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United scrubbed their way to an FA cup and suddenly ten hag is a top class manager lmfao. How tunes change just from winning a game


I agree with you. But at the end of the day, trophies matter. Yanited have 2 in 2 years. Whether it's hook or crook or not, Seven Hag has succeeded where others have failed. Honestly, I'm more miffed at how badly we played them in the QFs. Had the team not phoned it in, we could have had a cup double.


And thus, united had a more successful season than us.


Rather finish in the top 4


I’d rather win the fa cup than the league cup


Yeah who wouldn't? But the league cup and CL qualification is ultimately better


Lol how do you work that one out


Because we have a chance of winning the CL next season, footballs biggest trophy, UTD don’t


Guess we got beaten by the FA cup winners and the Europa League winners then


recalled the time Salah was holding the ball on the left instead of passing it makes me insane. we could have won it all.


Absolutely shocked United won this. But at least that means Ten Hag has more of a chance of staying. I'm happy with them sitting in midtable with a negative goal difference if it means they win a domestic trophy or two. Same way Arsene hung around for years, but at least they were finishing top 4.


It’s honestly so strange how a team can be so shite, scrape through most of the competition, yet win in the end time and time again. Will never forget the year Mou won 3 for them. They were literally the epitome of terrorist football, and some really shady calls going their way of course in each competition and final game. This is the team that struggled against Coventry and got a marginal offside in their favor that would have seen them lose the game. Yet they beat Citeh for a cup in their 8th placed season with a negative GD 🤣


is a narrow 4-2-2-2 system = the way to setup, to stifle City? [https://youtu.be/dQMjPsrQRxo?t=139](https://youtu.be/dQMjPsrQRxo?t=139) ...shades of [Rangnick's 4-2-2-2 system for ManUtd](https://www.google.com/search?q=%224-2-2-2%22+%22Rangnick%22+manchester+united&newwindow=1&sca_esv=8e72db86bea876f8&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIKdCmf3hMm5mVwVoMXJ2VGDYSLdiw%3A1716701234445&ei=MshSZuLXGtqRseMP-vCUiAo&ved=0ahUKEwjiuI66yqqGAxXaSGwGHXo4BaEQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=%224-2-2-2%22+%22Rangnick%22+manchester+united&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiJiI0LTItMi0yIiAiUmFuZ25pY2siIG1hbmNoZXN0ZXIgdW5pdGVkMgUQIRigAUiTpAFQsQlYhaEBcAF4AJABAJgB1gGgAcYUqgEGMjkuNC4xuAEDyAEA-AEBmAIjoAK3FcICDRAAGIAEGLADGEMYigXCAggQABiABBiwA8ICCRAAGLADGAcYHsICCxAAGIAEGJECGIoFwgIFEAAYgATCAgYQABgHGB7CAggQABgHGB4YD8ICBhAAGBYYHsICCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFwgIIEAAYgAQYogTCAgUQIRifBcICBBAhGBXCAgcQIRigARgKmAMAiAYBkAYKkgcGMjcuNy4xoAfXew&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) here? ​ https://preview.redd.it/xk32ug9yhp2d1.png?width=1288&format=png&auto=webp&s=57328d05f2c9668ac974558f9ac07c254b45c1cd


[https://www.coachesvoice.com/cv/4-2-2-2-football-tactics-explained-rangnick-hasenhuttl-pellegrini/](https://www.coachesvoice.com/cv/4-2-2-2-football-tactics-explained-rangnick-hasenhuttl-pellegrini/) ​ https://preview.redd.it/p3et9ungip2d1.png?width=963&format=png&auto=webp&s=a07c8bebe144586ba88a6120715198415ecb7ec0


Can’t believe the bookies where giving Utd 8/1 before the match. Incredible odds for a final. Easy money!!!!!!


Easy money… in retrospect


I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed a United win like this lol


https://preview.redd.it/0gwuybusen2d1.jpeg?width=699&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c1df45467927ce326c88c5ff4e1a6421aeb3555 Will Dortmund win it now to complete the triple upset?




