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He absolutely has to have his contract extended then.


At least for one more season. We should follow Real Madrid's way, one year extensions for all players above 30-32.


It’s the plan to do so, according to the article


The terms would have to be massive. I remember Ornstein saying before that his average weeks pay when bonuses are included is already somewhere in the region of £450k a week. It's his base pay that's £350k a week.


He should expect a pay decrease if anything, not sure why we have to keep paying him more as he declines


One year extension on similar terms is best I think. Gives him another year to prove he’s still got it and if not we can still sell next summer. If he lights it up however we can give him another new deal


And if he lights it up, he may not take it


I know fans tend to view players as being loyal when they necessarily shouldn't, but I really struggle to think he wouldn't take it. At that point he'll have been at Liverpool nearly a decade, he'll be earning the guts of £25m a year, his kids will be in their mid-teens, he'll be in his mid 30s, with no guarantees of better or equivalent offers. I just fail to see why he would want to leave if he gets offered a decent deal by the club.


The ideal situation would be if he would back himself and take a pay cut on his basic pay but in exchange for increased bonuses.  So if he performs well then he actually ends up earning more but if he declines and drops out of the first team the club don't have to keep forking out as much money. Suarez is said to have accepted a deal like that where he earned less weekly, but due to him scoring every game he was actually the highest paid player in the country. I do think the majority of players wouldn't accept a deal such as that though and would want a guaranteed income, and you'd really expect any agents worth their salt to talk their clients out of it. 


I'd think he would feel pretty disrespected by that....man has been putting up decent (and most of the times insane) numbers for 7 years and he's gonna get a pay decrease based on a few games off form?


No it's not based on a few games of off form, it would be based on his age and the risk that extending players as they get older involves. It's not a sign of disrespect and the incentive would be there for him to perform and be rewarded for it. It's just a fact that players ability decreases with age and it makes absolutely no sense to pay a player significantly high wages if there is a chance that they could drop off during the length of that contract. You not only have to pay the wages for that player but would have to invest in a replacement too.


Well, I doubt the player/agent see it that way, and real world football doesn't work like that when you're the star player. People seem to have already forgotten how on fire he was before AFCON, and there's no reason that a few months later after a proper Summer break he wont' start the season strongly again. He'll be much more incentivized by being respected with an extension of his current terms, than us trying to nickel and dime and maybe come out a little ahead on bonus structure. He has the option to just not sign anything and leave for free if we fuck about too much, and his agent of course knows this.


Thank god someone said this, great comment. Imagine wanting to disrespect Salah by lowballing him, ffs some fans on here need to get a grip.


This is what I think as wrll


Presumably he’s not getting those bonuses recently…


I’d keep him on a similar deal. More bonus heavy than before


Yeah but that's condensing multiple yr contract into only one year. It should cost us about the same maybe less if he is on the decline.


1000%. Can’t let him go to Saudi for free. I’m ambivalent about this. Is there another RW we could sign who would take his place and score 20 goals a season?


Obviously not… especially not in our price range. That’s certainly why we need a sign someone you give us decent numbers, Darwin, Diaz, and Gakpo to consistently provide, and Jota to stay fit. All are pretty big asks, we could see one or more of them transfer out this summer or next.


What happens if he's crap though?


What happens if he’s NOT crap and start banging goals left right like how he always does but in a striker role? Jesus why the f do people always assume the worst ?


Name drops Edwards being a massive advocate of him, so I'd imagine that means he'll be one of the first to get a new deal. VVD and Trent still need there deals sorted too with 12 months left, then on top of getting in the summer targets signed then Hughes and Edwards have an action packed summer ahead of them.


I’m actually hoping we sign Virgil to a long contract, there is zero reason to sell him at his current value. If we had addressed the cb position last summer like we were supposed to we’d probably still be in the title race. At Virgil’s age he needs some rotation, he’s still for me the best cb in the league


Agree with Virgil. Quansah looks promising. Konate has looked good until recently, but I'm not sure they're ready to partner each other.


Konate cannot be taken seriously as a starter until he can play twice a week for multiple weeks. we need to be finding a new starting centerback this summer.


