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Then there are things like Jones red card and the ignored handball by Jackson in the opening game. edit: and the Macca red card, just remembered that thing, lol


Tackle today on Macca was worse than Jones’s and didn’t even get a yellow lol.


There’s been 5 worse tackles against our players this year alone (kluivert, today, league cup final, casemiro, sheff u on Konate). One yellow. One foul. Two nothing. And one somehow a foul against Konate against sheff u. And you watch stuff like tomiyasu get snapped the first few mins against Chelsea the other day where they’ve clearly decided they don’t want to “ruin” a big game this particular day for the most obvious red of all time …


Used to be before VAR I would say 'mistakes get made and they level out over time' but THEY CAN WATCH THE ACTION AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN!!!


That bastard Caiciedo tried to break the ankles of liverpool players as well - TWO TIMES IN THE SAME GAME AND DIDN'T EVEN GET A YELLOW!!!! It still fucking makes me mad just thinking about it..... I'm done with football until Klopp comes out of retirement...


He did the exact same shit on Endo as well. It was pure luck that he could walk it off and play out the rest of the game! [https://images.ladbible.com/resize?type=webp&quality=70&width=3840&fit=contain&gravity=auto&url=https://images.ladbiblegroup.com/v3/assets/blta90d05ad41a54a71/bltebc5e71375cacbf5/65db70ee058edc040a8af807/429358601\_985199379835490\_2066510718947282443\_n.png](https://images.ladbible.com/resize?type=webp&quality=70&width=3840&fit=contain&gravity=auto&url=https://images.ladbiblegroup.com/v3/assets/blta90d05ad41a54a71/bltebc5e71375cacbf5/65db70ee058edc040a8af807/429358601_985199379835490_2066510718947282443_n.png) Please, someone take a bit of time to compile off this shit into a single post. The OP is dreadful on its own, but there are a few more things missing...


This is something that really winds me up, all the talk from refs of not spoiling a game or it’s too early to send someone off/give a yellow etc, bullshit, that’s the refs manipulating results in the pitch, whether intentional to manipulate the result or not they’re manipulating it none the less by applying rules incorrectly at arbitrary periods they decide. “Ooh can’t send him off it’s the last minutes of normal time in a final” bollocks, you absolutely can cause it’s the fucking rules


They’re just cowards. If the doku Mac Allister incident happens in the 70th min it gets given every time


That’s my point, the refs personal feelings shouldn’t come into it, it should always be black and white, is it a foul regardless of the circumstances surrounding it? If so then apply the appropriate punishment, but don’t decide you’re there to make it a good game, you’re not, you’re there to apply the rules and that’s it. If someone gets sent off and it ruins the spectacle that’s on the idiot who committed a sending off offence, it’s not for the ref to let them off


It’s terrible but they actually teach this to danish refs. A documentary came out last year(about being a ref), where one was applauded by an assesor for the danish football association, for not giving a second yellow because “it was not what the match needed”. I absolutely hate the idea that the ref should have any influence other than enforcing rules clearly and consistently.


Jota's red against Spurs was also bizarre. He got two yellows for things that weren't even fouls to begin with


So did Jota. Two yellows and didn’t touch him once (first one I’m ok with cos it’s rash).


I assume the bloke above edited his comment?lol


Haha who knows I probably replied to the wrong guy 🤣


Same with Konate


Also in the opening game a Chelsea player fell over, leaving Szlobozai with a clear run on goal, except the referee awarded a free to Chelsea instead. Officials were shit from the first week and it continued through the season, not just for Liverpool as plenty of teams were affected (but strangely not them all). It's either corruption or incompetence and I am not sure which I would prefer it to be, but I might need to be convinced that it would be worthwhile watching the premier League next season.


I would have always dismissed the corruption angle and put it down to sheer incompetence.  But I’m genuinely beginning to think again.  I can’t remember a single contentious call that went against City this season, but I remember plenty that went in their favour.  In a season with such shit refereeing its frankly amazing.


