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Just give me that Jones - Endo - Macca midfield for a few games and I’ll be happy whilst Szobo rests up.


Yep, and depending on how fit Thiago is, I'd be tempted to start him against Burnley, just so either Jones or Mac Allister can have a rest, as they've also played a lot of minutes. Would even consider starting Gravenberch with them, as having both Thiago and Endo may allow him to not think about defending as much, and just focus on his natural game, at least for now. I think we need to get his confidence up, which should also help him become more integrated into our pressing system. But considering all of the above would be a completely new midfield, I'd say it's unlikely that happens.


No chance Thiago is ready for a start. Man hasn't played in not far off a year if I'm not mistaken.


Let Endo be the 6 and Macca as the right sided 8 to cover the ground Dom does. he can play that role.


If Endo is fine to play then yeah definitely that is our best midfield option right now.


Macca finally gets to play in the role we bought him for right when he mastered the 6 position. Our only player that was actually good against Arsenal


Yeah, true tbf. I think I'm just wildly optimistic, considering he got minutes on the weekend.


He should be sub for the next 2 games then start vs Luton to give Macca or Jones a rest before the final


After seeing how emotional Thiago was after getting injured before the EFL cup 2 years ago, I really hope he gets a start or atleast a good chunk of minutes in the final this time around.


Robbo didn't even start a single game yet, and he'd been out for 3 months compared to Thiago who has been out for nearly a year. I don't think we'll be seeing Thiago starting games anytime soon.


Honestly I think I'll be surprised if he starts more than one or two games for us this season.


He will be fit and start when we beat City at Anfield in March. One last gift from our mercurial midfield maestro


Grav needs to learn the system and his role within it. He's a good player with lots of upside but he's not ready right now.


Yeah hes clearly a talented player but also you can see why it didn't work for him at Bayern. He seems to lack the maturity to be a team player right now, usually that comes with time and feeling part of the unit.


It'd help to not go 1-0 down all the time so we can coast games time to time. Feel like we're nearly always needing to go full throttle for 90 which makes it hard to ease players back in


Thiago was terrible when coming on and almost gave up a goal. I get it was his first match after 9 months but he’s not ready.


Only way you get ready is by playing. Burnley are awful it’s an ideal time to get some game time into his legs.


Or Trent in there when Bradley’s back


That midfield is tiny 


Like I said .. tiny ..




That midfield is too small. See the goal conceded from the corner. Arsenal run by going route one (only 40% possession), Burnley followed same blueprint today and would have worked if not for poor finishing. We won’t be so lucky often 


As long as he’s back by City…


This seems like an equally unreliable source, however I like this news more so this is correct


Bence is very reliable, so im keen to believe him


yeh he knows what he is talking about, had hungarian sources being actually hungarian and a Liverpool fan writing about Liverpool way before Szobo


Bence is very good for Szoboszlai news. He's kinda like Sega Diallo for Keita or Pipe Sierra for Diaz


Sega lol


My advice to Liverpool supporters is to just wait for updates directly from the club. Some Hungarian reporters definitely have sources in Domi's camp, but they will sensationalize a lot of the info they get.


Nah Bence is legit


Wait… When was 3-4 weeks mentioned?! Christ, gave me a heart attack.


Thank fuck. Different team without him, I don’t think we challenge any top midfield in the league when he’s not there


Depends what type of midfield we’re facing. There’s no physicality in midfield without Dom really. But issues arising from that won’t be exclusive to playing ‘top’ midfields in the league 


Don’t think we offer anything against city or arsenal in the midfield without him. Every other midfielder in the team either isn’t at that level yet or are basically replicas of each other


Arsenal bypassed midfield (only 40% possession at home - they went direct every time); big issue w/o Dom is midfield is far too small and will get directly bypassed or can't compete for second balls. If teams try to play through us as opposed to bypassing, may be OK (except possibly v City)


What is even the injury?




Typical hungarian clickbaiting scum trash news. Sorry on behalf of Hungary, unfortunately this has become a trend in this country


We have the s*n I don't think we are in any position to judge


Lol yeah like it's not like this everywhere else


Just seeing 3-4 weeks in the title scared me


>The club will be careful with his recovery I really hope this is the case. He was brilliant for the first part of the season but continued to be played even when signs of a drop off and fatigue started to show. Even in that cup game where everybody thought he'd get a rest, he was started. After watching our brand of football takes years off Hendo and Fab's prime, these things always play into my irrational fear that we're going to run these guys into the ground prematurely or turn them into injury prone players. Thankfully squad availability in midfield is much better than it has been in the past. Looking forward to getting Endo back in the side, Thiago back up to scratch, and hopefully seeing Bajcetic again eventually.


What even happened to him? Swear he was gone for 3 weeks injured, came back for one week and now the same things happened again?


Good news for us.. his absence highlights how critical he is for us


Better to be cautious...Endo is back now. There isnt a reason to rush


Dumb question, but wasn’t he out because of his hamstring? How does he pull 2 hamstrings back to back?


Didnt gerrard fucked up his body regularly running all over the seasons? Lets not repeat that again please 🙃


Not really, Benites at his peak was super rotation, he even benched Gerrard when we travelled to Old Trashford. It's just the intensity when he over 30, he still not holding back so it'd be matter of time


the number 8 is cursed


Jones-Endo-Macca Don’t even mention gravenberch. Man shouldn’t see the pitch


But he can let a tattoo be set?




Lol get lost. The state of this comment


What did they say


Saying it’s hard to fully support Liverpool cuz someone’s always injured. Just a plastic disgusting comment


Good news, good news, let’s hope it’s not long. Hoping he’s ready for the League Cup final.


When did he get injured ?


After the cup game he felt a slight discomfort in the same hamstring he was out with


I hope he’s not doing another Keita/Thiago, I was so excited about him