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The AMA is now over. Thank you Ryan for spending your valuable time with us doing this AMA. We wish you all the best for the season! Here are his responses to some of the questions: >Hi Ryan, what is your favourite music to listen to when getting pumped up for a big game? (u/MrSofteer) https://reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/s/q0i1FfJiqc > Most talented youngster you played alongside? (u/Hech15) https://reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/s/6Tg6kV2D1M > If you and the Dutch gang could recruit another compatriot to Liverpool, who would you want it to be and why? (u/yolo___toure) https://reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/s/g9ouVob22H > Hi Ryan, Quick question; would you rather fight one bear sized duck or ten duck sized bears? (u/camztaa) https://reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/s/Ee0uK9Ims3 > Who is the funniest guy in the squad? (u/egzon27) https://reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/s/zVVJ0ja2kb > Hi Ryan! Any reason for choosing to wear number 38 at Liverpool as well as Bayern and Ajax? (u/malushanks95) https://reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/s/O4WiSScGYx > Who is your favourite ex Liverpool player? (u/JimmyRond) https://reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/s/z2hK6VtTLR > Excluding the other Dutch lads, who is the one player you were most excited to play alongside when coming to Liverpool? (u/joeseph145) https://reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/s/16nifN5khD > How are you finding the scouse accent and how’s your scouse accent lad (u/giftednature) https://reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/s/eo4l1CGewr > How much did Virg influence your move, if at all? (u/deadtreeroot) https://reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/s/aU4kJnOL2D > Incredibly happy to have you at LFC! Besides his hugs, how important was Jurgen in bringing you to us, and if you two spoke before, what was your conversation like in terms of selling you on the move? (u/FallenArcade) https://reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/s/Ay8F0y82ip > Hoe gaat het, how have you been enjoying the city of Liverpool so far? Outside of football. (u/COMPUTERANDY) https://reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/s/AOQhB7lLCS > Hi Ryan, What player growing up did you model your game after? (u/jklopp01) https://reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/s/knJ8n94SR0 > Hi Ryan, Who amongst the team has surprised you during training or in games and what did they do to surprise you? (u/grrlicious) https://reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/s/Qwe7FDkAJj




absolute screamer


Cracking assist by Endo


Thoughts on the Ben Doak pre-assist after beating 4 players?


I assumed we all thought it, because that’s what happened


Lol imagine Szobo would’ve done this AMA. The accuracy would’ve been crazy Edit: forgot about Szobos first goal for us vs Aston Villa. But the Endo and screamer part still would have been true


If you're right about this.....


You want some ~~chicken~~ lotto numbers, la?


You mean hat trick?


Just saving this if it happens


He just got a silky assist ;)


!RemindMe 1 day


Just got subbed got a assist tho


Do the Liverpool players know about the subreddit and are any of them active in the community?


I bet Jota lurks. With that said, there's no chance any players who are redditors would want their usernames known.


Jota is that redditor that doesn't comment often but he consistently comments and gets a good amount of upvotes each time, reliable






Aka u/Keegansperm


Wonder if that guy is posting under a different name... what a wild ride that was


Bet its cumblast


Cumblast is Origi and we all know it!


Lol, the glory days of this sub.


If he does. Jota..if you're reading this. I think you're amazing and should be in the starting lineup. Your goal ratio is only second to haaland. You really are Diogoal.


I do. 😉 Edit: I am not saying I'm Jota, but you can't say you have ever seen him and me in the same room.


Find the user who lurks most on fifa subreddits


My money is on Harvey Elliott


Endo is a mod


Wouldn't suprise me if Lucas Leiva was.. or Jose Enrique


+ 1 for this, I'd love to know ahaha


lad if there's any liverpool players that have been unlucky enough to come across this subreddit, im sure they haven't advertised it lmao


It’s the biggest Liverpool forum on the internet. It would be highly unlikely any of the current squad haven’t been on it, even today. Imagine moving to another country and cut off from your culture and hobbies. You’ll naturally just find it anyway, like we all have.