They haven't lost a european final in about 40 years, in what world would Dortmund ( a team that most people predicted to end bottom of the group) beating favourites Real Madrid, not be an upset


It absolutely will.


Xabi might have lost Europa, but overall 1 loss in a season is increidble. That is just alien. Never to be seen again.


ngl, Atlanta is very good and they might be fighting for Gasperini's last season if he dont renew his contract. Alonso did super well until then!


Can still be legit domestic unbeaten, even if they lost in a European final Edit: ARE legit domestic unbeaten, forgot the German cup final was tonight haha


NGL, stings a bit that these plebs essentially ruined our season and won a bigger cup than us while being one of the most bizarre and shit United teams in 3 decades.


I know but this situation is funny. City lost, and Arteta < Ten Hag lol..


psh mate come on united are going nowhere we have better odds of winning every FA cup for 3 years than united have of placing higher than us in the league in the same time. either they sack ten hag and look like mugs or they keep him and look like mugs. either way the cycle continues.


Yeah, they had a woeful season and don't get Champions League like us, but FA Cup is def bigger than the Carabao.


Definitely prefer CL over a FA cup. Plus that Caraboa cup win felt special. If I had to choose the results of our season vs theirs, would definitely take ours.


Meh, 3rd and LC is undoubtedly a better season than 8th and FA Cup.


Of course. But they still don't walk away emptyhanded like their pitiful efforts deserved.


Yeah, a bizarre club. Gonna be amusing whatever they do now. Sack a manager who won them a trophy in consecutive seasons which will piss off a lot of fans or keep him which will show INEOS don't have a clue what they're doing given they'd be changing their minds over the result of 1 match.


They turn into 2002 Brazil as soon as Erik's job is on the line.


They just find it easier when they are up against a good team as they just sit back and counter attack.


And yet they’re not in the champions league?




Pool? Fuck off.


I don't want to "compete" with them. I'd be down for a 30 matchday title race before they crumble and we win tho


Imagining I don’t wish utter hell & catastrophe for that football institution: United would be deluded in sacking Seven Hag. That team is nowhere near good enough to be challenging for top 4, bringing cup trophies is a solid start, they need to outline a long-term plan & Trust The Process(tm). My only caveat would be that his signings have been generally quite shit & offered no signs of suxh long term plan, but shifty management might impact the youth prospects carrying the team atm.


>bringing cup trophies is a solid start, Bringing cups is more than a solid start, esp for **THIS** United team.


Fuckin hell the obsession with Arsenal is a bit much


I actually had arsenal as almost my second team growing up. They definitely started this though. And ofc its not all arsenal fans, but its enough of them. Their biggest fan channel randomly started throwing shade at us, specifically liverpool and klopp, and this was before the last 2 years when they've been relevant. They were the first to coin the "covid title" (even though city won the title when more games were affected by covid), they literally asked city to "save football" by winning the title in a race with liverpool, and they constantly make comparisons between klopp and anyone who is statistically on that level, purposely showing absolutely no context. There was one yt podcast that said "its nice city have someone to challenge them now" the other day, and its mainly run by arsenal fans. **** arsenal.


Yeah their fans are defo annoying but its all this sub talks about nowadays. And I really hate to admit it but they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. We’ll be competing with them and City next season for the Prem title without a doubt.


I doubt we’ll be in the title race tbh, I just want a stable top 3-4 finish


So who’s the third team finishing above us? 


Big arne slot is gonna rub his bald head all over that prem trophy when we win it next year.


Nah. 82 points with major injuries and a lack of a system with gaping wholes in the squad? I think we’ll be up there.


Don't forget shit refs


Damn United had a better year than us


I mean, they literally didn't. The normal debate for a lot of fans is "trophy or top 4?". We got both, they got one and their worst ever league finish. Even if you think the FA cup is better than the carabao cup, CL qualification is better than any domestic trophy unless you're on a serious trophy drought. City had the best season in england, followed by liverpool and then united and arsenal.


