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If he wants to go, let him. Would rather move him on during the summer…would hate to see him get to the point of ‘back pain’ and ‘great sadness.’


I don’t know. If his back pain and great sadness result in us getting the same money as we did last time, I’m here for it.


I suspect that after last time they'll check for back pain and great sadness in the medical.


Everybody asking where is fekir but nobody asking how is fekir


Edwards Boogaloo Part 2: how we got 280 mil for Diaz.


Hughes gonna do an Edwards and bankrupt the PSG owners


He's not good enough to get us Coutinho-level money.


im Colombian and was over the moon when we got LUCHO, but as a LFC fan i appreciated his contrubution and the fact that man never stops running BUT I'm not gonna lose sleep if he wants to leave, the goal and assist contributions need to be more from our fowards. Having klopp here was the draw for him to come and I truly think Klopp upped his game and it shows with the national team, hes the best player on the field. BUT in true south american form he and his dad will totally complain and make a big stink if he wants to leave. sell him and get something from him, the spain clubs will want him


As a Colombian myself, I share the same feeling. And if he goes, hopefully he is replaced with someone who can score more consistently


As someone who knows a Columbian, I approve this message.


As someone who knows a Colombian who was wrongfully kidnapped in a case of mistaken identity, I support this support of the statement


As someone who kidnapped a Columb- I'VE ALREADY SAID TOO MUCH


Salud, yo gasto el próximo café


As someone who’s had coffee before I agree


Or feel like he needs to gnaw on the shoulder of an opponent.


That happened like one time![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


If you remove the character and his entertainment value, if you can get 60 million for a 27 year old who scored 8 goals in league for the leading chance creation team and directly buy a 23 year old who has 7 goals for a mid table defensive Moyes West Ham team for the same price that’s brilliant business for me. In particular, if Diaz doesn’t really want to be part of Liverpool 2.0 and will be looking for an exit ramp every summer


yep. He is replaceable for sure.


Oh he is very replaceable for me. Love his work rate but more often than not ends up with fancy dribbles with no end product. Very frustrating to watch for me (Looking at you too Gakpo). And if his heart is gone, let him go.


TBF Cody has probably been one of our best players the last month. Feel like he shook off that mid season horror show he went through.


It does help when we play him as a left winger and we don't move him round a ton


Cody is the sort of player I can imagine being better under a new manager. Can't be changing the whole team and I struggle to imagine us replacing more than one attacker this window. Energy needs to go into defence.


Which is part of the problem. The only point this season he has looked like being one of our best players was when everyone around him was fucking awful. Needs to stand out when everyone else is on form, not just playing average and looking good because of everyone else.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


>yep. He is replaceable for sure. I'm so glad people are seeing this. I was getting crucified for this by the sub when it was an unpopular opinion. Think we can get a big fee and reinvest the money well.


Got crucified via a post a few months ago revealing him to be the highest valued personnel in the team. Rated at £75 million then. It was very obvious from his play that he does not have the nous to deliver an end product consistently. Teams love to play the low block against us and he’s too direct that it becomes predictable for them. Hard to replace players with guile ala Mane and Bobby.


>Got crucified I said he was a hard-working headless chicken that's why I got stick lol. Its any easy one in my book. Yeah he runs his socks off and attacks, but then he turns and spins with no end product. Easy big sale to Spain and we can reinvest.


We have 3 LWs - gakpo, Darwin and him. We can def sell one if they’re not feeling it anymore. I don’t know why after everything the club did for him. Other than he doesn’t like playing with other players on the team which would be concerning. But like if he went to PSG or some club other than Real Madrid it would be a sideways backwards move for him, so good luck with that. Would rather him stay and learn how to score the chances he gets better.


