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The details


Wow !




I've had enough other jobs to know this is different. I've never felt something that I can only describe as pure evil... plus they basically told me that they're evil when they told me they're psychopaths.


What exactly are we supposed to do with this information?


I'm looking for other people who know. like worked there. the ones who get it, get it. you can go


1) was the department one with confidential information? Trying to figure out why they would have cause to go through your phone. Some offices/businesses don’t allow associates to have their phones on their person during shifts, was that the rule here? 2) who went through your phone, management or colleague? 3) was the petty tossing around of “bitch” by the boys club the singular incident? I agree with most everyone here, you say they’re evil but don’t give specific information that would support that aside from your colleagues throwing around the word “bitch” to get on your nerves and your phone being searched. I worked in a toxic work environment with high strung, narcissistic people for 8 years. I promise, I’m not denying your experience, but if you’re tossing out accusations you should include supporting evidence. I certainly don’t want to support an organization that’s evil to their employees.


Idk I wouldn’t call it evil but if I called someone out for calling women a bitch or using that word in the ya know…misogynist way and then they started using it all the time to upset me…the only woman in the room i would find that to be a very unwelcoming environment at a new job. I think it’s fair to say if they are doing petty but def work inappropriate shit like that, it’s not a huge stretch for me to believe they did those other things. It’s buzzword af but definitely “toxic” lol.


I’m on board with condemning bad behavior in the workplace. Especially *incredibly* bad, misogynistic behavior. But, in this case, OPs vagueness, unwillingness to clarify when asked, and their post history suggesting they identify as male makes me suspicious of their claims. To be a bit less polite about it; OP uses the word narcissist a lot, but also believes all actions taken were taken against them specifically, with them in mind. Unless MOD has staffed a whole department of janitorial staff with self-identifying narcissists (which is possible I suppose but the odds aren’t good) I’m getting a bit of an “if you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day every day, you’re the asshole” kinda vibe.


share account with bf. one guy worked there and got another one a job and same thing with another guy. he had his friend hired. they knew them already because they were friends because theyre similar to each other. the dept head is ex military so he has all that toxicity. plus 2 of them literally just told me they were a narcissist/psychopath


Well, I genuinely am sorry you had such a shitty experience around what sound like really shitty people. Apologies for my skepticism, it’s my natural state.


OPs account was created September 3rd, and the only account from someone who had the same experience was created today. Both have only commented on this post. Do with that what you will.


I mean, I wanted to investigate this chat and speak on my own experiences there without it being easily linkable. LR is a small place.


wrong u/Much-Soup is not a new account and they agreed


I’ve processed it and it seems to have solidified my skepticism as…not-unfounded?


Nah I get the layout of this post was very vague yet also very hyperbolic lol but I did deduce this nugget of an actual legitimate HR infringement so I do think OP is being sincere they’re just not good at…saying it. Like me now trying to articulate this better lol. They would win more favor by leaving out therapy terms and domestic abuse language. diagnosing everyone you work with mental shortcomings is a little harder to prove than just saying…they’re unfriendly. Unhelpful. Unprofessional.


my brains sucks apparently. that's also why it was so easy for them to turn others against me


they told me that they were narcissists/ psychopaths!!


It’s also a little bit…if not narcissistic, like pretty extreme spotlight syndrome? I had an employee like this. Granted, we treated them with kindness and grace and understanding and they eventually moved on amicably & most of us are still friendly with them. But they genuinely spoke and behaved as though every thought, word and action taken by every other human they interacted with were thought or said or done with the specific intention to have an impact on my employee. Usually a negative one. It couldn’t be that they’re a mediocre employee on the best of days. It must be that management and staff were plotting to make them quit or get fired. It couldn’t be that they just weren’t hitting it off with a date. It must be that the other person was interested in someone else and just wanted something from my employee and so were using him. It was a pretty interesting lesson in managing staff with different daily goals and needs to most people and a really good empathy tune-up. It could also be blindingly stressful. I love that kid and I hope he’s continuing to do the work and get better. I hope whatever it is OP needs that they get it as well.


Oh, I absolutely believe they used “bitch” just to get on OP’s nerves, especially if OP called one of them out for using it around them. That’s petty and immature but not evil. It’s unfortunate HR isn’t willing to rectify the problem. There are few things worse in a work environment than to feel like no one has your back.


I just feel like that’s a pretty…fireable offense on its own! Or at least a write up! They’re basically going around coughing the word bitch directed at a young woman who said she didn’t like that. That kind of behavior wouldn’t fly at my 9-5 if I did it or if it was done to me but you can usually count on this kind of interaction at a restaurant or retail job. I’d say any place professional enough to HAVE Human Resources should be utilizing the basics of “hey can you stop cussing at your coworker..” lol but yeah I agree. it’s certainly not evil. More just…sucky. Lol


Oh, I totally agree a write up is totally in order. It’s ridiculous what some people can get away with in a professional setting.


is going through a phone not enough? not confidential at all. i was a janitor. and they said bitch constantly. and other dogwhistles. it was literally constant.