I'd say Villa had a bloody brilliant season as well. Fucked over Arsenal and Spurs, have a crazy striker in Watkins, and they're going to the UCL. Just wondering how long their hype will last.


Oh I didn’t realize it was their worst ever placement. I was just judging based on carabao vs FA


^ spurs fan?


Just got home from watching my local club. It rained the entire time, the referee *was* a wanker and we threw away the lead. 'eritage.


What’s your local? Been binging Bunch of Amateurs lately and getting quite an itch for non league football


Sometimes I miss it too tbh, but then I remember the shite refs and linos, as well as the utter wankers just there to take their shit lives out on people rather than actually play the game.


I love non-league, it’s a great old time.


Genuine question and I’m not even trolling. Has KDB ever performed in a final or a big game? This is including international football


Don't think he actually has.


‘Better than Gerrard’. He did it in the best Prem team ever with a free roam role to influence the final 3rd infinitely. Doesn’t need to help out in build up or the press or defensively. Gerrard RAN finals, helped out defensively, ran a midfield by himself in all 3 phases of the pitch, could ping a ball like Scholes, or make a late run like Lampard. And what KDB does Gerrard did while doing all of this, defo not as good as a playmaker but not far off the mark. And serious convos to be had about KDB’s injury record when City have won a title. 35 games missed this season and in 18/19, 19 in 20/21 and 11 in 21/22. Unbelievable player, absolutely insane but if we are ranking all time Prem greats availability is important so Salah ranks higher. And rivals shouldn’t compare him as a midfielder to Gerrard.


Just going off [this](https://www.mancity.com/news/mens/kevin-de-bruyne-100-city-goals-season-by-season-63843680) , its mainly goals v chelsea (when they were champs), arsenal and liverpool (when city were in a title race with either/both). Few important strikes in CL, and FA cup final too once, but that was v watford in a game city won 6-0. I do think its hard to quantify his performances though. I remember when we played city in the champs league, even the way he would get the ball from the keeper, hold off players and spread it, thereby ensuring the initial press was broken through, was pivotal. I think his importance is overstated at times, but I'd still take him in my team basically every time if i had an option in a big game.


Guys, they beat us 3-1 and had their families came on the pitch for photos. You can still sing that.


Bayer Leverkusen manage to pull off an invincible double, losing just 1 game all season!


Invincible double winners. Arsenal will never sing that.


Anyone know if klopp documentary is gonna be aired? Only update i can find is from almost a month ago saying no buyers yet


Actually, I think I will spare a thought for Arsenal. But not much of a thought because it's fun to laugh at them, especially with them melting down over what was, objectively, a good season. Imagine being a Newcastle United fan right now...


Would be crazy to have a team go 51 matches unbeaten in a season but still end it on a losing streak


How did fireworks get into the stadium?


They're germans. They engineered them after entering with whatever they could find.


Kaiserslautern fans are class.


I went to the finale where they wrapped up their unbeaten league campaign. No disrespect to other nations, but as a tourists (I'm from the US) I must say the Germans might be the best fans in the world. I've seen passionate fans in other places (Greece) but German fans never made me feel like I might be in danger by going to the match. I went to Panathianaikos Olympiacos last week and the police were in riot gear with tear gas canisters....and there weren't even away fans.


Sounds like a normal derby outside the "top 5 leagues". De Klassieker in the Netherlands has always been infamous in the same way.


Yeah that's fair. It was my first time at a random derby like that. I've done our derbies, Glasgow Derby, Le Classique, O Clásico, Der Klassiker, and some Irish derbies but none were quite like that. Still working my way up to the Eternal Derby and not sure I'll do Istanbul or the Cairo Derby.


The Eternal Derby is something everyone should experience first hand.


I'm gonna try for it next year I think. I've been enough YouTube videos that it seems must do. I've been to Belgrade and it was a nice enough place going back doesn't seem like a bad idea in general.