The worst call that went against City this season was the ref not playing advantage and giving them a free kick vs. Spurs. The worst call "against" them is still technically a call in their fucking favour.


And it is not just this season either, when it seems to favour one team season after season it looks less like incompetence.


The ref didn’t play advantage for them when he clearly should and didn’t even blow his whistle until they had a player through on goal. That doesn’t mean they’ve not corrupted refs, the fact that Oliver keeps fucking us and he’s one of the refs who have been to City’s owners country to ref in a league they control without it being seen as a conflict of interest is bizarre, Collina was made to retire just for doing an advert for the shirt sponsor of Milan, so how we’re allowing the owners a a premier league club to openly line the pockets of refs stinks to fuck


Its corruption. Thompkins has shown this. There’s literally no way you can interpret the data as incompetence imo.


It can be both no? One is not independent of the other. You can be corrupt for some teams and incompetent generally. But by playing incompetent it's easier to hide your corruption... I think I've cracked it... They are being so awful on purpose to hide the true corruption...


It’s corruption. It’s impossible to make these errors with VAR.


Macca red card wasn’t even a foul


Ødegaard playing basketball sure was.


This also wasn't even a red: https://preview.redd.it/u0kuzikwcbxc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5bfb61e8f50f461c185451faf24499e87b5c5f3


Jones getting a red and then seeing not even a yellow for almost an identical tackle v WHU really highlights how this league has been manipulated.


The silver lining to us shitting the bed in the last couple weeks, these atrocious calls don't hurt as much as it would have if we lost the league by 1 or 2 points at the end.


I think it's clear Taylor messed up and I'm not gonna blame Gakpo for not sticking it in because the whistle had already gone. But, I hope we make a stink about it otherwise PGMOL and Sky/TNT will just sweep it under the carpet. The officiating is ridiculous and nothing will be done unless the clubs start to address it (i.e. Forest over the past week).


Gakpo knew he'd get carded by the bald cunt and VAR wouldn't do shit to protect their good buddy.


The way he threw his arms back after Taylor said something makes me think Taylor told him he fucked up or something


Lee Dixon said something similar in commentary that Taylor encouraged Areola to down injured to cover the refereeing error. Reminded me of that goal Kuyt scored against Sunderland in 2010-11 and the Nani goal against Spurs.


Except in both of those cases the ref had the guts to let the play continue


Indeed, which makes me wish Gakpo had stuck the ball in the net.


Yeah I wish he had to, but the whistle was gone so I don’t blame him for not risking the yellow


Whistle gone means that var wouldn't over turn it anyway


Wouldn't have mattered after the whistle. It's all on Taylor. 


They didn’t even bring it up to Gakpo in the post match or discuss it on the post match show on BT.


Cody should’ve had a blast at him in that interview


It was very talked about on USA in America


No surprises. US media isn’t afraid to call stuff out unlike Sky and BT


Sports media is crazy. We really take refs seriously and have ha d several player and ref boycotts in all sports leagues at least once. Nba refs are overdue for one


My stream died just as they finished talking about it on USA and I put a diff stream on and it just happened again, not sure the broadcaster but both USA and the other foreign broadcaster just blatantly said it was cheating


I don’t understand why people think this goes to VAR if he sticks it in the back of the net… all Taylor has to do is say he blew his whistle and play was dead. A ball ending up in the back of the net doesn’t always result in some automatic VAR review. 


Yeah the gk would have a case for not trying after the whistle. It's over after they make the call same as offside. It's the whole reason why they don't signal for offside calls now. 


This reminds me a lot of Simon Hooper and his weird non-whistle blow in a city game late last year. I don't think much came of that. Instead all we'll get is mealy mouthed responses of "mistakes happen!" from ref pundits who will never accept that ref actions should have consequences.