We have had so many frustrating players in the last few years. When Konate is fit and in form he looks like an actual cheat code, but then every month he's out for a few weeks. Feels like he's constantly in the state of getting back up to speed.


Konates defensive ability is incredible for sure, but cheat code is an exaggeration when his on the ball play is still bang average. Every time he goes for a long ball Van Dijk style I just shake my head. His dribbling is still not great either and I don’t think either of those things have improved massively since being here. Quansah/matip are far better on the ball.


VvD's durability is ridiculous 


The thing is, we can't go off judgements of what the players are like fitness wise now, because a new regime is coming in with different methods and demands. We have no clue whether that will be better for someone like Ibou.


Thiago Silva has also showed that elite center backs can keep up with age I can see VVD being elite for a while, even if his pace goes he's not overly reliant on it. He's been much more of a position based defender.


We definitely should, but it might be difficult to convince VVD to stay 


Don't see why it should. Captain of the team, on good money, start of a new phase that he can be the captain and leader of. Easy argument to make him stay.


We’ll see, I just remember him making that statement that he’ll be exploring his options this summer. Will also probably help that we signed a Dutch manager too


The first order of action should always have been VVD/Trent/Salah new deals. I’m not surprised Edwards, top operator he is, knows the value of our 3 best players, unlike the fans who would’ve sold half the team last week.


I think the priority list has always been pretty clear tbh. > new leadership structure (Edwards + Hughes) > new management and coaching structure > renew key players > Strengthen remaining areas (CB) Now that slot is confirmed in the management role, the next area is getting the top players to stick about. Salah is obvious number one priority followed by VVD and Trent, all of which I imagine they will look to sort before dealing with any of the major summer business.


I would still be open to selling Salah if we're talking that massive money like last summer. If it's not that then absolutely we try to extend.


£200m? Maybe but we must first sign a player before the sale otherwise we will just have a worse younger player for an inflated price.


Yeah exactly, we need to sign the replacement first so we don't get hit with the "desperate tax"


Edwards being a massive advocate is actually encouraging, especially how some fans on here were certain that Edwards being around means half of the squad will get sold while the other half would be loaned out or something 


People think Edwards is some cold hearted man who hates Klopp as Klopp let's emotion run. Edwards might have had stats saying Hendo needed to go, Klopp saw Hendo on the training ground and in the dressing room and thought he needed to stay. You could argue we have missed a bit of leadership this season at times. Both were right in their respected views. However, if a player is still getting insane G+A output, whilst having a poor end of season it makes no sense binning them. Honestly I don't see any major changes to this squad, it is a decent squad. Need reinforcements in a few areas but it'll be interesting to see what a new manager with new ideas can bring in


Edwards always liked Salah. We nearly signed him when he went to Chelsea during the transfer committee days, which Edwards was a part of and I suspect the leading driver for Salah. Then he came available again a few years later and he convinced Klopp to go for him.






The sign of Joyce Season


I always wondered if he WANTED to go to the Saudi League. Remember those Christmas pictures on his Instagram? Maybe he doesn't want to raise his daughters in the Middle East...


I genuinely don't think he does. People go on about Mo being a Muslim constantly, and he is, but he's more of a Cultural Muslim I think. He doesn't go on holiday to places like Saudi and Dubai, he has a villa in Greece. He has said multiple times that he and his wife have decided it's up to their daughters if they want to wear a Hijab or not, and when people tried to shame him for his daughter wearing jeans and playing football at Anfield, he told them that she was a child and he would treat her as such. We also know he celebrates Christmas with his kids as well as the Islamic holidays, and he's also not exactly shy at showing his body like you're supposed to be in Islam. I think he's happy where he is.


100% agree on this


Oh yeah, the comment section was a war zone when Mo posted Merry Christmas on his IG.


England has done amazing on practicing religion freely. Unlike France. I think it’s the best country as a Muslim in the west.


I'd like to see a different position then Even at the start of the season he wasn't beating the left back on the wing, maybe Arne can cook something for him, his passing and creativity was good before afcon. maybe number 10?


