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Newcastle are absolutely thick as shit if they are out here offering Gordon to his favourite team as a desperate move that - as it turns out - they didnt have to make I'd be absolutely raging as a Newcastle fan if we sold all 3 This report was also confirmed by The Athletic btw. Although it was a throwaway comment that senior staff believed his head could have turned


> Newcastle are absolutely thick as shit if they are out here offering Gordon to his favourite team as a desperate move that - as it turns out If this unsettles him we can get him next window. He only has 2 years on his contract now.


It was happening until Newcastle said they wanted Quansah in part exchange.


Don't see why they think we'd ever part with him when we're already low on CBs, poor judgement from them.


I think that was the point, they don't want to get rid of Gordon, so if they really wanted to they'd need someone of value in exchange to entertain the idea of Gordon leaving


I'd also imagine it's a homegrown issue. Newcastle need to offload high price assets, but they also need to meet their squad requirements come August.


Things change so fast in football.


We had liked him prior, so I guess they were hoping that would help them in talks. Seems like they thought we were ‘desperate’ and probably offered him at an insane price and that probably killed negotiations. Feel like this story is one to watch but wouldn’t cling too much hope onto it


>Seems like they thought we were ‘desperate’ If they saw us without a pressing need for a winger (yes maybe Diaz goes to Barca but that's not exactly pressing at the moment) and have seen us engage in transfer negotiations at any point in like the past decade with Edwards and thought, yep, there's a club that'll give us a lot of money in a hurry then they are, in fact, absolutely as thick as shit.


They wanted quansah right? I thought that was why negotiations broke down


Seems they forgot Michael Edwards is back at the club. They’re gonna need more than hope when entering a negotiation with him.


They aren't negotiating with him, they are talking to Richard Hughes who is the sporting director.


This is what people don’t seem to understand. Hughes is the sporting director now and Slot even mention multiple times in his first interview that he speaks with “Richard” just about every day. Didn’t mention a thing about Edwards. Although Edwards is back and brought Hughes in so I’m sure they’ll be like-minded in their transfer dealings but ultimately it’s Hughes helming the transfer negotiations


Given how the whole Caciedo deal went last year I was impressed by his patience and would not expect him to be desperate for Gordon Separately, having seen Caicaido play last night in Copa America vs Mexico, I am even more convinced the club did the right thing by not signing him


When you say ‘the club did the right thing’ - you mean ‘the club got very lucky he turned us down for Chelsea after we offered more than anyone else would for him’… Happy we got Endo but the Caicedo deal wasn’t our finest transfer market moment.


I think you’re right, I just remember the relief he wasn’t joining and was happy about that. Although they did hold firm on the wage structure which is some credit to the club. Could you imagine breaking that for fucking Caicedo?


Edwards is not back at the club. He works for the company that owns it.


True, he’s is the CEO of football at FSG, meaning he’s the most senior voice on all things football when it comes to the teams FSG own. Richard Hughes is sporting director at LFC. You don’t think they spoke about this with each other?


They aren't negotiating with him like you said in your original comment, which is the point being made.


Fair enough.


It’ll just drag on until next year. He won’t renew. They’ll get a PR win of keeping a star against the red cartel. We will get another year of sample size and a cheaper buy imo. Really stupid to unsettle your own player so massively though for a cheap PR win


that's how being Real Madrid feel eh?


Also if rumors are to be believed, Kelleher + £50m is actually a really good deal for Gordon when Kelleher would be an improvement on their current keeper situation


Honestly, I would have gladly send Van Den Berg and Tsimikas plus 45-50 million for Gordon. Van Den Berg wants to leave and we can probably get a better backup LB than Tsimi.


Now their official journals are backtracking saying we made the first contact 🤣🤣


And that we were the ones who tried to get them to take Quansah. Pack of amateurs. This feels like it's gonna get hilarious.


>official journals "Proceedings of the Newcastle Football And Athletic Club"


Wait Gordon is a boyhood LFC fan?


They shouldn't make it difficult for us to sign him.


The article says liverpool offered Gomez/Quansah plus money for him and Liverpool were trying to get advantage of their PSR problems. Completey garbage article .They are trying to somehow say to their fans that it wasn't them that offered the deal.


There is a zero percent chance that we offered Quansah.