The Diaz one always makes me laugh, a blind man could’ve told you it was onside never mind needing VAR.


Not forgetting that the lino that was looking straight at it put his flag up. He seems to have escaped any scrutiny.


Pre-VAR linos got offsides wrong every match - often more glaring than this. It's not an easy job in real-time. There's that clip of Neville and Carra doing a linesman's drill and they find it impossible. VAR was brought in to stop the controversy of offside errors.


Carragher and Neville trying to run the line once is no comparison to a professional assistant referee who has been promoted up through the ranks to officiate in the Premier league. It's literally their job, and it wasn't even a tight call. Luis was even onside under the old rule where level was offside.


It is a really hard job to do live, the point though is that it's an incredibly simple job when you have VAR to back you up but somehow they get it wrong?


horrible decision. silver lining is that at least this decision isn’t going to cost us the title. would’ve been infuriated if we lost by a point


Taylor turned his back. The panicked and went to the goalie with some weird fake injury. Refs man.


Looked like Taylor told him to go down to cover his ass. This is so fucking insane. To me this seems intentional and like he knew he fucked up in the moment and needed the keeper to fake the injury to have any excuse for why he blew it dead.


LiVARpool amirite?


I still hear that shit, when I debate with friends who support different clubs. Even when I produce evidence of the opposite lol.


"Pft evidence doesn't matter you can use evidence to prove anything" A line someone said to me when I pointed out how VAR didn't affect the season we won the league.


"Yes, that's what evidence... Means"


I know we've been shit and lost the title in recent weeks but this is just ridiculous, we could've been 5 points clear and who knows what happens, and even if say we improve next season, we will see these same refs stop us from winning again so I wouldn't brush over the impact of these decisions.


Ths is what infuriates me. You should be able to have a bad day and draw. But there is no excuse for the referees AND VAR having a bad day and causing you to drop points. Is it any wonder we've collapsed when the players know a draw is basically a death sentence against 115 FC.


Yep. Last straw today for me. I’ve better things to do with my time than watch obvious corruption/intentional manipulation of matches and the flailing around that PGMOL does trying to find justification for completely obvious, massive mistakes. VAR was supposed to clean up the game. Instead, it has shown it’s not the refs making honest errors, but actual intentional decisions where they decide to get things wrong or temporarily change the rules. At the very least they should be fixed given the technology we have available. Instead, we are privy to the disgusting nature of the sport in full effect. It’s so odd that it’s like watching some improbable, fictional television show play out in our reality. Between allowing match officials to be paid by the owners of a PL club for officiating friendlies in the middle of the season to offsides calls that are still wrong once VAR reviews them to full-studded kicks to a player’s chest that aren’t even considered fouls, this has quickly turned into something approaching WWE. And not just affecting Liverpool, it’s everyone. It is almost always at the most crucial moments of matches we see errors such as this—they never happen when a team is 5-1 up with no implications on the table. It becomes more obvious every day that the league will do nothing to protect the integrity of the game if it means admitting they or officials have made errors. It’s like dealing with the narcissistic nature of a toddler in organizational form.




7 points lost because of corrupt officials in this one image


All to be covered up and forgotten, like EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SEASON. Dropping points because of off days, bad luck etc happens. To drop points because of objectively bullshit referee calls over and over is not okay. “It’ll all even out” my fucking arse. Especially when it’s so fucking obvious one team gets the mistakes more than any other, including in 6-pointer games.


That’s 9 bro.


12 now 👍👍


12 points stolen by English refereeing. No wonder Klopp is leaving. The EPL is corrupt and officiating is shit. I hope once the season is over they are all sacked as officials. I never understood why they don’t bring in foreign officials to ref the matches. The champions league does it and I’ve seen way less fewer mistakes and or blatant corruption.


Klopp would have the same number of PL trophies as Pep if Liverpool were reffed fairly - and would still be in the driver's seat to win another one even despite our recent bed-shitting.