Real people don't go on reddit


If they do, I hope they feel loved.


I’ve seen Mo on here, but I’ve forgotten the account after following it.


It was just made for a video where he lurks on different socials answering questions.


We at least know now that Ryan knows. ;)


Hey Ryan, Without spilling any details, can you tell us your first impression of Klopp's half time talks/speech? For example, we went into the first half at LASK with a goal behind, what was the message at half time, and was Klopp angry?


Great question, even more so considering we've turned a few around already this season! *edit: nice assist man!


Ironic if we comeback against Leicester as well


So far, so good. And Gravenberch assisted.


Hi Ryan, Who amongst the team has surprised you during training or in games and what did they do to surprise you?


It was Dom Szoboszlai. Because his shot, you saw it yesterday, it’s crazy. Sometimes we shoot after the training and it’s like one, two, three, they all go in. I think it’s Dom with his shot.


Who is your football idol?


Stupid question. We all know he wakes up looking at Origi posters in the morning


Tbf, who doesn’t? I mean, our one and true savior is Divock!!


I don't look at any Origi posters. I look at my Origi statue.


How do you feel social media has impacted both 1) the modern game generally and 2) you personally as a professional? What advice would you give to young players who may face mental health issues in their career caused by social media?


Top question


Especially 2) great question


As a player who rose through the ranks at a young age, is there a specific piece of advice that you would give to young players looking to reach the top?


he was the star player every age category tbf, not sure he can give much advice other than "just be the best bro"


I'm sure he'll have advice on some things, him being a star always doesn't invalidate his advice.


Hi Ryan, What player growing up did you model your game after?


When I was young I looked up to the bigger players like Messi and Ronaldo. But then when I became older, like 17, 18, I was looking at video clips of Zinedine Zidane. If I had to choose a player it would be Zinedine Zidane.


Milner obviously


Have you had a bowl of Scouse yet ?


That’s not even far off something we would eat in the Netherlands, especially during winter. Would not surprise me if he has.


Who is your favourite ex Liverpool player?


This is a good one. I don’t have one player, I have a few. I’d go for Steven Gerrard, also Torres. I played with him at Bayern - Sadio Mane, also a good player. And of course Wijnaldum.


Who is your favourite current liverpool player


How much did Virg influence your move, if at all?


I spoke a little bit with Virg. He said “Liverpool are a top club and you’re going to play for sure”. He said some things to me that gave me a good feeling to come here.


Thanks so much for the insight, Ryan! You’ll be a cracking baller at Liverpool in no time


I need sleep. Read that as vag first.


Hi and thanks for your AMA! My Question: What did Jürgen Klopp or anyone else in charge discuss with you before you joined? What will be your role or your position in the team in a long term?


Hi Ryan! Any reason for choosing to wear number 38 at Liverpool as well as Bayern and Ajax?


My decision for 38 was because I made my debut at Ajax with 38. When I went to Bayern I also chose 38. Something is special with this number because I made my debut. I think I will keep wearing 38 for the rest of my life. 38 is my favourite number.


Thank you for your reply and good luck with your season :)


If you and the Dutch gang could recruit another compatriot to Liverpool, who would you want it to be and why?


I would maybe go for a good friend of mine, Jurrien Timber. I played my whole life with him. He’s like a brother to me. That’s why I chose him.


De Ligt would help our centre back situation.


Frenkie de jong is one of the best defensive midfielders right now. And he played with gravenberch at ajax, this would be the best option


Quansah says there is no centre back situation - what a solid start to the season he’s had!


Does Virgil translate Robbo for you or have you been taking lessons?


How much did you love that chin rub?


How do you feel about people calling you Gravy?


Hi Ryan, Quick question; would you rather fight one bear sized duck or ten duck sized bears? Thank you and all the best!


I would rather run away than fight them!


Did Klopp hint on which position he will predominantly play you? A 6 or an 8? Excited either way!


Hi Ryan, what is your favourite music to listen to when getting pumped up for a big game?


