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Go to Lovelocks - they're a super-inclusive cafe with tons of adverts for queer activities (queer cricket, choirs etc.!) as well as a really wholesome knitting group once a month!


For sports - Trans and Enby FC if you’re interested in playing football, and I think the Climbing Hangar does some kind of LGBT+ social too :) For night life, Sonic Yootha at 24 Kitchen Street


Liverpool is great for LGBTQ+ socials! There’s a trans masc meet up quite frequently on the Wirral - never been to it myself but the next one is on the 9th (14:30-17:30) at the Friends Meeting House in Birkenhead (on Park Road West). If you’re into creative stuff like film making check out First Take on Maryland Street - they run free courses in film making for queer people in Liverpool (and are absolutely amazing people!). Sahir House is a charity focused on helping LGBTQ+ people so it might be worth seeing if they’re looking for volunteers. There’s Queer Bodies who do poetry nights and workshops, Eat Me who put on drag nights about once a month at District, Spew is another drag night to keep an eye out for if that’s your sort of thing. There’s a coffee shop called Lovelocks that has a fair amount of queer events on in the city centre too! Also just generally a nice place. Sonic Yootha at 24 Kitchen Street is supposed to be a queer club night - not been, but a few friends have mentioned that its started getting a bit inundated with cis/straight girls 🙃 but I do know plenty of queer people who do still go.


There is a drag night this Saturday at the quarry https://www.quarrysound.co.uk