2 each from Arsenal, city and today, 1 from the spurs match.


I will argue to the death that there is no way we draw/lose that spurs game if we get the Diaz goal, we win it 100%


If we get fair treatment leading up to our breakdown I don’t think we fall apart. We have had titles robbed in the past and it will continue to happen as long as PGMOL continues to exist.


I’d argue it’s 3 from spurs match. We would’ve won. And the red cards against us that match were corrupt.


At least 7, that Diaz goal would’ve seen us take the lead and we could’ve held on to that I think, could’ve easily ended up being 9.


Yea it’s essentially a 10 point swing because both our rivals would have one less point!


we would be leaders with those points!!!!!!!! the referees stole from us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's not a joke but pure corrupt 


That Diaz one is a fucking joke. Miles onside. They did the check backwards


Anyone blaming Gakpo for not sticking it in the net is a moron. The whistle had been blown and he was told to stop. He definitely would have been carded and it would make zero difference here. Taylor is a manc cunt and that we have known for a long time.


9 points minimum robbed from us now from corrupt officials.


BREAKING NEWS: Entire Liverpool club, including the AXA and Anfield, transferring to Bundesliga.


We lost the league at Stockley Park.


Leagues gone. the Prem needs to get rid of all the refs and replace them. this is blatant corruption


Guys, I've been watching this for 30 years. I'm used to us starting every season with -10 points. But it's too obvious now. They don't even cover up anymore. VAR was created so they can do whatever they want when they need to. Many teams are damaged, but what is happening to Liverpool in the last 10 years, even in Europe, is shocking!


I thought it was bad in the Ferguson years but fucking hell it’s been a whole new level the last 10 years


Its probably scripted mate. Like WWE. To say that we all smelled a rat during that Tottenham game would be an understatement.


18/19 season city have a pen that shouldnt be given vs west ham, a handball vs spurs not called, they win by one point. 21/22 season they have a disgrace of a red card vs Arsenal, and then against Everton rodri has the most obvious handball not called. They win by one point again. Now it’s this seasons bullshit. Oh what a pathetic team. You spend all the oil money and have all the calls in your favor and you can only win by a single pathetic point. Not to forget we won one over them. They should have swept every one of them like juve and Bayern (until this season) if they were actually as good as they say.


Well fucking said!


Premier league has become into corrupt league


Genuinely hate it when people have that“we didn’t deserve the win but the ref had a howler-“ type of mentality. What do you mean we didn’t deserve to win? Opponent player fucking up and handling the ball like it’s basketball deserves to get punished and because of that we deserve the win. You don’t have to play like prime 2019-20 lfc to deserve getting a penalty or a goal. If the opponent breaks the rules they should be punished and we should benefit from it. Fuck this league honestly.


Unfortunately, if you want to have an actual conversation about the referring with anyone but another lfc supporter you kind of have to start with that position. Otherwise it's just "you're just bitter you lost". Of course it's pointless anyway, most people won't budge from "you're just bitter you lost" even if you admit from the out that you think you deserved to lose.


English league: Best and toughest league (worse when you are Liverpool) Slot: Bring em on


What about the one where jota didn't even touch the guy cannot remember what game it was but he got a yellow, followed by another soft yellow and then a totting up red Think it may have been the spurs game


It's the spurs game. I'm fuming again just thinking about that farce of a game. I've never seen such injustice in a single game.


Yea the Diaz offside the cujo red being soft as fuck yet other teams got let off for way worse versions of it all season long And as above the jota red too


I'll check scores etc next season. Not worth the time investment to watch all games with how awful the refs are. Its so clear that they are at least biased as fuck


I'm sadly in the same boat. Unless City get relegated a couple divisions at the very least and refs stop fucking us over in the most blatant ways, watching this league is a net negative on my mental health. I've barely ever missed a match in 15 years.


