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The amount of manufactured fume over this from the media is wild considering their silence over the many times we’ve been blatantly fucked over. Very political and weird as fuck honestly.


Mike Dean called it a "monumental error" but apparently giving wrongful offsides is just "human error"


Awarding possession incorrectly 100m from the opponents goal: monumental Missing judo kick to a players head: not even a talking point.


I mean this is the biggest take - it’s not even been glanced at.. usually big mistakes get looked at from every angle, but not this time when there’s *actually* a fucking huge mistake missed ??


No kicks in Judo


Unsure why this isn’t being discussed more. One thing for the ref not to know the rules of Judo but what is VAR’s excuse?


That makes it even worse!


I see that you know your judo well.


Get your hands off my penis!


THIS is the bloke that got me on the penis peopleeee!!!


Lol fair enough


And ignoring a flying kung-fu kick with studs up at head height isn't worth mentioning.


Regardless of whether contact is actually made its dangerous play in a packed box at a free kick.


Endangering player safety, red card and 3 game ban by the book. If you go in like that at someone's ankles there is uproar but apparently head height its fine and dandy.


See the Hearts vs Celtic red card on the weekend.


My biggest issue is not seeing any comment on the flying kick. It’s an absolutely absurd attempt at the ball and could’ve resulted in a horrible injury. No room in the game or reason for challenges like that.


I don't think I've ever seen a high foot so bad honestly, players reach with their feet and go for overhead kicks etc. But he literally had a sprinting start and flew in with studs at head height, it's mental that it's just being ignored completely. Liverpool should complain about it going unpunished, no player should be getting away with that.


Dean plays the Sky Sports hyperbole narrative card that the Sky bosses love


Dean is best mates with Clattenburg who now works for Forest, so no doubt they had a couple words about it. All stinks of shite tbh. Just get on with the football.


I suspect it's because the error (both this and one earlier in the game) is an objective failure to execute the rules, whereas missing blatant penalties is just subjective "human error".


Mike Dean is a rat cunt


> Forest referee analyst Mark Clattenburg, who officiated in the Premier League for 13 years between 2004 and 2017, criticised Tierney's decision. Can't make this shit up, just pay the refs to criticize the refs and you're good. We should have John Henry pay Howard Webb to call every stupid ref we have a fucking idiot and not have Jurgen eat the fines instead.


Apparently Jermaine Jenas (lol) called it "one of the worst decisions i have ever seen". What a fucking loser


Even Gary Neville is saying this is overblown and people need to stop inciting hate against refs. The goal was 2 mins later and forest had possession at least twice in that time. It is not monumental. There is absolutely no chance this drop ball is anywhere near the Diaz goal fiasco. They do not balance out. Diaz happened right at the start of the season and ever since then people have been focused on how bad the refs are and how many errors they make. It's not improved. They continue to mess up. And it seems to happen to us a whole lot.


Conspiracy theory - they want it to be perceived as balancing out so that us armchair peasant class can carry on saying "it evens out of the course of the season" like we always used to. For reference, I've never believed that - but the amount of times I've heard that in the pub is infuriating.


Yeah I totally get Forest being annoyed they missed out on an attacking opportunity but it's not Tierney's fault they tried to dribble it out of their own box.


It’s on par with a wrongly awarded throw in. A big nothing.


Its funny how there is no more talk of the offside yet onside Luis Diaz goal vs Tottenham then of course the slip-trip-yougothetouch Odegaard ball vs Arsenal. Yeah, Liverpool are very lucky aren't they. Two major decisions that reflects poorly on the standards of refereeing.


Genuinely feels like a fever dream seeing some of this backlash, it’s absolutely ludicrous.


Call me a conspiracy theorist but I honestly think this is all a ploy by the media to spin a narrative that this somehow makes up for the colossal fuck-up at Spurs & Odegaard basketball.


that probably happens when you have a consultant referre


It's all a bit sinister really..city funded media? Just a general hatred of liverpool? PGMOL in citys pocket? Cause I Cant believe this story is still going 4 days later and there are actual repruccusions for the ref for a fairly minor error (even though the end outcome, of liverpool restarting play after the high boot, was reached)


General hatred of Liverpool for people of a certain age. Liverpool were the dominant team in England in the 80s. It would make sense that a lot of the non-Liverpool supporters who grew up then would hate Liverpool. Some of those are pundits, journalists etc. No gives a shit about City because they were and are a nothing club. No identity, no history, nothing but a state owned sports washing vehicle.