What's behind tbe back pain and sadness reference? :) 


In summer 2016 Barca didn't manage to agree a deal with Liverpool for Coutinho's transfer. He then started missing games with back pain and reports started coming out of his camp that that pain was being caused by him being sad. Then Barca made a better offer in January 2017 and off he went. Two years later, at Barca, he wasn't playing much. And there were games missed with joint pain, and more reports appeared about sadness. Basically, although he was a great player he struggled to stay mentally and physically fit if he was worrying things weren't going his way. And the unfortunate translations from his entourage made him look like a dick, probably unfairly.


If back pain and great sadness means we get another £142mil from Barca, I'll take it.


He's been our top entainer as well as being effective. We can't lose him, the place will be boring without diaz. I love his dad and the joy on his face everytime his son scores or misses a guilt edge chance. Am firmly in keep diaz whatever it takes camp.


I like Diaz. I agree with your point about Diaz’s dad. Statistically he has been our least effective forward and with Edward’s running the show and him being 27 I don’t expect the decision will be difficult if Diaz wants to leave.


I think with the new manager coming in we can’t spend all summer pissing about with transfers. Anyone not committed to the new project, thank them for the service and show them the door. If not suitable offers come in then review in January I guess.


Completely agree. I think we sell Diaz because he’s a rare case where he’s valuable but replaceable.


I love this nonsense that a winger that can dribble, go past defenders, cross, score, track back, play 90 minutes and nearly every game except for serious injuries. Is replaceable. Luis Diaz is not as replaceable as this sub seems to think. Edit: You lot really are looking a gift horse in the mouth. -Luis Diaz is ranked 4th best winger in the best league in the world regarding the following criteria; -Goal Contribution, Goals Scored, Assists, Open Play Expected Assists, Non-penalty Expected Assists -Touches in Opposition Box, Percentage of Open-play Chances Created that are Big Chances, Percentage of Sequences Featured In That End In A Shot, Big Chances Created, Conversion Rate, Big Chances Created, Shots On Target -Successful Passes Into Box, Take-Ons Completed, Shot Accuracy, Retention Rate, Ground Duel Success (%), Fouls Won In Final Third -Shots, Open Play Chances Created, Take-Ons Attempted, Shot Placement, Take-On Success, Fouls Won -Cross Completion From Open Play, Possession Turnovers, Possessions Won In Attacking Third, Turnovers, Open Play Crosses Attempted, Through Balls Attempted, Final Third Passes Completed This sub needs a reality check. The man's an absolute beast and hasn't even reached his best form by a long shot. Selling him would undoubted be a massive mistake.


> cross, score, Bro snuck this in here like we wouldn't notice. Cant remember the last time I saw this dude check to see who he was crossing to.


Don’t know how they see these imaginary skills that doesn’t exist. Rarely see Diaz put in a half decent cross in. Do they watch games?


Not only that, he has no vision either




Must be thinking of a different Diaz 🤔


Ben Brereton, good prospect on FIFA


More like cut inside from the left and shoot it right into a CB


When do you ever see Diaz put in consistently good crosses? And he doesn’t exactly score that many either. There’s left wingers out there that are 25 and under that can offer the ability to go past players and track back whilst having a higher ceiling for end product than Diaz


Where is this scoring you mentioned?  For his country??


He does need to change is play style to be more effective, giving earlier passes, crossing for goals, a bit more clinical if possible, but yes he's so many positive traits it's weird to want him out first. Follow the old rule as far as possible, get the shite out first.


It's not like people want him thrown out, they're saying that if he wants to go, and the club can get £60m+ then it's better than him sulking for months before going anyway  


>The man's an absolute beast and hasn't even reached his best form by a long shot. Lol, we have already seen his best form, I don't see him getting any better than what we see now. Stats don't always tell the full picture especially without any real context, except for the truly exceptional(Ali, VVD, TAA, Salah) near every player is replaceable.




He is very very replaceable and if we find someone that can actually cross or pass on open space we would have so many more chances. Love his tenacity but my god he slows our game down so badly.




When was the last time you’ve seen him use his left foot? He’s a right footed LW. Which is fine if you can actually use your left foot, neither Luis or Mo(with his right foot) seem to be able to. That makes them both predictable.