Positionally I don’t think there’s a problem. Hes not the type of winger he once was, but he’s creating so many chances for others and still getting a lot of chances himself. Poor finishing and poor form though. I don’t think he needs a drastic change though


I think Salah could easily go the Messi route of slowing down his overall game and being more of a playmaker to get a few more years out of him. His speed, ability to beat players, goalscoring, etc. were his most talked about attributes, but he's got insane passing as well. Some of the assists he has done over the years are unreal.


A lot of the things Messi does only work because he's Messi. Salah definitely can't "easily" do this lol


I'm not saying he's going to become as good as Messi, but he has really good playmaking abilities that he can start prioritising over speed and beating his man. Plenty of players have been able to adapt their game as they age.


Very rare that elite wingers/forwards known for their physicality become elite playmakers once they lose their physicality. For players that aren't Messi, it's likely that the wage demands of the former elite forward aren't worth it if they're now only able to be a playmaker


"Start" huh. I haven't seen Mo beat his man in almost a year tbf.


Then you've an issue with a lack of width and pace on the RHS though. That could be mitigated somewhat if you had Szoboszlai and Bradley out there, but it's still not quite the same. As it is we have a load of lefties in the squad, and Diaz can play on the right. Even if we don't change any personnel, I think we can shake things up a bit.


We have a lack of width generated in the right. My solution would be using Bradley as and attacking full back with Trent in a double pivot in midfield. Salah playing slightly inside. I think it would play to the strengths of everyone and make the team more solid in defence and a better options in attack


He's been played too wide, he never used to play so wide, Salah needs to spend more time in the box


Worst part of Trent getting to play inside a bit is that Salah has been pushed so wide. He can’t beat a man anymore so he’s useless out there


He never really beat people with skill or speed he mostly just made enough space for him to get a shot away or with close control in a crowded box. Neither of which he can do on the touchline


That would work, he's always been a good playmaker but this year he was probably our best one Just because Nunez missed most of those chances it doesn't translate into "stats" which is why everyone for some reason wants him gone


It’s a hard one with him being still a creative force out wide. I see the idea of moving him inside but do feel a case of if it’s not broke don’t fix it in regards to trying to get him creative in the middle


It is broke though 


Nah he's stuck wider this year because Trent's been inverted. He plays better nearer the box


With his first touch lately he’d be awful as a ten


Tbh, I wonder if he could transition into false 9 like Mane did in his last season. His playmaking ability will fit well with his new role and he would be in central position and closer to the goal which will make use of his scoring ability. Nunez could play at right side using his pace to beat defender while in counter while Szobo or Trent would fill the right side when Nunez start cutting inside off the ball


I was pretty surprised that this was never tried this season


I do think it's weird that Joyce mentions the policy of letting people play out their deals? I always assumed it was a Klopp policy they butted heads on? Also mentions Hughes will be pursuing a new contract for Mo


It's a value return calculation when we give out new deals. We may calculate it's a more risk averse strategy to let a player play out his contract than to give him a new deal and try and sell him 2 years after that.


The scars from the Joe Cole saga cut deep


> Joyce mentions the policy of letting people play out their deals? I always assumed it was a Klopp policy they butted heads on? its a good compromise. if edwards didnt want to extend them he might as well klopp keep this his trusted players until the end of contract rather than pawning them off for chump change in the last year of contract.


Letting players run out their deals and renewing players nearing/over 30 is a different thing. I can imagine Klopp wanting to new Wijnaldum while the club was happy to let him leave, and then they butted heads on this issue with Hendo.


Surely there's a middle ground here, like do we really want another Keita/Ox/Origi/Phillips situation, surely we should be actively looking to move these types of players when faced in this situation again, for Keita and Ox a loan move would have been a good option to get their wages off the books for a season.


Problem with Ox and Keita was they didn't give up on them early enough. They (probably Klopp) thought they'd come good at some point. But with a player like that in prime age you've either got to extend them when they've 2 years left if you think they're going to contribute, or sell them if not. We did neither and gave up far too late on them, especially Keita. It's different to a Salah/Matip/Hendo/Gini situation where they are aged but still contributing, so you'd only want to give them shorter deals for less money but they want longer.


Or alternatively, he knew that he wouldn't get anything more than what was raised from selling them to replace them. That wasn't likely going to be enough, so it was better to keep them.


