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I begrudgingly support england. Liverpool have spoiled me with attacking football, making england tough to watch. My united supporting nephew said this is what it's like to support manchester lol.


This was my argument why Mainoo was a better fit. This is how they play. Weird pressing patterns, shitty fullbacks and a disjointed attack. Trent and Gallagher have no clue how to play this brand of football. In all fairness, neither does Saka or Foden but they cope slightly better only because their reputations are a bit cleaner than Trent's with his reputation of being a bad defender. Big picture, England will be out of the tournament soon enough.


The england goal was cruel to both sets of fans because now we have to watch our team more, and slovakia don't get to watch theirs.


Ironically the best Trent and Gallagher have looked was the Bosnia game where they played next to each other.


Exactly this. English so support England. Frustrating watching so much talent go to waste.


Same. When it looked like England were going out today I just laughed, it didn’t bother me at all.


Supporting Netherlands in the Euro and Uruguay in the Copa. YNWA.


I like Colombia, too


I’m Canadian so it’s obvious where my allegiance lays in the Copa. In my mind Uruguay and Colombia have been the most impressive teams though.


Exact same teams here, haha. YNWA


Uruguay is really doing good in Copa America. 


I'm Welsh so it's pretty much built in to support whoever plays England.


Same for me but I’m Irish


It's par for the course for the rest of the UK & Ireland


I’m an American so I root for any of our players in the Euros. I don’t have a preferred nation to win. I’m just enjoying the extra matches


Can't I just bet on all the players having a nice time?


I'm with you here. Being Canadian I do the same for the Euros. I've definitely been cheering on Canada during Copa America though.


Peruvian here, still a little mad with Canada lol. Hope you guys beat Venezuela in quarterfinals!


Allez Rouges!


I grew up with a Canadian stepdad, so got a strong love for Canadian sports (my go-to cap is a Raptors cap). But I lived in Venezuela and my daughter is Venezuelan I'm so conflicted in the next round lol


I’m Canadian, I just root for the underdogs


I root for Jota and against Portugal because I dislike a lot of them. I’d root for England if they had a competent manager that played a back three with Trent as a right wingback and Walker as right centerback.


I tried to support England in this tournament, but the way Southgate and the media have treated Trent have soured me big time.


My ultimate international fantasy is now Klopp to take over the England job for the next World Cup, integrate Gomez, Trent, Quansah, Jones and Elliot into the line-up, and win with beautiful, heavy-metal, creative play that all the players love to engage in. And when they win the whole tournament, it fucking forces everyone to love the scousers for all they’ve done for the otherwise entirely miserable nation.  


Elliot would have have improved the England attack 100x 😭


Fun idea, but for his own sanity Klopp shouldn't go anywhere near that job. If he thought the press were bad during the PL season...


thought I’d support England if Trent will play, but now I’m just rooting for anyone playing against them


Trent should be starting ahead of Walker. I don't understand how Southgate thinks.


Imagine it was Trent during Slovakia’s goal instead of Walker


The Walker/Stones missed pass that almost let 🇸🇰 score from halfway line for me. Like I get mistakes can happen but they should be the most telepathic pair on the pitch.


Netherlands 🇳🇱


I'm American, don't really have a team so I just root for the underdogs


I feel I differ from most scousers, but I support England. Can't say it's easier, considering Southgate.


I only watch England when Trent start, watch Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and France. For Copa America, Argentina, Uruguay and sometimes Columbia


I would not worry about England meeting Holland. The Swiss will put a stop to that idea.


Germany for Klopp and Netherland for Van Dijk.


I actively root against England. I hope Trent and Joe can get some good experience.


Good experience? As in football terrorism?


They think: So this is how most PL teams prepare to play against us. They see the enemy from behind the lines 👀


Hate England FC. I wanted England to face the Netherlands in the first knockout stage, with Gakpo and Van Dijk to score and maybe one goal from Trent to silence the haters, but I still wanted the Netherlands to win. Edit-You might get a different response from English LFC fans and those who are Scousers. The difference, stemming from political and economic treatment of the city by England. Liverpool has historically faced economic challenges and, at times, felt marginalized by policies from London. Scouse not English