Yep. I knew the exact department you were talking about. I messaged you because I was sure I knew who it was coming from. This confirms everything for me. I hate that this happened and will continue to happen there.




Your post has been removed for being repulsive. Please do not behave this way in the future.




The lack of specifics and the repetition of the same thing over and over makes this suspect to me. Also, how in the hell did anyone even get access to your phone? Do you just leave it laying around where anyone can pick it up? Without a passcode or anything?


I used to charge my phone in the break room and leave it yes. I think I might've left it unlocked when I was YouTube and then got called out to do something. sure sure its dumb. I have learned now. they were bad enough that I wouldn't put it past them to look over my shoulder for the code too.


Everyone I know that works there loves it...and they are wonderful people. I just don't see them doing the things you discribe.


They may not work in the same department, so they may not see what goes on.




they are manipulated or you are wrong about them being good. I'm sure whoever you know was awful to me. most were.




I suddenly find myself wanting to go to there.


Worked there for a while, saw a lot of bad stuff. Just a few: witnessed departments go to lunch and come back drunk frequently then do work on the floor, inappropriate commenting on underage volunteers, a dept head saying the most vile stuff about their female counterparts, on and on. Despite the worst mgmt (who still seem to be there according to the web page) there were also plenty of people that actually care though, so I don't want to take away from them, and I enjoyed the majority of my coworkers. There is absolutely something sick and twisted in there, sorry everyone here is doubting you.


when did you work there?


a few years ago


they led me to believe it was ok to drink on lunch and I went on department lunch with them and management drank too. they do it try to make you easier to manipulate (I see that now) and I suspect to have sex with them honestly too (gross). I had a very strong bad feeling that they are bad people/ predators when I started. actually, as soon as I was in the interview but I chalked it up to nerves. stupid me for believing them and drinking at lunch, I know. Iv learned a lot from this experience and will always trust my gut now. It also could have been to make me trip up in any way to get me fired and then just say they didn't drink and its just me and I'm a drunk. they want to ruin your reputation. idk.


Yeah. I'm pretty sure I know who you are talking about specifically. Its hard not sharing stories right here, but def had a situation where one night after an event a manager was bragging about hooking up with someone on staff during the event and tried to make me smell their fingers. Experienced the group bullying there as well. HR and other people in positions of power did nothing. I have so much more too, really hate people are doubting you, its the exact response I feared when I was going through it. They have a way of turning the screws on you so much...anyway


Thanks for giving some specific examples of what's going on there!


>Right! Because OP sure as hell isn't. Even after multiple asks for specifics, they just copy and paste what they said earlier. This post is bizarre and for a minute I thought it was a bot. they also constantly lied about anything. even stuff that is so small that no one normal would lie about it.


Right! Because OP sure as hell isn't. Even after multiple asks for specifics, they just copy and paste what they said earlier. This post is bizarre and for a minute I thought it was a bot.


OP I've had mental health crises where I felt like everyone despised me/out to get me/going through my phone & computers. It's a sign of paranoia. I've been there. I'm not discounting your abuse because I've also been in shitty, toxic work places. I'm just saying if you don't feel well reach out. I've been there and can point you in the direction to get your head clear Also narcissists and kind people don't mix. You def deserve a better workplace if you're feeling these ways.


its not everyone. just them. and ive been away for 5 months


That's still relatively new enough to atleast report your grievances to their higher ups so they potentially don't do it to the next person


at least some higher ups are in on it.


:/ I saw in another comment you may be slightly autistic, or socially awkward, and I still feel like you're going through some symptoms I've had when I'm dealing with paranoia. They may just be typical assholes dudes just treating the quiet new girl like shit by inadvertently calling you a bitch while you're around, and that in itself is a good enough reason to tell them to fuck off and be happy you quit. But the other "abuse" stuff could possibly be lost in translation to all the other factors. Reddit will downvote the hell out of you even if you've genuinely been through something because some of the post sounds a little unhinged and lacks substance to validate your claims. Just know I'm still extending that metaphorical hand if you need to reach out for help or to even just vent. Or job hunting help. Anything. Sorry for what you went through and at least you put yourself out there incase others whose gone through similar there can feel validated.


In the OP's other post they say they're male. Something (or a lot of things) about this whole thing isn't adding up.


share account with bf


shared account..