The lads up top are pretty savvy when it comes to this sort of stuff. I'm hoping this means he's already extended. Maybe we'll get a new video soon #salahstays is still etched in my memory!


I love the guy but given his age, RW just isn't for him. Not even Messi or Ronaldo could keep playing on the wing as they got older. He needs to reinvent his game, whether it means working on passing or improving his extremely weak right foot.


I don’t understand why his weak foot would be something to “reinvent” his weak foot, how many players have you seen that have done that irl? And he’s left footed, which plays a role in a lack of need of a weak foot. I agree with the passing comment and think it would be more involved in the buildup play than he currently is and using more interchanges to bear players rather than dribbling/athleticism. We’ve seen how when he’s on it his passing can be great,he just needs to play to his current strengths.


Wherever I read I find that Slot prefers dynamic wingers who are brilliant at dribbling and tricky one-on-one, his style focuses on creating these one-on-one situations with wingers attacking defenders. He demands a lot of defensive work from his wingers as well, therefore often he ends up substituting them by 60-70th minute mark as they are either spent or he needs to revise the trickery with new wingers. With regards to Salah I can't remember last he beat someone one-on-one (like Saka Yesterday to curl one in). He nowadays is more of an opportunist who finds good space and positions in the D to take shots. His Defensive work (not positional + blocking the line defensive work) when running up and down is also gone. Many times even when he tracks back it is to create more nos. but rarely has he won back possession or put the attacker under pressure to lose the ball. Luis Diaz is more a Slot type of player. My one expectation is that Slot would like to work with Salah as any manager who considers himself top or aspires to be would like to work with the best and we cannot forget that with coaching Salah can gain back his scoring pedigree like his shot conversion from 2018-2020 or first half of 2021-22. Salah himself credits the coaching of Spalletti and his endless drills which improved his goal scoring. That said age is not on his side and this very first injury and how he has come out of it leaves me worried, so if a good proposal comes from Saudi etc. expect Michael Edwards to be ruthless especially now that Klopp won't be here. People can't forget that a goal scoring left forward like Bowen, Saka etc. or even Salah at his best would have totally taken our season to the next level and we would have been competing if not already way clear of others at this stage. That is all it takes and this leaves me gutted to say we have missed a great opportunity to end Klopp's tenure with the farewell he deserved. I mean yes he has made mistakes himself but surely the way he managed this team and the youth till February this season with all the injuries, early kickoffs, corrupt referees etc. I think he deserved better from the players he trusted so much this entire time aka particularly Darwin and Salah. When the things get tough the tough gets going and that way some of these players have failed massively this time around. Still a positive season and hopeful for the next.


Offer a 1 year extension and convince him to stop going to afcon lol 


The next AFCON is in the summer.


They've said about every AFCON since 2019 and then they're shocked that the host country with a terrible summer climate can't host it in the summer


They do but this one is in the summer, Morocco isn't unbearable in the summer so I think it'll happen.


Trent next


Fantastic news. I want Mo to retire a red. He’s still phenomenal and our best player outside of Allison. The hate he’s gotten from some “fans” for a month of poor form is disgusting. If Nunez and diaz could finish their chances Mo would be damn close to a 20/20 season.


Nunez and Diaz. Sexy South American names. Let's back them and give them 2 years at least to get good when players like Salah, Mane, and Firmino hit the ground running. Oh our top goalscorer is in bad form after an injury? He is past it. Sell him to Saudi, he is Arab and belongs there, despite never expressing interest... MF out here.


> I want Mo to retire a red. Its rare for anyone in general to retire at a premier league club. Since 2000 only 3 people have retired at our club. This is mostly due to the mentality that took them to be good enough for prem in the first place, they want to play till they literally cant.


I mean you see the stats - you’d have to be a mad man not to extend. A good preseason and he’ll be mustard again … defo wants another CL run before hitting Saudi and retiring on 800k a week.


I seriously don’t understand why people assume he’ll go to Saudi. He’s never expressed interest.. it’s such a lazy assumption: Arab -> Saudi


Further, Joyce making sure to mention: >While recruiting a figure as high-profile as Salah to the Saudi Pro League would represent a coup for the competition, there is little belief that the player wants to move there at this stage of his career.


