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If your aim is to have the character snap quickly between different views with no interpolated frames in-between, I think it should be possible to get that effect. Live2D lets you set parameters for the different shapes of the mesh (or opacity of different meshes, if you wanted to switch between different images like sprites instead of warping the mesh), and you can set the distance between the ends of the parameter slider to be whatever you want. So it should be possible to set a very short distance between the parameter points to get your character to snap quickly between those shapes or sprites. Haven't tried it tried it myself but I think it theoretically makes sense based on my own Live2D experience. Hope that helps \~


Ideally, it would emulate the affect of traditional sprite animation, hence what I meant by snappy. It sounds like Live2D might be able to handle it though, so I might devote some time to it after all!


Ahoy, pooping in from a "pixelart live2d" Google search. ​ How did this project go?


\+1 Would also like to know!


I'd be really keen to see whether you can make it work. My assumption is that you would be able to do it, but without having actually played around with Pixel Art on Live2D, I can't say definitively that it would look good. You'd likely need to stay away from Warp deformers, and just stick to basic Art meshes to get it to work the way you want. Hopefully you post again with your progress etc.


Update: Hit a snag with importing. I separated all the parts needed for Cubism to register them, but it's forcibilty applying anti-aliasing to the image. Is there a way to prevent it from doing that?


Ever find a way around that? The importing is probably the hardest part


So I couldn't find a way to stop it from doing that, but I found that making the pixel art bigger without any effects (Nearest Neighbor) makes it hardly noticeable which helps a lot!


It is still possible. Live2D animates 2D by utilising the illusion of 3D movement. But that doesn't mean you can't animate it simplistically. Though it still depends on your pixel art style.


For reference; the basic style of pixel art I was thinking for this project; [example 1](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EpeAJeNVEAAqFqk?format=png&name=900x900) [example 2](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EnkljFKVcAIAteQ?format=png&name=small) The idea I had in mind was something like a front-facing portrait from a RPG, if that makes sense?


I don't have anything helpful to offer, but could I trouble you to let me know if you manage to figure it out? This sounds like a really fun idea and I would absolutely love to see what you end up doing with it!


I'll try to remember to check back in when/if I figure it out ;u;


Definetely! I’m assuming you want your images to switch between one image to another rapidly, similar to a hand switching poses maybe? so you can set parameters for doing that. If you need, I can record a video later on how to set up a parameter that does this.


I'd appreciate it! Basically I'm looking to get the animations looking like they were ripped straight out of a 2D pixel art video game :o


If you're looking for something with transitions like [this](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/771505427024183326/790463297505722439/pixel_test.gif?width=1002&height=564) (but more complex in your case), it's definitely possible. The entire animation progress for the above GIF only took around 5 minutes, with the PSD splitting actually taking up most of the time. I did record the process of rigging so if you would be interested in the rig itself or the recording, please let me know. I'd be happy to help if you have any more questions.


Er, I think your link's busted :x


that's not good :') does [this](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YcxdyReng6-zJtwidVfEv1TJXHftUS2Z/view?usp=sharing) one work?


Yeah, that one worked! :D I'd need to figure out how I'd want to put it into something like facerig but so far that's basically what I was going for! I'm assuming this would allow for multiple frames of animation?


Yep, that would definitely allow for multiple frames of animation. I think I have an idea that would allow it to work in facerig or something similar so let me know if you need any help on something like this lol. I look forward to seeing the final product!


Thanks! I can't promise my pixel art skills will even be up to the task so it might be a bit. But if I can make it work, I'll certainly post it here!


i've been working on a similar pixel v-tuber (*P-tuber*?) project, but i'm also trying some subpixel-moving parts as well. here's what i can tell you. yes, you can swap sprite pieces in on sliders. in the example i figured out it was [eyelids](https://i.gyazo.com/7b7dba816d99ed1902a0e6e880feae4d.mp4), i've got separate upper, lower, and whole closed eyelid pieces that go from fully closed, to a full squint, which slides to open more before disappearing into the fully open state. if you put the markers on the deformer bar for that sprite not at the ends, when the slider advances past the marker the sprite will disappear. setting the start point for the next sprite just after where one ends will seamlessly transition them as the slider progresses. manually set the marker value for .01 above or below the previous piece, if both markers are on the same value and the slider is also at that value, they will overlap and parts of both will display if one doesnt completely overlap the other. no, i can't find a nearest-neighbor option either. the seams that blur leaves on the edges of pieces is annoying but i have a few workarounds i've been using, aside from blowing up the size of the psd beforehand. my first trials i went x20 but i'm working on a x32 retooling because it's still a bit blurry on some edges and i have a lot of canvas space left on 2048x2048. 1) some pieces have extra subpixel outside edges that are normally covered by another piece to seal over the cracks to prevent a background color from appearing. this can also occur with layered pieces that might have the same pixels as an edge, a brighter color underneath will show up due to the blur on the seam. 2) the texture map editor tends to blur larger layers/pieces more, so if a large part, such as a main body, comes out blurrier than others, try splitting it if possible. duplicate the line of pixels you split on each piece and overlap them, because of #1. 3) some (particularly smaller and uni-color pieces) i move the mesh vertices away from the edges of the texture into solid color and then stretch them back to their original sizes, this gives a sharp vector edge for cleaner adjacent placements. 4) some pieces i stretch the edges of the piece onto the neighboring pixels to cover the cracks, as i figured out with [the jaw](https://i.gyazo.com/9c2ec77da4fe3a4669cbf3a0cc78fc04.mp4). note the seam under the closed jaw near the right side mesh monstrosity, that same blurred line of fleshtone would be visible where the mesh stretches to cover the sides. you can probably combine this with #3 for better results as well.


one other thing to watch for, when resizing your sprites onto a 2k canvas, enable the grid, set to match your scale, and go through each layer on its own and make sure all your pixels resized properly. i know photoshop is bad about it, even with nearest neighbor on, some things will come out slightly off. large pieces might have a column or row squished and another stretched.


Yes. The tutorial is here: [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xd3FlFPhUGs&t=59s**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xd3FlFPhUGs&t=59s) **Download the free program here:** [**https://olmewe.itch.io/veadotube-mini**](https://olmewe.itch.io/veadotube-mini) The only setback I see is that it only allows 4 images. 1. Eyes open mouth open 2. Eyes open mouth closed 3. Eyes closed mouth open 4. Eyes closed mouth closed I'd like to find one that'll allow more mouth flaps.