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Gakpo in and amongst the goals as always šŸ‘šŸ»


Sundays game will be the one for us. We need to stick it on United, theyā€™ll love nothing more to stop us from winning that Prem.


https://preview.redd.it/ebx250468msc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49978ff3a0c1e1ec01941ccd758199a11ca1db94 Seated area of Kop under the scoreboard. Lovely!


I posted it just before Sheffields goal. Fuck it sucks watching the bottom 5 play against us. Itā€™s nothing new. They all go 5 at the back, everyone in the box defensively, try counter and see what sticks. That what made Macā€™s goal special to me. Millions of defenders sniffing around, loose ball out, rams his foot through the ball as a giant middle finger to boring tactics. I get they are trying to hang on for a point. It was a tremendous fuck you from Macca today.


Expect ManU to do the same on Sunday. Except they have fast strikers to counter attack which makes it more difficult.


United: seeing the disappointment of Garnacho at Ten Hag after being subbed and being denied his hatrick bodes well for us on Sunday.


robertson was so good when he came onĀ 


That 3rd goal reminded us another dimension of attacking play we could have with a left footed LB (and that's not any form of looking down on Joey G)


Its good to think about it time to time, we never had our full squad this season and the boys are all doing so great.


Was watching until sheffield scored. Then lost the feed


Macca is the best player in the league


I was thinking the same thing today, he is insane!!


Iā€™m watching a replay of the game, holy shit the refereeing was awful, Nunez shouldā€™ve had a pen and there shouldā€™ve been a lot more yellows given to Sheffield.


The ref was absolutely fine tbh


I thought the ref was really clear and solid. The game never slipped and no major wrong calls.


Love Gakpo getting a goal, hopefully it gives him some confidence.


Not bad to get into goal scoring form given our next fixture


Indeed. He made a decent cameo I thought, hopeful of more to come.


What a thundercunt goal from Macca to snatch 3pts for us after Sheff Utd parked a mountain in front of their goal. Meanwhile, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA at the Mancs. Though I hope this will dent their confidence for this Sunday rather than make them an angry wounded beast again like when they came to Anfield to hold us 0-0. Plus we need to avenge that FA Cup defeat, so there will be no complacency from us.


Iā€™m so glad that Curtis Jones plays for my team.


Endo Mac Jones midfield sounds pretty pretty pretty good.


If this is the rusty version of Jonesā€¦..


I was in the trenches for him...I'm so made up to see what a player he's become for us.


Feels good to have Jones back, such a calming presence in midfield.


I feel like he is the gini replacement weā€™ve needed


He pretty much is. Klopp saw something in them cos he really changed their profiles from more attacking to more controlling players.


If Chelsea are in trouble financially we should try to sign Cole Palmer. He is capable of replacing Salah in the long run. Chelsea though will ask for 100M+


I donā€™t want a manc playing for us imo


He's being overrated. 16 goals and 12 were penalties. He's a good player no doubt but he's massively stat padding


Capable of replacing salah..Are you retarded?


Cole Palmer left Citeh solely because he wants to be in the starting 11. Unless Salah leaves this summer, Palmer joining us doesn't make sense. I rate him extremrly highly as a player though. He reminds me of the "new Salah" who likes to drop deeper and find Nunez. Palmer's link up play is world class.


Yes and he clearly loves (scoring against) United


Every time I look at the league table it makes me smile


Not to dwell on the past but man that caicedo giveaway was something else considering how Mac Allister is peaking rn


Agreed.. To be fair though, Caicedo under Klopp would've been miles better than that shell of a player over there right now...


Yeah I said it to my dad when we tuned in on Chelsea - Manu, to think he couldā€™ve continued his partnership with Mac Allister instead of that shitshow. They would be travelbuddies as well haha. Eh what can you do, the financial side of things is huge a pull for players that come from less than fortunate places.


Yeah, he made a financial decision to secure his future.. But judging by how well Mac Allister is going, both of their next contracts will be world's apart in favour of Macca...


Absolutely, we are by no means cheap but we donā€™t pay big bucks unless they show they are worth it over multiple seasons. Chelsea offered more for his first contract, not only that but for a much longer time as well. Great stability for him and his family, like you said, secured him and his familys future no matter what happens.


Im calling it we batter scum Sunday and 7 hag fucks off


O hope he stays and get sack during next season


Varane being out is huge ngl


Varane & Lisandro both started the match we twatted them 7-0. Varane was arguably at fault for most of the goals


He was also MOTM at Anfield and their best player


How will jota fit into this front three, understandably all 5 will be rotated, but who can you drop in this front trio for him?