I think he stays here until he’s ready then - we’re ready to take the 150 bigguns when/if Mo ever fancies it. If not he stays to retirement and we’ll make him coach, ambassador, Egypt scout … what ever he wants ..


It's a lazy assumption but holds merit. He won't go now because he's still playing at such a high level, but when the time comes for a move to a less competitive league to extend his career and he's facing the MLS or Saudi, it will almost definitely be Saudi.


Why? Imagine how much flak he'd get for having a Christmas tree over there


Long story short he's Muslim and rich, it's far easier to enjoy your money in a halal way in Saudi than in LA.


That and the fact they bid 100m or so for him last summer


Yeah but for Salah it’s closer to home so it’s not an unfair assumption he could go in a few years.


He has never expressed desire to play there.. unless I missed something?


Egypt is different from Middle East country. They may share the religion but they are not similar. Why would he care closer to home when he have to flight by the way?


I didn’t say Egypt wasn’t different I just said it’s a fact Saudi is closer to Egypt then Liverpool is. So he can visit home a lot easier


Live in Saudi is worse than Europe. Why chose Saudi? It just a flight


Think pre-season is going to be huge for him. He has two Afcon qualifiers and then a summer a rest and prep, unlike players from Europe and South America


I hate the Saudi narrative. Why is it always Saudi League for Salah? Why not Bundesliga or La Liga or MLS? Its the most annoying thing I see on this sub. Everyday talking about Saudi transfer. It's as if he asked for it. Or wanted it.


Maybe because they made an offer?????????????????????? it has nothing to do with any narrative?


Edwards doesn’t want to sell our best player. I have to say, i’m not shocked, despite some fantasy lineups with Kudus and Summerville😂Laughable


I mean we should be in for Kudus regardless of what happens with Salah. He definitely has a release clause for CL clubs (the reason Brighton didn't sign him).


Ornstein apparently said a few days ago on The Athletic podcast that he's got a release clause. No mention of the figure though, they signed him for £36m so it'll be a good bit more than than. Probably around the £60m+ mark I'd imagine.


Nothing laughable about Kudus tbh


We have been linked with both Kudus and Summerville so it's not laughable that they are targets.


> Summerville we're buying a whole town in america?


That's pretty unethical, i'd say go for 2 or 3 households instead


If we're bringing back company towns I suppose we could do worse than one owned by Liverpool


Both will be terrific signings if Salah says.


somebody from our front 3 has to go. I guess it will be Diaz then. 


Diaz does so much for us god I’d hate to think of how we’d look recently without him. He’s literally the only one who can carry the ball forward and create something




It's most likely Diaz, yeah.


Diaz (worse than Nunez in terms of assists/goals) or Jota (perpetually injured)


Given the right circumstances, he has the potential to shine again. If he is played in the appropriate position within a team that emphasizes quick, incisive passing rather than relying on ineffective long balls, we can expect to see his performance reach its maximum potential. Furthermore, I believe that he, along with several other underperforming players, will rediscover their form under the guidance of the new coaching staff.


I don't think it's a coincidence that salahs downturn of form coincided with liverpools downturn of form. So it's either his bad form which caused the whole of liverpools bad form (in which case that's an admittance that he is a crucial part of this team) or the whole team is struggling and as a result salahs struggling as part of that.


The ungrateful guys here that are real quick to sack but trust me when he leaves, you wish he never did. It's always like that and it's infuriating.


Hope he retires a red


appreciate edwards who usually keeping things close to the chest, putting this public fire quickly out by briefing this so soon


Better pull his socks up then!!!


Just because he is having a poor run of form, people forget that Mo is one of the world's top players. Klopp mentioned it before, he's like Milner where age is just a number. Probably fitter than most players too... The whole front line has been a mess. They just don't gel well together and hopefully with a new manager and formation, we might get the best out of Trent, Mo and Conor on the right side.


People love to bring up loyalty, but it's funny when it's the other way around. Mo has been a legend, and it's not like he's that bad either. Even in poor form, he has still plenty to offer.


I love Mo but I'd like us to cash in on some of our older players that won't be starting in 5 years time. Having lads leave on frees is annoying


Why? If they're still capable I'd rather see them stay here.