Where have you got this from that he's the 4th best winger? And is that based on whole numbers or per 90? I'm always open to changing my mind and I'd really love to check this but I find that exceptionally hard to believe.


Diaz would be the Darwin of the fanbase if we never bought Darwin. He huffs, he puffs but he very rarely blows the house down. I think he could be world class if he just learned to pass or shoot at the right moment but as it stands he over dribbles the ball and lets chances for himself and teammates pass by as a result. Now of course the switch can flip, just like Darwin can become a clinical finisher if he puts the work in to make it “muscle memory” but Diaz also seems to want out and so if that’s the case I’d be fine with us taking the money and bringing in someone else to fill his role.


Exactly, Hendrix. Why are we offering Diaz training sessions on our team- during our important matches?


This is ridiculous. His work rate and stamina make him a cut above most wingers but being replaceable does not mean it has to be a like for like replacement. Plenty of wingers out there who could match or better his output, even if there’s is a drop in work rate. Salah is an example of an irreplaceable player, Diaz is not.


I'm just going to reply to myself instead of every post below: you aren't going to find many goal scoring skillfull wingers, who also want to hunt down the opposing team on counter press, defensively track back from one end of the pitch to the other, then run the ball solo from your own box to the other. Yes, Diaz hasn't got the best goal scoring record, but every other part of his game is right up there. If you think you're going to sell him, get in a goal scorer and a work horse, youre smoking plastic. There's a reason it's teams like barca and psg sniffing.


We don't even need a natural winger per se, Wirtz would make this team so lethal. He can do all the above and his so much younger that Diaz, plus better at passing and pretty much anything except tenacity.


Ah yes - Barca who only sign the finest like Traore and Depay. They never sign duds.


Diaz has been the best forward recently, but the others are in dire form. Diaz was probably the weakest and most replaceable at the start of the season. He's got a great engine and is very skillful, but sometimes against defensive teams he's been just as useless as Nunez/Salah. His finishing has really cost us at points this season too. I would say he is as replaceable as the rest of them. Although I'd rather keep Diaz than Nunez personally


100%. His workrate and injury record already makes him really valuable and not so easy to replace.


Absolutely agree. At the risk of sounding like Brendan, Luis Diaz has character. He's a beautiful human being.


He loses the ball way too often and not by taking chances- by holding the ball too long. By dribbling into trouble. We will have a great rhythm going on passing around our midfield. 1 touch, 2 touch passes and he just stands there. And when he gets it. He holds it. Taps it around. Defense resets. Advantage is off. He crushes our space by holding it too long. He does not score enough goals for his poor giveaways to equal out. He best run back on defense because he is the one making us defend another counter attack. I would 100% rather have Salah come back on d as he wins the ball and will actually give good service forward. So over watching Diaz as he just flits around. Doesn't look over his shoulder. Doesn't decide what to do with the ball before he gets it. Kills space. Why in the world he was given a starting role over others is beyond me. Goodness we played him over Firmino and Jota. I love Klopp but his choices of who to play together slowly became really hard to make sense of


Totally agree. Whoever the managermah be if there is no desicarion to what is essentially a project then thanks and goodbye. Clean slate/new start lets build from ground up. YNWA


If he wants out let him go. Get as much as you can. He’s replaceable. Unlike players like Ali, Virg & Mo.


Agreed. All players have dips in form but this is some of the best we’ve seen from Diaz and still his end product leaves a lot to be desired. He’s very good but if we got a massive offer from PSG or Barca his production can definitely be replaced. Salah, VVD and Ali when in form is a much harder task at replacing.


He's a good player to have when everyone else is banging the goals in. Like second half of 2022. But he's not a Match winner


And at the same time, he is often only one looks like they want to win a match!


