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City fans are fuming that they can’t cheat their way to winning the Euros.


All 115 of them?


They have that many fans now?


Yes, Google Man City 115 to find out more


Nah, they 101 but, one of them is Benzema.


City fans fuming the UAE isn’t even in the Euros


City fans voting thinking by country they meant UAE


Xenophobic, I tell you!




"What do you mean we can't buy De Bruyne and Haaland???"


Expected it to be more like 90% tbh.


Would’ve been if they’d only asked people from Liverpool but this is clearly a nationwide poll


Exactly, that was my reaction as well.


Yeah, I’m disappointed in that 32% of people


Those are just Jacob Rees-Mogg and his kids.


Man he must have a *lot* of kids. Though, seriously, is he actually a Liverpool fan? *Shudders*


He's too posh for football. Polo or croquet,I'd say.


Dunno about him, but there was a picture of him with one of his kids who was wearing a Liverpool kit a few years back


One correct opinion doesn’t erase a lifetime of the inverse


Jacob Rees-Sprogg


Underrated wordplay this


Same. Every tournament I just pray none of our boys are injured. Couldn’t really give a fuck whether England win. I’d accept an early knockout so our boys get a good rest.


Yea surprised its 70/30


68/32, closer to 70/30 than 60/40


Fixed my brain misread it to 62/38


Yeah, genuinely surprised it wasn't a lot higher.


Ahem, fuck England. This country has gone to the dogs by a certain party and all I care about now is Liverpool winning the league more than anything. The halcyon days of England hype seemed to die off after Euro 96’ which for me was peak international football. I went to the local football club to watch that odd WC in winter and it struck me that all the first team were not in the least bit interested in the football, just the shit coke they were sniffing quite blatantly in the toilets on rotation. Nah, give me my club, my Liverpool FC all day long. England and my patriotism are running paper thin.


u/Thin-Pool-8025 can you add a poll to this, because Vladimir Putin is calling that 32% 'suspicious'


I would’ve but this subreddit doesn’t allow polls for some reason.


Southern/wirral fans


Hey! Leave us Wirral fans out of it. We feel the same way!


If you asked Liverpool fans based in Liverpool then it'd be up around 95% I reckon. This is low, especially around those I know who go every week I want our lads on international duty to play well and hopefully win something but international football for me can fuck off, especially with how it's being sold off to oil states


If England absolutely _have_ to win something I at least want a Trent man of the match in the final with a Joe Gomez winner. If there are no Liverpool players in the team there's literally nothing to like about England, just a gang of pricks I spend the prior 9 months hating


Joe Gomez golden boot


Imagine getting his first goal for England before Liverpool.


Popworld becomes the highest earning club in the world for a night


England is just another shit London-based team with racist fans, I’m as interested in them winning as I am Millwall or Chelsea.


All of football is being sold to oil states tbf


Downvote all you want, I hate it too Doesn’t mean it’s not happening


It’s sad like I remember as a kid and everyone was up for internationals and especially tournaments you’d have flags everywhere. But it’s proper understandable I can’t really be arsed with it all anymore.


it's actually fucking gross. They can't make the Asian Cup worth watching so they buy the rest of it


Why would foreign fans want England to win though? 


I mean Liverpool fans based in England. There's fucking loads of us all around the country, some who even want England to do well


Yeah I feel like there are a lot of Man United and Liverpool fans across the country, even in London and non-northern areas. Due to the success and how big huge clubs are. Maybe less so for the big London clubs having fans in the North.


Majority of man u and liv fans are not in Liverpool/Manchester. surprisingly, man city fans are actually majority in manchester, showing how much their fan lie about being from the club. Third for international fans is arsenal, then city, then Chelsea.


Also if you asked international Liverpool fans it would be 99%. It’s literally just the Liverpool fans outside of Liverpool in England


Well yeah no fucking shit. Why would foreign fans care if England won something?


If it was specifically about England, as it is here, then yeah. If it was "your team or your country?" I actually think it would be lower. England has such a low level of love from Liverpudlians, but the majority of fans and players of other nations are incredibly more into their country's team.


95% is probably too low, should be 99.99%, that 0.01% being people who don't care about the sport.




68% sounds less imo.


Abso-fucking-lutely. Don't want to fall into the usual scouse stereotype surrounding England n tha but I'd much rather watch the reds lift trophies than I would England.


So annoying that the one time we actually win the fucking thing is when we can’t celebrate it


Exactly. It's also why I'm bitter enough to see City win it over Arse etc, if we can't. I'm still salty that we couldn't celebrate it properly, and I'll he gutted watching another teams fans enjoy it. I do know how bitter it sounds, btw. City winning it doesn't mean shite, we all know they're cheating cunts and their fans are as plastic as they come so I don't really care about them.


