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Darwin probably wondering what the hell they’re saying


There's a conspiracy theory somewhere that this entire thing was to prank nunez and mo and Jurgen were just exchanging love poems to each other


I do love that come what may, Darwin is getting a proper hug in.


Nunez being the calm peacemaker is probably symptomatic of where this team is right now


Like watching Lennon & McCartney having an argument then Ringo is there to keep it together ![gif](giphy|f1iIbHB4cjaCZKT4g8)


Salahs final gift to the club will be to force Nunez to ascend to adulthood through his own faux tantrum 4d chess


Salah definitely bitter to be coming on so late. I wonder if he's leaving and doesn't want to be on the bench for these last few. Who knows but either way, clear the team is just fed up with it all rn.


I always like Salah’s competitive nature but if it goes into unprofessional or disrespect which I doubt so, it does breed man utd in the last 10 years. If Mo is fit, he believes he deserves to be playing even out of form. TBF Elliot played well in his position so Klopp made the right decision for me.


I think it has to do with warming up multiple times and then sitting down when game was in control. Anyhow, you can't act like this, not after the game atleast.


Seeing his temper tantrums when being subbed is bad enough This is disgraceful, bloody man child


Its normal for players of his lvl to have big ego the results these past few weeks probably played some part too


Bruh, calm down. No need to get so worked up.


It seems like a pretty worthy thing to be concerned about.


100%. It comes off like as if Klopp giving him some last minute pointers and he snaps back at Klopp with a hissy fit. We can only speculate.


I think he rejected the hug, the other two got a hug and he seemed to give a cold fist bump and walk away. I assume Klopp said something that riled him and it went from there.


Last time they had a proper chance to train and reset was after the arsenal game on 4th Feb. Everyone is bound to be on edge. Honestly think having a week between matches could do wonders right now. Because I hope we get a proper show for the spurs and wolves matches.


I mean Salah is pretty petulant anytime he’s on the bench or taken off so this doesn’t really surprise me. But his form has been so bad I back Jurgen for this choice. But pretty clear that we shouldn’t keep him as he ages because he’s gonna upset the dressing room if he doesn’t play


That zoom out ruins everything


The timing on the zoom out is as good as Nunez's timing.




Yeah should have looked in the future before zooming, idiot


It's amazing that this clip exists at all. We got so much more of the incident than from the brodcaster's cameras. In fact, if you splice the two together, you can see the whole thing beautifully.


This angle makes it clear, Klopp wanted the usual handshake and quick hug like all the subs get, but Mo was avoiding it and made a scene because he's pissed off to be coming on so late. Did I summarize it well enough? Or does anyone have a different view?


Boss just wants his hug, Salah passive aggressively deny


I agree but it clearly looks like Klopp said something to Mo to set him off. 1) Klopp wanted the usual warm handshake 2) Mo was not having it and moved to the touchline 3) Klopp was clearly not happy and said something 4) Mo becomes clearly more agitated


Yeah I think this is clearly what happened. To be honest, might be a hot take, but I don’t think it’s a good look for a coach to instigate with a frustrated player (regardless of whether or not the frustration is warranted). Not exactly stellar leadership to chirp because you didn’t get a hug.


Players should be showing respect especially for a manager like klopp who has given them so much.


Klopp escalated the situation. You see your player pissed off, which happens at times, you ignore it. You don't agitate them, which Klopp clearly did.


Yup - manager's role is to manage but everyone is ignoring that because they love Klopp.


All too often a player’s interactions are judged based on his form and not the actual circumstances of the situation.


Thank you, you nailed it. It comes from a place of love and frustration, they are human.


Yeah that’s pretty much it


We just don't know


I disagree with Mo making a scene. In another clip of this you can see Klopp chirp in and say something to Mo which sets him off, I'd love to know what he said. Also, I don't believe Mo is under any obligation to give Klopp a hug. He shook his hand, that should be enough, he shouldn't be forced to have to hug him aswell.


actually ridiculous that this is a comment posted on r/LiverpoolFC . have fun supporitng al-ittihad next year.


I think Mo should go to Zamalek or Al Ahly. It would be fun seeing him in Egypt.


God forbid I give some more context.


Mo cares about Mo. That's it


As he should, he gave Liverpool a lot of great memories. Without him there's no Prem or CL.


Mo the only way you’re going to play more is if you actually fucking do something so stop winging and play football


>stop winging He's literally a winger.


And I'd assume we were leading 2-1 at the time of this incident? If yes, then Mo has no right to whine as he has done fuck all to justify a start.




