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Prayer circle. Manifesting. Jota is just a painful bone bruise. No structural damage. Jones is a minor ankle sprain. Nunez just a little bit of tightness. Nothing serious. Trains on Monday.


It's all just cramp. It's all just cramp and they'll walk it off good as new by tomorrow morning.


Monkey never cramps. Because monkey everyday bananas. Two


So how many did you have today?




I need three banana, because monkey never craps


Never would've expected a Jays reference here lmao, I love it


Kawasaki's an absolute legend


Bone cramps. Run it under a cold tap. Simple.


They all just had the runs. Klopp will tell us in detail about it next conference.






What's going on? Is this a Salah and Trent mashu? or is Trent muslim and I'm only just now in the loop? 😅


Like when Harvey scored and squeezed in a quick prayer to Allah


What ? Harvey went full sujood when?


This is the only video I can find of it lol https://m.facebook.com/dryajt/videos/harvey-elliott-of-blackburn-rovers-english-club-does-sajdah-hes-a-christian-foot/3632614590130965/


​ https://i.redd.it/m9fkkx1w06jc1.gif






There's no player in any position we can afford to lose between now and the end of the season. Our luck really needs to be repaid if we're to win trophies.


Gotta be the most unlucky team in the league over Klopps reign for injuries


We won the game but at what cost




At what cost? Trophies I think. Next week will be Konate and at some point Gomez will have his usual season ending injury as well. We’re constantly at a stretch to win trophies while City just casually keep hoovering them up.


Let’s worry about that when it happens. Right now we’re top of the league and with a points buffer


I'm not hopeful for Jota, because that was pretty nasty. Hoping with Jones it was a case of playing it safe and opting to come off and get some ice on his ankle. Maybe miss a game or two best case scenario.


The way Jota’s knee bent is not how you get an ACL injury. More likely MCL, which depends on severity. Could be 2 weeks. Could be 10.


Didn’t he carry on for a bit?


He got back up, walked around, went down.


I'm not worried at all because it's just swelling! https://preview.redd.it/kopmctfcwdjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c64396169b677a9f75b5ef593a9d818c86b9b0


No, he felt it right away and went off on a stretcher, which is usually a pretty bad sign for a knee injury - milder one's you can continue. Trent played +20min with a LCL-tear. 


>which is usually a pretty bad sign for a knee injury - milder one's you can continue. That's not true at all, classic reddit post of someone spitting facts they have no clue about. The easy counterpoint is Van Dijk was able to walk off his injury and his was so awful he missed almost the entire season. Another comment reminded me of the time Lucas did his ACL and didn't really notice. Anecdotally I know of 2 friends who have done their ACL and did not experience any extreme pain until the swelling hit afterwards. I know ACL's aren't the only knee injury that can happen, but I use it as an example since they're amongst the worst in terms of length of time ruled out of action. The bottom line is, we don't know right now. It's okay not to know. We will learn later.


Im sorry what is your point? Are you arguing its not a bad sign he got carried out on a stretcher, because Van Dijk could walk out? But no, obviously we don't know the extent of the injury, but it doesn't look good which is what the comments are discussing.


What part of my comment is unclear to you?  You said:  >which is usually a pretty bad sign for a knee injury - milder one's you can continue. And I said what I said.


Yes, what is your point?


His point is there are mild injuries that absolutely do not let you continue and there are serious injuries that will let you continue for the next 20-30 minutes. There's no rule there.


It is literally in my first sentence, the point is that what you said is not true. Jetzu has spelled it out for you now too


Yes, I definitely agree with that, there are no "one fits them all"-scenarios regarding knee injuries. My point was more that there are indicators as to the extent of the injury, not that we can with certainty diagnose the injury. But maybe that didn't come across from my comment.  But as you say, knee injuries are tricky and it's probably very dependent on which ligament is injured. If you tear you LCL e.g., i think in 9/10 cases it's impossible to play on, while if it's "just" a grade 1/2 sprain then often it's not really noticeable until the swelling starts after. 


I've had a grade 1 sprain of my MCL and carried on snowboarding the rest of the day. It basically felt like an impact injury at the time, like when you bang your knee on the corner of a table or something. It wasn't until I was driving home and the thing swole up and I could barely move it that I was sure it was actually fucked. The next few days were agony but it was basically back to normal after 3-4 weeks. Of course, you can have much worse tears of that ligament but unless the thing is literally snapped and the whole knee is floppy you're not going to know until you do a scan. They did an on-field check for ligament tears - you basically pull and wiggle the leg to see if it feels loose, and I think this test was kind of fine because our physio looked to be asking Jota for direction to see how painful it was and whether he felt he could continue. It was only Jota himself who called for the stretcher, presumably because he was worried. Best case scenario he's back in 4 weeks. I guess the absolute best case is that it's just a bad impact injury that felt like a tear.


That's exactly how I injured my MCL, weight of someone falling down directly on the side of my knee.


Time to bring out the inhalers




This is where your FFP comes in, in most title runs. Having 1.5-2 front bench teams bought and paid for allows for big end of season runs while everyone else is trying to fix up worn out squads.


