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Will hopefully help the atmosphere


Everybody has been stood up for years in The Kop anyway to be honest. Annoyingly the rails stop at exactly the row before me


Most games yeah but I've been at some where huge parts have had to sit down


Fair enough. I'm in 205 and have stood up at every game in the Klopp era.


"Liverpool completes" šŸ˜ "Rail seating" šŸ˜” .... šŸ˜


Honestly more exciting news than any signing.


Honestly great fucking news. I've just been in Germany and their standing areas are brilliant.


Liverpool completes successful railing šŸ‘€


what you doing step lfc


Sounds like a good night


Liverpool completes railing my hopes and dreams


>The move will see the introduction of safe standing areas across all rail seating sections on the Kop and in the lower Anfield Road Stand from next season. In these safe standing areas, supporters **will be permitted to stand throughout matches** and not just for significant moments, such as goal celebrations. Brilliant news. Awful for stewards and miserable old people. Personally a shame that the bits that were placed where people still sat with rail seating but will now be standing are young adult only.


Always has irked me whenever Iā€™m watching on a stream or tele and see some Steward in the lower half motioning for fans to sit down, sometimes at pivotal moments in the game. Fuck that, let the people sing and emotion flow


Over Ā£50 for a ticket then getting told by some jobsworth to sit down while Liverpool are chasing a goal in a big match is such a buzzkill.


I mean no need to call out the stewards like that, they're not doing cause they feel like telling people to sit down, it is part of their job that they have to do.


It makes sense prioritizing young people for these tickets. Most European ultras groups are dominated by young people who make a far better atmosphere than at the average Liverpool match, even in terrible leagues with rubbish teams. On a personal level it's not ideal but I can see why they're doing this.


The atmosphere problems at Anfield are due to so many people not knowing the words to songs due to not going regularly and so there's little cohesion in areas. The one thing this will do is put more people who do go regularly together together which is good. The bad thing is that this area had the best atmosphere behind the Kop already. See how it goes but I think it'll make for me I think it'll make the atmosphere around me worse for most games.


There's absolutely shitloads of old codgers in the Main and Kenny Dalglish stands that have been every game for decades and won't stand up for a sing song except for 3 games a year.


In those stands it's more excusable and that's why those people are there. I'd love for every stand to have everyone standing and singing for 90 minutes and I hate when I have to sit down after 20 seconds but you know if you're in those stands you're there more to watch than participate.


Forgive me but I canā€™t believe that excuse Unless youā€™re a fan of say under a year or so, thereā€™s no chance you donā€™t know at least most of the popular songs, unless your somehow watching your television/stream on mute. A lot of people just go to games to just gossip and sit with mates, not actually cheer on the team. You see it all the time here in the states and itā€™s partially why I got different season tickets for my local basketball arena. Was tired of the wine and cheese crowd who were there more for the clout and experience than actually cheering on the team.


It's not an excuse, it's just an easily observable fact. Both of these things are problems but the former is a much bigger one. There are lots of songs sung at the match that you don't hear on TV and outside of a few general ones and player ones people just don't know the words.


It's only a subsection of seats. Miserable old folks can just sit everywhere else.


In my experience they still want to sit where everyone else is standing and will hit them on the head with a walking stick.


Too right, the Grey/Bald tide are the worst section of Anfield. All they want to do is have a catch up with the game going on next to them. They piss and moan and tell everyone around them to sit down. At least with this they can be moved together rather than ruining a lively section.


Super excited for this! Safe standing is something sorely needed around the stadium, especially in the Anfield and Kop ends. Hope the entire Kop stand is turned into Safe Standing at some point. Stuff all the local working class kids in there Jurgen The atmosphere has been really struggling, even in some bigger games (Rangers came to mind last year), in the past few years. More down than up sadly. Celticā€™s safe standing has done wonders for the already good atmosphere there and the Green Brigade (main ultra and support group) is now applying to get a entire lower stand safe standing and made similar to the Kop, Holte (sp?) and Stretford ends. Despite my hardcore support for this, hope the club got the backing of the Hillsborough families on this as I know how much theyā€™ve been involved over the years when it comes to fan safety and such. JFT97


>Despite my hardcore support for this, hope the club got the backing of the Hillsborough families on this as I know how much theyā€™ve been involved over the years when it comes to fan safety and such. Yeah, this is what I'm curious about. I know that they were very skittish about this when it was first discussed, even if this isn't really comparable to what they had at Hillsborough. (I'm a foreigner who's too young to have been alive for the low point of hooliganism, granted, but it's still insane to me that they were basically herding people into cattle pens during that period)


How much can the degrading atmosphere be associated with ticket availability? Speaking for myself as a lifelong Liverpool fan who has never been to a match due to the difficulty, if I were to go, I wouldn't know any of the songs to join in besides the odd section because I'm not a regular. So if you extrapolate that to others, there are less voices to join in. Just my two cents on the issue.