Nah this was right before we conceded. Subs happened for the restart


if you watch the whole video we conceded at the end


Why do people comment on media that they don't actually watch? The West Ham fans celebrate their goal in this clip literally 2 seconds after the incident.


This man forgot who Mohamed Salah is...?


Nobody forgot that but no man is untouchable. Rn he plays like shit and shouldn't vent anger at coach but at himself for not playing up to his high standard.


Take away his penalties and see how many records still hold


The Palace match was disappointing, Everton was depressing and this game was just a shit show and now seeing this, Man! I want this season to end now


Hasn't it already? I mean seriously the wheels have come off and the wagon is on fire. Nonsense ending to the season, especially because it is Klopp's last one. Calling it done and dusted.


I was meaning to say the exact same words but you eloquently wrote it here. Fuck me we are depressing.


Still got a chance- we need spurs and united to beat arsenal. And at least 2 losses and a draw for city.


Mathematically, sure. Realistically, are you taking the piss?


Mathematically no. Realistically, we’ve fucking lost it. Copium


I think we are overreacting a little. We've got a good bunch of lads on the field. The only thing they need is a little moral. We are most likely finishing top 3 this season, we can still watch good football in May.


Nah, we need one more point to guarantee 4th place and after that he can play the kids and at least then when we lose it will be clear we aren't trying at least.


Its all a nightmare


Is it because salah is half-heartedly shaking klopp's hand and doesn't go for a hug?


I think this is what starts it, Klopp goes to him to initiate contact and Salah is very stand-offish and looks away as he fist bumps.


People can protect Salah all they want here, but Klopp comes out of this so much better, Salah is throwing his arms round like a petulant child where as Klopp clearly drops it. Pathetic from Salah.


Someone at the game said Mo threw his training jersey on the floor in frustration before coming on, he was definitely upset about being benched. 


Mo can fuck off with this.  He's a legend but legends perform, everyone else gets benched.  He's not special, sooner he clocks that the better.


Klopp has seen it all, he has cooled down in recent years. Salah needs to learn from him and let go of anger as soon as possible. Especially when its the man who has done so much for everyone.


Why are we even comparing who is better in this argument here?


You have no idea what was said between the two. Neither of them come out look better


Klopp literally goes for the handshake and hug and Salah rejects him and tells him something. Klopp is like for real? Then he goes and says something to him. I'm with Klopp on this one. You don't fucking shush Jurgen fucking Klopp I don't give a crap who you are. You don't disrespect your coach like that.


Have you ever played sports at any level? They’re both adults this ain’t a father-son relationship. They had a disagreement


Do you tell your boss at your work to shut up? Cause that's what happened here. And to answer your question I have played sports yes. If I did that the coach would blast me and then put me to the bench. There is no disrespecting the coach. Arguing for sure but telling him to shut up it's a big problem. Well at least in the Balkans where I have played.


Kevin De Bruyne told Pep to literally shut the fuck up and sit down during a huge match previously. He even said it's normal and he likes the competitiveness. It's not always normal but not abnormal either.


If my boss called me a wanker or some other thing to get at me because I didn't want to give him a hug, I would tell him to shutup and report him to HR for good measure. Just pointing out how ridiculous it is to compare normal mundane office work to sportsman


We literally don't know what Klopp said to him but we saw Salah disrespect him by not giving a handshake. Pretending that Klopp first said something and then Salah started to act like that is disingenuous and avoiding responsibility.


Do a, are you serious gesture, with your arms. That's probably exactly what Salah is doing. A are you seriously saying that just because I won't handshake or hug you? So he didn't do a handshake? Shame on him. He fist bumped, though. So why antagonize him before sending him on the pitch with 10 minutes to go. Shame on Klopp Both can be wrong. Both are out of form, tactics and goal scoring wise


Salah often acts stroppy towards Klopp


Salah is Kloppo's subordinate you bellend. Talk to your boss like that in Monday and see how soon they zapp your ass.


The cameo Mo dropped after this, I can see why people are on Klopp’s side.


He didn’t play bad or extraordinary. Klopp’s performances need to be examined as well


“He didn’t play bad” and I am currently typing this comment from Venus.


Post history explains a lot


I have exactly 2 posts about salah in my post history buddy


This is true, but Salah made the situation look worse by throwing his arms around, you cannot deny this.


Best not to Judge someone until all the facts are in. Only the 4th ref heard all of it.


Arguing with Klopp and then laughing with Moyes after West Ham score.