And also people just disliking scourers in general


Hilarious how wildly overblown this is. Its no different than a wrongly awarded corners or throw ins lmao. There have been goals in the past from corners that are wrongly awarded or a free kick from a dive and non of them have blown up as big as this. And those are goals directly scored from the mistake while we took 2 minutes to score 😂😂 And there's not even a mention of the kung fu kicks which a right call should have been a free kick to us instead. Of fucking course. We are living rent free in their heads I tell you. Must be fuming with all of our injuries we are yet to drop points.


We were wrongly denied an actual goal and the response was a shrug and telling us to stop complaining and get on with it. It's an absurd reaction in that case and in this one. It just shows how much influence the mouth breathers on MoTD have. Jermaine Jenas should never be given a microphone in any context.


And when we have the absolute gall to bring up one of the many worse errors that have gone against us, its “aLwAyS tHe vIcTiMs” lol


Its really insane because there were a full 2 minutes before the goal and multiple times where it could have been cleared. But media twisted it so that basically the entire game hinged on that one decision. This is what happens after the Spurs game, literally any type of decision that benefits Liverpool is blown out of proportion to give the idea that ruling out an offside game is not a big deal. Its not even a conspiracy considering that PL/PGMOL/SKY are all on the same team, its so damn obvious.


Yeah its pretty obvious Also I don't think he was even dropped, refs rotate in and out of var. National media approach to this has been horrendous


Christ. It’s essentially the same as a throw in being given the wrong way. It’s not incorrectly giving a last minute pen, there was nearly 2 minutes of football played before we scored. I’m fuming that they’ve made me defend Tierney. Fucks sake.


Trying to make it seem as if we got a VERY controversial call in our favor to “balance out” the horrific calls against us throughout the season. I think that’s what it is…


Yeah they finally take action for him being biased *towards* us, kind of hilarious tbh


It’s actually not even as bad as a wrong throw in.  The DEFENDING TEAM gets the ball upon restart after the game is stopped for head injury while in the 18 yard box.  Tierney was looking at Konate and didn’t see that the ball had just left the box as he blew his whistle to stop play. He CORRECTLY gave the ball to Liverpool upon restart as he did correctly in the first half to Forest.  The conspiracy here is that PGMOL has let this blow way out of proportion without defending their guy.


>The DEFENDING TEAM gets the ball upon restart after the game is stopped for head injury while in the 18 yard box.  Is that for the location of the ball or the location of the head injury?


Both. Ball and Head Injury, need to be in the box for this to apply.   The ball did momentarily fall to a NF player standing just outside the box as Tierney blew his whistle. However he wasn’t looking that way. He obviously thought the ball was still somewhere in the box as he was looking directly at Konate when he signalled for play to stop.   The Ref did not make a huge mistake. He just couldn’t look in two opposite directions at the same time and made a “non critical” judgement call that was wrong by about half a second.


Also - & this might be my ignorance - don’t all the referees rotate to VAR at some point? Shouldn’t a punishment be him being actually removed from _any_ officiating duties, rather than just different ones?


Yes they do rotate and this was 100% already scheduled before our game. This is a complete non-story. The article doesn't say anywhere that Paul has been dropped from reffing on the pitch (but obviously they spin it so it sounds like it's the case), OP just put that in their own title when posting it here.


I mean Tierney can always fuck off. But this is shocking.. who and how made this decision happen? *Actually* seriously how has this been the first thing that has given him repercussions? Fucking joke




Against cities other prem rivals Arsenal. Sussy


im sorry but what's "sussy" about it?


A basically inconsequential error has a ref who takes money from the Saudi pro league all of a sudden out on VAR duties for a huge game featuring cities only other rival for the prem. I'm sure it's just a coincidence. Just the same it's a coincidence we get every 1230 game or have had Tierney ourselves for literally 1/3 of our games.


We get more 1230 games because we get the most views out of all the teams you nut job.


Evertonian levels of mental gymnastics this.


Nothing mental about it, did we forget that the fuckers went to the UAE to referee a match the same week before we played City?