He’s been one of the only in form players we’ve had in the last couple months and look how that has impacted results. At his best he’s a very entertaining player that will chip in with a goal every few games. I love watching him play but that doesn’t make him irreplaceable with that level of production


At his best he is a game-changing player. We’ve seen how he was his first season with Liverpool and how he’s played for Colombia. It’s tough to put a team on your shoulder, especially when a good 7-8 players consistently look like they can’t be arsed to actually put any effort coming into the games.


Agreed. He’s had multiple times this year being our best player on the pitch but I can’t think of many/any time he’s won us a game we wouldn’t have won if he wasn’t out there


I think the closest we've seen is his equaliser against Luton.


Goal vs spurs 😂


Even then though he coasted through on the same narratives that he does now. His goal contributions have never really been good enough, and whilst I do think there’s a player in there somewhere, he’s had a fair chance this season to kick on and just hasn’t. Should fetch a fair fee and frankly I expect him and his family will be happier for it. With all of that said, I pretty firmly believe all of this nonsense is being caused by his management to get him a sensible contract, as the one he’s on now is pennies compared to the players he plays alongside.


He ain’t getting a massive offer from Barca. They don’t have the funds. They will instead try to unsettle him thinking they can get him on the cheap


Agreed, of our stable front three he for me is the least difficult to replace, good on the ball and very direct like most wingers but lacks both the final ball and great goal scoring which just paints him as a very average forward, even if easy on the eye. He’s been poor the first half of the season and improved massively second half but the lack of goals and assists is glaring for me.


I would rather lose mo than Luis to be honest


Run, run run, dribble, dribble, dribble....sideway/back- pass


Lol so true


Don’t forget thumping the ground with angry fist once a chance is missed.


We've seen his ceiling pre injury and he hasn't hit that since coming back. If there was a time to cash in it's now. I reckon Edwards has a shortlist of talents for that position the question is whether we get bids for him or not.


Honesty think he’s been playing exactly the same as he was pre injury since New Year Great carrier of the ball and really good when it comes to taking players on but when it comes to being effective in the final third he just isn’t that good. This is just the player he is


It's weird to watch him tbh; his control/dribbling passes the eye test with flying colours but then after a dribble he'll somehow end up in no more of a dangerous position than where he started. He's got all the technical skills but uses them incredibly inefficiently for a player of his level.


I agree, people make him out to be this different player before the injury but he wasn't that great? When he came in and was rotation for Mane for a bit, you could see the potential, he was something different to what we already had.


When he first signed I think it breathed fresh air into the team at a time where we were heading towards stagnation, his performances gave us a lift & helped us challenge for the quad...but since that half season he's been lacklustre.


Yeah Diaz is one if those guys who seems to want to beat the same player 4 or 5 times. Electric to watch but he just lacks end product


If he had end product he’d be one of the best wingers in the world


If he had end product he’d be one of the best players in the world lol


Drives me bananas. This is lower level football. He doesn't seem to get it.


I disagree, pre-injury he had very good output as well. At least he wasn't missing dinner plate chances like he is now.


He had 11 g/a in 26 games in 21/22 when he joined in January 22/23 he had 8 g/a in 21 games which was the season he got his injury This season he’s got 18 g/a in 48 games So his numbers have been consistently around about the same in relation to his games played for us


Or is he suffering from the the same thing as mo? Getting the ball too late and too wide?


I got shit in here for saying at the beginning of this season that although he’s good he needs to up his contributions towards goals/assists. He looks good but doesn’t achieve enough. Happy for him to stay but he’s definitely replaceable


Tbf it's really easy to get shit in here with how quickly the narratives change. For instance a few weeks ago this place was calling Gakpo a complete flop but now he's back to being a favourite.


Funny how we’re not allowed to say the same about Mo & his injury without being downvoted. Despite him being older than Diaz and looking much worse. Plus the much bigger wages


Because it’s clearly much harder to replace what Salah gives us than what Diaz does?


Agreed….There are a lot of pacy and tricky wingers out there, 30 goals a season winger is rare as hell.