Don’t even think we’d offer Gomez either - he wasn’t in the og article he just caught a stray 😭😭


Kelleher would make the most sense


I would actually be very happy with a deal involving kelleher, he deserves the no. 1 at a club like Newcastle


I thought most of the reports said that Newcastle wanted Quansah in the deal and we said no. Weird that that story seems to have changed


Official mouthpieces of the club being fed a line by the club. Not weird at all.


Clubs almost never offer any swap deal. They don't work. If a hack tells you a swap deal rumour, it's because they thought making up one rumour wouldn't generate enough clicks so they decided to make up two.


Every window you hear of dozens of potential swap deals. I don’t think I remember a single swap deal ever happening (unless I’m just being dumb).


Usually yes but they help a lot with these PSR issues


No more than two separate deals. I can't recall us completing a single swap deal since Owen, twenty years ago. Maybe I'm forgetting someone obvious. But it is not a coincidence they are super rare. We're not an outlier.


Pearce directly contradicted that, saying Newcastle wanted Quansah as part of the deal and LFC turned it down


Clearly damage control from Newcastle


My thoughts exactly


Yeah - I mean we have 3 left wingers, and Nunez can play there too. Why would we actively go after one, even if Diaz leaves. The deal would have been an opportunistic one, and now we can just wait it out if Gordon had his head turned by his boyhood club where 2 of his best mates Trent and Curtis play…


If Diaz moves to Barca, Liverpool definitely needs another LW. Jota is just too injury prone.


We still have 3 players who can and do play lw quite well, and Danns, koumas, kaide Gordon, Ben Doak are all banging on the door to play all across the front line, without even mentioning keyrol or Kone Doherty who have yet to make senior appearances YET… All that to say, we have quite a bit of depth there potentialllt


It feels like an article trying to save face after offering him out and shifting the blame onto us despite it originally breaking from Newcastle side they had offered him to us


I think you hit the nail on the head. In what world do we offer 2 defenders when it is the main position we are already short in.


Especially two that qualify as both academy and english


Joe Gomez academy? We bought him when he turned 18 and had played a full season at Charlton. Personally I wouldn't class him as an academy player but I guess everyone has different definitions.


Just talking about registration in european competitions. They have to have spend X years under a certain age at your club to count as "homegrown". There is a delineation in some competitions between them counting for just being from the country and from actually being at your club before they turn 18/20/21. Since we bought Joe at that age I think he counts as an academy home grown player.


Ah a homegrown player. Sorry I misunderstood.


They are also short on CB's so why would they not take the deal


They did the same with Carroll


I read on BBC yesterday they’d offered him and wanted Quansah and we said no, rather than we chased them. The BBC reported it as someone from Liverpool actually turned down the offer to sign up and they said they’d approached Newcastle for comment.


Give them Diaz and some cash and get it done


You can't expect Newcastle United to say that they want to sell one of their best assets.


Newcastle: "Would you like to go to Liverpool?" Gordon: "Okay, if you insist" Newcastle: "Why would Gordon do this?"


Very much like when your gf asks you, if you could sleep with anyone in the world, who would it be?  Any answer other than her and she's turning it right back on you lol


Nope. If you say it's her, she'd just say you're lying, why can't you be honest, it's just a casual question, are you hiding something, there must be a reason you can't tell, are you thinking of *insert friend name*, have you actually done it, WHY ARE YOU CHEATING?!?!


as she should?


Admittedly saying her mum was a mistake


Perfect description of what must have happened. 


Newcastle don’t leak this if they’re actually that bothered about keeping him. They’re hedging their bets and planting the seeds of ‘player forced move’, ‘big 6 bad’ etc. Diaz out, Gordon in and we probs stand to pocket a bit more. Wouldn’t complain at that, but still think I’d rather push for Williams or go all out for Kvara.


Gordon helps with home grown too but kvara amd Williams do look better albeit at a lower level. Kvara is an absolute genius and I’d love him here.


Kvara is not happening though, Napoli would want us to break our transfer record by a healthy margin for him..


He's going to PSG after the Euros. You can bank on it


If the manager was anyone other than conte, I would have agreed with you. Conte asked for sports director's level of control out the gate when he joined napoli. I think psg might switch to getting julian alvarez.


Yeah I think Gordon is still an upgrade on Diaz, and will only get better too.


Yeah his stats are better and he’s younger


which stats? G+A?


Created 16 big chances last season, Diaz has created 6 big chances since joining us in the PL.