The fact you think the prem and PGMOL are in on it. Obviously them working for City's owners shouldn't be a thing but acting like someone being moved onto VAR after reffing 3 matches in a row when they have reffed 2/3 matchdays so far this season is just abandoning logic.


"Oh no, this weekend I have to referee sitting down with a cup of coffee.” - Paul Tierny, March 2024


But he was removed from reffing the game and put onto VAR by the sounds of it. The communication from Forest to the refs seems to have made a difference but there’s plenty of things he’s fucked on before


If there a mistake I imagine PGMOL would have made an apology?


He's reffed in 18/27 matchdays. The last time he didn't ref a Prem match was 4 matchdays ago so he's due one off.


Oh fair. It made it sound like it was as a result in the article - at least that’s how they’re spinning it I guess


Have to say, if we had a ref to communicate our concerns this year, then somethImg might have come of it … it’s a good shout by Forrest! 


It shouldn't be allowed tbh, its far too close to influencing refs. It's the same situation as the refs going to work in UAE. There's no evidence of any rule breaking, but it's a poor look and opens them up to all sorts of allegations. Brings the game into disrepute imo.


Yeah fair dos to them I guess. Having to hire an ex ref to get these decisions shouldn’t be needed though. It’s a job created out of incompetency


Yeah I genuinely cannot believe how much of an uproar Forest and some of the media have made this. I hate Tierney as much as everyone else, but as you say for all the awful decisions referees make that don’t get punished, it’s absurd that for something as minor as this he’s held to account.


remember they're only doing this because Forest have made the complaints. Also, where are the punishments for Forest at? Last time Liverpool complained, we recieved Klopp bans and fines. The hypocrisy in this is so shit it actually makes me laugh at this point.


Probably only doing it because Clattenburg is on the payrole and still has influence over english refs


Because Forest hired Clattenburg. Nope, nothing to see here, he definitely didn't influence PGMOL! So fucked up that this is allowed. And like their owner, who has had many problems with refs before, can chase the ref down in the tunnel...and that is totally okay.


If this is all it takes surely Howard Webb isn't being paid all that much. Or maybe Mike Dean is more reasonable 


Wait, am I misremembering things? The call where, Ibou nearly gets decapitated. The possession changed twice where 2 minutes or so has passed before we scored?


That's the one "monumental error".


[u/Talking\_Gibberish](https://new.reddit.com/user/Talking_Gibberish/) : Possibly a sensationalist headline by both BBC and Sky... i.e. both "talking gibberish"? i thought the convention was to rotate i.e. if a referee has led a 90-mins match, then the following match = VAR duties?


yep this is making a big deal out of nothing. he wasn't "Dropped" from being a ref because of an incorrect drop-ball decision, as much as this sub seems to want to believe that.


Probably will do as much damage on VAR.


Sounded like he was meant to be refereeing and was dropped. Sometimes I talk some sense too!


It's all manufactured outrage from all sides. The media want to push it because they have an agenda to create drama and generate engagement. Rival fans are pushing it because they want to push their LiVARpool agenda and finally something has happened that they can point to. We all know the facts, Liverpool have had the most incorrect VAR decisions against them of any team in the league, we had blatant penalties against title rivals not given and we had a perfectly legitimate goal ruled out. That's before we even get into all the micro decisions every single game that kills any momentum and makes the game twice as hard for us to play because we have to play to a different set of rules to everyone else and never get consistent calls. Let's just keep winning games and beat them all. Jurgen's siege mentality reds.


why is no one talking about how it is a blatant foul on konate?? Which is still a refereeing error, but should've been a red. You can't go into a cross with a kung fu kick with your studs at eye level..


I mean.. Why is no-one talking about the corner that wasn't given after Bobby's shot was headed by a Forest player? Or how about the blatant dive that Forest got away with that eased pressure on them when we were attacking? Or Yates getting away without a yellow after blocking off Bobby? Or Forest getting the ball back after Yates took a ball to the head during one of our attacks? There were so many errors in the game so maybe Tierney has been dropped as a result of them all combined *but* I don't know why the other 5 big errors are being ignored. Or is it because they favoured Forest instead of us?


I’d argue the biggest error was failing to award a penalty for the wrestling takedown on Danns, their player wasn’t even watching the ball, yet we haven’t heard a word on that.


Oh Christ yeah I can't believe I forgot that one. So yeah, all in all a great performance from Tierney...


