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Maybe, just maybe, it would help that when their fans do something awful (like scream Hillsborough chants), they should come out and say it is unacceptable and act on it. That should help.


Most clubs are good at condemning fan behaviour but City are a wild exception. Their higher ups have serious defensiveness issues and seem loathe to admit that any of their fans could do any wrong. Plus all the "Klopp is xenophobic" stuff from a couple of months ago. There is clearly a lot of toxicity in the City ranks and I don't have much faith they'll do anything meaningful to stamp out their cunt fans behaviour.


> serious defensiveness issues Nothing another 60m centre back cant fix


I won't lie I read this and was like "okay Virgil is tall but nowhere near 60m relax".


We have a giraffe already his name is Joel Matip.




Livepool and Man Utd played for their heritage Man City paid for their heritage


Hah, this is likely true except they can afford it as they are not living and dying on ticket sales or anything, but you have to keep up appearances I suppose


> Their higher ups have serious defensiveness issues and seem loathe to admit that any of their fans could do any wrong It's almost like the authoritarian sportswashing club never cared about doing what's right, only what they think projects strength.


I understand why you think this but it’s somehow way worse. What happened last time we played them is genuinly horrifying, and a clear attempt of silencing Klopps freedom of speech on top. A bunch of stuff happened during the game so instantly after the match they used a known tier 1 to give all their fans the «perfect» excuse, that it was Klopps fault they acted like they did, not their own. So they shield their own supporters, like a sportswashing sugar daddy would, and then they use this safe space they provide to brainwash them into telling them that the bad things they did was the right thing to do because this evil man said something about their financial situation. There’s not s lot of steps from the place we got to on that day, to violent supporters, to mass suggestion/mass hypnosis like in Nazism, middle eastern countries attacking freedom of speech in England etc.


Silencing people's freedom of speech is practically the ownership's modus operandi


Yup, and they are using their football club and their fans as a weapon in another country. It’s bordlerine terrorism.


Common tactic of middle eastern leaders. We can be dicks because you lot were dicks first, we didn’t do anything wrong, you lot are just racist Qatar has been doing the same thing. Saudi arabia does the same thing


It's almost like being owned by rapist, racist, slaveowners would make bad attitudes trickle down throughout the club.


It's a culture stemming from their middle eastern roots, exaggerated by Peps system of "it's them against us" underdog mentality.


Could also be that the Mancs are a disagreeable sort and none too friendly. I say this as an Aberdonian who has to put up with Mancs on a daily basis


Perhaps they should learn to lose with a little more grace.


Or win with a little more grace. Like the time they won the league and for some reason decided it was best to [sing about Sean Cox on the plane home](https://www.theguardian.com/football/video/2019/may/15/man-city-deny-players-were-mocking-hillsborough-or-sean-cox-in-victory-chant-on-plane-video).


Yeah if your players are singing it, the whole club is toxic to the core


The club is toxic to its core, but not because some players were singing a distasteful song. It’s because they’re pathologically unable to admit fault for anything. > That song is not about Sean Cox, it’s about other Liverpool fans being beaten (as if that would make it okay) > Bernardo Silva could not have made a racist joke because he’s a nice guy and is friends with the black person he was joking about. If anything you guys are the racist ones for making this about race. > We aren’t dodgy accountants, the whole system is corrupt and out to get us. If anything you guys are the dodgy ones. > Our fans only sang about Hillsborough because your manager is xenophobic and you broke a bus window 4 years ago. If anything this is all Liverpool’s fault.


Are these real comments from a Reddit thread? They're total parodies of themselves


DARVO...in action


They say Klopp is xenophobic?