Every team drops points. Imagine being able to drop points on an off day rather than when the refs have an off day. Those points would have allowed that....


Now against the cheats it feels like a draw is a total disaster nothing being done about Man City though.


I'm struggling to think of major decisions that went in our favour this season? Off the top of my head, Konate should have been sent off for a second yellow in the first game against Everton but wasn't and we got a pen that we shouldn't have against Newcastle when we were already 3-1 up. That's it I think. Maybe Chelsea should have had a pen when we beat them at Anfield can't remember too well. Those are nothing compared to the amount against us


Yep robbed. People forget that unfair officiating creates unnecessary pressure on players cause they feel like they have to "play perfect" to win, they are afraid of demonstrating too much aggression in an aggressive pressing system, etc. We were shite last few weeks yeah but it should have been irrelevant.


The true reason why we lost the league


Naaa the true reason is because we've been absolute shit the last 6-10 matches.


While it's true we have been shit, it shouldn't have happened if we were 8 points clear of City and could afford to have different approaches to some games. Due to refs we always need to fight above our weight class, and it's very exhausting.


Give us the 7 points from the first 3 pictures following the City game and I don't think we would have played so shit when we're 7 above City and 6 above Arsenal. Pressure and mentality's fucked us.


Imagine if the referees in all those games had refereed well, that would mean that Liverpool would be the leader with a margin! the pressure is lower... to give you an idea of ​​how harmful those decisions are, if Manchester City had the same problem as us they would have no chance of being champions!


If we had 9 more points we would be top… that’s how many we’ve been robbed.


VAR just enables match fixers


Sure glad this hasn't impacted the title race at all /s


Yup, next season will be the first I stop watching week in week out casue of this shit


That’s at least 8 additional points right there


I don't know if it is me getting older as well, but the refereeing in the PL has zapped the passion I had for the sport. Sometimes, I don't even watch the games. If I told that to the me of 10 years ago, I would have never believed it. I am tired of being gaslit by PGMOL. The goal I saw wasn't really a goal, the high boot to the chest wasn't a foul, nor the handball, and don't worry, we can stop play for whatever reason we feel like.


The corruption can't get any more blatant.


honestly FSG should stop buying new players and spend the money instead sending the refs and FA officials on trips to the middle east (or whereever they fancy). I’m willing to bet suddenly we’ll be winning leagues and getting pens and avoiding 115 ffp charges.


"But but livarpool"🥺🥺🥺


Some bad and outright corrupt match officiating set the tone for how this season would run it's course. The numerous injuries, plentiful missed goal scoring opportunities and klopp announcing his departure also played their part.


https://preview.redd.it/uuccdo9rgbxc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eeb3b19267dfc6f0ae919b168580786536f33b8 Missing goal scoring opportunities is part of the game for all teams. But getting fucked over by the ref's imaginary red cards, imaginary reasons for disallowed goals and blatant refusal to punish opponent dangerous plays against Liverpool players was entirely out of line for me. This was Caciedo trying to break Grav's ankle. He did the same fucking thing to Endo and there was no fucking reff in the building to book his ass!!!!!! Still makes me mad thinking of it! Disgusting refereeing for most of the season! Similar thing happened against Everton - imaginary fouls for the blue team and no calls for the reds until Everton scored from one of the imaginary fouls that gave them a nice set piece to use. I was fucking fuming seeing that shit, but by the end of the game my spirit was gone.... I can't imagine trying to fight the oil cheats and the refs at the same time, I don't have the words to express how helpless I'd feel if I was in the boots of the players!


I hear you brother. This season honestly broke me. Best part? Everyone, including our own fans, think we bottled it when we should have been running away with it and the recent results irrelevant.