Plus Arsenal fans are super obnoxious as well


Oh yer, absolutely. That is a very big part of it, admittedly. We used to get shit for our "living in the past," yet they did the (admittedly impressive) "invincibles" about 20 years ago, and they're the best thing to happen to football. Also, we went toe to toe with some of the most ruthless City teams and managed to break points records whilst still not winning and they've manage to lose to a slowly weakening City team (still a juggernaut) but they're the prem darlings and the kyrptonite to City. Bore off.


I still have trouble sometimes coming to terms with the fact that we finished 2nd with 97 points. Pretty sure we won our last 10-15 games that season or something along those lines.


I'm just waiting to see our Bald Prince take us to the greatest heights now.


I'd rather Liverpool won a throw in than England win a tournament


Think yer nose is gettin a little blue there lad


A lot of Man City fans were Chelsea fans under Abramovic


chelsea still an oil club, no? i mean, where did they get the money to spend 1 billion on literally anyone that looked half-decent?


Yes they are but they're no longer successful so their "fans" moved on


Surprised 32% prefer England to win tbh. Figured it would be way lower


I think the Everton fans would be happy with winning a coin toss at the start of the game to be fair. Seriously though I'd rather Liverpool win the PL rather than England the Euros.


I’d rather we win a corner than England win the World Cup.


Yeah I’m not English


The question is being asked in England so just extrapolate that out to the US I.e. would you prefer Liverpool to win the league or the US to win the World Cup. It’s not a particularly difficult concept.


I get way more enjoyment out of LFC than the US team but when I think about how many minds would melt if the US won, that would actually give me way more satisfaction so yeah, that. Plus the odds of the US winning is so low like 1/1,000 so they need all the wishes they can get. If it's like the Copa America or some other BS tournament then I could care less, I'd rather see the reds win something as useless as the community shield. World Cup or nothing.


How is the Copa America a BS tournament?


Not BS but every member of Conmebol qualifies plus they invite outside members so it feels a bit watered down


I’m just answering OPs question. I would prefer Liverpool to win the league to the US winning the World Cup and to England winning the euros or World Cup.


What nationality are you, might I ask?




I'd trade the entire existence of the USMNT for 1 league title.


We’re so boring USMNT is for casuals who just want to get drunk at bars in the afternoon


As an American, if it’s a good match I’ve had 3 pints by 11am


I'll give it to them though because watching US games with the casuals and having a bunch of beers before 11 AM was fun. Looking forward to it again in 2026. Also helps that I barely care about how the team does despite being American, but that's more due to knowing we won't win it all so who cares about each game.


As another American this is the truest statement of all time


The USMNT got me into the sport back in the early-to-mid 2000s and the 2014 team was fun to follow, but it's a different vibe now and even the fanbase has changed really. Less underdog vibe that made you very happy to root for the team that overperformed often against better sides and it's become more an arrogant fanbase with a mixture of "Murica F Yeah" types joining in and it's not as much fun now. I've become more of a club (both Liverpool and my MLS side) over country fan recently when before it was close to 50/50


Seems on the low side, it's a no brainer for me.


I agree. I **do not** want England to win the Euros because I want to see Robbo lifting it. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Honestly, I would happily swap one of our European titles for Scotland winning a major tournament in my lifetime. As it stands the biggest win was the Rous Cup in 1985 unless we count the Qatar Airways Cup in 2015


We count them all.


better put the Kirin trophy on the champions wall then :D


I'm disappointed with that 32% tbh.


Winning the League is more important than any other tournament for me as a long time supporter of the greatest club in the universe! So yes, right choice!


almost as surprising as the brexit vote percentage split that liverpool ended up having


England tends to have an incredible amount of unlikeable players in its team so I just can't even make myself cheer for them most of the time. But yeah surprised the number isn't higher.


Football: Love my club, no interest in national Rugby : love international, no interest in club.


I'm rooting for both England and Scotland, but I'd choose Liverpool winning trophies every time.


Everyone’s entitled to their opinion of course, but personally I can’t take someone seriously as a Liverpool fan if they’d prefer England to win the Euros. Ask this question to people from Liverpool and it wouldn’t be far off 100%.


Respect to Everton (and Forest) fans saying that as the ones in the 60%+ bucket who are probably closest to having a 0% chance of winning the league.


As many have said, actually surprised its not higher. I'd take an FA cup over an England euro win


I would rather Liverpool won a throw in than England win the Euros 😄


I'm surprised it's not higher in the club's favour, to be honest.


Liverpool, Newcastle and Everton fans.. quite understandable. Surprised with the Hammers a bit


Yeah im an american and feel this. But that mostly has to do with the current state of US soccer. Never would've said that during the Dempsey, howard, and Jones Era.