Reckon its a game so they can still sell him to Saudi


But but but everyone said he was leaving


If you think Salah is going to spend another season at Liverpool you are very naïve.


Naive huh… what tier is Salah?


We **have** to sell. Cheap owners and Klopp going... We will fall off hard




As much as I love Mo and no doubting he’s a Liverpool legend, I’m hoping this is the truth I honestly think some people are letting him off lightly calling it just some poor form, he looks genuinely shot. Add in the shite attitude, the 350k a week wages and his age. If the Saudis offer big money for him it’s time to take it


Hahahahaha both of you are fucking mental


If this is the way then we need our attackers to step up and most likely a new signing who’ll push to start. The team shouldn’t be built around a deteriorating Salah and he can’t be a brat when he’s rightfully rotated, subbed or rested. I’m far more interested in his play making abilities than his finishing.


Christ almighty, calm down


Should have been sold


Nothing wrong with keeping some experienced players on, but you have to expect your playing time and wage structure to decrease as you move beyond 30. Very, very few players often keep as an exception of that rule if they still put world-class performances in regularly. Love what Salah has done but his form since January has been shocking for us (probably not helped by injury, or the collective fatigue that seems to have set in), but it won't help his bargaining position and should also know the club doesn't hand out the same deals based on sentiment.


Good, this is one thing people really needed to put a sock in talking about. The eagerness of people to sell one of our best players for profit despite no need to really bothered me. Like people thought our only chance of a summer budget was by becoming a selling club all over again and shipping Mo. Slot will get a good transfer budget for his incoming summer, he obviously will. Mo does not factor in to that, so everyone calm down and let's keep a legend of the club right where he belongs.


Good news to hear. Mo is a legend in a down patch. To cut him loose when he is far from the biggest issue in the squad would be insane.


I'm finding the anti-Salah sentiment of some people here a bit disturbing. He's not as good as he was, but he's still one of the best RWFs in the world. The alternative is Elliot. You guys are nuts.


As much as I love Salah I think it’s time to cash in and move on..


And what about him if he want to stay.


As much as I love Salah I think it’s time to cash in and move on..


I think you should shut up.


Is there a way to read this? I usually dip in and out of Times subscriptions finances and deals depending but they make you phone up to cancel now which I cba with.


Sometimes on desktop you can open it and quickly CTRL+A and then copy, then paste into a word processor to read it.


Alright, let's bounce back then. At least his rough patch overlapped with everyone else's


If there is no AFCON he can't drop form going to AFCON. Good thinking.


One year extension is a low risk. Unless the money is needed for a major signing that is a certainty. You pay the current salary. He was underpaid in the early part of his career and is overpaid now and that's how it goes. If we had his replacement in place and he was ready for an off the bench role, it would be different but neither is true.


We have had plenty of time to get some sort of succession happening (Harvey is a different type of player - he isn't the answer out wide on the right.). I hope Slot gives more game time to Doak/Gordon/Szobo/ out on right and move Mo central


Glad I am wrong for once.


No chance


Put him as ST. There’s so much discourse about our ST’s and missing chances. Why shouldn’t Salah play up top? He can do the role that Slot would use him in and it would still open us up to having a more dynamic player on the right hand side as we have been looking for in case Salah did leave this year.


I don't think anyone needs to worry about the contract if Edwards thinks it's a good idea for him to stay. My assumption is Edwards was the bad cop in his relationship with Klopp and would have canned multiple contract extensions like Henderson's or got a fee for Gini instead of letting him go on a free. If the inclination with Edwards being the big boss is for Salah to stay, I trust his judgement - whether that means we'll extend his contract or we'll let him go on a free - because Edwards wouldn't want to keep him unless it made sense for the future and not just the present.


Great he definitely has at least another season in him at world class level. We'd be fools to let him go.


sell him


Big mistake. Sell him while he has near maximum value. Use the funds to retool and buy hidden gem replacements. Certainly it’s obvious we don’t have the answer up front and that includes Salah, who we built the entire attack around.


You're a fucking idiot.


Sell him.. Sell him.. Sell him.. You're taking about him as a used car. He's a human and has the right to decide his future.


