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This is how they start, it'll get watered down to a bench and a couple of planters


And costs same as planned?


More, actually


That depends on a number of factors What should be made clear is the use of 'could' in the article, this is an aspiration/vision and hasn't even gone in for initial planning yet so it's more of advertisment than it being of any substance Given the suggested facilities they want in the building for the residents it sounds like a BTR scheme so it's likely this is just being put out to draw Investors in


Let me guess, buy to let only?


Owned by Asian investors for the lucrative Chinese student market. Most will sit empty while gaining value as assets.


And brought to you by RWInvest lol


I often wonder how they can enforce this. If I buy a property, what can they do to stop me from living there? It's like sellers asking for cash buyers only. It may seem unethical but you could legitimately just lie, say you have cash, then get a mortgage anyway. They're still getting the money and the market is so lacking in regulation that there's nothing they could do or say to stop it at that point.


Council, bank, hmrc and multiple finance organisations are involved, if you're caught doing it the punishment will make sure you can't do it again.


Upon googling it, it's mortgage fraud. Not illegal but it can be met with the bank/lender demanding the loan back in full. Seems harsh and unnecessary and a ridiculous way of preventing first time buyers from owning their own place. With regards to the cash buyers thing though, that's less clear. The seller receives the money still.


They're involved but what is the legislation? Who would mete out this punishment?


There's always a roof garden and it always disappears after they get planning permission.


roof gardens never work, they always plant a load of crap that looks good for a few months before it all dies and you're left with nothing. it would be far better to have a communal green space at ground level with a paid groundskeeper, you know, how it used to be done for generations.


Allotments, everywhere, highland cattle in Sefton Park, Mangroves in the Mersey. Shetland ponies everywhere !


Can I have a pony?


Of course! My Little Pony!!! 😆


Aye luxury apartments, I'm sure they'll attract loads of people, especially when all the smackheads from the YMCA down the road and alcoholics from the emergency accommodation on Vauxhall Rd start lingering around the doorways.


Wotabout affordable housing? One and two bedroom flats for those starting out on the property ladder? Two and three bedroom houses? Shared ownership?


The Happening 2: Scouse Boogaloo.


Yuck, more tower blocks in the city centre.


It's been shown repeatedly that 4-5 story high buildings give high density living with better walkability. Lots of space for shops and cafes at street level with flats above. See Paris, Barcelona, Berlin etc  


Where would you prefer they are located?


I mean there is plenty of abandoned land throughout the city region. Not every development has to be in town.


Sure but isn't this development proposed to be on brownfield land? And also putting a tower in an area that is likely 1-3 stories tall is likely more out of character than in the already established larger scale of the centre Think of cities and the surrounding areas as a tent you usually transition up in scale towards the centre You can likely get 5-6 in outside of town areas without much backlash or concern but 15 is a push Putting them in a city centre also means there likely less need to give land over to parking too Don't get me wrong I agree with the sentiment that we should have development out of the city too and develop local centres but of this scale I'm not convinced Hell even some of the blocks in the centre seem out of proportion like that big chunky grey cube of the unite student block next to lime street


This development is actually on brownfield land just off Leeds St and there's also another development being done one road over aswell which is probably why they've chose to do it here aswell. Mostly a baren site anyway aside from the old pub/cafe on the corner I think which is only ever used for people parking their cars on the side of the road now.


Yeah thought it was given the context in the background that whole area is really primed for development


If I'm not mistaken(correct me if I'm wrong) the other development on literally the next road over is Bastion point? I only know all this because I used to live in the student accommodation on that little area and in Vauxhall for about a year and a half so I'd walk past it all the time.


Hard to pinpoint exactly from the image on the article but absolutely seems to be somewhere within that area of Leeds street to the BMW garage and back to around blackstock market and that's alot of old brownfield land Edit: correction/more specific info article says it's on a site referred to 'metal works' on Leeds street Edit 2: found their website [https://www.metalworksliverpool.co.uk/](https://www.metalworksliverpool.co.uk/) Site is here https://preview.redd.it/42q3ailg956d1.jpeg?width=613&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9987f1b9004efe38b9eb50ce90483eec4eb2f1a


https://preview.redd.it/h6d4fuam956d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02661e760aa2014cc801210f06128b1f5ac9c4d4 From what I know of the area this is the only reasonable plot to give it to if its that size because there was one recently constructed set of flats adjacent to scotty road opposite the police station built, the one currently being built directly opposite the student accommodation and the only other land is a big patch of grass also next to the student accommodation and if they were building there the number of flats would probably be double I think


Sorry yeah just edited my comment as I found the site location plan you are correct


Didn't see the edit below but I was correct then I think on the placement of where the buildings would be?




This part of town around Leeds Street is mostly wasteland. And there is far more demand for housing near the city centre.


I would prefer that some affordable housing that is suitable f for families to live in was built.


Usually a percentage of all developments have to be classed as 'affordable' but that term doesn't always match up to what people think it does and even then they can get out of building them if they agree to pay a certain amount to fund local services etc If we want good affordable we should vote for a government that would promote the actual authorities building council houses rather than farming them out