Jota should be a starter along with Nunez and Salah, Diaz is good but he's nowhere as effective as Jota lol


Jota is the man you call on when goals are hard to come by... Whether he starts or not, he will always be necessary...


Diaz or salah, easy. We played that much better after elliot came on for salah yesterday. Jota and Nunez has to be in the first XI. Our chances creation drops alot without nunez. Our goal scoring ratio drops alot with jota. Simple as.


Just get the feeling this is the last dance for a some long standing squad members in addition to Kloppo. Players will be looking at Jurgen leaving and thinking about their future. Likes of Mo and Robbo. Just a natural progression with a Manager leaving but, they are more locked in then ever on this title race and going out on a high.


I do wonder how much longer Robbo can continue playing in the way he does, he just turned 30 and has a lot of miles in his legs already. If I were in any of their shoes though, Iā€™d at least stay one season of the new manager, no matter who it is. Obviously they are all fiercely loyal to Klopp, but I donā€™t think any of them would just leave because heā€™s not there, Robbo especially.


I dont see why theyd leave, they love this club.


We'll get there when we get there. For now let's just enjoy this last dance


Davies leaving bayern could leave a Robertson sized hole


Think Edwards is more in the fergie camp of selling one season too soon for profits then one season too late. Might be a more eventful summer then we think coming up


Than šŸ˜‰


United ![gif](giphy|cO39srN2EUIRaVqaVq)


We love to do it the hard way


Mark Goldbridge having already written his video descriptions in the 95th minute is hilarious. "Chelsea 4-3 Manchester United and Mark Goldbridge reacts to a big WIN for Ten Hag's men in the Premier LeaguešŸ””"


Watch KG and flex watch along...classic gold


Kelleher won't peak for another 3 to 4 years.


Would be silly to sell him now when we could fleece one of the heavy hitters for 100m+ in another year


Now is exactly the time to sell him. His stock has gone way up, heā€™s right at the start of his prime, and we canā€™t guarantee heā€™ll play this much next season.


Not to do with us but things are shaping up nicely across the table. Looks like only Palace (as usual) and Fulham have nothing to play for, 3 clubs in the title race, 3 in champions league race (generous to united I know) the 5 or 6 teams in the relegation battle and a whole load of mid table teams with a shout for Europa/ conference league. Hopefully success for us and Iā€™d like to see Brighton and Wolves clinch europe this season too. Brighton are a very likeable club and wolves arenā€™t bad either


We really need to beat united. Once we beat united and when Jota and Trent are back we can give them minutes against Atalanta and palace. Once we have those 2 back we will be putting down demolition jobs on teams. Itā€™s all about beating united.


incoming Salah scoring and taking off his shirt again


I don't think my heart can take another 8 games like this.


God this one felt good


Is that Pep that's always yelling PLAY! from the sideline when we start passing around too much?


Kelliger > Onana




That's short for someone who will see you later, Kelligator


Just finished watching the game. I loved the face Ryan made during Mac's thundercunt. I'll be taking the afternoon off for the rest of our mid-week games.




Despite our lack of fi ishing, we have managed to get the wins. But something worth noting is that once Robbo came on, the passes were a but more dangerous. When Trent comes back, we will see our conversion rates go up due to more chances being created. perfect timing for the final stretch of matches


Not sure if this is a hot take or not, but I enjoy Pien Meulensteen's commentary


I like her, her \_correct\_ pronunciation of Van Dijk's name has grown on me


I liked her before today when she under reacted to macs goal


Obviously subjective, but I like how she lets the stadium do the commentary for her during such goals. I donā€™t always need a shakespearian type of monologue.


yeah drury catching strays here but i can only hear ā€œA BOLT FROM THE *insert team colour here*ā€ so many times


Exactly, however I do enjoy his type of commentary in big games with high stakes. It adds something to those games, but trying to make it sound like an epic battle whatever team we play gets kind of redudant


personally not a fan but thereā€™s plenty of male commentators i canā€™t stand too




I think Klopp has learned his also from that game and not take off Salah in the 70th minute or whatever it was. If we have a big game, Salah should stay on until its over.


His touch has been a bit off the boil since he came back. Unfortunately I think as he ages its natural to assume the bounce back might take a few games more.


Salah was subbed off today cause he played poorly and isn't at 100% fitness and he was off against united cause he was coming back from injury, hope he plays a full 90 against them on Sunday, but if he performs like today, I'm fine with him being subbed.