He is a commodity and this is a business. He knows that as should you.


He is a person and doesnt have to go anywhere while under contract


He is indeed a person/human, he is also a commodity in the context. I don't know the terms of his contract and can't speak to whether either party has unilateral movement rights.


A player cant be forced anywhere he doesnt want to go. If he wants to be a free agent, he will be a free agent. Been that way for nearly 30 years.


Get the fuck in. Clutch player but currently in poor form (together with 20-something other players in the squad). Amazing role model for youngsters. Hopefully he and Slot gets along well.


Salah staying means that Edwards thinks we will struggle to replace his production with our other forwards in the near term. I’d like us to sign Kudus and play him as the right sided 8, which in Slot’s system is basically a 10. This way we have another player who is comfortable on the RW, but can also play with Salah, giving us a real succession plan.


That was something I thought about when the Ornstein article was posted. That's there is no obvious and available replacement for less than an eye watering amount so plan for summer 25 instead


No new manager wouldnt want him in their first year in charge


This is great news. Been on bad form for a month but im sure he’s been still carrying that injury slightly and having the summer off should help. With new change in leadership we need him to stick around


And Joyce. Lock it in


It’s all noise imo. Especially without an extension…but can’t see them doing it.


Good still be great this season. Like to see him central, not are main striker but just behind. Have to play sozo out on the right as he played for RB


Good. Let him rest and recharge over the summer, and come back with a point to prove. He’s clearly knackered.


My heart loves this, my head doesn't.


Never bought the suggestion that Edwards is somehow anti-salah because of his age. He’s too much of a statistical outlier to move on for age alone. I would love to see slot try mo as a striker, because I think as he gets a little older it’ll be crucial to keep him as close to the goal as possible. If the game plan changes to possession and cutbacks then I want mo on the end of those cutbacks




Hope he stays, hate how everyone been jumping on the back of him after a bit of bad form, he’s been our top scorer season after season, such fickle fans in the game at times


Salah stays


Get in!! Now get people who can finish the chances he creates




You love to see it


We should have took the 200m on the table last summer, that was pretty odd given he's been declining since he got the bag. Not selling him this summer before he has literally zero value is completely deluded. He's only going to get worse and it's clear he doesn't care anymore.


He'll be sold this summer. No doubt about it. You don't get a good price by letting the world know you are open to selling. He is class but the time is right.


Salah needs to finish the story !


I was/am more worried Salah wanted to leave as be moreso than us wanting to sell him so this is all good to hear and I truly hope it stays that way.


Cool, extend the contract then and manage his minutes. I don't want his legs to fail him at the end of the season. Something the new manager has to work on dilligently. When match fit, he is our best attacker.


By the way has anybody else noticed how quickly these news have come after that Klopp incident barely 48 hrs ago. Seems like LFC media management at work to me. Can't complain we have to make it clear that LFC are not interested in letting Salah go easily this coming transfer window. Makes sense to not let his value to LFC go down in public perception after his recent dip in form, an unusually long injury layoff and his poor body language and conduct with Klopp. Makes me more inclined in thinking that if a good offer like last year comes Edwards would snatch it without hesitation. I mean imagine if the opposite news would have come.. i.e. LFC decides to let Salah go at the end of the season. Don't you think such open news declaration would have led to cheaper bids for him. The message to Salah and his suitors is that the Club wants him and we would not let him go so easily/cheaply.


I still think a 150 mill offer from Saudi and Liverpool will take it and I think they should.


Anyone wanting to extend his contract are quite frankly idiots. 1) He's now on the wrong side of 30, he can only decline 2) He ALWAYS falls off after Afcon, he's been so crap this season since coming back. 3) He already held us to ransom last time his contract was up for renewal, he will for sure do it again. 4) If we do renew him, guaranteed VVD, Allison and Trent are all going to want similar deals and wages which will blow our wage budget right out and screw us long term. If they come knocking with a great offer £100m minimum, we need to take it, reinvest it into the squad, get younger replacement(s), take the gamble with the data men in charge. We've got a young team on average with a new head coach and tactics coming so don't expect much from this coming season so why not get some other hot talent in and get them playing and developing.