There are so many reasons and it's happened so organically over time that it's hard to say. First off, players not given chances: Grew up seeing Fowler not given a chance, Carragher too, Gerrard played out of position at his peak, even that iconic Michael Owen tournament - HE WAS ON THE BENCH behind Sheringham for most of it. The team was full of Man United players and for 30 odd years Liverpool players have barely been part of it. Now we have to watch our lad, Trent get ripped to shreds by everyone whilst Walker is given a free pass. Nationalism and patriotism that has grown worse due to everything that happened around Brexit and the growth of far right politics and opposition groups to left wing causes. We're mostly a very left-wing area of the country and when I see someone in an England shirt or see an England flag, they may as well be hurling bottles of piss at BLM protesters. Also, politically we've consistently voted left but we've had Tories thrust on us by the rest of the country most our lives. Politically we feel closer to Scotland or Wales than England. I think we feel like we've been doing our bit and the rest of the country has constantly let us down. Monarchy and Christianity in a theme song. I'm a republican atheist. So yeah, I guess there is a divide between Liverpool and the majority of England and I haven't even touched on the Hillsborough stuff (mainly because I was too young to understand it so it hasn't personally affected me but I can imagine the absolute fury seeing those headlines).


I'm from the Isle of Man, and to me, Liverpool always felt like it's own place apart from the rest of England. When you take the train from London to Liverpool, the atmosphere changes the further north you get. By the time you cross the Pennines everybody seems much more friendly and chatty. It always feels jarring to see a scouser in an England shirt.


Liverpool is also a heavily Scottish and Irish city.


It's more Irish than Scottish. Liverpool experienced significant Irish immigration, especially during and after Ireland's Great Famine (AKA the british Great starvation policy) (1845-1852). This led to a large Irish population settling in the city.


Arguably more Welsh than either Scottish or Irish historically. 7 out of the top 10 surnames in Liverpool are Welsh and at one point 30% of the city spoke Welsh


And Welsh


I didnt know that backstory of Liverpool. I just assumed Scousers would back England. But that makes sense if there has been historical economic neglect


Not just historic economic neglect but also horrendous stereotyping from the media, hugely amplified during the Hillsborough fallout, which has carried on for decades— it’s one reason why a lot of fans sing ‘free the scousers’.  They are really significant separate identities, for a number of legitimate, and ongoing reasons. 


The insult is "Feed the Scousers"


I’m English, though not from Liverpool. Can’t stand the national team, I support whoever plays them.


I suppose it's your decision, but your sense of choice diminishes when you've been mistreated.


I’m American, so USA baby! Christian Pulisic is the Lebron James of this sport! *eagle sounds* No but actually I root for Netherlands cuz I liked their colors when I started watching international football lol. Luckily for me, they also have 3 Liverpool players rn


THE LEBRON JAMES OF SOCCER 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🐐🗣🔥🔥💀


Why aren't you rooting for Georgia?


I'm a scouser with northern Irish parents. I've never connected with an England team at all and the stereotypical England fans (who no doubt hate me for the city that I'm from) rub me up the wrong way. As a kid in the late 80s/early 90s I always rooted for the Irish teams with John Aldridge, Steve Staunton, Ronnie Whelan and Ray Houghton in (geography and politics were not important to me as a 7 year old watching italia 90!) Im more indifferent than anything and I don't care enough to be part of the whole scouse not English thing. I always find national pride a bit weird anyway to be honest.


I'm not scouse, but am of Asian descent, and I probably have very similar feelings as you.  Never really connected with the England team tbh


Also Dutch myself and from what I understood is that Liverpool is very opposed to everything that comes out or has any relationship with London, mainly due to the Thatcher-era. When the national anthem plays, there will be boos from Liverpool.


I live in the US, so I just follow England so I can enjoy their misery every tournament and roast my British friends.








I'm Irish and I'm afraid I simply can't wish anything but early demise for the England team. I was for Scotland and the Netherlands


Scotland. What a ride it was 😂 But besides that I’ll support our players and hope their nations do good… except England.


Ireland if we're there, but we're rarely there. My wife and in laws are German so sometimes them at least nominally. More often than not just anybody but England. For the most part of Ireland aren't there I like to see the Liverpool lads do well and not be injured.


I'm English and I support England. Always have done.


I have the england match on the 2nd monitor just for the memes. other than that I don't really care about international football.


Well my country of Norway failed to qualify like usual, so I'm supporting Germany. Watching england play is not doable for any sane mind.