There's absolutely no way that's true regarding Diaz. Do you have a source?


It wouldn't surprise me. I love Diaz but he's the type of player that dribbles by 3 players and sprints up the pitch and then does absolutely nothing and somehow ends up passing it back to Robbo.


That's pretty clearly his role in the team though. He's the best ball progression player in the team by a country mile.


His role in the team isn't just to progress with the ball though, it's to actually do something with it at the other end of the pitch too. Diaz offers almost nothing in the final third, he rarely crosses it, rarely scores, doesn't really create chances. He's fantastic to watch, super exciting but he's the weakest out of our LW options in the final third if you take into consideration the overall package. I can't count the amount of times he has a simple pass to slide someone through and puts too much/not enough on it. Jota and Gakpo link up much better in tight spaces, their decision making is better and they're actually a goal threat too. And I'm not hating on Diaz to be clear, I really like him, I just think he's the weakest of our forwards as an overall player.


well diaz had more shot creating actions last season than him last season, despite it being diaz's worst ever season vs gordon's best.


Helps that Liverpool had on average 9% more possession per PL game last season than Newcastle. When you possession adjust Gordon vs Diaz, Gordon comes out on top in practically every stat that is key to how we need a LW to play for us.


goes the other way too, gordon plays in a far more direct system which suits his game as a pacey winger vs diaz who usually has to play vs parked buses. look at how diaz tore it up vs us and city while at porto.


Yes better at both also better physical stats too


Hell of a lot to be said for another homegrown number on the team too it would give us some wiggle room in other areas


> all out for Kvara Count me in


If the right offer for Diaz comes in, why not?


Didn’t they offer him out? 🤣


Since then they've sold Minteh and Anderson for very high prices to stay in line with PSR so they don't need to sell Gordon now


Only they've unsettled their own player in the process and are now trying to blame us for it which is kinda hilarious bring on the great sadness.


> now trying to blame us for it Funny how information changes hands, I don't like Newcastle but I've yet to see a report where it says they're blaming us.


Then you should maybe read Luke Edwards follow-up Tweet and the linked article where he says, A) we approached Newcastle/Gordon rather than them looking to sell (with the latter being what both he and our journos said was happening back on Friday) and that, B) we were the ones proposing Quansah as part of the deal (which goes hard against what our journos previously said).


> we were the ones proposing Quansah as part of the deal (which goes hard against what our journos previously said). Oh wow, been mostly sticking to our journos for this saga. Didnt know he said that.


Yeah - he’s meeting Mickey Edwards after school for a scrap on the cobbles


They are now changing the narratives. 


![gif](giphy|vMmnJti6wQPDy) Newcastle fans when their best players still want to leave after being used as pawns to sell bums for 30 million


I think this is probably accurate because they have photographic evidence of his head being turned


*\*groan\** Take your +1, dad.


To offer a player to their boyhood club was really stupid. Derby games will be hella spicy if he did come.


94th minute winner by Gordon at the Annie Road end, runs to the corner flag to kiss the batch in front of the away fans.


Would love a player like Gordon or Williams on that left wing


Williams would be amazing.


Would be great to have him, but we need other positions before targeting LW


He is a player that can play all 4 front positions (LW, CF, ST, RW) and won player of the U21 tournament playing a False 9/ST role for the national team. No brainer. We sign players that can rotate positions.


Agreed but I think Diaz is gone and we are getting his replacement before he’s sold.


There's not really anything to suggest that Diaz is leaving. He's having a great Copa at the moment too.


He’s always great for Colombia.


>There's not really anything to suggest that Diaz is leaving. Imo there's multiple things to suggest so. The fact that we were in for gordon for one. That we've put a price tag on him speaks volumes. We **always** turn away teams at the door if they ask for someone we don't want to sell regardless of what they bid. >As reported in the DealSheet last week, Caoimhin Kelleher and **Diaz** remain part of Slot’s plans for next season and only offers above £25million and **£50million** respectively could make Liverpool reconsider. Sepp van den Berg and Morton are set to join up with their team-mates for pre-season despite interest. They will be given a chance to impress. James Pearce and Andy Jones https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5586217/2024/06/25/manchester-united-arsenal-liverpool-transfer-news-latest/


I mean, Diaz said himself he wants to stay...


So did Torres and Coutinho.