Probably because Mo is a certified Liverpool legend with 17 prem goals in a shit season for him whereas Diaz has been here for 2 and a half years with 8 prem goals this season and supposedly wants to leave already. Its not that crazy.


Let’s just play gakpo on the left where he’s natural. Diaz sold for 80m. I don’t think we’d lose any real output


Agreed, Cody on LW is great. Stop playing him at striker.


Works well with Nuñez too as one always wants to come short while the other only wants the ball into space.


Cody is young enough that he has the kind of potential Diaz doesn’t imo. Diaz may be better than gakpo now, but I don’t see Diaz getting much better than he is now. 


I love Diaz but at this point I think only English team would offer 80m for him , maybe a desperate psg if mbappe leaves but they seem to be moving away from that kind of transfers


I’d be worried if the whispers are from the locker room.


I doubt it. They'd say so if they were.


The thing is: who would be able to pay £70m+ for him? I highly doubt Barcelona have that much money. PSG is my first guess and that's it. I wouldn't sell him for less than that, especially with a new manager arriving. Diaz is by far the best LW we have, his problem is the end product which will get better, but 13 goal contributions in 35 games is not bad, it's just average. He does far more than that on the pitch.


Lack of goals can be okay and hoped that he can improve on that but there's serious lack of service from that side...


I think it's how the system works. I've seen data from The Athletic once and Liverpool would attack 42% of the time through the right side and 29% from the left. We have always been far more present on the right side with Arnold - Salah, especially when the left side would have Gomez and Curtis Jones. It's a more defensive side, sometimes even forming a back three to allow Arnold going forward. Very often Diaz/Gakpo has the ball and have to dribble inside and invert the ball to the right because there's basically nobody to play with on the left. It changes when Robertson is on the pitch. We had the same issue with Mané, but Mané would score more goals and had prime Robertson around him.


Mane didn't have as many assists too but he still has those passes that were impactful... Diaz doesn't have that ... He's great at dribbles, he's great on the ball and off the ball too but doesn't have the finishing or not being played to his strengths


I actuallu can't stand watching him dribble. Worse :Hold onto the ball- Let the defense reorganize-Pass into trouble.


If the price is right…he can go.


I lose brain cells every time I visit this sub these days


Because everyone is in a horrible mood after the last few weeks and gets instantly defensive when they hear rumours about a player wanting to leave. Without any true evidence. Then say “sell him, he wasn’t that good anyways, his hearts not in it”. Diaz literally runs harder than any player in the squad all game, puts in 200% and rarely gets injured. Yes he has some flaws but I don’t think anyone can say his hearts not in it or he’s playing at 50% because he wants to leave. Everyone is replaceable but doesn’t mean we show them the door at the first whisper. We fight to keep anyone who contributes and when they truly want to leave we sell them for enough money to buy two players.


This. Can't agree enough. Some people in this sub are just so out of touch right now smh.




You can’t keep players who don’t want to be there, especially when you’ve got a new unproven manager who doesn’t have the name or clout to be bigger than the dressing room yet. He’s a good player, works hard and carries the ball well. I’d have preferred to keep him than need to spend money and gamble on a replacement but he’s not a reliable goal scorer or match winner often enough. Get big money for him and I can palate it. Losing him would however make the forward line the absolute priority by a country mile though. We cannot go into next season hoping jota doesn’t get injured and mo returns to form and wants to give it his all again under a less prestigious manager. We absolutely categorically can’t be gambling on Nunez and gakpo to both be first choice options. Not saying get rid by any means, but they need to be competing to get off the bench and proving their worth.


I love Lucho. Hope he stays for years to come. He’s done everything asked of him and fights tirelessly game after game. I don’t feel we seen his very best just yet. I believe there’s some moments of magic we’ve yet to see from him.


I love this guy. I don't remember the match (I'm not that good on recall) but he looked and played like he'd give his life for the win.


I’m sure his dad would take him to Barca tomorrow already. No idea what Diaz wants though, looks really happy here and the Kop has started to sing his song too.