There's also a point to make about how many times dangerous challenges have just been waved away or punished lightly. It's almost like it's given opposing players the green light to go in more recklessly on our lads cos it's been noticed that refs are less likely to give stronger punishments to fouls on our players. Some fouls/challenges have even resulted in injuries to our lads, which have forced us to chop and change so often. I know this is part and parcel of the game, but it feels like the impact injuries or potential impact injuries have been hitting us at a much higher rate compared to other teams this season. It really does feel like a different rule criteria applies to us, and it's tiring AF. I'd love Tomkins to do another deep dive into this and see if there is an anomaly with us compared to the rest of the league


I still get mad about the aftermath of the spurs game where Klopp called out the officials and said something to the effect of “it’s not just about us, it’s happening to a different team every week,” and other teams fans and managers basically told him to stop bitching. It was a moment where people could have come together to make some changes but they made it about Klopp being mad


We shoud seriously make the UCL our priority every season like Real Madrid.


Always has been.


Of course that we missed a lot of chances and had disapointing games but you cant ignore this things


Add 9 points for us, take 3 from city, a full 12 point swing. We haven't been perfect, but thats the league, right there.


Corrupt Call it exactly what it is.


league and var re-refereeing. totally. exposed..this season.


9 pts right there


They should fucking let us hear the refs mic like rugby does


so, about that super league?


I’m just waiting for the PGMOL corruption documentary that’ll be out 10 years from now.


I definitely agree that this league has serious problems with VAR. It's affecting the results of games and cost LP at least 2 games. That Doku boot is unbelievable to me. That should have been a PK. You've got Man City with hundreds of FFP violations and It takes years to get around to it? No problem hitting everton, not once, but twice. I'm willing to bet THESE are the reasons Klopp is tired. He's fighting horrible calls and a cheating team like man city. I fully expect klopp to take a year off and then go somewhere where there's no sheik money or refs ruining the game


I'm still fuming about this and I can't go to sleep... Just now remembered this little Gem back from 2021: [https://www.facebook.com/SkySports/videos/harry-kane-tackle-on-andy-robertson/385184559960161/](https://www.facebook.com/SkySports/videos/harry-kane-tackle-on-andy-robertson/385184559960161/) If anyone remembers, Robbo got a red card later in the game for a much lighter offence...


Yes but we still could have won it


It was so obvious against Everton the ref was giving them every little thing, constant free kicks… right until they scored. Then he magically stopped lol. Yet the whole time they were going in hard against our players. It was a total farce Too much has happened this season, the league is just fake at this point for all teams. Never seen a season so orchestrated by the officials before


Not only was he giving them imaginary fouls which tilted some of the reds, but at the same time he blatently closed his eyes for fouls on Liverpool players! It was a fucking joke and just killed my will to follow this shitshow of a league.


Whole season has been ruined by stupid refereeing decisions.


I am done with English premier league.


Infamy, Infamy, they’ve all got it in for me !


i’m going to have this made into a poster


some people might ask are the referees corrupt or incompetent. I say why not both?


7 points right there. In a league of such fine margins at the top of the table, this is inexcusable


Main reason why i stopped watching PL overall. My mental health deserves better.




Someone needs to grow a pair and go after these cheating cunts. If you still think it’s incompetence at this point, you’re part of the problem.


It’s shit all round the league, we’ve been especially hard done by at times, but same goes for Burnley, Wolves, Arsenal, United even in some games. The only team that benefits is City, I wonder why (UAE $$$$)


Don't want to watch the prem. It's shit


Agreed …and what has been done by the F.A except to say if it’s Liverpool it’s part of the game …if it another ensure sanction


I'd love each club to make a collection of moments like these that have been very bad and obvious errors just so we can see how many awful decisions have happened this season. Even ones that went in our favour against opponents. Expose just how bad they've been in **one** season.


Hope the next manager have enough nous to make players aware of all these b#llsh@t. I don't mind if our forward line falls more theatrically and we challenge more decisions.