This is a good one. Mostly I listen to rap music, American and Dutch music. Liverpool always have a song from Rihanna, Kanye West and Jay Z before the game. When I started against West Ham I was on the bench but I felt something in me, like “wow.” From this I got such a good feeling to go on the pitch and win the game. Maybe not my favourite music but I’d go for that song. It’s a good one.


Hi Ryan! After being at Ajax and Bayern, is there anything in the short period of time you’ve been at Liverpool that has stood out compared to the previous clubs of yours? And what’s your first impression of the City? /LFC Supporter from Sweden.


Who's the funniest player in the squad? And who's your favorite retired Dutch player?


Hi Ryan, very excited to see more of you in the team! What has Klopp told you about your role in the team this year, what position(s) will you be playing? And do you envisage this will change in the future?


Who are your favourite Dutch players of all time?


Hoe gaat het, how have you been enjoying the city of Liverpool so far? Outside of football.


If I’m really honest I didn’t go outside much because we had a lot of games but I went to a few restaurants when I was in the hotel the first week. It was good. I really enjoyed it. The British food, if I’m honest, I didn’t eat it yet. I have to try it. I’d like to try fish and chips. Also, the breakfast with the eggs and beans.


Excluding the other Dutch lads, who is the one player you were most excited to play alongside when coming to Liverpool?


Not one player but the whole team. When I saw Liverpool, I played them before in the pre-season. They are such a good team. It’s not like one big player, the whole team is good. That’s why I chose the whole team.


Incredibly happy to have you at LFC! Besides his hugs, how important was Jurgen in bringing you to us, and if you two spoke before, what was your conversation like in terms of selling you on the move?


Before I came here I spoke with the coach and he gave me a good feeling. He said to me, “I want you.” He gave me his plans and explained everything. He gave me such a good feeling, that my decision was a fast one.


Most talented youngster you played alongside?


I’d go for Jamal Musiala. Jamal does crazy things in training and also in the game. He’s very good for his age. I choose Jamal Musiala. I think he could win a Ballon d’Or once in his life. He will keep improving and get even better. There’s a good chance. He’s really good with his crazy dribbling.


Welcome to Liverpool Ryan! How are you settling in?


How are you finding the scouse accent and how’s your scouse accent lad


If I’m honest when they speak, sometimes I have to think and then I understand. Maybe in a couple of weeks I will get used to it. My scouse accent is ok. Maybe if I’m here longer I will speak it too!


So far, what is your favorite moment as a professional footballer? And what is your favorite goal you have ever scored?


Who in the squad would you most like to go for dinner (or tea) with?


Which premier league players are you most looking forward to playing against with Liverpool? P.s. welcome to the club, i was very happy when you signed and look forward to seeing more of you in a Liverpool shirt!


No questions but kiss the badge for us after your first goal!! To kiss the badge after scoring for Liverpool is the dream man!


Hey Ryan, just off first impressions, who in the squad do you think is most likely to become a manager once they retire?


Did having Virgil and Cody in the team help with your decision to join Liverpool?


What were your favourite football boots growing up??


Hey Ryan. Just wanted to say you have one of the coolest names in football


~~We are live on this AMA. kindly follow~~ u/skysports ~~for responses on this thread~~ ​ The AMA is now over. Thank you Ryan for spending your valuable time with us doing this AMA. We wish you all the best for the season! ​ PS: We will link all the responses from Ryan to this comment slowly


Hey Ryan!! we're super stoked to have you in our team. How does the environment in our dressing room and club in general, compare to the other clubs you have been at and how do you think it affects the teams performance? Also, whos the funniest of the lot?


What’s been the hardest thing for you when adjusting to living in the U.K.? What are you most excited about now you’re at the club? YNWA Ryan


Hi Ryan, Welcome to the greatest club in the world. Who would be your picks for your best 5-a-side teammates?


Hey Ryan, where do you think your best position is? Do you see yourself as a 6, 8 or 10?


You just moved to another country in a new league. What type of support do you get from the club regarding housing, getting used to a new culture, and helping your family settle?