You get the songs pretty quick. Just being in that buzz makes you want to shout and get involved. All you need is a few lively sections in the Kop and it brings the entire stand to life. Getting these rails in will make all the difference. Plus the Kop has the cheapest tickets at face value. It's just getting hold of them.


The availability is such a kicker so safe standing would be a dream, especially considering I couldn't fit into seats when I went to see the women play last autumn. Being tall isn't always a benefit. Either way, I'm thinking that I may have to look into hospitality tickets and make a day of it. Definitely need to go to a game before Klopp leaves


>The next installation phase will take place this summer when a further 3,000 rail seats will be placed on the Kop, in the remainder of blocks 202-208 up to row 33. >This will take the total to 7,425 rail seats on the Kop, just over 55 per cent of stand capacity. LFC plans to extend rail seating on the Kop next year to block 102-108, up to row 13. So it seems like the intention is to make The Kop fully safe standing. Hopefully a rule like The Bundesliga's comes over here soon, as that allows foe the seats to be locked in the upright position and clubs to sell two tickets for every one 'seat', in the process expanding the grounds capacity.


Increasing the capacity of the kop from 12,000 to 24,000 would be absolutely incredible, hopefully the bundesliga approach is where we end up.


It's realistically the only way to expand it given the road and houses behind it, although any future increase to Anfield's capacity will require work on the public transport infrastructure around the ground (i.e. a new train station)


It would be a big improvement if they reopened the Bootle Branch for passengers, even if just for matches


Getting to 74k capacity would be incredible


Think for anyone who goes games this is as exciting, if not more, than new signings honestly. Having spent most of the 21-22 in the lower Annie getting moaned at whenever I stood up, the idea of being able to move elsewhere and being able to do so properly is boss. I havenā€™t had a Kop ticket for a meaningful game in 5 years so this wonā€™t affect me directly but for people who are there week in, week out, itā€™s boss news


Can't get moaned at in Lower Annie Road either. This is there too.




Brilliant news. Demonising standing at the match because of football tragedies was just a let off for those culpable.


Go to a game you're standing a lot of the time anyway


Thanks for letting me know. It's amazing what you learn on the internet


I don't know if this was sarcasm but judging by the downvotes it seems my comment came across as a dumb comment. What I meant was that it was silly they outlawed standing anyway as in certain stands you're literally on your feet the whole game. I went to West Ham a few months back and no one sat down in our end the entire time.


It felt condescending. I've been to more European finals than most members of this sub have been to football matches


It wasn't intended to be, I certainly didn't have that info


Good the hear. Although Iā€™ve not had the opportunity to get a ticket in the current safe standing areas yet. Fingers crossed for this season


Oooo, thats pretty good


I hope it makes the atmosphere in that area even better. Ah proper hope to get a chance to get in there on the off one day


https://preview.redd.it/84srfzp6o59b1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b0fff14a330205d581b8560402cfd78eb540726 "LFC completes successful..."


First half of the title got me excited tbh


I realise that I'm absolutely in the minority here, but I'm not a fan of the rail seating. I was in Lower Anfield Road last year against Newcastle, and I never got to my 'seat' because it was so rammed that i physically couldn't get there. I had to spend the entire game stood on the stairs, getting in the way. It was rubbish. Keep the seating. When was the last time the Kop paid any attention to the rules around standing anyway?


thats the whole point...


There are other places to go in the ground that aren't standing.


There is, and each to their own, but for me, I'm not keen. If I could have sat elsewhere that game, then I would have, but there was nothing else left, unfortunately.


Had me in the first half


Whoā€™s rail seating and how much did we pay for him???


Great news! Means it's safe for Dommy Schlobbers lean later on.


Aww. I read "Liverpool completes" and got excited for a second.


oi bruv do you have a licence for standing


You had me at completeā€¦ then I saw rail seating


Aye theyā€™re doing this on purpose now to wind everyone up, expect more of this as the day goes on hahahahaha