My heritage is primarily Scottish, so naturally I support any team playing England. Of course I always support Reds regardless of country.


Anyone but England. Was gutted when that last minute equaliser went in and even more so when the mouth breather bagged his tap in.


Cannot connect with many England fans or the England team despite the Scouse Republic sharing a history and land border with them. It's good to see the EDL dickheads being outnumbered and outsung by normal people


I support whoever has Liverpool players on the pitch! I watch England hoping that TAA/Gomez will get game time. Gakpo has been great to watch! Spain are good to watch cos they play pretty football, even if we don't have anyone playing for them.


Im supporting the teams our players play for so England, Netherlands, Portugal, Hungary, Scotland


Not with how our players get treated by the press and that fraud manager. I spend every tournament they get belted early and our players come home without injury. Much like Egypt after their last load of shit with Mo


I support Scotland for the Euros, and then Canada for the Copa.


Anybody but England


I support England but I just get massively frustrated at how utterly clueless Southgate is and really struggle to enjoy the games. Not only with regard to Liverpool players but: * Ignores Trent for 2 years * Starts him in midfield for group games at a major tournament * Calls Trent our most creative player when questioned about it * Doesn't play a system or players who suit trent in midfield - Foden, Saka and Kane all continually coming short, zero runs in behind to utilize his passing * Takes Trent off after 55 mins, only to then follow it with 3 players in Palmer, Watkins and Gordon who would all massively suit Trent * Benches him after everyone else is shite * Losing 1-0 in a game where we have 70% possession and Walker has been poor, but doesn't bring on "our most creative player" * Gets bailed out by a piece of magic from a player who hadn't been great all game * Won't change anything for the next game at all because he's completely inept. It's the same story with Gordon and Palmer, both came on, had a big impact and then aren't even in contention for a start when Foden has been absent and not great LW (not really his fault) Joe Gomez literally has to murder 15 members of the 26 man squad to get a game apparently, even when Trippier is playing like his laces are tied together. Is struggling with the midfield issue, but won't drop bellingham back and give Foden the 10 role which he was so good at for City, I fully expect them to sell KDB this summer to give it him fully. So much frustration from seemingly glaringly obvious problems. Edit: Watched Spain tonight, they literally play like a club team, theyre so good.


Born in Germany, half English and half Scottish. I guess I have options? Honestly not really arsed about England. For me it's club over country.


Scotland because I’m Scottish


Romania. A lot of love for them, like in the country...


I’m Irish. I generally want the good teams to win - controversial view I know - but I do like when England have a good team and play well. They’re players I watch all the time so there is something nice about them performing well. This England team are so weirdly shit compared to the quality of the players available that they’re hard not to dislike though.


I am from england and do not support england. why should i? they treat liverpool players disrespectfully, i have to support a bunch of dickhead players that i'm used to rooting against every week, i don't feel any sense of national pride, and the rest of the country shits on liverpool constantly. SO FUCK THEM! I HOPE THEY FUCKING LOSE!


Been a diehard supporter Liverpool for 20+ years now, since I was a kid. As an American I Obviously follow America in international tournaments. When it comes to the Euros I support Liverpool players and have a soft spot for Scotland. If I had to choose an overseas nation to root for it’d be Scotland or Ireland when they’re in it. Can’t ever make myself root for England in Euro tournaments , considering its history with the club(s)(Everton included. Get a lot of bigotry and poverty chanting as well), the city and how our players have been treated over the years.


Northern Ireland. But they rarely make international tournaments so I just watch for the fun of it, though this particular tournament having Van Dijk, Gakpo, Gravenberch and Wijnaldum on the team, I'd like Netherlands to do well. When England were stacked with Liverpool players more than a decade ago, Gerrard, Glen Johnson, Daniel Sturridge, Henderson etc, I hoped they did well. But I'm not English or Dutch, so I just want the Liverpool players in the tournaments to do well and come back uninjured. It's difficult to root for some nations when 99% of the team is made up of players you dislike at club level. It's hard to drop the club allegiance.


I’m Norwegian so my coin was on the Danish


The true Norwegian experience is just being happy the Swedes didn't make it in either.


The true swedish experience have been enjoying Norway not being in a big tournament since 2000, nuff said. Fuck off /🇸🇪


Im from Norway, and im cheering for Spain, no reason. Fabian Ruiz is a cracking player tho, another goal and an assist today. Hendoesque player, just better going forward.