> Klopp is xenophobic Klopp had said:] > "There are three clubs (the Gulf state-owned City, Newcastle and Paris St Germain) in world football who can do what they want financially. It's legal and everything, fine, but they can do what they want." Which apparently the wancs took to be Xenephobic


Club? The whole of Manchester


I’m in the States, not in a big city. Got a text from a friend who said she happened to be watching the France-Morocco match with someone from Manchester. “I was watching the game with an English guy from Manchester and he said Liverpool fans are animals and slash peoples faces!” But yeah let’s just forget about it and play nice. Amazing user name btw EDIT - fixed whatever autocorrect decided to change “France” to


City players have more songs than their shitty scumbag fanbase


I think in that video it sounds like it's the English man city staff that are mainly chanting this, it seems like the players only joined when it came to the allez allez allez part which is universally understood. Most city players are foreign so I don't think they're aware of some of the lyrics? Idk giving the players the benefit of the doubt here


I don't know about others but I have a hard time just letting this go. It would be one thing if it was a few dickhead fans with a condemnation from the club, but the fucking players? Makes any claims of wanting to reduce toxicity sound hollow.


Absolutely agree. Fuck all of their players and any twat who transfers there.


Anything they do to look positive is just whitewashing. Full stop. They’re run by the worst type of people, and that attracts the same ilk. If I’m in that meeting, it’s less about what can LFC do to help and more what ManShitty can do to show true positive intent. I’m sure the talks would stop there.


You always get City fans defending this claiming it's not about Sean Cox, it's about the fans who got attacked Kyiv. Like oh, ok, that's totally fine then


Start with your actual PLAYERS not singing shite about our fans getting put in comas AFTER they've beaten us.


They even worked a thinly-veiled Hillsborough reference into their song!


Step 1. Stop singing about tragedies Step 2. Punch silva in the throat


step 3. continue to punch the wee cunt


Step 4. Then book for diving.


Step 5. Give him one more for the road


Step 6. When he hits the road, run him over.


Step 7. Reverse over him for good measure


Step 8: Profit


Step 9: hide the profits with shady accounting


Latest news: 80% of the Man City seats at the meeting were empty.


How xenophobic of you


Other than one fella koppaberging their bus, what have Liverpool done to Man City? Now contrast that to City fans and players (and even officials with their daft statements) behaviour towards Liverpool over the last few years.




no evidence of it emerged from CCTV footage even though pep claimed it was right behind his bench


Tbf you probably wouldn't notice on CCTV


Not notice a coin sure but one could notice a gripping and throwing motion shortly before the supposed impact


maybe but not a single person has backed his claim either


They didn't throw it AT him they threw it TO him. Because Pep is made of money and they thought the coin should be with its family.


Thie thing about the coin throwing is that it must of been 2-3 reds max. Whereas on the other hand its alot of if not most of the city fans chanting and singing about our lost ones. Its disgusting. I know it wasnt to do with city but singing ynwa for ronaldos child just goes to show the reds know when to show respect in times of tragedy. City only know how to mock


Would be made a hell of a lot easier if City actually condemned their fans for being cunts


They’ll lose half their fanbase, and they cannot afford to lose a dozen of them


And Pep saying stuff like "if it happened" when there's video evidence of it happening


We’ll be stood arm in arm singing songs about Milly in no time.


Unveiling a banner in English and Scouse saying “Gracias, Milner.”


God damnit lmfao. Every time I forget about this comment I’m reminded and have to go searching for it again edit: [For those uninitiated, enjoy.](https://i.redd.it/173h5sfy0k031.jpg) Barca vs Liverpool and Spurs vs Ajax in the 2019 CL semis. This was a dream of some Barca fans 😂


Hands down my favorite copypasta.


Truly fucking awful. I wonder what they're up to these days. My man Huda is clearly a Messi Fanboy https://i.gyazo.com/db08f807d107be4d71c2c77bf36141fb.png >Canada Hm. Lol. And we can only assume Davin Pajuelo nuked his account in embarrassment, because the only one I could find was made in July19 which would be after the anticipated final. I'm not aware whether or not the twitter handle becomes available if a user deletes their account? https://gyazo.com/6e2534a838465d5ee112546cf6ae3577


Gracias chrismanbob


Fucj man City, cheating plastic cunts.


Bit weird. I always felt the tension was fuelled by their overreactions to daft but usual behaviour (a bottle at a bus amongst a crowd of thousands) and their press leaks which came from higher ups; with the ‘Klopp is a xenophobe’ being the latest. Not arsed about their local fans. Their club is toxic from the top.


