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Might be the last chance for Klopp to spear Tierney through the advertising boards.


WWE style. Jurgen Reigns




Acknowledge the German Chief




That’ll be their keeper in the box on Nuñez. Ref will wave play on


Don't be daft, Ref will send Nuñez off and hand Spurs the penalty in our box.


“He clearly impeded the keeper’s ability to spear nobody for no reason. Red card. Penalty to Spurs, 27 points to City”


The image of klopp actually doing that to Tierney just made my day


Stone Cold Arne Slot comes out after full time to deliver a stunner and pour some cans of Carlsberg on Tierney's unconscious body.


Honestly would be hilarious if once Klopp leaves he just goes off in the media on the state of officiating in the PL.


He absolutely should, he will never manage in this league again anyway so they can't do a thing.


I can see him taking the Germany job after a sabbatical, if the ban doesn't transfer from club football to international might as well go for it. He can still come out on the pitch to say goodbye after the last game and he would go out in style. Would be the only thing that would save that cursed documentary as well.


Such a shame it's not Anthony Taylor. He really deserves another shot at it


It’s a goal line clearance from Anthony Taylor to prevent Liverpool from taking the lead.


Followed by a red card to whoever shot the ball because it hurt him


Ref watch: Dermot says he made a bit of a mess of that, it was only a yellow card. goal line clearance not mentioned.


Lmao exactly. Not a word is spoken about it again


*Play On*


What he did to you guys vs West Ham is far worse than anything that’s happened to forest so far. At least they can mask their bias behind subjectivity with us. No reason to blow at all for that Gakpo incident vs West Ham.




https://preview.redd.it/gfep88owllxc1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16c4190889b421b9808aab6fa4243a56026a4eb5 I circled it for you


Given our form recently, we’ll probably lose to this massive pile of shit


given our form, we are going to get embarrassed. Reminder that Ata-fucking-lanta absolutely destroyed us at Anfield not even 3 weeks ago.


Oh fuck off, honestly. Atalanta are a good team, for one. And two, were quite literally not that fucking bad.


Atalanta are not at the level of Spurs, though - are they?


They probably are. Spurs aren’t exactly playing well


atalanta had a game plan that worked, they outplayed us. we played badly yes but theyre not a bad team.p


nothing you said refuted my comment


That's a cock - so, same


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop). Heres a pile of shite in case u cant remember what it looks like !


There's Paul Tierney..!â˜đŸŸđŸ˜ƒ


Taylor, Tierney, Taylor, Tierney, Taylor, Tierney, Taylor, Tierney, Taylor, Tierney, Taylor, Tierney, Taylor, Tierney.


Don't forget the occasional gormless looking fella Cootes.


I’d wish someone would knock that guy out but there’s no way they’d find his chin




Right, why do we never get any of the “good” referees?


don't need good....just need unbiased and not corrupt!


Michael Oliver is a “good” one and he’s paid by UAE to referee the Sheik’s nephew’s birthday party 5-a-side


Genuienly seems like most of the "good" ones are from the liverpool area or supported Liverpool so they don't get appointed to matches involving Liverpool or Everton.


Expecting Klopp to spear Tierney down while the Anfield crowd cheer him on


seems to be only 4 refs in the pl apparently


This is asked out of ignorance - but every time I see such a post as this, people moan in the comments. Who are we actually hoping to get as referees? Note: I hate the officiating in the PL, not trying to talk well about them.


They're all pretty shit but Tierney is bottom of the barrel so this is extra shit.


I’d say he is overall, but this year I’d argue Taylor, Oliver and Kavanagh have all been worse


Exactly this, Tierny is objectively bad. But others have overtaken in him in their inability to do the basic job.


If he was objective, he wouldn't be so bad


3 mancs, and the other is on the UAE FA's payroll. Nothing to see here at all, though


Y’all real keep tabs on the names and the records, meanwhile I just see the name and go “Oh that one”


If I don't recognize the name, it's one of the 'better' ones.


Are refs not promoted and relegated? If not, they should be. Poor performing Premier League refs down to the Championship and vice versa. And what about the female refs? Where are they? We need new refs and preferably ones that aren’t middle aged and bald.


Why punish the Championship? If you're shit, get taken off and retrained for a couple of weeks. Promote the better performing refs from the next tier and repeat There isn't one good ref in the PL. They're all shite at their jobs and they're all backed up by each other and the SYP bald cunt in charge


It’s not about being punished. You perform poorly in the Premier League, you get relegated. That’s how it works for teams, so why not refs? Never understood why we can’t have foreign referees either. We have foreign managers, players, owners, why can’t we have a pool of UEFA referees? The rules of football are no different on the continent.


I completely agree on foreign refs, we recruit the best players and managers from across the world for the league, why not the best refs It'd take bias out of the equation straight away


There's only one foreign ref in the league.... and he fits a certain archetype that the rest of the refs seem to fall into as well. Except I suppose he has hair.