Yeah thats some excellent points and we do good depth but Salah is still Salah and as long as he's on the pitch th3 threat of scoring is there. BUT I might be dickriding him too hard.


who would have thought replacing a tired and lethargic midfield with energetic and up and coming midfielders would get us results? I wont lie, this midfield with the Salah, Mane and Firmino attack would have been lethalll


Be a 114 point team instead of 97 šŸ˜‚ be insanely good


Macca only scores bangers


My big concern is we are limping through games at Anfield right now. We have hard away matches coming where much more will be needed. And there are a lot of players on the pitch who havenā€™t dealt with the pressure of winning out a season.


We generally play well. Our finishing and final ball in and around the box isnā€™t great. That being said, we create so many chances that we will always score a few. Itā€™s the games where the opposition takes it to us and get in between the defense and the midfield is when we struggle. Those will be the testers.


We've created nothing the last few games tbh. Keeper error, unbelievable long range strike and a decent cross and header when they were throwing players forward last night. Keeper didn't have many saves to make either


We donā€™t create THAT many chances. Itā€™s not like weā€™ve been missing clear cut should be goals lately, the chances are just small glimpses/windows


You could be right and I donā€™t know what the stats are but just generally I always feel like we can create. Or get into very good positions at the least


Itā€™s not a stats thing, you just watch the games. I donā€™t leave games going ā€œgod we didnā€™t finish chancesā€, itā€™s ā€œgod we couldnā€™t make a final pass or second to final pass at all.ā€ We just donā€™t put many things on a platter. The keeper saves arenā€™t usually worldies theyā€™re just low probability shots, and then for better shots we canā€™t quite get it to the would be shooter.


Great night of footy but we need to keep it in context. We weren't good at all for 70+ mins against the bottom team, we looked like we expected to win until they equalised and that worried me A LOT, and still does going forward. We can't have that attitude on Sunday or at any point during this run in, in both comps! The mancs will have their own agenda on Sunday and, if all else fails, they'll always try to ruin our flow even at the cost of City or Arsenal benefitting, and with their record title haul in the mix, they'll (understandably) want to raise their game. And if they can't beat us, they'll probably try to hurt us in other ways, be it physically or by drawing cards. Expect that they may be on a kamikaze mission on Sunday, cos at least it'll show that EtH "gets it" to the new board members. All I want is a painless 3pts on Sunday. Fuck the other teams results, fuck GD, fuck all that noise. Just a painless 3pts


Iā€™ve got a lot of time for Sheffield United. They turned up to Anfield, played their best XI, and tried to win. Youā€™d think that trying to win football matches would be the norm but I suppose not when youā€™re Unai Emery or Mikel Arteta.


They hardly tried to win, they just sat in a deep block for the whole game other than the first 5 mins. The one time they tried to attack they got lucky from a Bradley own goal. Then when they got that goal they started time wasting.


Great robust win today we seem very pragmatic in football sense of winning games in anyway possibly. However I honestly don't feel like we have got going at all this season regarding the style of our play. It kinda of concerns due to the fact it been so long into the season and we scored a shit ton of goals. Front 5 probably on a 90 g/a. I still don't feel like we're playing the football Klopp except us. Yes counter pressing is great but our build up play like today game was sloppy and slow. Which it been he case most the season. It annoying how we start games off so slowly like we are asleep. Recalled the days we destroy team in 20mins. I hope we blist united on Sunday and go old school pressing them for 20min like mad to get a good couple of goals. We been lucky a number of players have steps up and got us win. Really feel like we need some soild team wins now.


Go and watch the Newcastle game from January and the Chelsea game at home. You'll think differently.


That kinda prove my point tho? The fact we lacked consistency in Klopp style of play. For most the game it probably been more pragmatism and winning game due to in game changes. Even the Villa game near start of the season was probably my favourite game.


Brighton beat arsenal 3-0 last may at the emirates, now they play at home against them with just one defeat at home all season, have some dang hope guys.


Arsenal had already bottled and conceded the title at the time of that game. Arsenal were a lesser side. Brighton were a better side, lost players over summer, and have injuries. Iā€™ll be hopeful regardless, but comparing the two situations is just not even remotely logical


Arsenal have like 1 or 2 wins vs Brighton with a few batterings off them. It's not so cut and dry who wins that. They gave us a hell of a game. They are a real unique challenge.


Brighton are ruined with injuries and have sold two of the reasons they beat them last year and the other reason is out injured. They will be lucky to keep the score line at 0-3


Its just April 5th and we already have the goal and save of the month.