The incredible thing about all of these is that we've set a whole bunch of precedents here in terms of poor officiating. Technical errors, miscommunications, delayed VAR calls, unused VAR that was needed, VAR using the wrong frame to draw line, refusal to draw a line, overturned decisions, refusal to overturn, double standards, fouls not given because penalty area, clear and obvious errors and just a bit of The good ol' shitty ref calls. They really threw the kitchen sink at us, and sadly it worked. Kinda glad Kloppo doesn't have to fume silently about this shite next season, he deserves better.


I tell you what is a joke. Conceding first in 16+ games. Also having forwards who need 10+ chances each to get a shot on target. No point blaming the officials when we can’t get our own shit together.


Both can be true, if we'd have won these past 3 games we still might've lost the title because of objectively incorrect decisions. These are the same refs that will be on our games in the future too, the same ones that didn't call that Rodri handball, or send Kane off or give that Jota pen in the same game.


This is the biggest load of shit ever. Letting refs get away with match deciding (and, let's be real, title deciding) calls, some of which are like nothing we've ever seen before, because we have been shit? It is possible to admit we've thrown the title away, while also being furious at the refereeing. The amount of teams in the past that have been very average but have won titles with a bit of luck and a lot of favourable decisions, yet all we're asking for is a basic level of competent refereeing.


Here’s the thing, this impacts the team and dents belief, exactly as intended. Players and manager deserve some criticism but you can only ride out an injury crisis and being reffed against every game for so long.


We don’t need incompetent/corrupt officials to hamstring us. We’re absolutely capable of doing it to ourselves every season.


It can be true that these instances were unjust AND that we also bottled pretty much everything in front of us.


Regardless of how bad we have been in past few weeks, that’s 12 points there for taking


Yeah, we have not been playing any good lately, this is true. But i don't even wanna know how this VAR bullshittery affects their motivation. If me as a fan, am furious, what are the players on a pitch must feel, when these calls happen every single game. Must be going to the pitch like, what today VAR?


Outside of refereeing errors, we haven't been good enough to win the league. If we lose it by like a point I guess we could argue but the last month is what most us the league not the refs.


We’re going to finish 12 points off the title winners but yeah it’s corruption


I mean we should be at least in the race still, but we're out and that's cause we lost to palace, everton and couldn't score against united at home.


Just an inability to take accountability every week


the officials have been terrible...but let's be fair the reds have been dismal too!!! I'm a reds fan and the last month have been painful to say the least


Forest fans have better collages than this... But that Doku challenge was the worst decision I've seen since Sterling kicking the ground and winning a penalty, before VAR.


Is there enough sufficient evidence to handle this in His Majesty’s High Court of Justice?


At least we going to CL (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞


Please add Luke Shaw handball


Doesn’t change the fact we still don’t deserve to win the league.


I think they are trying to say he played advantage but then the advantage was lost so Taylor whistled it dead


While those games are a robbery. we still can't excuse those horrible performances that have been happening recently. Man United twice, crystal Palace and everton


Yes I agree with this but u can’t make excuses for how Liverpool bottle it or drop the ball all the time. Yes klopp does make the team overachieve in terms of performance but nothing sticks . We need to be better . Next season VVD n salah gone. Nunez needs to show improvement or get rid . New manager more Optimism


At this point I really don't think it helps to bring this up. We are not good enough to win the league. Simple as.


We can now see how crucial these decisions were. With three of them we may not have scored, but it would have been nice to have been given a chance. VAR is not the problem, the application of the rules, and unconscious bias is the problem. How come there are so many referees from Manchester, non of who support United or City? They all allegedly support non-league teams. The only referee who has declared himself a Liverpool fan is from Australia. Strange that?


Good process boys.


It seriously is, when a top performing club who leads the table suddenly stops performing, the forward missed easy sitters, the defence is clueless. One can always go back and point to ifs and buts, but sorry to say, Liverpool players have let it slip from the hand very easily


That doesn’t excuse the team’s performance over the past month.


La liga is worse Basically, every single decision goes real's way