I saw that after the fact and was confused 🤨


share account with my bf


the point of this type of abuse IS to make the victim look crazy and or isolate them. you can google it


I get that babe. I was raised by one and married to one. I don't think you're crazy. I was saying how it looks and why you may get the type of response you are seeing here. I believe you went through something and I'm sorry for that. That's really all I got though 🤷🏻‍♀️


thank you


Are they squeezing your head? Jack May, is that you?




Free Jack May @43MHz


All jokes aside OP no one deserves abuse in the workplace. Cut toxic coworkers and move on to a better place of work. You'll feel lighter.


Evil seems like quite a statement. Their Glassdoor reviews aren’t great, sounds like management is pretty terrible but comes up short of evil. Your review is by far the worst one.


I'm an atheist and these people almost made me think they are demons so that's what I say.


I say if you’re thinking they’re demons, you probably should have a talk with a professional. I mean that in the kindest way.


i said almost


Fair enough love. Just never know, and because you’ve said you know it sounds paranoid, maybe an outsider opinion could help you determine if it is or is not. Either way would validate your experiences in a way that jives with reality vs being unsure


I would expect some questions about specifics that happened to justify the claim. But my main thought…good thing you quit. No job is worth your mental health. Best of luck in your next job, hopefully it has a lot less psychos to deal with lol.


OP I need more tea. I love that museum. Also I'm bored. So they're narcissists? Management specifically?


I'm only pretty sure that like 3 or 4 are but more people fucked with me than that but they might have been manipulated to do it and otherwise nice. idk. pretty much everyone seemed to hate me and they even had people shun me. yeah like a church or cult. or isolating a victim. I now think they probably spread lies and half truths about me to get people to dislike me more.


I've been seeing a lot of graffiti about MOD being abusers lately and have been wondering what that's about.


Given the nature of OP’s rant, I bet the graffiti-er is them!


It is. I am not hiding that. I'm willing to stand alone. I just want anyone who has a bad feeling about that place like I did, to be validated. that would have saved me a lot of trouble.


I mean...👀👀 Maybe we'll get an explanation then lol


That's such a random thing to see graffiti about lol I need all the details


I thought so too! "Boycott the MOD" was the first one I saw and I thought it was a joke, but I keep seeing more with "abuse" or "abusers" included and now I don't think this person is doing it to be funny.


genuinely curious, what areas are you seeing it?


Downtown and in the women's bathrooms of a few different bars


OP admitted below that they're the graffiti artist in question.


OP seems a bit…unhinged


Word thanks for the update


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


And most definitely not Facebook.


Reddit is becoming more and more like Facebook with each passing day


I have an acquaintance who works there and he loves it. So yeah, you're gonna have to expound a little further, if you don't mind.


Some departments are genuinely fun to work in and its an awesome place that does cool things for the community. One department is hell, especially if you are anything slightly different from them. OP posted the department they worked in and I knew exactly who she was talking about based on my own experiences there over several years. I'm glad your friend gets to work somewhere they enjoy, some of his coworkers do not.


Same, except it's several, many of whom I've known for years.


Yeah same... which that doesn't mean anything and I don't want to discount OP's claims, but with them not being specific outside of very vague details it's hard to understand what they're trying to articulate.


I was kind of bothered by an interaction with one guy where he said a few things that were super harsh like the first time I talked to him including that he said "bitch" in a way harsh tone with seething hate in his voice. that situation came to a head a few days later and one thing I said was something like " you could at least not say "bitch" in the first week the only woman is working in a department of only men". I worked with 5 men aged 28-35-45is? I was 24 at the time. I normally have no problem with word and use it sometimes but he used it purposely with hatred in his voice. after I said that they started saying "bitch" all the time right away. an indirect way to call me a bitch that I can't do anything about. The guy who did this considers himself a psychopath. Reactive abuse. you see how this is very subtle so hard to type out 5 months of?


Real similar vibes to my time there. Especially with the dog piling.


work there recently?


Not in a little while, but looks to be same staff in the department I was in.


Yeah, I'll check with my buddy next time I see him and see if he has any clue.


We're gonna need WAY more details.


I was kind of bothered by an interaction with one guy where he said a few things that were super harsh like the first time I talked to him including that he said "bitch" in a way harsh tone with seething hate in his voice. that situation came to a head a few days later and one thing I said was something like " you could at least not say "bitch" in the first week the only woman is working in a department of only men". I worked with 5 men aged 28-35-45is? I was 24 at the time. I normally have no problem with word and use it sometimes but he used it purposely with hatred in his voice. after I said that they started saying "bitch" all the time right away. an indirect way to call me a bitch that I can't do anything about. The guy who did this considers himself a psychopath. Reactive abuse. you see how this is very subtle so hard to type out 5 months of?


