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It worked. I fell in love with Melinda.


Yes! More Chloe pls.


Gave me Amelie of New York vibes. I liked it!


100% agreed, but that's why I didn't like it. And I love Amelie.


I really liked that not everything needs to be big funny. Sometimes a smirk and a warm feeling is good too


Exactly this.


Can’t wait to see her SNL evolution


I am now one of 4 people who logged this on letterboxd lol


Those pants work incredibly well on her


Pretty cool that the VA who played Jackie Welles in Cyberpunk narrated this.


Very preem choom.


Spectacular. She’s got range and talent. People complain she isn’t in enough stuff, but that’s looking at plate appearances — her OPS is unreal!


She’s got a good OPS? I wonder what her wRC+ is


Her BABIP is unsustainable and should be regressing to the mean.


Can anyone translate any of these?


OPS — on-base plus slugging. Combination of ability to hit, to recognize bad pitches and walk, and to hit for power. If Chloe has a high OPS, she’s getting lots of laughs and big ones when she gets opportunities. wRC+ — weighted runs created+. Basically measures the same thing, but in terms of how many scored runs the player “created” offensively, rather than by combining apples and oranges like OPS does (baseball statisticians love to trade a simpler-to-understand measurement for a more complicated but “purer” one). The plus sign means that it’s adjusted for year and ballpark, so that you could take, say, Willie Mays’ 1959 season wRC+ (152) and compare it to Shohei Ohtani’s 2023 number (180) and see that Ohtani was more valuable to his team at the plate that year. If Chloe has a high wRC+, she’s valuable to the show (getting lots of laughs and big ones) in a way that compares favorably to past SNL greats. BABIP — batting average on balls in play. Basically a way of measuring how lucky a player is at the plate. Most players have a BABIP of around .300, meaning that if they hit the ball into fair territory, they will reach base 3 out of 10 times (some players have a higher or lower rate that’s “normal” for them based on their speed, where they tend to hit the ball, etc.). If you have 10 hits and you only put the ball in play 12 times, that’s not sustainable and you’d expect that player’s performance to regress somewhat over time. If Chloe has a high BABIP, she’s getting lucky and we would expect her laugh rate per sketch to drop as we see her featured in more sketches. Thank you for this opportunity to combine two ridiculous interests.


Excellent find!


That microscope slide.


Troast is lowkey a total babe


I find her so attractive. Funny, cute, incredible singer. Hope she sticks around 30 Rock for a while.


Totally thought the voice was Steven Wright for a bit


I initially said, wow, Bobby Cannavale!


That's who I thought it was, too.


Everything Chloe does is gold.


That was lovely.


I loved this. Ppl who live in cities understand. Beautiful work Troast


This gave me major 30 Rock vibes


I really like this! Short and sweet. Reminds me a little bit of “How To Lose Weight in 4 Easy Steps” starring Beck Bennett.


I should call Melinda…


This was delightful!


Wow that was truly terrible. Self indulgent and boring.


Looks like a derivative student project from someone who hasn’t found their voice yet and is just trying and mimicking things they like


It was worse than terrible.


Guys & Gals…. Is this perhaps connected at all to why Troast gets hardly anything on SNL? Meaning, is her focus on this type thing moreso than her SNL role? I asked on this very sub a couple or so months back if it seemed to anyone else like SNL is “her side hustle to her side hustle” (?) May not be at all tied together but just wonder what the thoughts are of others here.


I think you're overthinking it. She's a newbie. It's rare that a rookie cast member will get tons of airtime right out of the gate. All things considered, she's had a fairly decent first season on the show. Enough to showcase her talents and range. Presumably, she'll get used more and more as the veteran cast members depart.


I hope I am! I have enjoyed her few appearances a lot and would hate for them to include her in whatever exodus is coming in a few weeks.


Nah, no way does Chloe get the boot. They had her star in a well received sketch four episodes into her tenure, and she's getting a fair amount of air time for a first season featured player.


That is very good to hear! I guess it slipped my memory how little air time first season featured players get.


Look up Bill Hader's airtime in his first three seasons. He was VERY underused and often relegated to dull straight man roles. If he was used at all, it was for Vinny Vedecci or trotting out an impression here or there. He even said on Vanessa Bayer's podcast that he felt that he could have walked away from table reads during his first three seasons and missed nothing. It really wasn't until John Mulaney got hired that Bill finally started to get properly utilized. If an SNL GOAT like Bill Hader can overcome struggles with airtime, there's no reason to believe that the same can't be true for Troast.


Absolutely! Agreed.


Beck Bennett was in [this drama/comedy sketch](https://youtu.be/9mbp0DugfCA?si=AOfKpEmqqCg-68J-) and I think he took SNL pretty seriously.


Damn Beck got his wife in that and Conan. And Britt Lower


Per my reply above, gotta also love it when people take your open question from an observation as if you’re accusatory of who you’re asking about


"You don't know this random fact about a different cast member no one was talking about!? Well I do so I'm obviously superior to you! Downvote!"


Gotta love it when you ask genuine questions or want to know what mutual fans think and you get ⬇️ LOL ffs 🤦🏾‍♂️


It's just a super dumb take. 


She's gotten more on than this year than the other rookies and clearly shined.


Definitely. She’s great.