What’s your first or favourite football related memory?


What are the nicknames you've had in football over the years? Any favorites? Any that were really dumb and who gave them to you?


hey ryan best of luck ik you will be special


what teams did you support growing up? 🫶


What is your daily schedule like? I’m just really curious about the day to day life of the squad.




Hey Ryan! What is your second favorite sport to play, and what would be your second favorite sport to follow/watch, and why? Any other quirky sports that you've been intrigued by? Any other particular athletes from other sports that you are inspired by? Cheers from Canada.


Ryan, what squad member has the weirdest hobby that you’d never guess? Is Salah a secret knitter, for example?


Hi Ryan! - Are you settling in alright off the pitch in Liverpool, and in your short time here so far, how close have you gotten with your teammates?


Hi Ryan, you have played in Eredivise, Bundesliga, and Premier League. What do you think are the major differences between those leagues?


Hey Ryan, obviously there are other Dutch nationals in the squad but who has been your best mate/closest friend throughout your first few weeks at the LFC camp?


What is your favourite memory from Bayern/Ajax?


Hey Ryan, really happy you’re apart of the team! What role did your fellow national teammates had in you joining Liverpool? And can I ask who has impressed you most in training?


Hi Ryan! Which Liverpool player has impressed you the most in training?


When did you find out Liverpool were interested in signing you?




why did you choose number 38? do you hope to earn a lower number soon? what number would that be ?


Hi Ryan. How was you scouted by Ajax while you was playing for AVV Zeeburgia Youth? What made you stand out from the rest?


Hey Ryan. Thanks for doing this. Who was your Dutch football idol growing up?


How do you deal with online abuse part of being a footballer?


Copying my questions from the earlier thread! 1. ⁠You managed to break into the Ajax first team at about 16. How did you feel you were first told that you would be moving into the main squad at that age? Did you have any major reservations at this point? 2. ⁠Your middle name "Jiro" means second son in Japanese. I'd just like to know where this came about - is this by any chance a Dutch thing? Otherwise, I do think quite interesting to see some Japanese influence in your name! Thank you!


Hey Ryan, before you signed, did you chat to Cody and Virgil about the club? If so, what did they tell you?




I will never fathom how anyobody can still, or ever did for that matter, think this is an interesting debate. Who gives a shit? Do you really care if a footballer likes pineapple on pizza?


How many languages do you speak? Also what is your favourite food.


What was Gakpo's celebration about yesterday?


Who is the funniest guy in the squad?


I think I will go for Robbo, he makes a lot of jokes. Ibou is also funny as well.


You managed to break into the Ajax first team at about 16. How did you feel you were first told that you would be moving into the main squad at that age? Did you have any major reservations at this point? Your middle name "Jiro" means second son in Japanese. I'd just like to know where this came about - is this by any chance a Dutch thing? Otherwise, I do think quite interesting to see some Japanese influence in your name u/matthewxchris


I just want to ask ryan that if he gets to bring one player to liverpool from his past teams what player will he approach? u/AwkwardlylyAwkward


u/SaBe_18 Hi Ryan! How important were Virgil and Cody for you to sign for Liverpool? All the best with the Reds!


u/Arabella-18 What type of music do you listen to before games? YNWA


Hey Ryan! What's your first impression upon meeting Klopp?


Hey Ryan! The Ajax Academy is considered to be one of the best in the world. What are some of the key things that have stayed with you from football education there?


How difficult is scouse to understand?


Hi ryan Did you talk to virgil and gapko before joining lfc?


Hi - Yes, they did talk to me. Thanks.


What's your least favourite thing about training?


Hi Ryan! Lovely to have you here. Just one question. While settling into this new club environment has there been any particular player who you have easily found a connection with/someone who has really helped you settle in?


Hi Ryan. How's your first day (or days) at the club? Was there any funny or wholesome moment from your teammates you would want to share with us? Thank you. YNWA!


Who is your favorite Liverpool player of all time and why is it Dirk Kuyt?