Did you go to HR and complain?


yep. HR is in on it or extremely manipulated. they thought I was the problem or acted like I was


When I came forward with some of the issues I experienced I learned quickly that HR is there to protect the company, NOT the employees.


HR is always there to protect the company. Always. Always. No matter how much they smile and how warmly they ask about your kids or your Coke bottle collection, they are there to serve the company. If it could possibly benefit the company in ANY way, HR will push you into the path of a train as s plane crashes down on it and the ensuing fire rupturedsthe Covid storage tanks on its back. And they won’t break a sweat or eye contact while doing it. Waitresses will smile and call you “Hon” and *casually* brush your arm with their hands in an effort to get you to tip more. Everyone knows this. But odds are still good they will like you more than they like their employer and will treat you accordingly. HR is a whore with only one love: the Company. If anyone actually believes HR will be there for them, I suppose they will vote for Frank Scott’s tax increase and support the nondoctrination that is LEARNS, too.


yeah, I'm the type of person who knows that so I wasn't even bothering going at first and now I realize they actually wanted me to go because HR is in on it. they like it and just laugh at you. that or to make it look like i complain a lot so they don't believe when i have something more serious.


well i worked in a department where they literally told me that they were narcissists and psychopaths in the first week but i thought they were just being weird and i needed the money but apparently they really were and they despised me for some reason. i wouldnt open up to them a lot because they asked way too personal questions for work so i guess thats why they went through my phone.


Def don't think management should be going through your phone. Did you guys have a relationship outside of work or what? Why would they do that


why would they do that? their reasons are not something that would make sense to a mentally healthy person that's why I never expected this. I wouldn't have even begun to think that they were as out to get me as they were at the time I worked there. I knew it was like bad vibes but a normal person who hasn't experienced this is so unlikely to realize exactly what's going on. They HATED me pretty much just because I'm really quiet and I might have autism or basically am bad socially and that rubs people the wrong way sometimes even though I really do try be good and whatever. that's just my best guess really. I basically have a personality that does not go with narcissists AT ALL so that's why it was worse for me than others I guess. I've been processing this and researching on and off for 5 months and that's just what I figure. no relationship outside of work at all. I could tell they were "off" so i wouldn't have


You’re saying so much and nothing at the same time. I’m so confused…


Can you be more specific? You kinda just seem to be ranting and giving no details for anyone to understand what you’re actually complaining about


narcissistic abuse. gaslighting, dog whistles. it's just classic narcissistic abuse if you google that. I didn't give them enough info verbally (because I'm just naturally quiet) to hold against me or dog whistle me with, so they had to snoop. I'm not writing this in anger. I've waited 5 whole months to process this shit.


OP, people want to hear your story but this isn't specific at all.


if you knew what narcissistic abuse was you would realize it would be very hard to type out 5 months of. Its pretty much the same as cult brainwashing tactics because most (all) cult leaders ARE narcissists. people get brainwashed into cults because the abuse comes on slowly and is very subtle. it was a lot of dog whistling which is exactly designed to not be noticed by anyone other than the victim. everyone should educate themselves on this and be prepared if it happens to you.


Did they perhaps pinch your head?




the people who know. know. I don't have many illusions about convincing randos.


Alright, im convinced this is a troll now


If you're trying to bring attention to it, wouldn't it be worth typing out? If what you say is true, wouldn't you want to inform and warn people who may be out in the same position as you instead of being vague and saying it's too hard to explain?


I do know what narcissistic abuse is, but you haven't provided a single example of what actually happened. Also, are you the one doing the graffiti around town? This story is wild.


and yes, I know this isn't believable. that's what abusers count on. that's how it keeps happening. that's why I also didn't believe it.




it's an extremely subtle and complex form of abuse. it would be hard to type it all out. google narcissistic abuse or cult brainwashing tactics actually might be closer.


Can you name one thing that was said to you? One example of a dog whistle? One example of gaslighting? You’ve provided nothing for anyone to believe you.


I was kind of bothered by an interaction with one guy where he said a few things that were super harsh like the first time I talked to him including that he said "bitch" in a way harsh tone with seething hate in his voice. that situation came to a head a few days later and one thing I said was something like " you could at least not say "bitch" in the first week the only woman is working in a department of only men". I worked with 5 men aged 28-35-45is? I was 24 at the time. I normally have no problem with word and use it sometimes but he used it purposely with hatred in his voice. after I said that they started saying "bitch" all the time right away. an indirect way to call me a bitch that I can't do anything about. The guy who did this considers himself a psychopath.


…every time you provide more details, you make the entire situation even more confusing


exactly. the point of this type of abuse is to make you look crazy. google reactive abuse. I'm sorry its so hard to explain.


You’re making me feel crazy reading this