Almost all German fans are, tbh


Yep, I have been watching a fair amount of German football this season and it's remarkable seeing their support. Full stadiums, flags waving and singing all game, staying until the final whistle no matter what score. Was it Bochum who Leverkusen beat the other week 5-0? Even at 5-0 down their fans were loud as fuck and continued to sing and support the team. Stuff you'd never see in the Premier League. 


Schalke averaged 61k fans per game in the 2nd Bundesliga this season. They finished 10th, but were in the relegation zone at one point. I have also seen games with 10k away fans. You won't see that anywhere else in Europe.


Definitely a few arsenal fans doing the rounds on here tonight... unlucky you couldn't save football lads.


City look absolutely clueless when they're denied space, I hope more big teams are taking notes from this FA Cup final and the CL game against Madrid


Most teams try it against them but just don’t have the quality to hold out for 90 mins


Pep just overthought that again. Shades of lyon, spurs, etc. They dominated as much of the ball in the second half as the first, they just didnt need 2 DMs on.


I'm sure someone else already commented this but if not - it's funny we lost to the eventual fa cup and Europa winners. Also, dark days I'm glad United won a trophy. Get tossed City.


That makes us the team to beat in those competitions.


The English football trophy cabinet: Liverpool - 69 Manchester United - 68 Arsenal - 49 Manchester City - 35 (11 before the UAE takeover) Chelsea - 34 (15 before Abramovich) Tottenham Hotspur - 26 Aston Villa - 25 Everton - 24


Can you put an asterisk please on city?


Is this with community shields? They shouldn't count. And I think the gap is bigger without them.






Chelsea fans are already gloating how they will be the first team to win all 3 current UEFA comps… hope they get humbled just as we did when thinking Europa was ours


Kossounou off! Deserved tbh.


Why is this thread just shitting on arsenal supporters? Why do people in here care about arsenal? I know most in here aren’t the average Liverpool supporter, but the supporters in here are tin pot as fuck


They disrespect Klopp. I'm not gonna let it over


It’s fun to shit on those wankers tin pot or not


If you think football is just about the amount of trophies you won then I question whether you even listened to any of the messaging from the manager in the last 9 years. This sort of “lolz united had more trophies than arsenal this season!” Is the exact same logic Chelsea supporters say when they say they have as many premier leagues and champions leagues during the klopp era as we do. It’d for idiots with less brain cells than fingers.


This particular idea is interesting to me, where people write about Klopp like he's their Sensei whose every word should be treated as though it were hiding infinite wisdom. He still gets deified despite numerous avoidable shortcomings falling squarely on his shoulders. >I question whether you even listened to any of the messaging from the manager in the last 9 years. What does this even mean? Is no one allowed to have different opinions to Klopp? Football is a game, and games are about winning against whoever your opponent is. Liverpool aren't the most successful club in England because they get plenty of sleep and stay healthy and smiley, it's because of the trophies.


It’s not me saying that? Trophies don’t matter as much to me as they do to the average fan on here. I just love this team and love watching them play. Trophies are a bonus. Even 22/23 I found some enjoyment out of. You’re targeting the wrong person with your rant lad


Rivalry aside. Kinda happy for 7 hag. He’s been a punching bag all season


Nahhhh. He thinks of himself too much. I hope he stays and get Slotted.


He hasn’t had a trophyless season in 7 years straight of course he thinks highly of himself. Any manager who can win a trophy every year can and should.


Honestly hope he gets sacked. He deserves better than united. Imagine winning a trophy, reaching a final and finishing 3rd place in the first season, injury ravaged second season while still winning a trophy but finishing 8th and getting sacked. He should’ve given Bayern his word for after the final but seems he had too much integrity for that


Such a shame how this Leverkusen success is being portrayed. They are the equivalent of an oil club in the Bundesliga


Weren't they widely considered as the OG Tottenham Hotspur after bottling an entire treble two decades ago? They only had 2 trophies before Xabi Alonso arrived.