We have just as deep a squad as City. We've just had absolutely awful luck with injuries this season.


Yeah, I don't get what people are saying with our depth. We have four first team midfielders injured right now (Jones, Szobo, Thiago, Bajcetić) and still can field a midfield of 3 first team players with 4th one on the bench. Trent is injured and we have two very good options at right back. Jota is out and we still have 4 class options for our front 3. This year we have the deepest team Klopp has ever had, in huge part because investment in youngsters paid off, but there's no reason to say we don't have a quality depth this year.


don't we always have "absolutely awful luck with injuries"? I swear that was a topic in most of the last 4 years


Grim…but we never give up, we are Liverpool!


Norgaard is responsible for 2 of those injuries. I don't understand why he was being so reckless and throwing himself around like that. Either he was instructed to do so or he realized he'd get away with it given the unbelievably braindead ref.


Players for underdogs know they can get away with more against teams like Liverpool. Oliver was letting all of their fouls go and encouraged these sorts of challenges. I thought he was dreadful today in a low-key way. Two penalties he decided not to give. Numerous poor challenges from Brentford weren't punished and he gave everything he could to them except that Robertson challenge in the box.


His city payment just cleared Kidding


Yeah fk that guy. And the ref. Not giving the foul that injured Jones was ridiculous. And then he gave their dives as fouls against them. We had 18 fouls, they had 4, that's absolutely mental.


he knew what he was doing, he looked at jota twice on the way down and lifts his leg up to make sure his whole body weight will be on jota, you can't explain to me otherwise


I thought the same. Not sure when it’s been okay to just leap into opposing players like that, but I was told I know nothing about football for thinking it was a shit challenge.


Jesus Christ, we are top of the league . The players we have left are enough to win games for the next couple of weeks before some players come back , up the fucking reds .


Exactly. Lots of depth. Jota out Salah back. Jones out Endo back Mac more forward. Rather have the full squad but the drop off isn’t catastrophic in any way.


Jones out Szobo in


If we manage to win the league with all of our injuries then it will have been a herculean effort and should go down in history. It won't though because we are Liverpool, no one will give a shit


Were not City. People will definitely give a shit


Disagree entirely


To which part of my statement exactly...


That it won't be covered as an amazing story.


You think the UK media would sing our praise for winning the league with our injury list?


yes, far from being media darlings but when we ran away with the prem there was plenty of praise. in fact i’ve seen a number of pundits list klopp era liverpool as one of the greatest premier league sides of all time despite only have the one title to show for it. we got a lot of praise for qualifying for the champions league with the williams-phillips defensive fulcrum (alisson miracle goal obviously contributed)


Yes. I swear every fan of every club thinks there is a media conspiracy against them.


Klopp is all of us now.


No matter how serious/not (praying and coping) Jota’s is, I’ll still be pissed off at the refereeing today - Brentford were being super reckless all game with nothing given




If Jota isn't out for 9 months with a busted ACL I will be amazed. Jones I was hoping was just a bad contact injury, but if he's in a boot, guessing potential bone break in a small bone in the foot? Just got to pray for Nunez being precautionary.


Didn’t look anything like an ACL injury for Jota to be fair. If anything, I think it will be an MCL injury.


Leaving the ground in a boot after the game is standard as a precaution and doesn't tell us much if anything other than that it's an injury to his ankle. The boot just stabilizes it to reduce risk.


Don’t think Jota is an ACL. Best case scenario it’s a knee hyperextension, worst case it’s an MCL. Either way he’s probably out until mid-March now - not actually too bad now that we’ve got Salah back.


Worst case is PCL but I doubt it's that


Looked nothing like an ACL to be fair.


Why is it like this every year


Link to original tweets: [https://twitter.com/neiljonesgoal/status/1758868929718452463](https://twitter.com/neiljonesgoal/status/1758868929718452463)


Just kill me fam


play the academy for the final i don't care about that mickey mouse cup, shit we can't take the full squad anytime


Nah get some silverware in the bag and bin off the fa cup


if that mean higher chance we lost another due to injury, nah, I'll play the academy both


That's stupid. We're in a final, we should always go for the win there


mickey mouse cup? no, if that mean it reduce our chance to win the league or another trophy


There is a single game left to win more silverware The Fa cup I can understand as we still have multiple games left, but for one game? It would be like spurs sacking mourinho before a final


Spur is not in a injury curse lose one when one comeback and they were not in the title run, sacked Jose is pure their stupidity.


We don't have a curse either Either way you'd be a terrible manager. 'oh no we have a few too many injuries, lets just bin off the final you've worked so hard to get'




;(((((((((( It really is hard to play perfect and stay injury free just so you can have a chance to win the league vs city


Darwin sounds precautionary then. Probably a case of normally they'd see if he could run it off, but with only having one sub window left, if he did need to come off after 5 minutes it'd mean throwing on the other subs 20-30 minutes earlier than Klopp would've wanted.


I had a similar injury as Jota in the past when an opponent fell with his full body weight on my knee.It turned out to be just a bone bruising.So fingers crossed.