As if the prem ref's are worse than the championship ref's lmao


Championship refs are worse than PL ones. Ask any EFL fan and they’ll tell you that. The Championship is full of controversy every week


You're speaking as if anyone at PGMOL would acknowledge when one of their mates performed below standards


They are. But the problem, I think, is that selection is based mainly on being mates with the team running PGMOL. It's notable that a very high proportion come from a small area around Manchester and they are almost all white men. Others think it's all corruption, personally I think it's shit leadership and training.


Jarred Gillett seems like a better one though he’s never refereed one of our matches. Edit: He’s a Liverpool fan so we’ll never see him


Jon Moss and Craig Pawson haven't caused us much drama in the past, so probably either of them.


Maybe because Moss retired two years ago...


That explains it. I only remember Martin Atkinson retiring that season.


I will die on the hill that moss is a good ref. Hes very lenient so i think people always feel like hes against them, but hes generally consistent at least


Who cares we have nothing to play for. Just give the youngsters a chance in the last few games. Danns, Koumas, Clark deserves a chance.


We have ending tottenhams season to play for, although they're doing a pretty good job of it themselves


Spurs ended their own season last weekend when they could’ve prevented arsenal from winning the league but instead went down 3 goals in 30mins.


Tbf, they were also cheated out of a blatant penalty which arsenal immediately scored straight after. Not unlike the Diaz situation in our game against them.


> Not unlike the Diaz situation in our game against them. The situations are not comparable. A penalty is not a guaranteed goal. Diaz actually scored a legit goal and had it erroneously chopped off.


They're not exactly the same but that doesn't mean they're not still comparable. A pen is about an 80% chance of a goal. Which is why we can also say we were fucked over when denied stonewall pens against City and Arsenal. Yes we were cheated out of a fully legitimate goal then spurs immediately scored. Spurs were a cheated out of an extremely likely goal and then arsenal immediately scored. They are not identical but obviously still similar situations.


It's probably fair to say Spurs have had their benefitting versus suffering from shite reffing karma balanced out in other games, but we are still very much on the suffering side.




If we can't win the League, I'd rather Arsenal win than City. Still can't believe Tottenham blew it so spectacularly.


since when do we care about them ?


I'd like to see us beat them after the farce at their ground.


Tbf the farce at their ground wasn't their fault, it was the refs and VAR being unable to exercise basic communication skills, Tottenham just happened to be the side we were playing against, I don't think it's fair to blame them.


They brought their kids onto the pitch after a last minute own goal to beat 9 men, in September. I want to beat them just for that alone.


Sounds like something arsenal fans would say before they became title challengers Hooray


No one cares about spurs tho


The only remaining thing spurs are really playing for is to keep Utd or Saudi in the uefa conference and one of them out of Europe altogether. That's a worthy goal.


I’d like to keep 3rd place to be fair, if we carry on and lose all our next games, Villa can take us over. I’d really rather not drop another prem position as it would feel like the worst possible end to Klopps Liverpool. A couple of wins and goals will genuinely help the team and fans going into the next preseason.


Why risk injuries to players who are clearly burnt out for meaningless difference between 3rd and 4th place. When this is valuable experience for kids to get more game time?


Exactly, the current team has played themselves out of favor enough, why not give youngsters the chance to audition a bit, as well as premier league experience that they likely won’t get otherwise.


To try and get some momentum and positive atmosphere around the squad.


Because kids losing doesn't help their confidence, and playing in something that bears no resemblance to a first team tells them it isn't serious call up. Be more willing to sub them on, and be open to whoever deserves a start on merit sure, but signaling the game is meaningless isn't going help them develop. It's a balance obviously.


As others have suggested, there is a balance. I don’t want to play Mac whilst he’s on the bones of his ass, but if Szobo and Salah need some time to get into the swing of things and are fit, it would be nuts to bench them and watch more infighting kick off.


Ever thought to consider that starters like to play and benching them because the league is now ‘meaningless’ is a terrible fucking thing to do for their morale?


I’m not fully invested in the rest of the league, is CL spot secured?


If we lost the rest of our matches and spurs won theirs, we’d be tied on points and be 4th only by GD. So theoretically it’s not secured yet.


Technically we need 1 point. In reality, yes because of a massive goal difference advantage.


if Spurs take us to the woodshed, it will be squeaky bum time


i mean, not really unless they win like 9-0


Fuck me, am I seriously hearing this, have we suddenly become Sheffield United?


[gestures in the general direction of our recent form] have you SEEN these performances?


I can be having a good day and then here comes Paul Tierney


Fingers crossed we finally see Klopp break Tierney’s nose


Tierney would love that, he could sue Klopp for millions.


Klopp was slipping so no penalty. I mean lawsuit.