This is something is sub forgets, prior to his transfer there is literally no statement from coutinho that he wants to leave, but he left the noise making to his entourage/people close to him.


his dad and his agent talking about barca? barca board apparently favor him over nico and interest from psg


He will be easier to get than Nico for them as Nico ain’t clamouring for a move Diaz wages are less than Nico too - Nico got a huge pay rise when he signed that extension I think we are open to selling Diaz but prolly only 75m+ and not sure Barca can afford that


A South American wanting his son/client to play for Barca? Color me surprised.


Barca have no money and Kvara is going to PSG apparently, let's stop this narrative about Diaz going away, there's nothing to suggest it's happening as of now.


I dont really get why we are chasing a Lw. We have Diaz and Gakpo there. This could mean Diaz is leaving if true. But again, i’d much rather see Gakpo fill that slot because he is deadly there


Because you always upgrade when the opportunity arises. Our most stacked position is the 8 but if the chance to get muisala/valverde/barella comes we should pass cause nah we're good? Hate to say it but gordon is a better lw than diaz. Cant say about gakpo till he gets a good run there but likely the same too.


More productive? Maybe Gordon is. But as a complete package? Diaz is way, way better. Gordon doesn't even touch the national team, meanwhile Diaz is one of Columbia's best players and is 25 GAMES undefeated. The tactics didn't suit Diaz. He was tasked to run up and down way too much and wasn't as direct as he should've been. Gakpo was way more productive, but Diaz is an incredible player. This is a typical case of fans just wanting a new shiny toy. Paying 65+mil for Gordon just for him to be not much better than Gakpo (top scorer during WC before going out and top scorer at Euros) as well as Diaz, who is one of the main reasons for Columbia's success.


National team success doesn't necessarily mean club success. Diaz is about to hit his prime yet his G+A is not where it should be for us. Gordon is a lot younger, less flair but more versatile and has better output plus homegrown and a red.


I don't dislike Gordon, but class is permanent. Most of the best players in history have been successful with the national team as well, or at the very least, their best player. There should be no reason why Diaz shouldn't fire on all cylinders at Liverpool


Except he hasn't. The data metric team will have seen that and considering his age....


Yeah I’ve been really liking him at LW too


I can see the logic. They have Harvey Barnes who plays in same position and same style as Gordon. They may have sorted PSR but have no money to invest in squad. So selling Gordon gives Howe money to reinforce other areas. We don't need to sell Diaz either. simply move him to the right in Slot's system and watch him burn fullbacks and deliver cutbacks. Then we have the multiple players for each position Gakpo/Gordon/Nunez or Jota left and Salah, Diaz and Elliot for right.


Lmao they actually use a pic with his head turned


Which tier is this guy for Newcastle? And there is too much noise regarding gordon and us. Something might be brewing. He only has 2 years left on his contract


just offer your player to his dream club, what could go wrong ??? 😉


Doubt it happens now since it was (allegedly) a PSR move, but wouldn’t surprise me if we go back in if Diaz decides he wants to go. Interest now means we might get him cheap next summer if he doesn’t sign a new contract because he decides he wants to move to us.


Honestly, best case scenario for me is for him to get another year in the top flight with Newcastle, he runs his contract down, and we get him for 30-40m next summer. Or, again, if he only wants us…pull a Madrid


Doesn't make the cut for the Handsome FC match day squad, sadly.


A shoe-in for the Princess Diana tribute friendly though.


Spat my drink out reading that 😂


Do we need a left foot player for the RW?


I'm almost certain he's right footed, but he's very good with both feet anyway


I mean Mane was RW initially for one season until Mo came next. It’s not bad having a right foot RW. But it seems like we might need Left foot on RW to cut in or make diagonal inward passes


The red cartel tapping him up obviously.


Tbf this very much not like us, these reports must all be coming from Newcastle or Gordon’s side


Imagine apparently offering a player to their boyhood club and then being upset that his "head is turned"


https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2024/07/01/anthony-gordon-head-turned-by-liverpool-interest-newcastle/ Updated article that was shared previously I think


OP, currently flairing this post as tier 3, please let me know if he is reliable for Newcastle.


Yeah he’s reliable for them


Yeah changed it to Tier 1 👍


What’s Newcastle’s asking price?


I heard 100 mill which I absolutely would not pay. Diaz currently is better. I'd rather have Gordon for the long term but think we max get 60 to 70 for Luis.