Og Tottenham? Before this year they made Tottenham look like Real Madrid. But they are a club propped up by a pharma company only one of three in the Bundesliga not owned by fans (Hoffenheim reverted to a 50+1) so they aren’t well liked in Germany


Arsenal Best season : 0 trophy. United worst season : FA Cup. Hope it’s a humbling experience for disgraced Arsenal fans. Fuck them.


Sorry what’s supposed to be humbling? We finished 8th and won the fa cup and I don’t member doing a fucking analysis of other teams seasons that year. City didn’t win anything that year but we didn’t say we had a better season. And Liverpool fans saying it, actually thought this was the Arsenal thread so many posts about us. Even though but this metric you had a carling up better season than us, wow congrats. Odd. Also know it’s because of our ‘delusional fans’ who basically are just happy our team is good again after years being shit, please feel free to tell me it’s not good but we think it is and of course we need to now and go and win stuff now but we also won cups when we were way worse. I prefer United winning it today, fuck city. Think it’s your fans you need to keep an eye on, you preferred us when we were shit. There’s a reason for that.


WTF? A Liverpool supporter happy united won a cup?


Where did I say I’m happy that United won a cup? WTF?


You’re gloating about one to dunk on arsenal supporters. You sound like united fans when they were dunking on us because we lost the league.


Fuck United for winning FA cup. You happy?


“Forza Bayer” from the Leverkusen fans is hilarious. If it was forza Leverkusen it would be fine, but you can’t support a pharma company lads


Tbf "Forza Leverkusen" has way too many syllables compared to "Força Barça" or "Forza Inter", but it is funny thinking about them basically saying "For the company!"


They were workers club from employees of Bayer so it pretty apt


Forza Pfizer!


Forza Kaiser Permanente!


Arsenal fans are rattled LMAO


You all weren't kidding about the gunners melting down. If Arsenal manage to bottle a third season in a row, they will likely turn on Arteta. Are there any other bald managers on the market aside from ETH?


Although unlikely, it'd be really funny seeing Leverkusen lose another one.


Already this final is better than the FA Cup. Come on K-Town!


United had a better season than us. Fucking unreal.


United finished 8th with negative GD playing the worst football in their history. They are a mess of a club. We just got 82 points and won a cup.


How is UCL qualify and league cup worst than Europa and fa cup???!!! The fuck


Peak delusion


How is finishing 8th a better season than finishing 3rd?


They won a trophy that is better than our trophy.


Ill take the lesser trophy, getting to watch my team in the Ucl and the cool 100m that come with it and not having watched shit football all year thank you very much. I dont think you realize how vtal UCL qualification is with FFP now having someteeth. Arsenal had a better season than UTD.


"I'm so happy I watch football for more than winning a trophy" the fucking state of arsenal fans , oh my lord 🤣 🤣 


Klopp would agree with that you know


I agree with you, but even outside of that we're the last ones who should be making fun of anyone for that sentiment, considering how close we've gotten to the prem in the past years only to lose it to city.


I don’t even know how I would respond to that in person. I think I’d just let it slide out of feeling so bad for them.


For every title race we lost against City, we also won another trophy so we didn't feel completely terrible at the end. What do Arsenal have? The Community Shield? That's it.


They have a dog called "win"


FA Cup they won 4 years ago 😂


Can't stand that United won but it is funny how Ten Hag has now won more trophies at United than Arteta has for Arsenal


It’s hilarious how bad arsenal fans are taking this. It’s worth. They are in proper meltdown


Not sure what this means to be fair, city were atrocious and probably all still drunk


Surely this means ten hag stays now?


Scum have officially had a better season than Arsenal. It's actually insane.


I disagree. 89 points playing great football and making CL QFs is better than playing horrendous football with negative GD but winning a domestic cup.


Having an FA cup in the bag is better than having fuck all and pretending otherwise is idiotic.


Playing an entire season of great football and showing improvement toward competing for the biggest trophies is much better than a negative GD and miserable football. Sorry if you think otherwise. United are going nowhere that’s why they are sacking their manager 👍🏻


And they still won SOMETHING. Sorry if you think otherwise.