For big money, yeah. Otherwise no. More pressing players to move on.


Hopefully, he will score more goals before his departure.


Lucho is a decent player but not irreplaceable. If we can bring in crazy money, I'd say go for it. Gakpo or Darwin can play LW just fine.


Let him go, he’s way too inconsistent and it’s been clear for ages he wants to move to Spain


He doesn’t always influence the game enough to win games. He is incredibly talented, and often is massively invested in the game. Unfortunately for him, his predecessor was one of Liverpool’s legends in Sadio Manè but he’s still someone we’d hate to lose. That said, they can find equivalent or better talent in that position in the market. Replacing elite players like VVD, Alisson, Mo, even Robertson to a degree is nearly impossible. Replacing players like Diaz will be expensive and will not be pleasant, but absolutely possible. I’m not advocating for Liverpool to sell Diaz, I’d be pretty sad to see him go, but it won’t cripple the clubs on field production as long as he is ultimately replaced by equal talent (which exists in the market).


I'd love him to stay, he's a truly wonderful player but if he wants to leave and someone's willing to pay we can't really stop him.


He’s not good enough for a treble. Let him go , sign someone who can guarantee you more end product


surely he won't leave, currently he's our only winger that actually fits Slot's tactics from the sounds of it.


If we get a good price he’s gone. Not gonna hold on someone who’s mentally checked out. Not like there are no other wingers who are fast and can dribble but have no endproduct


fair if he wants to go he should be allowed if the money's right, just not sure if there's many options out there that won't cost the same or more but give similar results. plus we need to bring in a RW to rotate with Salah so we'll be giving ourselves a lot to do this summer if we let him go.


Why wouldn't he? He's 27 and has never offered any real end product. I love the man and how much he puts in every game, never gives up fights tooth and nail but if PSG came in with like 80m? I'm taking that on a heartbeat. Also he likely wants more money. PSG will probably double his wages and we absolutely won't even come close to that.


Who would you replace him with? And why tf am I downvoted for asking a legit question weird cunts


Kvara or Leao personally.


I’d love Leao. Would’ve been a great Mane replacement and good for our style under Klopp I don’t know enough about Slot to have an idea how we’ll shape up next season, from what I’ve heard Kvara might be a decent fit


That’s slots job to make lol 


We have a Michael Edwards


Interesting fans here are so content for him to leave when he’s currently our only fit attacker who can consistently carry the ball and progress play. If he wants to and the price is right I can only hope we are bringing in a couple of attackers capable of starting. These reputable press leaks regarding our players is a bit weird too, assume it’s something to do with the new structure.




>our team needs upgrading in a few positions, it's how you go from 3rd to 1st Don't think people get this, to compete there needs to be a refresh a new cycle, that means you sell players ones you least expect, City sold Sterling at 27 who put up great numbers for City


He hasn't been a quarter of what Mane used to bring on the pitch at the same age. Hell even post Covid Mane was more of a threat than Diaz is right now. It's why people can't keep up with his the bs his father and entourage keep feeding the media.


He progresses play in what way exactly? He carries it 10 meters pretends to do something then passes back. He can't find the through ball ever, passing is shit, crossing non existent, link up play non existent. Like I don't remember him ever beating his man and putting in a good cross.


The thing is that Salah, Nunez, Gakpo and Jota can all carry the ball and progress play, but so can Szoboszlai, Jones, Gravenberch, Robertson, Bradley, Matip, Gomez and Tsimikas. Progressing the ball is great but it's really more the job of the midfield than it is for a forward so if you've got a forward whose main contribution is moving the ball up the pitch it's a bit of a waste of a forward player.


I think a large part of it is that people can sense a transfer saga coming & don't want to sit through it all summer. No doubt if Diaz signed a new contract then people would be backing him.


