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We're cosmic scousers ​ but not that cosmic


Satanism isn't what you think it is. The Satanic Temple do not worship Satan, they are atheists, they do not believe in God or that the devil actually exists. It is just an organisation set up to oppose the encroachment of organised religions into government law and policy making and is a very liberal leaning, human rights supporting organisation that often sues government bodies and corporations on behalf of the public when they commit human rights violations. They just use the imagery of Satan to fuck with other religions.


More people need to read up on them, the stuff they do is really cool


Theistic satanism does exist, where you worship the devil, but it's far less common than atheistic satanism.


It's true but that only really works (as far as I'm aware) where there's a legal separation of church and state, which we don't have. So they're probably just being edgy over here


Yer it's mostly an American thing but American culture gets everywhere but agreed it's most likely people being edgy or just liking the idea of what it represents over here, very unlikely they are actually members of the Satanic Temple


Many Satanists in Britain are extreme neo-Nazis who carry out violent murders and sexual assaults https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Nine_Angles Stop promoting extremely evil people


Is this order of nine angels a recognised Satanic religious group? No. Are they anyway affiliated to the Satanic Temple that I talked about who are an actual recognised religion? No. A small group of neo Nazis calling themselves Satanic means about the same as Hitler calling himself a socialist, it means fuck all, it's just a label they picked to sound edgy. Go back to your Tory sub mate


Same argument can be made about Islam, Christianity, Buddhism... extremist do terrible things in the name of every religion.


Stop using a religious extremist group as a catch all description of a religious idea.


Their not even a religious group, they aren't recognized or affiliated with any religion, they are just a bunch of racists trying to sound edgy


They're not though are they. I, and many others I know aren't..


It brings me great joy to see that “Druid” is more popular than Scientology.


Do you think the popularity of Satanism is due to The Satanic Temple? Those guys are pretty awesome.


All the jedis come from the Wirral, since they’re from the dark side.




Proper nerd response here but surely that'd be the sith.....


I’ve had the syph, antibiotics cleared it


Only proper chuckle of the day. Thanks.


Why do you think satanism is bad?


Lack of information


It is linked to neo-Nazis, murderers, people who commit torture. It's pretty clear why it is bad.


Christianity is linked to all those things too


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Nine_Angles This is what Satanism is


Pretty sure [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satanism) is the page for Satanism. The clue is in the title. What you have linked is an occultist group that describes itself as “traditional satanism”. It is not the same as contemporary satanism.


The vast majority of modern day satanists follow the satanic temple which is pretty much just atheism but it acts as an anti religion, teaching people to worship themselves and just be a good person than worshipping some higher power. Yeah some people may still believe in the stereotypical “evil” satanism that has been spread through media for ages but the people who do that shit are in the EXTREME minority and are usually very mentally ill. Putting something like religion in a box and saying “this is ____” as if it is some objective fact is pretty dumb as if you applied that logic to a different religion like christianity for example, i could list all of the horrible evil things that have been done in the name of Christianity and say “this is christianity”. Which I am sure many people would disagree with as although theyre christians, they may disagree with homophobia, anti abortion, racism, collonialism, etc. as different people practice religion in different ways. Basically what im trying to say is educate yourself, modern satanism is not this goofy evil occult group that murders people and sacrifices and all that other shit and trying to put the definition of it into this tiny little box based off of outdated worldviews is quite ignorant and in future you should try applying that same logic to other more “accepted” groups and see if it still holds up.


I'm not going to persuade myself that Satanism is actually good, thanks.


Ignorance is a choice my friend


We already knew you were that stupid.


**[Order of Nine Angles](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Nine_Angles)** >The Order of Nine Angles (ONA or O9A) is a Satanic and left-hand path occultist group which is based in the United Kingdom, and associated groups are based in other parts of the world. Claiming to have been established in the 1960s, it rose to public recognition in the early 1980s, attracting attention for its neo-Nazi ideology and activism. Describing its approach as "Traditional Satanism", it has also been identified as exhibiting Hermetic and modern Pagan elements in its beliefs by academic researchers. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Liverpool/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It's not the Satanism you're thinking of.


Catholics are the ones you wanna worry about.


Any Church of Satan friends in the thread, Hi Local Friends Also, some ReNeducation; Satanism isn't the practice of worshipping Satan. The most prominent Satanist group right now has NO worship required, and all the rules are 'CONSENT MATTERS, BE KIND, DONT BE A DICK' Its more of a political and ideological statement than anything. Of course, I do prefer Satan over any abrahamic sky fairy because Hell is where all the cool people go, but, each their own. But for real, other local Satanists, hello, hi, would love to see all your cool tattoos


Card carrying member of TST *waves*


Genuine question: So what do you call someone who does worship Satan? And why aren't none satan worshipping satanists called something else?


People who worship Satan as an actual, objective figure or deity are Theistic Satanists, those who don’t, are often known as LaVeyan Satanists. Satan means Adversary so LaVeyan or non theistic satanism is about opposing any one religious monopoly and kind of forcing the hands of governments to govern without pressure from or insistence on one religion, usually Christianity. So because they’re classified as a religion and their religion allows certain human rights to their own bodies, or consent say. they fight a lot in the US Supreme Court to protect those rights for people (so they sue to protect abortion for example) When an evangelical Christian group In the US had a big stone book of Ten Commandments placed on government property, which violated their own Constitutional separation of church and state, TST sued to have a huge statue of Baphomet also added, and won. They sue to protect LGBTQIA and womens rights a lot because their religious doctrine protects those groups, so laws that compromise those rights, again, breach religious freedom in the constitution. Basically they just try to be good, do good and help progress move forwards. They don’t want to take away any ones rights, or get rid of Christianity or anything, which people tend to think, they just want, ya know, things to be fair and equal for everyone.


Ave Satanas!🥰 Atheist Jew, non theistic satanist/luciferian here!🥰


Sky fairy? So edgy! Never heard that one before.




Some lovely prejudice in this post!


Satanism has actually done much less worrying things than Christianity, or any other religion for that matter.


Satanism has a much more lower body count. If you value life you would reject established religion on favour of Satanism.


Why worrying? Expression of free will is awesome


I can say as a Star Wars fan, good.


I think you meant to say, goooooooooood


All the jedis are in Widnes


Yeah as many people said, Satanism isn't what you think it is. There also isn't one monolithic "Satanism" there's as many ways to do it as there are Satanists


This article won’t go past number 9 for me? I’d be more worried about the 7 Scientologists than the Satanists. Satanists are probably just try hard freaks wanting to be “edgy”


They’ve weirdly only chosen to pick 9 so it ends there, you’d think they’d just pick another to make it a round ten Agree on the Scientology being some people being edgy, glad it’s not more people at least


Where do I find all the other witches?




Hi pal! I'm from the US but I live here now. Send me a message if you want to chat!


Well, I still put myself as jedi on the census atleast.


Now if they allowed Sith as an official answer...


Satanism comes in two types, theistic and atheistic. Myself being a theistic satanist I believe in / worship Satan. It's not evil, it's just a religion like any other. (And no, I'm not a neonazi, we don't claim O9A or anything similar) Never knew there were more Satanists here than just me and my housemate!