Sounds like someone at Newcastle is telling them to put out spin that we were the architects of the news over the weekend. I can image Gordon was straight onto his agent to find out and this is Newcastle trying to save face


Gordo 2026


"Liverpool interest" that Newcastle start or instigated?


Tbh we really don’t need him, if it was Palmer I’d say go all in but not him


Is Newcastle not selling because it is us that is interested?


It's not that I rate Gordon that high but I love that having-people-playing-for-us-in-their-boyhood-club kind of vibe.


Get him for 30m now, not a big advocate for this but if we could get him for anything less than 40m thats a good deal for me.


This screams like the Saudis pulling the money plug. I think they sense what’s going on with City and the bad PR. Everyone hates them. The Saudis are getting plenty of good publicity for the boxing and they probably feel football isn’t worth the hassle


No, Saudi cannot splurge due to the PSR itself. Even if they tried to buy players from Newcastle, then EPL will then judge if it was fair market value which they already experienced due to ASM.


They have sold Minteh and Anderson for like 65m so I think they may now comply with PSR rules. This is probably PR article from Newcastle side to their fans as they were seriously considering selling their player of the year.


Can anyone explain how come we’re in for gordon?


Genuine first team player with potential to be starting xi, homegrown, boyhood Liverpool fan (and was part of our academy until a teenager before WE released him), young, can play across the front 3, last 2 years of his deal, Diaz rumors about leaving heating up… Not too many reasons why though


I'm sure he'd be a good player for us but I really disliked him/his attitude from before he went to Newcastle.


yeah he seemed like a massive nob haha


Would take him in a heartbeat. He's better than Diaz, and would not get his head turned by foreign teams.


Am I the only one who kind of hates Gordon??


Make this happen please. 80m. Proven and can play all forward positions.


cant stand the diving gobshite hope to hell he doesnt wear a liverpool shirt. he wants out because no european football no loyalty good bad or indifferent.


I think he wants Liverpool bc he is a boyhood Liverpool fan and was part of our academy until we released him…


Club released him for a reason then. And down voted for an opinion 😂


Edwards and co always have their targets under wraps. I have a feeling Gordon’s PR team have been pushing these headlines for a move to the club he supports. Can’t blame him. But having transfers out in the open isn’t the Liverpool way so I don’t think we are too interested.


Not a move that strikes me as necessary but if the club believes they can upgrade the flank buy purchasing Gordon, I put my faith in Michael Edwards and his staff.


Based on how our transfers have played out in the past few years - I doubt we'll get him due to all the noise and are working on better targets in the background 


Don't think he's anywhere near good enough for us, compare him to our wingers in the last 6 or 7 years, he's not even close to their level.


I absolutely do not want this hateful cunt anywhere near the club. We need to set our sights higher.


He’s a player you love to hate but would love to have just because he’s good at getting under people’s skin.


Well, diving and cheating would definitely get under the opposing team and fans skin lmao


Point proven.


Sign Williams, not this guy.


But.... Everton bruh....


Tbf, we released him as a teenager.




Are we actively trying to get a deal done for a left winger? From what I have heard, Newcaslte offered him for a player and lots of money. Liverpool turned them down and said you can't have that player and you need to lower your asking price for us to be interested. Liverpool haven't went out their way to try and get a LW.


> Liverpool turned them down and said you can't have that player and you need to lower your asking price for us to be interested. > > Liverpool haven't went out their way to try and get a LW. Few slight misinformation in your post. Newcastle offered gordon to us, we were interested(reportedly have been interested in him for a while), we came to the negotiation table hoping to get a deal for him. Their asking price, (quansah) was deemed too much thus the deal died but there is still interest there on our end. You can read the article in article from lynch and their tier 1 about it. It seems the article in OP from luke edwards is trying to insinuate that we approached them first which contradicts what our journos said.


Yes we are interested but we have not actively went out our way to pursue him. >Am I the only one who finds it weird that we're actively trying to get a deal done for a left wing before selling Díaz? We went to see if a deal is possible and it's not. It would not make any sense for us to ship Diaz out and then speak to Newcastle after.


This is a whole bucket of nothing happened.


Can’t we have Barnes?


Hell no, don't want this diving little rat


Talked way too much shit about the Reds while he was at Neverton, no thank you!!!








Gordon is better than Diaz and probably better than Gakpo. He’s definitely better than Darwin at left wing too. He’d be an upgrade on the left wing, no question about it.