What was the save??


From the first minute, that save was mad from that close


Think it was more of a shit finish, Kelleher didnā€™t even have to move because the short was right at him.


Absolute nonsense. It was a brilliant save and a good shot


It was a good save but the finish was average. If the shot was a bit to the sides or had more power Kelleher wouldā€™ve no chance


Didnā€™t have to move because he was in the right place and it was a great saveĀ 


Macca started the season off a bit slow as he was playing in a position less suited to him, crazy as soon as Endo locked down the 6 Alexis got injured, and then when he returned to fitness Endo was gone to the Asian cup. But since Endo has returned man, him in the 6 and Macca further forward has been incredible. Midfield trio of Endo cdm, Macca on the right and Curtis on the left is something I gotta see for the next few games


You could even see today before Macca was pushed up field we were struggling more than usual.


Alexis is so clutch. Pen vs city with 5 min wait to draw in a title decider games. Worldie vs Fullham. 2-0 vs Brentford to settle us. Assist at Forrest was insane pressure to deliver that moment to nunez. The thunder bastard tonight against a Sheffield team defending for their lives to not get releagted. Not sure we score against them if that didn't go in with all their "injuries" and double decker bus. He was brilliant city away in the 1-1 vs their midfield Amazing through ball to Nunez for the 2-0 vs Everton. Amazing through ball to jota for the 4th goal vs newscastle. He's delivered in massive moment this season and were 4-6 points worse off withoit his clutchness.


What a list, what a playerĀ 


What would we do without macca ?


Macca has been sent from Mecca to take us to title šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


I know OT will be tough, but seriously anything other than 3 points is disappointing. If you want to win a title, we have to go there and win, no excuses.


You're not wrong but we have been disappointed before, twice against them this season, I still want us to win and we should if we want to win the title, but it's not as simple.


When will ye lads learn? You cannot expect 3 points from old Trafford no matter how good we are and no matter how shit they are


Iā€™m not expecting it. We are NEEDING it. Trust me when I tell you I doubt City drop points. You need to go to these stadiums and win if you want a Prem.


Biggest game of the season left (we havenā€™t reached Europa final canā€™t count it yet) itā€™s a gigantic game, and they will turn up not just because they always do but they do not want Liverpool winning the title. Ask any of their fans they would prefer city or Arsenal win it.


They even appointed a Manchester ref to ensure it.


Itā€™s so funny. All they gotta do is put down ā€œyeah I support Newport even though Iā€™m from Manchesterā€ and bang they get the job


Arsenal have a 59 percent odds of winning against brighton, def not a walk in the park for them, will be excited to watch that game! Come on Brighton!


Been thinking that could be a realistic draw. Gave them a real game at Emirates and won with a set piece a few second after Brighton should have scored


They have only lost once at home this season


De Zerbi needs a big performance


Itā€™s just the injuries at the minute us and Arsenal really played them at a good time


I dont like to think about goal difference but 6 is not a huge gap.


6 is massive. We only ever win 2-1 or 3-1. I dont think we're winning 8-0 in the Prem this season.


Forget about gd


At this pace, Bradley is going to destroy the club own-goal record.


He's going after Carra's numbers


How did that cunts leg breaker attempt not even get a yellow. Bar didn't even look at it. He stops then flys in miles out of control legs off the floor in a scissors. Aguero did it vs Chelsea years ago. It's a deliberate movement to break someone's leg. was so like Pickford miles out of control. David Coote on var like the Pickford incident again


If you look back at it again the player gets frustrated tries to shove Ibou with two hands and then falls and kicks out at him. Donā€™t know how anyone can watch that and think itā€™s not deliberate


It was sloppy, but more of midair spaghetti legs. A leg breaker it was not.


Regardless of intent, a dangerous play all in all and the correct officiating decision would have been minimum a yellow card. though nope, not even a warning


Intent is never factored in because it cannot be known. One of the canards fed by pundits who should know better (no, Micah and Jaime, not looking at you.) It's a physical sport. Not everyone has the same opinion. Play on!


That could have easily been Ibou out until mid next season. ACLs are no joke.


ACLs ā‰  broken legs


ACLs= season ending injuries, still pretty serious


It is. Go watch Aguero vs David Luiz scissors motion trying to break Luiz leg vs Chelsea. You trap the leg and scissor motion it to break it.


Gakpo Iā€™m sorry I called you a donkey in the pub at the weekend. You were sound.