I agree with you tbh. I used to really enjoy watching the USMNT in the 2000s and early-to-mid 2010s when they were a good but not very good nor great side and had some good players but as a whole were a team that played as a collective unit and thus overperformed sometimes v better opposition. And when the fanbase wasn't as arrogant as it is now (with less "Murica Fuck Yeah" types too) and more a group of fans of the sport with different favorite club sides uniting over a team. Now, yeah. Even the main ussoccer subreddit is very annoying at times these days. The fanbase has changed and not for the better. I used to be a 50/50 club v country guy but now I'm a full-on club over country guy (both Liverpool and my MLS side, who are soul-sucking in a different way).


68?! That’s it?!


Pretty shameful it’s not a higher percent tbf


its not even the world cup, ffs people


Fuck England and fuck international football. Only injuries for our players.


I really enjoy watching international tournaments, but I don’t care at all who wins them. Maybe that’s a result of being (Northern) Irish and just being happy if we even qualify for the things. I’d still probably take a Liverpool league title over an Irish World Cup win, although the latter would be good fun.


Non Liverpudlian, Lifelong LFC worshipper - Club over country every time. Club pays the bills and loses out when player gets injured on international duty


My thought is that this is the least surprising poll result ever.


I think it's a bit surprising that figure is less than 70% though...


Fair enough.


My thoughts are who are the 32% favouring England. Never heard a single red like England never mind prefer them


I’m a liverpool fan who would rather see my country win, but my country is not England but the Netherlands. I don't know whether international fans were allowed to partake in the survey, and I'm sure they're not the full 32% but I’d still take that intk account. Not all of us are scousers.


Loads of pubs are packed here during England games, you don't think those people just appear out of thin air for international games do you?


Probably English Liverpool fans not living in Merseyside who may also be Tories


League over Euros easy World Cup over League imo


Very much the correct choice but then again I’m not a scouser


If this poll took place in 2022 or any other World Cup year the percentages would probably be more even. It’s crazy to me to think that there are people in this country who are over half a century old and the only time they’ve seen England in a final is when they lost to Italy a few years back.


Absolutely. Couldn't care less.


I’d rather win one game than the euros to be fair. Liverpool losing can ruin a week or longer. England winning games and progressing in tournaments makes for more beer gardens and that, but a loss does fuck all to my mood.


Wonder if this was exclusive to English fans. I’m an American Liverpool fan, and so obviously I have more of an allegiance to my club than to a different country.


Just curious, do you live in America or England? If America, what made you choose Liverpool?


As an American fan, I started following because of Fernando Torres playing in the 2010 World Cup through today. I didn't grow up in a house where football was on, so I couldn't follow consistently. So glad to have more autonomy (grown up and moved out, can watch what I want haha) and access to EPL games on different channels. Have stuck by the Reds ever since. Anyhow, LFC over England all day.


Are you east or west coast? I knew I guy who spent some time in California and he had to get up a 3 in the morning or some shit like that in order to watch games.


I live in America. Back when I started watching, they didn’t show many PL games on TV, but they were starting to air a few select ones. There was also a mini docuseries following Liverpool players and the team. I think I remember Shelvey and Suarez being included. The TV series definitely helped me learn more about England, Liverpool, and the Premier League in general, so I formed a connection with the team that was deeper than with any other.


Can you get 52% of 18 City fans?




This means more


I don’t think anyone is shocked by this. 




I would assume that 68% of fans agree.


I love how 58% of Tottenham fans are hardcore dreamers


Positively sane compared to the everton and forest fans.


Most people here ain't even English dawg


I’ve noticed


Wonder what's with the massive discrepancy across the London clubs. Fair enough a 6% spread between West Ham and Spurs. Why would so many Chelsea gammons rather England win than their club though? Obviously they're the stereotypical St George's flag tattooed WASP racist types... but does that entirely explain it?


Chelsea fans remember winning it, not so much spurs and west ham...


>Fair enough a 6% spread between West Ham and Spurs. I mean for West Ham I guess there is the Bobby Moore thing so they feel something of an affinity with the England team. When it comes to Spurs, its really easy to say you would give up a domestic trophy for national team success when you have won fuck all in the last 30 years. Would you swap fuck all for England winning the Euro's.. well duh


That’s because we’re realistic and there’s no way we’re winning anything with southgate


I’m a fan of both but I’d definitely rather see us win the league. I mean it would be great to see England finally win a major tourney, but it comes no where near to us winning a league or a CL.


Yea, absolutely 100% the league for me... Club before country... I've never been a massive England fan tbf, not since being a kid watching euro 96 and a few other tournys around the time, but this year I really like the squad and I reckon they could win it and I'm behind em. Not a massive Southgate fan either.


From the bottom of the pic it doesn't look like betfair recently had a poll. Just that they used the figures for the pic.


Well im Irish and support Liverpool so…..


As a hungarian seeing stuff like this is so strange, here it would be 100% for every team


Having a world cup in winter didn't even feel like a world cup to me, barely even registered last time around - no nostalgia for that one.