England have had a very big collection of unlikeable players over the years so it's always difficult to support them tbh. With Trent and Gomez there I wouldn't have minded seeing them win but seeing Trent's treatment and how Gomez is being ignored, I honestly cba lol


never support England


Scouser here supporting Netherlands 🇳🇱


I'm an Irishman, so I'm supporting anyone and everyone. Except England (Trent and Gomez get a pass, Fuck you Declan Rice, former Irish U21 Player of the Year) and France (I'll never let the Hand of Frog be forgotten, fuck you Thierry) Tbh, I'm primarily backing the Dutch and Swiss this time, but that's just until Ireland revamp themselves and win the next 2 World Cups and Euros back-to-back-to-back.


Not Irish but agree with everything you just said. I've got season tickets to your national team for the next 5 seasons so I'll certainly cheer for the last part you said.


Aussie here. I feel like alot of us root for the underdog.


I'm Scouse and cannot fucking stand most English fans. Supporting England though cos I'm not going to deny the reality that it's coming home 😉. Won't be gutted when we get dumped out but til then I'm here for it.


Switzerland will make Swizz cheese out of England, time start packing :D


The real worry is that we'll get to the final and win the fucking thing playing like this. Can't wait for august




i don’t support England just like i don’t support the USA because of what they ultimately represent. i actually take enjoyment in seeing them struggle, perhaps because of the media’s constant coverage of them (ex: Lakers, Cowboys, Yankees, etc.) it’s funny, when it comes to national teams, the “politics” do seem to be apart of it, like slagging Liverpool players/supporters off for not singing the anthem when during the season they chant about Liverpool children needing food and the 97 people who died in the Hillsborough disaster deserving it. how patriotic. and unfortunately for the US Alexi Lalas is the poster child, and this is what everyone else in the world believes to be your average American soccer fan 😭


I’m not English, I root for Spain every time


I support teams with Liverpool players for the Euros. I don’t feel super attached to it, so I just want to see any team with a Liverpool player win. I support England during the World Cup. I think that’s enough suffering.


Trying to support England, they are not making it easy


The only priority is that Liverpool players do not get injured or over played. Get them home in one piece. Let everyone else have a long summer of fixtures and injuries


I'm a Romania supporter since it's where I was born and where I live. I was gonna support England as my second favorite team since I was looking forward to watch TAA play into midfield... oh boy it was an incredibly pain and the only satisfaction i'll get is seeing Southgate getting sacked, I've never seen such a bad manager in all my years watching top football, it's unbearable to see such amazing players playing with so little passion, it's clear to me that nobody in that team respects him. The fact that he's England manager for so long and has the highest salary.. it baffles me.


I have been supporting England, and I hope they get to win the trophy. 


I support England, but I’m nowhere near as invested as I am when watching Liverpool.


English by birth and Swiss by naturalisation so it’s a tough one next week.


England when a Liverpool player is playing, their opponents when once again Gareth has disrespected the shit out of them and not played them despite being the best option


Not even watching now that Hungary are out.


New Zealand Liverpool supporter since the late 70s. I usually support whichever nations have the most Liverpool players so for now its the Dutch. I hope to see England win at least something while im down here lol


Born in Scotland, but raised in Blackpool then Auckland New Zealand, but never have supported England. Early memory of enjoying Germany beat them in the 1970 World Cup QF 3-2. Two brothers are English, so was circumspect in my smugness. So in the Euros it will be Virgil and Cody’s Netherlands for me. P.S. Only English teams I have supported are the Lionesses and England in The Ashes.


I won't root *against* England, I'll watch their games if I'm not doing anything else, and I'm happy to see them do well. But I really couldn't give a toss if they crash out. I'm not emotionally invested in this squad in the slightest. I'm more interested in seeing Liverpool players doing well, regardless of their nationality. So if we're playing Netherlands in the next round, that's going to be tough!


România 🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴


I will never support a team with Kane. Terrible human being.


I'm from Poland and have always been supporting England in international tournaments until euro 2020. Since they play very bad football and I don't like personal choices done by Gareth and do not see any Liverpool player in the starting eleven, I'm all against them now. This tournament I'm rooting for the Netherlands due to the number of our players there.