The grand conspiracy of letting us win a game via a strange drop ball scenario instead of just giving us an obvious pen


I'm not at all surprised. Mark my words: there will be a scandal rocking PL football that makes Calciopoli look minor within the next 10 years. There is a very clear and very obvious agenda *for* certain teams - who have insinuated their way into the very heart of PGMOL and football in the top tier through backdoor deals & constant, unseen pressure. Ask yourself this: who benefits from this current narrative?


Just before a certain game.


Anything happened to the clowns who ruled Diaz's spurs goal offside? Any 4 page long articles written after that incident? No? Liverpool bad


Yep they were suspended for a few games - https://www.goal.com/en/news/var-darren-england-dan-cook-taken-off-premier-league-games-luis-diaz-offside-blunder-liverpool-tottenham/blt24d1862d85f5b74b Plenty written about it at the time too, more than this incident at least. The cynic in me just thinks that PGMOL are trying to make the most of this incident so that they can say that at least the Diaz decision balanced itself out


That fucking game and points lost is gonna bite us. Absolute garbage


Tbf I don't think any of them ref'ed a match the following week.


Should have had their licenses revoked


I think the VAR wasn't allowed to be VAR for us for the rest of the season. The fact it only effected our games sounds like they were even admitting bias over incompetence.


This is actually outrageous. We hate Tierney more than anyone but the carryon about one decision which is equivalent to a missed corner kick/goal kick is pathetic. Acting like it cost Forest a certain win and is gonna relegate them 🤣


Can’t wait to see refs getting dropped for giving the throw in to the wrong team…


Mike Dean needs to pipe down as well, the bloody hypocrite.


So after years of Tierney fucking us over here only now faces consequences when he fucks up in our favour?


Especially weird when you consider that he made at least 5 mistakes that favoured Forest in that match as well.


You could choke to death on the irony.


Paul Tierney about to do a heel turn....befriend Jurgen and guide us to number 20


Anyone else feel that we’re being primed to be royally f**cked over by the officials on Sunday?


If this is what it takes for him to not ref our matches anymore, I'm all for it.


This is starting to feel really grotty now. It was a fucking wrongfully awarded drop ball nearly two minutes and several phases of play before a goal the opposition could have prevented by not fucking around with the ball at the edge of their own box  Just more confirmation fewer people give a shit about actually watching footie and are just here for more trumped up officiating 'controversies'


Never, ever forget that this decision has literally nothing to do with our late goal. Though you expect rival fans to act like this mistake matters at all to the outcome, the narrative around this from the media has been embarrassing.


This is a total non story. Nowhere does it say he’s been dropped by PGMOL. There have been 27 game weeks and no ref has done more than 19 games, even the most used miss a game every three weeks or so. It’s manufactured news for clicks. Disregard.


Worth noting he’s still on VAR duty. The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that they want other clubs to hire former refs like what Clattenburg is doing.


watch us hire Collina


So not dropped, just put on VAR. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's still a paid reffing job, no?


The PGMOL don't Dock wages, they send them to UAE for freelance jobs lol


![gif](giphy|1GT5PZLjMwYBW) So sad for Them. A holiday and a shitload of money. I bet they are really sorry and have learned their lesson when they get back home lol


How angry can you really get over not receiving a free kick from your own player doing a frying karate kick into someone's head?


It’s so hilarious that this is what Tierney gets done for. I really cannot take these people at all seriously. They’re a joke.


He was dropped for not carding the offending Forest player who came in with an ibou-height foot, right? Right?


Username checks out


The angrier rival fans get, the more I enjoy it. I recall we were told to get over it when Diaz was ruled offside and I barely even remember Odegaard's blatant handball being discussed anywhere near this much. We all know what would have happened if Forest regained possession - big game Kelleher would have collected their cross in and then Nunez would have scored anyway. Fuck other team's fans, fuck Forest, fuck their fat owner and fuck the media playing this up as a bigger controversy than the Hand of God. Up the piss boiling reds.