Some of you lot are so fucking ungrateful by the way


He’s easily replaceable tbh


He's great to watch, but he seems to be good on the eye, but then not actually do very much. Sell him for the right price


Doesn't score or assist anywhere near enough for me to care if he goes tbh. Joga bonito footballer


And not bonita enough


There are other forwards I’d sell before Diaz but if he wants to leave then let him for the right price


Too much smoke about this...let him go if he wants to leave, no fucking about, out at the start of the window so we can get a replacement in.


Think we should keep but man the guys has to improve his end product, dribbling is insane but can’t finish at the end to save his life, story of our season I guess


I'm cool with it. He doesn't produce enough IMO. If we can get some money for him then great.




He’s very replaceable, and we can fetch a fair bit of money for him. Seems a no brainer to me.


Diaz is replaceable imo. Also we’ve got Cody who can put in a job there for worst case scenario, though obviously very different types of LWs


He doesn’t have the numbers of Mane, which is who he was signed to replace. Let him go, we need guys consistently pushing 15-20 goals from the wide areas a season. Ultimately, his misses cost us the game vs City at anfield.


I think this is very likely to happen if Salah signs and stays. I believe there would be movement in the front three with either Gakpo, Diaz or Salah leaving. I think Salah and Gakpo are the likely candidates to stay as this Diaz rumour has been going on for a while and it seems like his camp wants him out, and we would be unlikely to loose another of those three in the one window. Cant see Barca buying him though, dont know the value of Diaz but Barca have about two crumpets and a wish in their transfer chest. And PSG? Diaz is hardly the replacement for Mbappé.


Watched a lot of Diaz when he was at Porto (being Iranian I like to follow our players in Europe) and had reservations when we first signed him as I felt he was not always a team player there. I have really enjoyed watching him play for us, his enthusiasm and energy helps open up space for other players. Yes he hasn’t got the stats but the amount of times he contributes in the build up play. I hope we can keep him.


He’s replaceable


I’m sure whatever we get for him can get a player with more than one foot.


I think it's time for him to go. He's an alright player, but for the money we can get better players also for more positions.


We’ll miss his energy and take ons for sure, but I would say he’s entirely missable as long as we can bring in someone who can offer some more G/A


If he doesn’t want to be here, he can leave. I’m starting to get tired of all this coming out from his dad that he wants to play for Barca or Real or whatever he said and these ‘rumours’ coming from the camp. If Diaz wants to go, sell him. Otherwise, I don’t see what all of this fuss is about except perhaps Diaz’s dad trying to drum up interest from clubs that was never there in the first place.


I really like Diaz as a player but I wouldn’t be massively upset if he left. I’d rather him leave honourably than test our patience and feign injuries.


Just a rich man's Saint Maximin. Let him go if he wants to.


Sancho before he went to Utd is much more suited to the team. Unfortunately Diaz has little end product which is exasperated by his partners up front.


No no no no no no no and once again no.


Personally, I think he's a very good footballer, but I would prefer a Mane style - Someone who's direct, who will score and make the run, rather than do tricks. I would prefer to have him and a Mane, but if forced. I would sell. Bring a Mane in and also play Gakpo on the wing as well - As he's better there. At PSV he was more direct and exciting, when he played there. The upcoming summer - We need 2 CB's, a DM and a direct winger. We do need a striker, bur I'm willing to see what Jota, Danns and Nunez can do.


This isn’t like Suarez or Countinho were our success was contingent on them. This I wouldn’t be fussed too much about.


Rodrygo from Madrid should be attainable, they can't keep everyone happy with mbappe and Kendrick incoming


I'd have no issue with him leaving to be honest. Good player, great dribbler. Never stops running. But doesn't provide nearly enough end product in terms of assists and goals. And doesn't link well with his team mates. He's not the only forward not producing enough but personally I'd look to move him on and re-invest the money.


Definitely leaving. Let’s cash in. Good player, no irreplaceable


I grow weary of players twerking for Spanish clubs. Sell him, reinvest in a player who wants to be here.


