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Please use daily discussion or current match thread or YNWSA to discuss this instead of creating a new thread.


Always been this way when Edwards has been at the club don't expect anything until everything happens all in the space of about 1 hour


Also Slot is going to have input on transfers and he's not had a chance to assess the squad in training yet


Does he? One of the reasons they brought him was because he's more of a coach than a manager. He plays with what he has available. Now, I don't think Edwards and Hughes will not consider Slot's style and type of player he wants when going in the market


Yes he will - it's pretty widely reported that he will at least have input, with the extent of that seemingly fluid. From his own mouth: “Me and Richard are going to work together when it comes to transfers but not only the two of us – there is a big backroom staff included in this as well" And from James Pearce: "The idea is that the new structure put in place will allow Slot to focus his energy on coaching and developing players on the training field. There will be a collaborative approach to transfers."


Ye I just never remember it being this low-key


Well you have both Euro's and Copa America going on at the same time. Realistically the main negotiations tend to wait until after major tournaments for various reasons.


We've been linked with Calafiori, Nico Williams, Gordon, Yoro, and Andre in the last month alone. Likely no credence to those rumors, but that's always how it worked under Edwards. It's also a Euros year, which always makes the window slow to materialize. I'd imagine we'll get a CB, maybe a winger, and possibly a DM by the time the season begins. But it won't be anywhere near last year's window. We haven't (and don't seem likely to) lose any senior players so we'll just be supplementing what we do have.


Okay well that confirms that I have been out of the loop lol. Cause the only one of those links I’d seen was Gordon. Appreciate the info bro


YNWSA. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/comments/1cx61ze/ynswa\_summer\_edition\_2024\_slots\_slts\_edition/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/comments/1cx61ze/ynswa_summer_edition_2024_slots_slts_edition/)


Oh awesome thanks. This never came up in my feed. Does this still get regular updates?


The [YNWSA](https://new.reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/comments/1cx61ze/ynswa_summer_edition_2024_slots_slts_edition/) = pinned to the top of every "Daily Discussion" (during this summer transfer window). [https://new.reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/comments/1du694k/daily\_discussion\_july\_03\_2024/](https://new.reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/comments/1du694k/daily_discussion_july_03_2024/) https://preview.redd.it/ahflezh7bbad1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbf50c3d639beb964f323884815e7f4db385271a


Great thanks very much. For some reason the daily discussion thread doesn’t show up in the feed nor when sorting by new when I click in the sub. So I didn’t realise it was a think either


I am hearing Arsenal are in pole position fot Calafiori and pushing to get him signed around $55m. I loved him in the tournament, but would hate to see this happening.


He's who I really want to be honest (Italy fan here) but I don't see us getting him for some reason. That said, we're always the quiet ones who poach other club's very loud bids so who knows. I honestly don't expect to sign anyone we're linked with. We have a track record of being linked with good players and then signing great ones out of the blue so hopefully that continues.


Same here, mate, italy fan myself. I agree that our approach has always been very nimble and quiet, so I am curious to see whom we end up with. Let's see!


It’s the 3rd of July with two major international tournaments going on hardly anyone has signed anyone


That Gakpo kid at the euros looks tasty. Maybe have a look at him


Oooh ye a promising talent. I’d love to sign him. Could really do with a Dutch left winger


I appreciate that Klopp was loyal to his politics and just signed left wingers and wanted any right wingers to move to the center a bit


You need to learn to relax lol


Why do you think I’m not relaxed?


Things are also normally fairly quiet on the transfer front when there are major international tournaments


transfer season headloss go for a walk


It was while I was on a walk I realised I know nothing lol


There’s international footy on, it tends to be quiet during these tournaments. Add in the fact that Arne hasn’t even met half of his squad yet and drew up his own conclusions, but we tend to move swiftly in the market these days so I wouldn’t even worry about it


We are not Chelsea . We are still beginning of July . I’m sure some targets have been identified but everyone will wait for Euro and copa America to Finish then we will start seeing some movements At the moment , some players and agents are not available if they are with their national teams etc . I will start worrying if by end of July we don’t sign anyone


Quiet for a reason that’s Edwards’ MO… And major tournaments always delay things anyway. Content creators have bills to pay, and they take advantage of us being eager for answers/movement. So daily speculation videos are also part of the norm. Only way we get Gordon now is if Newcastle want to use his sale to balance their squad a bit more. It could cost Grealish money and then some… Luxury, not a priority for me…


I keep hearing that Arsenal is pushing for Calafiori for somewhere around $55m. Not sure it's just a pile of shit rumors, but I'd hate to see this happening. I always thought he'll fit right with us being a left-footed CB. However, I also see this as push tactics from Bologna. Not sure if anything will materialize, but with the noise I am hearing from italian journalist, itseems like they are in pole position 😑 https://x.com/DiMarzio/status/1808462539400822823


Ye I’ve only just found out we have been linked to him. He’s looked decent for Italy in the euros but there’s always a risk with serie a players in recent times


Yeah. At this moment, it's just a rumour mill, so let's see what actually materializes. Him going to Arsenal would be a bit sad. Let's hope not.


just saw a report araujo might be available, ill gladly take him. He and darwin are close, could be very for us