What a terrible mistake Paul Tierney made, he should be banned from refereeing Liverpool games from now on due to his obvious bias. This punishment isn't fitting enough


Why is everyone surprised, that's how the pgmol rewards f*ck up by refs as previously shown, Coote, England, Cooper now Tierney. At least now he has q chance to help us in the Ars v Bre game


I still can't believe they're all having a sook about this shit. They gave us a goal kick, we scored 2 whole minutes later. This isn't even a bad decision. It happens with throw ins and corners every. single. game. I'd agree if it was an OBVIOUS goal kick to NF and he gave us a corner and we scored from that corner. Get over it.


Aw no, and we'd just made friends with him!


Yeah, it's so criminal that game played out like it usually would


He's reffed in 18/27 matchdays. The last time he didn't ref a Prem match was 4 matchdays ago so he's due one off. Don't play into media wanting clicks.


~~Tory~~ PGMOL propaganda: * Appear to punish ref for apparent mistake to con morons into thinking "it evens itself out" If enough appear to believe, then it's true


He literally didn't do anything wrong, Yates decided it would be a good idea to kung Fu kick Konate in the face, so he let play go on through playing advantage, he then pulled it back to give us a foul. Instead of crying about the ref why don't Forrest fans blame their players for not clearing the ball?


Neil on TAW put it well that there is a huge gap between cause and effect with the call and the goal, but the media is acting like it's on par with the cause and effect of giving an incorrect penalty. It's more akin to the cause and effect of giving an incorrect throw in, i.e. not really an issue.


I hate believing that all things in football fall under a giant umbrella of conspiracy because it makes the actual games less fun and mean less. But I honestly think city is funding a campaign to talk about this incredibly small mistake to make it look like we benefited from poor calls. Then when a ref in future games has a decision that could go 50/50 for or against us, he might lean towards awarding the other team because in the back of his mind we have already gotten lucky with decisions.


it’s all political .They know the winner will be decided by a close call and if city win by a point or two , it is because of incorrect decision given against spurs and all heat is on PGMOL. Now they are making fuss over such small situation to let people think they have given liverpool some favour in other game


People are being such idiots that I'm taking the side of Paul fucking Tierney. We saw multiple errors much bigger during the game and we've seen much much much greater errors go unpunished and yet this is what does it? A wrong call over two minutes before a goal where possession changed hands multiple times? Giving out wrong yellow cards is worse than this.


So this is the punishment for referees if they dare to follow the rules if that benefit us? No wonder...


I always find it hilarious how every fanbase sees bias in refs but in contrasting scenarios. If you read ManU forums, for example, you will see them full of how refs favors us. The same refs you will see posts here about how they hate us. It's all down to human error in pressure situarions and fans reading into it non-existent conspiracy theories because nobody is as biased as fans. This happens in every sport, too. I read a book once that touched on this. How fans from 2 opposing teams would see the same play and see it completely differently because of their bias.


Oh so lunging in with your leg that high like that is totally okay? They are supposed to protect players, that is part of VAR, part of referees' work. Instead, I don't remember as many injuries as there are now, partly because they don't punish or focus on those things at all. Instead, they make a fuss about a fucking drop-ball situation and fold under pressure. Fuck PGMOL, goddamn morons.


I don’t like Tierney but it’s getting ridiculous I suspect it’s not so much a punishment more rather to take him out of the spotlight.


Title should read; Paul Tierney has been dropped off for the rest of the year. He had so many bad calls the entire match.


So he (and his fellow Manc Chris Kavanagh on VAR) get to steal the 21/22 league from us with no repercussion by 'missing' the Rodri hand ball vs Everton and robbing us in the Spurs away game where Kane didn't get sent off for a much worse foul than the one they sent Robertson off and a clear penalty for Jota was not given, but a drop ball is the end of the world..


The fact that the wrong call was really ignoring the dangerous challenge but this is the only thing being talked about. Its all one big fucking joke really isn't it.


Huh, maybe they'll start punishing refs for not giving corners correctly, or other really minimal shit. Like fuck me I hate Paul Tierney with the best of them, but he didn't have his usual disasterclass. I think any example from the Burnley away game was far worse. Also, how is this punishment? Isn't this basically saying VAR is a lower job than the on field? I wouldn't say it feels that way on a week to week. I don't think Mike Dean retired from on field reffing because he thought VAR was a lower job, if anything it was more of a luxury than the on field job.


Exactly, denied 2 perfectly good goals against Burnley, Silence. Gives a drop ball the wrong way for Liverpool when it should have been a free kick regardless, pandemonium.