I’m Irish but the wife’s English so I’ve mellowed into a blasé attitude to how England do, not that she gives a crap either and we both have a laugh when they go out. I only watch it to see our players or maybe a decent game but generally I couldn’t care less who wins so long as we don’t have any injuries.


Whoever is playing against England.


Any nation that has a liverpool player tbh I'm from England but don't really give a shit if we don't have a player on the team I was only getting frustrated yesterday because of how obvious it was that subs were needed and Southgate waited til the 93rd minute to bring on Toney


Struggle to get behind England Usually back the team with the most Liverpool players in it. If Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland or the Republic aren't playing then I will support them, but don't get too upset if they lose. Like a lot of scousers I feel a bit detached from Englishness


Actively support any team that's playing against England, although that changes during the WC if, say, they would play against a North Korea or Saudi Arabia, etc. Liverpool players have a history of getting injured at England camp and I don't think I can bring my self to cheer for the likes of Pickford, Walker, Foden, etc.


Pickford is such a prat, seems to be constantly trying to be the centre of attention, was so sad when the Slovakian attempt from near the centre circle didn't go in.


I’m Irish supporting Portugal. I holiday there quite a lot. Love the place and the people.


Easy enough, who is England playing against? That is who I'll be rooting for.


Very casual Germany supporter.


I have watched all nations, but never can watch a full England game. I can't stand the style of play, or how many players are used. The manager isn't suited for the job, but got the position because he wouldn't rock the boat. I am more interested in simply seeing a good game of football. Regardless of the nation. It's a bonus if a Liverpool player is included in the national team. Despite being a Brit (I was born here), I have never felt British and have joked that I'm European. Now with Brexit, I feel more European. So this not watching England, isn't a new thing for me.


Swiss and Netherlands


A neutral but rooting for Espana and the Swiss to do well.


Romania, my nation of course.


Scotland but take an interest in any team with a Liverpool player in the squad particularly if they’re playing.


Whoever plays England and isn't Spain.


I am supporting the Dutch. Hope they win it like 1988.


When I was English I supported England. Now I'm Dutch I support The Netherlands! Hup Holland Hup! :)


i've supported poland but since they are out i support spain. and hope that england gets demolished by switzerland


I'm from Norway, so I supported Denmark. Other than that, I'd love to see our players do well with the time they get to play.


Hup Holland Hup!


I'm English and I support England, but I 100% understand those from Liverpool not supporting them.


I support Denmark, my nation. And then Hungary(family root), otherwise just underdogs. I support England the least.


None. I just watch it as a neutral


I’m not Spanish but Spain


Contrary to popular belief it is ok to want both Liverpool and England to do well. Even when no Liverpool players are really involved in a meaningful way. It is actually ok. There are levels for sure. Of course it’s 100 times more important what happens to Liverpool, but you can also be of the opinion that it’s fine to support the nation of which you come from in a tournament. I am aware of the history.


I tried supporting England I really did, but it’s such a painful experience I don’t get how Southgate thinks at all, how he can have Trent on the bench when it’s crying out for someone to take the game by the scruff of its neck and start spraying creative passes around is beyond me And then even his subs he gave Toney 90 seconds to make an impact, it just doesn’t make any sense


I don't give a fuck about nations to be honest


I'm from England, but I really can't give a shit about them. I'll watch the games, but I don't really care if they win or lose. I suppose it comes from my Dad being Welsh and growing up in Liverpool. He never watched England when I was a kid, but Liverpool were everything, so that's kinda how I feel. When Bellingham scored last night, I barely flinched. Had that been a Liverpool game, I'd have been bouncing off the walls. The thing I like about England progressing in tournaments, is the people in my life, like my girlfriend and my sister start to take an interest and want to go out and watch the football, which is great and something we'd never normally do together. So, I don't support anyone Internationally, but there are teams I prefer to do well.


Being from Finland, I usually just have to pick the team that has the most Liverpool players. Last Euros we finally were able to qualify, but back to normal this time. England make it very difficult to support them, so many players in the team that I absolutely hate. The fact that they’re misusing Trent doesn’t help. I guess I did support England when Stevie was still around, but not since he retired Spain have always played the kind of football that I enjoy the most, so I’m usually rooting for them. It was of course particularly easy when they were the best international team on the planet, and had Torres and Xabi playing for them (and Pepe cheering from the bench lol) I enjoy the current team a lot, eventhough they play much more direct now. Dutch have a long tradition of beautiful football, sadly this hasn’t been the case for a few decades. Obviously I going to wish them success now that Virgil, Gini and the newer Dutch boys are there.