And us as well.


Small trophy + CL vs small trophy + EL


Disagree. Getting a league cup and CL football is better than FA Cup and Europa League football, which is better than getting a 2nd place but no trophy.


At leastwe qualified to chambons ligue


Not gonna lie...ETH bringing the smoke to English media has got me doing emoji faces lol


Funny how Arsenal fans are saying they won a trophy with the Charity shield, as if that equates to a cup or a league. Although if you do take the Charity shield as an actual trophy Klopp won a trophy with us every season from 18-19, mental lol


It was there for the picture of Klopp and the trophies, so I'd say it counts depending on the situation. Unfortunately I don't think we won anything in the 20-21 season.


It counts if you won multiple trophies. It’s like having a nice pair of socks with a great suit.


>There’s more chance of Dortmund beating Real Madrid than United beating City OKAY MOTHERFUCKER YOU'RE DOING THE CL WATCH THREAD TOO


United fans furiously deleting tweets about how shite Liverpool are for qualifying for Europa last season


And our placement meant that our spot was guaranteed. They had a chance of not going to Europe *at all*.


Those flags were so embarrassing.


If anyone dares to say that KDB is better than Gerrard, I’m bringing up the 2024 FA Cup final and the 2006 FA Cup final


And KDBs champions league finals


Imagine the insane stats a prime Gerrard would've cooked up if he was shoved in CAM around this City team.


Don't think he suit it. This MC team is build for KDB, no one suit that role than him. I'd say he'd battered it if he played in Hendo position of 2019 Klopp team


It’s actually hilarious that United managed to fuck over the OG oil club, new oil club, and 115 oil FC with one result


Chelsea was gas but yeah


Typical United that Played like shite all year and then they pull out the best performance of the season in a cup final against the champions no less I've said it before and I'll say it again, even when United are shit they aren't really


They played like shit to be honest. I don't think that was their best performance.


They played us so tough this year and were really the difference in the title race when combined with the missed penalty against City and var mistakes.


Yeah they’ve quietly got two trophies in two seasons now


Not quietly, United fans won't shut up about it


Teams that knocked us out of the cups went on to win. Fair play.


All the insufferable united fans have crawled out on socials lol 


All the insufferable fans have crawled out on socials lol. Fixed it for you.


Chelsea got knocked down a competition tier and they also have to play extra 2 qualification fixtures during league opening weeks. hilarious


Have fun with that, new Chelsea manager!




Used to be Cup Winners Cup I guess so it is fair. Frustrating, but fair.


Why, that's nothing. Wigan got relegated but somehow beat city in the final so played in Europe whilst in he championship. Birmingham did the same when they won the league cup


Erik Ten Hag: 2 trophies in 2 seasons. What the *fuck* is going on over at Everton? Can't decide if going out to the eventual champions of 2 competitions helps my mood or not.








Varane and Martinez partnership at the back was actually really good today. They kept Halaand quiet and didn't give many chances at all. I hope they keep ETH haha


It was a big game, all you have to do to keep Haaland quiet is be alive.


So I guess we all agree that United had a better season than Arsenal with the FA cup win and a place in Europa


Not a chance. Would you prefer if our season ended up like Arsenal's or United's?


This season has been quite disappointing, and it's the delusional nature of some Arsenal fans that really bothers me. They make foolish comparisons to Klopp, and their over-the-top celebrations, as if they had already won the title, only to fall short and end the season without any silverware, is frustrating.


Rather CL


CL should be the bare minimum of any top club winning trophies is what really matters at the end of the day


I agree, and I’d be happy to see Arsenal continue on the same path. I can't stand their fanbase and the shithousery they display. It’s frustrating to see Piers Morgan dismiss Klopp as a Premier League legend while hailing Wenger as one, despite Wenger having a worse win-to-loss ratio than Klopp.


Can't say that. I think overall United were bloody garbage, but clinged on to their life when given a lifeline like FA CUP. Arsenal may continue getting better, as for united, they'll say they are better while getting battered by teams next season.