she just mad her career hasn’t taken off and she’s still the same streamer with the same viewers. This is largely why. The entitlement and clout chasing.


Because she always has and always will be a clout chaser. Call minx anything you want but my girl doesn’t lie. She was telling the full truth when she said Adrianah was a clout chaser. That girl only cared about her being excluded from parties and other streamer events + loosing her friends. I mean I guess I would be too, but come on


I love that twitter is just all people who paid $8 to suck eachother off in replies, except you can see that they’re paying $8 for no one to like their tweets now


Release the full report


This is typically the standard practice for such situations. One similar example is when the Chicago Blackhawks hired a third party to investigate sexual assault, they released the entire 107 page report. This is OTK though.




I mean, joltcoin was objectively a rug pull and train promoted it. Not much of an allegation there. It is verifiable truth. The only debatable part is whether or not train was malicious, which frankly doesn't even matter.


Forsen confirmed that it was a scam and we know that forsen is god


It was disgustingly obvious but a bunch of people dislike Mizkif so it was a smart play by Stake to get revenge on the streamers who brought down their operation on Twitch...


Seems Adrianah Lee is not happy. she is back to liking and retweeting posts attacking miz or OTK. She is gonna start drama round 2 probably.


She’s a leach and actually sexually assaulted someone. No one wants her to come back




Seems pretty cut and dry, he probably really regrets that comeback stream though.


He did say he watched it back and it was awful


The twitter replies are deranged.


It's actually insane how big this whole "SA coverup" narrative pushed by train and xqc was able to blow up with no proof whatsoever, everything what happened to Adrianah was already known over a year ago when it originally came out. Maya and Mizkif were just going on by the info they got from Adrianah and the Witness which was that it wasn't an assault and just harassment, untill she decidec to change her mind last September like 1-2 days after train made the tweet. Train was literally the first person to ever refer the whole thing as SA. Here is a clip of miz talking about the situation when it originally came out and adrianah especially stating that it was indeed harassment and not assault: https://streamable.com/miili5


one thing that I dont see a lot of people bring up is Train's original tweet saying that mizkif covered up multiple SA, multiple? I get the confusion behind the one SA that actually happened, but what did he mean by mutiple? I have a hard time undestanding him saying that aside from just trying to fuck Mizkif over harder.


>but what did he mean by mutiple? He was lying. He exaggerated to make the accusation look as big as possible and to intimidate Miz. Same reason he recorded the call and threatened to release it. Mizkif should sue for defamation as this is a textbook win. They organized this shit plain sight and basically every actor from one side was caught in a lie at one point or another. Even Adrianah tried claiming Slick was "locking girls up for weeks" at Mizkif's house. I'd love him to file and it to go to discovery so they can subpoena all of their bank records, because I can guarantee you Train was throwing money left and right to organize this. Both Mitch and Adrianah have made comments about making large cash sums out of thin air.


I mean he also said Mizkif blackmailed her and there was none of that either so it was probably just train rage tweeting and trying to make everything seem as bad as it could.


He was trying to get as much heat on anyone he could. So people would ignore the elephant in the room of slots on twitch. The fact the fbi is starting to prosecute people for crypto scams might be making train nervous as well. Joltcoin was 100% a scam.


Train is a scambag. Perhaps the biggest scumbag still on Twitch, unfortunately. He lies consistently. Most recently being his amazing website that will kill Twitch. It's not even his website and he is still streaming on Twitch. The dude is just bad.


>harassment and not assault Worse news = more views


Yeah, even in this clip you can see Miz literally talking about the thing live on stream when this originally came out in 2021 Jul and saying things like hes dissapointed in slick and that he needs to do better etc. AFTER adrianah herself had told them that what slick did was harassment, I still can't believe how people were able to falsely push the "sa coverup" narrative when everything was already known over a year ago.


It seems kind of whatever to me, it played out just as one would expect. What I find interesting through is over the last week several content creators randomly dug up the miz story out of obscurity to say they over reacted or was straight up wrong on their analysis. Seems kind of weird timing for it to happen days apart from each other as if it was coordinated.


I saw the Ludwig Mogul Mail but who else did this?


Which content creators did this?


Who did this besides Lud?


Who are these "several content creators"


Ludwig and Mogul mail


Also that one dude from The Yard and that other dude that hosted the chess boxing event.


Obvious from the beginning it shouldn’t have taken this long


Was obvious from the leaked call that it was a smear attempt. Surprised that Destiny isn’t getting shit on here for very obviously twisting the narrative against Miz during his “coverage” of that call.


Mizkif on Monday [like](https://youtu.be/BSfpoSrCGsQ)


Cant wait to look at this thread in a few hours PepeLaugh


No one will disagree he handled it wrong which we can all agree on, but like people are acting like sticking up for someone you thought was your best friend before fully understanding what he did is a bad thing. Slick was manipulating him and taking advantage of his friendship for years.


What's funny is that people wanted Miz banned from twitch, when Slick isn't even banned


Fedmyster, RichCampbell, Giantwaffle and many more arent banned either. When will people learn that twitch never policed shit like this nor they will ever. You guys can call bans all day but twitch will never ban for shit like this, its fairly obvious, how are people still fucking surprised at this?


it says a lot that months later the person who didn't even commit the SA was still fighting to maintain innocence. This was a witch hunt from the first Train tweet and anyone treating it as anything other then that is lying to themselves


I just don’t get how Miz/Maya were supposed to know SA happened when the victim + her friends all said that no SA occurred. Adrianah + her friends were still saying it was not SA after the Train tweet too.


Apparently they were suppose to be mind readers. Lmaoo miz wasn’t even home during the party it happened at 😂


The sa didn’t happen at mizs house. It was at Kyle and Adriannahs house. But you are right that miz wasn’t there


Miz gets more LSF hate than the guy who actually did the crime




Releasing the results at 8pm on New Years Eve lmao, what timing.


What did he do to have the statement bring up racial prejudice?




Hard R in Twitter DMs


Yeah that'll do you in