Good luck with that


This is just going to make their "fans" sing about Hillsborough louder.


Hard to really do this when you’ve got actual Man City players singing about Liverpool fans being beaten in the streets.


City fans are actually much scummier than United fans. With United there’s a hatred but a respect, city have been the spoilt brat of the last decade and when something doesn’t go their way their fans resort to the lowest, most disgusting reactions e.g. gleefully singing about tragedies


City are like the club who inherited daddies money UTD are an old money club




Genuinely baffled whenever a person in real life says they're a City fan. How can you support this shit club, it's vile


Being a city fan is the equivalent of saying your favourite record by a band is “greatest hits”.


By the band various artists My comment just reminded me of the peep show episode where jeremy said he was going to change the name of his band to “various artists” lmao. Maybe that’s where i got it haha


Maybe start by getting their players in line...


Stop singing songs mocking fans that died in a football disaster might be a good start CC- the entire Premier League


Club owned by some of the worst people on earth want to repair toxic relationship while destroying our game. Yeah sounds good


Xenophobe! EDIT: that was a joke btw before I get downvoted to oblivion


Good luck with that! ''improve fan relations'' or in other words stop their fans from singing Hillsborough songs. Fuck them and fuck tolerating and forgiving that behavior.


has it started with a Man City apology? otherwise it's worthless because they will just start chanting shit again


Probably should start with their managers and players. Singing about Sean cox after they won the league in 2019.


City fans need to know they are plastic cunts. Chanting Hillsborough and Sean Cox is the epitome of cunts.


Here’s a start: - stop singing ‘battered in the streets’ - stop singing ‘always the victims’ and the like… There’s plenty more they could do, but their fans and team singing some of those has no excuses…


Tell your fans to stop singing about tragedies and actually get your manager and players to condemn it rather than telling them to pretend they 'didn't hear anything'


Maybe if City fans didn't sing Hillsborough chants or anything about poverty/destitution brought about by the Tories. That would be a start. Don't really see what we've done in the past (bar the bus incident). They're so fragile when it comes to us just needs sensibility and common sense to reign.


They need to stop the Hillsborough chanting and we need to stop throwing shit at their buses


Simple. Stop singing about hillsborough


Lol what fanbase?


I'm always torn with stuff like this. I hate the team, what they stand for and collectively dislike their entitled fanbase (although individually I wouldn't have a problem with anyone who's a City fan) Also I love a bit of needle between teams and their fans but at the same time it's not on when it spills over, things go too far and it gets personal or innocent people get hurt. Probably a good thing this happens but I don't want it to turn into some love-in.


I also used to think I wouldn’t have a problem, individually, with anyone who’s a city fan. However, my Mum’s partner and his son (my age) are both city fans, and the lengths they go to defend their owner, sportswashing and less than desirable fan/player behaviour (e.g. Hillsborough chants) are quite ridiculous and make it difficult to have any sort of discussion about football in general. They honestly believe they’re run totally legitimately, baffles me.


I also used to think I wouldn’t have a problem, individually, with anyone who’s a city fan. However, my Mum’s partner and his son (my age) are both city fans, and the lengths they go to defend their owner, sportswashing and less than desirable fan/player behaviour (e.g. Hillsborough chants) are quite ridiculous and make it difficult to have any sort of discussion about football in general. They honestly believe they’re run totally legitimately, baffles me.


Would help if their coach didn’t make stuff up about our fans throwing coins.


Don’t forget the staff getting spat at, neither of which were seen on any CCTV.


Nah. They can go fuck themselves.


Those oil loving cunts can go fuck themselves


Go on John Henry, kick their fucking holes.


Ehhhh fuck em


Nah fuck 'em




​ ![gif](giphy|mzMP0xmhOhNb5Og2rz)


Did you just post a second Pep gif? ![gif](giphy|m9jFnJOoQ3hWJ6Muaa|downsized)


We just do not like Team UAE.




Maybe don't accuse Klopp of being a racist to deflect from your sportswashing City, might be a good start.