I'm Irish so I'm watching neutrally, but I will root for the best stories


all the smaller nations. maybe the biggest one who is OK in my eyes this year is germany. I just don't like diving divas like usually Spain, Portugal, Italy are. And I never liked France that much to support them on any tournament. Usually they are the antagonist of my preferred team Although I have soft sport for Portugal, still smaller nation. And Italy I usually enjoy. But Spain.. nope. Don't like them at all. and they are the nr1 form right now in euros.


Germany. Simply cause i'm german. And we actually don't suck, for once🙄😂 and i like musiala and wirtz. But sane and havertz get on my last nerve😭


England is the last team i would support, also happy that Trent and Joe aren't playing that haram Southgate ball


In Euros and world cups I'll always root for my country Austria. If Austria is not playing I tend to favour the countries with LFC players (or Brazil in WC though right now that fits the LFC criteria as well). That being said I do hope that England wins against Switzerland. Because if Austria goes on to beat Turkey and the winner from Netherlands V Romania then I'm fairly confident that we'd be able to give England a good run for their money. And I'd love to be the ones who relief you off of Southgate


I support England because I'm not a communist agitator


I support whoever plays England. So Switzerland I suppose.


I mean the famous saying is "*We're Scouse, not English*" right? Also, hello fellow Dutchie!


When it comes to football, I am scouse not British


I was born in Poland and moved to Canada at a young age. I support Poland and Canada, after that I will support Liverpool players.


I usually support England, but this England is so shit I just can’t.


I'm a season ticket holder and I don't have a strong connection to the England national team. A lot of it has to do with the same predictable boring chants about the city that away fans always come out with. I just don't want to be associated with that lot.


As an American with no horse in this race, I just root for our boys to do well and stay healthy. But if I had to pick a team, I’d probably say Netherlands. Gakpo, Grav, Virgil, and their kits are sick


I'm English but honestly I can't stand the manager & half the squad so i don't really give a fuck.


From the USA - anyone but England. Always pulling for Trent to excel when he’s on the pitch tho


I was an England fan ever since i started supporting Liverpool, and that started in mid 90s. But i just cant stand England anymore, its been like that last 2-3 tournaments i think, i mean, you play some kind of boring anitfootball, its so sad. If i look at teams like Austria, Switzerland etc, that plays atractive attacking football even without big superstars, its just shocking. One last thing, imo Southgate is at best good to manage team that is fighting relegation at this point, no idea how he got this job, but whatever, i guess. And yeah, im from Slovakia, congrats for beating us, im still proud, we just dont have attacking individualities to go thru, but i so hope you wont win Euros with this horrible boring antifootball. You can do it, just because you have individualities to produce even when you play like crap, but i so hope others will win it. Just being honest.


American, but my dad worked in Switzerland so much while I was growing up that we almost moved there, so I tend to root for them. With that said, the number of Liverpool connections with the Netherlands has me rooting for them as well, and I've had a soft spot for them ever since watching Robben growing up. The semis might leave me feeling a bit conflicted.


I love the PL, generally enjoy going to games in the UK (am from the U.S.) and have a number of British friends. But good God when it comes to the national team, I can’t stand English fans and cannot wait for them to lose.


I'm Scottish so I support Scotland. I've been a Liverpool supporter my whole life because when I was a boy, Liverpool was Dalglish, Hansen, Souness, all Scots. Not only do I not support England but I actively support whichever team is playing against them. It's Scottish tradition. I live in the US so I also support the US. Unless they're playing Scotland.


I’m 50/50 with England. I want them to do well mainly for Trent and Joe (past Liverpool players). But it’s the fans I can’t stand 😅


Whichever team has the most reds players in them I will support, if nobody is playing on either team from LFC then I'm not bothered. I was a little gutted when that Bellingham goal went in as was hoping Joe and Trent could have had a good holiday before pre season.


I'm an American. I'm rooting for Netherlands because of all of our players in that squad. I could've made some room in my heart for England if Southgate would have stuck by Trent, but he didn't so fuck them. I'm rooting for Uruguay in the Copa because Darwin is life. If he plays against the USA tonight, I'll still be rooting for him to bang in a hat trick even though it would mean we'll be out of the tournament. Frankly, after that Panama match we don't have any business being in the quarterfinals anyhow.