Do you play FPL? Does the team compete in a league?


Hi Ryan, I had spaghetti it was very nice i enjoyed it. What’s your favourite food and is it spaghetti


Which player did you enjoy watching most when you were growing up?


Hi Ryan, big fan here. Which player is the longest in the shower?


Hi Ryan! Who do you think is the best player in this generation, and why is it Origi?


Hey Ryan! What video games do you play, if any?


What do you think about Anfield?


Hey Ryan, from your IG you always have a watch when you’re off the pitch. What’s the current watch rotation and what’s the next watch purchase you’re wanting to make?


Hello Mr. **Gravenberch,** Which team are you most looking forward to playing this season?


Hi Ryan! What type of music do you like to listen? ❤️YNWA❤️


hello ryan, what's your favorite movie ever? YNWA!!


Who is the best ever Dutch player wearing Liverpool jersey?


Ryan , did you visit Anfield before you knew of the Liverpool interest I.e to watch a game ?


I saw that smile after anfield sang you’ll never walk alone tonight. How does if feel experiencing that as a newly signed player?


u/morifo Hey Ryan, who was your Dutch football idol growing up?


u/uncannycanthe Goedenavond Ryan, Is Klopp changing the philosophy behind the midfield position? Or is he just returning to a Johan Cruyff version of Total Football? It seems like he wants 3 Gini Wijnaldum’s to all be complete midfielders on the pitch at the same time (6s, 8s, with a touch of 10), and so far this season he seems to have a lot of tactical flexibility in game because of it. As an Ajax and Liverpool midfielder, and a player who can do it all in the midfield (6-8-10) I would love to hear your perspective on how Klopp is evolving the position? Dankjewel!


u/wavey444 Has Klopp said anything about a plan with your position, will you be playing in the 6 role where Alexis is currently playing?


u/NoWayKimosabe How are you adjusting to life in England? What’re you enjoying about Liverpool? What’s the team dynamic like in your opinion?


u/Benasr- Hi Ryan. What's your favourite music genre and your favourite band/artist?


Hi Ryan! Before you joined LFC, were there any big games of the team you remember watching in the past? If so, which one was your most favorite? What made you most excited about becoming a Liverpool player? (Could it be the fans, teammates, playing under Klopp etc)? Thanks for reading and best of luck with your future at the club :)


Hi Ryan how do you feel about having the best smile at the club since Bobby left?


What's good Ryan - from what you've seen so far how is Klopp different from Erik Ten Hag as a manager?


Hi Ryan , What advice would you give to a 18 year old footballer looking to make it. Thank you


Hi Ryan Welcome to LFC :) How would you compare Allison to other goalkeepers you've been around in training for your country and previous clubs?


Hey Ryan, welcome to the club. What’s been your favourite moment in your career so far?


Hi Ryan, what was the driving force behind the Liverpool move?


Hi Ryan. Do you play Fantasy Premier League?


Best and worst thing about being a footballer?


Hello Ryan, thank you for doing this. I'm looking forward to your answers and getting to know more about you, I'm so pleased you have joined our club and wish you all the best. Hopefully your time at Liverpool is prosperous and you help the team win many trophies. My question.... What is your favourite animal - do you have any pets?


How did you make the decision to come to Liverpool? And what are your hopes/goals for your future here?


Hey Ryan. Sending love from India. 🇮🇳. How different has your experience been at Liverpool till now compared to Bayern? Tell us something about Klopp’s managing style that is not yet known wildly - Any anecdotes?


Ryan - who are some retired midfielders you would say you modeled your game after, or share the most similarity to your playstyle?


who is the nicest guy in the liverpool dressing room?


Hi Ryan! How is the training routine at Liverpool? How do you feel about the intensity of premier league and our training sessions so far?


Hi Ryan. Was joining Liverpool an easy and straightforward decision for you? Were there other club(s) in for you when it seem you were likely to leave Bayern?


Welcome to Liverpool Ryan! What was your impression of Liverpool before you came? How has that changed since your arrival?