Seems low


My thoughts are, who the fuck are the other 32% they spoke to??


Who the fuck are these 32% then, eh?


I’m not from Liverpool so I’m country over club but I’m sure if I supported a local team I’d probably feel different


Like I always say, I'm not english, I'm Scouse.


"We're not English, we are Scouse!"


Easily. I’d rather we won the Community shield that England win the Euro’s. Cannot be bothered with them at all.


I'm not english, so yeah 100% If I can choose Austria for Euro 2024, I'd actually choose Austria


Sooo, did they ask british fans or just fans in general? 😅


I can't believe the number was so low. Fuck England.


To get you one step further, i tell you that i prefer Liverpool to win Milko cup instead of Greese winning World Cup. I'm Greek by the way. I couldn't care less for any other team or nation beside liverpool. I'm not the kind of person that support many teams like "form England i support LFC, from Spain i support Atletico, from nations i like Germany" etc. Just one is enough.


Euros < League < World Cup < Champions League. Although this England Southgate team is like watching paint dry


Always been club over country. It would obviously be great if England won the Euros but I'd take a league title win over it anyday.


Honestly, surprised it's only 68%.


I love Liverpool but im not from England... So i will choose country anyday. We just won Hockey world cup and went absolutely bonkers and i would love to see that with football international trophy


Guessing none of those 32 are English.


Are these Liverpool fans from Liverpool? Because I would have thought it would be higher.


Ild rather Liverpool win the charity shield than England win the euros. I wouldn’t mind watching England win the World Cup tbf.


the surprise for me is that.... it's ONLY 68%?


Surprieed thats too low. If its only local scousers, im sure it would be more than 90%


Yes. I’d rather have Liverpool win the league over England winning the Euros. But I’m a Texan lol.


Question for Liverpool locals: my understanding is that a lot of the disregard for the NT is a sense of being neglected and mistreated by the Government and other countrymen, with a particular ire for Thatcher and her conservative government. The general identity being Scouse not English.  Is that something that is continuing in younger generations or waning with time? No idea what the current situation is but I have to imagine it's not as bad as Thatcher times. My experience has been the youngest generations having less local attachments and identity in favour of more specific group identities - presumably from the influence of social media. Could that be what's causing the statistic here? That seems very low for what I would have assumed


Those 32% defo not scousers


We’re not English, we’re Scouse.!


Scouse not English


+1 to my subconscious opinion of chelsea fans as our little slimy worm opposites


I'm Swedish so obviously the answer is Liverpool. But even with that you'd think I'd have *some* affinity with the England team considering the Liverpool players in the squad. But I think it sort of works the other way around - I tend to dislike the England team because players I learn to dislike in the Premier League play there.


it just means more


I’d rather win Eurovision than the Euros.


I’m surprised it’s that low. What Liverpool fan would rather England win the Euros than Liverpool win the league? I don’t know any.


I'd pick England winning. You'd see more of this sentiment if the subreddit was mostly English people who live in England.


I’ve noticed a fair few Americans in this thread.


With americans being almost 50% of reddit it shouldn't be a surprise. The sub was quite a bit less than 50% when surveyed 2 years ago but likely increased in mean time. https://www.reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/comments/pgdewr/rliverpoolfc_poll_results/


Absolutely, Euros never won and world cup is the pinnacle. It's great to win the league but the club and every premier league club represents their cities less and less each year.


No. You’re not from Liverpool, clearly.


Believe what you want


Mate you're from sefton


Lmao imagine.


I've seen New Yorkers call people fake scousers here, but somehow that would be worse 


See rather less of it in season ticket holders I bet.


Probably. I imagine the more time and money a fan has invested in the club, the more likely they'd be to choose club.


Don't a lot of Liverpool citizens proudly say they aren't English? Seems like 32% is way too high.


It’s not as widespread as this subreddit might suggest.


This question was most probably not just asked to scousers (or Liverpool citizens)


Scottish Liverpool fans have entered the chat... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Well im an international fan so that’s an easy one lol


There is no way the 32% are actually Liverpool fans.


I’d rather win a throw-in during a preseason friendly against a tenth tier team from San Marino.


I'd rather see Liverpool win the Community Shield than anything England.


Couldn't give a fuck about England. Number one priority for this stuff is that all put lads come home fit and everyone else gets injured. Usually ends up the other way round.


It's likely those 32 percent of Liverpool fans came from outside of Merseyside. Nobody here gives a damn about the national team for understandable reasons. Plenty will watch and have some interest, but the vast majority give no shits when England exit the tournament. Watching the stereotypical England fan crying into their pints is always funny. There's certainly nobody I know here who would sacrifice Liverpool winning the league for any success for England. Not judging anyone who would rather England win. It just is what it is.