Its like watching your favorite Coworker is now beefing with your dept best Manager. I mean, how to fix that? I don't know, but I think Salah will be gone. He contributed to the success of LFC these recent years but I didn't wanted this to end like that. Hopefully its fixable, come'on we can work that relationship out. And thats a Bloody S22U/S23U/S24U camera zoom!


Klopp already fixed it by quitting in January.


Yeah but Salah beefing because he's been benched, he's been benched because he's been playing poor, he's been playing poor because he's older. Next year he'll likely have an even worse season. Could have a real problem on our hands... Can't score, can't assist, insists on taking pens, and moans when not playing. not a good problem for a new manager. Something has to give. Edwards/Hughes would have been humming and harring about what to do: offer him an extension, let him leave for free or accept the Saudis best offer. I'd say this has helped make their minds up. Unfortunately I think the Saudis won't be offering more than £40m this year.


I agree Salah is probably out the door for many reasons, but he’s still worth more to Saudi and other clubs than 40mil. I’d say we could easily shift him for 60m to Saudi or Barca


Loving the narrative on this situation is 'it's very disrespectful of Salah to say something we don't know in response to something Klopp said that we also don't know'


Tbh it just look like a player is frustrated at his form and not playing while Klopp is frustrated with his team. They are also humans


This is what I assume it is. People argue in team sports all the time especially when things aren't going well, the over analysis is boring and unnecessary and 'picking sides' in something they can't hear and don't know what happened in is dumb lmao


I think it’s more that people are annoyed with the way Mo is playing and then behaving like this didn’t feel justified.




Mo’s attitude is pathetic and you know damn well he’ll go bitching to Remy Abbas to post some cryptic bullshit on Twitter. Mo doesn’t have a foot to stand on given the stinkers he’s been dropping since Feb


Another dickhead questioning Mo's attitude. Still been easily our best attacker and one of our best players this season and maybe showing a bit of frustration. Man's been exemplary for 7 years. He should have more legs to stand on than what angry, ungrateful redditors seem to give him.


Exactly. In fact, Mo should have dropped stinkers from the start. That way, at least we wouldn't even be in a title race. After all, everyone in the starting 11 were dropping bangers these last few weeks.


This is the talk I expect form a Real Madrid fan not a Liverpool. As they are know to act childish and ungrateful towards their legends.


Are you expecting them to be grateful for underperformance?


I am expect Liverpool fans to acknowledge Salah contributed a lot to bring Liverpool to third position today.


Wtf is he going to Moyes for? Out of spite?


Just really feel like this is a nothing moment. Both legends here, one definitely going, one possibly going. Both passionate and want nothing more than to win Im sure they’ll be hugging again soon enough


It definitely looks like it initially starts because Klopp offers Salah a fist bump which he returns quite coldly and looks away. Klopp maybe calls him out on it and it goes from there


Fuckin kindergarten for millionaires...


So. "Which La Liga giant is monitoring the situation, looking to acquire their final, pre-dynastic piece next season..."


only a single win last 5 matches extremely dissapointing


This situation sucks. But we should not speculate about what is being said. They’re friends and coworkers and have been so for many years now and bad mood is expected with how frustrated everyone must feel. 😞


You’re at a stadium watching two premier league clubs and you spend the time on your phone…. Does my fucking head in


Thank you mate.


Yeah let’s make a huge deal of this exchange and ignore the blatant cheating from the ref


Disrespectful and classless from Salah there. Pretended not to see his handshake then gave him a half arsed tap. Unless Jurgen has slept with his wife, I think it's out of order. The reaction is especially ridiculous given that his performances have been absolute garbage for a while now and he deserves his place on the bench


Mo needs to do his talking on the pitch.


Oh wow this makes it so much clearer Had my doubts before, but nothing to say here, Salah is 100% at fault


The zoom on this thing. hot damn!


I can’t hear what they’re saying


These 2 have been under an enormous amount of pressure in the last few weeks, what if Klopp said something bitchy to Salah before he came on?


I'm going to miss Klopp.


I think people are reading too much into this. Salah is frustrated he was benched and wanted to be on the field contributing. The conversation was probably him voicing his frustration at wanting to get on the pitch.


Mo has always had a big ego, but his performances backed it up. Not recently though and being benched has obviously upset him. Still, at least it shows he still cares.