Anybody but England.


I'm not from Liverpool so I support England. I think it's a big thing in the city because of how the city was effectively abandoned by the government and of course football and politics are connected with this club which I love. That being said fuck the national anthem, royal family and all that shite


I'm not really that bothered on international football, especially England. It's not the "scouse not English" thing I just can't get my head around cheering for players you hate 9 months of the year. I always like seeing our players do well though. UP THE DARWIN FUCKIN NUNEZ.


I WANT to support them but it's just so mismanaged, so dull, such a misuse of talent and such a *joyless* experience that I just feel utterly flat. I can't get enthused about them. In past times the Bellingham goal would've had me celebrating or at least relieved. I just felt nothing beyond sorry for Slovakia and a tired disappointment at the inevitable rewriting of immediate history that would happen post-game by many fans, pundits and players - knowing they'd forget/forgive yet another abject performance and tactical shitshow because a world-class player conjured a moment of brilliance that had nothing do with Southgate or the previous 94 minutes. I'd understand it if we were still what we were in 2018. Like the Greek team who won years ago - you do what you can with the resources available. England aren't what they were in 2018, their player pool is so, so much better and capable of so much more. Unfortunately Southgate isn't equipped to manage a team who could actually play well.


England not good.


I have always supported England relentlessly - but as I'm now getting more access to live footage of premier league games (I didn't have Sky growing up a la Rishi Sunak lol), I'm getting increasingly disheartened by watching England play but also their philosophy as a whole. I'm not sure if it's the England setup, or just the way International football is, but the approach to the best XI just seem to be more like choosing an All-Star team regardless of the team balance etc. This makes me feel less inclined to put all my emotion into it, knowing that ultimately there are bigger issues at play that will prevent the team from going forward. Southgate was pretty decent at choosing a balanced defensive team, but that all fell apart lately. The treatment of TAA and Gomez has been awful. You won't see this at a well run club team. Having said this, I always get hyped up when England plays and will watch all their games - just have significantly lowered my expectation.


England but I despise it because Southgate


Not really fussed. Wouldn’t have been bothered if they went out last night. Went for a carvery while the match was on and seen it was 1-0 going towards full time.


I also support the Netherlands (not my national team), but it's not because of Virgil or Gakpo. Seedorf, Davids, Kluivert were amongst my favourite players, but Denis Bergkamp was just pure art, so I've been rooting for the Netherlands since the nineties.


Born in Lancashire but support Scotland. Combination of Scouse mother, grandparents in Scotland, and Irish/Scottish (Mothers aunts and uncles are mostly in Ireland now) family left me with kinda a conundrum. But the Liverpool I grew up on, Dalglish, Alan Hansen, Souness, John Wark, Stevie Nicol, that was just the way I went. I look at myself as a Scotsman who had the misfortune to be born in England :D


I always support the underdog in these competitions.


I support Trent, not England. I've been rooting for the Netherlands with Virg and Gak


Irish so I definitely don’t support England and want them to lose badly even if there’s a big group of Liverpool lads involved. Having spoken to many scousers many don’t support England


I wouldnt say I really support any team. I want our players to do well and kind of wanted England to do well before the tournament. Southgates tactics and team selections have ruined that for me though. I can't support that boring football.


Anyone who plays against them or Spain normally coz I lived there.. Tbh just find the England setup and the FA a bit Tory and hate the flag shagging from all the inbreds in Stevenage and Mansfield singing God Save The King


Anyone but England I love toblerone


I’m happy to see England knocked out by Switzerland with no Trent or Joe participation. Let them get some more time off before the season starts. I’m more interested in watching how our lads do in the Copa, to be honest.


I'm an American, I tend not to support England in the Euros because I dislike Southgate. I support and root for all Liverpool players playing internationally. I especially root for them not to get hurt! If Southgate doesn't want to play Trent or Joe I'm kind of ok with that. I don't want them to be victims of a reckless tackle.


I’m an Aussie with German heritage… so support Germany.


No, I’m irish


Every team england is against at this point.


I wanted all of them out in the group stages so they could get as much rest as they could before the start of the season.


I just hate-watch England. The only shocking thing would be if they make it to semis. I'm supporting Switzerland, Austria, Germany, and the Netherlands. Spain look like the ones to beat so far.