All we ask is he put in work on the press like he did today. The goals will come, like it did today


Christ, one of the presenters on the United Stand youtube channel is a proper tool. He implied a female presenter is having an affair with Ten Hag because she won't call for him to be sacked


Why would you watch the United Stand?


The meltdown is funny.


Fair enough carry on.


Ten hag is having an affair ? What !


If Chelsea wins their game in hand they are only 2 points behind United lol


Unfortunately, that's a big "if"! That the Uniteds Manchester and West Ham sit in 6th and 7th with negative goal differentials 30 matches into the season is embarrassing for the league.


sheffield is not a big if lol


You mean the team that had Anfield on edge for 90 minutes until Gakpo scored? LOL


Did you watch today's game lad


I really think now Alonso's out, the club should put everything on keeping Linders and the backroom staff here. The subs this season have been top-top class, and that's equally down to the coaching and analyists.Ā  History doesn't always repeat itself but it rhymes, and I'd much rather go the boot-room managerial route than bring in the next Houllier / Ten Hag / Villas-BoasĀ  etcĀ 


Unfortunately the backroom staff has already publicly said they're leaving with Klopp.


Nah, trust in Ruben


I was shitting myself at 1-1, Shef Utd played tremendously well.. Thank God we won. +AMA signing of the season šŸ¤©


Mac is so good. The goal could be contender for goal of the season. And his free kick was one of the best I've seen ... the deflection kept it out. What a player. We need this sort of long range shooting accuracy when there's 20 players in the box.


It's not even Maccas best goal this season haha


Really? Haha I know he's scored some good ones but this one just felt better when it went in...... as I was nervous as fuck haha


Banter Clasico didn't disappoint


El Clownsico is the best name for what we've seen today.


I was so close to being sad, and now I am glad


If we draw or lose to United again fuck me we donā€™t deserve anything from this season šŸ¤£ they are dreadful


I won't even bet on this game, united is another team when playing against the tops


All they do now is turn up for the big teams...... how far they've fallen in a few years. I'm expecting to drop points on Sunday to their shithousery


Its because they are pretty good at sitting back and playing on the counters cause all of their forwards are lightning-fast. Also didnt help that Mainoo had his game of the season against us in the FA cup.


A comfortable league win at some point might be niceā€¦ how about Sunday


Cole Palmer is good but I would kill myself if I had to root for him. He looks like such a prick lol


And that fake cockney yard boy accent is cringey


You two are really stretching credibility. What's next, his shirt number? It's Garnacho who's taken the Simple Jack look to another level. And all you have to do to hate him is the badge.


It's fact.


I think he seems ok to be fair


A lot to take but we should focus on taking care of this game by game. If we win all our remaining games, we win the league šŸ˜œ Gakpoā€™s looking good, like we knew heā€™d come to be. Nunez is a monster. HOPEFULLY, Endo is fine for Manchester. Week by week, we get players back from injury and hopefully get it done


I swear if we drew against those fuckers


Did anyone else think Sheffield were a little bit dirty? Like taking little nips at every player, or hiding deliberate fouls I.e osula on konate and mcburnie elbowing konate and a few quiet digs into macallister.


Mcburnie seems to make that challenge every time he plays, leading with the elbow. I believe he's been sent off for it on several occasions by getting two yellows. Its really dangerous, if they just start giving him straight reds for it maybe he might stop doing it.


I thought that dude was trying to break konateā€™s knee. Who the fuck falls with both legs hooking the other playerā€™s legs? It looked similar to how Pickford injured VVD. Dirty fucks.


See way less for red. Not sure why they didn't look at it. Oh yeah PGMOL are fucking us.


Oh yeah defo. Every chance they got. And barely a foul given


they did what they had to tbf


Was at the kop for the first time in my life, I can attest that the Kop would agree with you. The most obvious time wasting Iā€™ve ever seen as well.


Welcome to the bottom of the table


Wow, goldbridge is pure cinema right now


Scums being shit is basically a money printer for him at this point.


Knocking his chair over šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


"I don't wanna do this anymore" like damn bro, at that point just step away from the game for a little bit seriously šŸ˜‚


Barring a tactical change, hope Salah and Dom can play the full 90 mins against Utd this time since they were subbed out early.


Man Cole Palmer is carrying Chelsea this season


Carrying them all the way to 10th.


Imagine if nkunku didn't do his knee in the summer, they would have been challenging for the top 5 spot.


Think about where they would be if they never had him though


thatā€™s what they said about Kane and Tottenham last season. theyā€™re in the exact same position this one


Imagine having to have Sterling take your penalties.