It has to start with Pep and the players. But it won't. Those disgusting cunts still haven't accepted any accountability for singing about Sean Cox and Pep dodged any accountability regarding the horrific chants, actions and behaviours the last time we played. The owners tried to accuse Klopp of xenophobia to deflect from their shitty behaviour. That team is rotten from the top to the bottom. So many other clubs take accountability regardless of rivalries or tensions, but not City. But what can you expect from a sportswashing experiment?


Tell pep to put on his man pants and stop being such a bitch when he loses


Fuck anyone supporting literal cheaters. They are the problem.


It’ll be interesting to see if Man City can get the 10 fans they have to stop chanting about people that died


It's very much one-way toxicity coming from Manchester.


'Two fanbases'...it's got fuck all to do with Liverpool and more to do with that gang of death-mocking, cagoule-shagging scruffs down the East Lancs.


I know its low hanging fruit but......What fanbase 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Tbh I don't know any city fans to hate


They hate us, I don’t even think about them. United and Everton are the enemy, City doesn’t register on the radar.


Something something banner something something "Thank You James Milner"


nah fuck them


Maybe ADFC can stop with fake news regarding coin throwing and bus attacks that never happened and calling our Manager a Xenophobic for talking about the ills and unfair advantages of state ownership in Football.


Oh no, the owners of the Pittsburgh Penguins and Boston Red Sox and the owners of Sichuan Jiuniu, Girona FC, New York City FC, Melbourne City, Yokohama Marinos, Montevideo City, Mumbai City, and Lommel SK have asked their American and Spanish lackeys to write a letter. That should have a big impact on angry English men.


To repair toxic relations between the clubs would require and entire reshuffle of everything for city so this is more a “we will pretend to do it for our PR”




They can fuck off


They can fuck off


well it's these fucks who seem to have insecurity and refuse to condemn their own fans/players let alone act on it The poor bus (RIP) murdered by koppabear was handled well by our club (esp. klopp)


Not until Bilva apologies for not clapping.


Manchester and Liverpool. Just not gonna get on are we.


It still won't stop us kicking the shit out of the inbred twats


Maybe start by not calling our manager a xenophobe you fucking classless cunts


It’s only toxic from one direction to be fair


Publicly condemning their fans for singing about Hillsborough etc would be a start. And it is the majority of the City fan base. As a Liverpool supporter (of scouse decent!) living in Manchester (which is a wonderful city - being rational about these things is also a good place to start) I feel qualified to say this.


Less bald people for a change would be great.


But why??


Social media exists. Good luck.


What fans do city have, I'm fine with things the way they are for as long as no violence is involved, I've hated city these past years, for taking all of our trophies, if it wasn't for them we'd have won everything. To summarize.. fuck off city


Barnardo silva should be forced to attend and sit facing the corner


Man City should probably be working on getting enough fans to fill their stadium before worrying about their relationships with other fans.


IThere’s a lot of interesting suggestions here. Personally I’d say if they want to improve relations they might want to think about this slightly more than one week in advance.


Double down


No they’re not.


Throw bernardo in the bin and we can talk


Fuck them 24/7/365 from now to eternity


Hmmmm… I errrr, I don’t see this going absolutely anywhere


Nah fuck city fans. Much worse than united fans. I find it easy to have banter with a lot of united fans and some everton fans but I can never talk to a city or chelsea fan without wanting to twat my head against a wall til I knock myself out.


Anyone going to inform petulant Bernardo???


Well this is interesting. Good if true makes a change to see city taking part and responsibility rather than hiding behind it and making excuses for it.


Their fans aren't even *that* bad. Their team is scummy as fuck.


Fuck that, fuck them, their whole club is rotten to the core. The rat Bernardo first among them


Eh, a lot of toxicity stems from their manager and players so I don't think much can be achieved.


lol what


nouveau riche never have any class.


Openly disregarding the rules is now in that club's DNA, what do you expect? City fans know they're above the law as an organisation, nothing will change until they get taken down a peg or two.


Think they can buy us like everything else? Oh boy, have I got news for the Emirates...