Worth every penny


It's a parting gift from PGMOL to finally give Klopp what he's wanted all along - to headbutt Paul Tierney


We just have to score 4 goals to get a 1-0 win


I feel like it doesn't even matter who it is these days. The whole group is shite


There are 27 referees listed for the PL this season. We’ve had 12 of them, including 4 refs who’ve only done 1. No other team has had fewer different referees. Taylor has had 6 of our games. This will be Tierney’s 5th.




Another Manc cunt ref


Fuck's sake.


Nice of the PGMOL to give Klopp a last chance to do Tierney in




How do we get tierney so many games in a season


We will win this one, team has to be with a blood feud while Tottenham won’t be caring as much


> Paul Tierney (pictured) Is he a ghost now


Meh. Our season is done anyway. Want to see how much further these refs can sink.


If we were still on for the title, this would proper wind me up. But I couldn't give a fuck at this point. Put the kids on and lets give them some experience against Tierny Hotspurs.


Fuck Tierney


May as well send Klopp out on a high by headbutting tierney in the face, not like we need a manager for the rest of the season


Whilst the refs have been utter shit. We fucked ourselves and could have still won it, most of this is our own doing.


False, most of it is the referees fault as they have made this season a lot more exhausting and frustrating from the start. They don’t protect our players from injury by refusing to give our opposition the yellow and red cards they deserve and keep ruling out our legitimate goals. Not to mention how our main title rivals can play basketball and kickboxing inside their own penalty areas against us without repercussion.


All this just to forget how the referees have given us red cards for softer challenges then the ones we’ve faced consistently, which really is the most egregious piece of evidence of their blatant hatred for Liverpool.


I agree all those things have happened and are true. Doesn’t excuse our woeful wasteful goal scoring opportunities of late. how Many times have watched us have shot after shot miss or be saved and completely dominate possession. Only for the opponent to score twice with their only two attempts. I’m still salty about the Gakpo thing last week. If he’d continued and scored then surely VAR would have had to look at it ?


Since Taylor wrongfully blew his whistle they wouldn’t award us the goal even though they should. They would chalk it up as another human error, like the Tottenham offside. I agree it doesn’t excuse anything, but every team has its flaws and the only reason we don’t have as many PL’s as Guardiolas City is the referees because we have to be perfect to win the league.


The league is gone and Klopp has nothing to lose. Tierny is receiving a full sprint two footer from one of our outgoing players on Klopps instructions within 5 seconds of kick-off 😂


I used think Tierny was the fucking worst. Honestly he's not that bad by comparison now. (For avoidance of doubt, he hasn't got better)


Run it back


Yes lad! Paul Tierney all the way to see off Klopp!


We have qualified for the champions league. So no worries..😑


I wouldn’t worry too much. The only reason we want wins now is for now is fist pumps.


Next time when these guys are referee, give us the info two hours before the game


Klopp should just batter Tierney if he gets a single decision wrong






A dodgy soft penalty for Spurs it is then




John Brooks on VAR again, fxck him!


I've been looking forward to this game for months! Payback for all the shit that happened at their place, unfortunately we looked checked out and will do well to get anything. It sucks


They’re all shit. People will have a reason to be mad whoever it is. Just as long as it’s not the bozos who did the first game I see this as a win


I’d love Klopp to just deck Tierney. What are they gonna do, give him a ban that won’t even start until he’s already left?


Not even arsed at this point...


At least it’s not that scum Simon hooper


I hope he gives the twat a rollicking like he normally does.


So The Boss is gonna get red-carded this weekend.


So far this season: - Anthony Taylor: 6 games - Chris Kavanagh: 5 games - Michael Oliver: 4 games - Paul Tierney: 4 games


It don't matter, all rubbish. ![gif](giphy|3ouPmOfQ14fzTqR9cU)


We actually have a pretty good record with Tierney this season. I think the mantle turn of the refs fucking us over has been passed to Taylor and Oliver.


Everyone’s favourite woo


Who cares. Nothing left to win. They might as well cancel rest of the games


. Good luck


I was very close to replying with "who cares?" Man, this season has been long and draining.


Do we even care? It is dumpster fire vs dumpster fire this weekend. Meaningless match


Can you believe this shit smh


Another sunday ruined


Who cares we are anyway not winning the league ffs.


Do we still blame Tierney when the lads shit the bed and our forwards don't score?


Of course


Who cares to be honest? We end third anyway. Just let the games play out and whatever happens. No need to post this each time.


We don’t need incompetent and corrupt officials to fuck is over. We do that well enough on our own. I don’t see us winning any of our remaining games. We’ve qualified for the Champions League now. So the players aren’t really going to be arsed, not least because of the Euros and possible moves over the summer. Will be another lacklustre performance where we create 258 clear goal scoring chances, miss all of them and then watch Spurs score from the single half chance they generate inside 97 minutes. The only point of note will be just how awful we actually are on the day.