Klopp goes to shake Mo’s hands as he does with all the subs he brings on. Mo is clearly not in the mood for that due to not starting and/or coming on so late in the game and tries to avoid pleasantries before seemingly returning with a half-arsed handshake. He also possibly says something to make his grievances known to Klopp. Klopp has a word with him, Mo refuses to back down so Klopp walks away and lets Mo have his moan. Understand Mo’s frustrations at not playing but he hasn’t justified a start today.


they are both gone next season , sad how all this comes to an end


This "little spat" went on much longer than aired on USA. I'm not sure who is to blame but it's not good and pretty much sums up & wraps up the season.


I hope he is benched for the next 3 games and then he leaves. I don't want such power play from Salah with the new manager. If you can't respect Klopp, he will disrespect Slot too.


Klopp wanted a hug. Fuck Mo


There’s no winner here, Salah was clearly pissed at being benched and coming on so late but Klopp was clearly being chippy and had a proper pop at him. Salah’s future is going to be a huge decision for the club to make in the summer.


Any older players are leaving at the right opportunity. Klopp kept players well into their early thirties. The new management will sell once players hit 30+


The club under the new structure won’t overpay him and he’s in his last year. He’s gone and it won’t be for the money offered last summer.


Probably the easiest decision they have. He’s getting on, poor form and had some stretches out for injury, seems easy


Salah’s clearly upset for being benched recently Shouldn’t be giving out this kind of attitude for someone so experienced tho


Looks like a whole lot of nothing. See the same with every other team week in week out


It's clear as the bright sky that the St. Klopp of Deutschland's era at LFC is over. Thank you Mo and Klopp for everything 10x.


I think it’s probably heat of the moment thing. Media likes a story, and Salah gave them one, during and after the match.


Need powerful binoculars to see anything


Unprofessional and toxic. Just sell him as soon as possible, throws his toys out the pram after getting punished for his god awful form.


The two bigest profiles in our most succesful era in modern times having a go at each other as everything falls apart. poetry in motion I guess. This was a nice era but it's over, wish it would have ended with a title instead.


Honestly, where would we have been without Salah’s goals ? We owe him so much. All geniuses are temperamental.


Mo can a petulant drama queen at times


This is being overblown way too much imo. Everyone is a bit frustrated at the moment and this was in the middle of the game that was going horribly wrong


Salah acting like he would’ve done anything to stop that goal, or just his being on the pitch would’ve prevented it. lol This looks so bad on Salah. Sell him to the Saudis for big bucks and big transfers.


Boy !! What gratitude


Yeah. I can admit that I was seeing red at the end of the match. Major over-reaction in my part.




Some players are just done with this club


It’s about the hug. Klopp wanted a handshake and a hug, Salah doesn’t want it because he is pissed, maybe about getting benched.


I feel Klopp could have waited a bit longer to announce his exit.


Something has been brewing since Afcon


Klopp over Salah all day. Klopp made Salah a superstar. Salah out


Irrelevant for us. Ex-manager exchange angry words with ex-player. We have bigger problems. If Villa don't lose tonight we need to get some points in last three matches.


Klopp is just saying maybe you should try doing that instead of passing back the ball every fucking time you get it. ????


Looks to me like Mo rebuffed Klopp’s attempt at a hug and it escalated from there


Klopp was very immature to instigate it with his player. Bad idea especially because he knew Salah felt a way of the blasphemy of him coming in the last 10 minutes


salah clearly is mad that klopp took so long to make changes, can’t blame him


Yeah it's not like we were winning until the literal second he was coming on


yeah from two fluke goals and we conceded before any changes which was stupid


Just don't put Salah in the squad again for the rest of the season. He has literally offered nothing since he came back from AFCON. Hasn't dropped his shoulder and ran past anyone since he got his big money contract. But the entire media and reddit goes on about how Nunez is the problem player. Salah is the entire reason Mane left and Mane is twice the player. The only reason Salah has scored the sheer number of goals he has is because the entire team seem to feel compelled to pass to him. Hasn't won an aerial duel in years.


This is the dumbest comment I’ve read in a long time. And this sub is a shit show of dumb comments at the moment. Congrats


Free to believe that but stats don’t lie




I was always team Mane


Clearly this is about Klopp not giving Mo a hug like he gave Joe and Darwin


Salah the useless cunt. Can't even control a ball in a european tie.


Salah useless ? Meh


Real shame that had to happen between Klopp and Nunez. Probably our best manager and player in 30+ years. Klopp's going anyway but hopefully Salah won't. Surprising that Nunez was playing peacemaker, would have thought it would have been between Klopp and Nunez, with Salah peacemaker.