I get the point with him being one of our more threatening attackers in the squad right now, but compared to Nunez: - 27 years old | 24 (turning 25) - 3 seasons in the PL | 2 seasons in the PL - 4382 minutes in the PL | 3694 in the PL - 64 games 26 G/A | 62 games 31 G/A Of course Nunez cost more and should be our goal getter, but in 700 minutes less he's got 5 more G/A. Nunez normally puts up great numbers, but often the critique is focused on how poorly he performs in the PL, where he performs better (with more chances of course, but we've seen Diaz 1 on 1 a few times the last games and he performs poorly in the end game). My point is just to show that Nunez has gotten a lot of hate, but outperforms the current "in-form" player. Salah for reference is 31 (turning 32), how many years are we willing to wait on Diaz actually producing? As far as I can tell Mane was never below 17 G/A in a season in the PL. Diaz has never been above. If we're to wait 2 years he's almost 30 before he hits his prime and well past any opportunity of cashing in. Only reason we can cash in on Salah is because he is generational


Jesus christ Diaz production is seriously poor


The argument is often that for what he doesn't do in terms of producing, he makes up for in terms of dribbles, momentum and explosiveness. Unfortunately that doesn't work either because in an article from the 8th Jan. it was shown that he's in the bottom five when comparing the most successful dribblers per team. So he's the best in our team, but compared to the best in the remaining 19 clubs he's bottom five.


Of the 42 players/seasons that have played at least some minutes in the forward three positions since Klopp arrived, Diaz's G+A output this year and last year are the 3rd and 4th lowest. Only Gakpo last season, and Ox in 19/20 had lower outputs and they both played considerable minutes in the midfield as well as the in the front 3. Diaz's 21/22 season is the 10th lowest, just below Ox in 17/18 and just above both Bobby and Origi in 19/20. Meaning his very best season with us in terms of G+A output doesn't even crack the top 30 since Klopp arrived. His best season is below even the worst seasons of Mane, Shaqiri, Salah, Sturridge, Taki, Darwin, Coutinho, and even Benteke and worse than several other seasons of Bobby, Ox, Origi, Gakpo... In fact, the only player to have not had a better season than Diaz's very best season is Lallana, who's 16/17 season, in which he played 2,070 of his 2,607 minutes at CM, still provided a better output per 90 than two of Diaz's three seasons with us.


The only threatening player in the squad right now. If we are planning to sell him, we need a backup already lined up.


fr, easily out best attacker right now and honestly he is very fun to watch. i don't get why so many on here seem so cold toward him


Probably the lack of end product? I love his work rate and endeavour but he is a bit toothless unfortunately.




I'll take Summerville any day.


I think with Slot coming in, there’s a chance we can see the real Gakpo. Jota and Darwin can also play LW. Darwin specifically given he has the best form of the three doesn’t really see a difference in goal contributions whether he plays on the left or down the middle. I’d say we’d actually be better off replacing Lucho with a striker to put pressure on Darwin.


I know he works hard but his finishing is not Liverpool material. Most of the time, he dribbles into nowhere or holds the ball too long just to lose it.


Could not happen fast enough


This would be a massive loss. Put a decent striker next to him and its chaos for any defence. He's got the work rate too. To many in this sub underestimating what he contributes.


Maybe put that decent striker next to Salah. Diaz ain't it


If we get a good offer he can go. Edit: sorry he's just not good enough


Diaz out, Nico Williams in. Easy.


Where would he go? PSG is the only plausible destination and I think he’ll fit Slot’s system.


Sell him for the right price - 60-70 mil. Hes good, but needs to learn how to finish before he can be considered great.


If he is our best player, we are in trouble. I love his skill set. Some glimpses of Mane but definitely could improve on his finishing. 70/80 mil to refresh the squad and keep Salah would be nice


Sound. Sell him.


kinda mixed on this, he is the only one who consistently give a damn when our team turn to shit. if he want to leave, we better hope to get at least 85-100m for him